Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I am interested though it seems you have more than the intended 6. Do you intend to open it up to more or am I going to have to suffer through waiting for someone to drop out? :P
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucidnonsense


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sounds interesting, will probably consider playing an alien or extradimensional character.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sounds interesting, will probably consider playing an alien or extradimensional character.

If I get my character in, she'll be one of those too! We could be roomies!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tergonaut
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll probably have to figure out who to select once the time comes for the actual RP, @LostDestiny - I've been lurking about the Guild long enough to know that once the actual RP starts, there're usually a few people by that time. So, keep an eye out, there may be a chance after all.

@Archmage MC - I'm saying no, if you mean your character Light. I've read through posts you've made with the character in other RPs, and she seems a bit too overtly powerful and silly for what I'm aiming for. I don't mean to dampen your enthusiasm for the RP; you're free to come up with another character idea for this if you like.

I usually stay logged off on Sundays, and as I write this, it's marching toward midnight, so just a heads up that I won't be replying to anything until Monday rolls around. Feel free to continue posting questions, character ideas, and maybe directions you'd like to see the RP go in.

See you Monday!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I shall lurk.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 7 days ago


Ah. From what I hear, the thread may not be suited for the character I was intending to run.
It still seems like a solid thread with more than enough interest, though I am going to retract mine for the sake of more enthusiastic individuals.

Sorry, and I hope all yas have fun!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MatthiasAngel
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MatthiasAngel Not actually an angel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I have an idea for a character of nobility, unwillingly sent to the lodge to represent their family name. The character in question being someone who is of noble blood but doesn't really enjoy it. Trying to hit the mark between "prissy, stuck-up rich kid" and "rebellious, sassy jerk" with a more positive spin, i.e. "I don't enjoy this lifestyle but I'll make the best of it."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

this looks interesting
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tergonaut
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Back from the weekend!

@Hawlin - Sorry to see you go. I appreciate your consideration in any case.

@MatthiasAngel - I can see this character idea working. The corporation sponsoring the lodge would consider bringing a member of royalty on board to be a major coup (ha ha, just an expression!...maybe), and the royal family might be glad to get their somewhat rebellious child out of the way for a while so they can focus on their politics and high society life.

I will work on a proper IC and OOC this week, so stay tuned!
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Squad 404
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Squad 404

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'm fairly interested. I might toss out a character when I get a bio.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tergonaut
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Tergonaut Off to save the day!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Slapping down a basic CS here for now as a start. I'll also create one of these for my two caretakers of the lodge as I get time, so you can have examples to look at.

Name: (what you're called)
Species: (whatever you want, pretty much)
Age: (minimum 15)
Gender: (male or female)
Personality: (what is your character like? What motivates them? What do they like or dislike?)
Appearance: (what do you look like? Try to include any important details, and one set of usual clothing)
Powers: (these are super powers - be creative, but balanced. As the RP progresses, you may gain more powers depending on the storyline and happenstance, so leave room to grow. Put N/A if you have no super powers, skills or racial abilities)
Strengths: (this is primarily talents that aren't superpowers, and can include learned skills and racial abilities that aren't "super")
Weaknesses: (this includes super-weaknesses)
Background: (basic history, origin of powers)
Misc. Notes: (anything important to the character that should be known, but for whatever reason doesn't fit into any other category)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MatthiasAngel
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MatthiasAngel Not actually an angel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Tergonaut I'm going with the idea that the family wants to have a presence there just for the sake of gaining attention. And it's not so much a rebellious child as an indifferent child, who just doesn't take nobility seriously.

I'm probably going to hand draw my character and wardrobe. The powers are undecided, but I'm leaning towards something to do with a symbol/crest.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MatthiasAngel
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MatthiasAngel Not actually an angel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Here be a rough outline of my CS.

Name: Lady Amethyst "Amie" Jane, baroness of the Jane Household
Species: Human
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Personality: Amie has two personalities: Lady Jane and Amie.

Lady Amethyst Jane is a stern, quiet, respectable woman of noble lineage. At 6'1", she is an imposing figure, towering over others both in rank and height. Lady Jane is in all aspects a gentlewoman. She dresses the part, bows to elders, and is receptive to the honor due her. She is the unofficial representative of her house and, accompanied by her assistant/servant, she spends time visiting exotic (and often expensive) locales, spreading the glory of her family everywhere. Fighting is unladylike, and she would never draw her sword unless absolutely necessary.

At heart, Amie is a kind, compassionate young woman who loves to read and write. She enjoys spending time with others, regardless of their place in society. Despite her family's love of affection and praise, Amie doesn't see herself as any more special than anyone else. She's optimistic and tries to find something to be happy about regardless of the circumstances. She doesn't have a wild streak or hot temper, but she has no objections to drawing steel. Fighting relieves boredom and causes adrenaline, and she would draw her sword in a heartbeat if it meant a good fight, or any kind of fight.


Her family crest is emblazoned in gold leaf on the back of her coat.

Powers: JANE. Amie has her family crest emblazoned in gold on the back of her glove that is activated mentally. It allows her to cycle through four abilities that last for 30 seconds. These abilities can be changed/swapped instantly, but the same one cannot be immediately used back to back. The Crest glows gold and the "J" in the crest changes to a symbol representing the ability while it is active. When holding the sword, the blade glows gold as well and adopts those properties, though it isn't necessary for the buffs. The abilities are Jump, Attack, Negate, and Evade.

Jump: Increases jump height dramatically.
Attack: Increases the size of her sword's blade and the amount of damage it can do.
Negate: Creates a holographic shield in front of her that absorbs projectiles.
Evade: Increases movement speed and reaction time.

Strengths: Intelligence and charisma. Masterful skill with a longsword.

Weaknesses: Pure physical strength and stamina. Also, she was raised in a mansion and attended to by servants, so even though she doesn't much care for her lifestyle, she doesn't understand the "outside world." It's always been fancy people with fancy vocabularies living carefree lives. Loneliness, depression, poverty and the like are all foreign to her.

Background: tl;dr she was born into a rich family and everything has been perfect her whole life, but her family is very rich and snobby and Amie doesn't think she's better than anyone else, so they don't see eye-to-eye on how to look and behave. In public Amie will act the part out of respect for her parents and lineage. She caries a sword because her parents insist she have a bodyguard, and Amie would rather not, so after a lot of bickering she finally convinced them to let her take up private fencing lessons, which escalated into using claymores, sabers, and two-edged longswords. She ended up preferring the longsword and has been using it exclusively for the past eleven years.

That's enough for now.

Misc. Notes: N/A
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lucidnonsense


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hrmmm now to decide between a few concepts:

Silica: A glass/sand based superhero, Trying to become a superhero, because her powers tend to lend themselves more to "living weapon" because glass shards leave nasty wounds.

Medusa: never asked to be a hero, must wear a mask for the protection of other people.

Doctor stardust: An alien in a human body, with understanding of superscience, a gadgeteer.

Sentinel: A superman esque hero frustrated by laws in place that prevent it from protecting people, some galactic law prevents its action in any function that is not deemed a "global existential level threat" is still allowed to make friends.

Kata: a 5D superhero who despite its alien origins, considers humanity its friends and does whatever it can to help people, saving cats from trees, pulling people out of septic tanks. placing villains in "Time out" behind walls
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 22 min ago

I can't get a character up right now because I'm working, but my idea is someone with powers similar to the human torch in fantastic 4, except the powers are very fuelled by his emotions, so he kind of has to try and shut them off else he burst in to flames and take out everything around him
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MatthiasAngel
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MatthiasAngel Not actually an angel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Lucidnonsense Sentinel sounds hilarious. It's like Mr Incredible when it's illegal for him to help people.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Fisticuffs
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Fisticuffs My hypocrisy knows no bounds

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'll work on getting something up.

Conjurer, maybe. Or just a unpowered combat medic out of his league. Cybernetic enhancements could be cool, as well.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Squad 404
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Squad 404

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Threw it to Tergo in a PM. Figured I'd post it here too.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 22 min ago

Name: Samuel Deniel
Species: Human, mostly. There is some phoenix blood in his family granting his powers
Age: 22
Gender: Male

Personality: Sam is a very reserved person, though that has come with years of training himself to be that way. Naturally Sam is a very passionate person, not afraid to let someone know what he thinks or to jump in to action should he be needed. Some of this still leaks through, and sometimes he loses control of himself and can't help but allow his emotions to burst through. When he is in control he is very warm towards others, kind, caring, and compassionate.

Appearance: Sam is 6'2" and weighs 280lbs. but the height helps make it look like he weighs less. He has glasses and short cut brown hair with blue eyes. He is very pasty white and is normally clean shaven. Can often be found wearing jeans and a green hoodie. When it gets too hot for that he'll switch to cargo shorts and a comfortable t-shirt with some kind of nerdy design on it.

Powers: (these are super powers - be creative, but balanced. As the RP progresses, you may gain more powers depending on the storyline and happenstance, so leave room to grow. Put N/A if you have no super powers, skills or racial abilities)Sam has the ability of pyrokinesis. Normally he can summon fire and manipulate it, or cause an object within his sight to burst in to flames. When he gets emotional he will often times burst in to flames and may float a few inches above the ground. The intensity and heat of his flames increases with his emotions but it also becomes harder to control. He also cannot be burned due to the nature of his powers.

Strengths: Sam has a pretty good memory and he's also fairly good at math. He also has some fighting skills from when he took tae-kwon-do as a kid, though he stopped a few years back

Weaknesses: Water, and especially rain weakens his powers. Also sending him in to an emotional rage, while dangerous, will yield him unable to control himself and he will exhaust his ability to fight within a few minutes

Background: Sam lived his life like a normal person for the most part, though he was home schooled until high school. This was his parents' decision to make sure he was able to control his emotions so he didn't have an incident in the school. He was born with his powers, the blessing of the phoenix they called it, he thought of it more like a curse. His sister doesn't have the powers of the phoenix, she has something else she has to deal with. Sam never applied himself in school so he didn't make it in to a university, so instead he just works as a bus driver, and that's fine with him.
Misc. Notes: (anything important to the character that should be known, but for whatever reason doesn't fit into any other category)

If I need more I'll put more, that's just what I have for tonight before I go to bed
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Rex
Species: dog, yellow lab
Age: 15 chronologically
Gender: male
Personality: Rex is an intelligent animal and is self aware like a normal human. He is a good creature and has a sense of morality. Rex has a like of rockets and aerospace technology. He will try to think his way through situations, but despite his great intelligence Rex still has instinctual urges and he can become easily distracted.

While he is good dog, Rex does have a temper and can be angered easily when pushed too far. Since dogs are pack animals, Rex likes working with others as long as they are not wasting his time and making him mad. Rex views himself as being a skeptical realist and individualist to an extent, although this never gets in the way of his teamwork skills.

He has a heroic sense of duty and will not be afraid to sacrifice himself in the process of saving a life. Despite his intelligence Rex can get very distracted by things such as squirrels and other animals that dogs are known to chase.


Enhanced intellect: Rex's intelligence is far greater than a normal dog and is comparable to that of a human scientist

Telepathy: Rex can communicate with other lifeforms telepathically

psychic constructs: This power allows Rex to create weapons and objects made of pure psychic energy, which he can use for combat and utility purposes.

psychic blast: Rex can fire off a golden yellow blast of pure psychic energy, which hits with force damage

Sixth sense: this power grants Rex the ability to see with his mind's eye at a full three hundred and sixty degrees of his surroundings. Basically he has no blind spot in his perception.

Life extension: Rex can live longer than any normal dog and now has a life span around the same length as a human.

Strengths: Thanks to canine senses, Rex is very skilled at tracking and can remember the faintest of scents and can recognize people through the sense of smell without even looking at them. As a dog he is very agile and quick. Rex is also very knowledgeable in space crafts and aerospace technology.
Weaknesses: Rex's powers require concentration to be utilized to their maximum effect and if he is in great pain then it is hard for him to concentrate in order to use his abilities. He is most vulnerable against electrocution and if he hit by powerful electrical attacks then his concentration will get broken.
Background: The first thing that Rex saw when he opened his eyes for the first time as puppy was the beautiful starry night sky. Despite his simple mind, Rex had a large fascination with the stars and even though he didn't know what they were, he wanted to see them up close.

His owners were nice and one of them was a worker at NASA. His owner had to take him to work one time and he behaved so well that his charm got the other workers to make him their mascot. One day Rex had accidentally wandered into a test rocket and was blasted off into space.

He was terrified, but he was also amazed by the sight of the vast beauty of space. However it wasn't long after his ship had reached orbit when a strange alien craft approached his ship and the next thing Rex knew, he was in the alien spaceship being experimented by the extraterrestrials.

They altered his brain's structure and made it stronger. After they were finished Rex found that he could fully understand the world around him and even communicate telepathically with other lifeforms. He soon discovered more psychic powers and since then he has gone on a great adventure in space battling all sorts of foes with his psychic powers. His mind was open to an incredible new world that had never known before and with abilities he would fight to keep the world safe from danger like a good dog.
Misc. Notes: he still eats dog food and loves doggie treats
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