Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lv. 42
HP: 253/506 SP: 450/450 MP: 30/30
(400) + 60 + 10% (400) + 50 + 0% (30) + 0 + 0%
STR – 163 (136) + 5 + 15% | AGI – 61 (50) + 5 + 10% | END – 73 (69) + 10 + 5% | DEX – 50 (50) | LUC – 40 (30) + 10

Hearing the name "LIFESIZED RIDLEY IN A 15 FOOT JAR" being shouted in the plaza confused her. She actually forgot she set her chat name to that one. Such was the life of a meme goblin who kept on using bizarre names in discord.

A thought filled her mind.

If he was already dead, wouldn't he just respawn 3 in game days later? Was there really that much of a reason to try and save him? The cat who was doing her own thing must have died like 5 times already. It was pretty unnecessary to try to save him. Well, that was unless those lamias kept him captive. Alternatively, porked him into submission. The only way out would be him taking the L-pill. Did this game have R-18 content? Who knew. Actually, were the lamias even hot? It'd be disappointing to pop on in and see that the lamias were just biped snakes. It was a rule of fantasy games that every female species had to be hot, damn it!

However, Mags did want to get those final 2 levels to finally begin to juice up to her blacksmith state.

Plus, she might be able to finagle a social link with a shrine maiden...

"Right ladies, we're gonna go save Lugh's cornhole from hot snakes. Also I'm bailing if we run into the worms again."

She punched her own hand in the anticipation of what was to come.

It made a painful crunch as she instantly regretted doing so.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

[Ranger]Ari Reina Caladis(Theresa)

"Ah, I wish I had unbreakable weapons." Ari sighed. "Well, if you had to block with something that's isn't a nuclei, just be sure you're prepared to lose it."

She took one of the kunais out of its sheath nonchalantly, throwing it up in the air and catching it as it fell. A monotonous task to occupy her hands as she walked.

"Judging from all that stuff you have, you've made quite a fortune for yourself huh? Must be pretty nice. All custom made?"

Another kunai left its sheath, as she started to juggle two of them.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


HP: 810/810 - MP: 660/660 - SP: 690/690
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Ames was fairly relieved to hear that none of them planned to break up the party. Even Klein, with his want to "PvP" them meant he wasn't actually looking to leave the party. Or at least, Ames was pretty sure that's what it meant. Besides, as a team they could always just battle some other players... not that Ames was particularly looking forward to that. Now that she felt sort of accomplished with a maxed out beginner class under her belt, she was more looking forward to questing and exploring.

"I think we made a pretty good team," she replied offhandedly to Mags' mention of sticking close to her personally. The red headed warrior was smiling brightly, glad to still be surrounded by cooperative friends, when someone came through the plaza shouting weird and vaguely familiar phrases. Actually, she thought she heard her real name being called a couple times...

Ames looked around curiously, and spotted a woman making her way toward them in a hurry. She brought the bad news that Lugh was in some kind of trouble, but despite that Ames couldn't help but laugh a little when Karan said "honorable," covering her mouth with a hand as she did so.

The details weren't quite as funny. Kids being napped? That sounded serious.

"Vote? Come on, even though he's a ditcher Lew is still our friend, right? If he's really in trouble we should go help him, we don't need to vote on it..." Honestly Ames thought that Klein was probably right and he was fine (although she didn't follow quite the same thought process), but besides Lew there were apparently a bunch of missing people that would also need help. "Let's gear up and do it!"

Magpie just had to bring up the worms again. Ames' determined face twisted with disgust and she privately agreed with the brawler. Trying to suppress the thought of more worms, Ames questioned the priestess. "Karan, how much do you know about the lamias? It's kind of hard to find your way in the grove, do you know about where they live or what they look like...?" Not the detective type at all, Ames didn't really know the right questions to ask, but any info would be useful, right?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Though much of what was exchanged between the Immortals left Karan perplexed, especially at the calculating way in which they reasoned themselves into wanting to help out Lugh (who the dark-skinned shrine maiden had originally thought was their otherworldly comrade-in-arms), there was a visible expression of relief on her face when the group consensus became to help out. She turned towards Ames, addressing the red-haired youth (who, judging by his looks and his stalwart behavior, must be the sub-leader of this party, only second to Lugh) with a smile and a truck load of information. Shirin had planned on giving all this information to whoever took the quest to begin with, so surely she wouldn't mind Karan doing it now?

"Um, well, first off, thank you all very much for accepting my request," she said, bowing deeply. "Though new to the shrine, Lugh Dysphoria has been a great contributor and patron of our services, and his singleminded devotion to the slaying of foul spirits has been inspirational to quite a few of our younger acolytes. As for your question though, um, sir, I've never encountered a lamia up in person myself, but I've heard that they're half-snake, half-humans, roughly the height of...say if that big man hugged that small woman around her knees and then fused into just a serpent's tail? Something like that." She nodded; the visual made sense in her mind, and one of the older exorcists had always talked about how lamias were depraved fusions of two humans. "Most of them are just natural monsters, very strong, very fast, and with the ability to release venom, but some of the scarier ones have these bewitching eyes that, hm, can control the weak-willed? And the scariest ones can transform as well, from full human to full snake, whichever they think works better." Definitely a scary thought. She shivered at it even now, wondering if somewhere in the crowd, a shapeshifted lamia was listening in on the conversation.

"And as for where these lamia are..." Karan pursed her lips together, wondering if such taboo information should truly be shared. She had Shirin's permission, but still... "We've received word from other adherents that this particular group of lamia reside within the Blasphemed Tunnels, an underground network in the Thunderstruck Grove where only the truly wicked reside. Wretched sinners, taboo-breakers, a whole array of horrific spirits and monsters, who think only to use their intelligence to further their malice. Few venture in and survive, and those who do are irrevocably altered by the unholy revelations seared into their consciousness, cursed forever with maledictions of the darkest powers."

But Lugh, without hesitation, had plunged into that horrific place. She could only hope that, if he made it out, he would be spared the psyche-shattering that so many others had experienced within.

"I can't pinpoint a location on a map for you to pursue, but surely Lugh will have left signs for you to follow?"
@Shovel@Searat@Psyker Landshark@OwO@Yankee

“Certainly wouldn’t be good for the smithing economy if everyone toted around unbreakable objects,” Bortz replied with a chuckle. His eyebrows lifted slightly at Ari’s remark, before shaking his head. A meaty hand slapped against his pristine armor, the metal echoing like a drum against the force of the blow. “And I wish this were custom-made. Ya know the San-Li? West side of the continent? The folk there’ve got nice ties with Deneb, which is like, the Euro-fantasy land with knights and dragons, and they’ve got some pretty steady trade routes set up with them as a result.”

Another laugh came from the hearty man. “Cultural exchange, innit? Got this from one of the merchants. Wasn’t cheap, but custom-made be easily twice more expensive. Everything else was just farming and buying ‘round Nyu-Taro. That San-Li shopping trip was just a quest n all.”

Before either could continue the conversation however, a plume of flame surged down the road, skidding to a stop before it could collide with the carriage. Man Joji pulled hard on the reins as the mule bleated out what was probably an expletive, but Vator, wreathed still in the effects of the strange transportation power of his, didn’t care. “Bortz, Droko, uh Ari, we’ve got company!”

Cresting up the path was a plume of dust, and sharper ears would pick up the sound of stampeding hooves. Bandits? Horses?

“Remind me, Vator, why did you lead them to us?” Droko said, the tattoos on her body lighting up with arcane energy as she flexed her muscles.

“Well what was I supposed to do, solo them?” Vator sputtered in reply, his feet now adorn with flaming wheels. “Thought I’d, y’know, defer to your wisdom first.”

“What’s done’s done,” Bortz laughed. “And hey, any escort mission without a fight or three’s just a waste of time!”

Man Joji sighed, settling into his seat as the rambunctious adventurers prepared to earn their keep. “I’d like to believe that caution is the better virtue here, but as I’ve said before, I shall defer.”

Bursting up into view, forms still smoking of the fog of that cursed grove, were two large gyukis, black bulls with oversized heads, six thundering limbs, and great twisted horns specked with gore. Not much had changed since Ari’s last true combat encounter. Perhaps she had even lacked more than what she had before.

But each fight was a new one.

And now, it was time to tango.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

HP: 661/661 | MP: 567/567 | SP: 630/630

"Huh. Underground dwelling Reptoids that kidnap people." Now why does that sound familiar? Then the memory hit him. A summer in his youth where he and his bros tagged along with Mr. Miller on one of his town famous cryptid hunt. He wasn't a loonie like other believers in the paranormal, far from it actually, but he was Wakeford's biggest enthusiast. Raime smiled at the memory. Nothing like hanging out with his bros and seeing if the paranormal did exist in their world. And the sodas they got as a participation reward was a definite plus too. Nothing did come out of those monthly 'hunts' other than Raymond discovering his liking to hikes and that one time they found some guy's porn stash. Heh. Good times.

Blinking a couple of times in rapid succession, the one armed scout returned his attention back to the priestess in distress. "Ah yes yes. Snake people who spit venom, hypnotize weak willed folk, and can shapeshift." He said to cover that he had only been half-listening to the description and dangers of lamias while he was reminiscing good memories. Lamias were dangerous but they've faced worse foes...like that giant centipede woman or those five zombonis. And that was when they were severely under-levelled to boot!

But underestimating the threat is a good way to die fast, so Raime took note that these lamia must have good reason to live in the deep fog and not be wiped out by the other denizens of that nightmarish land. He'd look to Amulak as he was the only one who managed to reach the Blasphemed Tunnels in the group that he knew. "Hey. Did you see anything suspicious in the tunnel when you got the...class? Particularly something snake people-y kind of suspicious?" He said in a hushed tone. He wasn't sure how NPCs would react to the knowledge that there was a necromancer immortal amidst them and he didn't want to find out while they were in the middle of the city.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

[Ranger]Ari Reina Caladis(Theresa)

Another kunai joined the two as Vator came up to them, the three knives flying rhythmically as she continued juggling.. Pretty big on the flaming wheels huh? Maybe one day she'd have a size changing staff and be able to summon ten thousand soldiers with a single strand of hair.

What ambled up piqued her interest however, with their sleek bodies, and terrifying heads. It was a sort of admiration and excitement that only came with seeing fantastical beasts such as these. A type of oni, wasn't it? She saw them in an encyclopedia once, but it didn't have that much information on them other than their appearances and some religious backgrounds.

With a side spin, she threw all three knives in quick succession, aiming for the eyes of the ushi-oni, moving to the sides as she did so. Trying to all bumrush the front surely wasn't a good option. Plus, the cart was in the way, and she had a feeling having it destroyed wouldn't please Joji too much.

"Where did these things even come from!?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


HP: 810/810 - MP: 660/660 - SP: 690/690
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Although she did a bit of a mental double take at being referred to as "sir" (Amelia was getting pretty used to the alternate gender body by now, and the deeper tone of her own voice, but sometimes she was caught off guard by mentions of it still), Ames was listening intently. Oh that thing, the snake-people... that sounds kind of familiar. Though the name of the creature hadn't initially rung any bells, it's description was common enough in media that Ames got a good picture of it. Poison, hypnotism, shape-shifting... honestly that sounded super annoying to deal with, but in a group like they were it shouldn't be too bad. If one of them got hypnotized the others could snap them out of it. They'd need to get some antidotes or something first though.

"Thank you Karan," Ames returned her bow, though it was a bit awkward and not even half as deep. "That really helps, now we can prepare before we go rescue Lugh and the others."

As for if Lugh would have left them clues? To be honest Ames wasn't really sure. She wasn't the closest to Lew but she felt that wasn't really his style... he seemed to go back and forth between playing together and solo, but he never tried to get them to follow him when he left. Maybe clues left for the other members of the temple? It was surprising to hear that he'd become such an influential person in this short a time. Was he going all in on that role-playing stuff? Maybe that's why he was going solo?

"So we need some antidotes or... something like that. And..." she glanced at Raime, still missing an arm, while the man whispered something to their mage. "I guess there's not really time to fix that. Unless you can get a robot arm on credit?" Who knew, maybe it was possible.

Ames figured that as long as they could find the lamia's hideout during the day time they'd probably be fine, even if the sun barely penetrated the constant fog in the grove. They could get everything they needed right there in town then set off.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lv. 42
HP: 253/506 SP: 450/450 MP: 30/30
(400) + 60 + 10% (400) + 50 + 0% (30) + 0 + 0%
STR – 163 (136) + 5 + 15% | AGI – 61 (50) + 5 + 10% | END – 73 (69) + 10 + 5% | DEX – 50 (50) | LUC – 40 (30) + 10

Oh good lord. That man was really trying it; his any% pork-an-NPC speedrun was going at full speed. Well. In all honesty, he was progressing faster than the three of them. "Yea. Since we don't have a healer, I'll be on the razor's edge if I get poisoned."

Was this where Mags was going to die? Maybe. Alternatively, she could get horned down by the Lamia's brain control. Beating the shit out of her friends with the excuse of mind control would be pretty fun. However, she did have some pretty strong willpower. When the going got tough and she was faced with an insurmountable wall in a game, she was the type of person to just run headfirst into the wall until her anger mentally shattered her.

"Eh, I'm ready to go whenever."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Shovel
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Shovel A Shovel is typing!

Member Seen 17 days ago


HP 675/675 SP 300/300 MP 0/0Shield 0

"Sure, let's speedrun this." Klein said with enthusiasm in his voice without giving much thought about his future foes. The current team was able to handle anything thrown at their way. Besides, his newly acquired passive should somewhat help him against the poison. He wasn't too sure about the hypnotize part, how it suppose to work on a player character. Would he be rip away from his control and be command by an AI during the hypnotize phase? Or would it be more like a black screen, where he saw himself from a third point of view?

But, as Ames had suggested, there are no such things as overpreparation. Perhaps the market will have something he needed?

"READY WHENEVER YOU ARE." He shouted from atop of his lungs before sprinting toward the marketplace.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 23 min ago

Amulak al Acturus (Stanislaw)
HP:1030/1030 MP:1490/1490 SP:336/336

"Eh?" Amulak started in response to Raime's inquiry, wracking his brain for any memory of anything suspicious. Outside of trusty Patches, God rest that brave fucker's soul, there hadn't really been anything particularly out of the ordinary.

"I do not think so. In tunnels, there were fucker ghost swarms. Someone else trying for same class was with me, we get separated. Probably died in there, I do not know. No snake ladies from XCOM 4, no."

And speaking of...for fuck's sake, Lew. Anime girls were one thing, but Stanislaw really didn't see the appeal of anything particularly monstrous. Hell, could you even stick it in in-game? Eh, questions for later. For now, since they knew what they were up against, may as well prepare.

"I go to buy antidotes. We would be idiots to not bring any against poison snake ladies. Meet you at gate when done, yes?" Amulak informed the rest before heading off to the marketplace as well.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Online

Karan bowed at the party once more as they all, at different speeds and with varying enthusiasm, departed for the markets. While Raime and Magpie griped over their poverty, for a career of gigs certainly hadn’t treated those two Immortal adventurers kindly, Ames, Amulak, and Klein were all able to pick up a fair amount of gear. The necromancer and the mountain man, through a quick visit to one of the local apothecaries, stocked up on the appropriate potions for the job, while the warrior played with fashion instead, filling out the rest of his equipment slots with things that matched his currently aesthetic of being a light, red warrior. His stats may not be leaning as hard in the direction that Raime or Magpie did, but Ames certainly looked the part of a speedy, skillful warrior, and sometimes, that was all that mattered.

Hell, combined with his red cloak, there was no questioning the magnitude of his protagonist-aura now. Truly, a heroic silhouette amidst the motley designs of his comrades, primed for kicking scaley ass and saving kidnapped children!

Of course, Amulak was the one that lead the party through the misty realms of the Thunderstruck Grove. Somewhat better-equipped and definitely higher-levelled, the party had no particularly taxing encounters with the monsters present in the Grove as they hiked through. The offensive and defensive aces they had, Raime’s God-Searing Light and Klein’s Retaliation from the Brink meant that, so long as they didn’t have to deal with consecutive encounters and took the breaks necessary to passively regenerate lost resources, there wasn’t any normal encounter that could spook them. And they were lucky enough to have avoided any abnormal encounters as well.

As they reached the mouth of the Blasphemed Tunnels, Raime, with his background in traipsing through the woods in search of non-existent creatures, would note curious tracks extending into the underground system: two sets of parallel grooves, one overlapping the other to form a very acute ‘v’ shape. Ames, his senses improved as an Animist, would feel a cold chill spread over their body as they stared into the gaping abyss of the Blasphemed Tunnels as well, while Magpie would feel that same cold chill…but only because of the wind.

From Amulak’s memory of the Blasphemed Tunnels’ map, there were four significant caverns within, which could possibly serve as a hideout for criminal creatures twice the length of a normal human being. The largest cavern was a space beneath the roots of the Ancient Blackened Tree that he had gained his profane knowledge from, where tar and dark energies coagulated in an array of pools and evil spirits spawned from to populate the rest of the tunnels. Another cavern dipped deeper into the earth, until the air itself was warmed by the beating heart of the planet itself. It would be easy enough to get down into, but the way back up was, as expected of steep slopes, a pain to deal with. A cavern to the east was an option as well, fairly close to the surface, in which the ruins of an ancient settlement rested. Skeletons and goat-headed monsters populated that particular region, though if two monstrous races could co-exist, perhaps a third could find shelter there too? The final cavern required a swim through an underground lake, which was always a gamble considering the heavy equipment that adventurers often lugged around (could anyone in the party even swim to begin with?), but the empty nature of that particular cavern made it perfect for immoral/immortal trysts as well as, perhaps, human trafficking operations.

Well, for the time being at least, they’ve all had time to think and discuss, to prepare for the quest about to commence.
@Shovel@Searat@Psyker Landshark@OwO@Yankee

“I don’t know!” Vator shouted in response, seeming to match Ari’s volume even if the two of them were comfortably within earshot. “I was just walking on the road when they bamf’d into existence and like, wew-whee, I’m lucky I’m a fast boii!”

“Well ain’t that helpful,” Droko spat, clapping her hands together. Arcane energy wrapped around her, twisting the shape of the tattoos around her body, and as if accompanying the transformation of her tattoos, the shaman herself transformed, leaping off the carriage into the form of a large grizzly bear. Without hesitation, she charged for the closest one, paws thrust out to catch the gyuki’s horns. The two beasts collided like professional sumo wrestlers, muscles and fat rippling from the impact. It transitioned swiftly then, into a wrestling match, the gyuki still having an edge on the bear as it pushed steadily ahead.

But a fight with a party was a fight with constant interference.

Vator, somersaulting over the stalled bull, delivered a swift sequence of strikes and thrusts. Cuts marred the phantasmal hide of the creature, but they were nothing if not tough; it would take more than that to slay one of those gargantuan monsters.

Ari’s kunais whistled through the air as well. Huge as the gyukis’ faces were, their comically-large eyes would’ve been easy to hit if they had stayed still, and would’ve only required a little luck to hit while they were moving. One struck a nostril, another struck the tearwell, and a third strike dead center into the right eye, but none of the blades dug in deep enough to detail significant damage. The gyuki twisted its head with an irritated bleat, eyes filled with a desire for savage retribution. Its hooves dug against the ground, its leg muscles bent like a catapult moments away from firing, and it kicked off, straight for her!

“Power Attack!”

Leaping forward a distance far greater than should be possible with such heavy armor, Bortz’s Warhammer flashed with scintillating light as it slammed into the legs of the gyuki. The monster twisted to one side, then faceplanted into the ground, tumbling still in Ari’s direction, but with the menace of a rolling SUV, rather than an accelerating one.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

HP: 661/661 | MP: 567/567 | SP: 630/630

"The tracks end here. Up to us and our intuition to decide which route is the most viable for reptoids to dwell in secrecy." Raime says as he couldn't spot any more tracks of the lamias as the dirt of the grove became the cold stone of the tunnels. The scout sheathed his sword and put his armored hand to his chin in thought as he tried to slim down his deductions to where the lamia nest may be. It had to be secure enough to allow them to keep living prey away from the predatory reach of other species. That ruled out the route populated by other species as it would be a pain in the ass to deal with when transferring captives. An open area was a no go either if they were trying to be discreet. Leaving the steep cavern and the underground lake cavern. "I think the nest is either in the steep cavern or the waterlogged one. Either way is a good possibility, in my opinion at least."

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


HP: 860/860 - MP: 660/660 - SP: 710/710
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It felt pretty good to actually be in a full set of equipment, even if it wasn't a full set, technically. Still, Ames had done her best to match the look of her current armor with what she intended to buy, weighing the prices and effects versus their aesthetics. It wasn't perfect and she was still mismatched, but she thought she'd done a pretty good job all things considered. The red head was looking pleased with herself when the crew met back up at the gate, and she blurted out a "Let's go!" once everyone was all set.

To her surprise their trek through the grove seemed to go more smoothly than she expected. Then again, all of them had leveled up not just stat-wise, but as a team as well, even if it was just a little bit. Truly the power of teamwork was no joke. With their necromancer as a guide they made it to the tunnels. While Amulak described the area's interior from memory, Ames peeked around him into the dark cave system. She shivered slightly, growing chillier the longer she looked into it.

"It's cold," she murmured to herself, drawing her eyes away and back towards the party. She was getting a bad feeling from the place, but if it was supposedly filled with ghosts and monsters and such, it would be weird if she wasn't.

So, they had four options. It would be nice if they could guess right on the first try. Tree cavern, steep cavern, ruins cavern, water cavern... well I know which one I don't want to try, she thought, frowning as she pictured them all trying to swim underwater in the dark, with god knew what living the lake.

"Well... why don't we check the steep one? That's the warm one, right? It's so cold in the tunnel I can feel it from out here, and snakes are um, cold-blooded, right? So I think they would probably nest in the warmest cavern." Plus she really did not want to go to swimming in that lake. Ames nodded to herself, finding no flaw at all in her own logic. Except... "Do you think lamias are coldblooded too? Or since they have a human half are they only half... cold blood...?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

[Ranger]Ari Reina Caladis(Theresa)

"Wowowow! Everyone looks super strong!"

Two enemies this time, but now she was with a party, AND she wasn't being dead weight. Hopefully? Or maybe not yet?

Following through with her spin, she hopped upwards, unfurling the grass rope, the odd insect kama attached to it slicing through the air, hurtling towards the broadside of the oni. If she manages to even just open up a wound, it would hopefully make it significantly easier to deal with.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 23 min ago

Amulak al Acturus (Stanislaw)
HP:1030/1030 MP:1490/1490 SP:336/336

"Gentlemen, ladies, welcome to shit caves!" Amulak splayed his arms out cheerfully. With a full party this time, the dangers of the Blasphemed Tunnels were suddenly lessened by quite a significant amount. That, plus their additional levels, meant that the path to get here had been a complete shitstomp, unlike last time. Man, it was a good feeling to come back to somewhere you struggled to clear and just smash it into the dirt.

"Last time I pass through tunnels, I fall face first into underground lake. Did not visit cavern I mentioned, but I have doubts snake girls and Lew are there. Like Ames said, snakes cold-blooded. Also not sure if Lew can swim. Too long didn't listen, I think we look at steep cavern first." Amulak explained his reasoning calmly while simultaneously gesticulating wildly with his hands. Somewhat of an odd dichotomy.

"So far I believe that to be three votes for steep cavern. Getting there is fine, getting out is bitch. Just fair warning, yes?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Shovel
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Shovel A Shovel is typing!

Member Seen 17 days ago


HP 1000/1000 SP 300/300 MP 0/0Shield 0

"Lmao, ez" Klein said with a huge grin. The path to here was too easy when he is level 35 and not a level 13 noob. Plus, there should be some loot waiting to be distributed. The thought of being less naked with only his feet covered make him a happy man today. That and the probability of maxing out this class.

"I also vote for the steep cavern, like it would provide the easiest access for the snake no?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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And so, with their sights set on the deepest cavern, the party set off into the eerie gloom of the Blasphemed Tunnels.

Though the cool air of the tunnels grew to something they all became accustomed to with time, neither Amulak nor Ames could totally shake off the strange goosebumps that crawled up the back of their necks. With the heightened supernatural sense that came with their particular classes, both could tell that there was something intrinsically twisted, taboo about the place. Whether it be negative energies, the spirits of the dead, or some black curse upon these particular lands, a curious tension built up in their bodies as they traversed through the underground network. Perhaps in due time, this spiritual sense would be something they became accustomed to as well, but for now, it felt like being brushed by feathers, and the only distraction the necromancer and animist had came from their actual, physical surroundings.

Such alertness was what made Amulak and Ames the ones to notice first the blockade of boulders boxing them into the tunnels. The gaki, flesh-eating specters with gaping mouths and mummified flesh, were at it again, phasing through the walls the moment the party stopped. Unaccustomed to such an ambush and unbalanced still from his lack of an arm, Raime was grappled immediately, his body dragged away from the rest as a swarm of hungry specters descended upon him. Klein, confident in his ability to tank now that he had just about double the HP of the other melee fighters, rushed into the dense ball of spirits to rip the ranger free, but became stalled in the mire of ghosts as well. His pain sensitivity levels may have been spiked all the way down so he didn’t become absolutely crippled by a strike in the gonads, but that didn’t prevent other sensations from psychologically tormenting him. Such as the sensation of having a half dozen mouths suckering on every part of his still-unarmored body, like a leathery kiss from a greatgrandpa who you never really knew.

Bad times, really.

But Amulak and Ames were prepared, and Amulak especially was equipped to blow up the swarm of gakis trying to pull apart Raime. Raining down unholy AOE, the necromancer tore a hole into the spectral mass large enough for Ames to dive in and pull Raime out before any fatal damage could be taken. Party assembled and prepared, the four of them all readied for a war of attrition against the undead.

Then, Magpie, with a singular gaki chewing on her left arm, drew her pickaxe back, allowed her HP to drop to 20%, flexed her 200 points of strength, and destroyed the blockade of boulders in a single swing. In the aftermath of the display of brute force, the swarm of gaki, showing for first time some semblance of intelligence, decided that discretion was the better part of valor, and sank back into the walls again. With that, the party continued on.

As they got closer and closer to the path that ought to have led to the deepest cavern, the stone they walked upon became slick with water that seeped out from adjacent walls. Moss, slimy and wet, clung to the surfaces whilst shedding their bioluminescent glow, and travel began to slow as everyone had to pick their paths more carefully. Amulak’s map had offered a good layout of the entire Blasphemed Tunnels, but clearly, the tunnels themselves had changed since; there was no mention of water before. And when they got to the mouth of the path leading down, it became clear that such an omission of detail was a hell of a bad oversight.

Steam rose up from the mouth of the incredibly steep tunnel, even as water continued to flow downwards. Staring from the entrance, it was hard to make out anything more than five meters beneath you, and considering the way the water flowed, it was hard to imagine if a fall would land you on stone or into boiling water. But the party’s choice had been made, and surely a group of superhumanly tough immortals with regenerative capabilities that could top them up from near empty to full in less than half an hour could survive a plunge anyhow. So they sucked in the last breath of cool air they could get, and began to climb down, one at a time.

Step by step, hand by hand, the party half-climbed, half-slid down the path. Was it easier for lamias to slither up and down? Were cold-blooded creatures comfortable in such humidity? What about the kidnapped children? The steam got into every orifice of their body, every crease of flesh becoming damp and sticky with sweat and water. No one had opted to ever purchase food or water before; Cacophony Concord didn’t have hunger meters, after all, but now, an ice-cold soda would’ve done wonders to their parched throats. Was this just another status effect? Or was this just their own psychology working against them? The humid steam thickened as they descended further. It became like a sauna.

Klein’s foot slipped. He stumbled back, planting his hand against the wall to stabilize, but that hand slipped as well. He fell, crashing into Magpie. Magpie was strong. Exceptionally so. On a good day, she could snap Klein like a twig on the football field. This was not a good day, and this was not a football field. With a jerk, she threw the man off her, and in doing so, sent Klein falling down onto Amulak.

Amulak didn’t stand a chance. His thick robes already made it hell to navigate down in the tunnel, and his Type-Guardian Nuclei certainly didn’t offer any answers here. The two fell down the slope of the tunnel in a tangle of limbs, Ames and Raime only barely managing to make it out of the way without slipping themselves. Moments later, Magpie, who had been unable to restore her own balance after all, rolled down after them, the three striking hard, hot rock: Amulak on the bottom, Klein in the middle, and Magpie elbow-dropping them from above.

But on the plus side, they made it. There was no pool of water after all, and as Raime and Ames joined the other three goons to step away from the mouth of the tunnel they just descended from, they found themselves in a cavern with the dimensions of a single-story house. The air was hot and dry, and the space was lit up by the suffocatingly red light of magma from a deep, almost well-like pool off on the opposite end. Though the cavern looked largely empty, oval-shaped containers made of some white material, perhaps large enough to contain a child tucked in a fetal position, were interspersed around the edge of the cavern. Raime, more accustomed to the humdrum of looking at the ground than the others, could see grooves in the ground as well. Lugh wasn’t here, but experience told everyone that Immortals who died turned into pixels anyhow.

Were those the signs of a fight had and lost?

The heat continued to addle the mind as sweat turned to salt in mere seconds.
@Shovel@Searat@Psyker Landshark@OwO@Yankee

Cartwheeling through the air, the Maneater’s Sickle struck its mark, piercing point digging into the flesh as the gyuki tumbled in the opposite direction. Ari’s momentum was halved as she felt the yanking of the rope against her arm, but before she could be reeled into the spinning beast, her sickle was torn free, leaving a sizable gash in the gyuki’s side. A dark purple mist, sign of the monster’s more supernatural lineage, gushed out as its limbs and horns dug into the ground. It glared at Ari and Bortz, its nostrils and its body both inflating like a balloon.

It was obvious what was going to happen next, and with a hearty stomp, Bortz positioned himself in front of Ari, the head of his hammer pressed against the earth to anchor him down. Massive as he was, the man’s armored form completely covered the catgirl, just in time for the gyuki to shoot out a cone of white mist. Like the howl of winter, the strike of a blizzard, tendrils of cold blasted against Bortz, ice forming on the edges of his armor as he held firm. Amidst the roar of the ice breath, however, Ari could hear the sound of another deep breath.

From her side, the second gyuki had also inflated, having managed to somehow gotten atop of the bearshifted Droko while Vator clung atop it and stabbed away.

Would it blast the bear beneath it? Or would it aim to catch Ari while she was stuck sheltering behind Bortz? She had moments to decide.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

HP: 661/661 | MP: 567/567 | SP: 630/630

"This place friggin' sucks donkey ass." Raime says wiping the mix of sweat and dirt off his face. Despite how cool it sounded, being a one-armed swordsman was a lot of work. But enough complaining, it was time to see if this place was the dreaded lamia lair where their former tank waltzed into.

It was definitely big enough for a group of monsters to call home, but the area was mostly empty. There were those strange oval things that looked kind of suspicious. That or the magma lighting the area just made them more ominous than they deserve credit for. There was also those grooves cut into the cavern floor. Perhaps there was a fight? He would need a better look if he was going to make any conclusions. "No monsters yet...but keep your guards up. This place is a great spot to get ambushed." The scout punctuated by drawing his sword before crouching down to get a better look and understanding of the grooves.

While the grooves at first look like the sorta stuff you'd expect out of something straight and sharp hitting a solid surface like this, judging by their width, it's a bit too wide for something like Lugh's sword. Either he swapped weapons, has some technique that expands the width, or it ain't his attacks that caused these grooves.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


HP: 860/860 - MP: 660/660 - SP: 710/710
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Ames laughed at Raime's exasperation and the particular expression he chose to use to describe the cavern. He was definitely right, it did suck donkey ass, and even laughing didn't make the red head really feel any better while she was sweltering and on edge. That nagging "bad feeling" hadn't lessened when they stepped into the tunnels, and it only got worse they deeper they went. The hot cavern was a lot smaller then Ames thought it would be, but it was still eerie. The creepy red lighting, the equally-creepy white pods, and the ominous emptiness... if this was the right place, were the lamias out hunting more captives? Could they be back at any moment? The animist drew her weapon just in case, fiddling loosely with it in hand.

She made her way over to the closest container, cautiously reaching out with the blunt side of her sword to poke it. When nothing happened she got closer, gently poking it with a finger - finding that the exterior was sort of pliable.

"Gross," Ames murmured to herself, placing her palm flat on the pod's surface. Actually, more than a pod it seemed like an egg... did snake eggs look like this? How big were these lamias?? The surface was warm, but not blistering hot as one would expect in a room full of lava... she pressed a little harder, and the rubbery shell sunk under her touch. It didn't feel empty exactly, so she thought there must be something inside like water or yolk. Her brows furrowed, and after a moment she felt something within in the container spread against her palm and pushed back against her.

"Wha!?" Ames yanked her hand back as though she'd just been bitten, clutching it close to her chest. "There's something inside!"

She looked around at the few other containers in the cavern. They were all identical, so did they all have something inside. Were they really...?! "Are these things eggs? Could they be the lamias' eggs?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

[Ranger]Ari Reina Caladis(Theresa)

Bortz could take it if the oni blasted his back, right? He seemed strong enough, and Ari doubted the bear would be as severely affected as she would be if the oni blasted them instead of Ari.

But to run, or attack the charging up oni to prevent it from blasting either?

"Bortz, I'm leaping off you!"

That wasn't the only choice presented to her, and certainly not the first course of action she thought of. Giving a small hop to firmly plant her feet onto Bortz back, with a hand grabbing onto his shoulders and another around the turtle shield, she leapt off of him instead, shield now presented forwards as the Maneater curved towards the first oni's eyes.
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