Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Sunday 1900 hours

Kyle walked through the city streets, abandoned buildings on both sides of him. They were old and falling apart, with entire chucks missing out of some of the buildings. Moss and plants and vines covered some of the buildings obscuring the view inside of them. On the streets it was no better, with pre world relics laid to waste all around. Big metal constructs sat still and silent in the streets, too big and heavy to move by ones self. But quite a few of them had treasures hiding in wait for Kyle to find, some containing strange medicine, some containing pre world clothes, and some even containing reading matierals. It was how they had kept up with reading and writing in the Obsidian tribe. A long time ago there was a metal construct that contained books that were made to teach someone how to write and read, and the books were kept as Obsidian tribe treasures.

Kyle looked at both his companions that traveled with him. On his right he traveled with the female doctor known as Elenor. When They had first met, it was not a good start to their relationship. They had managed to get into a dispute over something trivial, and when Kyle had fell ill due to radiated food, Elenor refused to heal him. The other doctors tried to treat Kyle but he refused their help, stating tnhat he was going to get Elenor to heal him even if it was out of pure spite. Kyle wasn't sure honestly why he felt that way but he had set his mind of getting Elenor to fix him and that's that. Kyle followed her around for two days, getting more sick and puking, and generally being miserable. Elenor had finally given in to Kyles want when he passed out in a pool of his own vomit on the second day. Kyle did not know about the draw back on her powers and when he found after she healed him, Kyle felt so bad about it he decided he would help make Elenors life as easy as he could make it when he became leader. When Kyles father had passed he tried to make Elenor live in the life of luxury, no job, decent room, plenty of food and water, but Elenor refused. She stated she would rather work than receive his charity. While Kyle had felt a friendship between them it seemed Elenor never really showed it.

On Kyles left was Alexandra, and Kyle could barely stop himself from looking in her direction every five seconds. Kyle had Met Alexandria A year ago, and he has been trying to figure her out ever since. She was quite cold, but Kyle has seen her act quite contradictory to her personality before. She gave off such a cold front but Kyle knew she was than meets the eye. He knew she lived on her own for a long time before joining his tribe, and he remembers the day she joined. Kyle had been out on a hunt, trying to kill a mutated dog pack that had been hounding his tribe for several weeks. Kyle was with half a dozen hunters with him, and they all would have died if it wasn't for Alexandra. The dog pack they had seen was much larger and ferocious then they had anticpated, and they got the drop on their hunting party. Alexandra had appeared in a red blur to Kyle, but it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Her red hair flowing freely, she appeared in the middle of his group and took out a dog that would have hit Kyle from behind. That gave Kyle the boost he needed to rally his hunters and kill off all the dogs. After that he had insisted She come back with them for tend to her wounds. One thing led to another, conversations were had, and in the end Alexandra decided to stay. She was mostly introverted, never really talked much about her past, but she had a way about her. Kyle couldn't describe it but he felt something for her. He was sure why.

Kyle heard a noise and signaled for his group to stop. Kyle had only taken the two of them with him because he decided that they needed a little friends excursion, also he had gathered intel that there was a building a few miles into the city labeled "Pharmacy" and it held many great treasures. It had been left abandoned and untouched, for it was basically out of view, hidden behind a large amount of buildings and homes. Kyle was the first leader in generations to really go out and explore. His father and his fathers father both believed they ahd enough with their clean water supply in the river that ran through the tribes home (apartment complex) and they grew enough crops every year to last in the crop field to the left of their home. Kyle also knew that it was in a part of the city that was home to dangerous rodent type mutants, so a small party was needed in Kyles eyes.

"Alright guys, lets stay close. I believe that was a false alarm but lets stay sharp. I really really really realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly do not want to die today. I left my room a mess and if I don't clean it before I die I will come back alive and die of embarrassment,"Kyle whispered to his group, smiling and trying to make them laugh.

Kyle look around and did not spot any single living creatures. Kyle motioned forward and they set out, only two blocks away from their destination.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sunday 1900 hours

Alexandra was outside the tribe's home. She knew this is the place she had to be , not inside those walls. All those walls were too much for her. Living outside for so long and with her powers , she didn't needed to worry about any wild animals. She could always teleport to a safer place , only a few meters away and then again a few meters away and so on 'till she escaped the animal that didn't mean she enjoyed doing that , it always caused her dizzyness and it was hard running with a dizzy head so when she couldn't escape she chose to fight.

Always going behind , to the left , to the right anywhere where the enemy didn't expect then she teleported 4/6 meters in the air with the enemy and dropped them , all while she teleported back to the ground.

She was with the tribe's leader , Kyle. Even thought they were roughly the same age , she knew they lived different lives. One would receive protection from the tribe plus food and warm cloths , the other would have to hunt , pray to not be cold and occasionally steal from other people that were too careless with their belongings. She saw him look at her "funny" more than once but she didn't cared , not at first. When the stares continued , she even threatened to teleport him in a den full of HellHounds but Kyle didn't mind ( or if he did , she didn't noticed nor care ).
Alexandra didn't actually know why she saved him and those hunters a year ago. It just happened. She had to do it. It was not a big thing for her , just a little teleportation and that was it. Still she was injured and it was better to use their medical supplies than hers. Then she remained with the tribe , it was a safe place to sleep and she could eat without having to hunt for her food.

Still...she never fully integrated with the tribe so she was often seen outside the building than inside it. Always searching for things of the Old World. The old scavenger that took her in , taught her how to read and write and after he left her , she started gathering and sometimes repairing all the old world stuff she could find. There were not many things she could repair but she did found something that a small pendant with the letters " ILU " engraved into it. She didn't knew what that could mean but she holds it around her neck all the time as a good luck charm.

Someone else was with them too. A woman. She didn't asked her name and she didn't gave it. Alexandra only knew the she was the doctor of the tribe. Not that she needed a doctor for small stuff , living on the street for so much time , she knew basic medicine ( stitching wounds and those stuff ) and she knew where the radio pockets where so she knew to avoid them if she can or teleport fast enough that the radiation doesn't affect her. They never talked if she recalls correctly. She didn't talk with most of the tribe or anyone that didn't started talking to her or asked her questions. Questions that weren't " where do you come from " or " who sent you ". She never liked that.

" That supposed to be funny ? Keep quite. I never gone to this place , you kept talking about and there was a reason for it. This area is full of creatures. I know for sure *she shows a scar on her left arm near her left hand* that there is a nest of Blighters west of here. Not even two blocks from us. So please , shut up. " she said calm , if she was angry at his joke she didn't show it.

@dabombjk @darkstar
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DarkStar
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DarkStar Linux / LIKE BOSS IT IS

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sunday 1900 hours

Elenor was as silent as she usually was as silent as she usually was. Wearing her bizarre favourite outfit. Her tailor suit with tails always managed to throw people on edge with how new it looked in such a dilapidated depleted world. That cold face motionless as her eyes soaked in the information around her. A soft but audible smack hitting the ground with each step as her cane hit the crumbling concrete. The red head was a strange lassy. Though through listening in on conversations and expert observations she could tell quite a lot about her. Such as a lonely childhood, that was the most striking. The near obsessive need for independence was a common occurrence for people who had such adolescence. Then again it meant nothing to her anyway, not much did.

A smile began to creep across her face as she heard the red head speak. More words than she had heard from her in the last year that she had known of her. She liked her, that she knew now. Having remained stony-faced on Kyles attempted humour it shamed her to have a deep grin suddenly appear on her face after he was berated. "Now now Alex, don't be frightened...grr", she commented to begin to giggle. That was quickly and effectively cut off as her hyper aware senses burned deep. She blinked left and within a heartbeat her stance twisted and the club like end of her walking stick came down hard onto a mutated rats cranium. The blow landed at the soft spot where the last vertebra enters the skull. It was quite the inhumane move as the thing twitched in place, forced to live through its spinal chord being bludgeoned. Her words dropped to a whisper, "It died quietly....but we should pick up the pace". "My apologies Alex", she added in, the words solem and honest but lacking any emotion.

Sunday 1930 hours

The rest of the journey was somewhat quiet. Though she knew she was able to hear skitters of claws running near them. This was definitely worth it. If Kyle was right and this pharmacy was not looted. She would definitely be in heaven. Though she would have to make sure to take the reins the moment they got in. This was an opportunity that might not come again and she could not allow junk to be taken. Antibiotics, bandages, setting cement!, all these things would make her job much, much easier and maybe save a life or two. Well, maybe not take charge, though she'd certainly beg them to listen to reason. Elenor had taken point as they arrived at the Pharmacy. It looked dead inside, which was more than comforting to her. Using her stick she gently opened the door. Moving to peer in with care. Unsure of what might lay inside.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sunday 1900 Hours

Tokala inhaled as he tracked the members of the obsidian tribe. Large ears rotated as he listened to the sounds around him. His tail flicked and he continued moving. He dressed more casual then some in his jeans, tan t shirt, and black steel toe combat boots. The main reason being that he had to cut a slit or hole into every pair of jeans for his tail....and his undergarments. He paused and inhaled deeply getting his bearings on the scents. As he walked he continued to listen to the sounds around him.

The ruins were beautiful. He almost found himself wanting to run and be among the plants the surrounded them. He often felt thoughts like that...he would never admit it though. Admit that he didn't always feel fully human. He didn't want to feel like an outcast again.

Then, the sound of a shriek had his ears pointing forward and him moving faster. Several different thoughts racing through his mind as he went. He would never admit it, but he actually liked the tribe. He had no idea why, but he didn't want them hurt. He was too far to make it....he hoped they were okay.

1930 hours

He found the dead blighter. The mutated rat smelled fresh...and so were the scents. He followed the scents and found the pharmacy and the group. He leaned against the wall and cleared his throat. Ears in such a way that it showed just how proud he was that he found them. One leg crossed the other and his arms crossed. He tilted his head to the side, hazel eyes looked over the group. "Hey guys."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sunday 1900 Hours

That rat was faster than she expected. She knew they made a mistake going there but she was the only one fast enough to take them all back to base if something happened. It would leave her in a coma for a day or two but it would've saved them all.
" Next time I tell you guys to shut up. Do it. I've lived enough on this streets to know when to shut up. We approach the pharmacy. Remember something goes wrong , one of you gets separated , just yell as hard as you can , I'll try to find you and if something goes very wrong *she puts emphasis on the last two words* , just...just touch me and I'll get us back home. And doctor , next time you tell me that I'm frightened , I'll teleport your head off. That's a promise. " said Alexis her voice full of anger.
She didn't liked the thought of entering in a coma for a day or two but she agreed to protect those two.

1930 Hours

Alexandra and the others arrived at the pharmacy. It was amazing. A lot of Old World equipment just lying around there , she knew she had to keep at least one of the things she finds. She can always come back if needed , bring more of her equipment maybe fix something around there. She was not scared of the mutated monsters but she was cautious.
As they entered the pharmacy , they heard a voice and when they turned they saw Tokala. Another member of the tribe. Perhaps the most strange one of the tribe. Not fully human , he tried not to show that he isn't comfortable with that status. He was an outsider , just like Alexandra. That's why he was the only one she talked more than 10 words. " Bah. You came too. At least keep quite. If you tracked us here then some...thing can do too. Guys , wait up. I have to teleport back to that mutated blighter that we killed and move his corpse outside our range. Wait for me. If I don't come back in 5 minutes , then leave without me. I'll find you "
And with that she teleported in a blur.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Sunday 1930 hours

Kyle tried to say something, to get a word in, but Alexandra teleported faster than he could speak.

"Wai-...Dammit Alex,"Kyle said mostly to himself."Oh well.....Good to see you Took but why are you here? Wait wait let me guess."

Kyle pretended to swoon and had his hand to his head, very dramatically acting as if he is in shock.

"Don't tell me our tribe sent you, because they feared for their oh so handsome and fearless leader?"

Kyle walked over to Tokala and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"Well fear not my most handsome, slightly inhuman, friend for no danger shall fall upon me. I have our best healer with us and welL....,"Kyle paused and look off into the distance,"Well I had a beautiful amazon with me but since she is gone you will have to replace her. Go on change into a women outfit and we shall be off."

Kyle barged into the pharmacy with Elenor, although he slightly brushed past her and waltzed fearlessly into the pharmacy, only to be knocked on to his ass by a charging Doom Lab, which crashed into hi and sent Kyle flying backwards on to his ass outside the Pharmacy bulding. Inside the Pharmacy there was an entire group of Doom labs, munching on strange color bags about the size of a hand. Most of the drugs and medicines, as well as the small selection of camping supplies, were untouched but any food item was ruined.

Kyle landed on his ass, and yipped a bit. Kyle reacted through muscle memory, being no stranger to danger despite being the tribe leader. Kyles right hand raised up and he shot a fast, but not very strong, beam of light at the Doom Lab that hit him. His beam hit the Doom lab in the left eye, leaving a slight scar on it like Zukos scar from avatar the last airbender (that was a reference for us the players that isn't really what Kyle thought or said or anything). The Doom Lab cried out in pain and ran away, suddenly being protected by a dozen Doom labs, all slow but very durable and strong.

Kyle checked himself over quickly. His shaggy black hair was fine, he could see out of his light brown eyes, and his tan skin didn't look damaged. He was wearing long sleeve balck v neck, which was now slightly torn up in the front. His faded blue jeans looked dirty but that was nothing new. His black combat boots remained undamaged and he felt proud. He found these boots on a recent scavange and he was able to claim them since he found them. Good boots are hard to come by. Kyle felt the weight of the empty duffel bag on his bag that hung around his shoulder, which he had planned to use to store all of the goods they found.


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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

1931 Hours

Not even a minute later Alexandra was at the place where the Blighter was killed. It's body was still there , nothing seemed out of the ordinary but she knew night was approaching and then the Bitters ( a larger bat , that only eats meat and it's very territorial. Like bats they only get outside to hunt at night ) would come. They had to hurry. The dizziness was easy this time , which was a grace. She didn't need to be off-edge in this place.
When she approached the body , she hears something from behind. A pack of Blighters exit from holes in the ground , she prepares her knife and starts taunting the creatures to come and attack her. The Blighters , stupid creatures as they are , immediately responded and charged her. That was her cue , she teleports behind a big blighter , puts her hand on him and teleports in the air 5 meters drops him and proceeds to the other blighters. She does that again with 2 more Blighters but by then her dizziness was increased and a slight headache started. This Blighter , probably , more intelligent than the others turned at claws in front scratched Alexandra on hand when she tried to put her hand on him. Alexandra quickly put her knife in the creatures brain but she was bleeding a little and with the dizziness and the headache , she was tired. She knew she had to go back to the others , they may need her help. So , before teleporting back to them , she got rid of the Blighter bodies and gone back.

1936 Hours

They were there but it seemed that they had their share of trouble too. " Kyle , what happened here ? " with that said she felt to the ground , her dizziness was quite strong by now and she needed a second to rest.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

1930 hours

Tokala gave an eye roll but had humor dancing in his eyes. His hand went to his own forehead and his ears went back. "I just couldn't stay away from my handsome leader" a laugh escaped him and he shook his head. He tilted it as Kyle spoke about the two with him and gestured to himself. "The world would not be able to handle all this in a female form. It would just *drmatic hand to the forehead and dramatic pose* perish another chuckle and he inhaled. Lots of scents hit him at once and he shook his head to clear his nose. Before he could grab Kyle he had already walked in. Instinct caused him to run to Eleanor and grab her. He pulled her out and to the side in time for the light that was Kyles power to shoot out and hit a doom lab. He watched them and went into a crouch his ears back and teeth bared. Ears flat against his head as he snarled. A few doom labs growled back and one charged him. It leaped on him and he proceeded to fight it. The way he fought was more animal like then even resembling human. At one point the doom lab was standing over him snapping at him. Tokala brought his claws up and dug them deep into its neck then tore the creatures neck out with his teeth. He shoved the dying body off of him and spat out the chunk and the blood. He snarled again at the labs and they seemed more cautious.

He went to Kyle and helped him up. "So...I volunteer to sniff out stuff before you go running into them. Okay? Okay" he looked back at the labs. "Either blast em or keep an eye on them."
1936 hours

He looked over when Alexandra appeared. He made his way to her and studied her then He shook his head. "Taking on a bunch of mutated rats by yourself....bad teleportor. Bad" he looked at the group. his tail was fluffed up the only sign that the doom lab attack had scared him somewhat. He really did care.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Sunday 1935 Hours

After the Doom labs growled some more, they ran off. Probably to tend to their leader.

Kyle accepted the hand of his friend and got up off the ground, dusting himself off. Kyle smirked,

"Ok see that was all part of my master plan. Get them to drop their guard, attack their leader, then they would run off scared HA."

Kyle knew though that they would be back. Doom Labs are dumb but not that dumb. They will regroup and come back soon so they had to hurry. Although Kyle thought there was nothing wrong with taking advantage of the situation. Kyle walked over and knelt in front of Alexandra.

"Thank you for taking care of the dead body. Damn things stink to high paradise huh? But please don't wear yourself out like this. Your health is very important to..all of us,"Kyle said sticking his tongue out.

Kyle helped Alexandra to her feet and wrapped one of her arms around His shoulder to support her.

"Ok Everyone listen up,"Kyle said starting to get serious to the entire group."Those Doom labs were just the beginning. They will be back with more most likely, and I'm sure that me shooting out some power didn't do us any favors. Elenor I don't believe Alex needs any medical attention just some rest for a few minutes so go inside and gather all the supplies you can."

Kyle took of his duffel bag and gently tossed it to Elenor.

"Tokola I want you to keep the door open inside the Pharmacy. Let Elenor get all the supplies, but keep your nose on in case anything comes at us faster than we anticipated. If something happens, go for Elenor first and that is an order,"Kyle said in a stern voice.

"And you Alex,"Kyle said now looking at her who was still hanging off his shoulder,"Will be resting for a few minutes than you and I will be making protective sweeps around the building. After you recover some stamina. No Ifs, ands, or butts."

Kyle looked over everyone again and smiled.

"No loud noises, no screaming unless your in trouble, lets do this fast, and get home. Guys in the kitchen are making some kind of potato stew and I'm starving!"

Kyle gave a swipe of his hand, meaning the talking was over and they should start. Kyle sat down with Alex on the gorund, keeping his head on swivel, looking for danger.


(guys this is the chance to post freely before the fighting starts. and questions your character has, or any conversations they want to have should take place now)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sunday 1937 Hours

Alexandra "wakes" up on Kyle's arm helped by him to walk. She didn't realized she was that dizzy. Then she realized , that Kyle was touching her. Seconds later she teleported a meter near him. " Not to be ungrateful but never , ever , touch me again. " she said calm.
After Kyle's speech everyone left to do their respective jobs. Alexandra was still dizzy but it was passing , in a minute or two she would be ready to go.

" You should know that I was attacked by 3 Blighters outside. Told you about that nest...they will be back probably and it's getting late. Biters will show up soon and then , this whole mission of yours will end with me in a coma for sometime. Tell your friend to move faster. " said Alexandra her tone was calm but some tension could be felt in it , this mission will go from bad to worse fast.

" Remind me again , why did we go out at this hour ? And why don't we go home now and I'll come back tomorrow ? I'm faster than any of you. " asked Alexandra , once again telling Kyle that she is indeed the fastest of them because of her power.

Alexandra stands up and tells Kyle it's time to move. " If we stay here for more time , I'll go into a coma. I don't want that. Let's go. "

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Sunday 1940 Hours

Kyle chuckled at Alexandra and laid down, closing his eyes while on the cold hard ground.

"Yea. I didn't say anything to the others but yea there is also some type of birds nearby. Not sure what kind didn't get a good enough look at them, but I'm sure they are waiting to sess out the situation. That or they want to to just eat our corpses. At least there wont be a mess to clean up."

Kyle laughed at his own little joke.

"Listen, I'm sorry for....touching you. I'm trying to as nice as possible you know I really am. I mean, I made you a council women, I let you pick your own room, and I'm not saying you owe me or anything. Far from it actually. You have done above and beyond to help the tribe. Your one of us is what I'm trying to."

Kyle coughed slightly into his hand. Kyle looked at his hand, his eyes went wide, then he wiped it on the back of his pants to hide it then closed his eyes again.

"And about the monsters I wouldn't worry about them. Once we get the supplies you can teleport back to the tribe, I'm super confident you have one more jump in you before you cant jump anymore, then the rest of us will fight our way out. I mean we have a doctor, a warrior with animal like qualities, and you have me,"Kyle said emphasizing the me part.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexandra smiles. " It's ok. Just please , don't do it again. My own room ? Oh' yeah. The room I say I sleep in. I don't sleep there , you know that right ? " She never did slept there. She teleported on the roof of the building and sleep there or any outdoor place.

Hearing the part as being one of the tribe , she gets a little angry. " We both know that I am not one of the tribe and if I am , tell the tribe that. They will be relieved if I die here today and if something happens tomorrow , they will blame me. almost yelled Alexandra.

Reverting back to her calm self she says " Kyle. You realize that it won't take just one jump ? There are 4 of us. I can only teleport 3 and with the supplies ? It will be hard , but 4 plus supplies ? That would almost kill me. Only once did I try to do that and if it weren't for someone...I wouldn't be here. She saved me and died because of it , I don't need anyone to protect me. I can do it. "
You may notice that this is the first time she actually spoke of her past. Cryptic but better than nothing.

@dabombjk @blackpanther @darkstar
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Kyle looked blankly at Alexandra, then closed his eyes again.

"No I didn't know that. I'm sure you will sleep in your room when your comfortable, but I'm not sure why you don't. Sure all of our homes in the tribe need a little fixing but its nothing that cant be managed. And no one feels that way Alex, they are just a little jealous I made you a council women, plus it doesn't help you like to keep your distance emotionally. I mean if you want to that's your game but our tribe is basically a giant family. I'm not saying talk about your past, but I mean maybe crack that beautiful smile more than once. It is really pretty by the way."

Kyle yawned a bit

"Well I didn't know the extent of your abilities but I didn't mean it like that. I meant you will leave us behind and we will trek back by ourselves. You will take the supplies back and leave us. We will be ok hun I promise."

Kyle opened his eyes as he said this and warmly smiled at Alexandra.

"That's the first time ive ever heard you say anything about yourself. If you want to talk about you can. The other two are doing their job, so we can chat. Come over here and sit next to me."

Kyle patted the ground to his left.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

" Maybe that line works with your tribe girls , Kyle. Not with me. I like my outdoors better. said to Kyle calm with a slight tint of a smile on herself.

She stayed where she are but looked around a little.

" And Kyle ? Leaving you to here and then go back home just the three of you , at night ? I don't know if you are brave or stupid or both. Did you actually spent a night outside , ever ? Without having the tribe to protect you against other people or the mutated things ? "

" And...call me Alexis. It reminds me of something. "

She liked having to talk with someone that didn't try to kill or rape her yet. Spending that much time outside , she met some of the worst scum humanity had to offer.
And there was the thing...she knew she couldn't stay with the tribe. Once "HE" found her that is...
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Ruyn stared at the guard in mild shock. Why had no one told him that Kyle and the others' were going on a supply run? It wasn't unlike Kyle to forget to tell him, but really. A tip now and then wouldn't go unappreciated. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He was tired and his head pounded from practicing his new trick. But it didn't really matter how tired he was, he had to check up on the supply group, or he was going to work himself into a panic.

"Merci, mon ami," he smiled at the young man. "Please let me know in the future, even if you think Kyle already told me, oui?" The other male nodded, and Ruyn adjusted the black leather bracelets that covered the scars from when he had gotten stuck in between forms and the bones had split his skin. They also doubled as arm guards. He zipped his beat up leather jacket and headed into the city shaking his head. finding an abandoned building, he slipped inside and took a deep breath, hoping to every forgotten deity that he didn't get stuck again.

Closing his eyes, he concentrated on the appearance and anatomy of a Doom Lab and willed himself to shift. His legs were the first to snap and bend, forcing him to his hands and knees. Gritting his teeth as his spine broke and shortened, his ears moved to the top of his skull and his jaw and forehead elongated. Rows of sharp teeth filled his mouth, and everything suddenly snapped and shifted into place. As a demented hound, a pained whimper escaped him. Shaking it off, he got to his feet and padded out of the building to follow Kyle's scent.

Past Doom Lab corpses and blood that reeked of bile, all the way to a pharmacy that had more Doom Lab bodies. Lifting his nose from the ground, he saw Kyle, Alexandra, Tokala and Eleanor sitting down. He opened his jaws in what he hoped was a friendly dog grin and wagged his tail, whining to get their attention. He hoped they would look at his face to see his eyes before they attacked. No matter what form he took, his eyes stayed the same bright lavender color.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Kyle pretended to have a shocked expression then giggled slightly.

"My dear I am a gentlemen, I would never ever ever ever ever try to use my status or use my honeyed words to lure women into giving into the sins of the flesh. I for one believe that such an act is a sacred bound between man and women, or man and man, or women and women."

Kyle closed his eyes again and got into a relaxing position on the ground.

"And for your information I have spent the night outside before. I used to get into quite the bit of trouble back when I was a kid. One time when I neatly accidently poisoned our crops by hiding dead animals near the fields to scare the farmers, my father kicked me out of the tribe for the week. I had to go out into the city and couldn't return for seven days."

Kyle flashed back to that week and winced when he remmemebered everything that went down that week. Then Kyle shook it off and spoke in a serious tone.

"And that wasn't a suggestion. That is an order. I am ordering you to leave us and take the supplies home. No ifs, ands, or butts. Alexis......I don't like being in charge. Ok don't think I have it easy all the time. But my father was the tribe leader, and his father before him. I have to do this and I have to keep our tribe alive. Its why I made you council women, because I knew if I did you would be able to assist me in doing so."

Kyles muscle memory kicked in when he heard the rustle of feet moving on the ground. Kyle jumped up and had his right hand extended, palm out, with his left hand grabbing his right arm. Kyle looked alarmed to see a Doom Lab. Kyle nearly blasted it away when he realized something. The labs eyes...the color....

Kyle spoke up.

"Ruyn.......is that you? If it is change back now. If its not you then I'm gonna fucking waste you piece of shit animal."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Alexandra starts laughing hard when Kyle finishes. " A week ? Spend 10 years and then we will talk. And with your power ? It's enough to protect you. " said Alexandra still giggling.

Alexandra stops laughing and starts doing some small exercises she always does.

" A gentlemen ? That's what the others said too. Until they tried to show how " macho " they are and I had to remove their manhood. "
She takes a deep breath and starts doing some push-ups.

" So you have responsibility ? That's your problem. I know it wasn't your choice to be leader but there are people there that depend on you. People that need you to lead them and...please. Stop ordering me. You know I don't like people tell me what to do. Ask , say please and I'll help...if I can and want to.
About that...do you know what will happen if I leave you guys here and I return with the supplies and then you all die ? I will be blamed. They will say I left you to die to save my own skin.
" said Alexandra calm not showing ( or at least trying not to ) any kind of feelings.

Just then , she and Kyle hear something. She is already on her feet ready to teleport when she sees Kyle make a sign for her to stop and starts talking with the Doom Lab that entered the pharmacy. " Kyle. You are talking with an animal. One that will try to rip your face off. What are you doing ? "
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Tokala gave a two finger salute and followed behind Elanor. His ears rotating at ever small sound and his nose twitched as he mapped out scents. He paused and watched Elanor. He hadn't talked to her too much...then again he found himself wanting to interact more with Kyle. Not in a romantic way...just he could actually interact without feeling awkward. He shook his head. "So...what are you looking for doc? Just all the medication or something specific?"

As he followed Eleanor around his tail swished from side to side and he looked at the labels. He could read, but he preferred smelling what each bottle smelled like. He didn't know the name of each ingredient, but he could smell that each different medication smelled different. Much like a drug sniffing dog...just not trained yet.

He paused when he heard a whimper. He turned and looked back at Elanor. He was told to help her....but what about them. He inhaled and went to where he could see out. A doom lab....why was t Kyle blasting him. His tail swished again and his ears went back. A growl escaped him but he stayed with Elanor. He then shook his head and focused. He inhaled. Ears flicked head tilted and he inhaled again. He blinked. He went to the entrance where he was not too far from Elanor but where he could speak without shouting.

"It doesn't smell right. It's scent isn't like a doom lab" he looked back at Elanor again...checking to make sure she was okay.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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"Ruyn.......is that you? If it is change back now. If its not you then I'm gonna fucking waste you piece of shit animal." Kyle practically growled at him.

" Kyle. You are talking with an animal. One that will try to rip your face off. What are you doing?" said Alexandra. Ruyn sighed and closed his eyes, willing the shift to come over him. Bones snapped, shortened, lengthened and popped into place, human features replacing twisted canine. When it was over, Ruyn remained on his hands and knees for a moment, wishing the pain induced nausea would go away. He straightened and sat back on his heels to look at everyone with a faint smile on his pale face.

"Bonjour, mes amis," Ruyn's husky voice was kinda shaky. "A little word of warning wouldn't go unnoticed, oui? I get a little worried, moi, when our fearless leaders and tribe members go on a supply run and no one tells me." Ruyn looked at his hands, not surprised that they were kind of shaky, too. While his skin was naturally pale, he usually had a little color along his cheekbones, but even that had disappeared. Shifting into a Doom Lab didn't agree with him, apparently. His lavender gaze lifted to Kyle, who considered his only close friend.

"Kyle, s'il vous plaît avertir juste moi, la prochaine fois," he pleaded, his voice soft. "Je ne pense pas que je puisse passer dans un Doom Lab à nouveau. Je pense qu'il me tuerait. Leurs corps sont trop vil et tordu à l'intérieur." He sighed and stood, walking over to lay down in front of him, the front of his body facing the front of the pharmacy. He might be mostly human, but he felt more like a guarding wolf, sometimes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

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Alexandra was amazed. She heard about him but never actually saw a transformation going on. Like with most people , Alexandra didn't talk with Ruyn. He was just another face in the crowd 'thus she didn't cared about him at all but when she heard about his power. She wanted to see it. Her teleportation powers were great , yes , but the ability to change into any animal ? Alexandra would give almost anything to do that.

" Hmph. So you are the shapeshifter ? Nice change but next time. Transform into a Biter and go from building to building. That way you move fast and your body should be able to adjust faster. Biters have their regeneration increased due to mutations , it would help you. " said Alexandra calm , her dizziness passed and she was ready for trip back to the tribe.

She sighted , looked at Kyle and said " We'll continue this conversation when we arrive. I found something that I wanted to do alone , but I'll let you join if you want to. "

Alexandra smiled. It was the first time she smiled truly.

" So...I think we should start moving. Blighters and Doom Labs will soon be the least of our worries. It's getting dark already. In an hour or less , Biters will exit their nests and then...it will be bad. "

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