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Adam wasn’t one to cower to Rhea. “First, she is my patient, who is still healing. Her health is a concern of mine. Second, he is my captain. Both of those reasons combined make it my business.” He replied calmly. “She wasn’t causing any harm. I don’t see why you are jealous of her, there have been plenty of other women he’s shown an interest in. You know it never lasts.” He looked out at sea and took in a deep breath of the sea air. “I’m going to get some coffee from the galley, then I’ll make rounds to the worst of the crew and try to have them on their feet by noon.” He strolled off still as calm and collected as could be.

“It changes everything only because you belief it does.” She said, her voice shook. “Better for you so you don’t have to deal with Rhea.” Elissa stated bitterly. “You don’t get the dagger, you didn’t hold up your end of the bargain.” She felt him pull his coat over her, it wouldn’t help with her trembling. She was cold, but it was fear that made her shake. As soon as he left, the darkness won. She clapped her hands over her ears, starting to sob. She was back in that room, back at bedlam. The room was small, they called it a coffin and she now knew why. She couldn’t lie down, sit, or even kneel it was so small. Elissa was forced to stand. How long had she stood there? An hour? A day? A week? She didn’t know. All she knew was that her legs were numb, her stomach was empty, she was cold and she was alone. Forgotten about in the darkness.

How long had Joseph been gone? Long enough for her to forget the warmth he’d brought, long enough for the nightmare to begin again. She was trapped unable to tell what was reality and what was memory. Elissa let out a scream, one that could be heard through most of the ship. It was the cry of agony.
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Joseph considered Elissa’s words as he left the room and made his way through the ship, she was particularly torn up by the turn of events, perhaps having women aboard wasn’t such a good idea..

This whole thing was supposed to be a straightforward kidnapping-get-the-ship-back job, how had it developed into this? Rhea was pissed to boot, too.

Rhea shook her head gently and glanced at the surgeon before looking ahead out to sea, she gripped the ships wheel, “it has nothing to do with jealousy” she began, ok, that was a half-lie, but jealousy wasn’t her entire motive, “this one is different, Adam, she knows something… a lot, maybe and it could change him” the surgeon perhaps seemed to concur, but decided that making a start on his duties was in order, “where does that leave us, Adam? Think about it!” she called after him as he strolled off.

Joseph arrived on the main deck, he could see Rhea at the ships wheel. There was a shipmate struggling to control and secure some rigging, Joseph assisted before looking back to Rhea, he felt somewhat nervous to confront her, but also furious she should make orders on the ship without his command, he strode across the deck and up the stairway to meet her, “what in the hell do you think you’re doing?” he growled, Rhea knocked the brim of her hat up to glare back at him, “getting us to France, like you ordered, Captain” she replied sarcastically, her tone antagonised Joseph and he knocked one of her hands from the wheel, Rhea drew her flintlock with her now free hand, she’d turned most of the way to face him with the weapon pointed to his gut. It was already loaded and fully cocked, indicating she’d been prepared, perhaps anticipating this altercation. Joseph was not prepared, he stood searching her eyes for some explanation when a muffled, pained scream penetrated through the ship, one of the crew scrambled above deck shouting something about sirens, or spirits, or something of the likes.

What the hell now?
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Truepirate
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Adam came running back up on deck at the sound of the scream, a pot of coffee in one hand and a cup in the other. He’d been making rounds giving the men a cup of coffee to help sober them up, however the scream had done more than the coffee did. “Where is Elissa?” He asked, hurrying up the steps to join Joseph and Rhea. He didn’t notice the pistol aimed at his captain, which was probably a good thing. “Never mind, I’ll find her myself.” He sat what was in his hands down and took off. Adam was a man of science and didn’t believe in the superstition of the sailors. There was no such thing as sirens or spirits or the likes. There was however such a thing as someone reliving past trauma, which he figured was happening with Elissa. Joseph had left her alone in the dark, it had only been a matter of time before things went from bad to worse.

Adam raced down the stairs, half hoping Elissa would scream again so he could find her. His wish was granted and he bolted for her room. He’d seen this behavior before and knew how to help her. He was angry with Joseph for leaving her locked away in the dark. This could have all been prevented. He grabbed a lantern from the wall and ran into Elissa’s room. She was curled up, eyes closed and hands over her ears, sobbing. Joseph’s cost had been kicked away. Adam sat the lantern on the table and went to her, taking her wrists and gently pulled her hands from her ears. “Elissa, Elissa come back.” He said calmly. He sat her up before sitting beside her, wrapping his arms around her. “You aren’t in Bedlam anymore. You’re free. Calm down and I’ll get you to the light. I brought a lantern, open your eyes, it isn’t dark in here. Look, you are on a ship.” This could have all been avoided if Joseph hadn’t chased after Rhea the evening before.

There were voices calling her back to reality, telling her to open her eyes. “It’s a lie. It’s all been a lie.” She cried. “He lied to me. He had it all along.”

“Shhh,” Adam brushed hair from her face. “It’s not a lie, you are no longer in Bedlam. You are free.” Oh he was going to have some words with Joseph once she was calm and out of the room.
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The crew had never been so fortunate as to be blessed with Adam, who took rather good care of his shipmates in all regards. Joseph and Rhea froze in position as Adam appeared at the top of the steps, but he didn’t seem to notice the quarrel and the drawn weapon between them, fortunately. He uttered something about Elissa, and disappeared just as quickly as he had arrived, Joseph looked back at Rhea who gave a deep sigh through her nose, she had a sullen expression but holstered the weapon, he swiftly made his leave after she did so.

Joseph appeared at the door, Adam had brought a lamp to better illuminate the gloom of the cabin. Elissa was really quite distraught and he could not relate. He lingered in the doorway, biting his thumb gently, he wasn’t sure if he’d be intruding,
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Adam heard movement at the door and assumed it was Joseph. “This could have been avoided, you know.” His voice was cold. It normally took a lot to get Adam angry and the crew had rarely seen him mad at any of them. “This is your fault, Joseph.” He picked Elissa up. She’d stopped crying, which was good, but he knew she couldn’t entirely calm down until she was in the light. “If you hadn’t gone chasing after Rhea last night this wouldn’t have happened. Elissa wouldn’t have wandered back here and would have had to face the dark. She had planned to be with you last night, not reliving a nightmare.” He was doing good to control his voice. He wanted to yell at Joseph for being so stupid. “You probably believe her fear of the dark to be childish. You’d be afraid of it too if you’d gone through what she had. They locked her away in a room in the basement, the size of a coffin. They forced her to stand there for who knows how long in the dark and in the cold. They didn’t feed her, didn’t give her water. You lose all concept of time there. It’s torture. Your legs go numb from standing there and you can’t sit or kneel to help them. She can’t be left in the dark. She must have told you this.” He shook his head. “For her health she is to stay in your cabin for the rest of the trip. That’s a doctor’s orders.”

He dared Joseph to challenge his order. “You owe her an apology if not more.” He pushed past Joseph to carry Elissa up into the open air. He stormed across the deck to Joseph’s cabin and waited assuming that the captain would come and open the door. He spoke softly to Elissa while he waited, trying to get her to open her eyes and realize she was safe.

Elissa shook her head. “He lied. He lied.” She muttered. Reality and nightmare were still mixed in her mind. This was the worst it’d ever been for her.
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The Captain was quite lost for words, how in the hell was any of this mess his fault?

Ok well he did kidnap Elissa..
but he’d been rather hospitable!
Rhea had brought her to drink…why?
That wasn’t his fault.
They’d been having a great time..
How could he have known she’d get quite so upset? She liked him ok, sure, a lot of girls did but, usually he’d get a slap in the face or a tankard of ale over his head..
She’d expressed she didn’t quite like the dark..and, something about Bedlam you heard stories sure, but who knew what was true?


He followed after Adam, frustrated with this outcome and the surgeon’s deep criticism - wasn’t he ‘they’ after all? They who healed those illnesses of the mind?

Joseph did not inflict these horrors on Elissa, people quite like Adam did.

He kept these thoughts to himself, however. He needed Adam in his crew and now was not the time for heated confrontation.

They arrived at the doors to the cabin which Joseph obliged them by opening, and they stepped inside, “Adam, I was with her last night” he expressed in a hushed voice, “though, not like that” he took care to elaborate, “I told her yesterday she should stay here” he affirmed, he wasn’t upset by Adam’s order, but was perplexed how what he had already intended had gone so awfully wrong.

Lying, what was she talking about lying?
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“You may have stayed with her but that was after you went off chasing Rhea.” Adam countered. “You may have told her to stay here but I doubt in her upset and drunk state she remembered that. She felt cast to the side. One minute you were fawning over her next you were chasing someone who has rejected you many a time before. Rhea is jealous of her.” He sighed and pinched his nose. “She’s not like the normal girls that fall for you. You are probably the first pirate she has ever encountered. She probably doesn’t realize you aren’t like normal men.” His anger was slowly fading. “I don’t know how to help you with her, just keep her from the dark. Like it was said last night, we all drink to forget something. Bedlam is what she wants and needs to forget. This is a different way of life for her.” He sat her down on the couch. “This is the worst I’ve seen. She should slowly get back to normal once she realizes that she is safe.” He got a wet rag and placed it on her forehead. He sighed. “I don’t know how to help you with her.” He stood and faced his captain. “Perhaps you should get rid of her. She has caused quite the disturbance on the ship. I’ll go back to giving the men coffee to sober them up. She should be better in a few minutes. When she is, I’d have a long talk with her.” He shut the door behind him.

Elissa continued muttering to herself for a little while longer before slowly opening her eyes. “I don’t like the dark.” She said softly. She didn’t really realize she’d caused a fuss. It had all been a nightmare to her. “Did you bring me back here?” She asked, seeing only Joseph in the room.
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Joseph cleared his throat and put his hands on his hips, he cast his gaze around the room, anywhere, to avoid looking at Adam, he couldn’t help but present a smirk of disbelief, he was and had not, committed to anyone, he looked back to the surgeon, “Rhea is always jealous!” he hissed in a whisper, “normal men” Joseph scoffed, “you mean the kind that lock her up?” he said, alluding to the fact that all the so-called good and proper normal men - her father, fiancé and Bedlam doctors - had done her harm. After his advice, Adam went on to suggest that Joseph should get rid of her, and he knew what that suggestion implied, he wondered if this was Adam’s somewhat detached medical mind that reared it’s head from time to time - like putting a sick animal down right? A bolt between the eyes? Joseph said nothing, but watched as the surgeon made his leave, the guy was scary sometimes.

He wasn’t sure what he could do, he wasn’t entirely sure what she needed, well, she seemed to need him, that wasn’t something he could provide for her all of the time, though.

He was back to biting his thumb, looking at Elissa and considering the scene that had just played out, she began to stir and he ceased the anxious behaviour and instead folded his arms across his chest, “Adam did” Joseph stated, “I think you were having a nightmare or something, you know, about…the place” he explained quietly, gesturing with a hand.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Truepirate
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“I was thinking normal as in her crew.” Adam said. “Though she doesn’t talk about them much, does she? I’ll bring some food and coffee for the two of you after I tend to the crew.” He’d stopped at the door to make his final comments before leaving.

Elissa slowly sat up, “Oh,” she muttered, rubbing her eyes. She still had an awful headache from drinking the night before. “I’m sorry to have caused any problems. I have them sometimes, drinking makes it worse, so does being in the dark.” She moved over so he could sit down if he wished. “I shouldn’t have drank last night, I knew it was a bad idea.” She put her head in her hands, still feeling slightly nauseous. Elissa was silent for awhile, thinking over what all had happened that morning and the night before. While she wasn’t normally a confrontational person, she realized that she did need to find out more information on why he hid the ring from her. It bothered her that he had lied about it. “What makes you think me knowing about the ring is going to change everything?” She asked looking up at him. Her stomach grumbled loudly, one meal the day before hadn’t held her over, but she didn’t dare ask for more food. Elissa was hurt that he had lied about the ring, hurt he had led her on, and hurt he didn’t remember her. However, there wasn’t much she could do about any of it aside from speak with him. “I know you don’t remember me, there’s nothing that can be done about that and seeing the ring didn’t give me any hope that you’d remember. It’s just that…well…that was my mother’s ring. I was hurt thinking you’d lost it.” She tried not to sound accusatory towards him.
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The Captain too was famished and needed food and water, in the turbulent events that had transpired since Elissa’s capture, he’d really forgotten to eat and been watered only by alcohol, he was starting to feel particularly exhausted, although it wasn’t always an unusual occurrence for him, these unintentional fasts.

Joseph sighed deeply, any problems? A lot of problems.. Though she wasn’t really to blame, he knew he could be selfish, in a lot of ways, and, as much as he might struggle to relate to her particular troubles, he knew pain, and fear - although it wasn’t something to which a pirate would often admit.

He stepped forward, and sank onto his knees at her side, his expression was somewhat forlorn, he glanced up to her for only a moment before he looked down to her hands and placed them in his own, “Elissa, look..” he began “I can’t know what you’ve been through, but I know fear, it’s not a fear of the dark” he brought her hands gently around his neck with his own holding them in place, his pulse was strong and he breathed out heavily as though distressed, “something has kept me alive.. so many times, I don’t know why, I should be dead, I still feel it.. this”, the hanging, the drowning, each time he’d been pulled back to the land of the living after having endured what felt like the stages of death, he wasn’t sure if it was a blessing, a curse, lucky or unlucky, but he’d allow Elissa to inflict fear, his fear, as he’d inflicted hers.

“I had the ring when they pulled me from the water Elissa, a decade ago, I was almost dead” he admitted, “I knew it must’ve meant something about me, to me, but I couldn’t remember, and I wasn’t ready to remember” he concluded, he still hadn’t glanced up again at Elissa, he gripped her hands more firmly.
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“I won’t force you to remember.” She said softly. “I know I tried to earlier. I was desperate to have my friend back, but you aren’t him any longer and I need to remember that. Perhaps though, we can become new friends or at least allies. Sometimes only those that have suffered and know fear can help each other where others who don’t know our pain cannot help.” Elissa felt his pulse, felt his fearful breath, it pained her to see him like that. She didn’t know what to do to help him aside from be there and listen to what he had to say. “The necklace was meant to remind you that you always had someone there for you. It can still mean that. I will still be here for you. You don’t deserve to feel this fear, no one should feel what they fear most.” She felt honored that he was willing to open up to her about what he was most afraid of, but at the same time she hated that he forced her to inflict it upon him.

A decade ago was when he’d left or so she thought he had left. She had never considered that harm might have come to him. Their port had been a fairly calm place, there hadn’t been much danger, at least none she’d been aware of. She wanted to pull her hands away from his neck but his grasp kept them there. She hated to be the one to bring fear to him. Unlike Adam she didn’t blame him for what had happened. It wasn’t his place to remember her fears and baby her to avoid her panicking.

Elissa didn’t know what else to say and so she did the one thing she’d been longing to do since she had first seen him on the ship. She moved from the couch to kneel in front of him and kissed him. She feared how he would react but for a brief moment she didn’t care. They were alike in having a great fear and were both alone when having to face it. She felt that he needed her, just as she needed him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by CassyK
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Fear and pain was not often something you exposed on the ship, that wasn’t how you built a reputation and trust with your crew, or within the crew, there couldn’t be trust in that kind of perceived weakness. Rhea knew that, she’d locked her fear and pain away a long time ago, deep down, Joseph knew her story, of sorts, he’d been a part of it.

Joseph found some comfort in what Elissa had to say, but friends, allies, came and went, some of them long expired from this earth, there was no certainty in life and this kind of life in particular, Joseph therefore made no promises, no commitments - he couldn’t, and Rhea kept a distance, some kind of coldness or void, a rift.

As Joseph allowed, forced Elissa to inflict fear was to transfer to her some measure of power, he believed she needed to feel that, in a place where she perhaps felt she had none. He glanced to her as she knelt and she kissed him, he was taken by surprise and he felt his heart beat harder in his chest, his tense shoulders sank and he loosened his grip on her hands. Kissing deeply was a relief from fear, like that first breath after drowning. He felt like he could crumple to the floor, like she could push him down, he’d not fight it, he couldn’t.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Truepirate
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While he didn’t acknowledge her offer to be friends and allies, Elissa still promised herself that she would be that for him. She didn’t want the power he was giving her, she didn’t want to hurt him or inflict fear upon him. He didn’t deserve it. As his grip on her hands loosened, she pulled them away before taking his hands and placing them at her waist. “You never did find the dagger,” she teased, before kissing him again.

It was a bit of a surprise to her that he hadn’t pulled away when she kissed him. She had pictured that to be the only response possible. She knew not to get her hopes up of anything happening, they’d be interrupted soon, she was sure if it. Good things never seemed to last long on that ship, every time she started to enjoy herself and what was happening, something or someone came and ended it. Elissa draped her arms over his shoulders before leaning back against the couch, hoping he’d go with her and not pull away. She’d enjoy this moment while it lasted. Perhaps he’d try finding the dagger, though she was sure he never would find it.
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The atmosphere between them lightened immensely as Elissa brightened and became playful, she placed his hands on her waist which he almost couldn’t bear.

Oh why now?

Joseph was terribly hungry and thirsty, and he knew the surgeon would be returning soon. This couldn’t go too far, in any case it shouldn’t. He felt too, that she knew now how he could be - why oh why was she playing with him like this? Is this what she wanted? Surely she knew he couldn’t promise her a single thing..

He followed her lead, hell, she could lead him in any which way she liked. “Maybe then… you can… help me?” he strung together the sentence between kissing her, before he gave her a glance and moved to a spot just behind her jaw and beneath her ear.

No, he knew he had to stop, Adam would be back soon and assume he’d been taking advantage, Joseph believed it was quite the opposite in this instance, in a lot of instances.. but it never looked that way.
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“Try finding it, search where you like.” She said, smiling. Elissa leaned into his kiss. She knew this wouldn’t last, knew he wouldn’t be loyal just to her, but she still wanted her time with him. She didn’t know about the surgeon returning. Elissa was enjoying this, probably more than she should have. “I’m not going to tell you where it is, you are the one who threatened to search for it after all.” She didn’t know how far this would go, but was willing to let it go as far as Joseph would let it. She knew it was a dangerous game to be playing, yet she didn’t care.

Adam reached the door and was about to knock when he heard the two talking. He could tell that now was not a time he wanted to interrupt. He turned and walked off with the tray of food, planning on coming back later. He still had a few more of the crew to tend to and he wanted to make sure Rat was fed as well.
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Oh no she did not.. well yeah, she did.

Joseph made a subtle sound, something between a groan and a growl at Elissa’s remarks, this was painful.. now she really was taking advantage. He breathed in deeply, taking in her scent, he felt hot and his heart was thumping, which he couldn’t wholly attribute to the hangover. His hands had slipped to Elissa’s hips and he squeezed them firmly, he let out a deep breath and released his grip.

Show some restraint man, for God’s sake, he had to remind himself they’d not be alone for much longer, and, truthfully, he didn’t want to hurt her, like he seemed to have done so often since her abduction. He breathed out again deeply and dropped his shoulders which released some tension, he had to think straight. He pulled away slowly and sat back on his heels, he sniffed and cleared his throat, “uh… I think Adam is coming back soon…” he expressed quietly, massaging his brow and gesturing, he met Elissa’s eyes for a moment then looked away as he unfolded his legs to sit on the floor, he outstretched them in a relaxed manner and leaned forward, with his arms resting across his knees, “…with some food and water, Adam I mean” he elaborated, still trying to straighten himself out, he really wanted to add, maybe I can look for it later, though? But decided against it as his better judgement.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Truepirate
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She was a little disheartened when he moved away, had she done something wrong? She’d forgotten about being hungry, he’d distracted her. “Oh...food would be good I suppose.” She said softly, pushing a few strands of hair from her face. Elissa looked down before looking back up again, the mischievous smirk back on her face. “Maybe you can look later then?” She offered. She was persistent. Elissa knew there was the chance that that had been their only moment, he was leaving her in France after all and she didn’t know how far away they were. She didn’t know what to say, words escaped her. She wanted to go back to his embrace. “You still owe me that dance lesson. I’d say tonight but you seem to follow your own schedule.” Elissa stood up from the floor and sat back down on the couch. “I could wear my ball gown. It has to be prettier than this shirt and trousers.” She was still teasing him.

Adam finished his rounds and made it back to the cabin. Clearing his throat he knocked on the door, unsure if he’d get a response. “Captain, I’ve brought breakfast.” He wondered what Rhea would say if she knew that Elissa was with the captain, it wouldn’t be good he guessed. “Captain?” He knocked again.

“Sounds like he’s back.” Elissa said looking to the door. She was glad it was the doctor there and not Rhea. While Joseph said the woman was mad at him she still had the feeling that Rhea wasn’t fond of Elissa.
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Far too easily manipulated by particular means, he knew that, he sort of let it happen though. His heart was settling but still beat faster than usual, on account of the dehydration and his stomach felt less than empty - other greater necessities were winning out, he was grateful Adam was there to disrupt them in all honesty.

Joseph acknowledged Elissa’s flirtatious expression by returning a grin, “maybe” he responded to her suggestion with amusement, meeting her gaze, he remained in position whilst she moved to the couch, then sat back propping himself up on his palms, “I’d have thought you hated the gown” he laughed, she’d been quick to remove herself from it, and he gathered having lived a life predominantly at sea these past years, it would not be her customary attire.

Their conversation was interrupted as Adam returned, Joseph pressed himself up to his feet and brushed off his clothes, he answered the surgeon at the door and received the items from him, he wasn’t sure if Adam meant to come in to re-examine his patient, so he made way for him to enter the room. The Captain couldn’t help himself but guzzle from the flagon the surgeon had brought to water them, as rude as that might have been, he felt as though he’d be insatiably thirsty, he otherwise presented the plate to Elissa as he did so.

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“Oh I despise the dress,” she said frowning. “The only good thing about it is that I can hide more weapons on my person wearing a dress than I can wearing a shirt and trousers. That and it’s distracting.” She took the plate from him and moved to the desk so that she could separate the food onto the smaller plates the doctor had brought. She put more food on the plate meant for Joseph than she put on her own plate. Elissa reasoned that Joseph needed more food because he was the captain. She figured she could do with less even though she was still recovering from her injury.

“I brought coffee too.” Adam said, passing the pot to Elissa, who took it and the cups. He looked back to Joseph as the young woman walked off to pour the coffee. “You’d best not tear those stitches, they still need a day or so to heal.” He said in a lowered tone so Elissa couldn’t hear him. “She seems to be in a better mood, but I’m sure you are to blame for that.” He raised a questioning eyebrow. “Make sure you both eat some of the fruit. It keeps away scurvy. Also, don’t drink so much water at once. It isn’t good for you, it will make you ill. And I hate tending to you when you are ill, Captain, you aren’t the most pleasant patient. Well I’ll take my leave. I wouldn’t want to interrupt more than I already have. Eat a good meal.” He instructed.

Elissa poured the coffee and put a little sugar in her cup. With Joseph being the captain, Adam had brought what little sugar had been left in their stores. They’d need to restock when they reached France.
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The Captain found the smaller plates and cups in particular rather novel, as he rarely had need to dine in such a way regularly on the ship, in any case, he noted Elissa had portioned him more food for which he was grateful, but he’d have to share it.

Adam and his coffee though, it wasn’t a beverage Joseph had considered on the ship until the surgeon joined the crew, he wasn’t sure if he cared for it, but it worked rather remarkably to wake you up, so he tended to consume it nonetheless.

The Captain had finished drinking from the flagon when Adam passed his quiet comment, “aye, I’m hospitable” he retorted with the same discretion, he raised his eyebrows for only a flicker, as he exchanged a look with the surgeon. Adam then lay out his instructions, as he always did in vain - they often went unheeded. Joseph drew his sleeve across his mouth and under his chin, seeing as he had drunk so voraciously, but he hadn’t finished it all. The Captain made an apology and placed it on the table for Elissa, he pulled round the wooden chair to the desk and gestured to her, “please sit” he expressed, before he reached for his plate. There was the usual mixture of pickled vegetables, biscuits, cheese and salted meats, he was especially pleased there was fruit, he moved the meat items to one side of the plate however and offered them to Elissa, Joseph felt he’d seen enough human dismemberment that human flesh was not unlike that of the mammals he had typically consumed, eventually the sight of it turned his stomach and unless absolutely necessary to eat it, he rather avoided it - he wouldn’t tell this reason to his guest, though.
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