Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

In the middle of the crowd, Roanesca had successfully pickpocketed a few bucks from a few unwary students who were unlucky enough to pass near her. The girl, like a politician who leeched tax money for her own benefit, flicked through the stack of the green papers and ended up counting two dozen, enough for a week's allowance. Things have gone well for the thief even on the first day, with the blessings of hitting the mother load and not raising even the slightest suspicion among the people, although merely snatching currency from people's pockets wasn't enough. Roanesca wanted to do something different apart from stealing this day, especially since this marked the very first time in years since she had a permanent (sort of) home and a proper education (although Roanesca caught up on high school topics in the local library.) There was something to do tonight, indeed, because news of the Movie Night that quickly spread like wildfire had reached Roanesca. She looked left and right for this Connie Blendin, who might cater this occasion, and caught wind of that girl who handed out the fliers. Sure enough, she was Connie Blendin, because Roanesca overheard her name from her conversation with someone probably attending the Movie Night. "Are zou... Connie Blendin?" She leaned forward, batting an eye in curiosity. "Are zou hosting zis Movie Night? Consider ze interested. At what time is zit? What movies do zou have? Do zou serve refreshments? Zit's ze first day after all, so zi'd figure to at least attend something special."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Rebecca <3 - Delightful Distractions
Ah...blushing cheeks, that soft, delicate shade of pink upon the face of any beauty, how it sent Rebecca's nerves into a fluster tinting her own cheeks a demure hue of rose and dazzling her eyes all the more drawn to the girl before her. Naturally though she kept her lust in check, mainly her bloodlust, but how she adored this one, so cute, so naive...just how she loved her little darlings. With yet another fanciful twirl of her parasol, she entreated the girl's adorable bumbling along with staring oh so mesmerized into those lovely sapphires gazing towards her. Heavens, it must feel rather warm today. Clearly she was quite refined herself, judging by her simple yet stylish adornments. Definitely a carefree and spirited yellow, though more suited for spring or summer, but honestly, anything to lighten the day before the dreariness of autumn sat in. ~"I do hope so."~ <3 Rebecca replied to her. ~"I would not wish for you to think of me a haughty aristocrat, thinking she can push over anyone she sees below her, for that is certainly not me, I assure you dear. And someone as kind and considerate as you certainly deserves better treatment."~ She giggled bringing a hand to her lips once more, a gentle batting of her eyelashes towards the girl's mention, ~"No better art than performing arts, hmm? As a connoisseur of any particular arts, I do say that has to be true my dear. And of course! I'd be more than delighted to share a wonderful evening with you...watching movies of course! I did not intend to make any lewd suggestions my dear!"~ <3 Or in all thought did she have something else in mind? Twas about that time another cute girl arrived on the scene, Rin being her name, and what a cute name to fit such a cute, spry little soul as she. ~"Rin hmm?"~ She mused with a pleasant smirk to the young darling happily bouncing on her feet beside them, and that smile....it could melt the heart of even the coldest of ice demons. ~"Oh my! You're quite the energetic one, are you? And oh so adorable if I may add."~ <3 And then she turned to Constance, "And Constance....what a lovely name. It suits you well my dear, but, Red Lady? Oh darling you flatter me with such a noble-sounding title! <3 Ah but such is not necessary dear Constance. You may call me....Rebecca."~ <3 And just who might you be, you fanciful little phantasm? <3 And last but not least, this...peculiar other girl. Adorable as well, yet, Rebecca was perplexed by what matter of accent she spoke with, this one. Nevertheless, she smiled invitingly to her as well. So manly lovely girls gathering for one night. Rebecca would certainly enjoy this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\m/ Evelyn - Is That a Whammy Bar in your Pocket?
If she thought his first riff was good, then the freestyle he pulled off fucking killed it! \m/ Ev couldn't believe it, another musician, right across the hall from her pretty much. How did she not know this guy in the first place? Oh...that's why. "Yeah umm...I'm...I'm Ev." She managed to stutter despite being awestruck, not just of his extreme skill and his kickass room full of so many amazing instruments, but also...he wasn't a complete douche like she thought of most guys, and to that....kind of a shame she was batting for the other team, so to speak. And play? Hell yeah she could! "Does a bear shit in the woods?" Ev snorted, though still a tad nervous and slightly red in the cheeks still. "Hold on one sec." Back to her room she whisked away before coming back with her six stringed BC Rich Warlock in one hand and under her arm her speaker and her Schecter Hellraiser amp head. Once she had it all set up, she started off with something easy, launching into a small medley of Metallica riffs ranging from Master of Puppets all the way to Ride the Lightning. Then, she got into it more, her pick sweeping across the thick Ernie Ball strings as her fingers flew across the frets ablazen with absolute fury, throwing in a few hammer on's and pull off's and even some Eddie Van Halen style finger taps before a massive decrescendo with a pick scrape across her strings. "How's that?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Zac Zac smirked when the girl raced back to her room and came back with her own amp and guitar. He pointed her over to his twelve slot power-board so she could plug her amp in, and leaned against his own amp, looking forward to seeing what this girl could do. And man... She could play! His eyes were fixed on Ev's fingers as she tore through the metallica riffs and her own freestyle soloing. Zac couldn't help but clap a few times when she finished. "Wow... That was fuckin' great. You can really shred." He smiled, still a little shy, but obviously more than impressed and very happy to find another musician already, especially one this talented. "Umm... What tuning are you in?" He asked as he looked over his guitar rack. Rin Rin clapped a few times excitedly when Connie said that she could come to the movie night, still bouncing on the balls of her feet. "Yay! And nice to meet you Connie!" She then turned to the red-haired girl and couldn't help but blush a little. "Y-you... Think I'm adorable?" She stuttered a little, her fave looking like a ripe tomato as she gleamed up at her. "Well, so are you, Rebecca!" Rin then shifted her gaze to the girl that walked up. She giggled softly as she spoke. "Hehe, you have a funny accent. It's cute. Like all three of you!" She said, still giggling slightly and clapping a few more times, the sleeves of her big hoodie covering her hands and flapping about slightly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dexter - And so it Begins Laughter. That was what would be heard from Dexter's room, which was already covered in posters of movies, anime and heavy metal icons. Now he was spinning around in his chair as maniacal laughter erupted from under his mask. His gas mask, he was surprised he hadn't taken it off yet. wait could he? Perhaps, but maybe that was what he was expected to do, maybe if he took off the mask he might die...or maybe it was concealing his pure, unrefined super amazing POWAH. Now he just laughed again, watching this horror movie he rented, the movie in question was just for him to make fun of it, and the movie was Saw 5. Heheheheh final chapter! YEAH! Because it's practically died all together! THANK GOD!" Then, that's when he heard it. The beautiful shredding of the guitar, the pure unfiltered sound of destruction. He let out asmall squeal of excitement and suddenly he ran out of his room, wearing only his Distured T-shirt and a pair of trousers. Soon he started to track down the source and found exactly what he was looking for, two people, one shredding. "OH! Sorr for interrupting, but did I hear, the sweet, sweet sound of shredding, like he chords of hell screaming out to the real world! OVER MY MOVEHS!" He laughed mniaclly and threw his hands around. "Oh sorry, I get carried away, I'm Dexter, people call me Dex, people as in the people in m head, nice to meet cha!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Corpus Venenum
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Corpus Venenum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jack had wandered away from the opening ceremony. He had steered clear of the girl handing out invitations; if she had offered him one, he'd have had to accept, and he didn't know anyone yet, meaning he had no motivation to spend time in their company. He ended up walking in circles for a while, then he took a rambling tour of the school by accident, before finally reaching the dorms - by trying to go somewhere else. He sighed. "I'm really gonna need a map...". Walking through the building, he could hear voices and music at the opposite end of the corridor from him. He checked the note he'd been handed by the Dorm Master. Room 401, right at the end of the corridor. He unlocked the door, revealing what was actually a very nice dorm room. Jack smiled as he set to unpacking, adjusting the temperature with his powers until it was more comfortable to him. As his breath fogged in the air, he finished unpacking. The sounds from further down the corridor were still going on, so he stuck his head out the door to have a look, in time to see someone sprint out of one room and into another, the one from which all the music was emanating. Jack shrugged. At least someone was happy.
Hamlin leaned against the wall, flute spinning between his fingers. Occasionally, it would rise to his lips, and a tune would dance its way out. Sometimes mysterious, sometimes sad, sometimes happy and sometimes a tune that got the heart racing and the feet tapping. All the while, Hamlin watched the students, studying them. He noted the girl who was nicking people's money (Roanesca), and decided that unless he heard about repercussions, it would act as a lesson for the students to remain vigilant and aware of themselves at all times. However, what he did keep any eye on was the vampire (Rebecca). She had walked in late, presumably as some form of statement, and Hamlin could practically smell the scheming in her from the other side of the room. Looking around her, she was probably trying to seduce the young women that she was in contact with. It was harmless enough, for now...but he'd pay attention to her. The hardest thing to protect someone against is themselves, and when a vampire had its hooks in someone, what the vampires wants is what they want. He'd learned that the hard way. So, he casually pushed off from the wall, and started walking down the line of students in the direction of the little group. As he went, he played pieces that he had heard before - he'd never learned them, but his memory was flawless, and his ability to play by ear was legendary. So, he played snatches of pieces from across Europe, since that was the ancestral home of vampires, heading backward in time. He started in the late 1900s, then moved on to the 1800s, then the 1700s, then the 1600s, hoping for a reaction. He hoped to gauge her age and possibly attract her attention by playing music that she may not have heard since hearing it played originally. If she was older than the Middle Ages, he was dealing with a lot more than the ordinary vampire - if she originated sometime during the Middle Ages, then she was a powerful vampire, but not an Arch Vampire just yet. Those were a great challenge, but tended to cause a lot of structural damage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ekaterina (Katya) The crowd was big… too big if you asked her and even being near it Katya felt her anxiety go up, even if she knew it was only until the opening ceremony was concluded being near some many unfamiliar people made her anxious what if a group of them suddenly talked to her, could she handle that? Sighing she doubted she could but quickly pushed the thoughts out her mind as she listened to whoever was at the podium. The opening ceremony was sort of lacking well this was the thought of one particular Russian girl. “Boring. That was so boring, it didn’t make me want to study or be excited for my schooling here.” She muttered to herself as she watched the crowd disperse at the end of the ceremony looking at a number of students eying them off almost like she was scanning them for something. But even with the crowd dispersing there was still too many people around for her to feel completely at ease. But this didn’t change the fact she still wanted to meet someone new anyone would do at the moment. It was just it was her first day in a new school and she just wanted someone she could call a comrade. Someone that could fulfill her social need, although personally she’d want more than one friend as she’d grow bored with just one. But with a so many people around who was she to try and interact with that was the real question. Giving it a moment thought Katya couldn’t find an answer so thought she’d play a video game on her phone while she worked something out. It was a shame dealing with people wasn’t dealing with number as that would make life so much easier. Slipping away into the form the crowd Katya found a bench and sat down on it, giving a small relieved sigh glad to be happy from so many people. Giving herself a second to look around Katya quickly whipped out her phone and started to a simple tower defence game on her phone. But moment into opening the app she closed it having changed her mind maybe she’d should take a walk maybe she’d find someone alone or a small group she could join in. Getting up she stretched out of habit even if she had only just sat down. Looking around picked out a random direction and started to walk into confident no matter where she went today she’d see students. “Alright fate please be nice and let me find some nice people. No one can manipulate spirits or likes peaco… those evil birds.” She muttered to herself shuttering at the mere thought of a particular bred of bird.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

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Meanwhile, in the courtyards of Orean Cause... The broom brushed its fine fibers against the grass, taking along with it leaves and other filth and sweeping them along into the dustpan as the lady swiveled it left and right. Her crimson hair billowed in the breeze, gliding in the calm air as the maiden swept and swept. She had a rather simple choice of clothing-- a black dress-suit with silken white sleeves, a rose-colored necktie to give it a neat touch, and plain old black shoes to finish it up. It seemed that this woman was, to put it in a simple way, rather modest even if she had "demon wings" on her head, but her perpetual, unsettling, disturbing expression of a smile without sanity-- add in a disconcerting dialogue towards her sickle, vanishes those impressions. And if one were to learn the fact that these head wings were ripped off from an imp and stabbed straight to her head, then it would be best for the unfortunate person that might encounter her to stay away. This is Madame Samantha Marcel, Orean Cause's school maid. Like Sarina Marcel, those who have mystic affiliations and had known her-- if they even dared to do so --might see her as a formidable fallen angel. A few know her as Samael, a legendary figure of death. But regardless of if anyone sees her as either Samantha or Samael, most would prefer to back away as soon as they either see her sharp, creepy grin or hear her conversations with nonliving objects. "Look, mister sickle, so much humans! Young, ripe and juicy!" whisphered Samantha to her curved blade attached to a leather belt, as a few children passed by in the distance. "Not to mention, they're mortals! I wish Madame Sariel would just leave me alone already, but she's my superior! I must keep my loyalty firm, even if it means starving myself of the sweet, precious death of men!" For now, she would keep on doing her duties as a school maid: sweeping the courtyards. Perhaps some unlucky students will come across her and dare interact... ------------------------------------------------------ "Oi." The seraph put a gaze on a certain girl, who had just started to find someone to socialize. This pupil looked sheepish... sheepish enough to be in need of Sariel's intervention! Or so would it be? "If you're going to have a talk with someone else," she advised, giving a little smirk. "...you better get out of their vicinity if they look or sound too suspicious for you. Especially the school maid. Don't ever talk to the school maid. Don't. Never." Sariel paused, taking a quick sip of her homemade beer. "And good day to you! I'm Sarina Marcel, part of the faculty. You might see me in any classes regarding science."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 1 day ago

From one interested party to now three, Connie was practically doubled over in excitement; this level of interest was unprecedented, and now she'd have to really be a good hostess. No simple bag of microwaved popcorn tonight, not with guests of distinction! As the Red Lady spoke, in a manner that Connie could only associate with nobility - at least those in comedies or cartoons - Connie could only be polite and nod along; she was heavy on the compliments, not that that was a negative. Again, it was more a matter of the unexpected than anything else. And speaking of the unexpected, another girl seemed to just...appear in front of her, waggling her finger while asking a question. Surely she hadn't simply appeared into being, that was impossible of course, perhaps she was just good at blending into the crowds, and Connie's attention was on Rebecca after all. "Of course you can come, it's an open invitation!" Connie said to the finger waving girl before turning towards the one with the...unique accent. Connie couldn't place it, but then if it wasn't English or French she wasn't one for placing accents to begin with. "Yes, I'm Connie Blendin. Well honestly I didn't expect this much response so I don't have a whole lot of refreshments yet but I can get some snacks and drinks before tonight. That's when it is. Tonight. I was thinking of having it after the school party but I probably wasn't going to go anyway so really just show up anytime during or after the party. As for what I have...I don't think you'll be disappointed with my selections!" To that, Connie handed a flier to the accented girl, just in case she needed one. This was certainly shaping up to be exciting! And did that Rin girl call her cute? What was with all the compliments today, it was unexpected, to say the least.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Well, having a person to base a characters reactions off of makes the character seem more human," Rei told Bride. She found that she wasn't afraid of her. But then again it was also only one person. An increase in the amount of people would probably frighten, if not terrify, Rei.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bride nodded as he listened...more human...he never heard someone using that term before. It was sort of scary yet mysterious at the same time. "Oh...wow..." He said with slight amazement, wondering how Rei became so talented. "Oh, um...so you are new here? If that so I am new here as well! Nice to meet someone new" Bride gave out a sweet and warm smile to the girl as she held the book that Rei gave him tightly on his chest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

\m/ Evelyn - Down with the Sickness
She didn't expect applause but it was evident Zac thought her mad axe shredding skills were insane, given by it painting one hell of a grin across his face that only made Evelyn shy away a bit more with a hesitant chuckle. "Thanks." She said a tad quieter, her fingers fiddling about the strings as she played something similar sounding to Tony Iommi's intro on Children of the Grave, though adding her own twists in here and there, going up an octave higher and just letting the creative eb flow through her veins. "Well, for the most part Vaermina-" Vaermina being the Warlock she held in her hands, named for the Daedric Lord of Nightmares, "Right now she's in standard, but I usually fuck around with drop tuning, D or C mostly." And then....that thing had to bust through the door, making Ev do a double take with her mouth agape in confusion of....seriously who the fuck was this dude? "Uhhh...yo." She said with a slight wave towards Dex, but the creepypasta headgear wasn't the only thing catching her eye. Dude practically looked like Tici Toby.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

~In (one of) Orean Cause's janitor closet(s)~ Donning the usual blue uniform, making sure the janitor cart was in tip top shape, taking a huge breath. Walter was ready for his first day as a janitor of Orean Cause. Supposed to be a regular school but when Walter met some of the faculty and some of the students, his instincts told him they were anything but normal. He wondered what Orean Cause really was. He shrugged these thoughts off as he is simply there to clean up rooms and any mess the students make and nothing else. He could but then his teammates would reprimand him for superheroing during his vacation. But who were they to reprimand him? He was their leader. If his skills were needed then he would do so without hesitation. Walter exited his home room and reviewed his objectives. Later the day, there would be a party which, once done, would clearly need his services but for now, there was none as school had just started and the rooms were now in order. There was the entrance ceremony but the outcome of that usually wasn't messy. For all Walter knew, he could just stay in the closet all day. But he decided against it, staying cooped up in a small room was boring and didn't give him the atmosphere to think. Walter started to walk towards the school's entrance to check if anything needed cleaning, pushing the cleaning cart as he did so. ~Near the schools's entrance~ There was some people remaining after the welcoming ceremony and the only litter Walter found was a few confetti on the ground. Likely from the ceremony itself. It was a little rude to start cleaning up when the students were still using the area so Walter waited for the are to clear out. After all, he had all the time in the world. Plus, the natural air of outside smelled good.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

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No clear answer was heard by the hatted girl, only vague descriptions about "snacks and drinks", "anytime during or after the party", and some unmentioned "selections". This might be reasonable enough, given that this Connie Blendin might wanted to gain a bit of hype by not revealing too much detail. Roanesca sought more answers, but the girl looks stubborn enough, so the current given aspects would do for now. The best that she could hope for at this moment is that there shouldn't be any Asylum movies on the big screen. "If zat's all ze things zou can tell for now, so be zit." Roanesca muttered, staring at the the flier handed out by this girl. Her slender fingers glided across the print, and while doing so, she continued speaking. "Zi might attend some time during ze party if zat is worth going to, but if not, zi'll guess zi'll go on ahead to zour theatre. Zi better hope ze films are any good." Other, unusually-looking and sounding girls were in her vicinity, such as a redhead glamour fanatic who spoke and dressed rather stylishly and fabulously and a compliment machine in a suspicious-looking hoodie. Roanesca kept an eye on these two, especially since she could feel a bit of an enigma that she could not really explain. What is this sensation, somehow? ...What is Orean Cause?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Yeah, I'm new here," Rei told Bride she was glad that she already had made a friend. One that didn't mind her writing nature. Rei smiled back at Bride. "I hope you enjoy the book, " she told Bride. Her sweet nature and curiosity towards well written horror would really make for quite a nice character. Not the main character. But, maybe the main characters childhood friend.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bride smiled back again and looked at the book once more, he would love to read the book now but maybe finishing it first then tell Rei how was it. "I think I will, thank you again once more..." Bride felt like he was really making his first friend in a long time. It made his heart feel all bubbly yet it scared him a bit. He did not want to newfound friendship he had just made. "Well since we are new here...u-um... want to take a l-look around? Its a pretty b-big school here..." He suggested as he was curious also about the huge school and what they could find there. "B-but if not t-that is fine!" Bride covered his face one more with his hands blushing that he might be annoying Rei.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ekaterina (Katya) She had only just started to walk thought the school on the hunt for someone to interact with become lost in her own thoughts as she looked a number of people over to see if they looked interesting and none P word loving. But so far she had no luck everyone although there were a few potential candidates she would have try and talk to later. But unknown to Katya something had sat her sights on her and with a simple “Oi” got Katya’s full attention and nearly made her jump out of her body, out shock . Turning to face whoever had spoken to her; listening to them intently as she recovered from the surprise. “I’ve not talked to anyone yet it hard to find someone that looks interesting or is not engaged in conversation. You are first person today I’ve spoken to.” She commented her Russian accent lining every word she said, even living outside of the motherland for several years her accent had stayed strong. Hearing this persons advance Katya looked a little confused, unsure by what this person meant by ‘…too suspicious for you’ part unsure by what she meant of it. Even as this person stated don’t talk to the school maid Katya was left with a very puzzled look on her face. Again she had no idea why she shouldn’t talk to the maid or that this school even had one. Watching this person take a sip of some drink, again she listened intently as this person introduced themselves and mentioned they were part school faculty and apparently taught the sciences. “I’m Ekaterina Ozerova Romanovna, but you can call me Katya ma’am. I’m pleased to making your acquaintance. If you be teaching any Math you’ll see me.” Katya stated rather formally giving a slight bow before looking away from this Sarina person who was starting to creep her out. “Not to be rude but I’m going to leave. I want to find some students to be friends with. Goodbye ma’am pleasant day be on you.” She stated again in a formal manner before quickly walking away, so might say a little too quickly almost like she was running away from Sarina. Away from the apparent staff member she took a moment to catch breath before continuing her search she started to walk around again after picking a random direction. This time her wonders found her towards a group that she saw seemed to be gathered around a girl holding flyers. They were a few people around that girl which somewhat made her interesting as Katya started to wonder what was on those flyers as it seemed a few people interested. Driven by a curiosity Katya made her way over to the group. “Hello. What is so interesting over here?” she asked the group not really caring who answered her question.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Zac Zac nodded and picked up his 7-string, turning his amp off standby once again. "Alrighty... Do you, uh, know Fade to Black, by Metallica?" He asked as he lightly started picking the intro riff to what was possibly his favorite Metallica song. At the very least it was favorite to play. He watched her, waiting for her to either join in with the riff, or rip into the intro solo. His eyes were then drawn to the door way and he stopped playing, confused and slightly startled. A kid... With a gas mask on his face... This really is a weird school... Zac tried to shift his dumbfounded look into a smile, accompanied by uneasy laughter. "Uh, hey, Dex... I'm Zac. Do... Do you play as well?" If this was another musician, despite the creepy headgear of the kid, Zac would be near ecstatic. Two people to jam with on his first day at his new school. What greater way to start a new school year than this? Rin "Yay!" Rin excitedly exclaimed, giggling happily, still bouncing slightly. "I will be there after the party, because I loooove parties! But as soon as that finishes I'll be at your dorm to watch movies! I'll bring some snacks too! And some games too!" She was very happy to already find new friends. She hadn't had any friends for a long time, so she was very happy to have new people to hopefully play her games with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Why not look around. We could probably both use a tour. So why not just walk around and find out where things are," Rei agreed. She turned off her tablet and both it back in her bag along with her drawing pad. She stood up and walked closer to Bride. Rei put her hands in her pockets and stood next to Bride.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bride stood as well beside Rei and looked around, maybe a student from the school or a staff could help them booth. It was a very...very large school and anyone could get lost immediately from just wandering there. Bride looked around to see if anyone might help them maybe. He was shy though to ask anyone really and plus he daily fumbles with those things too. "That sounds nice but this is a really b-big school and...I am afraid to get lost...." He looked down on the ground then looked back up. He did got a tendency to get lost easily. He then noticed a janitor (walter) at the school grounds. Maybe he though of asking the janitor but still was to shy enough to ask. He looked back at Rei and blushed. "You mind f you lead? i am not good with directions..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Gwen Sniegow
Orean Cause? Whatever, let's just see how I can chill and relieve myself from hectic stuff. My name is Gwen Sniegow that is all you need to know, the cold never bothered me anyway and I would like to start my own club, I wonder.... Whatever, too many people, I might even lose motivation to begin with and there's a lot to take in and it is just introductory. This sucks, there's so many people and I dunno who to talk to begin with, I continue walking and running to see which group is interesting. From the wind's passage and ear to ear, movie night huh? Seems legit, I'd definitely go but I dunno if I'd waste my time.
In the middle of the crowd, Gwen catches her breath from moving vigorously, the school is indeed big and there's nothing more than first impressions of oh yes, this school would make a good training ground of improving magic power, knowledge, and physical prowess, Gwen likes the thought of that and it does have a perfect ring to it. As Gwen reaches the so called movie gathering. "Yo Movie Master. Do you have yuri genre? If you don't, any movie will do and by the way can I borrow your clothes?" HA! Gwen simply can't help herself from stripping and she is shameless about it, just wearing her bra and panties. Realizing late, the fact that while running, she subconsciously stripped.
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