Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As always, death is tragic no matter how they died.
While it is tragic, suicide is also selfish. I've thought about it more times than I would like. For me, its the constant reminder in life that I may not have a purpose as described by Mr. Christian. No reason to live coupled with a sense of loneliness, not belonging, and feeling unloved by everyone tends to become more than some people can handle. That is were people decide whether they want to live or if they should die. It is selfish to die, because you obviously will hurt the people you think don't love you. With that is a small feeling is they and the world will be a better place without you. On the other hand, its selfish to live... for the same reasons but twisted around. As a "burden", you would feel that it isn't right that you live and hurt the people you think don't care about you. Then you think about how much you would hurt those people by dying.
Some people decide to give life another shot, see if they can change themselves into someone that would never consider these things. Some succeed, some don't. Some are scared of death and what comes next. Some people, like myself, are extremely indecisive. They live wondering if they made the right choice. For us, this choice is always what it comes down to. The answer is never simple. Its about as clear as filling a glass with water that had milk in it.

This is my experience with suicide and thoughts of. I never reached out to anyone because I believed I would be criticized for feeling this way.

As for speaking ill of the dead, you shouldn't. While the deceased probably won't mind, their families will. By talking bad about someone they lost, you are hurting them more and will probably lose not only respect, but friendship.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cayden Black
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Cayden Black The Lost Poet

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I can honestly say I've gotten through random depression spikes by simply being here and roleplaying. I lose myself in stories and like to imagine them happening as I sit their writing. I guess you can say every story I ever make is dark because I feel like reality is a pile of cow dung and I need to raise up out of it.

My only slap to the face with this fantasy is the romance side. I actually find the loneliness in my life leaves me almost wanting to cry, I remember it once did...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I would read through old posts on a forum that no longer exists due to some nonsense. Everyone was sad that day.

Now I keep a diary. I write in it every time I start to relapse into depression. It helps.. kinda.
Anyway. You know what they say, attitudes are contagious. That is why I've been enjoying Cayenne's personality.. sort of. Always cheerful. Makes me cheerful. I restore my own faith in humanity hoping there are people like him in this world.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cayden Black
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Cayden Black The Lost Poet

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm sadly mellow on that side. Everything is stuck in a storm and we just have to hope it passes so the flower can bloom once again.

I wouldn't call myself an optimist, just someone who has hope. A dream that something is out there, someone even in my case.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Good thing storms don't always last for long. Then they come back. That is the part that sucks. Your flowers bloom then there is the possibility that they will drown again.

Optimism is over rated anyway. When the walls are stripped away, all we have is hope either way. It is all we need, not a sunny disposition. Although it can help.

As a slightly on topic note: I read somewhere that listening to country music and video game soundtracks could be connected to suicide.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Overwatch
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Overwatch The Lord of Black Flames

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Suicide is the fools way out. It irritated me that anybody could be so weak-willed and dumb that they would expend effort trying to kill themselves, rather than seek another solution. Such a fool deserves the death they seek. Self-harm isn't the way to go. And you'll get no sympathy from me, or remorse for thinking less of you for doing it. Suicide is bullshit. That's all. It isn't "tragic", it IS selfish, and it certainly makes me want to overkill their goddamned corpse for doing something so god-damned blindly. You have one life, and nothing afterwords, asshole. Make the most of it. I don't care if you are crippled from the waist down, or a slave for life, fight on! Make a change! March forward! Sadness never helped anybody, and killing yourself doesn't right whatever made you feel so wronged. If anything, all you did was choose the cowards way out, and hurt anyone who ever cared about you. Your death is not admirable, nor honorable. You deserve no tears shed over your shitty ass carcass once you off yourself. See, I hate myself, loathe myself, I seethe with sadness and rage when I see others as happy as I cannot be. Of course, I cannot fix other's perceptions of me, and voicing my feelings is rude, and selfish, so, I'll dwell on it, slay the beast myself, and move on, no matter how many times I face it. Praise the fucking sun, assholes, praise music, and light, warmth, and friends. When I think of that, I kick to the curb what had me down, and move on. I've had a pretty shitty hand of cards thrown at me, but it can always be worse or better. I'd rather see it through the better half than suffer death. And when I have my funeral, I'll have a party. Don't be sad we parted, be happy that you knew me well enough to feel sorrow at my absence. Happy that I'd be happy knowing you actually cared. I won't forsake your kindness by choosing the path of the foolish coward.

Yeah, sure, leave me a scathing reply, telling me how wrong I am. My opinion Ain't changing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Overwatch said
Suicide is the fools way out. It irritated me that anybody could be so weak-willed and dumb that they would expend effort trying to kill themselves, rather than seek another solution. Such a fool deserves the death they seek. Self-harm isn't the way to go. And you'll get no sympathy from me, or remorse for thinking less of you for doing it. Suicide is bullshit. That's all. It isn't "tragic", it IS selfish, and it certainly makes me want to overkill their goddamned corpse for doing something so god-damned blindly. You have one life, and nothing afterwords, asshole. Make the most of it. I don't care if you are crippled from the waist down, or a slave for life, fight on! Make a change! March forward! Sadness never helped anybody, and killing yourself doesn't right whatever made you feel so wronged. If anything, all you did was choose the cowards way out, and hurt anyone who ever cared about you. Your death is not admirable, nor honorable. You deserve no tears shed over your shitty ass carcass once you off yourself. See, I hate myself, loathe myself, I seethe with sadness and rage when I see others as happy as I cannot be. Of course, I cannot fix other's perceptions of me, and voicing my feelings is rude, and selfish, so, I'll dwell on it, slay the beast myself, and move on, no matter how many times I face it. Praise the fucking sun, assholes, praise music, and light, warmth, and friends. When I think of that, I kick to the curb what had me down, and move on. I've had a pretty shitty hand of cards thrown at me, but it can always be worse or better. I'd rather see it through the better half than suffer death. And when I have my funeral, I'll have a party. Don't be sad we parted, be happy that you knew me well enough to feel sorrow at my absence. Happy that I'd be happy knowing you actually cared. I won't forsake your kindness by choosing the path of the foolish coward.Yeah, sure, leave me a scathing reply, telling me how wrong I am. My opinion Ain't changing.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ApocalypticaGM


Member Offline since relaunch

I think it's interesting that we categorize death. Yeah, I often bring that ethereal liberalism perspective, but genuinely, don't you find it to be an intriguing thought? If someone drinks regularly, we look down on it, but do we see it as a slow suicide? Drinking and smoking do receive negative attention, but not as bad as suicide. Is there a great difference though -- perhaps killing yourself over a decade or more is more acceptable than in one motion. As if watching someone die over a long while is more comforting than dealing with the sudden shock.

Really though, we introduce chemicals into our bodies, our air, and our water that we know will give us cancer. How is our slow suicide, a thing which we can reject, pay money and vote against, more selfless than taking one's self?

This conversation has been had in the Guild and recently. A lot of us shared very personal stories and some of who often argue came together over our shared sufferings. What a lot of us found was that this isn't a simple answer, nor I guess is it really complex. We make a large thing about the abstract notion of suicide and yet the actual thing is an experience entirely different. Some of us have had friends and loved ones take themselves out of this life. But the fact is that while we may suffer, clearly the ones we lost suffered greatly first. So great in fact that they felt death their salvation. They chose. I often declare that choice is the one thing that scares me to lose. I defend that, choice, and I keep a respect for those who choose in good conscience. Suicide is a choice and I can't say I feel right labelling it a right or wrong, tragic or selfish thing. It's a decision I simply hope those who're attracted to it do so with careful consideration.

More importantly I think we should listen to people. We're so often caught up in our personal dramas and resentments and passions that we ignore the loving and writhing people all around us. We ignore them and condemn them for needing our attention. Everyone wants to be accepted, just validated if only by one. I think it's more important to listen and consider others than it is to cast judgements about abstract notions. People are absolute. They're here, in health and in pain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

It's selfish, only people these days are ironically too selfish to care about someone who has just offed themselves, the people criticize the dead (Rightly, but often times cruelly) and dishonor their memory, because the dead are an easy target. But boy it feels good to disrespect someone who can't fight back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Was Overwatch calling me an asshole? I was stating nothing more than he did. My opinion. I find his use of language to be uncalled for. As for a reply, think about what you've said. You are telling people who struggle with the decision of whether or not to commit suicide that you do not care for them. That is reinforcing how they feel about themselves. You are part of the problem, simmer down.

I agree wholly with ShonHarris.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Gwazi Magnum

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Elendra said With all the mourning. I personally find that response to death to be lame. If a good person dies, let there be a celebration, not of their passing, but of the life they lived. If a bad person dies, let there also be a celebration, because they're gone and can't do more bad things. Celebrate life, celebrate death, more parties less moping.This is also why I don't want a traditional funeral when I die. Either throw a party and have fun, or do nothing. If you feel you need to mourn, don't do too much of it. Get it out of your system, then crack a smile and get on with your life.Also, that 'don't speak ill of the dead' thing is bullshit.

That's just not how people work though.
When someone dies, you are losing them. They are gone and you won't be seeing them again.
If you lost a loved one like a parent, spouse, sibling, grandparent, god forbid your child etc. almost no one is going to be "Well, they're dead. Let's have a happy party!".
You're going to feel terrible, you're going to feel like you've just lost a big part of your life and someone that made you happy.

Also, having said parties instead of the mourning is basically another way of bottling up your pain and grief inside instead of letting it out.
Which just isn't healthy, if people don't let out such pain the situation will only end up getting worse for them.
Have you ever heard the saying "Those who seem to be doing the best, those are that are always able to help/comfort others may be hurting the most of all?".

This is not to say they should eventually be cracking smiles and get back into a happy life.
If you forever stay in grief that does imply something is wrong (Though this is very common after losing a child or a spouse), but that grief period is most likely not going to be done until far after any funeral you have is long over and done with.

ShonHarris said
I think it's interesting that we categorize death. Yeah, I often bring that ethereal liberalism perspective, but genuinely, don't you find it to be an intriguing thought? If someone drinks regularly, we look down on it, but do we see it as a slow suicide? Drinking and smoking do receive negative attention, but not as bad as suicide. Is there a great difference though -- perhaps killing yourself over a decade or more is more acceptable than in one motion. As if watching someone die over a long while is more comforting than dealing with the sudden shock. Really though, we introduce chemicals into our bodies, our air, and our water that we know will give us cancer. How is our slow suicide, a thing which we can reject, pay money and vote against, more selfless than taking one's self? This conversation has been had in the Guild and recently. A lot of us shared very personal stories and some of who often argue came together over our shared sufferings. What a lot of us found was that this isn't a simple answer, nor I guess is it really complex. We make a large thing about the abstract notion of suicide and yet the actual thing is an experience entirely different. Some of us have had friends and loved ones take themselves out of this life. But the fact is that while we may suffer, clearly the ones we lost suffered greatly first. So great in fact that they felt death their salvation. They chose. I often declare that choice is the one thing that scares me to lose. I defend that, choice, and I keep a respect for those who choose in good conscience. Suicide is a choice and I can't say I feel right labelling it a right or wrong, tragic or selfish thing. It's a decision I simply hope those who're attracted to it do so with careful consideration. More importantly I think we should listen to people. We're so often caught up in our personal dramas and resentments and passions that we ignore the loving and writhing people all around us. We ignore them and condemn them for needing our attention. Everyone wants to be accepted, just validated if only by one. I think it's more important to listen and consider others than it is to cast judgements about abstract notions. People are absolute. They're here, in health and in pain.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gwynbleidd
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Gwynbleidd Summon The Bitches

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

mdk said
Pretty unanimously selfish. I know, you're going to get a lot of 'It depends on the situation' replies... fact is, someone who cares about you has to find your dead body and mop your death-poop off the floor, and yes, they'll remember you from now on -- but that's how. As a poop-covered body with a bloated face. They have to live with that from now on, all because you wanted to climb up on the cross.

I can't really consider a depression victim who commits suicide to be selfish. They are not in their "normal" state of mind. Also, I find any case of suicide to be a tragic thing. For both the person who committed suicide, and those affected by the event.

It's also pretty unanimously selfish to only look about how you would feel if someone close to you would commit suicide. Everyone needs to just put on their empathy shoes.

Protagonist said
As a Christian, I believe that people created for a purpose. By killing yourself, you're usually preventing yourself from fulfilling said purpose, and that's just no good.

Brovo noted what I feel towards this. I don't believe religious antagonisms towards suicide are helpful.

Magic Magnum said
This is a big and complex topic, so I'd like to get the most simple/obvious parts out of the way first before I delve into the rest of it.First, let's look at one extreme where I think we'd all be in some agreement, suicide bomber's/terrorists. They are ending their own life basically for the sole purpose of causing harm on others cause their God/Beliefs say so. This is can very easily be called selfish and left at that, but even this is not that simple since they had to be raised to have such hate/beliefs to begin with. So is that truly selfishness or a sad story of a promising individual who was convinced to end their life because of how they were raised?

Pretty much agree here. It's easy to jump to conclusions. There's also a consideration to take into suicide bombings when a lot of them are also done because they believe foreign countries like the United States are enforcing a modern/not so modern form of imperialism into their countries. Regardless, I find any suicide bombing to be tragic on both sides.

I'd ask people to not confuse my points with sweeping generalizations. I am angered by suicide bombings, murder, etc. but I am also saddened by them from both sides of the perspective. If I only looked at things from a point of view of contempt I would be missing all other perspectives. And when we miss other perspectives, that is how the cycle of attack, retaliation, and attack is endlessly continued.

Magic Magnum said
Now for the Suicide topic which this topic seems to actually be referencing, suicide as a result of Depression.I'll go at this from the assumption the person actually has depression, and isn't someone who simply self-diagnosed and is using it as an excuse for everything they do in life.-Side Note: Seriously, if you're self-diagnosing and using it as an excuse for how you treat others just stop. Now. I've been at the receiving end of that before, all you do is hurt those who care for you and make things worse for those who actually struggle with Depression.

Self-diagnosing is a hazy issue, a person could have depression or not. I don't know the full details of your experience, but even if a person self-diagnoses and that diagnosis is not official, you seem to look at it as though it has less validity. The person very well could have had depression. Remember, the things a depressed person says may not make sense to you and they can even hurt. Super complex thing here, treat it with extreme sensitivity! Again, this isn't something I know much about (your experience, that is).

Magic Magnum said
Mental illness as wound -snip-

I don't really have much to add here. This is backed by many studies and psychological health organizations. It's really inarguable.

Magic Magnum said Treat and respect them the same way you would someone who had another kind of illness that was killing them or at the very least making their life much harder to go through.


Lord almighty you always have a ton of things to respond to, lol. I appreciate the shout out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gwynbleidd
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Gwynbleidd Summon The Bitches

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Overwatch said Yeah, sure, leave me a scathing reply, telling me how wrong I am. My opinion Ain't changing.

I know your opinion won't change. This won't necessarily be a scathing reply as much as it will be looking at your post, point by point.

Overwatch said
Suicide is the fools way out. It irritated me that anybody could be so weak-willed and dumb that they would expend effort trying to kill themselves, rather than seek another solution.

How? Who defines what is a fools way out or not. You don't seem to be a person has suffered from the mental illness that is depression. Depression is the leading cause for suicides, and these people are not weak-willed. It has nothing to do with individual will. It's an illness of which the victim has no choice in having or not having. A lot of the times, depression just happens. I don't know how you find these people to be "dumb" either. This is an opinion of which there is no evidentiary support for, therefore it has no validity.

There are people who have depression, and think of suicide, and have had searched for other solutions. There have been many cases of successful treatment, and of people who have at least made improvements to their lives. However, this progress is slow because of viewpoints of depression being a choice. Viewpoints like your own. And these opinions, I have to say are not backed by the sciences of psychology. What is supported is that depression is a mental illness that makes people very irrational, this is really inarguable. You can try to argue against it, but it's like saying you choose not to believe that smoking is bad for you.

Overwatch said Such a fool deserves the death they seek. Self-harm isn't the way to go. And you'll get no sympathy from me, or remorse for thinking less of you for doing it. Suicide is bullshit. That's all. It isn't "tragic", it IS selfish, and it certainly makes me want to overkill their goddamned corpse for doing something so god-damned blindly.

I have to wonder why you are so hostile and hateful towards those who commit suicide. They can't talk back to you or defend themselves. If you don't want to show sympathy or empathy then fine. That's your choice. However, your opinion only exacerbates the situation. You are part of the problem, whether you like it or not. Depression victims, and those thinking of suicide need sympathy and empathy to move past their problems into the next steps of recovery. They don't need to be shunned or called selfish. It's selfish of you to shun them based on your ignorant opinions that stand on no evidence whatsoever.

Suicide is tragic. That's what it is. Someone lost the hard fight, and their are people around them will suffer from pain because of it as well. I also find the opinion of people deserving death to be an odd one. There's a lot of hate in having that perspective.

Overwatch said You have one life, and nothing afterwords, asshole. Make the most of it. I don't care if you are crippled from the waist down, or a slave for life, fight on! Make a change! March forward! Sadness never helped anybody, and killing yourself doesn't right whatever made you feel so wronged. If anything, all you did was choose the cowards way out, and hurt anyone who ever cared about you. Your death is not admirable, nor honorable.

No one said suicide is honorable, or admirable. Nor is it cowardly.

You're also making the classic mistake of classifying sadness alongside with depression. Sadness is not depression! Depression is a mental illness, NOT a choice. This is not arguable, THIS IS A FACT.

Overwatch said You deserve no tears shed over your shitty ass carcass once you off yourself. See, I hate myself, loathe myself, I seethe with sadness and rage when I see others as happy as I cannot be. Of course, I cannot fix other's perceptions of me, and voicing my feelings is rude, and selfish, so, I'll dwell on it, slay the beast myself, and move on, no matter how many times I face it.

I think everyone can relate to hating themselves at times, and feeling sadness and rage.

Also, dwelling on it isn't a very useful thing for someone actually suffering from depression. Depression and the negative connotations to it in our society already make it hard enough for people to vocalize that they have a problem. Dwelling on it normally leads to it getting worse, and getting worse leads to suicide.

Overwatch said Praise the fucking sun, assholes, praise music, and light, warmth, and friends. When I think of that, I kick to the curb what had me down, and move on. I've had a pretty shitty hand of cards thrown at me, but it can always be worse or better. I'd rather see it through the better half than suffer death. And when I have my funeral, I'll have a party. Don't be sad we parted, be happy that you knew me well enough to feel sorrow at my absence. Happy that I'd be happy knowing you actually cared. I won't forsake your kindness by choosing the path of the foolish coward.

I had two friends suffer from depression. One almost committed suicide. One of my brothers' best friends who I also knew really well ended up committing suicide. You can say all you want, but it doesn't change that your opinions are highly offensive. I defend with my life your right to say them, but they still offend me, and baffle me because of the lack of evidence behind them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gwynbleidd
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Gwynbleidd Summon The Bitches

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago


Suicide is a tragic event. This is a highly complex issue, and trivializing it to uneducated and unsupported beliefs of "pushing through" or "just being happy" are not only offensive, but irresponsible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Gwazi Magnum

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Protagonist said As a Christian, I believe that people created for a purpose. By killing yourself, you're usually preventing yourself from fulfilling said purpose, and that's just no good.

I honestly should of addressed this with my last post but I had forgotten to.
I'm basically also in agreement with what Brovo said in the situation.

But I'd like to add, having used to be a Christian myself. One who as a little kid thought about suicide, but dashed it aside for no reason other than the fear of hell that using Religion as a reason to scare people to not kill themselves, and judge those who do kill themselves simply causes a ton of emotional damage to those who have such thoughts. People who are in this state need to know they are loved, supported and cared for, not that God will hate them for it.

Dark Wind said I'd ask people to not confuse my points with sweeping generalizations. I am angered by suicide bombings, murder, etc. but I am also saddened by them from both sides of the perspective. If I only looked at things from a point of view of contempt I would be missing all other perspectives. And when we miss other perspectives, that is how the cycle of attack, retaliation, and attack is endlessly continued.

I get angered by such act's as well.
I was simply noting it's not as simple an issue as "Man kills others, that man is obviously evil" sort of situation.

Dark Wind said Self-diagnosing is a hazy issue, a person could have depression or not. I don't know the full details of your experience, but even if a person self-diagnoses and that diagnosis is not official, you seem to look at it as though it has less validity. The person very well could have had depression. Remember, the things a depressed person says may not make sense to you and they can even hurt. Super complex thing here, treat it with extreme sensitivity! Again, this isn't something I know much about (your experience, that is).

I don't even know the full details considering I wasn't the one who had self-diagnosed :P
Plus it was something that happened 2 years ago, something I spent a lot of time trying to not think/forget about so my memory is a bit hazy on it at this point anyways.

I'd agree that there is a chance that the person actually did have Depression. But there is a chance that they didn't. I will also note, being on the receiving end where a lot of emotional pain was suffered, my viewpoint on that situation is probably going to be bias.

All the person did was say "I have Depression, I am doing __________ because of my Depression" etc before events happened that prompted me cut off contact with the individual. However, even if in this case the person did not have Depression, there are cases of people who have simply claimed the have Depression in order to avoid blame, or gain sympathy from people. May the specific case I had been one of them or not though is irrelevant to the point that people who do not have Depression and go around claiming they do make it worse for those who actually do suffer from Depression.

Dark Wind said Lord almighty you always have a ton of things to respond to, lol. I appreciate the shout out.

Well I do tend to go on a lot about things. And you're welcome, it honestly was you that convinced me to not look at Depression as simply an excuse to hurt others, so I felt you deserved credit. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cayden Black
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Cayden Black The Lost Poet

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Shurikai said
I read somewhere that listening to country music and video game soundtracks could be connected to suicide.

I know I use gaming a lot to escape real life. I've been trying to get out of that shell but it is hard...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tragic. I never really considered how suicide is selfish outside of "How dare he kill himself and let others suffer in his wake". I mean, you don't see people calling JewWario selfish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I feel suicide is a mixed bag of nuts. Honestly, it could be either selfish or tragic. I'll list some stuff off here.

  • If someone feels truly backed into the wall and so far at the end of their rope that they see nothing left in living, it is absolutely tragic. Overall, we as a species, community, so forth, we should be partially obligated to register these people in pain and provide them help in the form they need. No one should be in so much pain and misery to have to seek suicide. It is not entirely selfish that, in this instance when a person is allowed to fall this far. They can very likely have entirely valid reasons.

  • If someone is in such a mental or physical state as that their quality of life is severely limited, it is not selfish. In this instance, the depriving someone of peace and leaving them in such a state is the selfish act because a person is unwilling to let go. I for one entirely support assisted suicides for such cases.

  • There are numerous mental illnesses that will push people towards suicide. In no ways is this the person's fault nor the fault of those around them. In this instance, it is a driving mental imbalance that an individual has no control of. The fact that someone's symptoms would have been so ignored and that they were either too scared due to social stigma or unaware to seek professional psychological attention is sad to see and is in no way selfish.

  • In so many ways, parts of our cultures seem to have a dark infatuation, admiration or even obsession with suicide. It glorifies this act or puts it out there as something that is not wrong, that is a very valid exit to miniscule problems. This implants the idea in the heads of the impressionable and when something actually happens that would otherwise be unimportant and pass, a single moment of irrationality in anger or sadness can end a life forever. In this moment, I see two instances... This is selfish, and it is tragic. For a person to leap to that decision over something petty is wrong and puts others in far more misery than what drove the action.

  • Half-hearted attempts and threats are entirely selfish. They come across more as a cry for help. If you're going to kill yourself, chances are... you know how to do it right. There is enough exposure, at least in American culture, that you're bound to know how...

  • Suicide notes seem like another selfish part, at least, sometimes. Those writing a letter blaming those in there life... That's fucked up. That's selfish. However, those with extenuating circumstances, explaining the decision they were driven to is not so very selfish. In some ways it could provide closure and ease the loss if people are not blaming themselves.

  • Again, I will point out culture. So many times, at least with adolescents, teenagers and young adults, it has become a norm to state at someone to go kill yourself and insults that demoralize and make a person feel alienated, worthless and worse. These comments are going to affect someone over time. Give it long enough, it will push someone to their limit and that one last direction to end their own life can be what pushes them over the edge. This has become a very real problem, and is not selfish in any regards. This person in all rights is a victim.

I know that all jumps around a little, but I hope it clarifies my thoughts on the matter. There are those being selfish... Truly, I know there are. There are a lot of circumstances in which it is tragic, though... and even still some where, while it may be sad to know, is an act of mercy/compassion or even a more peaceful end.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cayden Black said
I know I use gaming a lot to escape real life. I've been trying to get out of that shell but it is hard...

Well, they said just listening to the music is connected to suicide, the gaming itself not so much. Its all lies though. Listening to game sound tracks lifts my spirits. Maybe I listen to the good ones. I recommend that everyone play and listen to the music of The Legend of Dragoon. Best game ever created. Country music, yeah, I can see it. Most songs are about love lost and other depressing things. I do like the songs about cheating men though. They are funny.

On another note, I find playing Call of Duty and listening to people complaining to be hilarious. People ask me why I laugh when I get killed in multiplayer, I tell them its better to laugh at your failures than to become angry with them. That and it was funny. They thought I was weird.
Apparently the device I'm on doesn't like buttons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Gwazi Magnum

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shurikai said I read somewhere that listening to country music and video game soundtracks could be connected to suicide.

Not sure how I missed this earlier...

If this was true in the slightest I would be long dead by now.
Game Soundtracks is almost all of the music I listen to.
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