Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

In the current time, things of mystery and fantasy are just that-fantasy. At least to most people. For some, it was completely real, most had the magic of science, the thing that brought so many inventions, the car, the mobile phone, the wacky world wide web that gave just about everyone access to information that would otherwise have had to hunt up in a library, or some other way of finding it out. In a modern day world were medicine could cure or prevent a majority of illnesses and disease, things like mages, or vampires were stories, tales told to kids for amusement.

As the young girl, Kalinda with her golden hair, and almost silver eyes, was about to find out, the world of vampires was completely real, and very very complicated. The small girl was curled up, slumbering, her expression was pained, as if her dreams were tormented with fears.

as the...there was no other world for it, vampire, sucked the blood from her neck in excruciating pain, Kalinda was too exhausted to fight. It felt as if her veins were on fire, and she could feel the blood being pulled against the flow, out of her body and into the vampire's mouth. She had just been wanting a night of fine, and now this. She let out a soft sob. Finally, finally, the vampire seemed finished with her, and she thought she might just escape alive, thought she could just forget this night...and then it seemed to get worse...and that was all she remembered

She groaned as she drifted into consciousness. While her sleep had been disturbing, she felt better asleep then awake. And yet she was sure she could hear someone nearby. Paranoid after her dream, after what she was sure was her night out, she flinched, and sat up fast, causing her head to spin, opening her eyes, and letting them dart about quickly to try and see if there was any danger.

Her body seemed to react on its own, curling up to make as small a target as possible, even as she readied herself to spring into action. A low growling hiss escaped her throat, and she wondered where that had come from. She had never made such a sound in her life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 10 mos ago

A very soft and honeyed voice came from a corner of the mysterious room they were in.

''Now, now. Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you...not anymore, at least.''

A woman was standing in the corner of the room. Taking a good look around, the girl would see that the room they were in was actually richly decorated with beautiful furniture and intriguing paintings on the wall. The woman herself was clothed in beautiful garments. Her clothes, while pretty, were normal. Yet the woman herself seemed out of this age somehow. Her behavior was all but natural, it was like...an aura emanating from her, even one of the simplest mind could feel. She walked up until she was right beside the girl and sat down on the bed.

The bed had immaculate white sheets, and pillows ever so soft and comfortable. However...with closer inspection, the side opposite to where the woman sat down was covered in a thick red liquid that was, most likely, blood.

''Shh, child. I know you have no recollection of what has happened, but trust me. You are safe now. You will slowly remember bit by bit what has happened, and you will be shocked, but do try to keep your calm. I do not want to have to hold you down myself.'' While speaking of her ever so soft voice, the woman extended her arm and caressed the girl's cheek with the back of her hand. Almost as a mother would do her child when feeling bad.

''My name is Miranda Dusk. I am the Daeva Primogen of this city...but that doesn't mean anything to you at all, does it now?'' She said, sarcastically and with a small laugh. ''Yes, yes...'' she caressed the girl's hair ever so softly. ''We'll fix that, do not worry. I will tell you...everything. Just ask away...''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Kalinda flinched at the voice, eyes darting towards it, to see the woman in the shadows walk towards her. She ignored the decor, not im prodded by it when all she wanted to do was get out of there. As the woman walked towards her, it was clear that while the clothes were modern, she was not. Kalinda curled up into a tighter position as the woman neared her, and then sat on the bed, drawing kalinda's eye to the stain.

Oh, god, god, god, was that her blood? Kalinda was sure that it was, and a low whimpering whine escaped her, as she shuddered. She tore her eyes away from it, managing to not look at the stain again even as she shook.

Her eyes were drawn back to the woman as she began to speak. Child? Kalinda wasn't a child, she had passed childhood ages ago, if she'd ever even had a childhood. She turned her face as the woman tocuhed her check, wincing as if she expected a blow. She didn't want to remember, to want to remember at all what had happened, just remembering the pull of her blood out her body made her whimper. As the woman caressed her check, it was clear that Kalinda was unsure what to do, and she squirmed, because no one had ever done that to her before, at least not that she could remember.

The woman, Miranda-at least she had a name now-seemed amused that Kalinda didn't know what was going on, and Kalinda looked away. She was silent for a moment, before saying softly "what have you done to me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 10 mos ago

The woman smiled, and her eyes never once left her guest.

''Ah, yes. I...have embraced you into a new family. You are now a part of eternity, along with me and others of our kinds. We call ourselves Kindred, as you will soon know.''

The woman stood up and began walking in the room at random. She had that aura of power about her, something that made it very hard to even imagine rebelling against her. Everything she said and her every moves were without any hesitation, without any trace of weakness. Even her eyes, when she would lay them on you, were like hammers nailing you in place. There was only a single door in the room, and no windows at all. The door was behind Miranda, but she walked away from it on purpose. She knew that her guest would not run, she would not dare. She was afraid and hurt, and would be even more in a few moments.

''I am your Sire, you are my Childe. It means that I have Embraced you into the Requiem. It is...a dance, of the sort. A Dance that can be done only from the dark of the night. You will start a new existence, by my side.'' She stopped walking abruptly and turned over to her guest, as if she had been surprised by something. She quickly walked back up to the bed, but looked amused more than anything else. ''I am sorry, did I confuse you even more? Let me summarize things up for you.'' She sat once again on the bed and put her hand on the girl's cheek tenderly.

''I killed you.''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Kalinda watched Miranda as she walked, thinking you had to have had a family before to have a new one. Yet she didn't speak. The woman had a sense of power, and Kalinda cringed away from that. Everyone she had ever known that claimed she was theirs had had that sense of power, and eventually, didn't matter if it took days, weeks, or months, they always used that power over her, always.

Her eyes flickered to the door briefly, but she made no move to try and escape, knowing the woman would be able to stop her. And then she wondered if that's what the woman wanted, for her to think that she couldn't escape, if she wanted to keep her afraid and hurt, so that she wouldn't try to be defiant.

Kalinda sat up when the woman returned to the bed, I killed you rang through her head again and again. She wrapped her arms around her legs, glaring at the woman. If she were dead, what did she have to fear anymore? Nothing. Not this woman, not the world she had introduced her to, not what she had to face now. Oddly enough, the woman had given her a reason to fight back. Still, Kalinda didn't reply for a while, thinking. She didn't move, staring at the woman.

Finally, she asked in a toneless voice, "Why?" She thought that there were probably many reasons, but why her? It would be clear that she thought that. She had been told several times in her life that she was nothing. So, why her?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 10 mos ago

(I'll take a few things for granted ion this next post, seeing how you mentioned your character had been along for a while now in your two last posts :P)

Miranda did not move from her position this time, she remained close by the girl, on the bed.

''I would love to tell you because I felt like it, but that would be a lie.'' She said first, her eyes looking right through Kalinda's, as if staring at a distant past. She was quick to come back to her sense, though, and continue.

''You know part of the answer already, I think. I have been observing you as best I could in the past weeks, you see. You seemed alone and without any goal. You were trying to advance in life with absolutely nothing. I took that nothing away from you at the same time I did your life. In the undeath, the Requiem, you will not be troubled by such things as goals and loneliness. You will have a lot to learn first, but then, by serving me and my interests as my Childe, you won't have any time to lament on yourself anymore.''

Miranda was straight to the point and disliked to take any kind of detours when it came to explaining things to anyone. She was not above lies, however, or hiding all the facts. The real reason Kalinda was turned was because the vampire Primogen had seen something in the Kine that she was, enough so that it brought her great interest. In fact, Miranda counted herself lucky to have been the one to find the girl first, and not another clan.

''By now you should, or should not, know exactly what you, what I and all of our kind, are. Do you?'' he smiled and laughed calmly ''We call ourselves Kindreds but the Kines, humans, calls us Vampires. Cursed children of the night, but it really is not so bad, you will see. You have a lot to learn about our society, but all will be done in due time. For now...''

The Vampire raised her arm and clicked her fingers together, signaling someone outside. The door opened to let three persons in; two man holding someone who had a piece of cloth wrapped around his head to keep him from talking and seemed to be very afraid. They threw the man inside the room and went back outside, closing the door behind them. The man clumsily crawled back to the door, but it refused to open so he crawled to the corner of the room.

''...you are hungry, I presume? You must be, there's no other choice. That feeling you have inside is the urge to feed on blood. We Daevas like our blood fresh, and things like homeless, drug addicts or prostitutes is of no quality. This man is, or was, an influential business man. He will do just fine for your first time. Remember, there will never be a second time like the first...'' Miranda stood up and walked to the begging man, asking to spare his life. She obviously didn't listen to a word he was saying. Without any effort, surprisingly, the woman took the man by the collar and brought him up to the bed, holding him down closer to Kalinda.

''...So enjoy.''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Kalinda's eyes followed the man as he crawled to the door, and then the corner of the room. She wanted to be able to say that she didn't want the man's blood, that he didn't smell appetizing, but that wasn't the case. A low, almost whimper sound escaped her, a whine, as the hungry within her rose to an almost unbearable level. Everything else seemed to disappear, except for the man. She could almost feel his beating heart as Miranda brought him to her, and she reached out, using the mans shirt to pull him close, without barely a thought as to how she lifted the man to her.

She went for the throat, and for almost a minute, she simple inhaled the man's scent,, but the minute she felt the blood moving in the artery, she bit down. The warm rush of blood that filled her mouth was just about absolute heaven. She drank, and drank, until the blood flow trailed to a trickle and stopped. She pulled away, feeling the wet blood on her mouth. Unashamedly, she flicked out her tongue to lick around her mouth. She wished it hadn't been so...so tasty, so easy to throw away her humanity like that.

Embarrassed, she looked down, until realizing that she shouldn't have to, and looked back up. She swallowed, as if to get every last drop of blood down her throat. She pushed the body away with a shudder. She had just killed someone.

With a slight glance to Miranda, she rose, to walk about the room. She passed by the door, but made no effort to move. Despite feeling better after drinking the blood, she knew that Miranda was stronger and faster then herself. And what was the point of escaping? She didn't know how to live in this world.

She sighed, and went to sit back down on the bed. She was silent a few moments, before looking back to Miranda. "Then I guess you better teach me" she said simply. "I need to know the game to survive, right?" She said with a shrug.

She licked her lips, not wanting to tell herself she was hoping for another smidgin of blood, before saying, "Kines equals humans, kindreds equals vampires. Why kindreds?" She asked, not actually thinking that was important, but it was something to ask, and it was something to make sense off at the very least.

She thought back over what she knew, or rather had read in fictions books on vampires. Kindreds. She should remember that, she thought, not sure if it was offensive to call a vampire vampire to their face, although she had no problem with that. Perhaps because it just seemed a more apt term to her than kindred at the moment.

"I assume we don't sparkle like in Meyer's works. Do we need sleep?How can we be killed? Can we survive without blood?" She rattled off the questions in quick succession. Kalinda was an inquisitive soul. She believed that if you didn't pursue knowledge, then you were just staying in the same spot, never moving from what you knew. The world was full of so many possibilities, if you just knew how to grasp them. And she figured she may as well learn all she could.

This was, after all just a game like anything else, and a game had rules.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Ugh. Miranda truly didn't expect such a barrage of questions. Of course she expected questions, but no of that sort. She truly hoped she was right about the girl and that she was more than meet the eyes. However, seeing her feed in such a way was satisfactory. She seemed to enjoy it. Of course she did, it was now her nature as much as it was that of any Kindred.

To her question about Kindred, Miranda said; ''Because it is so. There is not reason, or it was lost throughout the time.'' The rest of her questions originated from the popular culture of Kines society, and while some of it was intended as a joke, the Vampire decided she'd address all of it.

''No, we do not sparkle. We burn. We burn instantly and in a most terrifying and agonizing way. Yes, we sleep. We sleep during the day in a form of stasis. We can be killed by a multitude of ways...though a cross or garlic doesn't exactly work, while it may be true for some very specific bloodline of vampires. We are strong and faster than any Kines will ever be, meaning their weapons are ineffective against us. Bullets will hurt you little if it manage to hit you, but still be careful not to get hit by too much fire power. While you will not die, you can be wounded enough to enter a deathlike stasis called Torpor, where your body will heal the more extreme damage.''

Miranda voice changed when she mentioned Torpor, for some reason. She seemed almost nostalgic about it, but she got back to herself as she continued. ''Now, the state of Torpor can last for centuries, some Kindreds have been in Torpor for a millenia. As a Kindred gets older, the thought of Torpor becomes more and more attractive, however. We cannot die, yet some of us may grow weary of the Dance and seek to take a pause from it all.''

She stood up and did her usual walking around the room as she spoke, circling around the bed and then going back.

''As for blood, you are a fool if you think you can survive without it. First of all, when you changed, your physiology did, too. All of your body fluids have been changed by blood, but we cannot produce it anymore which is why we need to take it from the Kines. If you sweat, you will sweat blood, the same goes for crying if it ever happens to you in the future. Blood, or vitae, is used to get up and move and we spend vitae every night as we move around.

You also use the blood to enhance your physical attributes and use what we call Disciplines, supernatural powers that changes from a clan to another. You are a Daeva, just as I am. We are social predators, and you will have a harder time resisting any of your vices, but have very interesting powers to go with it. We are master at the Discipline of Majesty, which is the art of seduction and persuasion. Other Kindreds might call us Succubi, from time to time, and see us as weaker than certain other clans, but do not take such words for granted truth. At all time you will feel your emotions multiplied and attack you, eating from the inside. You might feel hollow at times, vanquished by the vices of your choice, but do not give in to it, for such is the curse of the Daevas.''

Miranda suddenly stopped walking and walked to the door, opening it. ''There is so much to say...this rooms reeks of death. Come, Childe, follow me. We'll walk as we speak.'' and she went outside. They were actually in a very large and richly decorated place. It looked like a mansion from a long passed time, just like where they would hold great masked balls in movies and the such. Miranda and Kalinda were on the second floor, and Miranda seemed intended on simply walking around, explaining things and answering questions for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Kalinda listened to the barrage of information. She was unsure how to process it. She sat there, picking it about bit by bit by bit as Miranda spoke. Kalinda was confused, puzzled, and wanting more blood. She didn't know if she actually needed it, or just wanted the taste of it. Oddly enough, she wasn't scared, not anymore.

"Because it is so. There is not reason, or it was lost throughout the time.'' This puzzled Kalinda. How could you not know where your name came about? It didn't make sense. She decided that she would try and find out why. She had years and years now, after all. May as well fill it by doing things she loved.

Burn in sun, she thought to herself. So she could never see the sun again, never feel its warmth. This saddened her greatly. She enjoyed the sunrise, the sun set. She gave a soft sigh, and listened as Miranda continued. Stasis-sleep. Well, at least she had hours that she didn't have to think on what she would be doing in the night. The increased Physical capabilities intrigued Kalinda. Did it mean she didn't have to be scared of being taken advantage off? Yes, Miranda seemed to be interested in her, for any reasons, and yet she seemed to want the best for Kalinda. Something she had never had before.

She watched as Miranda continued to speak, walking about the room. So, no blood of her own anymore. Borrowed blood, that she expanded as energy. Great.

"We are master at the Discipline of Majesty, which is the art of seduction and persuasion" the image of the demon Succubi popped into her head, but it was nothing like the woman talking to her. Was everything humans knew about the supernatural wrong?

She rose to follow Miranda, more questions coming to her. She first said, "I think other Kindreds are idiotic then. Emotions have always been something powerful in the world. And I do not think that chances, just because we are no longer human. Emotions can give you the strength to do things you didn't think was possible" She looked about the place, somewhat curious, but wanting answers more.

"Do we need to kill, in order to have the blood we need?" She asked softly, wondering how many lives she would have to take, and how long it would take to stop feeling guilty over it. "How did the first va-Kindred come to be?" She added, "And how many clans are there, what are they, how are they different from Daeva's?"

Kalinda wondered if she was asking the wrong questions, and makin Miranda disappointed in her. She found herself wanting to impress her, but had no idea how to do so.
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