Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by sly13
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Awesome. I'll look over everything again and begin working on a character in between finals. As for the two open spots id say I lean a bit more towards Westmarsh as the location of my character.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

@sly13 Ahhh, a Warden of the West. Its entirely possible for you to be partially of nomadic blood or a new house. Given how much combat they see, the death of a Great House isn't entirely unheard of in the Marcherlands.

Just as a heads up, playing a Great House of Archdukes will mean your CS will have to be up sooner rather than later.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by John F Kennedy
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John F Kennedy The New Blood

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Filiberta-Marie II of House Marietta
Titles: Duchess of Inge (pronounce ing-ay); Countess of Lake Bruna, Gotlinde upon Ingfried, and Diemut; Lady of Lake Bruna
Description: Filiberta-Marie is 38 years old, although she looks rather young for her age like many women of House Marietta. Her face is pale and her nose is thin, her lips are somewhat pronounced while her eyes remain deep set. She carries in aura of authority without any crown or headwear, letting her curling black and grey hair tumble down. She wears a long woolen cloak with white fur as a collar, usually with some sort of cotton dress of a deep and dark color beneath.

Claimant: Anyamara

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by sly13
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Member Seen 1 day ago

@ClocktowerEchos I definitely like the idea of being mixed blood in some way. As for being an archduke, if it would be easier just for me to be a duke, count, or anything else I am totally fine with that. Also, is the discord only for accepted characters? Just wanted to clarify before I joined.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by sly13
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Member Seen 1 day ago

this is what I have so far. just posting it, for now, to make sure everything is working ok.
Stanislaw Krast, House Taranis

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by pandapolio
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hey this looks really interesting, I'm going to start thinking of character ideas.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by pandapolio
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

I am interested in making the Archduke of the Wildlands if that is ok with you.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 26 days ago

I’ve had a character in progress for the archduke of the Wildwoods for a few days now, but I don’t know if the GM considers that to be a reservation?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by DELETED32084


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

@ClocktowerEchoswhat’s the timeline on an IC?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 19 min ago

Still awaiting my review, but I am also patient.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

@pandapolio Sorry, but @canaryrose's claim as Archduke of the Wildwood still stands, you're welcome to play a vassal house under them though!

@Pagemaster I'll get cracking on one soon, already have an outline. Hopefully should be up by the weekend.

@POOHEAD189 Just replied, thought I did it earlier mbad >_<

As a general @everyone, sorry I haven't been active. A last rush of Finals kept me busy as well as the ability to actually to just have a day off. If you haven't already, I encourage you to join the Discord!

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

So I had a burst of inspiration and came up with notable alcohols found in some of the regions. Note that this isn't "canon" and more of a fun thought experiment in worldbuilding so you don't need to worry about remembering it or putting it in your sheet or anything. Consider a minor consolation for my absence.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

@John F Kennedy Looks good, move it over. Long may you serve House Müller-Hohenstein with duty and honor!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Working on a CS.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

And so the IC begins!

Reminder for everyone to read the rules as well as be aware that character death isn't an impossibility, its just not random (OOC at least).
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

This sounds awesome. Will be reading up and seeking inspiration, if you are still taking more people.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

@Dark Light Still am but now there's only vassal houses to the currently existing Great Houses open to take.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 19 min ago

Gonna post tonite lads and lasses. Clutch your pearls and gird your loins.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

UPDATE: Due to irl commitments by the original player, the position of Archduke of the Wildwoods is now open.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

While that position sounds interesting I’m kinda feeling like playing someone’s younger brother or cousin.
You know, just tagging onto another players house (can work out exact reasons later) and being less important but still of a noble family.

Anyone keen?
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