Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

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"OH GOD!" Avary yelled, running away from the golem chasing him and the other students. Luckily he was one of the 13 successful summoners, so he'd get some respect from students, hut not from teachers. 10 miles, this gym teacher is nuts!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Avarius opened his blurry eyes to the bright light of the treating room. Nearby he could hear the nasally voice of a young boy complaining about a failed summon while the feet of a busy nurse scuffled around him.

Despite all the noise being a burden to his aching head, Avarius wore a wide smile as he lay on his back staring aimlessly at the ceiling.
He had finally summoned, and it was great! He focused on those brief memories he shared and replayed his conversation over and over again in his head.
He recapped the length and feeling of the summon and would use it for future warning.

'You can not know your limits until you push yourself past them.'

He wouldn't be in a rush to do that again, he thought to himself. As he lay there daydreaming Avey overheard bits and pieces of the students complaint filled excuses and the nurses gentle assuring rebuttals. One thing was for sure though, he was going to miss second class, and so was Avarius if he didn't hurry.

Normally he wouldn't mind, Avey didn't like to rush or be rushed. But this was different, this was summoning class and he didn't want to miss a single thing.
Leaping out of the bed Abey raced out into a hall way, "shit" he curses softly to himself, he had no idea where he was.

After a little bit of back tracking and running around he found the rest of his class on the oval. A golem appeared to be chasing the students around while an older man, presumably the teacher, beat on a student...
Avey's body tensed as his first interpretation was an attack. But as it played out he saw it for what it was, his shoulders relaxed as his heart sunk further. To Avey this was almost worse.

'And some of you will do terrible things.' The old summoner's words repeated once again in Avey's head.
'Is this how it begins?' he questions himself as he takes a seat crossing his legs beneath him and watches the golem, his eyes search the creature for recognition, empathy or enjoyment. As he studied it he sought to understand the nature of the summon.

He didn't care as much for the nature of their teacher. Looking at that man made Avey's teeth grind, his hands clenched into tight fists as he instinctually was prepared to step in should he deem it to have gone too far. A moment later, with a deep breath he found his zen and relaxed.

Avarius would sit calmly in place until his class came running by and then join them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 16 days ago

@Polaris North
As Lazzerus kept running taking long steps he looked to his side seeing a student with a rather fearful look on his face. Lazzerus stared at him for about 10 seconds then turned his head forward. "Vincent Validosta..." he said under breath, Lazzerus had taken mental notes on all of his peers who successfully completed their summoning ritual. Lazzerus turned around again and got another good look. Lazzerus knew the look of fear like the back of his hand, it was all over the faces of the citizens in Zano. Lazzerus turned his head straight for the last time and kept running.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 21 days ago

I'd pant as I struggled to keep up with the top of the group, in my head I'd be shouting out my familiars name, though id get no response of course. Even if I did summon him what could a small reptile do against a massive golem? In between my racing thoughts id call out to a god, any god, in addition to my familiar, then following family members, and then eventually anyone in general, to save me. My feet were burning, my breathe lost, and fear stronger then ever. My body wanted to stop and give up but I refused to surrender and be trampled on by the massive summon giving chase. I'd finally realize that I could only help myself, no miracle was going to save me from this hell. Whatever motivation I gained was enough to give me a boost that drove me ahead of most of the students, my vision blurring from exhaustion.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Vincent managed to still keep his pace but he was struggling. Ten miles was very long and he didn't know how much they could actually do until someone falls down and gets trampled or fake-trampled under the golem's weight. He really thought that there was a better way to do this like starting with five miles first before heading over to ten. They had the potential to become summoners, and most of them was successful in the summoning process, but that didn't mean they could run a marathon right off the bat. And it wasn't like a marathon where you could slow down to a jog or walk once in a while to catch your breath. No, it was a full-out sprint! But the golem was moving in a speed where they could rest for a while with a jog but then they'd have to go back to running.

Then some student seemed to have thought that attacking the golem was actually a good idea. He managed to look at the student as he launched himself at the golem. Before he could actually touch the golem, Koga had already appeared in front of him and stopped his attack mid-way. Koga then grabbed the student's, Dante Vincent recalled, hair and then dragged him somewhere where they couldn't see after instructing everyone else to keep running. He could just imagine what they were doing. After all, Ms. Oni told them specifically not to piss him off. And now, he learned to fear this 'very open punishment system' of the school. It seemed that the teachers can go to extremes just to teach one student not to cross the line. And they were probably physical.

He shook his head and looked back in front of him. He would probably lag behind if he kept staring back. That didn't seem like an option. He took deep breaths again. It didn't work quite as well as before but oh well. He wasn't the most physically fit person around anyway. He wondered what would happen should he stumble and fall. He was really curious right now but he knew it wasn't an option. Not now at least.

His eyes trailed to one of the students beside him. Lazzerus was his name he thought. That person stared at him for a good 10 seconds before looking back ahead and then muttering something under his breath that Vincent couldn't hear either because of the thumping of feet on the ground, the ragged breaths of everyone else or the thumping of his heart against his ears. He decided not to inquire further. Talking would probably drain him.

Then someone dashed to the front of the group. It was Drake Sigurd. No, that wasn't right. Vincent didn't see him near the front of the groups where he was running with. He just pulled out from the back. That wasn't good. That seemed like a final outburst of power and energy and he would burn out quickly than any of them. He wanted to warn him, he truly did but he couldn't shout now. He would be a panting mess, stumbling around if he did as it would seep most of his energy. Well he just hoped that the guy wouldn't pass out from exhaustion or else someone was going to get in trouble.

Wait, if someone did pass out. Were they supposed to help or would they leave it to Koga? He'd rather not find out really.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Charles would be seen ahead of the pack pacing himself with what seemed to him like a light job, controlling his breathing as to not lose breath and get tired faster. Having been put around this place most of his life he picked up a thing or two, it's more than just stamina, it's about control over your breathing, control over most of your body, granted he wasn't perfect at it but he manages to keep a good pace.

The golem would seem to start slowing down some as if picking up on the student's exhaustion.

Koga would have returned to watch the pack, Dante no where in site.. he had been sent off to the medical room with a broken leg, which thanks to the medical staff and medical summoners, that would heal within 2 hours thus one reason why they have their policy.. but most of the students don't know this yet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 21 days ago

I didnt notice the golem slow down, in fact I was already far to ahead to even see it in detail, my vision was far to blurred to focus on anything else then what was in front of me, and exhaustion was getting the better of me. I was covered in sweat and panting like a dog. First I would trip over my own foot, stumbling a bit, which redirected and disortrd me further. Though I continued to move, not falling from the trip, id run head first into a tree to the fsr right, a bit off the course. The impact coupled with the exhaustion taking its toll caused me to pass out instantly, and id fall on my back beneath the shade of the tree.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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When the timing was right Avarius took the opportunity and slipped amongst a cluster of his passing class mates, still running along with the golem trailing close behind.
Avarius was highly active and therefore quite fit, he easily held his position in the middle of the pack.

1 mile in and others were beginning to show fatigue.

"So, what did that guy do to get the special treatment?" Avarius casually asked the group around him with a slight nod in the direction towards the teacher and student. Still holding his pace he was talking to no one in particular and welcomed an answer from anyone.
"Has the golem caught anyone yet?"
By the look in his eyes, no good was running through his head.


A while later, long after sweat had began rolling down his face, Avarius knew they wouldn't all make it. Having entered the race late he still had a fair bit of run in himself, but he was curious about the cost of failure. Someone would soon find out and undoubtably the race would be over.
He didn't want their second hand information or fear filled recap. He wanted to see if the golem hesitated, if it slowed, if it smiled. He wanted to see what sort of creature bound itself with his teacher.
Sometimes learning was painful.

He was not here to impress anyone and saw no gain in winning this race, someone was going to meet the golem soon so why not him.
He slows.
Smiles to those that pass.
Stands still, tall, and turns to face the rampaging beast.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Lazzerus felt alright for the first mile pacing himself, he had plenty of energy. Though the other students couldn't say the same they look half dead, in a exercise like this it's all about proper technique. If you run to fast you'll lose all your breath but if you go to slow you won't get any benefit. Sweat starting trickling down Lazzerus's face. They kept on going around the school. He looked back as he saw another boy stop, turn around, and look at the golem. Lazzerus's started for about 10 seconds and then turned around to focus on pacing himself. The boy knew what he wanted to do and Lazzerus could careless. Lazzerus began slowing his leg movement but taking wider steps to conserve energy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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@Polaris North @Framing A Moose @Blueflame @Overlord24 @pkken @Drakeonis @Dark Light @dragonmancer @tathgon
The golem would look at Avarius confused considering the golem had already slowed down sense the students was losing their breath, it would seem to look back towards Koga who would just nod, the golem would look back to avarius, stop bring it's hand up and literally flick Avarius out of the way, most likely giving him few bruses and possible a broken bone. he would fly straight into the claws of some kind of clockwork bird golem, who would instantly fly him off towards the medical room, as the original golem starts back on chasing.

Now with two students in the medical room things was probably looking dark for the other students, the golem would continue chasing them, it would be at close to the 2nd lap mark that the first student would collapse.. and the golem would stop before he stepped on the student and Koga would blow a whistle "Everyone File in, that's enough running for today" he states as the students stopped running probably tried to catch their breaths before moving towards Koga.

Koga would shake his head "pitiful... the average summoner student can run half of that on the first day.. you all didn't even complete two entire laps" he states as his golem moves next to him, he'd tap the golem's arm "This big guy here is called Reginald, from this point of his going to be your running buddy" he states "Just like today he'll chase you, this doesn't mean he'll stop for idiots like one student we had" he states "he'll give you breathing room only where he sees fit, and he'll punish any student who simply stops running without it being from entire exhaustion" he states "believe me he can tell" he shakes his head "Now we are going to work on channel summoning, I want all of you to sit down in a meditation position, and start meditation, try to connect to your summon on the other side to communicate with it" he tells all of them "Once you can do this we'll go to the next step" Koga pops his neck "eventually you'll be able to do this without needing to take the slow procedures like this but until then we go step, by step" he tells the.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Vincent's breath had began to be erratic and his legs began to burn. The dark silver haired boy wasn't going to give up easily though. He could still go on and if he couldn't then he had 'ol trusty adrenaline to do that for him. But it can only do him so much. His pacing and breathing was fine. His main problem was stamina. He had garnered enough stamina to last 10 normal laps but 10 laps, 1 mile each was ridiculous. He was a librarian before this after all. He felt pathetic really but what could he do now? He could train in the future but for now, he shouldn't wallow in self-pity.

It wasn't long until another one stopped. It was that guy that did some sort of interpretative dance when he attempted to summon a creature. Wasn't that guy in the clinic? And when did he join the running group? Well it didn't matter. He was soon flicked and was sent flying to another golem bird that sent him to someplace Vincent didn't know. It was then that he noticed that the golem had considerably slowed. Vincent knew he shouldn't find this as a point of rest for his tired legs so he faced straight and started to run once more.

He could see Charles at the head of the group. The guy had it all, as to be expected from the grandson of the headmaster. He had stamina, pacing and breathing control. Just like Lazzerus, that guy who was beside him. There were only few who realized that they had to keep good pacing and to control their breathing. Vincent was proud to say that he was one of them but sadly didn't have the stamina to back up his knowledge.

It wasn't long until the guy named Drake Sigurd had seemed to trip but he was still alright and kept on running. And run he did, face-first into a tree though. Vincent winced at that. That should've hurt him and that was evident since he passed out, along with exhaustion, that was understandable. Poor guy. It was then that they were signalled to stop and the golem stopped before it could step on Drake.

Unlike the others, he headed to Koga first before he tried to catch his breath. He placed both hands on his hips and then began taking deep breaths. His legs were threatening to give way under him. It shook in exhaustion and when he was done taking deep breaths, he let his arms fall to his side. He then looked back at Koga and then he introduced the golem and told them what they should do next. However, before he went into a meditation position, he looked up at the golem. He had a newfound respect for the giant. "It's nice to meet you Reginald. I look forward to training under your and Mr. Koga's supervision."

With that done, he then sat down, practically collapsing at that. He eased himself into a meditation pose and then started to meditate. He calmed himself and let all wary thoughts disappear from his mind. His concentration fully on meditating and connecting with his summon in the other dimension. It wasn't long until he heard Skelly's laughter. "What's up partner? I feel that you're tired, out of breath! You alright?" The skeletal dragon's voice was happy and full of mirth. It was like he was just talking with another spirit like it was nothing.

"Running two miles while being chased by a golem does that." Vincent replied and the two shared a telepathic laugh. Vincent was truly happy with Skelly but somehow, he knew that Skelly was just putting up a front right now. It was like he was hiding something for now, from him, and it had something to do with the real him. The one who was lost within mountains of masks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

Member Seen 11 days ago

When the teacher said they could stop, Avary practically fell over in relief, and exhaustion, mostly exhaustion. When he told them to go into a meditation position Avary gladly complied and visualized his little ice wolf, and the adorable sounds of the little pups barking sounded from behind him.
"Hey buddy," Avary said mentally to his familiar, "Wish you were here to cool me off."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Lazzerus was going strong going at a slower pace then Charles to keep up. Sure Lazzerus was in shape but not for 10 miles of running. When Koga called all the students back he was relieved, after being introduced to the rock golem Reginald they were going to begin summoning the channeled forms of their summons. Lazzerus sat and meditated coming in contact with his summons, "Hello Lazzerus, how are you feeling" Rajin said telepathically. "....I'm fine...just a little tired" Lazzerus replied. ""how...how are you feeling" Lazzerus asked. "I am well thank you for asking" it feel into awkward silence, Lazzerus didn't know what to say he just sat there
meditating. "you don't speak much huh" Rajin said. "..yeah".!"I know your past Lazzerus, don't worry I know you not comfortable with making friends but I am gonna be around for your entire life so don't be afraid to communicate with me". Lazzerus paused, he knew that Rajin was right, they are combined as one until death do them part. ""alright Rajin, ill..open up a bit to you. Lazzerus replied.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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When no one replied to his questions he was quite disappointed.
Avarius would have had no trouble with the ten miles, should he have stayed on course. Back at his homestead on the farmland the nearest thing resembling a shop was just over six miles away and he could, and often would make it there in under two hours, especially when he was excited.

His families naturalist lifestyle and ideals meant he was never close to anything and quickly got used to long walks and runs. Another thing he got used to was daily meditation. Avarius was so adept at clearing his mind he did it frequent and often.
Even as he stood still before the charging golem he found a still calmness in meditation that avoided his body from being overcome by instinct and fear.

'Are there evil summons or just evil summoner's?' was the thought running through Avarius's mind.

'This is not how you find out!' replied the concerned voice of Iju.

Avey was startled by the voice but at the same time slightly relieved as the golem came upon him and hesitated. He saw the confusion on its face.

'see Iju, I'm ok. I will not allow myself to be coerced into'
his conversation fell short as the golem got its confirmation and Avarius was suddenly struck by heavy solid stone.

Pain radiated through his body, layers of shock diluted and numbed most of it. His ears rung as the world was spinning and fading away, he felt like he was flying.
Next he would awaken in the med bay once again. Unaware of how much time had passed. Mass bruising covering most of his right side. A broken collar bone and a perforated ear drum.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Dark Light @Blueflame

As Avarius has been to before the medical room would see to have a couple of students in it including Dante, Avarius would notice what looked like a young girl in a nurse outfit holding Dante's hand as his bruises was vanishing from sight, his broken bone slipping back into proper position and mending rapidly. Avarius would then notice a similar girl at each one of the beds with other students from other classes, though each one was slightly different in appearance.. there was even one next to him holding his hand as his injuries was vanishing as if they never happened. A man would be sitting on a stool near front of the room reading a magazine wearing a doctor's labcoat he would seem to be just relaxing and seeming to just trying to find a way to pass the time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 21 days ago

I would slowly rise to my feet, groaning and holding my head. I was disoriented and had no idea how long I was out, but it seems I at least was out long enough to stop panting from exhaustion. I looked to the rest of the class and the golem that had stopped, seeing as it was close to crushing me had it didn't. I would slowly move back a bit frightened.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Avarius was in slight awe at the magic he just witnessed, of course stories had been told of it but he always imagined them to be over exaggerations. But there it was, undeniably, in all it's glory, right in front of him. It took his mind away from the terrible pain radiating through his body.
Amazed at the speed and proficiency of the magic, and at the ease in which the nurses performed it, Avey failed to notice a nurse approach him from the side and slip the smooth gentle warm skin of her hand delicately around his.

Startled by her touch he jumped slightly in his bed, this was followed by a yelp of pain as his body disagreed with the motion.
With gritted teeth and blushing red cheeks he looked at the cute young girl beside him as she started to do her thing. There was a soft tingling in his hand that slowly spread up his arm and throughout his body. He felt slightly dizzy and elated at the same time as a numbness washed away his pain just before his bruises vanished from his skin and his bones mended back in place.

It should have been painful, it wasn't, but it still sounded and looked horrifying.

A sweet taste filled his mouth and he could feel the experience coming to an end. As the girl released his hand a huge breath escaped his lungs along with all the sensations her touch had brought. He was left with but a dull ache in place of the once excruciating pain.

He decided to quell the doctors boredom and his own curiosity with one strike.
"How do they do that? How can I learn to do that?" He asks with a fierce eager determination.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Dark Light
The man would lower his magazine and look towards Avarius with a raised brow "you could never do what they can do" he states "Because their not humans like us" he says as the one who was healing avarius walks away from him and back to the man's side, a halo would appear above the girls head as well as white beautiful wings sprout from her back. "These are angels, they have many holy related abilities including healing, they are also my summons" he states "it was why I was appointed the doctor of this entire academy" he says "I take it you noticed how fast you was being healed, this is why the school has it's open policy, we can fix pretty much anything the teachers break, so they are given full rein to put sense into the students by any means they desire" he states "Koga may go to the extreme sometimes, but even when he has to punish his still helping you" he states "think about it.. Muscles tear themselves apart when used, and reform when resting to become even stronger than before... some people purposely break their own knuckles against brick walls, allow it to heal and their bones become stronger for it" he states "Even if you are an idiot and don't follow his lesson, which is less painful and probably the better choice, you are still being prepared for the future"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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A shocked look steals his face as he focuses on the angel that just healed him.
"You, you're an angel!"
He exclaims excitedly, rubbing his eyes. He then proceeds to politely ask
"Whats your name?"

Avarius ponders for a moment then twists his gaze back to the man.
"Can anyone summon angels? Could you teach me to summon angels!? Pleeeeeeaaase!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Dark Light
The doctor would raise an eyebrow "don't you know it's incredibly impolite to ask a summon it's name if it's not making a contract with you?" he asks "and I can't simply teach you how to summon angels for multiple reasons" he states "One being it's not yet time for you to learn anything besides the one elemental summon you have probably already obtained by now, and two what you summon afterwards when your allowed is determined on what you plan to specialize in" he states "what is your plan?" he asks
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