Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Kyle Hishamie
Age: 20
ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 6'2
Weight: 185 pounds
Eye color: light brown
Hair color: dark black
Appearance Picture(optional):
Powers: Kyle has the power of light. Kyle can bend the suns rays to make illusions, can create beams of light that act like lasers, and can use his light as a shield. Kyle cant use his powers in rapid succession, for fear of his light burning him alive. Also his powers are weaker at night when there isn't a full moon.
Bio: Kyle was born into a leadership family. His father, and his father before him, and his father before him, and so on and on were all leaders of the Obsidian tribe at some point in their lives. Leadership is a fickle thing, and at some point in time the Hishamie family lost leadership. They regained it a few generations ago, and have held on to it strongly ever since. kyle became the leader of this tribe two years ago, when his father died, due to a scavenge session gone wrong. He had sacrificed himself so that the others in his party could be saved. Kyle tried to rule with an open mind, heart, and hand. But he wasn't afraid to be tough if need be,
Personality: Kyle likes to be sassy and sarcastic, but also make funny one liners. Kyle tries to make light of everything, which sometimes worries his tribesmen. Kyle isn't one to be quicken to anger and jealousy.
Sexual Orientation(optional): Straight
Position in tribe: Leader

Name: Mabel Clementine
Age: 26
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5'6
Weight: 120 pounds
Eye color: Hazel brown
Hair color: Red
Powers: Mabel has the power of super sight. She can see clearly in the dark, through smoke, see clearly even when light is directly in her eyes, and when she wants to she has a form of X ray vision but she can see deeper than that. She can see a beings complete structure, right down the their molecules. This makes her line of work as a doctor extra easy. She can see clearly what is wrong with a person.
Bio: Mabel spent her whole life with another tribe. Recently though her tribe was wiped out, due to a super human named Hunter. But Hunter kept a few of her tribes people alive to do his bidding, including Mabel. Mabel was able to escape when Hunter left to torment the Obsidian tribe, and was able to hide on her own for a few days. She traveled, hearing rumors of how the Obsidian tribe survived Hunter. That was something to be noted, since no one survives Hunter. She had also heard that their Doctor was no longer functional. So Mabel headed towards the Obsidian tribe.
Personality. Mabel is very open and brazen and outgoing, knowing she looks amazing and her ability makes her irreplaceable. Mabel is not very subtle, but she most of the time has good, if not naughty, intentions.
Sexuality: Bi
Position in tribe: Doctor
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DarkStar
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DarkStar Linux / LIKE BOSS IT IS

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Elenor McCain
Age: 27
Ethnicity: Mixed
Height: 5"3
Weight: 115 pounds
Powers: Perfect recall, regenerative touch.
Limitations: Her perfect recall is an eidetic memory on steroids, it leads her to find it difficult to decern coincidence from reality and as such is suspicious of everything. Her regenerative touch impacts damage onto herself. This can even the load on very serious wounds but she has no control over it. Hence the gloves.
Bio: Her mother and father died in their fifties from long-term radiation exposure. They were very eagre to expose their daughter to any captured knowledge they could find. That included among things, medical books, data and research papers. The problem being is that the best source of these led them to more radioactive zones. They traveled for a long time before she ended up with the tribe. They had actually died on the way. They never found the peace in stability. Either way, she knew that some new genetic material couldn't be a bad thing for the tribe and as usual used cold hard logic to ensure her acceptance.
Personality: Short and to the point, she is easily amused and finds joy in stranger things. What makes sense to her doesn't need to make sense to anyone else so long as she is right.
Sexual Orientation: N/A
Position in the tribe: Doctor/Aggrandised scientist.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Alenxadra ( no family name known )
Age: 20
ethnicity: Romanian
Height: 1 m and 80 cm
Weight: 56
Eye color: Red
Hair color: Red ( she is a redhead )
Appearance Picture(optional):
Powers: Teleportation. She can only teleport to places she visited before. Also can carry only maximum 2 people with her. After every long-distance teleportation she gets dizzy ( the longer the teleportation , the heavier the dizzy. If the distance is too long , she will fall into a coma ). She can also teleport objects that she sees over smaller distances. Anything that she doesn't touch is harder for her to teleport and comes with a headache.
Bio: Alexandra was abandoned when she was 10 and lived ever since alone. Her life was hard but with her power she soon learned that she could hide anywhere she wanted if she was ready to face " dizziness and headaches ". She never knew her real family and was raised by and old scavanger that one day left to get food and never returned. She joined the Obsidian tribe when she was 19 and ever since tried to win their trust but because she doesn't talk about her past , people tend to consider her "suspicious" or " a spy ".
Personality: She is a cold woman. 10 years "on the street" takes out anything good out of a person. She is never stays in a place long and is used to moving from place to place. She has a "hidden" more friendly personality hidden behind all that " I don't care about anything" stuff.

Edit : Over the past few weeks Alexandra became more compassionate and started to trust the tribe. She is no longer afraid of Hunter. She knows the tribe will be there to protect her ( and themselves ).

Sexual Orientation: Doesn't have an opinion. Anything goes.
Position in tribe:Scavenger
Council Member

And ignore the red stuff in the picture ( besides the eyes. They are good ) :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Nickname: often kit or fox


Height: 5 foot 9

Weight: 175

Eye color: Hazel

Hair color: a copper red


Tokala has olive toned skin with black on his arms up to his elbows and legs up to his knees. He has lean muscle giving him a medium build. He has the ears and tail of a red fox with traditional markings of red white and black. The red of his fur is a more brunt orange with his hair being darker. He has sharpened canines and in place of fingernails are claws. His tail reaches the back of his knees and is medium fluffiness.

-enhanced senses: hearing, sight, and smell are enhanced. More so then a human. Is about equal to a red fox. He also has a slight night vision capability.
-strength: he's slightly stronger then the average human. Partly because of working out partly because of what he is. (Can move this to powers section)
-Stealth: able to be sneaky...soft footed. He would make an excellent thief.
**these are all 'racial abilities and not really what I feel are powers**

-Radiation tolerance: he is able to handle radiation a bit better then the average human. Does not mean he can skip around in it indefinitely...that would kill him.

Tokala does not remember his parents. They died when he was around 1 years old. He ended up being found and taken in by scavengers from a small tribe by the name of Phoenix. At the time he was thought to be adorable and maybe an asset due to his 'quirks'. He was treated much differently because of his looks. The scavengers taught him how to do some things, but he was naturally gifted at scavenging. He became known for stealing from other various tribes eventually going on his own since he felt like an outcast anyway. He came across the obsidian tribe and found himself joining them instead of stealing. He joined recently.

He is mostly sarcastic and sly. His fox traits showing his personality like a beacon. However, he has his serious and quiet moments fleeting as they may be.

Sexual orientation:
Bi sexual.

Position in tribe:
he mostly helps with whatever is needed, but is the best at scavenging and guarding.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ruyn (Rue-in) L'ange





Eye color

Hair color
Dark brown

Shape and vocal change
-Ruyn can change into animal forms and the forms of other people.
-He prefers to shift into feline, canine, and horse forms when changing into an animal.
-When he takes on the appearance of someone else, he usually uses it to get to places where his own form wouldn't be able to go.
-He can also mimic the sounds of animals and the voices of other people; His vocal chords change in order to do so.

-Changing his appearance and/or vocal chords is really tiring, so he usually carries something to eat in his pockets.
-It hurts him to change into animals because his bones actually snap, shorten and elongate.
-His voice is often really raspy and his throat sore if he mimics sounds and voices for longer than half an hour.
-He can't hold someone else's shape for longer than twenty minutes.
-The longest he can hold animal shape is an hour to an hour and a half.

Ruyn has been in his tribe ever since one of the members found him on the streets as a toddler. His mother could barely support herself, so she had placed him where she knew the tribe would find him. He's had a fairly good life growing up. He didn't discover his powers until he was ten, and it took him until he was sixteen to discover them all. A few weeks ago, though he got stuck between his human shape and the shape of a wolf, and it took him four pain filled hours to switch back. By that time, he had a bloody nose, a major headache and could barely walk to the infirmary. He has had a few episodes like that before and it's always full of pain and terror. As a result, he's sometimes wary of using his powers. When he showed how good he was at protecting the scavenging/hunting parties by using his shifting abilities, he said okay. Also, he'd always felt like he need to prove himself some way.

Quiet ~ Soft-spoken ~ Hard to anger ~ Empathetic
Ruyn prefers to keep to himself, but when he is hanging with friends, he's quick to smile at jokes. He is very protective of his tribe members, and dislikes internal conflict.

Sexual Orientation(optional)

Position in tribe
Council member, basically Kyle's right-hand man.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Ranna Dasonne
Age: 21
ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs
Eye color: light blue
Hair color: blondish
Appearance Picture:
Powers: Invisible force field projection (which bestows the ability to generate protective invisible shields and invisible energy constructs as well as the power to control and manipulate objects)
Weakness:Ranna can only hold her forcefields up for so long before they will start to take a toll on her. She will weaken and pass out if she tries to do too much for too long. She can only move constructs she has made with her mind.
BIO: Ranna grew up on the other side of the planet and has been on her own for quite some time. She wears metal claws on her hands. They are more to intimidate than to use. Ranna was the daughter of a leader in her original group. When they were attacked by a rival tribe she was hidden and when she came out to help her family was already gone. She has been running ever since.
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Position in tribe: unstated

Name: Zach
Age: 25
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 185
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: black
Powers: electricity
Personality: Very observant. Can be manipulative if he needs to be. Is from Ranna's past.
Sexuality: straight
Position in tribe: Ranna's bodyguard
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Boss Character

Name: Hunter
Age: 125
ethnicity: he was Russian once.
Height: 2m
Weight: 90
Eye color: Gray
Hair color: None
Appearance :
Powers: He has the power to absorb the powers of anyone he kills.
Known powers until now : Regeneration
Sonic Scream
Vibrational Powers ( he can make stuff vibrate. If the frequency is good , it can kill , disintegrate etc )
Fire Manipulation ( generate and control fire )
No aging ability
Telepathy ( call talk into someone's mind or send images of anything a telepathic wants to )
All the powers come from people he killed.

Bio: Alexandra only knows that Hunter was born somewhere near the Ocean ( whatever that was ) but nothing more. She met him when she was 16 years old and she befriended him. After a while , she understood why he wanted her to accompany him. Hunter had the power to take the powers of anyone he kills and Alexandra was the next on his list. Teleportation was the last skill he needed to complete his arsenal of attack and defensive powers.
Sexual Orientation: Asexual ( he is not interested in anything )
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sorry for taking so long :D I made him, finally!

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Spades Slick
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Spades Slick User Reborn

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Removed from story, delegated to NPC role.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ailsa Leisy
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago



ethnicity: Well, she's not quite sure. A little bit of everything

Height: 5"2

Weight: 107 pounds

Eye color: Dark gray, like the sea on a stormy day

Hair color:


Niesha has control over shadows. She can manipulate them, create solid objects with them, and otherwise bend them to her will, but this doesn't work in darkness-Shadows being a thing of light, after all.

Niesha wandered into the tribe as a small child, with no memory of the years before. She didn't even know her name. It was clear that she had suffered abuse, and for a while she did not speak, as if afraid she would be hurt for doing so. Or maybe she just didn't know how.

As time went on however, the tribe's kindness settled her, and she began to speak.

She was still quite reserved, but she found a love of knowledge, gathering anything she could get her hands on and reading them. She seemed to find peace in words, that she rarely found in people.

Niesha is a rather reserved individual. She prefers to stay quite, and generally doesn't voice her opinion, as if afraid she might be attacked for it. Instead, she watches, and keeps her ideas to herself, silently going about her business.

She rarely smiles, and indeed seems to keep her emeotions to herself. She nevertheless has a reputation for being kind, hiding others secrets and being there for others.

Sexual Orientation:

Position in tribe:
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