Hidden 4 days ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Chapter 1: Home is Where..?

Great Bazaar, Market Ward, Sigil

@Lurking Krog @Abstract Proxy @Guardian Angel Haruki

Only a couple of weeks before the disappearance of Tir na Og, a new portal was discovered in the Market Ward, located in the doorway of one of the shops of the Great Bazaar. Normally, a new portal showing up wouldn't cause too much fuss, but this one leads to perhaps the worst place it could: the gate-town of Tradegate, a hub of ethical trade rivaling the variety that the Bazaar has, with fairer prices and with a lot less cutthroat business practices. As one can imagine, a lot of the local merchants are not happy with development, and multiple attempts have been to made to either destroy it or find a way to profit of its usage.

All of you know this because you were told so - by Lissandra the Gateseeker. Over the past week, this woman has made each of your acquaintance individually. She was the first person to greet Aaliyah as she walked through the portal into the City, immediately asking the younger girl where she had perhaps come from. Upon hearing about her plight, she offered to show her around in exchange for stories about her home and even find other people who could accompany the girl to Tir na Og so she wouldn't have to brave the Outlands alone. After asking around, Lissandra eventually located both Mariel and Beigeiros separately and asked for their aid, likely recognizing them as members of the Plane-tenders and feeling that Aaliyah would be save in your hands. She then asked all of three of you come meet her in the Market Ward on this day, where she would show you the portal of Tradegate, as it is the gate-town closest to where Tir na Og once was.

It is afternoon and things seem no more or less busy than they have any previous times have you have made your way to this part of the City. Beings of all sorts of races, from all corners of the Planes, wonder around you, making their ways towards the many services the Market Ward has to offer. However, even in the crowd, you can easily see Lissandra standing at the entrance to the Bazaar. She is a rather tall human woman somewhere in her late thirties or early forties, very pretty with long blonde hair barely restrained by a thin lavender hair band, and never seen without the trusty logbook tucked under her arm which she uses to make record of all portals in Sigil. She's not the only person to attempt to this, but she is one of the few who readily shares this information with the masses, thinking it should be everyone and not just the nobles and faction higher-ups.

You notice a couple of men lurking around, seemingly trying to chat her up. However, she alternates between just staring at them rather coolly or turning her gaze elsewhere in search of who she's actually here for. When she spots at least one of you, her face immediately lights up and she starts waving. The two men follow her gaze, see one or maybe all of you, look disappointed and then walk off, leaving Lissandra to focus her full attention on the rest of you, as her waving grows more frantic.

What do you do?

Ubiquitous Wayfarer, Lower Ward, Sigil

@rush99999 @Fading Memory

While Sigil is abundant in planar portals - it wouldn't be called the City of Doors otherwise - the highest concentration of these portals can be found in the Ubiquitous Wayfarer, a three-story tavern located in the Lower Ward. A lot of them lead to other areas within the city, allowing its patrons to get around faster, but there are still plenty leading elsewhere, including a few to the Outlands.

Because both your factions are located on either side of the Lower Ward, this tavern was the best bet to get where you need to go. Fyodor specifically is accompanied by three other bleakers, a scarred gnoll factotum called Ulgad and two other factioneers, a halfling man named Jarret Greycloud, who quickly has shown himself to be bad-tempted and lacking an indoor voice, and an eladrin woman named Wynvere, who is perpetually within her wintry state and often can be caught staring into the distance at something no one else can perceive. This group has been told to find a specific portal leading to the gate-town of Ecstasy, providing you with the gate-key - a polished greenish-grey pebble, which Ulgad has allowed Fyodor to carry. Ulgad has been the closest thing to a mentor Fyodor has had following his acceptance into the Bleak Cabal, and the gnoll has shown himself to be one of the cheerier and more encouraging members of the faction. This is one of the few times Fyodor has actually seem him outside of the Gatehouse as he often prefers to help around the place rather than do any external missions, but he's made an exception when he heard Fyodor was assigned to this particular expedition.

Upon entering the tavern, you find that it is particularly busy day, with a bubblegum-pink tiefling woman - who seems to be serving as some sort of bouncer - passing by you as you arrive, holding a cursing pixie in one hand and using her other to drag a very, very drunk satyr behind her. Once she reaches the door, she proceeds to practically toss the pair out before coming back inside. One of you might even manage to hear her muttering to herself, "I do not get paid enough for this."

While pretty much all of the tables are full, there is only one person sitting at the bar: a dark-skinned human woman sitting at the bar with a rather handsome golden brown tabby cat sleeping around her shoulders. Behind the bar is another human woman, much older as shown by her grey hair and much more severe looking, as she glances over in your direction as you enter - her eyes lingering on Zaraknyvr in particular with some suspicion. It's likely she recognises him as a member of the Mercykillers and is already expecting him to be trouble. She doesn't react otherwise, just kind of watching you all as you enter.

What will you do?

Former site of Tir na Og, the Outlands

@Digizel @Rune_Alchemist

You both enter the area where Tir na Og once stood from opposite sides: Tanrith heading from the direction of the gate-town Faunel, while Raella came from the direction of Excelsior. Tanrith was around Faunel when he received a message veer Sending from a familiar voice.

"Hello, Tanrith, I require your assistance. Tir na Og has gone missing, please investigate for me. If anyone asks, you are just collecting new sensations."

Tanrith immediately recognises this voice as Cuatha Da'nanin, a half-elf wizard from the Society of Sensation and Factol Erin Montgomery's loyal second-in-command and romantic partner. He was the one who freed Tanrith from his mysterious captors and gave him a place in the Sensates. Apparently, he had been in a similar position himself at one point in his life, and desired to help the kobold. Even though Tanrith generally kept away from Sigil, Cuatha still did his best to support him and send him on any expeditions he felt Tanrith would either be interested in or would benefit him.

Raella, on the other hand, was originally in the Outlands on other business. Accompanied by her servant, a gloomy-looking human man by the name of Arndell, she had traveled to Thebestys in an attempt to gain access to the Great Library. While she was allowed to enter, some shenanigans lead her to being asked to leave... and then eventually forcibly removed. After being kicked out, she and Arndell instead start to head to Tir na Og, hoping to gain access to the Oghma's House of Knowledge.

You both arrive at your destination at roughly the same time, just as a light fog starts to roll in, adding an extra sense of ominousness to the whole scene. Whether you've been near or not, you can clearly tell that something is missing, as the area is a long stretch of undisturbed meadow that doesn't seem to quite fit in with the business of the rest of the Outlands. There are quite a few people around the area, all scattered off into different little groups, most of whom you can see sporting badges of various factions and sects. In particular, the following groups of people are most notable:

By the body of water where you know the realm of Tir fo Thuinn to reside, you notice a bit of a commotion. Three armored figures lead by an elderly firbolg woman are standing by the water's edge, their leader having a heated discussion with younger firbolg man dressed in druidic robes. The other two armored figures are watching this confrontation with something akin to amusement. All the while, the water near them seems to be moving slightly, as if something is lurking just beneath the surface.

Near them, you can see a group of people wearing similar druidic clothing, most wearing a badge with a tree symbol on it. They are all discussing something and pointing into the distance. They seem to be gesturing towards the far side of the field. While it slowly being swallowed up by the fog, you can clearly see a very large industrial workshop, with a thick flow of smoke coming out of its chimney. You would know that this is Wonderhome, the realm of Gond the Wonderbringer, god of crafting, smithing and invention. What you don't recognise is the tent that has been pitched alarmingly close to the workshop, where you can see the vague shape of soldiers milling around. Their presence seems to be upsetting the druids.

You also several people in martial arts attire, seemingly patrolling the area and constantly surveying around themselves as if searching for something. Occasionally, one or two of them will start conversing, but it doesn't last long before they continue searching around the area.

What will you do?
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Hidden 3 days ago 3 days ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Fyodor Strelnikov

Fyodor Strelnikov entered the Ubiquitous Wayfarer alongside his companions and surveyed the interior. It seemed that they had the misfortune of arriving at the tavern during one of the busier stretches of its open hours. Navigating through the crowd would present something of a hinderance. But ultimately that mattered about as much as anything else in the multiverse did, which was to say it did not matter at all. The crowd might delay them, but it would not stop them. Regardless of how long it would take them, they would reach their portal, pass through it to Ecstasy, and link up with the rest of the expedition bound for the place where Tir na Og once stood.

Fyodor reached into his pocket and pulled out the gate-key that Ulgad had entrusted to him. He regarded the polished greenish-grey pebble for a moment, then closed his hand around it and glanced at Ulgad. "Where to from here?" Fyodor asked.
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Hidden 3 days ago Post by Fading Memory
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Fading Memory The Final Flame of a Fiery Bird

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What drivel. The hideousness of a tiefling so pink her flesh may have very well seared itself into his eyes was the first thing to bare itself to Zaraknvyr's eyes. Within this female's grasp was the hairy and alcohol-stench-laden form of the fae-kin, which upon notice caused the drow to physically hold back the rising disgust in his throat. The entire scene made him sick, and the only solace he felt in the observation was seeing the satyr collide with the ground in a heap, and witnessing the dizzying flight of the pixie as the tiefling tossed them out. The woman's muttering reached his ears, and his satisfaction warped into a thread of usefulness which he swiftly gripped.

Zaraknvyr waited aside, eyes peering from within dark hood, as he allowed the party of the Bleak Cabal to pass before him. Upon their formal entrance into the Ubiquitous Wayfarer, the drow approached the bouncer and produced his coin pouch in hand.

"One for the show." He rasped, flicking a gold coin to the obnoxiously pink woman. "Two for information." He held up two additional coins between his index and middle fingers, but did not bestow them upon her immediately. "I believe strongly in the lubrication of the economy."

He lifted his head, allowing the sight of his discomforting, toothy, smile to be lit from within his hood.

"I am in haste. Searching for a portal. Can you be of use to me?"
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Hidden 3 days ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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Lady Norinthall

Really, she had just spoke the truth! The librarian was an old hag that couldn't tell a gnome from a dwarf! Not to mention she offered to buy the books she had...ahem, misplaced! What, did the Librarian think she couldn't just throw around money? Well, she could! Raella trudged, in quite an annoyed fashion along the road as they made their way to Tir Na Ong. Really, should she complain to dad? Have that place raided? Audited? Tch, just thinking about it made her want to shove that silly Librarian in their place even more.

Geh, it was a good thing she was a good little girl and didn't cause trouble or that Librarian would so totally get it!

"And what is with this fog!?" Raella shouted, just a little irritated still. "Ugh, Arndell, carry me." She should really work on getting a levitation spell so she could just float and swim through air like she could water. "...and what are with these weirdos here?" Her eyes scanned the groups present. Three distinct ones. Some armored meatheads, some funky looking druids, and some unarmored meatheads. What, did she miss a memo about some physical fitness competition being held all the way out here? Actually, come to think of it weren't those armored guys members of the Doom Guard? And those martial arts uniforms were part of the Transcendent order? She didn't recognize the others, but why were they out here? She at least, did not need a reason to be anywhere so of course she was always where she was supposed to be.

"Actually, scratch that, touch me and you'll give me half your next paycheck." Raella responded, humming lightly as she observed the going ons. Well, if nothing else, the annoyance at getting kicked out of the library was slowly being replaced with curiosity. Raella would first, approach one of the troubled looking Druids, preferably one that is by itself if she was so lucky as to find one and casually, strike up a totally non intrusive fishing for information conversation. "So what are the Doomguard and Transcendant Order doing here that's got you country bumpkins all in a tizzy? Gond the wonderbringer get arrested for something or are we just having a party here? "
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Hidden 3 days ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Aaliyah considered herself lucky to have met Lissandra upon first arriving to Sigil. She honestly doesn't know where she would be without her help. She was all to happy to talk about her home, both in the Elemental Plane of Air, and her previous home in the Material Plane (as much as her memory would allow) in exchange for Lissantra's help. Naturally, Aaliyah listened to Lissandra as she teaches her about Sigil, the gates, and everything Aaliyah needed to know.

Other than that, during the week, she took every single opportunity to learn as much as possible.

Everything is so New! It's so exciting!

Of course, she didn't forget about Lissandra's request to meet her at the Great Bazaar in Market Ward this afternoon! A certain familiar wouldn't let her forget it!

"Ow!" Aaliyah yelps as her familiar, a great horned owl pecks her head, and lets out a hoot.

Aaliyah answers the familiar while rubbing her head, "I know, I know! I'm looking for her, Bruno!" She then realizes something and asks, "Wait a minute! What are you doing, just perching on my shoulder? You can fly!"

The owl looks away from her innocently, before she tells him, "Come on, Lazy! Help me find her in the crowds!" She shrugs him off and he takes flight with some choice telepathic words sent her way, and she follows him.

Thanks to their efforts, they are able to find Lissandra. When Aaliyah sees her, she gives a wide smile and waves back to her calling joyfully and enthusiastically, "Heeeey! Lissandra!" before running up to meet with her. After reaching Lissandra, her familiar lands on her shoulder again.

Aaliyah asks, "Sorry, I didn't keep you waiting too long, did I?"
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