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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@King Tai@Wick @MissCapnCrunch@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse

From what she remembered watching nature shows on TV Kwan knew that capturing such a large beast would require lots of rope and man power so today he or she would get to live.

She still felt hungry but decided it was all because she missed food with flavors and was just craving things because she hadn’t had any in so long it seemed like years. She had to wait till later to eat anything else so that she wouldn’t gain weight; she needed to exercise because of all that she had eaten. The search for shelter was her next priority because they would need it and she couldn’t bare the thought of living underground any longer.

This lead her farther away from the bunker than she’d planned on going but that couldn’t be helped and besides so far she hadn’t encountered anything that she couldn’t handle. As she walked she thought of how her career was now dead because without movies or a population to watch them she was just another unemployed girl with few prospects except as a farmer’s wife or a hunter. The thought made her laugh and shake her head because she’d never even made a contingency plan that contained so mundane a life. She was meant to be a Star and even though her mentor’s studio had closed after his death she’d come to America to be one and was on her way when the Asteroid hit ruining years of preparation and sacrifice just as it had the earth.

{“Better to be alive with no prospects than dead with one thousand”} she thought as she paused on a small rise and surveyed what appeared to be the remains of the town she driven through to arrive at the bunker. It was as the military types had predicted shattered and strewn across the landscape but rather than lose heart as some might have she looked on the devastation with the eye of a set designer in a low budget movie told she had to create a village from a trash dump because they were on a low budget.

There was sheet metal flung here and there in heaps or laying on the ground or in the trees, the wooden frames of the local structures was scattered as well but sure to have pieces of useable size and dimensions for constructing suitable shelters against the weather. Next were bricks and blocks and even glass for windows which meant all she needed was tools to build with so she trotted down the hill into the remains of the once thriving small town in search of what she needed
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sasha Belov

The sun beat down on him mercilessly, turning his skin into dry leather. Cracked, bleeding, peeling. Three days ago, the sun would have felt good on his skin. He had been deprived of it for so long...but he never got the chance to enjoy it.

His boots crunched on the sandy ground beneath him. The world around him was barren. There were chunks of what was once civilization everywhere, but none of it could provide shelter for him from the unforgiving sun. He couldn't stop anyway.

For three days he had walked. His body was failing him. He was weak; his legs trembling. He managed to hold himself up with a sturdy branch he'd picked up to use as a cane. His lips were dry and cracked, flaky blood was the only color left. A canteen hung at his side, the last drops of precious water drained just hours ago. It wasn't nearly enough.

His skin was raw and exposed; his body showing signs of torture. The large man wore an old pair of army pants, flecked with blood. Some was his, some wasn't. His boots had been left on him, by some small grace. But his torso was bare. His pale flesh was cut and open in several places, what looked like small to medium burns covering his back. His eyes were both swollen, his face purple and yellow from bruising. The ends of his fingers were bloody, and thick chains hung from his wrists and ankles, the links warped from the effort it took to break them. It was clear that his injuries had been intentionally inflicted, and obviously not by himself.

The man pushed himself onward despite his body urging him to stop and rest. The occasional coughing episode would slow him down enough to hack up phlem and blood. The top everything off, the toxic air was making him sick. It slowed him down, but it didn't stop him. He couldn't stop. He had to get to the bunker, so that he could warn the survivors. He couldn't let what had happened to his people happen to them as well.

He knew he was close as he began to enter what looked like a fallen town. The buildings were in ruins, and the concrete that had once been streets and sidewalks bore large cracks and holes. He was close. The man only had to push himself a little further before the Bunker came into sight. He had made it.

People were slowly spilling out, muttling around and exploring. The large man leaned on his walking stick and weakly waved one arm.

"Hey!" He called out, trying to get someone's attention. His voice wasn't nearly as loud as he wanted it to be. It was hoarse and gravely, his tongue thick from dehydration.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Harlow Grey (Harley)

Interacting with @Metronome

Day 1 12:30pm
Harley felt her head throbbing and felt the cool cloth on her forehead. Her eyes fluttered open. Her eyes took in the scene. Apparently those that didn't die from illness were being brought inside to the cafeteria. He handed her a bottle of water and she took a sip and he handed her a clean mop bucket. She took a drink and almost instantly started vomiting into the bucket. After that her body just ached. If she didn't know better she would have thought it was a bad flu. She assumed it was radiation sickness. Harley washed her face and after a little while she was able to get up and she went back outside to see how much had been done in her absence. She felt weak but she would get back to work if she could.

Harley managed to get back to the doors and was looking around when she saw a ridiculously tall muscled man without a shirt and using a walking stick. She shook her head believing it was a hallucination. She pushed off from the wall she was leaning against and decided to go see if he was real or not. She decided he was real when she got about ten feet away from him.

"You aren't from this bunker. Where did you come from?" She handed him a bottle of fresh water. "Most are sick or dying. We just opened the doors a few hours ago."

@King Tai@MissCapnCrunch@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sasha Belov

A young woman approached him. He felt relief that someone had noticed him, but he was afraid she may have been too late. A sharp tremor shook his body, pain tightening in his gut. He'd been sick in the days following the raid on his shelter. He'd thrown up everything his body had to offer, but the sickness was still not satisfied. He wrapped an arm around his stomach, his other hand gripping his stick tightly to keep himself on his feet.

The girl spoke to him, but he was in too much pain to respond right away. As she handed him fresh water, a mere thank you was all he could manage. Despite the pain in his stomach, he chugged about half of the bottle down thirstily. The minor relief it offered was worth the cramps he would feel because of it.

Before he could explain himself, a few guards took notice of his presence. They came over, guns up and ready. He couldn't blame them.

"Who are you?" One demanded, "What is your name and what do you want?"

The large man put his hands up, slowly lowering himself to his knees. His whole body trembled with the effort it took to stay upright.

"My name is Sasha Belov," He said, his voice slightly smoother but no less hoarse. "I came to warn you."

And then, before he could elaborate further, the man doubled over. He let out a soft groan, the water he'd guzzled hitting his empty stomach hard. He wrapped his arms around his abdomen, his massive form trembling, before he heaved and threw up a good portion of what he'd just drank.

Sasha slowly slumped onto the ground. The journey here had been too much for his sick and starved body to handle, and he'd pushed himself too far. The world around him swam until it finally went back, his brain finally forcing him to sleep.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aeternum
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Robert Moore
Interacting with @Kyrisse

"I'm okay... I think. I just feel like I'm burning up..."

Robert shook his head at the man's words and sighed quietly. If his words were supposed to be reassuring, they most certainly weren't. He reached up to steady the man. Well, not up so much, he was only two to four inches shorter than the man he guessed.

"Yeah, I just probably need some rest. But... There's a lot more people out there who need our help, and a lot that needs to be taken back out."

Robert thought he'd turn green at the words. He'd managed to push the thought of the corpses to the back of his mind by busying himself with helping others. He certainly didn't want to think about dragging corpses out and burying them or disposing them in some way.

"There are other people who can handle that. Just rest and get better so you can come back and help."

Robert assisted the man until they reached the cafeteria where he dropped off the man at a table and brought back some bottled water and half-filled his dry-bag with cool recycled water. There wasn't any ice, unfortunately, else he'd probably have attempted to cool the man down with a bit of it. He left a bottle in front of the man, and another two bottles with the lanky man and the passed out woman before leaving with an armful of water bottles for the rescuers.

Back at the entrance, he silently handed out water bottles and wet towels to the rescuers before he began to work again. It seems that the two from before weren't the only ones affected. Some of the rescuers were beginning to look just as bad, and were burning up too. Not all of them had the sense to stop and rest either, it seemed. He had to drag a few of the rescuers inside first. He didn't bother bringing them all the way to the cafeteria this time. As there were less hands available, he was more and more worried about becoming efficient.

It didn't take long before he was dragging corpses back outside. The stench was getting through the cloth around his face and he thought he was going to be sick. The streaks left from emptied bowels as he dragged people out again didn't help either. He'd need to clean that up. He didn't think it would be good for people to be trekking through this kind of stuff. He ran off to fetch a mop and some cleaning supplies and mopped up a clear area and began dragging corpses along the sides of the shaft to the outside. At least there'd be a relatively clean, clear path down the middle.

He worked feverishly at emptying pockets, divesting the dead of jackets and buttons and anything that seemed as if it would be easy to clean, was clean, and/or was usable. Fabric was going to be a commodity later, but he couldn't bring himself to go that far just yet. Sweat dripped down into his stinging eyes and he wiped it away with his sleeve.

Damn if it wasn't getting hot. He paused to check his skin to see if he was dealing with heatstroke too, but his skin wasn't red like the others. He still thought it would be better to pause for a drink first. His eyes scanned the people outside. The ones he could see seemed to be very much dead. He could afford to take a break, right? Instead of heading to the cafeteria, he went to the communal showers. He scrubbed his hands thoroughly at the sink before kicking off his shoes.

He left them near the entryway and then turned on a shower for a quick rinse off, still fully clothed. He was glad his clothing dried quickly. He rinsed his camp towels in the shower and turned the water off again in a little over a minute. He spent some effort to try to wring as much water out of his clothing as he could. He didn't want to leave drips and puddles all over the hallway outside. Only after he'd wrung out as much as he could did he stop to drink from his water bottle. He'd stand here for a little longer and wring out his clothes one more time before he headed out.

With the cloth around his face down, he could more easily smell the stink of sweat and corpses on his body. With a great show of willpower, he managed to force down the water without choking or spitting it out when the smell registered. He carefully capped the water bottle, and slowly slid down the wall until he was sitting on the floor.

He'd been handling corpses. He'd seen people die today. The only thing that kept him from burying his face in his knees and crying was the corpse stench on his body. He'd have to go back out there. He should head back out immediately. He just, he just needed a little time.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jae Park

Interacting with: @Aeternum

Day 1, 12:30PM

Sometimes asking for help is better than trying to do everything yourself. JJ remembered his father saying. He looked at Robert, at how he was willing to help him out. He appreciated it but at the same time, he felt frustrated that aside from not being able to continue to help out with the rescue effort, he himself needed to be assisted. With the heat that was continuing to build up inside him, he felt dizzy. He leaned on the younger boy and allowed himself to be led into the cafeteria. "Thanks," he mumured, grabbing the water bottled laid out in front of him. He opened it and took several big gulps, hoping that it would cool him down. It did. but only a little. "I'll just rest for a bit and come back out to help," he called out before Robert stepped back out into the fray.

He gulped down the rest of the water and sat there for a while, waiting for the dizziness and the heat to let up. What was happening to him? Was he dying? He waited for the respiratory symptoms to kick in like how it did for those who had expired. He breathed in the same air as they did, the toxins in it probably wreaking havoc with his system by now. But he didn't feel the need to cough or struggle to breathe. He just felt dizzy and hot. And his heart was still beating like crazy in his chest. At some point, it'd probably burst out or get tired from beating so much or... something. He didn't really wanna think about it.

It didn't matter. No one was safe. The toxic air had already permeated the bunker. It was only a matter of time. He only hoped that when his time comes, it'd be fast.

He tried standing up but another dizzy spell took over and he had to sit back down. He placed his arms on the table and leaned his forehead on it. A few seconds later, fatigue finally catching up, he fell asleep.

A whole hour passed before JJ woke up. His heart had slowed down its beating considerably and the dizziness was gone. But he was still burning up. He felt hotter than before, if that was even possible. He carefully stood up, making sure he didn't sway on his feet before he headed to the communal showers. Drinking water earlier had helped with the heat. Maybe soaking himself would be better.

As soon as he stepped into the showers, he spotted a pair of hiking boots just outside one of the stalls. None of the showers were turned on so he figured that the person was just sitting in the stall or perhaps the owner of the boots just forgot to wear them. The thought of someone walking out barefoot into the chaos outside was almost funny if the events that had taken place weren't so grim. He decided to delay investigation of the questionable shower stall to after he cooled himself off.

He stepped into the shower stall beside the one he assumed occupied and turned on the water, letting it run down his head and fully clothed body. He sighed as he felt the heat subside a bit. He reached out and propped a hand on the wall, closed his eyes and bowed his head as the water continued soaking him. When he heard the shower curtain from the neighboring stall rustle, he didn't look up but he called out in a soft voice. "Don't worry. I'm not gonna judge you for wanting to just hide out in here."

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Harlow Grey (Harley)

Interacting with @Metronome

Day 1 1pm
Harley watched as the large man collapsed and she yelled for one of the other men to help her get him inside. Once Harley got him inside she realized how hot he was she took him towards the showers in a wheelchair. There had been a few in use as some of the elderly had lost their mobility. He was heavy but she thanked the guard that helped her and she put all of her strength in getting him in there.

She burst through the door to the women's side of the showers. It was empty and she looked at the chair and she had to decide. Take the chair in the water and let it rust from the water or try to lift him on her own? She patted the man down for anything that might be damaged by the water and not finding much more than a knife which she put on the floor outside of the shower. She removed his shoes and tossed them away from where the water would be.

Harley was breathing hard. She still felt like hell and he was too heavy for her to maneuver on her own so she turned the water on cool but not freezing and rolled Sasha under the water and let his body cool down. Meanwhile she stripped down to her undies and her tank top and turned the next shower on and drenched herself in the cold water. She stood there that way for quite a while. It was helping her to feel better.

@King Tai@MissCapnCrunch@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
Avatar of RumikoOhara

RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@King Tai@Wick @MissCapnCrunch@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse

Walking through the town she found the shell of a poured concrete building that was quite large and whose roof didn’t seem to have any leaks, sure the holes were it once had windows needed to be filled with wood, sheet metal or both with perhaps some protected glass slots to peep out of to see what might be outside. On the side of the building was a metal ladder that allowed access to the roof so she went up it to check out the area and roof. It was relatively clear of debris and almost no standing water and were there was sign that water stood up there was slight.

She walked around the edge and giggled as she was overtaken by a desire to be silly and because she was bored didn’t stop herself as she started dancing to music in her head. It didn’t take too long for her to begin singing and she did so with joy as she was loving the sense of euphoria she felt.
You don't have to be beautiful
To turn me on
I just need your body baby
From dusk till dawn
You don't need experience
To turn me out
You just leave it all up to me
I'm gonna show you what it's all about

You don't have to be rich
To be my girl
You don't have to be cool
To rule my world
Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
I just want your extra time and your; “Kiss”

It was supposed to be the song they were going to let her sing as “Little Whirlwind” in the movie she’d been filming when everything went to bloody hell.

She’d not told any of those in the bunker much about herself or what she was doing in America preferring instead that her now crushed career not be a subject of conversation telling them instead that had been visiting from Hong Kong and she had the Visa to prove it. It wasn’t that she wanted to lie to her fellows just that she didn’t need a reminder of the end of all her dreams.

So when she finished her song she settled down on the roof and sat in a lotus position focusing her thoughts inwardly as she inspected her kai for any sign that she might be losing her center. It would have been easy to give up; she had all the excuses for self defeatism and was sure that her breakdown wouldn’t surprise anyone back at the bunker. No she needed a new focus in her life and while meditating came to the simple conclusion that she should now become a teacher of her art so that her Kung Fu would hopefully outlive even her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sasha Belov

He was little more than a very large rag doll as he was heaved off the ground by several guards and stuffed into a wheelchair. Sasha didn't quite wake, but let out a couple soft grunts to indicate that he was still alive.

He missed the part about being wheeled into the bunker, to the showers to get his body temperature cooled down. It was true that he wasn't quite used to the heat. He'd been locked in cool, dim shelter for the past year, and before that, he had preferred cooler climates. The journey here had left his pale skin blistered and red, on top of the already cruel injuries.

As he was rolled under the cool, running water, some of the blood on his skin began to loosen and wash away. Sasha groaned softly, slowly coming to for a moment. He was confused; dazed. He had no idea where he was or why he was there.

In his bewilderment, he called out in his hoarse voice. It was weak, strained, and the words were certainly not English. Sometimes, when he was under stress, Sasha found it easier to speak in his native Russian tongue.

He twisted his body around in the chair, the movement rattling the chains that remained locked around each wrist and ankle. His steel blue eyes met the ones of the young woman. He met her gaze evenly for a moment before he slumped back around, slowly drifting back into a forced slumber.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jason and Harley

collaboration with @Spinosaurus

Day 1 2pm
Harley stood underneath the shower reveling in how cool it felt on her hot skin and she felt better, but still really nauseated. She turned her head when the large man moved and she looked him straight in the eyes. He stared back only for a moment before losing consciousness again but she could tell he needed help.

Suddenly, Jason began to look for Harley. Everyone else was doing things and gathering valuable materials, but she was missing. He looked around the outside. Then over the hill. Nobody went past the beginning grassy spot. No sign of anybody. Most of the bunker was shut off by guards. Reluctantly, he entered the women's showers to find her and Sasha. Sasha appeared unconscious. Harley was simply wearing her undergarments and a tank top."Uh.. is this a bad time..?" he wondered to her as he slowly began backing out of the room.

Harley looked up and waved him in quickly. "Come in! ...and be quiet. I need your help."

Feeling embarassed, Jason walked in. "So.... is Sasha dead?" he asked. "I mean, of course I'll help! It's just that he's unconcious."

She knelt down and pointed out the hand cuffs that they had shackled him with. "That's precisely the problem. We need to hide him til he is well enough to handle himself. Can you find me some tools to pick that lock on his hands and feet with?" She turned off the water and pulled her pants on and grabbed her jacket and slid her shoes on. She pushed hard against the wheelchair to move him out of the water.

"With a rock I could attempt to do it!" he said optimistcally. Realistically he couldn't, but it was best not to let anyone down right now. He wandered outside and scoured the ground. Finding a medium-sized rock, he quickly ran back to Sasha and Harley. He wasn't a good runner, considering he wasn't the most athletic of the group, but he still made it there quickly. He took Sasha's hands and began hitting each wristcuff hard. After a few tries, surpisingly enough, one popped open. He did the same with the other one and after about ten minutes he was free. "Well, I guess I can- I mean I've totally done that before." he said to save himself from looking stupid to anyone.

Harley raised her eyebrows at him, "Sure you have." She stood back up and thought a moment. She looked at the man and remembered how tall he had been standing up. "There is no way he is going to fit into one of the singles rooms. We'll need to take him to one of the couple rooms. The beds are bigger so hopefully we can get him in one of the beds in there." She looked at Jason. "What do you think Spidey? Sound like a plan?"

"I guess that works, Octavia" he said, responding to the "spidey" comment. "Or we could just leave him in the wheelchair. Whatever works, I guess."

"We can't leave him in the wheelchair indefinately. That's cruel. The man is sick and he needs sleep and when he can handle it, soup. Come on let's get him there. If there are guards along the way I'll need you to distract them so I can get him in there. ok?"

"Ok, I guess. I don't know if it's a good idea to stay in this bunker but that works." he said. The sickness could be something trapped inside. What would be outside, anyway? Either way, he agreed just to avoid arguing.

"Oh no, we are staying in this bunker even if we are sleeping on the ground. Right now we are too weak to go out there and survive. If we survive this then we can worry about the rest. Right now we need those doors to keep the animals out. I have a feeling the animals out there are a lot more dangerous than the ones before."

She pushed the chair to the door, took a peak out and pushed the chair into the hallway. She asked Jason, "Can you go up ahead and be a lookout?"

"Sure" Jason said as he left them and went out to be the lookout.

Harley pushed the chair and eventually got him there and into a couple's room. Once she got him into the room and looked at the large man. She thought on how to get him into the bed and out of the sopping wet clothes.

@King Tai@MissCapnCrunch@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse@Metronome
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aeternum
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Robert Moore
Interacting with @Kyrisse

Robert didn't know how long he'd been in the showers. He knew he'd been inside long enough to get cold. He really should go back to help, but... he was rather reluctant. His shoulders and back were starting to hurt from the hunched position he'd been holding, but even so, he wasn't minded to move. If he started moving he'd feel obligated to continue moving, and then he'd have to go back out there.

He sighed and then heard the shower room door open. He froze in place and darted a glance at the shower curtains He was relieved to realize the shower curtain was still shut. If he was still, quiet, and lucky enough, the person would go find a different shower and he wouldn't have to explain why he was sitting on the ground drenched. Then he remembered his hiking boots, they were outside! Shit, too late. How would he explain this!?

Maybe if he was lucky no one would notice? Where exactly did he leave his boots, were they out of sight or in an out of the way place? What should he do!? His mind ran in panicked circles as he held still and held his breath.

He heard the footsteps pause for a moment.

This is it. I'm busted.

Then they continued on and someone entered the shower next to his.

He very quietly released his held breath and reached out his hand to try to quietly open the shower curtain praying to whatever god was in heaven that the sound of the shower would drown out the sound of rustling curtains.

The metal rings on the pole screeched as he pulled on the curtains, and the cheap vinyl of the curtains seemed so much louder than he remembered it. He cringed at the sounds and froze at the sudden voice of the person in the shower next to his.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna judge you for wanting to just hide out in here."

Robert's eyes twitched a moment. He'd better clear out fast. He tried to stand up, intending to yank the shower curtain open as if he hadn't been trying to be stealthy, and promptly realized his legs were numb and the floor was very, very slippery.

He went down with a strangled yelp.

He stretched out one hand to grab the shower curtain, and the other to catch himself. There was a terrific rip as the shower curtains tore and his free hand landed on the falling shower curtain. The shower curtain was, unfortunately, as slick as the floor and his hand and the curtains slid across the floor. He just barely missed falling on his face as he tumbled out of the shower.

He tried to scramble to his feet, but his hands landed on his hiking boots which promptly rolled to the side under his weight (the dirty traitors!) and sent him to the floor again. His feet were scrabbling for purchase on the slippery floor. Suddenly he gained traction and almost shot to his feet.

However, before he could be relieved, his feet got tangled in the shower curtain and he found himself sprawled out in an ungainly position over a mess of shower curtain and hiking boots, soaking wet and humiliated.

He was frozen in horror until he heard the sound of rustling shower curtains and somehow managed to scramble to his feet. He almost tripped over his hiking boots and the shower curtain again as he did so and somehow stumbled free of the shower curtain. Unfortunately, his legs were still basking in the sensation of "pins and needles" and he couldn't help but fall over against a wall. He clutched the wall to keep his feet under him.

For no intelligent reason he could think of, he turned to see just who had witnessed his humiliation.
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
Avatar of Wick

Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Harlow Grey (Harley)

Interacting with @Metronome

Day 1 2:30-5pm
Harley peaked out of the room for Jason and he seemed to have disappeared. She closed the door and leaned against it and closed her eyes for a moment. "I'm gonna kill him." She looked at the man in sopping wet clothes that was easily 100 lbs heavier than she was.

"Fuck..." She said under her breath to herself. She locked the door and hung her jacket on the door handle. She rolled the wheelchair to the bed and she locked it in place so it wouldn't move. She was really not looking forward to this. She maneuvered his upper body onto the bed. She stopped and sat down for a minute. He was all dead weight. Holy shit he is heavy!

Harley tugged him by his pants into the bed and realized she had him half on the bed but she was trapped holding part of him up there. She was really losing her strength fast. "Oh crap." She managed to wiggle out from under him without him falling off the bed but only just barely. Now all she had to do was get his legs up there and then she could die from exhaustion. She was heaving his legs which felt like they weighed a hundred pounds each to her. Her strength was waning badly. She got one leg up and started to lift the other one and she felt her strength going so she braced herself against the wall as she held his leg up against the bed. She lost track of time and she wasn't entirely certain that she didn't fall asleep that way. She opened her eyes and found herself sort of stuck. Her legs had stiffened up in that position so she kind of fell against him when she tried to get his leg up into the bed. She finally got his legs up there. YAY! I did it! Her mind screamed.

Her next problem was worse in a way. She had to get the man's pants off and make sure he was dry so he didn't catch pneumonia. She looked at his pants and pulled a blanket out of the drawer and undid his pants to take them off and placed the blanket on the top half of him and covering down to his knees so she wouldn't have to compromise his dignity. She took off his shoes and socks and put them at the foot of the bed and then she climbed up on top of his legs and yanked on the pants until they finally slipped off and she went tumbling backwards off of the bed. With a squeak she hit the wall and slid down it. Crawling out from the end of the bed she blew her hair up and off of her face. She got to her feet slowly and covered the man's legs with the blanket. Exhausted, she sat on the floor in front of the door and within minutes she was asleep.
@King Tai@MissCapnCrunch@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jae Park

Interacting with: @Aeternum

As the water trickled down his hair and started soaking his shirt, JJ's mind replayed the events that had transpired earlier that day. Opening the door after a year of the catastrophe... Of course the air outside would be toxic. But no, he just barreled out like the rest of the people giving no thought about his safety...about anyone's safety. He knew what sort of scene he would face outside the doors but looking at it still horrified him. And then people began dying one by one. He wondered what had happened to his family. Were they still alive? Were they kept safe in a bunker only to die after the doors opened like what was happening where he is? Mom...

He would have kept his eyes closed if it wasn't for the ripping sound and the yelp that came from the next shower stall. His eyes flew open and he straightened up, the first thing on his mind being that the person in the other stall was already succumbing to the toxins that was continuously killing the others off. He hastily turned off the water and pulled back the shower curtain, just in time to see a soaked Robert crashing to the floor, his legs tangled in the torn shower curtain.

For a moment, he stood there and stared at Robert as he kicked himself free of the shower curtain and fall against the wall. On a normal day, it would have looked comical, he would have chuckled. But this wasn't a normal day. Any day from the moment the asteroid hit had stopped being normal. His mouth formed the words but he held back in asking if the younger boy was alright. He figured that the he would probably be too humiliated to answer back. The look on his face told him that much. And so, without saying anything, he stepped out from his stall, his hair dripping wet and his shirt half soaked. He walked over to him, leaned down and offered his hand to assist him up.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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@King Tai@Wick @MissCapnCrunch@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse

Feeling sort of giddy Kwan wondered if she might need to head back into the hated Bunker and decided she had too even if she didn’t relish the idea. So she climbed down and began retracing her steps back towards the others and along the way she nibbled at berries she found staining her fingers with their juices. Soon she finds her way back at the entrance and stops to view what appears to be a pile of bodies and wonders where they came from or if in fact they are real.

Shrugging she heads back inside to her bunk and plops down on the tough mattress wishing she had a hammock to lay in because she feels as if rocking in one would be fun. Sighing she begins singing once more this time she sings a silly Chinese children's song about chocolates because she so much wishes she had some missing her favorite vice.

Sweating she curses whoever is in charge of the heat and air in this rabbit hole and begins stripping off her clothing but is confused by the odd fact that even though she feels so hot she has begun to shake as if she were freezing. Soon she is clad only in her panties and a loose fitting shirt and sitting on her bed mewing like a kitty as she practices seductive pouting for the camera and fanboys.

Maybe is time I become like China Doll? she says in mock pidgeon english.

Then she laughs hysterically at her own joke and switches her posh agent Lilly of MI6 accent Steady, steady no need to make a show of yourself Lilly; stiff upper lip and all that.

Her expression shifts quickly to a smug smile as she looks around the drab quarters she finds herself in and and begins to memorize everything around her so that she can call back how she feels at this moment in any future acting part requiring she feel this way once more. It is such thoughts that make her really focus on herself, she is a master of her own form and biology taught in the understanding of the limits of the physical and how to surpass them by force of will.

First she takes note of how hot she feels and the copious amounts of sweat causing her shirt to plaster itself to her, she is shaking and can’t seem to stop though she doesn't feel in the least cold. Stretching her arms outwardly her hands formed into tight claws she tests her muscles rotating her hands and arms into complex patterns before her stopping after about 4 second and exhaling.

No numbness in her muscles or unusual stiffness in her joints so it couldn’t be a poison from something she ate. There is only one conclusion and the most obvious and that is she is running a fever of a type she’s never experienced.

Fluids and a shower the later something she has long since tired of she thinks as she rolls off her bed in a classic Monkey style tumble that makes her stop and sit on her bum scratching her head. Kwan laughs this time at how strange she has become knowing that this is a sign that her body temp has climbed to a dangerous point the heat affecting brain.

I am an egg on the griddle, with butter and onions

I’m all nice and yummy and my centers not too runny
she sings then rolls into a giggling ball on the concrete floor
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Sasha Belov

Despite being shoved around like a sack of potatoes, Sasha didn't really wake up throughout the whole ordeal. Once he was on the bed, his feet still hung off the end. By this time in his life, he was used to that sort of thing.

The Russian man slumbered for a while, letting out the occasional, soft snore, or shifting around. It seemed like forever before he was finally rested enough to wake up on his own accord. He was hungry, thirsty, and his body still had lingering soreness from the sickness. He groaned and turned his head, his eyes landing once more on the young woman who had first met him outside of the bunker. She was asleep against the wall in the corner. That couldn't be comfortable.

"Izvinite devochka, mozhno li mne nemnogo vody, pozhaluysta?

His words were slurred and his voice was gravely again. It probably didn't help that he wasn't speaking English. Sasha blinked, then corrected himself.

"Excuse me? Girl? May I have some water, please?"

Sasha slowly pulled himself into a sitting up position. He looked down and noticed his wrists, free of chains. He tenderly rubbed the chaffed skin where the restraints had one been. Then it hit him why he was here in the first place. He had to warn them!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jae Park

Interacting with: ...

Day 1, 7:00PM

Maybe soaking himself wasn't such a good idea after all. Even though his skin was still hot to the touch, JJ shivered. His joints ached and his limbs felt like lead. His movements were becoming sluggish and his eyes felt watery. Slowly, he made his way to where his things were. A backpack containing a few sets of clothes were all that he had from when he was brought to the bunker. Some of his clothes were hanging at the end of his bed, newly laundered and dry. He picked it up and changed, making a mental note to wash the clothes he had just removed later. With a determined huff, he made his way out to see what he can do to help.

Outside, he noted a handful of sick people hacking and struggling to breathe. Someone had already gotten rid of the corpses. He looked towards the doors just as the last of the rescuers returned. They looked haggard and ready to collapse, clothes hanging from their arms. Horrified, he realized that they had stripped the dead of their clothes before they had gotten rid of the bodies. He hoped that at least they were given proper burials... if that was even possible. He pushed the thought out of his head as he made his way to the door. "We need to make sure these are secured and closed unless we want to be snacks to whatever mutated animals are out there," he muttered. One of the weary looking men looked towards him and silently nodded.

The two worked hand in hand to get the doors closed. It was slow moving as no one else had the energy to stand up and help them. But soon they managed to close the doors, keeping those still alive safe inside.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Harlow Grey (Harley)

Interacting with @Metronome

DAY 2 8:30AM
Harley awoke to see the giant man's voice. Her mind took a second to catch up to her eyes. She pulled a bottle of water out of her jacket that was hanging next to her head and crawled over to him. She handed it to him.

"Go slow this time so you don't get sick again and please be quiet. I'm trying to keep you hidden from the guards so they don't lock you up." She pulled a brush out of her jacket and started to brush her hair. Once that was done she got to her feet and stood up and she stretched her back out.

"Ok, I have a few questions of my own. Firstly why are you running around out there by yourself sick and shackled like a prisoner? Where are the others that were obviously with you at some point? And I guess why were you shackled in the first place? And let me just say that I hope never to have to move you again if you are unconscious again. It just about did me in." She said as she reached down and grabbed his still damp pants off the ground and put them on the bed she grabbed his socks and shoes and put them on top of the foot of the bed.

"Don't worry, I didn't see anything. I covered you before I pulled the pants off of you. I just know how uncomfortable it is to fall asleep in wet clothes and I didn't want you catching pneumonia. I have no idea what happened to whatever shirt you were wearing but I'll try to find something for you to wear. Wait right here. I'll go get you some soup and more water. Do not leave this room. The guards are looking for you and you are not well enough to deal with them yet."

Harley grabbed her jacket and slid it on. She reached into her jacket and pulled a bunch of stuff out of her pockets and laid it on the small set of drawers. "Don't touch this stuff. I just need the pockets to sneak extra stuff back." She pulled the key to the door off of the top of the door frame and slipped out locking the door as she went.

Harley avoided the guards. She got to the kitchen and got two large bowls of soup and a sleeve of crackers and she stuffed her pockets with water bottles and she headed back. Up ahead she saw one of her least favorite people, Mark. Mark was a guard and an asshat. He had hit on her once and she had rejected him flat out. He had been an ass to her ever since. Internally she cringed and steeled herself for an annoying few minutes. She was thankful when another guard called him away just before he would have turned and saw her. She let out a breath and walked as quickly as she could without spilling the soup. When she got back to the room she unlocked the door and slipped inside quickly.

@King Tai@MissCapnCrunch@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse@December@Venku
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Sasha Belov

Sasha took the water from the girl and uncapped it. He sipped the water as he listened to her questioning, hoping to get his voice back before he responded. But before he got the chance, she ran off.

"Wait," He tried to tell her, but she was already gone. Sasha groaned softly, eyes searching the room, he was in. He spotted his wet army pants at the end of the bed, but had no desire to wear cold, wet clothes. He hadn't even notice that he wasn't wearing anything under the blanket he had over him. He wasn't too concerned about being undressed; whatever modesty he had was the least of his worries right now.

When the girl came back in, he was quick to get his word in. He needed to tell them about the pirates so that they could prepare.

"Thank you for helping me," He said, eyeing the soup. His stomach was quick to remind him how hungry he was, but he couldn't have any just yet. "I came from a bunker about 75 miles west of here. We had just opened our doors about a week and a half ago, our food and water supplies having run low. Everybody in our shelter got sick; the elderly died first, and then the young children next. We didn't have any time to recover before a group of vicious low lives attacked us. They are noting more than land pirates; they took what little food we had, raided our supplies, tortured the men and raped the women. The only thing they couldn't get to within the base was a vault that only the selected leaders knew the code for. I had been chosen as a leader after the first few months inside, when a sickness killed several of ours. Me and my comrades were taken away from what was left of our people and tortured for the vault code. The only thing of real value that I knew was inside was a map of all the surrounding bunkers. I refused to give them the code, but after several days, someone cracked.

Once they had what they wanted, the pirates began killing everyone who remained. I managed to escape, but I imagine the rest are dead by now. I knew I had to come here to warn your people; this was the closest bunker to ours. The map was encrypted, which should slow them down. But sooner or later, they will figure it out and they will bring their horrors here. You have to let your leaders know, so that you can prepare."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 15 days ago

Kai Funches

Not too long after dealing with the cockroach issue and making mental note to never try eating those disgusting fuckers again, Kai headed towards the large structure.

Curious, a bit cautious and still coughing a little while clearing his throat, Kai stepped up to the ruined building. He was actually surprised to see something sort of still standing but it may have been because of the structure integrity or where it was located to not totally be flattened into dust.

Taking a deep breath before coughing again, he walked into what was left of the building, looking around at the growth of some weeds, thistles, brambles and the like along with burnt markings and the same terrible smell as the outside. It was a Kai thought there would be.....nothing. Nothing but a few scattering little creatures that looked like iguanas or simple desert lizards.

In the back of Kai's mind, he could try eating one of those but...hell, he may need to cook it this time around. The eerie echo of the drafty wind sounded as if the dead and the terrain was sobbing from the destruction. He needed to continue his search. He looked around as whatever furniture that was there, they were destroyed. he saw something out the corner of his eye, swinging in another area of the building.

Moving over the torn up doll he found, he crept towards the end of the hall, walking into the room where he saw the shadow of whatever was swinging. It resembled that of a hung body as he turned the corner to catch a glimpse of the charred skeleton with burnt clothes swinging there. With a sigh he felt it was time to leave. Nothing found except death, destruction, and emptiness. He cough a bit more, coming out of the building to trip on something a little and looked down noticing a handle to something.

Pulling the handle, it was a rusted machete. It looked as if it was not going to be much use but brought it along with him just in case he was to run into anything that wanted to attack him.

@Wick @MissCapnCrunch @Aeternum @RumikoOhara @Spinosaurus @Kyrisse @December @Venku @Metronome
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Harlow Grey (Harley)

Interacting with @Metronome

Day 2 9am
Harley listened and nodded. "I'll go get you some clothes and then I'll get the commander. He should know what to do." She leaned over and grabbed his pants. "While I'm looking I'll get these dried for you just in case I can't find pants in your size. Oh, and you are welcome." Harley looked at him for a moment and she left again and she went straight to the laundry room, dropped off his pants into one of the dryers. Then she went to the clothing supply room and looked for anything in giant and muscular size. She found a 3x large shirt that might accommodate his shoulders and arms. As she suspected there was not a pair of pants to be found that would engulf him properly. Shirt in hand she left to go to the kitchen and find the commander.

"Commander! I need you to come with me. Please! It's life or death." Harley didn't have to say more as the commander was a compassionate man. She told him the basics, that she had helped a survivor from another bunker and he had a warning for them. On the way back she stopped by the dryer and grabbed out the now dry pants. She opened the door and found Sasha eating his soup and crackers. The commander entered behind her. Harley closed the door. The men spoke and after a while the commander left. He ordered the guards not to open the doors again until he told them to.

@King Tai@MissCapnCrunch@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@Kyrisse@December@Venku
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