Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by druple
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druple Dr. Otter

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Please note that this roleplay is CLOSED to newcomers.


Airengard map.

In the land of Airengard resides a school surrounded with mystery. Led by the ever beautiful Lucia. The story opens on the dawn of our characters' graduation. It has taken much time and effort to reach eligibility to become a member of the sacred clan of dragon hunters who now are thought of as little more than a police force. Dragons have long been gone, thought to have become extinct ages ago. Unknown to our characters, Lucia has been working feverishly to unearth the incantation that has been locked away by the original set of dragoons. The spell to unleash the fury of the draconian horde once more. She finally succeeded on the same day that we (the greenhorn dragoons) reach our newly instated status. The school is thrown into turmoil and our characters barely manage to escape with their lives in tact. In the confusion Lucia escapes on the back of the infamous dragon known as Rugarth the Dragonlord. The fresh class of heroes vow to bring her to justice. That's where you come in. While in school our characters have studied the age old abilities known only as Dragonartes. Below you will find the full list of current Artes. You will only be able to choose two, so choose wisely. In the following months after the attack, dragons have taken up residence in the various cities which will be further explained below. The residents of said cities are forced to give tribute to avoid perishing.

As you may notice each Dragonarte has a clear pro and con.

List of known dragons

Morelth Lord of Ice
Kalinth Bringer of Death
Razeth the Clever
Ator the Stubborn
Taenth the Eternal
Rugarth the Dragonlord

City List

Places of Interest

The Molten Tides - This ocean surrounding the north side of Airengard is overtaken with red algae, giving it a distinctive blood red color. There has never been a ship that has gone beyond the horizon and returned. It is home to many feared creatures of lore.

Sroz Timberland - This lush area is full of wildlife, and where Landow receives most of its constructive material.

Lake of Glass - Somewhat of an anomaly, this body of water shows no movement. There are no lifeforms within or surrounding this water. There is a sickening calm in the area.

The Canopy Prison - Deeper into the Sroz Timberland, the sunlight is drowned out by the canopy above. A host of top of the food chain predatory wildlife resides here. It is not advised to enter without a sizeable party and guide.

The Ethereal Sands - This is the wasteland of Airengard that was once a luscious environment holding most of the realm's wildlife. It was the site of the final showdown of the previous dragoons and dragons.

The Ebon Void Bridge - This immense bridge constructed of unknown materials connects the lower plains of Landow to the start of the Ethereal Sands.

The Drifts of Inspiration - This river system flows through the heart of Airengard. It runs through the middle of Estar and disappears into the bowels of The Canopy Prison.

The Frozen Heights - This collection of mountains houses Vaneel. It is very precarious and only the bravest ascend to the peak.

Race List
Humans - Medium carrying capacity
- Average standing with most races. Varies for each race but is tolerated in each community

Orcs - Large carrying capacity
- Average standing with other "greenskin" races (up for discussion on other tribal races), Hated fiercely by Dwarves, Disliked by the other races but tolerated

Dwarves - Large carrying capacity (though limited by size)
- Good relationship with Humans, Rivalry with elves (borderline unhealthy), hated by orcs, average standing with other races

Elves - Medium carrying capacity
- Average standing with humans (though not accepting of half breeds), dislike orcs, rivalry with dwarves.

Half elves - Medium carrying capacity
- Disliked by Elves, accepted by Humans, Odd relationship with dwarves and orcs (they are not sure what to think of them)

What I expect of you.

*Grammar - This is a given
*Dedication - While real life comes first, I expect you to expend the effort to post on a regular basis. If something pops up in real life, PM me and I will be understanding.
*Don't join if you plan on dropping out - No description necessary (failure to comply will have you blacklisted from my future roleplays)
*Creativity - Your character will have pros and cons, that's just the way it is.
*If you are overpowered or cause issues, you will be warned. If the problem persists you will be dismissed. No exceptions.
*Understanding - Just because characters may enter altercations in the story line does not mean that the player has an aversion to you.
*Lastly, but certainly not the least; Have fun!

Character slots
(Links to character sheets will be here)
Lucius Cypher
Card Captor
Yog Sothoth

This will change quite frequently so be sure to keep a check on it!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by druple
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druple Dr. Otter

Member Seen 2 mos ago



Edun Sternstride








The main reason that Edun joined Shattermane Academy is for the income it provides. His family has never been what you would call rich. His father was an able provider, but most of the time made only enough gold to barely make ends meet. Freshly instated dragoons bring in a fair sum of money. This was the major driving force in his decision. Due to his family residing in Landow, he is particularly good at haggling with merchants over the price of items. When asked to prove his worth to the dragoons he had drawn his short bow, and fired an arrow into a nearby target. This isn't what impressed his recruiter. It was when he drew another arrow and then split the first with it that he confirmed his entry into Shattermane Academy. Edun is not the most studious man, and struggled to stay on top of the heavy course load. Several times he was sure that he wouldn’t make it, but through perseverance he has reached graduation day. He excels in combat, but is not the best tactician. Due to this he is prone to make rash mistakes when on the battlefield. This is the reason that he chose Drakkenhide as one of his Dragonartes, as it can protect him if he fails to judge the situation correctly. Edun prefers to use blunt weapons for close combat, and his second ability reflects that. He tends to wear a heavy set of armor to protect him from the brunt of damage, enabling him the durability to activate Zealot's Revenge. This allows the man to deal heavy amounts of damage that could bring down even the strongest of enemies in a single blow.



Zealot’s Revenge


Roleplaying Sample:

I’m the GM, nuff said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Caeramon


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Name: Brammir Ravenbrow

Age: 27

Race: Human

Hometown: Vaneel

Biography: Bram grew up in a decently well off family in Vaneel. He spent most of his time outside the mine that his father owned and managed just to the north of Vaneel. There he diligently practiced with his Rope Dart to the point of being able to hit bottle sized objects out of the sky with it. He was practicing one day as usual outside of the mine when a convoy of Dragoons came to Vaneel to scout out some fresh recruits. He had heard about the Dragoons of course, but never really considered joining them until he saw Lucia in action. There had been a small cave in at the mine that day trapping several of the workers, including his father. Lucia quickly blew the rubble away with a swift punch that seemed to glow brighter than the sun. Bram was in awe; was this the power that the Dragoons could attain? He approached Lucia in the bar near where the Dragoon camp was stationed in Vaneel, asking her if there were any recruit spots left open. She demanded that he show some sort of skill or he would just be wasting both of their time. Bram took a mug of mead from the nearest table and threw it across the room, quickly unwrapping the Rope Dart from his belt then catapulting it from his side to pin the mug by the handle to the wall. He looked back over to Lucia to see what she had to say, she merely nodded in approvable. The rest is history.

Dragonartes: Sadistic Crown, Esper Blessing


Roleplaying Sample: LOL no. (I'll actually be working on this so that everyone can get a feel for how I write, since I am not apart of any other RPs at the moment for anyone to check me out on.)

edit: changed appearance to more accurately describe character
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Would you consider this a longsword?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by druple
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druple Dr. Otter

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yog Sothoth said
Would you consider this a longsword?

Yes. Either that or a great sword.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

druple said
Yes. Either that or a great sword.

Well it is called a longsword on the site that the image came from so I'll consider it a longsword
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Ralthavar Vorinclex
Age: 23
Race: Orc (But he keeps this a secret)
Hometown: Estar
Ralthavar's life was fairly steady, but not without it's share of hardships. His parents were skilled artisans, his father a stone mason while his mother had a knack with herbal remedies. But not all was easy, mostly due to their race. Being orcs brought fear and hatred on them. Unlike most, however, they didn't fight. At least his parents didn't; they knew the ramifications of what would happen when they moved to Estar, but were determined to see it through. Ralthavar was, at first, fairly violent when met with confrontation. He was quick to resort to violence, and when it came to fighting he was always larger and stronger than most of his enemies. But soon he learned that if he continued to follow this path, enemies will be his only company; any potential friends were driven away out of fear or spite. He needed to find a new way to deal with his enemies that didn't involve crushing their hands with rocks. He had to become friendly.

When he was a young teenager, Ralthavar began to live a life of discipline. To control himself so that he does not let his fury take over him. So that he knew not to speak the truth when the truth would cause pain, but not to lie for the sake of others. Slowly, he was gaining acceptance. He entered Shattermane Academy as soon as possible, quickly making new friends with his calmer attitude. He was given the name "Shield Brother" for his friendliness with his allies and his ability with a shield. Life went on, with it's ups and downs. While Ralthavar learned to control himself, it never stopped the pain and the hatred that would build. He kept things bottled, kept it quiet, out of sight, and continued to create a facade of a personable and collective orc. Which he was... But he was also hiding his inner turmoil. There were times were he would crack, and some of his anger would come out. Those times he feared the worse, and struggles to maintain himself.

Ralthavar was able to graduate Shattermane Academy with some honors, but the turmoil never stopped. Problems always arose; fools who would harm his friends, enemies who would try to harm him. He dealt with them the best he could, but everyday he struggles against himself to not let loose his true feelings. Anger born of regret, anger born of worry, or simply a unexplainable rage brought about from a mix of things. All the while Ralthavar continues to keep up his stoic demeanor, and will continue to do so until he'll finally explode.

Dragon's Wrath

The Claw - A weapon designed by Ralthavar's father when he entered Shattermane. The Claw can function much like a normal one, to slash or tear apart his enemies, but a unique trait of the weapon is that it's retractable chain. The Claw can be shot out at great force, strong enough to penetrate solid stone, and can maintain a powerful grip, one strong enough to hold not only Ralthavar, but just about anyone else he's holding onto to. The Claw's grip can be turned on his enemies as well, as it can crush through bones and metal as though it was made of glass. However, The Claw suffers from a limited dexterity; it has only three "Fingers" that, while able to twist and turn as need be, lack the sensitivity and over all flexibility for complicated handling.

Ralthavar's Wall - An absolutely huge shield the size of a door, but several times thicker and much, much harder. Made from a skull-plate shard of an ancient dead dragon, Ralthavar came across it when he and a group of his fellows were sent to investigate an alleged "Dragon Graveyard". They found one dragon, the shards of it's bones used as grave markers, but that aside no more than just the one. They tried to take some pieces back to make into weapons, but many of the smiths found that the dragon bone was much too hard to work with. But that didn't stop Ralthavar. He spent three months and over a hundred chisels and hammers to make a few holes into the dragon bone. Once they were large enough, he looped a chain through the holes and turned the neigh-indestructible bone piece into a mighty shield. The shield itself weighs in at around thirty pounds alone, though Ralthavar can wield it well enough to use it to bash, batter, crush, and smash it into enemies.

Roleplaying Sample:

Unmoving even to the claws of the dragons, Ralthavar stood his ground as the giant beast tried to knock him away. But he refused to do so. He was the only one who could stand before the dragon; his allies too injured, or busy escorting the villagers to safety. The dragon took the skies in an attempt to by pass the stubborn orc, but he would not allow it. Aiming his Claw at the beast, the three-prong weapon broke through the dragon's sage and dug into it's flesh. The beast made a mighty roar that deafen Ralthavar, but he did not falter. He caused the chain to retract, pulling him towards the dragon as it flew away. His tailed swung widely, knowing that Ralthavar was going to try to born it. He was hit, but he did not slow down. His armor protected him from a large brunt of the damage. When the dragon swung it's tail again, Raltavar released his claw and shot it at the tail, latching onto it. Soon Ralthavar had his feet firmly planted onto the dragon's tail, and now he had to make the treacherous march up it's back.

The dragon, who had thought Ralthavar had fell to his doom, calmed his flight as he searched the earth for the prey. Meanwhile Ralthavar was making his way up the dragon's back, slowed down only by the force of the wind and his attempts to keep stability. Time went on, and for Ralthavar it felt like hours. The dragon made sharp turns, dives, and sometimes would fly upside down, but not matter when it did Ralthavar stayed on. Upon reaching the middle back, Ralthavar made a running dash. He knew the dragon had found his allies, and he knew that if he did not do something the dragon would burn his friends and innocents in a blaze of fire. He shot his claw out once more, and the blades sung themselves into the neck of the beast. The dragon roared, and now knew of his presence. He flew more erratically, doing spins and sudden stops to loose the orc, but it's attempts were in vain. Soon Ralthavar reached to dragon's head, and now it was time for their final battle.

The dragon landed onto the ground and attempted to grab Ralthavar, but it's claws were knocked away with a swipe of Ralthavar's shield. He had to move quickly now. Wasting no more time, Ralthavar used his Dragonartes "Skyfall" to fly into the air, right next to the dragon's eye. He didn't even get a chance to blink before Ralthavar drove his Claw into the dragon's eye, clutching it's cornea in his powerful Claw. He pulled it out, causing a gush of blood and eye fluids to erupted, as he slammed his Wall into the remaining bits of the dragon's eye. It cause the beast no end of pain and tried to knock Ralthavar off, to crush it against it's massive claw, but Ralthavar was too quick for the dragon. He dodged the dragon's blows, and when the dragon flung it's head up, Ralthavar went to the skies. He had not yet defeated the beast, but now he would preform the coup de grace. Channeling the power within himself, Ralthavar activated his other Dragonartes " Dragon's Wrath" unto his Claw. His weapon glowed with an awesome power as he threw his claw down into the dragon's skull. The Claw broke through the monster's skull plate, digging into it's brain. But this was not the deathblow. No, it was when Ralthavar put his wall in front of him, and began his decent. His mass combined with the speed of his fall as well as his heavy weight turned him into something akin to a meteor as he crushed the dragon's skull with his Wall and his body. The very force of his fall was great enough to send the dragon's head strait towards the ground and form a crater.

The dust began to settled. The villagers came to investigate, while Ralthavar's allies prepared themselves for another battle. But from the smoke came out a figure: Ralthavar, his armor stained with blood and gore. None of it his own however. When the dust cleared the villagers and his allies would see the corpse of the dragon, it's head destroyed. Ralthavar said nothing as he walked pasted the others, and motioned them to continue onwards towards the next town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Caeramon


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I likeeeeeee Lucius :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by druple
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druple Dr. Otter

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Accepted! I can honestly not find a single thing I dislike about your character. Not to mention your roleplay sample was giving me chills. I would have quoted it, but I didn't want to stretch the page. :)

Welcome aboard Lucius!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soulserenity20
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Name: Aerea Aranyl
Age: 23
Race: Half-Elf (Is this allowed?)
Hometown: Vaneel
Biography: Aerea was born and raised in Vaneel to a she-elf and a human. She was born into a family less acceptable than most but highly respected among the less acceptable. You see, Aerea's parents had always made their living buying and selling illegal wares on the black market. They were well known amidst the ruffians and questionable characters that populated the illegitimate side of Vaneel. Her mother was considered to be a witch by many, for her skills in potion making were elite. The majority of her potions and elixirs required taboo ingredients achieved in unfortunate ways.This was how she met Aerea's father. He was a trapper of exotic animals and a seller of unacceptable substances and ingredients. They formed a partnership first, and a marriage later. When Aerea was born, her parents swore they would not raise her in the filth of the shady society, they left their circles and took up jobs in the day light, cutting wood and selling baking; they worked commoners' jobs. But behind the back of her mother, Aerea's father continued to work occasional deals with certain business partners. This went on until Aerea was 6 years old.

And one day, a gang of men came knocking on the door, shouting and demanding gold from her father. At once Aerea was hidden by her mother, stashed away in a cupboard and told to remain silent. There was arguing and shouting and with the sound of a blade being drawn, she watched through the cracks in the cupboard door as her father was a cut down. Her mother screamed and sobbed but soon her distress turned to anger. From beneath her dress she drew twin daggers and fought to avenge her fallen husband; she fought to protect her daughter from being discovered as the men plundered the home of the fallen couple. She managed to take out 3 of them, she showed skills Aerea had never known she possessed. But eventually, the leader, with a blade as black as the night, cut down her mother as well.

The men left after that. They stole whatever gold was on her parents persons and left in a hurry, dragging their fallen men with them. For many hours after, Aerea did not move from that cupboard. She sat still as stone and silent as snow. It was not until her uncle arrived at the house for a regular visit and saw the mess of bodies and blood about the floors and began calling out for Aerea, desperately hoping she too had not met the same fate. All Aerea could do was cry. She cried and she cried as her uncle lifted her from the dusty cupboard and held her in his arms. He would put her in her room and tell her not to come out until he collected her. She would be safe in her room. Time passed slowly and when the shuffling from the kitchen stopped, the little girl quietly snuck out of her room. Her parent's bodies were gone, the sound of a shovel against earth could be herd from the field behind their house. The blood had been cleaned but the wooden floor remained stained. A young Aerea staggered about, the visions of the days events pristine in her mind. And as she circled the deathbed of her parents, her foot bumped into something jutting out from under a cabinet. She crouched down on the floor, peering underneath, and she retrieved 2 daggers; they were her mother's daggers. She held the sharp weapons in her hands, knowing not to touch the blades at the risk of being cut.

Hearing her uncle's footsteps nearing, she quickly ran to her room, stashing the blades under her bed and taking her place atop it in time for her uncle to enter the room. "You can come say goodbye to them now." Was all he said. She took his hand and went with him to the field behind their house and stopped before two fresh mounds of earth positioned at the foot of a great pine tree. She had spent many summers playing beneath that pine, running about while her mother tried to pluck needles from her brown locks. But those memories became tainted as she gazed upon the graves of her parents. Everything had become toxic, her memories, her understanding of life, her trust. She had no one now but her dear uncle.

As the years passed, Aerea grew and with time she grew smarter and stronger. Her uncle had reintroduced her to the black market and she became familiar with the ways of the underground society. She never made any friends, she never played any games, she never dreamed at night. She consumed her life with the drive to become stronger and to become deadly. For the day would come that she would avenge the man who brought his mercenaries to strike down her parents. The day would come that, with her mother's blades, she would spill his blood onto the earth. She made connections with the less desirable folk of Vaneel and learned from an assassin his ways of stealth and lethality. She trained for years to perfect her attacks and invasions. One day, she left home in the dead of night. She travelled into the mountains and snuck into the camp of bandits that consumed the pass. She searched each tent, each building, each bed, until she laid eyes upon the disgusting mug of the man that once killer her family.

Aerea killed for the first time that night. There was no emotion, no guilt, no sense of immortality or life, for her heart had long since grown cold. That night, she knew what she wanted to do with her life. She would avenge the fallen innocents where ever she went. She would take the lives of anything and anyone who took the lives of those without the power to defend themselves or those who were killed in injustice.

Aerea never returned home that night. Her uncle never heard from her again but for the note she left on the door saying "I have gone to do what needs to be done. This land is not safe, this land is not just. I will return one day dear Uncle. Miss me not, for I am safe in my own care. With love, Aerea." And her new-found ambition carried her across the land. Eventually, through a series of events, she found herself at the Shattermane Academy, training to destroy the beasts that harboured no conscience, no sense of humanity. She had found a foe that would truly test her skills and moral strength, and until she could defeat them, she would not let go.

Forest’s Splendor – The user is able to communicate with the wildlife of Aisengard, but is unable to pass the information along.
Drakkenhide – The user toughens their skin increasing endurance towards elemental forces. It leaves the user weakened once the effect wanes.
Concealed Assassin Daggers - On her right arm she wears a contraption made by the tinkerers and inventors in Estar. Most certainly stolen, she purchased it on the black market. The thin, piercing blade is triggered by a simple spring mechanism and is expelled in a split second. Though, as this device is in its early developmental stages, it tends to get jammed if excessively battered and so she keeps a second set of daggers strapped to her thighs.

Bow - A simple, yet sturdy bow made of flexible wood from ancient pine. Light, durable, and lethal.

Writing Sample:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Caeramon


Member Offline since relaunch

Half-Elf is completely okay, as is working on your bio tomorrow. Both me and druple realized that limiting the weapon count to two is tough on characters like yours that use more lightweight weapons, so we have decided to base it on weight from here forth.

As far as races go. druple will be updating the 1st post to let everyone know what the pros and cons of each race are, since we decided to have more than just humans. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

are magical weapons not allowed?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Name: Kain Highwind
Age: 21
Race: Human
Hometown: Vaneel
Biography: Son of retired Dragoon Cid Highwind, Kain had planed to become one at a young age. Despite having such a lofty goal, his life was relatively normal until her enrolled in the academy. While having a dad with all the right connections helped him get in, he didn't want to coast through the academy merely on his dad's name. He wanted to make a name for himself. Because of this, he poured himself into his training, believing that he had to prove the he belonged their on his own merits, and not just because of who's son he was

Roleplaying Sample: 'So that's a dragon, huh? Odd, I'd thought they be...bigger' Kain mused as he watched his prey; a large red dragon, sleeping in the ruins of a recently destroyed village. 'Oh well. Little or not, this thing is still a monster, and it needs to be brought down.' Drawing the weapon of his ancestors; Gae Bolg, he took a quick stock of the situation 'ideally, I could just end this with the first strike, but I doubt that it's really going to be that easy. Even if it's asleep. Oh well, guess I'll just have to play it by ear, hope everything works out'

Leaping high into the sky, he aimed himself so that he would land spear first into the monster's head. However, it was not to be. As he began his decent, the dragon awoke and spotted him in the air 'yep...I called it' Kain mentally deadpanned. As Kain was hurtling down towards the dragon, the beast let out a stream of fire from it's mouth to intercept him. Moving quickly, Kain began running forward in midair, halting his rapid decent and moving him out of the, literal, line of fire. Landing safely in front of the dragon, he turned around to address it "I know this is probably a stupid question, but are we going to have to do this the easy way...or the hard way?" His answer came in the form of a loud roar "yep...I called it" he said with a smirk on his face
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Caeramon


Member Offline since relaunch

Yog Sothoth said
are magical weapons not allowed?

Stick with normal weapons. The characters should be badass enough to be relevant without having magical weapons. :)

edit: Though creativity of what your weapons is made of is completely welcomed :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Caeramon said
Stick with normal weapons. The characters should be badass enough to be relevant without having magical weapons. :)edit: Though creativity of what your weapons is made of is completely welcomed :D

Okay because what I was thinking of was a weapon that would return to you if you threw it, kind of like how Thor's hammer always returns to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Caeramon


Member Offline since relaunch

Yog Sothoth said
Okay because what I was thinking of was a weapon that would return to you if you threw it, kind of like how Thor's hammer always returns to him.

Unless the weapon has a natural way to return to the owner (i.e. Rope Dart, Grappling Hook) don't add a magic property like that. Would be kinda OP if you had a Greatsword that you could throw and just have it return back to you :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Does the Skyfall technique basically allow a character jump extremely high?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Antafien Avury'lyl
Age: 26
Race: Drow.
Hometown: Vaneel

Biography: An orphan in Vaneel he grew up around humans and knew few of his own kind, as they are rare among the other races preferring to keep to themselves in there underground cities. The only thing he had of his parents was a weapon his father left him, though he kept it hidden as it was a rare Drow weapon and despite being able to fetch a high price he didn't want to lose the only connection to his parents. Becasue of his alienation from others he found solace in the underground labyrinth, and explored them often. Though his became his greatest strength living on the streets as he soon could navigate that labyrinth with ease. He would pop out, steal something and quickly slip away in one of the many openings through out the city. This however caught the eye of the cities more questionable businessmen, seeing as the child could move virtually anywhere in the city unseen they used him as a courier and guide as some people could get by down in those dark tunnels, but non people were astonished how he moved through with out using markings to find his way, he simply knew where he was going.

As he grew older he was never the strongest, he relied on his seeped, agility, grace, and most importantly cunning and guile. Though living among humans he lacked some of the more, flawed personality traits of his people. Namely their cruelty and disdain for the other races, But there was one thing that he craved like all of his kind and that was power. He grew tired of taking scraps from criminal world as they would never treat him as an equal. Even if he were to kill his way up the latter few would fallow the Drow orphan, so he decided that he would leave this town and go somewhere he could attain standing and recognition, and become strong.

Though he didn't have to wait long, soon Dragoons where in the city, recruiting and he got an idea. He stole from them, but let them know. They chased him through the city as he kept disappearing, only to reappear. He was still a child and could never beat them in a fight. But he also knew they would only use there artes to capture him and not harm him giving him a slight advantage. He kept doing this, disappearing under the city, showing back up and stealing something then hiding. Finally after hours of cat and mouse he approached them with everything he had stolen with a grin on his face. "I am great, make me legendary." he said as that drew a laugh from them as they had to admit for the better part of a day this child had them running around like fools. So they recruited him, they told him he had to give up his life of thievery but this was something he was fine with for as a dragoon he wouldn't have to rely on such things to survive and with the skills and power he attained through the academy nobody would ever look down on him again.

His entrance into the academy was something he expected, disdain and mistrust for what he was. Though he expected that and ignored it as these people were pawns for him and the academy simply a tool. So he ignored the others and focused on training. He worked hard, honing his skills and as time went on he was steadily accepted. People looking beyond a Drow and seeing him for the skilled warrior he was becoming. As well as a trusted ally. though he originally planned on using the academy to gain skill and power and would be rid of them as soon as he no longer had need of them, that soon changed. People trusted him, respected him. These were wholly new things to him, before long he found him self laughing alongside his classmates, training with them and working in a group with them. He had finally found somewhere he fit it and was happy.

Dragonartes: Sadistic crown, Zephyr Dash

Weapon(s): (Twin linked crescent blades Made of mithral so they are light, with a mithral chain connecting them together and mithral handle in the middle that holds the chain inside allowing him to adjust the length, The chain itself is 15ft long and chain remains locked in place until he squeezes one of two levers,one for each side, which allows him to feed it out either side as well as slide the handle down or up the chain. Squeezing the outsides of hose levers causes them to retract/)

(keeps one on the outside of each boot.)

Roleplaying Sample: Antafien awoke in the night where he rested high in a tree. The feint sound of some one screaming rang in his ear a he rolled falling from that branch dropping to the ground below. Soon he was off running through the forest with great speed as trees passed by he had to kick left and right to avoid them. He drew closer to the source of the scream and slowed down walking onto the road. There was a horse drawn carriage, a merchant's from the look of it. His red eyes survayed the scene, a woman was off the the side on her knees holding a man, bleeding on his shoulder as she was crying. The bandits were busy ransacking there lively hood. "And here I thought I would get a nice nights rest for once" His voice elegant to a degree as the bandits took note of the drow turning around looking at him.
"This ain't got nothin to do with yea Drow. Now scamper back to yea hole" one particularly ugly bandit with a bad case of mouth rot said.
"I will take it you are the leader, yes you are the ugliest so that must who you are."
"Wot yea say red eyes! Fine then well leave yea for cairron."
Just then Antafien lips curled up in that devilish grin of his. "Oh big ward for you, I feel almost proud" he said as the first came at him, swinging a sword as Ant jumped back landing and reaching up the back of his coat and pulling out his weapon, Merdrol, "I would like to you meet my....partner if you will Merdrol." He said as the they came at him again. In its travel state both blades were tight against that metal handle looking more like a short staff as he spun the blade and gripped it in both hands, lifting the right side up he knocked a sword back before dipping and bring the left across in a swipe, the mithral blade sliced through the mans leather armor and cut through flesh leaving the mans insides to become his out as he fell clutching his spilled innards. Though quickly another man yelled swipping down as he quickly brought the right end back up catching the sword between the twin blades as he kicked the man in the sternum sending him tumbling back.

Still grining a man lashed out with a spear using it to keep a distance thrusting it forward as Ant jumped back, twisting to void the point of this mans statement. He brought his own weapon up bringing it down so the spear was in the center and with a twist the wooden neck broke "Oh dear me I have seemed to broken your toy, here let me share mine" he said squeezing on the left lever and pulling up as the blade stayed down and the chain fell out while before he let go of the lever and jerked the blade up. Catching it he quickly tossed it as it speared into his chest and Ant yanked back pulling the blade back to himself catching it, He swapped hands, holding the side still on the staff in his left and gripping the other by the center handle in his left ."two down" he stated looking at the remaining three. The crossed eyes with eachother as Ant stood there, twirling axe like weapon in his left hand and holding the other in his right. "well now, if you don't want to make the first move. I will" he stated as he activated his dragonarte "Zypher dash" they blinked and he was behind the man closest to him, blood dripping from the axe like blade as the man coughed once before his body fell over and his head rolled "three" he said as in another instant he was moving again. He let his left blade go whipping it as he held the the lever and the chain was released and it curved, hitting the man in the side digging into his body half way as the sword in his right hand punged into the bandit leaders chest as he stood before him. All this happened in a manor of moments as he looked at the leader "Four, and five" he said pulling the sword out slowly letting him drop to the ground.

"Well that was rather boring" he said before losing his balance, His since of up and down altered as he swayed some feeling like he was going to puke as he couldn't orientate himself. Though after a few moments it passed as he shook his head, his pure white hair shaking a bit and he pulled the sword from the fourth Bandit laying on the ground. Squeezing the outside of those levers the two blades retracted back into the handle as he spun it some looking over to the couple. "Don't hurt us please, take anything you want" she said looking at him like she was more afraid of him then the bandits. "I have no desire to harm you or steal from you." he stated as he tossed some bandages at the couple "wrap up his wound and your should be fine, it doesn't look fatal" he said as he turned and started walking down his road to make his way back to the academy. "Try to have a nice relaxing weekend camping and this happens. I swear.." he said to him self as he walked pulling out a rag and cleaning off his blade.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Name: Dorrin Binorix
Age: 24
Race: Dwarf
Hometown: Vaneel
Biography: being born to a middle class family of dwarfs living in Vaneel, opportunities didn't come along that much in Dorrin's life. for most of his childhood, he never really had much and spent a good amount of his time learning the arts of crafting metals with his father, which was what there people were known for. at first he enjoyed doing work in crafting weapons and other forms of metal, but there soon came a time when he felt like he wanted do something more with his life. even though it seemed like he was only going to be a part of his father's work, his chance to do something different, came not too long after he had understood his desire to try something new. he decided to join Shattermane Academy, and learn to become a legendary Dragoon.
Skyfall – The user ascends into the air, and collapses on a target from a high distance. Leaves the user open to aerial attacks.
Scalding Palm – The user channels volcanic heat into their next physical blow. Explodes on impact causing scorches and recoil damage.

He usually ether uses two maces or just one. they are named Gullnin and Hanor. the maces are made out of a very rare form of metal known as dragon steel, which is said to be forged from the scales of dragons and mixed with the metal of steel to create a type of steel that is very powerful and great for weapons.
Roleplaying Sample: The ground shook as the dragon landed with a loud thud, about fifteen feet away from Dorrin, and the dwarf knew what was coming next. The large creature gave a roar and shot a jet of flames out its mouth, straight towards him. Dorrin used the Dragonarte ability known as Skyfall to jump incredibly high into the air above the burning inferno, and he had his twin maces in his hands, ready to strike. He came down on top of the dragon with a powerful blow to its head. His maces made contact with the dragon's head and the blow hit it with a great amount of force. Dorrin then tried to keep balance on top of the beast's head so that he could land more blows to the dragon. While he tried as hard as he could remain on the beast's head, Dorrin attempted to clobber the dragon's skull and tried to bring it down with his blows. He hoped that this was giving his companions time to figure out a way to successfully defeat the monster.

Dorrin was not able to hold onto the dragon's head for very long thanks to the beast thrashing about from his blows, and was eventually flung off with great force towards the rocky ground. He hit the ground with a good amount of force and was dazed for a couple of seconds. In those seconds the dragon had closed in on him and was preparing to bite down on Dorring when one of his comrades entered the fray by using his Zephyr Dash to move at great speed and pulled him away from oncoming teeth, avoiding death by just a foot. Even though Dorrin wasn't a practitioner of the Zephyr Dash technique, he knew that the side effect of the ability was a bad case of vertigo and that wasn't a good thing to have in a dragon's lair with all the high stones and the large piles of gold. Once they got a good distance from the beast, Dorring told his comrade, "Thank you for saving my life, I could have been a dragon's meal if it wasn't for you/"

"It was no problem, we are comrades and we most help each other if we want to succeed at killing the dragon. He had joined the Shattermane academy hoping to find adventure in his life and he had found it. Now all he was worried about was staying alive and slaying the dragon, he hoped that fortune would be in his favor with both of those goals.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Barioth
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

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