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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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"I serve and protect. Don't think there's much to protect now, though."
[ ❇ ] S Y N O P S I S
Karen Aileen Byrne


*Born January 11th, 1993

Rushford, Ohio

Former Life
Park Ranger

[ ❇ ] C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N
Appearance Description
In terms of appearance, Karen is just another Midwestern American. She doesn't particularly stand out, being an average five foot four and with a lithe yet athletic build. Karen's dark brown hair—she prefers to keep it short and almost boyish—matches the color of her irises, only adding to her simplicity. Her skin is rather blemish-free, and if Karen did have any scarring or the like, she isn't the type for makeup regardless.

Typically, Karen would've been seen in her ranger uniform, but given the state of the world, she often wears more casual clothing like she chooses to off-duty. Light t-shirts, jeans, hoodies—clothing that would be considered breathable for the warmer seasons. In short, Karen sees no reason to enforce stuffy dress regulations if the law itself isn't exactly enforced anymore with the dead running about eating people.


During the cold, blizzard-like winter of 1993, Karen was born within a hospital as the younger of the Byrne children. Despite that she was second child, her parents chose to raise Karen rather strictly in response to their "failure to teach" her brother, Charles, whose raising had been ultimately more of an "experiment" than anything else. The trouble and grief he caused both their parents and neighbors would later define Karen's childhood, with her being no stranger to the concept of being "whooped with a belt" or being sent to bed without supper.

Perhaps her childhood had been cruel, but she learned quick, and she learned fast. It did, however, lead to Karen's drifting towards her grandparents, where she made a point to spend her school summers, breaks and some other weekends at their farm rather than the comfort of her home. Her grandmother's pies were undoubtedly an influence as well, although Karen would never admit she had been swayed by the taste of home cooked blueberry pie.

Nonetheless, life carried on, and by the time Karen was nearing adulthood, she realized she had no plan for her future. Just as they had done in their early twenties, Karen's parents wanted her to settle down—something which Karen hadn't felt privy to. The life of a lowly housewife hadn't sounded appealing to Kaern, who chose to do the best next thing; to become a park ranger, like her grandfather had been before his ultimate retirement to his farmstead.

The reaction to her decision was, as expected, mixed. Her parents were in clear disagreement with Karen's decision, having demanded that she listen to them. Meanwhile, Karen was eagerly supported by her grandparents going as far as to pay her tuition costs to earn the higher education that was required to apply as a park ranger.

It was this fallout that largely led to a silent graduation, with no one to congratulate Karen for graduating with a degree in Earth Sciences outside of her grandparents. Despite her failing relationship with her parents (and, to a lesser extent, her brother), Karen's degree helped her hiring at Cuyahoga Valley National Park, being recruited as a new fresh face to fill a gap within the park ranks. Incidentally, Cuyahoga Valley had been the same park that had the largest effect on her career, owing to proximity and the then-ongoing Krejci case.

For the first couple years of her career, Karen was assigned to teach the public about Cuyahoga Valley and the surrounding region. Unlike most, Karen showed an uncanny dedication to her craft—not unlike her grandfather—and was later noticed by her superiors, who later approached Karen with an offer of their own. Partly enticed by the extra pay they would mention, Karen took up their offer, heading south to FLETC, where she would spend months rigorously training her way to become a law enforcement ranger.

Still, not even her training could prepare Karen for what came next.

After her training had finished, Karen decided to visit her grandparents, seeking to stretch legs and nap after a long period of driving. By the time of her arrival, however, hardly a day had passed when the gaping maw of hell bared its fangs, bringing the dead onto the living.

Family ate family. Neighbors gunned down each other. People were terrified, and yet Karen—as stupid as it seemed—knew she had to help. What would be the point of her training, after all, if she sat around, hiding and seeking refugee from the coming storm? Taking her truck, Karen drove to the local RPD, and volunteered to help assist and control the situation.

What exactly happened next remains a daze to Karen, and yet the gruesome situation still burned itself into her thoughts. She had been posted near the Findlay-Gratton bridges to help move traffic in an orderly fashion, which soon became more of a death trap than the city. The noisy engines and horns had drawn a swarm of the infected to the bridge, and before Karen could blink, the situation was already out of control. The devoured chomped on those they could find, whilst civilians fired wildly into the crowd, hitting friend and foe alike.

It wasn't hard for Karen to make her decision. Knowing she couldn't gain the upper hand, at least not alone, Karen gathered who she could, and made a run for it to guide a small number of civilians. There was no time to mourn the dead; not when there were people that could still be saved.

[ ❇ ] M I S C E L L A N E O U S
SIG P232 — Trusty service weapon. Chambered in .32 ACP; 2 magazines remaining (8 + 1 bullets per magazine).
Tactical Knife — Standard survival knife. Carried for emergencies (and now self-defense).

Rugged Backpack — Carries miscellaneous supplies, but mainly cheap vending machine/gas station food and drink.
Park Ranger Badge — Signifies status of authority as a law enforcement (Department of the Interior) park ranger.
Wallet — Miscellaneous ID, cards and cash. Most cash has already been spent.
Keys — Keys to a beaten up truck and her grandparents' house.
Cellphone — An outdated smartphone.

CB Radio & Scanner — Grandfather special. Gotta keep in check even when off-duty, you know?
Binoculars— Standard issue binoculars. Equipped with powerful magnification.

Sociable — It's a good idea to know how to properly interact with people if your job requires you to educate the public.
Firearm Safety — Firearms training at FLETC to progress as a law enforcement park ranger.
Earth Sciences — Higher education required to apply for a park ranger job in a national park.
Tracking — A skill that Karen found she had a knack for after helping in a search and rescue.
Athleticism — Park rangers are required to stay fit and adhere to biannual fitness tests.

As with most families in the apocalypse, the status of Karen's family is currently unknown.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

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"This is not what I would call 'quality vacation time'."
[ ❇ ] S Y N O P S I S
Jennifer Louise Schwarzenberg


*Born December 4th, 1983

Rushford, Ohio

Former Life
FBI Special Agent

[ ❇ ] C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N
Appearance Description
The image of Agent Schwarzenberg is that of a leaner, taller girl from Midwestern Ohio. Her hair is bright blonde, which is more often than not held in some version of a ponytail. Her lean, athletic build is a byproduct of operating as a field agent on the road and at home. Her general appearance is accompanied by a badge and uniform, but in this case only one of those things is true. After deciding to take some time off and return to her childhood home the only resources she has off-hand are her sidearm, badge, and cellphone. Her attire as it stands is simple given the objective was not to play law enforcement but take some time off from being law enforcement. She has a light jacket, long-sleeve shirt, jeans, and pair of shoes. On first glance, nobody would even be able to tell she’s FBI.

Jennifer can be defined by these five core personality traits: sarcastic, judgmental, cautious, distrustful, and honorable.

Jennifer Schwarzenberg grew up in Rushford, Ohio as the only child of Henry and Janet Schwarzenberg. Life was simple, albeit rough due to the fact that by the time she was seven-years-old her parents’ marriage was beginning to fall apart.

Several years later, on the eve of Jennifer’s first day in middle school, they divorced. It was a story that wasn’t too uncommon with other Midwestern, suburban families of the time. Jennifer personally felt that it just showed that her family had been lying to her throughout her childhood and her image of her parents only seemed to worsen when neither could provide a healthy household following the divorce. In fact, things just seemed to get worse as she pushed through school. Her mother disappeared, dropping everything she had in Rushford to start somewhere else new—without her, and her father’s alcoholism had left him with a DUI and lacking in any capacity to parent.

Fortunately, Jennifer found some kind of stability under her father’s brother’s household on the other side of the city and she pushed through High School with little to no issues to account for. Years later, Jennifer has been accredited for many accomplishments. She never thought she’d be a FBI Agent—or surviving the zombie apocalypse.

[ ❇ ] M I S C E L L A N E O U S
Glock 17 — A favorite of law enforcement around the world. Chambered in 9mm; 1 magazine remaining (17 shots per magazine).
Tire Iron — For tires, or heads. From Jenn's car.

Rugged Backpack — Carries miscellaneous supplies, good for storage.
Wallet & Badge — Money amounting to 16.35, two credit cards, and a FBI badge.
Cellphone — An outdated smartphone.
Road Map — Useful in case your GPS doesn't work.
Sketchbook — For drawing or taking notes.

Capable Leader — Being an FBI Agent in the zombie apocalypse has its perks. People tend to listen and react to Jenn in times of crisis. She makes them feel safe.
Firearms Expertise — Jenn has the eyes of a hawk and the hands of a sniper, or at least she does with handguns.
Intermediate Self Defense — Basic training at Quantico afforded a fundamental grasp of judo, jiujutsu, and krav maga. Jenn isn’t going to go toe-to-toe with a MMA fighter, though.
Physical Conditioning — Years of working for the FBI and hunting criminals has afforded Jennifer an athletic physique. She can climb, run, and pace herself better than most.
Sketchaholic — Sometimes you need a little R&R. Drawing is fun.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Ladypug
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(If this is you or someone you know IRL, please let me know immediately and please don't sue me. ;u;)

"How else can today get worse?"
[ ❇ ] S Y N O P S I S
Percy James Moore



Born and raised in Rushford.

Former Life
He was recently laid off from his most recent job as a teacher's assistant.

[ ❇ ] C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N
Appearance Description
He's usually wearing glasses, because even though contacts are a lot less dorky looking, the idea of sticking shit in his eyes freaks him out.

Funny (he thinks he is, anyway)

Like a Fuckin' Sailor


Percy's early life, while important in shaping his character, is unimportant in the grand scheme of things. What can be said, though, is that his parents loved him, he did fairly well in school, and he made and lost friends like any other person would. He graduated high school, and then went to college. He was uncertain about what he wanted to do at first, so he faffed about for about a year before digging in and making the choice to pursue an engineering degree - three more years. It wasn't until after he'd graduated college and moved back into his parents house that the things that start to matter actually start to happen. His father fell ill and died, and his mother soon followed. "Died of a broken heart," the doctors said. Percy couldn't keep himself from scoffing at the assumption - not that his parents didn't love each other very much, he knew they did, but.. God, what a lame fucking explanation. It wasn't fair, and it was even less fair that a few months later he was forced to sell his childhood home so he could move to a smaller, more affordable apartment. Another extended period of scrambling, and he eventually was able to find a job to keep himself afloat and still be able to treat himself to a night out on that rare occasion he felt like going out.

On one of those rare instances of treating himself, he met a certain Miss Laura White - saying hello to her was the absolute worst decision he could have made in his life. At first, it was fine, but it was after she moved in with him that she showed her true colors. To keep a very long story short, Laura was an absolute party animal, and she was a very unpleasant drunk. Never physical, but still hurtful. Despite that, Percy found himself tagging along sometimes, and sometimes still he would find himself partaking in the drinking. It was fun for a while, but.. God, she went out like twice a week, if not more! And sometimes she wouldn't come back home for days. She'd come back looking like an absolute mess, but grinning and reeking of booze like it was ok. Percy would of course help her to bed, but when she woke up sober, he wouldn't be able to keep his anger in check any more. They'd fight, scream, and one time it got so bad the police were called to make sure that nobody was in danger. That little scare did get them to stop arguing, for a little while. Even better? Somewhere in the mess, Laura got pregnant.

At first, Percy was scared that maybe, just maybe, it wasn't his - like, when he didn't tag along, he had no way of knowing what Laura got up to. She could have slept with a thousand different men for all he knew, and he wasn't about to be a dad to some other guy's kid. Laura, however, insisted that it was his, that after getting together she never slept with anyone else - and she also insisted that she'd sober up, she'd change, that she really, really wanted this baby with him. Percy begrudgingly agreed, but on the condition that she go through all the necessary detoxes and check-ups and whatever else might be needed to make sure their baby comes out healthy. She does without question, and nine months later, Ana Lee Moore is born. She's a bit smaller than they expected her to be, but she wasn't sick. When he saw his daughter's sweet little face, Percy fell in love all over again - a stronger love than he'd ever known in his life. He also bawled like a little bitch, but we don't talk about that. So after swiftly getting married and adjusting to the largest change in their lives (that being Ana), Percy really believed that they could have that idyllic family life he'd fantasized about - sure, it happened much sooner than he was comfortable with, but now that Ana was in his life, he couldn't imagine his life without her.

Given that he's now been divorced from Laura with joint custody of Ana for around three years, you can guess where that idyllic life went. If you can't, then I'll tell you - down the shitter. For a little while, it did work out - they moved once again to a nice little house perfect for the three of them, but it didn't take Laura very long to slowly sink back into alcoholism. While of course Percy cared and was concerned for her, he was far more concerned for Ana's wellbeing. Having a mother that was absent for a week and then came home absolutely fucking sloshed didn't do good things to a Ana's psyche, and neither did having to listen to constant arguing about that as well as money, responsibility, and.. Well, herself. Percy knew that either they had to change, or they had to split. Ana was starting to come to them and try and break them up when they got too loud. She was five. She didn't deserve to feel responsible for that, and they both knew it. It was a mutual agreement that they needed to split, because... Well, because Laura wasn't about to change any time soon. Raising a little girl all on his own is scary - daunting, even - but he wouldn't change it for anything. Ana's slowly becoming a snappy little firecracker of a child and as far as Percy's aware, Laura's been clean for almost a year and is happily engaged to someone else. He's happy for her, but he wishes that she could have maybe cleaned up her act sooner, rather than later.

Due to how their visitation is set up, Laura had this summer to spend with Ana. This summer, of all summers, had to be when the Wildfire virus struck. The last he heard from them, it was a text from Laura's number but it was obviously Ana frantically typing,telling him how scared she was. He tried to call her back, but there was no answer.

He has to find his baby.

[ ❇ ] M I S C E L L A N E O U S
Glock 17 - 9mm, Safe-Action. Given to him by his mother before she passed. (One box of extra ammunition, 17 rounds per magazine)
Food. Cheese crackers, canned soup, cereal, beef jerky.
Nice reusable water bottle. It was an impulse buy that he didn't really think he'd get serious use out of.
A well-loved stuffed rabbit. Put in a plastic bag to prevent filth accumulation.
Cellphone. He has a selfie of himself and Ana as his lockscreen.
A duffel bag. Gotta carry this stuff somehow.

Firearm Safe: His mother was a very pro-gun safety type of woman, so as soon as Percy could hold a pistol without struggling, he was taught to shoot. He's not the best shot, but at least he knows better than to look down the barrel of a gun when it jams.

Patience: Being both a father and a past teacher's aide, he basically has the patience of a saint. Well, ok, no, not really, but he's more patient than he used to be.

Dad: Being a dad, you gain many skills - for example, he's honed his reflexes, he can make a mean mac and cheese, and he's learned not to give as much of a fuck about what people think - having to feign confidence so your daughter learns to be self-assured has a way of making you actually more confident. Who knew? Oh, yeah, and dad jokes. Loads of dad jokes. Horrible, dry dad jokes. Like saltine crackers dipped in sand levels of dry- you get it.

He has a bit of a photographer's eye and Ana has a lot of fun being his little model, so he has many pictures of his daughter just being a dork.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by HokumPocus
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"I drive golf carts and whoop ass in GTA, I got this."

-Damien, moments before crashing into a tree.
[ ❇ ] S Y N O P S I S
Damien Lee



Rushford, Ohio

Former Life
Country club caddie

[ ❇ ] C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N
Appearance Description
Damien´s appearance is that of a typical asian teenager, or at least it would be, had he not developed a taste for the finer things in life. Gaudy and colorful athletic clothing make up the majority of his wardrobe, and he´s sure to fly into a rage should anyone imply they´re anything less than legitimate (Some of them are!). If he´s not wearing an overpriced hoodie and some athletic pants, then he´s wearing an overpriced hoodie and some basketball shorts. Or an overpriced hoodie with sweats. He likes to switch it up.

Underneath his eye-catching hoodies and jackets he typically wears plain, affordable shirts, which he hides from the outside world at all costs. Better dead than broke. Unfortunately for him, the apocalypse descended on the world while he was in his work uniform, consisting of a pink polo shirt and khaki pants.

-Easily frightened

Damien is a former stuck up brat who made the bumpy transition to being a bitter teenager after his parents got divorced, making him go from a rich kid with a comfortable life to just another nobody. His dad, concerned with him being undisciplined and wimpy, forced him to earn his keep working as a caddie at a pretentious country club. Now on the other side of the economic scale, not a single day goes by where he doesn´t completely hate everyone whose equipment he lugs around. Oh well, at least he can still nab from their wallets every now and then.

His years before the outbreak had been sad. No longer was he able to spend his parent´s money on designer clothing and his high maintenance trophy girlfriend, and no longer was he able to get along with the large group of social climbers he called friends. The sports car of his dreams went from being something he expected as a birthday present to just another photo on his phone.

The stuffy neighborhood he called home was one of the first places in the county to really feel the effects of the virus, as the gates that were meant to protect them did the very opposite instead. Knowing his dad, Damien seriously doubted he was one of the first to die, as the man was the sort of person who was willing to do anything possible to be at the top of the food chain.

[ ❇ ] M I S C E L L A N E O U S
-A golf club covered in blood (An iron 9 club, as its 9 classification makes it the easiest to control and its iron classification makes it pack a punch when swinging)
-Premium golf gloves
-A set of everyday clothing he had intended to change into at the end of his shift
-Cans of food raided from the country club´s kitchen
-A backpack once used to store his work uniform
-An expensive smartphone
-A wallet full of cash, most of it looted from bodies

-Basic cooking that he learned against his will from the days they were understaffed at the club.
-Surprisingly good at driving, though he never goes below breakneck speeds.
-Above average stamina and strength from being an on and off gym rat for the ladiez.
-Pretty good at fighting dirty, after spending so many years butting heads with his peers in high school.

His father is alive and most likely holed up in their neighborhood. What he´s done to survive or what he´s willing to do is unknown.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

Member Seen 27 days ago

"Hoōla ke Akua iā mākou."
[ ❇ ] S Y N O P S I S
Kale Kahananui



Oahu, Hawaii

Former Life
Chef from an Oahu resturant.

[ ❇ ] C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N
Appearance Description
Kale has a few scars here and there, mostly from surfing incidents, knifes and getting popped by grease from fryers. He is usually shirtless, and wears shorts, but in the colder midwest, he just wears whatever fits.

• Bubbly
• Optimistic
• Stubborn
• Humorous
• Protective

Kale was born in Oahu, Hawaii, and lived there all his life. His parents were chefs, and through the power of nepotism, managed to land Kale a job at a local restaurant at an early age. There, Kale developed a love for food, and decided to go professional.

Kale also had a sister, named Alani, who is a year older than him. She moved to the midwest a couple of years earlier for work, and to pursue her master's degree in IT. It had been a while since Kale had seen her, and she invited him over to come see her. Kale, busy with work, had do delay the invitation, but eventually did arrive.

What Kale soon discovered, was horror. Some sort of "Wildfire Virus" had totally destroyed the entirety of the states. Kale was soon contacted by his sister, and told him of a safe haven called Camp Whispering Springs. A place without the undead.

[ ❇ ] M I S C E L L A N E O U S
Suitcase - Kale brought this in his suitcase.
Knife Set - Kale's personal knives he uses for home cooking.
A large bag of Taro(Kalo) - A Hawaiian root vegetable used for making Poi, a staple Hawaiian dish.
Taro and Ti leaves - Leaves commonly used for cooking.
Sea salt/mineral salt - Hawaiian salt.
Spam and Rice - Staple foods for Hawaiians. Though this food was found here.
Sanitizer solutions - as a Chef, Kale is a bit of a fanatic about keeping his "tools" and work surfaces clean.

Cooking - Kale knows traditional Hawaiian Cuisine and some Italian, but if all else fails he could just whip something up on the fly.
Fishing - Fish is very popular in Hawaii, and so Kale learned to fish for food at home.
Food Preservation - Various forms of preservation such as Curing meat, freezing, and using salt.
Athleticism - Kale likes to stay in shape, both to show off while at the beach and to keep his stamina up while running around the restaurant.
Food Safety - What kind of food is safe to eat, what temperature food should be kept at to be safe, etc.

Kale's parents are still in Oahu, and his sister is (hopefully) in Camp Whispering Springs. He also speaks fluent Hawaiian.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 10 days ago

"Just show me where to swing and I'll start cracking skulls."
[ ❇ ] S Y N O P S I S
Isla Elizabeth Black



New York, New York

Former Life
Shortstop for the Ohio University Girls' Softball Team

[ ❇ ] C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N
Appearance Description
Standing at five feet seven inches and weighing a healthy one hundred forty five pounds with an athletic build, Isla is an attractive young woman. Pale skin, green eyes, and headphones that are usually worn anytime she's out, aside from the dyed hair she usually doesn't stand out. She carries herself casually, often dressing in sweats and comfy clothes that are easy to workout in. She has a nose piercing that she usually takes off whenever she has a game.

  • Perky
  • Confident
  • Reckless
  • Distant
  • Easygoing

| Born to Elena and Sebastian Black with a younger sister she often doted on named Ava, Isla had a life filled with love. Despite their busy lives, her parents went out of their way to make sure their family was a wholesome one. Sebastian often took them on vacations, made sure they bonded with movie nights, and even had a 'golden rule' that no matter what, they would sit down and have at least one meal as a family. As such, Isla's environment growing up was a positive one, with much encouragement from her parents to do whatever his heart desired. She loved watching baseball with her father and even at a young age made it her life's goal to play professionally.

Around seven years ago, Ava came home to find her mother collapsed on the floor. After rushing her to the hospital, it was discovered that she had an inoperable brain tumor. Despite their intention to hide it from their children, little would be done when it was revealed that the tumor was cancerous. Every day Elena grew weaker and weaker, but not once did she ever show her pain to her children. Her sunny deposition made it both easier and harder for the family, but she managed to keep them together. Elena would die by the end of the year, and the Black household seemed to come to a halt. Ava distanced herself, getting caught up in a whirlwind of grief and anger, and Sebastian took of a position that required him to travel frequently--something he had never thought of before. Isla often found herself alone most times, though with her father away for weeks at a time, she took it upon herself to try to reign Ava in, to little avail.

Isla found out very quickly that she couldn't handle parenting a little sister who never listened to her and ended up hating her father for it. She would take the first college that would accept him as far away as she could be--Ohio University--and left as soon as she was accepted. Despite knowing that she was running away from the problem, she refused to confront it, choosing instead to focus on her future. She integrated with her team well enough, though her coach often warned her that she needed to be more of a team player.

[ ❇ ] M I S C E L L A N E O U S
Hybrid Backpack/Duffel Equipment Bag which is currently carrying two baseball bats (one wooden one metal), her cellphone, charger and extra battery pack, makeup kit (includes mirror, eyeliner, matte lip-stain), First Aid kit, taser, pepper spray, and way too many gusher packs (all strawberry flavored).

  • Athleticism - As she is on her way to becoming a professional athlete, this is a given.
  • Reflexes - Having to catch balls coming at her and tagging any slippery runners has honed her reaction timing.
  • Power Tool Handling - Loved Woodshop in high school and took a few classes at the university, chainsaws and small machinery had always fascinated her.
  • Climbing - A hobby since she was young, she started with climbing trees and had gone on holiday going mountain climbing recently.
  • Minor Plant Knowledge - At the very least she can recognize poison ivy, mushrooms that shouldn't be ingested, as well as a few berries and mushrooms that are okay to eat.

  • Had dyed her hair pink (along with the rest of the team) to support a team member's mother who had been diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • Was perusing a Bachelor's Degree in Nutritional and Health Science and has an Associate's Degree in Liberal Arts.
  • She has no idea where her father is but knows her sister is staying with her aunt.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DruSM157
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DruSM157 Nobody

Member Seen 18 days ago

"All my life I've wondered what it would be like to be a character in one of my stories. I’m starting to regret that little desire."
[ ❇ ] S Y N O P S I S
Daniel Marlowe



Grey’s Falls, IN

Former Life

[ ❇ ] C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N
Appearance Description
Daniel wears thin, wire frame glasses. To go without them would be dangerous, as he is painfully near-sighted. Daniel’s normal clothing consists of a smart button down collared shirt, khaki or slate-gray pants, and usually a thick coat, either tweed or leather. To say that he embraces the look of a nebbish man who tends to spend his hours typing away at a computer would be no lie.


Daniel Marlowe is not a household name, but to cult followers in horror novellas and terrifying published magazine tales, he has found his place in the world of the written word. Daniel’s entire life has always revolved around the written realm, which lead him to many sacrifices throughout his life: the comfort of steady pay, the free time to pursue relationships with others and the stability of a normal schedule. Daniel moved to Rushford three years ago after selling his parent’s house in Indiana. His agent, Franklin Picolla, said that the local publishing company in town, Deadwood Press, would love to have him work part time while he worked on his next project. That led to more hours taking phone calls and proof-reading other works than working on his own.

Daniel has no immediate family, having lost his mother to cancer four years ago. Since then, his only normal contacts were those at the Deadwood Press publisher and Franklin. Daniel has never been so isolated with such wondrous company.
It was during a meeting with Franklin over possibly selling his most well-known story, The Stranger at the Window, as a film treatment that he saw the true horror on what exactly was going on. The diner they met at had a man who was sick suddenly start attacking the staff. In trying to leave, Franklin was overwhelmed by the sick man and bitten. With his agent wounded, people freaking out and emergency services unavailable, Daniel ran.

He’s been running ever since.

[ ❇ ] M I S C E L L A N E O U S

•Messenger Bag: Daniel’s lucky messenger bag which contains his writing journal, several pens, and other items he needs throughout the day. Right now the contents alongside the journal and pen are bags of jerky and several water bottles, scrounged from gas stations. The bag remains in good condition and has been a source of luck and survival for him. At the very least, he can carry things.
•Cell Phone: Nearly dead, but works better as a flash light than anything else.
•Wristwatch: Great for telling the time in the undead apocalypse.
•Metal Pipe: A broken piece of pipe taken from the backroom of a store. Solid steel which has powerful bludgeoning power, but slow and unwieldy when used by such a weak man like Daniel.


•Puzzle Master: Daniel can easily work through puzzles and brainteasers, whether dealing with number problems, codes or literary hints. Useful if you’re traversing a dangerous mansion or nightmare realm; less useful when you’re running from the undead.
•Firearms Expertise (Specialized): Growing up in Grey’s Falls, Daniel had his hand in hunting ducks with his father. He’d comfortable with nearly all forms of shotguns and can easily fire one with little difficulty accounting for the recoil. His father also taught him a bit of shooting with a handgun, specifically a Smith & Wesson Model 37, which was the old man’s service pistol. Due to this specialized training in firearms, Daniel has no skill with magazine-fed firearms like a semi-automatic pistol (Glock, M1911, Sig) or magazine fed rifle.
•Creative Writing: Daniel is capable of crafting intricate stories, though most have a macabre bent to them.
•Eidetic Memory: Daniel possesses a photographic memory, and can remember things in vivid detail after seeing them for a short time. This includes maps, information, codes and other clues.
•Former Boy Scout: Though years out of practice, Daniel has skills in simple survival; from making a fire, fishing with a line, tying knots and practical first aid.

Daniel gets embarrassed if people recognize him from his work. He’s only done a handful of conventions and recognizes he has very few fans. .
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Supermaxx dumbass

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

"I'unno about the rest of you, but I'm plannin' on survivin' this thing. Whether or not you're with me at the end'a it is entirely up to you."
[ ❇ ] S Y N O P S I S
Cassidy "Cass" Montoya



Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Former Life

[ ❇ ] C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N
Appearance Description
Cass is short yet sturdily built thanks to a rigorous lifestyle and a career that required she be healthy and strong. She tends to keep her hair up in either a bun or a ponytail, never too worried about her outward appearance; this can be found, too, in her spartan style of dress and minimal use of makeup. If Montoya isn't in her work uniform she's running around in a light jacket and a pair of capris.

She doesn't have much in the way of scars, injuries or disfigurements, only a handful of minor cuts around her hands- Cassidy has always been a bit too careless when she's wielding a knife, and its come back to bite her on more than one occasion. Her only real 'injury', if one could call it that, is the fact that her eyes are a bit weaker than normal, so she's forced to wear either contacts or glasses. She prefers the latter, though carries the former with her just in case.


Cassidy's mother died in childbirth, forcing her father, Aaron, to raise her on his own. He was a good man and a dedicated parent, but being the lone provider of the family with a job that required him to travel meant he could never spend enough time with Cass. She bounced between paid caretakers, close friends willing to lend a hand, and extended family members; most of them were nice enough people, but the fact that she never really had a single place to call 'home' made Montoya...bitter. That bitterness twisted and grew when she became a teenager, causing her to shut out others and forcing her to rely only on herself.

Cass believe's she's stronger for it.

Fast-forward to her graduating High School and Cassidy begins looking for a career in medicine, having taken an interest in it early into her school life. She moved across the state to attend the best technical school in Pennsylvania. The rigid structure of it was a comfortable change from the chaos of her previous life, and Montoya excelled in it. And it was there, too, that she met the love of her life: Riley Clarkson.

After graduating she and Clarkson moved to his hometown of Rushford, where Cassidy found work with the local EMS unit attached to the police department. They set themselves up in a modest suburban house in a decent enough neighborhood where they would spend the next five years together.

Then the world decided to end.

[ ❇ ] M I S C E L L A N E O U S
Crowbar — Standard crowbar she looted from her neighbor's toolshed. In good condition.
Pocket Knife — Generic pocket knife. Relatively sharp but nothing too special, could probably be replaced with something larger.

Hiking Backpack — Where Cassy stores most of her gear, supplies and food.
Sleeping bag — A normal sleeping bag to make the nights a little more comfortable. Black.
Raincoat — For when the weather gets particularly bad. Fatigue green.
First Responder Trauma Kit — A bulkier version of the kit she'll usually carry on the job, the trauma kit is packed tight with everything she could possibly need to stabilize someone. Weighs approximately six pounds and has to be carried inside the hiking backpack.
Handheld Radio — Typically for keeping in contact with other emergency personnel and the medical coordinator, Cassidy mostly uses it for sporadic news reports and to track other survivors. Battery run.
Map— A hastily drawn map of Rushford featuring most of its important landmarks, stores, and neighborhoods. Proved useful after her phone died and it became apparent charging it was more of a hassle than it was worth.

Educated — Though she spent several years in a technical school to learn medicine, Cass came up with a much wider array of knowledge than she had anticipated; in particular, she knows quite a bit about chemistry, biology and physiology, not to mention the more obvious anatomy and medical science. On top of her formal education also comes a general interest in history and the broader sciences.
Advanced Medical Training — Montoya started down her career path right out of High School, enrolling in the best technical school she could find. She's a fully licensed Paramedic with a number of years of experience, able to tackle nearly any medical emergency she encounters with speed and precision.
Basic Survival Training — Cassidy has spent much of her life outdoors, developing a love of nature at an early age thanks to her father's enthusiasm for it. She's been hiking and mountain climbing more times than she can count, and those experiences have taught her a thing or two about surviving on limited resources.
Basic Self Defense — Rushford's EMS service being integrated with its police department has given Montoya a unique opportunity to work closely with law enforcement, and one of the perks of that closeness was self-defense classes provided free of charge. She learned the fundamentals of fighting and protecting herself during a physical confrontation.
Athleticism — A life of hard-work, consistent exercise and a good diet have allowed her to develop a strong frame and an athletic body.

Has lived alone with her boyfriend, Riley Clarkson, in Rushford for five years now. They were separated during the incident and haven't been in contact since.
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