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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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[Damian] Damian moved back a couple of steps trying to bait her into getting just a little too close. After a count of three, he moved in quickly with a spinning cyclone, slicing through the orbs towards the Council wizard. "Four Blade Tornado!" Three more blades appear above and below the Hercules Blades, one above and two below, and lash out with Damian, the blades constantly spinning as he tried to get in a hit. [James] James watched the shadows closing and focused, closing his eyes and speaking quietly to himself. He could sense the shadows moving closer to him but he didn't panic. With each word he spoke, a light surrounded him and grew brighter. Inch by inch, the shadows got closer and word by word the light got brighter. As it seemed they were going to completely surround and engulf him, his eyes flashed open and he spoke so the others could hear him. "Holy Might." The flashed outwards, vanquishing the shadows around him before a giant sword blade crashed into Angelica and sent her flying. It reduced to normal size and James still stood, his armor shining in the light of the sun. "Even the elements are against you, dark one. The sun shines brightly. Give up."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

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"Kali stop!" the man demand, but the orange cat decided to fight back and it all just turned into a cat fight. He could sigh and scratch his head seeing that they could cause a mess. "You two sto-" He stopped as he saw a the orange cat some how turn into a girl. "Wow, didn't see that happen today. A cat turning into a gir- wait, you're a guy. What! What's going on here!?" The man was confused but then assumed that it was some kind of transformation magic. "Strange, I don't see many people come down here from the Council. And I haven't seen someone like you join the Council recently. So who are you? Because this is a restricted area for only high ranking officials of the Council." The man asked as he reached over with his one free hand to get his glass of water.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Surprisingly, the man instantly didn't turn hostile towards him, despite noting this place was quite restricted as he suggested. Karn hummed, glancing to Kali before walking to the door, opening it, then let her down before shutting the door and walking back to the man. The feline probably found some other way to get in here, or just followed the man. Rocking on his heels as he felt his throat thoughtfully, he gave a soft grin. **"Well, this is sorta my first time here. My name is Karn, nice to meet you."** Karn greeted cheerfully, seeming unfazed by the confusion of what his gender was. He was about to say he was part of Phoenix Wing , but then again he wasn't officially a member. Sighing he bowed a little apologetically. **"I know I shouldn't be here, but this seemed important. Some people I met needed help looking for a book. I don't know what for, but I think they need it to help a friend of theirs. So I wanted to try and help them."** he answered, not been told exactly why Phoenix Wing was so desperate for it, but if he could guess what Jamie said... Then their friend was trapped in that other world. The feminine boy then pointed to the Fairy Tail book before putting his hands together and bowed a little in a pleading motion. **"Please Sir, can we borrow that book for a little while? I swear I normally don't do this, but I wouldn't want to lose a friend like they have. I'll take care of it, and I'll bring it back. You can throw me in jail afterword for sneaking in here, but after their friend is safe and sound. Please."** Karn pleaded, his words honest. His book was probably rightfully the Council's and belonged here, but someone was in trouble. Someone all alone in a whole other world. Just the mere thought of loneliness the man must feel was unbearable. The blonde knew exactly what it was like to be alone, to be lost... So if there was a way to help this person, he would.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

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Nicolas squirmed on the floor. He tried his best to ignore Penny's cries. He really wanted to sleep and escape this nightmare. "Five more minutes, please!" He begged. Phones turned onto his stomach. His eyelids squeezed when he was having difficulty to sleep. Nicolas then felt the temperature around him escalate. He was beginning to feel the heat from Penny's form. Nicolas quickly sat up. "Seriously, are you going to these great measures to wake me up?" He spoke out. Nicolas spotted some shady figure nearby. "Why don't you ask him? He's not doing anything! I made the sound ball!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

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"Oh, I guess it's only proper for me to say my name next since you already said yours. Well then." The man pulled his hood back and his shrouded appearance disappeared as his [face](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/7/7c/FE8_Colm.gif/revision/latest?cb=20110420230254) now appeared clearly to the blonde. "My name's Wes, and I'm the Head Researcher of the Magic Council." He listened as the Karn asked for the book but Wes folded his arms with book in hand. When Karn finished his plea for the book, Wes sighed “Sorry to tell you but I can't give you the book. You know only came down here, but appeared as a cat when you first showed yourself. How can I trust someone with something if they're not honest to begin with or go into a restricted area without a proper authorization? There is your reason as to why you need it, which is that you don't even know why the people who need it need it so much. It sounds like you a bird following the same flock that's going and doing the same thing. Why should I give a book to someone who isn't sure why and who the person is. I don't even know who the people you're talking about, you mention names yet. How long have you known these people for, can they really be trusted?" Wes remembered seeing a group of wizards show up not too long ago and asked "If it's for those group of wizards that barged into the library, then don't bother with it. I might be too quick to judge, but just seeing how they behaved in the library is enough for me to say that you shouldn't waste your time there. Those types of wizards aren't worth your time, believe me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Tim threw up the wall of water once more, blocking the blow, and this time, spurred on by his brothers wind, he pushed the water forth, so that spewed over Lazarus as if it were a really bad storm. Sasha again couldn't do anything, not wanting to risk Lazarus. But it was getting frustrating not being able to do anything. She had been practicing a few different attacks the last few weeks, but none had been effective. Still, she couldn't just stand by now. "Ice...Ice make:..." Her eyes landed on Lazarus, and a laugh escaped her, "Ice make: Angel tornado!" she knew it would work, even if she didn't know what the attack would be. Tiny, formed ice figures formed, with the traditional angel shapes, in a whirlwind of movement. she followed it up with "Ice make: Bird bombers! Ice make: Hawk arrow!" The combination of attacks seemed to flow into one, heading towards Timothy. And finally, "ice make: butterfly cage!" It formed around the water wizard. Sasha knew the council mage could escape it on no time, but it stopped him dodging her attack, which came crashing down on and around him. The barrage of attacks, seemingly ceaseless, sent the water mage Flying, and when he landed, he didn't get up. Sasha crouched, panting heavily, slightly pale, but grinned wide. "And then there was one!" She said, breaking the shocked Ted out of silence, he began to move towards her, the wind picking up violently. ---- "Are you utterly stupid? Did someone drop you on your head as a baby? Jeez, that's one of the council members you dolt!" Pwnny shouted at the sound mage. "Useless lump!" Spencer watched this bickering, and shaking his head, sigjed heavily. "I expected more from Phoenix Wing Wizards." "He's a stray the master brought in! Just because I'm stuck with the newbies doesn't mean I can't kick your butt!" Penny said, annoyance in every word. Spencer just stood there silently. Penny gritted her teeth, and began to move. She may have been by herself, with those that either were new or hadnt joined yet, but she wouldn't let this man harm them. The flames built up, cracking, hot, and ferocious, rising, dancing. She screamed, and the flames burst towards Spencer, who stood there. They engulfed them, and for a while moment, Penny thought she had taken him down. When the smoke cleared, he stood there, a large shield, red and blackened, in front of him. It disappeared, and he was left holding a rock. Penny stared in awe. ---- Kali hissed and spit, twisted in the transformation mages grip, to try and break free, to get the book. She dug her claws in, hoping for a weakening of grip. --- Angelica just laughed as she twisted through the air, landed car like. There was barely a mark on her from the attack, af as she rose, shadows seemed to explode over her. "Where there is light, there is darkness. Where there is light, there is shadow! You cannot hope to defeat me! As long as there are shadows, I shall continue to exist!" She laughed, and the shadows moved to every person I the room, moving to clamp over them. There was a shattering sound, and light exploded over the room. As it died down, Master Jamie stood, the sword to Angeloca's neck, jarvis two steps back. The bar tender held another lacrima in his hand, infused with his unique style of magic. "Find the book!" Jamie said "go! I have her. Get the book!" ---- Carrie stood where she was, watching as the guild mages desperately tried to get close to her. Loghtening and thunder crashed again, and again, lashing out to defend her, and to block the attacks. Despite the attacks, None landed near books, nor damaged the library. She gathered her power, and the lightening flashed again, stronger, larger, towards Damian
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Karn frowned softly at the man's words, his eyes studying the face carefully like he normally does with everyone. Engraving them into his memory. The man did have a point, the young boy hadn't exactly shown any reason to trust him. There was absolutely no reason for this man to give up such a precious item to some strange wizard who came in here. **"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie with that form. I just feel safer in it..."** Karn said, pausing as he thought about the reason why he felt that way but brushed it off. At the questioning of who this was for Karn slowly nodded. **"It is for those wizards, called Phoenix Wing. I haven't met them long, just the train ride, and perhaps it's not convincing but I believe them because of a simple feeling. And my Master suggested them out of everyone. I personally don't agree barging into this place, but I believe they are desperate. If you lose family, it ends up that way. I know that."** He said before pausing and shifting in place. **"You can call me naive, but I believe everyone has good in them. And I'd help anyone in trouble. Be it Phoenix Wing, the Council, down the lowest of the low. I may get tricked or lied to, but I'd rather risk me getting hurt then sacrificing someone for my own health. If they are telling the truth and someone is in trouble, then I'm no better then a Dark Guild Wizard if I leave them to suffer because I'm afraid of lies. If I never take a risk, is miss out on all the good things life has to offer."** Karn explained seriously as he took a breathe thoughtfully . **"So whatever I have to do to make you believe me that I won't abuse such a artifact, be it cut off my arm or head, I will. But I don't want to forcefully take it. You're not a bad person either."**
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

[Damian] Both Hercules Blades came down in an overhead swing and cleaved the spell in two, sending it into the walls behind him and then lunging forward again and connecting a solid uppercut with the tip of his blade to her chin and ungrounding her from her spot on the floor. "Mayt, now!" [James] "No, Master. It is against the way of a Paladin to leave an ally to fight alone." He had two more spells, but the last was too training and after some internal debate, he cast Godspeed and Divine Shield on both Master Jamie and Jarvis. "Don't hesitate to call for me if you need help. I've a couple spells I'm keeping in reserve." With that, he heads to assist Damian and Mayt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Melina had slipped into the council building and was making her way towards the library as fast as she could, avoiding the fights. _Everyone in this place must be insane._ She moved on slowly to another corner, and spotted Master Jamie dealing with one of the council members, or who she assumed was a council member. She smiled a bit, and moved carefully so that Master Jamie could see her, but not the council woman. Melina gave Jamie a little wave and a smirk, before starting to move towards the two at a pace that made her footsteps silent. There was a dangerous glint in her eyes, suggesting as to what she might be thinking. --- Mayt had been getting progressively closer, not willing to trust his powers to the point that he might get seriously wounded. But when Damian shouted for him to attack, he charged forward, redirecting or capturing any energy thrown at him, trying to get into reach. As he got closer, he grabbed for the council Mage's side, hoping to be able to knock her out. He did his best to get his arms around her, one hopefully around her head or neck, as he began to focus all the heat he could, save is own, into the air behind him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nicolas began twitching. "What'd you say?" He picked himself from the ground. Phones pointed aggressively at the flying phoenix. "I am sick and tired of you running your mouth!" He stomped his foot and gritted his teeth. "Do not patronize me! There is no way! I. Am. Not. A. Newbie!" Nicolas shouted. His patience was wearing thin. "First I get manhandled by some steroids-looking guy, and over a freakin' train tracks! Then I get abducted against my will because of yo headmaster! He ain't my headmaster yet! See?" Nicolas then lifted his shirt up to demonstrate that there were no markings on him. "Then this other dude gives my hole train trip ride down here hell! And you want me to fight this guy? This guy hasn't done me wrong; he didn't even attack us. He could be my long lost father!" Nicolas kept ranting and decided to turn up the volume on his headphones. "I'm just going to ignore you and play my music." He switched his music to something loud and began singing very obnoxiously. ["YOU BETTER LOSE YOURSELF IN THE MUSIC, THE MOMENT, YOU OWN IT-"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4Uv_4jGgAM) Phones was taking a few steps backwards when he suddenly tripped over his sound ball. Angrily, he picked himself up along with the sound ball. "Oh, yeah! Weird old guy! Here's my sound ball! You can listen to stuff and stuff!" He held up the clear ball so the shady person could identify. "You can have it because this chick doesn't 'preciate! Catch!" He chucked the ball to the guy and had missed completely. The clear ball had shattered a few feet from the guy; it broke into two completely broken pieces. It had unleashed a high-pitched sound that would be deafening for the ears. The noise affected all those in the vicinity as it had the volume of a fire alarm, but would affect the shady character more as he was closer to the broken pieces. "Oh, it broke...never mind." Nicolas apologized and unaffected from the sounds because of his headphones. The other clear ball had broke and began emitting a high-pitched sound too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Wes just gave Karn a stern look and sighed "I'm sorry, but I have to decline your request again because you're still not convincing me that you're trust worthy. You might sound like you mean well and believe the people who need it are desperate. But if you have to resort to violence in order to take it forcibly, how does that set you apart from a good or bad person like you said? Don't get me wrong, you sound like a good person Karn. However naive you say you may be, it's no excuse for helping someone blindly, but don't get me wrong, you sound like a good person Karn. They might of lost some kind of family member, I would feel bad to if I lost anyone on the Council, they're like my family, but it's how far the feeling of lost pushes a person to either a right or wrong road. Your master might of recommended that guild, but how do you even know that his source of information is valid enough to believe. So I'm sorry, but I have to ask you to leave the premise here and come back from where ever you came from Karn." He showed Karn the way to the door is and prepared his gloves just in case the wizard tried something. --- It took awhile for them the send messages to everyone, but the Rune Knights of the Magic Council arrived with intentions to help the their Council members from the rouge wizards. The army slowly separated as they went in teams to aid in the battles that were going on between the rouge guild and the Council members, charging in with a full on assault of spear and lances swinging and magic elements hurling towards any rouge wizards that they may see.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sayuri thought hard. It had been a long time since she had actually been to the archive room, "It's in the lower half of the building, I'm pretty sure the building hangs into an open cavern with water at the bottom... The room is also filled with books, scrools and papers from the library," She looks at Maddox, "That's all I can really remember, It's been forever since Ive actually been in there." --- Masahiko had been standing just outside the council room calming down for about a minute before turning and waking briskly towards the library to help Carrie. As he got closer he heard several loud bangs from down the hall, *'Sounds like Carrie has already gotten started. I'd better hurry,' he breaks into a run. He enters the library as a mage holding two blades throws Carrie into the air. As the other mage charges towards her he takes action. Running forward he reaches Carrie and pulls her back out of the way. He then turns to face the charging mage, gathers electricity around his foot, and kicks him in the chest as hard as he could, "You okay Carrie?" he removes his cape and throws it back the way he'd come, "I like Jamie but this time I can honestly say he has made a major mistake today. So Pheonix Wing mages are you sure you want to do this? Can you face two Council member?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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**"Because sometimes force is what has to be done. And my Master is never wrong. I'm sorry for this."** Karn said softly, seeing as how he had no choice. He didn't want to, he actually didn't enjoy fighting unless it was for sparing, but Master Rian said if one really believes in something, in the end they have to be willing to fight for it. And Karn believed in them, even if this man didn't believe in them or the young Transformation wizard. The blonde wasn't sure what magic this man had, but he guessed he was about to find out. Quickly, Karn's body shifted into his Chimera form, the creature bigger than that of a horse, long thick tail sweeping to trip the man before lunging to the table. He changed forms quickly to his human, shoving the book in his bag before changing again into a song bird, making a dive out the door. However there a few Rune Knights around, and he shifted back into a Chimera and barreled them over, though one managed to wrap a rope around his forepaw, causing the massive beast to fall on his side. Roaring, Karn sliced it away with claws. Growling with hackles raised before whipping his long tail against a couple to knock them over. Despite his movements, he was always careful not to hit them too hard, just enough for a knock out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

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Maddox listened intently as Sayuri described the Archive Room. It wasn't much but it was good enough. "That should do," Maddox said, putting a tighter grip on her shoulder as he focused. The two were running towards a hallway but a Rune Knight squad appeared before them, also rushing toward them. "You might want to close your eyes," Maddox suggested, "This will be very disorienting for you." Just as the two were almost within combat range with the Rune Knights, they vanished out of the air. This left the Knights stumbling from their charge and confused. While Maddox had long been familiar with the sensation of teleportation, Sayuri would undoubtedly not find it to be so casual. They reappeared almost instantaneously further down the hallway, well away from the Knights. The sensation of rushing air and churning insides were the common symptoms, usually creating nausea in the inexperienced, but Maddox didn't even notice. If Sayuri actually kept her eyes closed the symptoms wouldn't be as bad as if she ignored the suggestion. They had hardly reappeared before vanishing again. He was making short teleports in order to keep his bearings and find the Archive. They appeared again further down the hallway before teleporting again into the library. Though only there for a split-second, Maddox identified a possible location as there was a suspect door that had the label of _authorized personnel only_ above it. They teleported again to the edge of the library, likely being undetected by the four wizards currently duking it out, and then teleported again. They reappeared at the bottom of a stairwell with the sounds of combat echoing from the library. There was a hallway with a doorway at the end in front of them, but in the hallway was a squad of Rune Knights trying to suppress some kind of large creature. The creature's presence felt familiar and Maddox deduced it was Karn, just not disguised as a cat anymore. _This must be it,_ Maddox thought to himself before releasing Sayuri's shoulder. "Hold on a second," he instructed her, beginning to walk past. At the sound of his voice, the two Rune Knights closest turned their heads to see that two redheads had suddenly appeared behind them. They both were armed with spears and went to aim their weapons at the casually approaching Maddox. However, the mage's hands shot out and grabbed the spears by the shafts, where his superior strength kept the Rune Knights from using them. He yanked down and backwards, pulling them both closer as they refused to release their weapons. As they stumbled towards Maddox he released the spears and jumped straight up, bringing both his legs in tight underneath his body in a crouching-like position. As the two Rune Knights lined up with Maddox his legs shot out horizontally, kicking them both in the head simultaneously and sending them both sprawling to the ground. They were undoubtedly unconscious, possibly even dead if someone only judged by looks. But Maddox held himself back to avoid the latter possibility. By now the other Rune Knights started to take notice that there were intruders from behind now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

[Damian] Damian spun one of his blades into a reverse grip, taking a battle ready stance. "Masahiko I take it. Pity, Master Jamie was certain you hadn't fallen for Angelica's tricks. Working his way over to Mayt, he helps him up and leans in close. "You take Carrie, she seems more down your alley. I'll take Masahiko. Oh," he turns and smiles at Mayt before continuing, "and put some trust in your magic. Rather than treating it like an untamed animal, treat it like a part of your body, because that's precisely what it is." Resummoning the extra blade, he switches to the Hermes Blades then resumes his stance and facing Masahiko. "Release Skill Lock Omega. Confirmation Beta twenty-six." The magic circle appears beneath him once more and turns from green to black and Damian locks eyes with Masahiko. "I get you guys are confident and strong, and I'll owe your daughter an apology for any harm I cause you, but I went well out of my way to keep my Blades Magic out of your library. Especially since there's no prior mention in any of your books. So, think you can handle it?" Without warning, Damian rushes in, slicing down at his shoulder. When the blow is deflected, he spins around and strikes from the other side, beginning a series of blows that Damian breaks off. "Blade Rain!" Dozens of various blade types fell from up above them towards Masahiko and Damian remained ready for the counter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Wes was surprised to see Karn transform into a rare chimera that swept him off his feet and fell. He saw the wizard grab the book and made an attempt as a bird to leave through door. As Wes got to his feet and out the door he saw Karn fighting some rune knights. He clenched his gloves and with the movement of his hand Wes pushed the gravity down against Karn with tremendous force to keep him in one place. "Where ever you move the gravity will follow you. Knights, help keep the wizard down with some elemental blasts, try to get the book that he has, and call for some reinforcements!" He shouted as he tried keeping Karn down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Jarvis stiffened, as the woman stalked towards them, but Jamie shook his head slightly, so Jarvis didn't move. "You have-" "Made a terrible mistake? No right? What?" Jamie said, the sword still in position by Angelica's neck. "I would lay down my life for my members, so this is not a mistake for me. I will lay down my life for the people of Fiore. I will stop you, blackened heart. I will stop you spreading your grip of Fiore. Phoenix Wing will protect Fiore. Even when it seems like it isn't. Yes, what we are doing may be considered selfish now, but what kind of guild would we be, if we let one of our own suffer?" ----- Carrie nodded at Masahiko, and said "I am fine. These two are barely a challenge" She smiled slightly, "Enjoyable, but barely a challenge" She turned to face the one she had pretty been ignoring. She moved in a florish of steps, lightening dancing over her skin, the air seeming to crackle through the air. As she moved, the lighting crackled, and fell around Mayt ---- Penny supposed that the Sound wave Mage would be shocked to ahve the large, dark skinned man turn to himm, and attack, a stick being replaced with a sword in his hand, moving towards the sound wizard. Penny sighed heavily, "You are a fool, Phones" She said, "But I'm going to help you, dolt" Her flames rolled, and licked over her skin, over the ground, as she ran towards Spencer, They continued to build, larger, stronger, hotter as she neared the Council Wizard, the flames a bright red, yellow and orange mixed in. She hit Spencer with both fists, sending him flying, crashing into the building. She ran towards him again, leaping through the air, and hitting him in the chest with both feet. The force, the power, and the impact sent vibrations through the building, shaking probably due to the flimsy construction of the building due to the Councils impatience. Penny didn't gave. She now had a few moments to turn back to Phones. "You may not give a rats ass about this guild, or anyone else around you. You just assumed that guy wouldn't hurt you. And made an even bigger jerk out of yourself then you have so far. And I had to protect you, because you don't give a damn. Remember that when you have a gigantic man with a sword coming at you next time. You would not have been able to deal with him, and that is not an attack on you. You simply do not have the skills to do so at this time. You need to train some more, but you don't see that because you are a stuck up, over confident punk" She turned back towards Spencer, but whether it was the combination of her attacks, or the sound ball taking effect, but he was struggling to rise.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Chimera roared loudly as he felt a heavy pull smash him against the floor, he growled as he tried to stand, using his powerful body to at least stand up, but his normal amazing speed was no longer there as the pressure seemed to weigh him heavily down to that current spot. Karn, despite his energetic attitude, was actually already pretty tired. He had spent a long time traveling, only to come aboard this adventure with no food or rest. As well as the long timed transformations he did, and fighting that Vulcan. After all, he wasn't actually prepared for battle unlike the Guild Members. This man seemed to control some sort of Gravity magic, and perhaps if he was bigger it would cause strain. But he couldn't afford to waste too much magic, and he wasn't sure he had the energy to transform into something bigger. However, he wasn't about to give up as he stood and gave a loud roar as the Rune Knights around him that were standing blasted him with magical attacks. Fire scorched his fur, though the scales helped keep him from being scorched. He couldn't afford to turn human again so they could get back the book. Hissing in pain as one Rune Knight sliced his flank with a strip of wind magic, he growled and his large claws dug into the ground below him, crushing it into dust. Managing to lift his tail, he swung it against the knight to fling them towards Wes. It was then there was some ruckus down the hall and he managed to turn his head a little to see two familiar faces. **"Hey there Maddy, Sayuri."** Karn spoke with a happy but strained voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mayt managed to stop the electricity, but not the kick, and he went stumbling back roughly. And as Damian started to move for an attack, Mayt just missed grabbing him by his shirt. "My god... Can we not have Plan A as 'Beat up everyone!'? Christ." He rubbed his chest where he had been kicked. "Seriously, you all are a bunch of lunatics. I'm just here trying to get a damn book, and one woman flips the hell out over us not leaving instantly on her request. Another guy comes in, and now we're fighting him too! God damn, can't anyone be civilized?" He simply held up his sword towards the lightning from Carrie, any getting near him being forced into the sword. "Seriously. This is getting utterly ridiculous." He tapped his sword on the ground, discharging the electricity carefully into the floor. He started to walk towards Carrie, absorbing any other attacks in a similar manner, though some would begin to get a little through if she kept it up. "I didn't join this guild to fight people. I didn't do it to get back at the magic council. I didn't even do it for money. But it seems to be the only things it's been delivering best on so far." He would simply follow Carrie if she tried to get away, taking each attack she throws at him in one form or another. --- Melina snarled a little as she heard people running down the corridor, and she moved quickly towards the Council member, drawing her knife out, as she heard the Rune Knights come around the corner, she lunged forward, aiming for the mage's lower back. --- Mithera turned and flew across the town, no longer caring about her shadow alerting those below she wasn't a bird like she was pretending she was. As she neared the council building, she angled herself down to crash into the roof of the Council Chamber, knowing she could probably break through it.
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