Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Elizabeth was sitting in a warehouse by the shore, enjoying some fruit as they aren't too messy. She was wearing clothes which she had stolen from the local business. Being in the one location all the time or wearing the same clothing would end with her being caught by who knows what. The warehouse around her was dimly lit and had enclosed areas for hiding. She stretches and tries to get relaxed into the hard concrete of the warehouse. She would stare at the ceiling for hours, just contemplating her own life and where she shall head next.

Elizabeth reaches into her backpack and pulls out a book on diseases and disorders to a bookmarked page. She re-reads the information about Narcolepsy. She reads over the treatment page and then searches through her backpack... "Darn, out of the medication. Looks like I will have to do without for a while" She sighs before packing her bag and using it as a pillow. She shuts her eyes and tries to get some sleep
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia was pleased to see that others had shown up to help her. "Ohh! So happy so many of you are-" Again Cia was interrupted by the birds, this time they seemed to be making a last ditch effort to at least get rid of one of the girls. "Excuse me." Cia said looking up at the rest of the birds, it was huge flock and she needed time to prepare her next attack. "I need you to back me up this is gonna take a bit." Cia said as she held out her book. A magic circle started to surround her. She was preparing a rather large attack and she would need some time to do so. Water in the river below started to float in the air then started gathering. It was starting to resemble a rather large shark. One of the largest sharks in history actually. She was going to summon a megaladon, a shark larger than a bus easily.


Linda in the meantime was enjoying watching the fight. For her she was just scoping out the enemies. She wanted to know everything about them and their powers. She could feel all of the other demons in the area. The one oni was one whom she had summoned to London was certainly interesting. She had hoped that she would prove herself useful in corrupting a magical girl for her. Proving that she was usefull instead of just another mindless brute.

It was hard for Linda not to reveal herself to the magical girls, as she really wanted to test their might first hand. See if they were really a threat to begin with. But she tried to keep herself hidden instead, though she was starting to laugh now. So far none of them had shown anything substantial in the way of power. Of course this was a weak demon they were after and not one of her stronger sentient demons.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alastor could feel the presence of demons increasing - first the Demon Lord herself and next the bird, now there was a third. Five. There were five demons in London, a dangerous number considering that previously the war between humans and demons had mostly been regulated to small skirmishes between one or two opponents.

Patting Chu's back protectively, he nodded.

"Don't worry, I won't." he assured her. Even as he did, his mind turned towards the nearby sticks, posts and objects he could use in a pinch to defend himself.

"Just stay here an nothing will happen."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by kusanagifire
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

‘Yea beat that you tectonic looser’

Terra Breaker spared a glance towards that girl, before looking around again. Congratulations, you've killed some weak birds with a flashlight. I'm really shaking in my boots now, she thought.

It didn't take long to find what she was looking for. The culprit who threw that bird, turned out to be a demon, which was not surprising in it self, but a specific demon called an Oni, fabled beast from Japanese myth. Supposedly they were powerful, and carries around a metal club, though it seems this one didn't have any.

Striding confidently, it stopped about 2 meters away from Hayami.

"Well aren't you the cocky one? I suppose you imagine yourself a hunter from taking out small fry." The oni made a show of cracking her knuckles, smirking all the while.


Closing the last 2 meters between them, Hayami,or Terra Breaker as she was now, looked up directly into the demon's eye, her expression darkening in anger. Demon or no, oni or not, she wasn't going to just take that lying down.

"What the hell did you just say?! I've taken down dogs worst than you, you oversized goat!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So this magical girl was the type to instantly go into danger at the slightest provocation, well that certainly made her job easier, though she had been planning to get in a little preemptive strike but being in so close certainly suited her demon abilities better. The girl was decently fast though as she quickly got into Francesca's face so she could insult her. She was admittedly a little confused about the 'oversized goat' comment but then remember in her demon form she had horns, though the rest of the comparison escaped her.

"Well you're a cute one, you think that one up yourself." Her smirk remained as she mocked and stared down at the girl, eyes full of amusement. "Now let's see what you have on you and I'll give you a present while I'm at it." She clicked her heel on the rooftop, which caused part of the roof behind Terra to rise up behind her to block off any retreat. With that makeshift barrier up Francesca reached forward to grab hold of the magical girl with her strong hands, that looked somewhat like claws cause of her sharp fingernails.

Reaching for her shoulders and neck she intended to start the corruption process as soon as she learned of her mental weakness through touch. It would only take a brief moment to skim her mind and find the right illusions to break down her will. Course the process would be easiest if she could manage to keep hold of the magical girl in her grip.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Azaria Blue
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Azaria Blue The Best

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The group around Tali seemed to be distracted enough to not notice her at all. She slinked down low to the ground and backed into the shadows. She crouched and watched them from this distance. Among the hectic scurrying all around her, she missed picking up on the nearby felines until now. The stray cats, tomcats, garbage dwellers, even the housecats stood at the window and stared down or scratched at the wall nearest her. She hoped they decided to stay in the shadows, on corners of buildings, and in the underbrush. She figured that they viewed her as some kind of alpha, but she knew if anything she is a beta.

She watched closely as the children around her attacked the birds. They were strange and black and dissipated instead of just dying. She pieced a few things together that she learned and came to the conclusion that they were some kind of evil spirit, a little devil, something of the sort. She tried to remember what Forest Spirit told her. She moved only her eyes as she watched one big black bird fly around sporadically before changing direction - her direction.

She readied herself in a low crouch, she crept along the wall with a sharp eye on the being. Tali channelled Wild Girl and wiggled her backside before leaping after one and pinning its dusty corpse to the ground. She grinned widely and pawed at another one, slapping it to the ground in one motion. It was strange - on the scale of power, it was equivalent to a cat smacking around some unlucky prey. She rolled over and grabbed one in her arms and broke its neck with her back legs. The rest of the girls seemed to be treating it like an office job but Tali was having a blast - even if she seemed to take every move very seriously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hannah's eyes lit up with joy as two of her fellow magicals tasted her culinary creations. It always made her so happy when others enjoyed what she created with her own two hands. Her face brightened even further when they thanked her for the snack, their compliments raising the pride she had for her own work.

"No problem! I hope you enjoyed it!" the youngest magical girl replied to her seniors, the look in her eyes changing into one of wonder as one of the two flew high into the air and eliminated a large group of the bird-like demons with a burst of bright light. What a beautiful display.

The chocolatier nearly jumped in surprise as another magical girl appeared onto the scene, this one looking quite exhausted from her sprint. Nya the Taboo, as the older female introduced herself, gestured to one of her cookies, and asked if she could have one. Rather than answering with her words, Hannah walked over to the bent over teen, and placed the desired treat onto Nya's palm.

"It's nice to meet you! I'm Hannah, the Princess Chocolatier!" the petite girl greeted the exhausted senior, closing the teen's hand around the treat and stealing a small peck on the older girl's cheek as she did so. "I hope we can become good friends in the future!" A good first impression is always the fastest way to a lasting relationship with another. At least, that's what her sister told her. She didn't really understand it, but Hannah knew that kisses from family left memories about them in her own mind, so she will do the same.

The sound of metal impacting into the concrete in her immediate vicinity drew Hannah's attention from her newfound friend to one of the oldest females in the group. The familiar silver color of the older girl's hair matched both hers, Nya's, and her sister's. She never thought she would ever meet so many people with the same hair colors as her and her sibling, especially on the same day. The young girl, having noticed Naomi's troubled look, formed a small pillar of chocolate beneath her to bring her to eye level with the armored teen.

"Are you okay? You don't very happy at all," Hannah remarked with more than a little worry, wondering what caused her fellow female such distress. Sure, it truly wasn't her business, and she didn't know anything about the teen, but sadness is a disease that no one should have. It is their duty as magical girls to alleviate this sickness from the world, the part exhuberated by demons anyway, and for one of them to be stricken with the illness was very troubling.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Amaralyn
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Amaralyn Flowerchild

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Robyn Bennett

The girls' peaceful gathering was cut short when a group of bird-like creatures drew in, an ominous aura surrounding them. Robyn watched as torrents of water shot through a large number of them, vaporizing them on the spot. It seemed to have little effect nonetheless as the demons duplicated themselves at an alarming rate. Realization kicked in when a fellow magical girl called out for assistance. Almost instinctively Robyn lashed out with the ribbons adorning her outfit, sending electricity through them as they hit their targets. The birds shrieked as they let out their last breath and turned into dust, their remains immediately blown away by the wind.

She didn't stop there as another wave commenced. The beasts appeared to emerge from every corner, arising from the shadows on the square. The demons now greatly outnumbered the magical children, but Robyn didn't feel threatened in the slightest; she was aware of her potential as was she of that of the others. With a fierce look in her eyes and a smirk lingering around her lips, she defensively took her position in front of the girl who had introduced herself as Aqua Tooth. Sparks formed within the girl's palms as she started to charge up. With a swift movement of her wrist lightning pierced several birds at once. Their screams of agony could barely be heard as they got overwhelmed by the sound of thunder following the blast. Graceful like a ribbon dancer Robyn moved around the blonde-haired girl, clearing every creature in her path, ensuring she could fully concentrate on her spell.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by kusanagifire
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Terra Breaker

By now the others would have probably figured out how to destroy those irritating birds. So it was really up to her and this demon now. Speaking of which, there was two, TWO demons in this city already. What are the odds of there being more? Not that she was inclined to think about that right now, not when this damned demon thing dared insult her. To add insult to injury, this oni thought simply having a barrier behind her would be enough to deter her, and even reaching out to grab her as if she was some stupid tart with her head full of air.

"Don't... you dare underestimate me!"

Having the barrier behind her didn't really bother her, instead, Terra took a step forward, putting a feet through the demon's legs and evading the demon's hands. With that she simply gathered her energy to her fist, and threw a powerful punch towards the demon's sternum.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Hissing could be heard behind the glutton and the earth magical girl it was low pitch and barely noticeable but it gnawed away at your subconscious constantly pestering with the fact it was actually there and the annoying part was that it seemed to be coming literally everywhere yet nowhere the source couldn’t be placed. The ominous feeling of being watched could send a chill up a spine for both magical girl and demon alike but then all at once it stopped but the feeling of being watched was still ever present. Hissy moved unseen and nearly unheard through the darkness she didn’t want to interfere with them, just watch with great interest the magical girl walked through the legs of greed and accept her embrace something that was extremely strange considering the little ones are supposed to be warry of demons like Greed here.

Her brow raised and she had to hold in a laugh as the earth one prepared to show a direct jab at the demon. The fact that this was going to happen was an obvious this and she wondered how the demon didn’t suspect this outcome.

They just don’t make em like they used too huh Hissy thought to herself

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Francesca Wells (Ex-human)

As she reached for the magical girl Francesca could hear this annoying low-pitched hissing sound that started to gnaw at her. It was stupidly annoying and she wanted to shut it up but she was quite busy at the moment. The sound did distract her a little though so when the magical girl stepped in, putting a foot through her legs, she was a little slow on the uptake. The punch connected with a resounding crack as the punch hit her sternum, and the cracking of cartilage could be heard on impact, which caused Francesca to put a foot back to steady herself. As the foot hit the roof part of it formed up around her foot to her her extra purchase to withstand the punch and not move in the slightest.

This magical girl was quite the hard hitter, but at the same time Francesca had one hard body which took the blow rather well. The punch certainly hurt but Francesca was a very big girl, especially after her demon transformation "That actually hurt kid," she chided, a small tear forming in her left eye, as she quickly brought her arms together in a deadly bear hug, "I think its time you pay the toll." She may have missed her original attempt but now that the girl was almost literally in her arms there would be no escape and then she could begin a true demon's assault.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 4 days ago

"Ummm..." Nya looked at the older magical girl as she stood in front of her with a somewhat troubled expression. Was she reminding her of some sort of trauma? Sisterly feelings? She couldn't know, but for the time being, she played along. "Okay." She added. Plus, she seemed of the protective, strong type. A good complement in a team to her ranged attacks.

"Uhh...thanks! Same! I look forward to fight together!" Nya beamed a smile, greedily eating the cookie. "Now then..." She eyed the situation. Besides the rabble of the birds, there seemed to be a rather tough demon assaulting one of the girls. A tough sentient demon. That seemed rather strong to be a valuable asset to the opposing side. She began chanting, whispering coarse, forbidden words. Sentient demons were much more trouble than the standard. However, they, very much like humans, sometimes they were whimsical and prone to distractions. That demon seemed to be bent on fighting a magical girl one on one.

But she was... forgetting two things. One, the damned bird demons were way too stupid to do combined attacks. And two, there were half a dozen of magical girls who could team up.

No hard feelings, whomever you are. Nya raised her hand, a globular blob of an undescript uncertainty sharpening in a spear form, something that was neither fire nor molten metal, and appeared to be both at the same time. Something that inexplicably cut through even metal plating and burnt things it shouldn't be able to.

"SPEAR OF YOG-SOTHOTH!" She finished the chant, throwing the javelin in a wild arc towards the horned demon's head, hoping to snipe the creature while it was too busy grappling the other magical girl. A sneak attack in all intent and purposes, with lethal intention. Somehow, one of the scattered demon birds was in the way, and it simply vaporized in a whistling sound as the spear powered through it towards the target.

Please hit! Take the hit and don't get back up! Nya silently prayed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


As the birds were cleared out to allow Cia to concentrate they started group up. As they did Cia smiled as her spell completed. There was a full megaladon made of water and as Cia released it, it went swimming through the air eating the rest of the birds in a single gulp. There were no more demon birds after that and Cia was pleased, though this spell was rather taxing on her. Before she knew it she fell to the ground in exhaustion. "T-That was fun." Cia said laughing to herself. She hadn't even noticed the other girls had left to deal with a different threat yet.

It took her a moment but she finally noticed they were missing. "Where did the others go?" Cia asked looking at Robyn as she sat up still panting from the amount of energy she had used just now. "And why is there a flaming... oh." Cia interrupted herself this time as she saw what looked to be a girl floating in the air and on fire. Even Cia could feel the immense power eminating from the girl. This was the Demon Lord.


Linda had been watching the fight and was thankful that another demon appeared to try and help. Of course they were still outnumbered. Despite how strong they were they wouldn't be able to win when out numbered like that. "If that stupid oni had realized just how outnumbered she were she would have run by now." Linda said with a sigh as she floated down towards her two demons. She then saw a spear of tentacles rushing at the oni. Linda didn't even lift a finger and a single yet extremely durable rabbit plushie appeared and blocked attack. "Nuh-uh. That's enough, you guys gotta start thinking plans to separate them from each other before you attack. Or atleast corrupt them first." Linda said with a sigh. Her body was surrounded by flame as well showing she was a bit annoyed by this display.

The immense power that Linda was giving off could be felt by any magical girl in the area now as Linda had stopped trying to hide it now. "We need to have a talk. Both of you." Linda said and before the demons could say a word portal appeared behind each of them. The portal was actually leading to a casino, one owned by a certain other demon whom had tried to challenge her before. She figured it was good of a place as any to meet up instead of going all the way back to the demon world.

"Go on, I'll meet you there in a bit. I have something I need to take care of before I go." Linda said before turning towards the girl whom had fired the tentacle spear. "Your an interesting one aren't you? I've never seen a magical girl that could do that. I'm Linda by the way, Demon Lord." Linda said looking at the girl right in the eyes. "Tell me, have you ever considered becoming a demon? We could sure use someone like you!" Linda said smiling to the girl and holding out her hand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The air between the Demon Lord and Nya shimmered, then solidified into clear hexagonal plates. Naomi stood up, putting an arm in front of the girl protectively.

"You keep your hands away from her, Filth." She spat, putting all her focus into her barrier. She somehow knew it wasn't enough if this demon really wanted to get to them, but she was prepared to do anything it took to delay her.

I won't let her get taken. Not again... Naomi thought, some part of her realizing that this behavior was a little unstable. Her sister had died four years ago, and this girl only had a passing resemblance to her, but...

Naomi steeled herself, ready to do whatever she had to to keep this girl safe. She couldn't take losing someone else.


Chu nodded, burying her face in Alistor's pantleg. Battles brought up memories that she didn't want to think on, streets red with fresh blood, a clawed hand around her neck, pulling her away from the cold arms of her parents. Chu started to shake, tears leaking from her eyes as she tried to hold herself back from crying in fear.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Then everything changed and the Demon Lord interfered. Francesca groaned and stopped trying to grab the girl, completely missing the fact that the Demon Lord had just saved her butt. She took a step back toward the portal and her eyes took in the girl's sword briefly. "I'll be sure to take that sword of yours next time, looks valuable."

Well, she was not about to disobey the Demon Lord, so without further adue, she stepped through the portal and arrived in the casino. As soon as she realized where she was her eyes sparkled with excitement. "Oh, oh! So much stuff! So much money! Ahh I wish it were all mine!" Like a giddy girl on Christmas she looked around everywhere, drinking in the sound of coins clinking and machines whirling. It would be so easy to take it all, if it weren't for the fact that a certain demon operated the casino.

She was greedy not suicidal.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kusanagifire
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Terra Breaker

The punch didn't throw the oni as far as she thought it would, with the oni having time to wrap her arms around Terra. The oni was stronger than she thought. It was all for naught however, there were other magical girls there just dying to take its head off, even if she was stuck in this stupid brute's arms.

As expected someone threw a spear at the oni, though the strange rabbit doll that appeared out of nowhere was highly unexpected. It was akin to waking up to get a glass of water and suddenly finding yourself having breakfast with two velociraptor. And one of them was speaking English with a heavy British accent.

A powerful aura was permeating the air... power so oppressive that even the most inexperienced magical girl would be able to feel it. A demon of almost imaginable might was here. That.. thing was the one who blocked that attack. Even the usually brash and idiotic oni was retreating as it appears, leaving Terra there as it escaped through a portal. That demon lord certainly didn't look like one, but from the aura it was exuding and the brief display of power just now, it would be miles ahead of the oni.

Terra grabbed her sword, as if to draw it and finally use her magic. But... that scene, that memory came again to her mind, the familiar feel of the worn cloth around the old hilt bringing back memories of her old friend. That unfamiliar sight of her friend crying, the warmth of her blood oh her hands, and her relieved expression as she finally promised.

She closed her eyes for a moment, letting go of her sword, sheathed still in the scabbard.

This was a chance she, or any of the magical people who had fought against these demons, could not pass up. A demon lord was before them, in the flesh and out in the open. What sane person would not kill the very source of the demon plague right then and there? What sane person would let this abomination walk free and unscathed? What sane person would tolerate this heresy upon this earth? Even if the demon lord was stronger than any of the demons they have faced so far, they had no excuse not to try taking it down now.

Terra flew upwards, level to the demon lord.

"Oi." She swung at the demon lord's head. " We're not interested."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 12 mos ago


Hyestia watched as the oni took the punch like it didn’t hurt the impact sound of the blow echoed, this proved that this magical girl wasn’t the average little one, this magical girl was quite strong. The snake demon shifted around in the shadows observing as this fight dragged on and it seemed that greed had won the day by taking the punch and going for the all physical demonic death hug, although her eyes were closed Hissy could ‘sense’ a spear making a direct b-line to Greed’s head only to be blocked by a stuffed animal. The demon lord made herself known with an aura so intoxicatingly strong she wanted to leave as soon as she could but forced herself to stick around while greed made her little exit. The nature of the spear is what interested her more so than the face she almost sniped a strong demon, turning her attention to Nya.

“Hmm the Earth child can’t resist a challenge it seems” she thought to herself moving away from the scene herself just as the Lord had engaged the young one who played with things far bigger than herself, only to be protected by another child whose shield wrapped around in a protective like fashion This one is protective of others…I wonder what she means by ‘not again’ hmm could be loss of a loved one?” She asked herself. There were other girls here but none showed themselves like these did though there was one in particular whose eyes darted about showing that her rim cycle was off or maybe something more…. inner conflict?

While Hissy toiled away trying to decode the inner workings of these magical girls Terra launched an attack on Linda. Snapping her fingers a massive magical circle appeared at the Lord’s side; when Terra attempted to make contact with the lady’s head all she struck was the very durable dome of a hydras head. The attack bounced off and but the snake didn’t seem to care to much for being punched and lunged at the little one its mouth easily large enough to swallow a school bus without a problem however, when it went to bite down it was stopped by a bubble shield. Once its powerful jaws slammed down on the bubble it popped and resulting explosion caused the snake to jump back and retreat back beyond the portal vanishing as quickly as it came, leaving Terra unharmed and unmoved.

“Poor baby” Hissy commented

Nelly flew directly behind her comrade in arms to check on her as she was the one who made the shield “Are you alright?” Nelly asked “Bet we don’t get thanked and in usual tsundere fashion she says I don’t need your help f-fool” Sayrn thought, “Saryn, no one does that” Nelly responded panting bleeding just above her left eye from having taken the damage from the snake destroying her bubble.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Azaria Blue
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Azaria Blue The Best

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Just as Tali was growing bored of swatting at the little demon birds they seemed to disappear. It seemed like they were being drawn to something. She flipped over and examined them from the ground. The girls that were fighting these birds earlier seemed to be fighting powerful beings - that much she could sense. She slinked behind a building and scaled up the bricks to the roof. She joined some of her feral brethren and peeked over the edge. She now realised that the area around was manned by a thickening amount of cats. She hoped the humans wouldn't notice.

From her new vantage point, Tali could see two girls gathering. She stared as one seemed to freeze, then the other ran over. She crouched down and lifted her ears to tap in on their conversation. If they were well aware of their surroundings, they would surely feel eyes on them. As the girl reach down to the one on the ground Tali stalked the building's edge. She did not know if they were friend or foe just yet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 4 days ago

@Cuccoruler@Azaria Blue@Noxx@Kusanagifire
Nya gulped and swallowed. Things definitely had gone very south. Her attempt at sniping the oni had been unsuccessful, and now in her zeal, she had drawn something orders of magnitudes worse than she initially thought. The oni demon had retreated, but she had drawn a demon lord and some sort of snakelike demon to the group of magical girls. It could well be the end of this group. She had to do something.

At leas that demon lord was polite, and was only interested in her. She eyed her companions, some of which had chosen to stand by and fight. Also why the hell were so many cats around? Nonono. She needed to focus on the task at hand. Responsabilities had to be taken.

"It's okay... you all should leave. Fight another day." Nya whispered. Her first outing and she was knee deep in a life-or-death situation. And her actions would be the key to solve it.

"I'm Nya Pawns." She added, answered to the demon lord. "Nice to make you acquaintance, your grace...is that the proper title? My demon etiquette is nonexistant."

Everything be damned, I have to help everyone. I have to toss that dreaded coin so soon. Her eyes went to her feet for a couple of seconds, before clasping the Demon Lord's hand. "A demon huh...no, I never thought of it... because..." She fidgetted once more.

"Well, nevermind...it's quicker if your grace...actually...finds...out." Nya gulped, as she directed Lina's hand towards her forehead."Although, your grace might not...like the result."

Not one bit. All glory to the Black Pharaoh, the Crawling Chaos.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kusanagifire
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Terra Breaker


A snake appeared out of nowhere, blocking her first strike against that Demon Lord. Mouth wide open, it moved as if to snap at her. She would have likely tried to punch into its mouth, and blew her magic inside once it bit down onto her arm, but for the shield that appeared, protecting her from harm. Exploding, it sent the snake scurrying away. Terra flew slowly away from the Demon Lord, now that her first strike had been in vain. What was the others doing!? The Demon Lord was right there, they should either be running for their lives or trying to take it down immediately.

“Are you alright?” A voice spoke, seemingly full of concern.

It was one of the others, the one with an odd pair of wings,flying out to her with a worried look. She seemed injured as well, though Terra knew not why. Perhaps one of the birds winged her? It was almost immediately evident that she was the one who put up that shield, since no one else would just go up to her for no reason, especially when she made a point of fighting alone. Almost instinctively Terra put herself in front of the girl, ready to defend both of them should the Demon Lord retaliate. Someone like this....

"You should run."

She can't really hear anything Nya was whispering, not up here and certainly not when her blood was just boiling at the sight of that Demon Lord. But she can hear what Nya was saying normally, and she can see what Nya was doing.

And what she was doing, was betraying them.

Willingly going over to a Demon Lord and being her pawn? For what purpose? For some personal agenda? Power? Lust for revenge? Unforgivable. This was worse than simply being a cherry girl or some clueless magical girl who thinks this was all fun and games, this was betrayal at its worst, betraying their own kind for another. Perhaps it was some sort of gambit on the girl's part, but one can never be too safe, for corruption can pop up anytime. Especially after being in such close proximity to a Demon Lord, she'd imagine.

"You... should run."

She repeated those words again to the girl behind her, this time with a bit more urgency to her voice. If that girl turns to a demon, there would be three strong demons in one place, and another that might come back. Terra wasn't sure if they could handle 4 high leveled demons, especially when one of them was a Demon Lord.

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