Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Kingdom of Soroya

Letter to Emperor Shayaer Khatis

Dear Emperor Shayaer Khatis,

I have no intentions of involving myself with the bombing or invasion of the Anvegadian coast. However this is the best I can promise from my people. War is often a difficult time for us all, and I can only hope that it ends as swiftly as possible with a Soroyan victory. We pride ourselves with our colonial empire, and as a country that had once stretched the continent of Serranthia, you must admire that accomplishment.

On a lighter note I hear you enjoy the Soroyan play “The Violet Rose,” some spectators even rumor that you shed a tear. This brings joy into my heart that those outside of Soroya can see the beauty our people bring into the world. I truly hope it was a joyous performance. In the future, under better circumstance, I would find it a momentous occasion to attend a similar performance with you. I wish the best of luck to a fellow king and lover of the arts.

King Hann-Riechmanus II

Painting of King Hann-Riechmanus II, Circa 1904

The SRF Vulture

After much consideration the Soroyan government has chosen to seize the Honnerian pre-dreadnought with promises to pay them back entirely, even with an offer to construct a new one. Prime Minister Kevin Notles officially stated “It is a dreadful occurrence when we need to go back on deals made long ago, but situations call for dreadful actions.” Soon after they renamed the ship the SRF Vulture.

Faresian Crisis

After much consideration the Soroyan government has decided to recognize one of the two claims revealed by Survaekom Archeologist. After deciding to pay the 55 Billion owed to the people Nakashisaki, Prime Minister Kevin Notles has refused to recognize Xian’s claim to the land stating “We were leased this land by the Yong Dynasty, a dynasty no more. The Xian Republic is not the rightful owner of these lands and they shall remain under Soroyan control.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Year 1904
World Tension: 30%

Mille-Sessau Incites Border Tension against Etellia (+3% World Tension, Targeted Nation grants CB against you).
Mille-Sessau Fabricates Claims on Etellia (+5% World Tension)
Anvegad Allies with Sumaya (+8% World Tension, +5% National Unity)
Tarikhate of Serranthia Fabricates Claims on Usmyyae (+5% World Tension)
Tarikhate of Serranthia Mobilizes Troops (+3 World Tension)
Zellonia Declares War on Sumaya (+12% World Tension)
Soroya Declares War on Anvegad (+12% World Tension)
Soroyo-Anvegadian Colonial War (+12% World Tension)
Zellonia Incites Unrest in Kalpia (+5% World Tension)
Imperial Restoration Begins Crisis in Soroyan Faresia (+15% World Tension)
Deltora Denounces Yamarano (-5% World Tension)
Anvegad Denounces Zellonia (-5% World Tension)
Soroya Intervenes in Basai (-10% World Tension)
Xian Intervenes in Basai (-10% World Tension)
Xian Embargoes Yamarano (-4% World Tension)
Deltora Embargoes Yamarano (-4% World Tension)
Aontas Signs Trade Agreements with Tramel (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP)
Aontas Signs Trade Agreements with Salardia (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP)
Survaek Signs Trade Agreements with Khernikovia (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP)
Survaek Signs Trade Agreements with Sorena (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP)

[LINK FOR BIGGER MAP: i.imgur.com/CMdMV9C.png

The World, circa 1904



September 1st: The governments of both Empire of Zellonia and Empire of Sumaya disregard the Treaty of Winterhold to continue fighting. Sporadic gunfire in the previously established demilitarized zone begins with light artillery bombardments from both sides.

September 2nd: The Anvegadian submarine U-01 leaves Winterhold in the early hours of the morning and set sail toward Faresia.

September 4th: A major factory complex completes production in the Kalpian Republic. It begins hiring new employees and is expected to start operations within the month.

September 5th: A group of Sumayan submarines leave their pens at Davao and Suma to head northeast.

September 7th: The Grand Railroad in the Empire of Anvegad finishes. The first fully connected railroad in the world, it is a model for other nations in the world, and the citizens of Anvegad see their years of hard work paying off. A citizen can now take a train from Windel in the south all the way to Summerwall in the north in about 12 hours, a feat that would take days in an automobile or on carriage.

September 8th: An armaments factory opens in Evanston, Zellonia. This factory begins hiring workers and will begin operating next month.

September 9th: The Sumayan 9th Army (150,000 Regulars, 150 L Model 2's) under Batari Gunter starts it's advance. The Zellonian Colonial Army does not offer resistance, falling back along the roads.

Advance of Gunter's 9th Army, September 1st-9th, 1904

September 10th: Honneria denounces the Kingdom of Soroya. "While Survaek steals our land, the Sociatatem steal our pride!". In retaliation, Honneria requests a Defensive Alliance with the Empire of Zellonia. The Soroyan Foreign Minister is expelled from Honneria and it's embassy closed.

September 12th: The Khernikovian Empire signs the Declaration of World Renewal, joining the Imperial Restoration.

September 13th: The ZRS Newton, while patrolling in the East Zellonian Sea is struck by a torpedo from the RSN Suma, at 11:51. By 13:01 the ZRS Sea Gord, another Zellonian cruiser in the area approaches, but does not begin rescue operations for fear of the Sumayan submarine still being in the area. Rescue operations do not begin until 18:59. 71 Zellonian sailors perish and the ZRS Newton is lost.

Path of the ZRS Newton (CL), the day it was sunk, September 13th, 1904

September 14th: A minor industrial factory opens in Empire of Anvegad. This factory starts production immediately, with the Department of Labor assigning workers from the region to work.

September 15th: Admiral Louren Nijerees, put in charge of the Soroyan First Transport Fleet, makes the first grievous mistake of the war by ordering the fleet together. While they do escort several vessels at a time, the majority of escort ships often depart for Faresia without any escort at all.

Between 08:53 and 11:19, the Anvegadian submarine U-01 sank the Weinreich, The Berg, and The Mirre, a total tonnage of 385,000.

September 16th: The Northern Army Group (175,000 Regulars, 5,000 Professionals, 37 Type 85 Battalion Guns) commanded by Major General Lang Shao-Ren of Xian moves north into Basai territory. Initially ordered to move along whatever roads were available, the troops were distressed to find that Basai was almost entirely rural, without any tangible roads in sight. This decreased morale, but General Shao-Ren ordered his men on through the rural territories north on it's way too Sagon, the besieged capital of Basai.

September 18th: Blueprints from Sikea, Soroya to the frigid north of Kienne, Aontas is intercepted by unknown agents. The blueprints are not recovered.

September 19th: The Grand Survaek Empire finishes a Trade Agreement with the Imperial Restoration member the Kingdom of Sorena.

September 20th: 40,000 Regulars finish their training and join the Empire of Sumaya.

September 22nd: The Zellonian submarine ZRS Sea Death successfully identifies over fifteen enemy warships loitering in the Bay of Suma. After eight hours, the submarine leaves station to report back to Sucre. Submarines take shifts watching the enemy fleet, which seems satisfied not leaving the bay.

September 24th-29th: The Northern Army Group of Xian meets the Yamaranese 12th Army (275,000 Regulars, 9 Type-86 Cannons) just outside the Basai town of La Xuyên. under Lieutenant General Sato Sawajiro. The Battle of La Xuyên lasted five days.

Xian Major General Shao-Ren ordered to find the enemy in a Decisive Battle, committed the majority of his soldiers to battle here, benefiting mostly by the Shogunate's lack of firepower here. The battle was a deliberate bloodletting, with General Shao-Ren of Xian and General Sawajiro being men of the defensive end of the battle, not the offensive. On September 24th, General Shao-Ren ordered three regiments up the right, intending to drive the Yamaranese line back. Of the 9,000 Xian troops that took part in the battle, only 3,500 survived after being repulsed.

The intended offensive on September 26th after a day of inactivity on the 25th was held back by heavy rains and probing artillery barrages. The inexperienced Xian Army, bringing only an additional 5,000 Beishan Type 95 rifles, were dismayed to learn that after heavy artillery bombardment and discouraging rain that 12,000 rifles had been rendered inoperable, and thus 7,000 fit soldiers were without a weapon.

On dawn of September 27th the Yamaranese launched an offensive, throwing 20,000 men against the Xian center. Eight hours of repeated charges, led by whistle blowing lieutenants on the sloping Basai plains just miles south of the town of La Xuyên turned much of the countryside into a pockmarked war zone. "They are breaking through, we are undone!" One sergeant famously yelled, but it wasn't to be so. When the day was done, the Yamaranese Pocket threatened the Xian line for only three hours until fierce close quarters fighting saw the Yamaranese charge peter out.

Battle of La Xuyên, 1904

Battle of La Xuyên (Stalemate)
-- Xian: 14,642 (26,642 rifles lost)
-- Yamarano Shogunate: 22,853 (27,523 rifles lost)

September 30th: The Soroyan First Battle Fleet makes contact on the horizon several hundred miles west of Faresia with an Anvegadian Fleet. With a pre-dreadnought, armored cruiser, light cruiser and six destroyers, it was significantly more powerful tan the Anvegadian Second Fleet, comprised of only a single pre-dreadnought, heavy cruiser and a destroyer that was misidentified as a light cruiser.

The Soroyan First Battle Fleet, with explicit instructions to attack straggling ships, the fleet was toward back south, headed around the coast and made port at Flulin.


October 1st: After a month of renewed hostilities, the Empire of Sumaya has captured over half of Zellonian Sarelia with less than a 1,000 casualties. Batari Gunter's 9th Army has been slowed to a crawl in the west. Without infrastructure or roads, the Sarelian jungle, not Zellonian soldiers, is the reason for the slow progress.

Sumayan intelligence reveals that the Zellonians have fled all the way west to the regional capital of Memoth. Zellonian colonials, realizing they were abandoned, began to welcome the Sumayans with hot tea and free tobacco. Sumayan soldiers find the diamond minds west of Hollan abandoned.

Progress of Gunter's 9th Army, October 1st, 1904

October 2nd: The Kingdom of Soroya finishes a production order of 20,000 Bursk Mark IV rifles. They are distributed to the soldiers immediately.

October 3rd: 50,000 Vulcaine II Mark II's finish production in the Deltoran Republic.

October 4th: Without numerical superiority, the Xian-Yamaranese Front between Xian settles into a silent deadlock. Night patrols become common, and even when enemy patrols came across one another, they often simply let one another pass. Both Faresians, only great attacking charges would be countered aggressively.

October 5th: The Grand Survaek Empire finishes colonizing the wild desert region of Zaba. Rich in aluminum, tungsten and oil, the Empire forces a great many to migrate their families to the region so that it may begin exporting the resources there to the great inlands of the Empire.

Survaekom citizens migrating to Zaba, circa 1904

October 8th: The Anvegadian submarine U-01 sinks the Soroyan merchant ship, Turge, carrying 56,000 tonnes of ammunition and food to Soroyan ships.

October 9th: The Empire of Anvegad finishes a production run of 1,000 HVL-02 machine guns.

October 10th-14th: Operation Sideswipe; a Zellonian invasion of southern Sumaya, begins. The Zellonian 6th Fleet under command of Admiral Tavington set sail from Sucre and landed at Memoth, which was now only being defended by 5,000 Zellonians and 60 Torran-85 light guns to defend it.

The Zellonian 6th Fleet was comprised of the light cruiser ZRS Quaid, which was the flagship of Admiral Tavington, and the eight destroyers Revenge, Deathhead, Velius, Zell's Ambitions, Virtue, Famine, Crossroad and Home. Attached to the 6th Fleet were eight transport barges loaded with 35,000 Zellonian Regulars and 110 Torran-85's.

The Fleet set sail from Memoth and headed south, but encountered no resistance from the Sumayan Navy. The Quaid and the destroyers Revenge, Famine and Crossroad bombarded the city of Davao for seven hours, killing several hundred civilians and soldiers. The city was defended by only 5,000 Sumayans and 2 L Model 2 cannons, both of which were destroyed in the bombardment.

Several miles west, the Zellonians began to disembark, and the much smaller Sumayan Army Garrison was powerless to stop it. 35,000 Zellonians successfully disembarked, and by nightfall the Zellonian 6th Fleet had pulled back from Davao to port at Memoth. The Battle of Davao was bloodless, lasting only fourteen hours on the 13th and into the morning of the 14th. The Sumayan garrison, heavily outnumbered and outgunned, surrendered.

Operation Sideswipe, October 1904

Battle of Davao (1904)
Sumayan Empire: 1,095 men (3,905 prisoners of war). 5,000 rifles. 2 L Model 2 Light Artillery.
Zellonian Empire: 1,653 men (1,761 Mannicher/85 Rifles)

October 15th: The Crozier Expedition returns to Deltora. The Makitori Islands are revealed to be rich in precious stones, and on it's eastern islands to have plentiful iron ore deposits within it's lone mountain range.

October 16th: The Soroyan submarine SRF Merel, sinks the destroyer ANV Warhammer in the Survaekom Inland Sea.

October 17th: The Zellonians at Davao fortify their positions. Without further orders from Zellonian High Command, they are left to simply entrench and hope for reinforcements.

October 18th: After appointing General Reiner Engelhardt as their new Chief of the Army, the Kalpian Republic immediately ordered new prototypes for Heavy Artillery (1905) as well as Trench Warfare (1905).

October 19th: The Anvegadian Home Fleet scores the Great False Victory, a great embarrassment to the Soroyan Second Battle Fleet. The fleet, sailing east from Fort Talip was intercepted by the Anvegadian Home Fleet, sailing south from Wendel.

The Anvegadian Home Fleet was composed of only a light cruiser and a pair of destroyers, but with explicit orders to attack single or unprotected vessels, the Soroyan Second Battle Fleet, with two pre-dreadnoughts, a pair of cruisers and two destroyers, turned back west and headed for Fort Talip. The Soroyans it seemed, were not interested in pitched battles.

October 21st: Zello-Kalpian Colonial Crisis: Zellonians along the eastern shores and Kalpians cutting their way along the heavy jungles in the west have finally met at an impassé. While neither nation had a formal claim to the area, neither nation obviously intended to release the area, rich in both steel and rare materials.

Both Kalpia and Zell must choose how they stand on the issue:
* [Press the Issue]: This claim is ours! We will not relinquish our claim and will back it up militarily, if it comes to it.

* [Split the Claim]: There is plenty of land to be had, and it can be split without bloodshed. If they press the claim however when we suggest splitting it, we may lose our spot.

* [Back Down]: We will not go to war over resources in a far away land. If we back out and they attempt to press the issue however, we will look much better in the eyes of the international community.

October 23rd: The Sumayan submarine RNS EXpat sinks the Zellonian freighter Milo in the Vicarri Sea.


November 1st: The first troops from the Anvegad Empire arrive. The Faresian Expeditionary Force (70,000 Professionals, 20,000 Sirilt/99 Rifles, 50,000 Armory Rifles, 50 Light Artillery, 50 Heavy Artillery) under command of General Viktor Ankudinov. They begin entrenching at the border between Soroya and Anvegad, placing 1,000 of the HVL-02 machine guns.

November 2nd: The Kingdom of Aontas finishes colonizing it's first overseas territory. The Feratsu Islands, An abundance of rare stones are discovered on the island. The Protectorate of Feratsu establishes it's capital at Dumaguete.

Emperor of Aontas?
With the recent colonization of Feratsu, and by extension, the 55,000 Feratsian natives on the island, several minor politicians close to King Matthias are egging him on to accept a Coronation as Aontan Emperor. The event, while changing little about the government would give Aontas some much needed prestige in a year where it's ideological allies are close to falling apart.

* [Crown Him Emperor Matthias Frederik of the Empire of Aontas, King of Feratsu]: Aontas' has taken a step into the greater world by expanding it's territories into Faresia. King Matthias, now an Emperor, stands with no equals. Our population will rejoice and praise his lineage.

* [Nothing Has Changed]: Matthias is a King, and will remain so. Instead we will dedicate our time to formulating a policy of education as well as development plans for the Feratsians. This education plan will help normalize their culture, allowing for us to employ a stronger colonial garrison and possibly better income from the colony in the future.

November 3rd: The troops under General Jan-Bart Van Heun of the Soroyan Colonial Force begin entrenching as well. With only 20,000 Regulars, 500 machine guns and 50 Light Artillery, they are much less suited for defensive combat. Without a decisive naval battle, the troops under General Jan-Bart Van Heun prepare against the Anvegadian Expeditionary Force.

November 4th-26th: Batari Gunter's Sumayan 9th Army reaches the city of Memoth, New Zellonia. Defended by a meager garrison of 5,000 soldiers and 60 Torran-85 cannons, the Siege of Memoth doesn't last. The Zellonian 6th Fleet left port and bombarded the shores, but were sufficiently ran out of ammunition and had to return to Sucre after only an hour.

Gunter ordered the town bombarded, and from November 5th to the 12th, the Sumayan artillery guns ran hot, tearing into the town. Civilians were the primary casualties, with Zellonians hunkering in hastily dug foxholes and trenches. On the morning of the 12th, after a sustained barrage, the Sumayans charged, bayonets fixed. The Zellonians however, surrendered after little fighting. Governor of New Zellonia, Richard Nagel, signs the unconditional surrender, as the Zellonian Colonial Command staff had been killed during the fighting.

Siege of Memoth (1904)
Sumayan Empire: 3,112 men (3,112 rifles, 13 L Model 2 Light Artillery).
Zellonian Empire: 994 men (4,006 prisoners of war, 60 Torran-85 Light Artillery)

November 28th: The Republic of Deltora finishes colonizing the untamed Makitori Islands. With a native population of over 100,000, it is rich in gold and iron ore and will make a fine addition to the Republic's colonies.

November 29th: The Republic of Deltora finishes research on the Madsen machine gun. Easily broken down into two components, with a water cooled barrel, it is the most advanced machine gun in the world. It will be available for mass production next year.

November 30th: After initially anticipating an attack, the Anvegadians go on the offensive. 10,000 Professionals of the 1st Avenhold Guards and 10,000 men of the 9th Summerwall advanced piece meal under constant barrage's from batteries of Prince Ozo’s Artillery Regiment.

Soroyan machine gun position, Soroyo-Anvegadian War, Faresia, 1904

Ordered only to conduct light skirmishing or raids on enemy positions, General Viktor Ankudinov of the Anvegadian Expeditionary Forces bombarded the enemy for hours, advanced under withering machine gun fire them promptly retreated. While both sides referred to it as the Battle of the Middle, neither side lost more than 75 men and thus the battle was written off.

Soldiers on both sides dug trenches. The guns grew quietly. The sun watched over men with disinterest and the flies crept across the flesh of those unfortunate enough have crossed the eye of a machine gunner or in the range of an exploding artillery shell.


December 2nd: The Kynatsu Island chain is successfully colonized by the Kalpian Republic. The population there is around 12,000, but with very prominent diamond mines in the thing Kynatsian jungles, Kalpian industry is expected to infest the island within a few years.

December 7th: A minor machine parts factory opens in Anvegad. This factory begins hiring workers and will begin operating next month.

December 31st: The Kingdom of Aontas finishes developing it's own hand grenade, the Skaftgranat MK I. It will begin production immediately.

[UPDATE NAVAL DOSSIERS: ADD YEARLY TECHNOLOGY TO EACH SHIP: Example: (Guns: 1895 | Engines: 1897 | Armor: 1895 | Reliability : 1898)]

- All unaligned nations have +0% National Unity.
- All Status Quo nations have +10% GNP boost.
- Status Quo nations have +5% National Unity.

MANPOWER: The amount of able bodied men available for military service in your nation.
-- National Manpower: The amount of able bodied men available in your national territories. They may become Conscripts, Regulars or Professionals.
-- Colonial Manpower: The amount of able bodied colonials available in your colonies. They may only become Conscripts. They are created in your colonies, though may be shipped anywhere.
-- Use: Every 1,000 soldiers you recruit, costs 1 Manpower
-- Growth: Every year, you gain 10 National Manpower and 1 Colonial Manpower.

-- Deltora: [1720 National Manpower] - [260 Colonial Manpower]
-- Soroya: [620 National Manpower] - [720 Colonial Manpower]
-- Sumaya [480 National Manpower] - [10 Colonial Manpower]
-- Zellonia: [220 National Manpower] - [75 Colonial Manpower]
-- Kalpia [1080 National Manpower] - [80 Colonial Manpower]
-- Aontas: [580 National Manpower] - [10 Colonial Manpower]
-- Xian: [1860 National Manpower] - [0 Colonial Manpower]
-- Survaek: [2160 National Manpower] - [0 Colonial Manpower]
-- Anvegad: [720 National Manpower] - [105 Colonial Manpower]



WAR FORM: When at war, you may fill out this form at any time and PM it to Theo.

* Please note that 1 War Form is for 1 Operation. Multiple War Forms may need to be filled out. *

[b]Operation Type[/b]: [LAND] or [NAVAL]
[b]Unit Name[/b]: If [ARMY] then name of army. If [NAVAL] then name of fleet. (Example: 15th Army, 1st Fleet, etc.)
[b]Units Attached[/b]:
-- SHIP: [Ship Name] | [Ship Type] | [Class (if applicable)] | [Technology]
-- DIVISION: [Division Name] | [Training] | [Technology]
[b]Objective[/b]: (Example: capture of enemy capital, destruction of enemy fleet)
[b]Intended Duration[/b]: (Can be anywhere from 1 day to 1 year).
[b]Start date[/b]: (The date the operation starts)
[b]Auxiliary Plan[/b]: (If X happens, what is your reactionary plan?)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kingdom of Aontas

~His Grace King Matthias, D.G., King of Aontas and of Follam~

I have been entrusted since my coronation to uphold the integrity of the Kingdom of Aontas, in substantial matters of state as equally as in matters of principle. It is not just the sanctity of the Aontan state which I am tasked with preserving, but also its ideals, which are the expressions of the ideals of its people. The citizens of Aontas respect and revere the principle of self-determination, and dream of a world of free nation-states, where no peoples are subject to persecution, and all peoples have access to the necessities of a happy life, and the potential for greatness. It is this dream of a most modest and achievable Utopia that I strive for in my efforts each day to preserve not only those contributing factors which help bring this Utopia to life in Aontas, but in the broad world as well, to all peoples of all nations and all peoples without.

It is for that reason above all others that though I am now suzerain of the Protectorate of Feratsu, a free nation under Aontan protection, I will not stake claim to title of Emperor. I see no honour for myself in the title, nor any prestige for my nation which would not wither to shame in coming years. I am not an imperialist; I despise imperialism. Though there is virtue in sharing the candle of civilization with the unlit world, too often does this candle set alight the very dark lands which we had sought to illuminate. Too often, too, do we feud over who may hold the candle, caring more to be seen to bring the light than to cast away darkness. These principles most unvirtuous do not represent the Utopia of Aontas' dreams—they are antithetical to it. I am Matthias Frederik, by the Grace of God, King of Aontas and of Folam, and I shall sooner die than be Emperor.

Divinity praise and mankind uphold the Kingdom of Aontas.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Empire of Mille-Sessau

Kingdom of Mille, Capital of Kormont

The harsh Soroyan winds were not put ill at ease by the Millean hearth, but King Allen Droulez of Mille cared little for the chill that ran along his veins. Instead, it was the wild ideas of General of the Army Staff Clement Sacrez and Sessauan Prime Minister Remy Bruneau that heated his hands. The two men twaddled behind him, musing to each other in that sloppy Sessauan that perpetuated itself in the north. King Droulez stifled a choking cough, cupping his mouth with jewel encrusted fingers.

"Mon roi?" Minister Bruneau asked, setting his cup on the table and approaching.

"It's fine," the Millean King huffed between lungs of air. "Just that damned draft."

General Sacrez quickly shut the window, shutting out the harsh Western winds. Turning back to the King and foreign minister, he tugged at his long bushy beard and quickly changed the subject. "It is not unfeasible, my king. Though I wish to see it reach the ears of the counsel of the Sessauan Throne."

"The young Emperor Millot has great ambitions but little to add when it comes to counsel," King Droulez added. "He wishes the expansion of the empire at any expense."

"More important I think is the Sociatatem issue," Minister Bruneau said, swiping his cup from the table and draining it's continents. King Droulez moved to the window, peering idly out to the sleeping city. Even in his old age, he had not foreseen a Millean assimilation within his life time. Yesterday he fought to keep his sovereignty, and now he fought to expand it. "The Etellians are weak. They are a lazy bunch."

The Palace of the King of Mille, 1905

General Sacrez tapped at his chest and motioned to the nearby serving girl for a refill. "It's not the damnable Etellians I worry about. They sit in hand with the Kalpians, fiercely militant." Sacrez's words trailed off as the girl filled his glass to the brim.

"Are the Kalpians so fierce? They seem more inclined to shoot one another as much as they would shoot another," Minister Bruneau said, his lips curling into a wild smile. "King I implore you, back the Emperor and we will expand the empire two fold!"

"And what will that bring to Mille, decrepit and weak in the south, to expand the Sessauan land to the north?"

"To be noted I think, the flat plains of Etellia, easily defended!" General Sacrez added, the remnants of wine dribbling down the corners of his cheek.

"Prestige. Trade. Living space. Where the Sessauans leave, the Milleans can inhabit. Sign your consent and you will walk hand in hand with the emperor into a new age of greatness." The Minister held the pen out, but in the glimmering light of the roaring fire it seemed more a sword. Tomorrow was January 2nd, 1905. It was to be his 72nd birthday and 50th year as the King of Mille. There would be few more opportunities for greatness.

His signature hadn't looked so precise in decades.

-- King Allen Droulez of Mille: King of Mille, Lesser Emperor of Mille-Sessau, Age 72.
-- General of the Army Staff Clement Sacrez: General of the Army Staff of the King of Sessau, Age 51.
-- Sessauan Prime Minister Remy Bruneau: Foreign Minister to the Kingdom of Sessau, Age 47.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 27 days ago

The New Republic Of Kalpia-Year 1905

Kalpian News

The elections have ended and the Kartian party has won and as president Franz Bastian Sorg a prominent figure in the modern politics of Kalpia, the Kartian party is a pro-change political party that started to rise at the same time as the "Glorious Kalpia" movement , the Kartian party while not totally pro-Imperial Restoration or pro-Societatem has proposed several solutions to the problems and situations that Kalpia have experienced in the last four years under a pro-Societatem party , the solutions has been mixed between balance of power and expansion of Kalpia , they have made clear that Kalpia needs to embark in a journey of self-preservation and progress in order to survive the new century and as their first step they have decided to modernize the outdated Kalpian navy and keep the Kalpian army as one of the strongest in the world .

The presidential speech of Franz Bastian Sorg has been clearly very agreessive towards foreign nations and the enemies of Kalpia and even some of its allies : "The country of Kalpia has been blessed with democracy a form of goverment that is not seen everywhere in the world a way of goverment that must be preserved at all cost even with Iron and Blood , a thing that my predeccesor wanted to achieve but was not succesfull not because Kalpia isnt capable of success but because of the way he wanted to resolve things , joining the Societatem ideology is something that I dont critize but neither something that I would be proud of , our nation is strong and powerful we have no need to obey the decisions of Soroya or any other nation in the Societatem and that is because we are free , nations wanted to make us weak as they have removed our authority over the Sorenan Corridor , Zellonia has destroyed our colonial pride and several other nations doesnt hear anymore Kalpia , we are not allies of oppression but we neither are of ignorance , if the world doesnt want to hear us then we as a nation will make them hear." the crowd applauded for a long time until the presidential ceremony continued.

The new president Franz Bastian Sorg

Three days after the ceremony Franz Bastian Sorg visited the Etellian capital Fornini in order to discuss the situation with Mille-Sessau , Franz Bastian Sorg made very clear that Etellia would get the help of Kalpia if something happened , for Franz Bastian Sorg this was the perfect time to show the strenght of Kalpia in a place where Kalpia would feel very comfortable with , in land.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Xian Clique

The bubble had popped. In August of 1904 the Soroyan King, Hann-Riechmanus II, declared the Xianese claim to the Southern Soroyan Faresia colony to be void and false, regardless of it's legality. The Liberation Council hastily sent a venomous retort boasting of it's status as the official successor state to the Xianese Empire and the Yong dynasty. However, nationalist radicalism was a growing corruption within the government body.

In December it finally popped. 'The Night of the Tiger' it was called by many Varian news outlets. In the late hours of December 23rd, 1904, White Tiger nationalists in Changtan poured into the homes and churches of the Soroyan missionaries who had been preaching in the urban centers for the last few years. The churches were burned and nationalists destroyed and looted anything they could grab with Varian influence. The missionaries in question would have been ripped apart had it not been for a swift and brutal NRA intervention in the chaos. By the end of the night, twelve White Tigers and three NRA officers lay dead in the streets of Changtan and three buildings had been turned to ash. The incident caused uproar for both the moderates and radicals who held seats on the Liberation Council, one side calling the other cowards and traitors to the revolutionary ideal. However, a agreement was found.

By official decree of the Liberation Council, all foreign nationals of Varian descent were to be expelled from the Republic of Xian for their own safety. The missionaries sent from the Soroyan colonies were personally escorted by NRA soldiers across the border. Hundreds of men, women, and children were forced from the nation or detained for refusing to go.

Families of unknown national origin marching to harbors offering safe passage home, circa 1905.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Kingdom of Soroya

Honnerian Denouncement

The Honnerian denouncement of Sociatatem did not come as a surprise to Kevin Notles, but that did not excuse the action in itself. “The Honnerian people are in decline, and in this decline have looked for an enemy. Someone to blame. They say we hurt Honnerian pride, when they fail to recognize that they insult Soroyan pride. We offer reparations. We offer a fix. They sit there surrounded by enemies, and only look to make more. Well I say this. As of today we shall close any and all relations with the Honnerian people. We will not trade, aid, buy, or sell. Today we officially embargo Honneria until apologies are made for this grievous insult.”

Kevin Notles, circa 1905

Rifle’s for Haegye

After much consideration the Soroyan government, though finds itself at war, has decided to sell 20,000 Bursk MK IV rifles to the Haegye government in exchange for 5 Billion GNP. The foreign minister of trade has informed the Haegye government that it will take a small amount of time for the shipment to arrive however as all Bursk MK IV’s currently in Faresia are being using. He hopes that the inconvenience does not bother them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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Empire of Mille-Sessau

Biography: Charles von Leevow

Born in 1841, Charles von Leevow grew up in the Millean village of Gavireaux, thirty miles north of the Millean capital Kormont. The third of five children, his father was a cavalry officer in the Millean Regimental Cavalry and his mother a nun at the Great Monarchist Church in Gavireaux. His great-grandfather Anton von Leevow (1738–1827) had received the nobiliary particle von Leevow as a predicate in 1815, referring to the surname of his first wife who descended from the Sessauan Rivertine region. His father Josephe von Leevow (1793–1878) was a retired colonel of artillery, originally from southern Mille, who had fought in the Battle of Kassau and took part in the suppression of the Kormont Uprising of 1851, whereby he was severely wounded.

Charles married Stephane le Seau (1860–1905) in 1886, with whom he had four sons. He would later marry Virginia von Reininghaus in 1903, against the wishes of his children.

Charles joined the cadet corps of the Cellier Army garrison and was educated at the Lajoie Military Academy in Lajoie Province, where he developed a strong interest in natural science, especially in the Great Theory of Evolution. In 1861, at age 19 he received a commission as lieutenant in an infantry battalion. After graduating from the Aville Miitary Academy in 1876, he transferred to the General Staff Corps of the Mille-Sessauan Army.

In 1881, he was awarded a commission in the Mille-Sessauan Army

In 1878–1879, upon the Treaty of Kilso, new political duties brought him to the Region of Minor Etellia, when those Etellian provinces were assigned to the military administration of Mille-Sessau. He was also a member of the staff in the rank of a Lieutenant during the 1882 insurrection in the Sessauan Kingdom of Feckland. In 1886 he was appointed Chief of Staff of the 51st Infantry Division at Froix, where he showed great ability in reforming field exercise. Elevated to the rank of a Major, in the fall of 1888, he began a new appointment as a professor of military tactics in the Imperial Army in Aville, a position he prepared for by touring the battlefields of the Mille-Sessauan Unification War. Charles proved to be a good teacher quite popular among his students.

During the summer of 1904, he was awarded a commission of II Army Corps of the 5th Army on the Deltoran border, much to the chagrin of Charles, who preferred the colder climates of Sessau than the frozen Millean plains.

General Charles von Leevow, circa 1905
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AspenIvan


Member Seen 2 mos ago

1905, Year of the Prophet

As the Empire grows in land, so too does it grow in people. And ultimately it is the people, not the land, that concern the commanders and bureaucrats of Survaek. For land means nothing without those that till and inhabit it, and land cannot be ruled without loyal subjects. The renewed Grand Survaek Empire, its rulers and administrators aware of this wisdom, has begun to take proper account of its people, as well as the people it neighbors. Will they be subjects and allies of the Crown, or enemies?

Shayaer Khaitis, Sword of Aed and Grand Survaek Emperor. Portrait by Court Painter Kaelei Kjike, 1905.

Emperor Shayaer Khaitis surveyed the conference table from the dais where he sat on his throne, a polished dark-wood peace with Classical Survaekom calligraphy engraved throughout and lined in gold. Not as resplendent as the chair in the Throne Room, but good enough for his Grand Council.

“Grand Vizier,” he began, “how far is the bureaucracy on the Imperial Census?”

“The Census is almost complete,” Ayan Sujjid replied with pride. The bureaucracy he commanded could be a wonder of efficiency, when managed correctly.

“Have our territorial gains been accounted for?”

“Yes, your Majesty. South Raethon and Zaba have already been counted; it is the more populous regions and the great cities that still require some finishing work.”

“Excellent.” The Emperor smiled at the Vizier, a common occurrence at these meetings. He made no secret of his special trust and high esteem for Sujjid, the first and only Raethonite Grand Vizier in Survaekom history.

Yet, Shayaer was also a calculating monarch with a strong sense of duty. It was time for him to shift his attention to someone else.

“Press Secretary Idraes, tell me about your progress on the Grand Imperial Atlas.”

A young Byrnian in a grey uniform nodded. “Your Majesty, our detailed research must continue for some time. Messara and the Khaitis-lands have been thoroughly studied by our journalists, in partnership with the Imperial Academies. Our journalists in Byrnia, New Byrnia, and Zaba are almost finished as well. But Raethon and our neighbor nations will take quite some time. There is much to document that past historians and geographers have neglected.”

The Emperor nodded. “Very well.” He turned his head slightly, moving his high gaze to meet a black-robed Raethonite below. This man was a one-time guest of the Council, invited for a very particular purpose. “What of the tribes, Secretary Klerj? Have they signed their loyalty pledges, and have you arranged for their deeds to desert land?”

Klerj, a middle-rank officer of the Imperial Bureaucracy, was stiff in the presence of the Grand Survaek Emperor, nodding mechanically before speaking with some difficulty. “Our Khaitis agents went to the Khaitis nomads, our Raethonites to the Raethonite nomads. We were careful to divide the plots so they don't interfere with one another, and so they leave the mines for Crown possession. Every tribe has registered as a new settlement under the Shayaerian Contract and renewed its loyalty pledges. They are ready to begin moving on your command, your Majesty.”

“Perfect!” Shayaer exclaimed with a single clap of his hands. “Tell them to begin at once! And have all the necessary Surv-Akur garrisons and Bureaucracy units on standby, ready to move in as soon as the tribals have all staked their claims. And be sure they keep things civil. If possible I would like my plan to proceed without firing a single shot. The last thing the Empire needs is another incident like the Golden Guard.”

“Understood, your Majesty.”

“Then what are you waiting for? Secretary Klerj, I am entrusting you to carry out my orders immediately. Councilor's robes would be more fitting to your physique than your current ones, and it would be a shame if I had to withhold them from you.”

“Yes your Majesty!” The Imperial Secretary stood up abruptly, bowed low before his liege, and scurried out of the chamber to do as he had been told.

After a moment of pause, the Emperor moved on. Once again he turned to his Grand Vizier.

“In a similar vein, I must ask you about the state of the West Khaitis affair.”

The Vizier grinned. “You will be pleased to know...”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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Sigmund Stryka, Founder and CEO of Stryka Corporation

Mr. Sigmund Stryka was simple and frank, entirely dissimilar from what one might naturally expect of the world's richest man. His demeanour was altogether pleasant, and he had an ability to explain things in terms that made sense to everyone and patronized no one. He was a figure famous for his approachability, in spite of his status; it was not uncommon for Sigmund to tour the many factories he owned in Kienne, shaking hands with workers and never appearing anything but cheery and optimistic. The only factor of Sigmund's persona more famous to Aontas than his wealth and his demeanour were his political views: Mr. Sigmund Stryka was a staunch republican, advocating the abolition of the monarchy and the installation of a capable president. Of course, he additionally mused that he'd make a fine candidate for president himself, should the monarchy indeed disappear. This underlying desire for political power tinted Sigmund's otherwise innocent appearance, putting him at odds with King Matthias' allies—and of course the King himself. For any other figure in Aontas this would be a debilitating disadvantage, but Sigmund was perhaps the only man able to withstand it. Such was his economic clout that he possessed power in Aontas' affairs second only to the King he intended to replace.

The Stryka Corporation, Aontas' largest private entity and arguably the largest company in the world, was Sigmund's creation. Sigmund's grandfather had established a small manufacturing company in the first few years of Kienne's industrial boom, which grew to become one of Kienne's largest towards the end of the life of Sigmund's father. Sigmund, however, after assuming control of the company following his father's demise, promptly sold it. He then used the capital acquired from its sale to place sizeable investments in many of his former competitors, but also in upstream enterprises. After a decade in finance had turned Sigmund into one of the wealthiest men in Aontas, his first outright purchase, and the beginning of the Stryka Corporation, was not in a factory, but an iron mine. From its onset, Stryka was a vertically integrated company, allowing it sizeable competitive advantage over Aontas' larger, more established enterprises, many of which were still partially owned by Mr. Stryka. The company's first years remained largely contained to the mining industry, maintaining only a minimalist presence in manufacturing, allowing its vertical integration to offer especially cheap products, which then forced the larger players to lower their costs (and their profitably). This artificial depression in Kienne's industrial sector would become Sigmund's opportunity to ascend to the level of wealth and prestige which he possesses today. In 1891, after eight straight financial quarters all bearing bad news for the city's two largest manufacturing companies, Mr. Sigmund Stryka, using his own personal fortune and partnering with dissenting businessmen from the companies themselves, purchased the companies outright. Their buildings were re-branded 'Stryka' to maximize the brand's breadth, their supply lines were diverted to draw from Stryka mines at severely discounted rates, and by the end of 1892, the Stryka Corporation had become larger than all of its biggest competitors combined, and Aontas' largest company by far.

Styrka Corporation - A Site, built in 1895 to serve as the company's main production headquarters

The owner of the largest company in Aontas did not end his ascent there, however. Sigmund knew that power was something that came and went, and if he wishes to prevail, he needed to ensure that the inevitable changes coming to Aontan society worked in his favour. The call for labour rights, and the empowerment of the worker, was a force that risked severely damaging Kienne's manufacturing industry in the late 1890's. Many predicted that the juggernaut Stryka Corporation would be the first to fall, becoming a victim of progress only a few years into its prime. However, it would not be so. Rather than fight against change, Sigmund embraced it. He became an ally of the unions, giving his workers generous raises and becoming one of the first businesses in the world to offer insurance to its employments in the event of on-site accidents. These increased costs severely hampered Stryka Corp., of course, but Sigmund also became an orator for the labour movement, turning the worker's frenzy against his anti-union opponents. Picket lines formed around the entrances of most factories not owned by Sigmund Stryka, and at the same time as his face became one widely praised, many of his enemies went out of business or faded into obscurity. Sigmund jumped at the chance to annex them, purchasing the most productive sites for his own company whilst at the same time selling off his own least productive sites to establish workers' co-operatives, again assuring his good reputation. Everyone's favourite billionaire surfed the same wave that put his competitors out of business, and within a decade of throwing his full force into Kienne's manufacturing industry, became the world's richest man off the proceeds.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


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The Kingdom of Soroya

Soroya at war

The Efos, Sikea

President Kevin Notles despised the idea of war. The blood of every soldier in his mind was precious, a man of peace, Soroya’s current political position was disastrous, almost hypocritical if you listen to the whispers on the streets. The people grew restless, where these the wise battles to picked? Are these for the greater cause? Some argued that it was but the desperate actions of a man trying to win the votes of the nationalist. The hardliners who wished to assert Soroyan authority into her colonial territories and neighbors.

“Sir the troops stand ready. Should I send orders to begin operation death’s mercy?” Naut Ranervelt stood silently. He was certainly not the tactical genius the other generals often displayed, but in the safety of the homeland’s he was competent and collective.

“Indeed. Send telegrams to Admiral Alfring, Woltersom, Nijerees, and General Heun immediately. Operations will begin on January 10th and will last until the dates specified. If the Zellonian-Kalpian war has taught us anything it is that no matter how superior the force, without supplies they are nothing, but cannon fodder.” President Notles gave a sly smile. The plan was not overly complicated, but there was no need. Recent reports of the Anvegadian battle fleets shows that they simply can’t put enough firepower into their fleets to defend both Faresia and Varius at the same time. A false victory no more, this plan will succeed.

Kedris, Faresia

The trenches were dug deep. Several hundred miles of men entrenched along the Yamarano, Xianese, and Anvegadian border. A day did not pass where a man was not frightened of being shot or of a mortar shell hitting him. General Heun made sure that no man was not prepared. Days and Nights passed in the relatively quiet border, but the men were awake. They were ready. Waiting. Silently waiting.

Several miles out on the second Anvegadian front in the contested region, some Soroyan’s have begun to call Imioyos, meaning “Hell” in Soroyan. Not because of the bloodshed nor the intimidating enemy force, but due to constant drilling from Soroyan commanders. Troop morale was not at its peak, but it was “sufficient” according to Heun. The men on this front have begun grabbing supplies to move back. The front at the moment was to dangerous to hold, and the men and commanders knew that.

Soroyan Troops retreating from Imioyos, circa 1905
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Warden
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The Grey Warden Commander Shepard

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The United Kingdoms of Athos and Stules has been busy from the last five years as they built up their military and industry and, at the same time, following the current events in the world. From the war between Kalpia and Zellonia to the Colonial Wars, they have been able to stay out of it for the five years since the war begun. Watching from the side lines as the Athos and Stules worked together to improve their country. King Harrison of Stules and Queen Layna of Athos have carefully worked together to bring their people closer and make the country more powerful.

The history of these countries go away back into the early 1500s as they were once united until ancient nations viewed the union as a threat to their interests, starting a long war. Thirty years of fighting across Southern Continent ended as troops stormed the capitals of Athos and Stules, causing the royal families to surrender. After the war, the nations were divided and annexed while the royal families were all executed by hanging.

Two hundred years of separation was finally going to end in the year, 1730. The ancient nations were now losing their power as the people in the controlled nation were uprising against. More and more rose up to fight against the ancient powers and finally Athos and Stules rose together and helped the other nations. After the end of the uprising in 1750, the ancient nations soon fell and new nations rose from the ashes of the old ones. Athos and Stules soon reunited after the uprising ended and wasn't opposed by the other newly nations. After being separated for so long, they were finally united for good this time.

Now in the year 1905, the United Kingdoms of Athos and Stules now have to deal with the rising threats or get destroyed once more...

Improving Relations with Salardia and Tramel
At the start of the new year, King Harrison told guests at his palace that one of his goals to strengthen relations with the small nations of Salardia and Tramel. Harrison said to the guests, "Nations, that are small, have no chance of surviving in this modern age with the threat of war on minds of every citizen. If an nations stands among them, then there's a chance for them to survive and expand their cultures to other parts of the world.". He then went to the dance floor with Queen Layna to celebrate the new year.

A couple days after the party, the King set up and sent trade agreements with Salardia and Tramel and stated to the press that "it will be the start of a perfect relationship.". It's unknown if both Salardia and Tramel will even accept the offer, but Harrison has faith that they will. Even if they do decline, he has also stated that he will continue with negotiations until a suitable offer is agreed by both sides.

The Torrik-Conference
The King and Queen are planning on leaving their palace to go to the country of Aontas, where they are going to talk to King Matthias of Aontas. With the King and Queen, President Poullain of Salardia and Foreign Minister Augustin Hackl of Tramel are also going to be there. There are many question to what will happen at the conference, but there are questions after all and none really knows what will happen at all until the report was released to the general public.

But, the country is hoping that the conference goes well and an alliance could be made with one of the nations. However, none knows for such what the conference is even about until the report is release.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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Torrik Conference

Torrik was the southern port of Aontas, the first destination for northward international trade and commerce before Kienne. Unlike the smog-ridden streets of that capital city, clogged with bodies, Torrik had retained some of the features which had characterized it since ancient days. The sea along the coast was still clean enough for fish to survive, allowing for the presence of a relatively prosperous seafood industry. Of course, Torrik's domestic production was the David to international trade's Goliath. No city in all of Aontas, spare the capital, conducted more activity with foreign nations than Torrik. It was for this reason that the city's clean streets were decided to be the landing point for the heads of state of western Varius, for a meeting with King Matthias. They represented Aontas' connection to the region, a connection which Matthias hoped to greatly further.

In his own private residence in Kienne, Matthias' surroundings were decidely austere. He loathed the overly formal nature of his title, favouring as little pompousness as could be arranged for a monarch. Here in Torrik, however, the governor's residence that was host to the meeting was quite elegant. The conference room was precisely what one would expect of a locale for foreign dignitaries; rare Sarelian carpets decorated the floor, gemstones from Feratsu were inlaid in the intricate features along the walls, and King Matthias Frederik was standing with a smile in his best suit. The gathered were finally all in the same room, and discussion of matters of substance could begin, pleasantries (blessingly) out of the way. Nonetheless, a certain amount of finesse was always required in such situations.

Matthias approached the joint monarchs of the largest of the foreign states in attendance, and spoke to them with some eagerness. "King Harrison and Queen Layna, the union of your two nations seems more stable than many more singular states. The relationship between the united kingdoms must be a strong one, of enormous mutual benefit."

Salardian President Cédric Poullain's bow tie stuck out like an unpopped zit; morbid and pale. He straightened it for the third time and yanked the cigar from his lips then settled it back between clenched teeth. "Need not forget the emissaries of these less significant nations, your lordship," Poullain quipped, drawing a stifled chuckle from Tramellian Foreign Minister Hackl, off in the corner. Poulain sat in a high backed chair, having grown tired of meandering about when the Aontan King had kept them waiting.

The Foreign Minister of Tramel, nearing his sixtieth birthday wore an overcoat that looked like a throwback to the Tramellian War of Independence, with a high fur collar and thick ribbings. Hackl turned back toward the window, watching Aontan snow continue to pile up in the courtyard below.

Both Harrison and Layna looked at each other before replying back to the King of Aontas, as they were sitting next to the King. "I agree with you, King Matthias. A union of kingdoms must be a perfect one in order to be the strongest out there. This union might be seem as a threat to many nations, as it had before in the 1500s. Now, we aren't a threat to many; however, we are still stronger than the other nations." Harrison said to Matthias as if he had said it to other people before. Layna then joined in as she said, "And we also have benefits to the union as the Athos provide the steel, while the Stules give us the oil for our ships. This union is one of the best, if not the best benefit in this world.". She stopped speaking as he grabbed to her cup of water and started to drink it. While Harrison kept on looking at President Cédric and King Matthias.

Matthias' attention turned all at once to Cédric after listening to Harrison and Layna's reply. "My words were intended to be of a demonstrative nature—and you can eschew formalities such as 'lordship' in my case, I've never deeply cared for titles." The King then turned again to the monarchs of the United Kingdoms, attempting to address all present at once. "As Athos and Stules are each individually better off for their union, so too are all our nations for their relationships with one another. The steel that fuels the industry of Salardia, for instance, comes from Aontan mines, just as the steel to fuel Stules comes from Athos. To be utterly concise and unmistakeably clear: we are better off close to one another than apart. This is immediately evident to all men in all our nations. My contention, however, is that our relationship need not be limited to steel. We ought be partners not only economically, but ideologically and politically. There is a place in Sociatatem for all nations, irrespective of how large they appear on a map. As the world becomes more violent and our further off neighbours less and less inclined to follow natural law, these places beckon to be seated in more heartily. The need to present a united front is stronger than it has ever been before, and all nations here assembled are best represented as a part of that front."

The Tramellian Foreign Minister huffed, though whether it was reactionary or intentional was not certain. He slid a fist across his mouth and coughed, then turned from the window to the Aontan monarch: "The Sociatatem knows a thing of partners, I say." He approached, his hand first falling to find the glass of whiskey on the nearby desk, per special request of the serving staff. Huckl sipped, then wafted a free hand about in the air. "So fortunate is Tramel to have forsaken her colonies many decades ago, lest the Sociatatem to sell them off to Survaekom dogs."

President Poullain attempted to conceal his grin, but the attempt was elementary. When Huckl had finished, Poullain again readjusted the unlit cigar clamped between his teeth. "No need to yell, dear Huckl. The man has a point. It's been Athosian and Stulian neutrality that's kept us alive and well in the last thirty years." Poullain stood, a free hand finding it's way to the pocket of his trouser. He pulled a time piece, glanced at it then returned it. "While you speak some truth, King Matthias, Foreign Minister Huckl does as well. Your track record.. as it seems, may be more in line with a Kalpian schoolboy than what the Sociatatem has alawys promised in ink."

Huckl had already turned away, meandering back toward the window. Poullain had more to say. "The open trade laws have never changed. Salardia has long flourished as a neutral party, and I see little that would change by joining the Sociatatem then being forced into some mess over some land in Faresia that I know nothing about!" He stomped his foot against the carpet, more for theatrics than anything.

Harrison looked interested at Matthias' way of speaking as he felt like he was speaking with a fine leader. He waited until he was done speaking to correct his lack of using the word, lordship. "Sorry about that, your lordship." Harrison said as he turned to Layna, which she had a couple of words to say to Matthias, "We agree that this partnership has to be more than economically for both sides. But, we need to be more peaceful at each other before we tear this world apart over greed. I believe that we are the nations that will protect the natural law of men and women. As others will fight each other over colonies and resources, we need to set up some kind of front from that. And I also believe that we can represented that part of the front."

Then, the King and Queen looked at President Poullain as he was getting more angry at this conference. Harrison turned to Poullain and said to him, "Your nation can benefit from this as much as my nation does. We both need to make our nations profitable and protect it for threats at the same time. Salardia could benefit from this conference in the long run, just hear him out before you decline." By the time he was done speaking, a serving staff member gave him a glass of water, which he drank as soon as he got it.

The eyes of the King of Aontas were placed firmly on Minister Huckl. "There is a war, a large one, larger than any other war in history, that will plague Varius and all foreign continents within our lifetime. It could very well be declared today. Whether or not any one nation joins any particular side in this war will not stop it from occurring. Instead, what will be changed is the likelihood of victory. Tramel and Salardia are two small nations whose fate, whether they care for the fact or not, is largely dictated by the whims of their larger neighbours, both regionally, across Varius, and abroad. As the representative of a nation which has only comparatively recently won its independence, I would imagine that you, sir, would be rather amiss to have your country turned into a province of this empire or that one, or to have its government turned into a rubber stamp for Serranthian rape and pillage. If the wrong side wins this war, and that may very well be the case if the correct side does not muster forth all the strength it can, the 'Survaekom dogs' you so loathe might very well decide over a hookah whether or not Tramel should exist. Salardia and Tramel cannot afford any option but to assist the men who are about to fight and die for their independence. If you honestly believe that when the Surv-Akur come marching through the capital cities of Varius, they will uphold the dignity and sovereignty of every nation-state they march atop, then I welcome you to continue your nation's neutrality and cross your fingers that it still exists when you're on your deathbed. If you have any informed opinion of the nature of Survaek or her allies, however, the wise decision at this venture seems fairly clear."

"There very well could be," Huckl agreed, turning his back to the window to face the king. "It is our neutrality that will protect Tramel, as it always has!" Huckl listened on, but seemed unimpressed by what Matthias was apparently selling. "Tramel has seen how the Sociatatem protects those in need."

President Poullain nodded. "Without claim, there exists little reason to entice your offer, King Matthias. You intend to start a bar fight and implore bystanders to join in, on what accord? You think Survaekom diplomats have not come pandering to me as well?" President Poullain mulled the cigar between his teeth, then pulled it free and wafted it around. "You come promising Survaekom hordes rolling through Varius, but you offer nothing in return!"

King Matthias interjected, "I come promising for those hordes to drown to their deaths in the Zellonian Sea, rather than to shell Caldwell until nought is left but smoke and murdered families. My offer is the continuation of the existence of your country. It might seem very stark for me to offer as little as the status quo, but it is the status quo that is at stake. I implore the onlookers in this barfight to join in, Mr. President, because if they don't, the bar won't exist tomorrow night, and every last drop of the booze will be pissed out of the Emperor of Survaek's pecker."

"For how long can neutrality protect us?" Layna said to the President, "You and I know that people get greedy with power and they will do anything to get more. A war, larger than any other in history, will be coming and it will be so large that it will reach the whole world. A world war, you could say.". She was done speaking as he kept on hearing what the others had to say. Both the King and Queen were impressed and amazed by the way that Matthias spoke to the President.

Harrison looked at both the President and Kings as they were going on until he decided to speak up. "We all are here for a reason and that reason is because we want to hear out the offer for protection against threats beyond us-beyond our thinking. But, we need to offer a way to protect each other as we would with our children as the threat of war with nations is likely to happen to one of us soon. We would increase our changes of winning a war by having allies on our side. Even known, there is a risk with this alliance and I would take the risk over any thing.". He was finished as he looked at the President for a responce.

Huckl would've put on his coat, had he not already been wearing it. "For too long, Tramel has watched nations war with one another, and Tramel has long stood on the sidelines. I would not bring word back to 'my' King that I have signed the death warrant of thousands of young Tramellians for the sake of the status quo." He pushed past President Poullain, who was too slow to move out of his way. He didn't slam the door, but it was most likely because of it's heavy Deltoran oak make rather than a conscious effort not to.

Poullain thumbed the tip of his cigar, his eyes stuck to the back of the door on the far wall. "About.. one million," he said. "About one million Salardians in Stuler territory. The ultimate inclusion of territory encompassing all Salardians may be what it takes for Salardian entry into the Sociatatem." He looked briefly at the King and Queen, but turned just as fast back to King Matthias, for that was whom he was propositioning.

Matthias was entirely unperturbed by Huckl's outburst. He found the more more insulting of the two dignitaries' statements to be Poullain's. "I am the King of Aontas, and I have respect for the institutions of state of all nations. I do not determine the boundaries of any kingdom but my own. If the border between Salardia and Athos-Stules is to be altered, it is entirely a matter for Salardia and Athos-Stules."

Their reaction to Huckl was nothing as they knew that soon or later he would leave with some kind of statement. But they were suprised by the demand of the Stuler territory, there were about one million Salardians in the space. The queen was the first one to speak about the offer for Poullain, "Well, that's a lot that you're asking about. Giving up a territory isn't easy and we would give it up; however, we wonder how this deal will benefit us as well. If we give up our land, then what will we get in return?" The queen was done speaking when she looked at the President carefully.

"The return of Salardians to Salardian rule would guarantee our friendship. An alliance," Poullain added. "Partitioning the province to encompass the expansion of Salardian territory to include all Salardians. With that guarantee, you would have Salardia's promise for a defensive alliance. If this war 'does' break out, the Salardian Royal Army, and Navy, will be at Athos' and Stuler's disposal."

The King and Queen looked at each other once more, with the King nodding his head at the Queen. The queen then turned back towards the President and said with a strong and powerful tone, "The United Kingdoms of Athos and Stuler will give the territory back to your country in return, you offer us an defensive alliance to protect our nation in the coming future. Even known it will take time to give the territory back to your people, Poullain, but you must do your part as well. If you don't and you send troop to the territory anyway, we will have no choice to fight back. I hope that it doesn't happen and we both do our parts.". Both the King and Queen were done speaking and the King wrote in some notes about this new deal and how they must give the territory back as soon as possible."

The King of Aontas raised a glass of wine, recently produced by an attending servant. "It is settled, then. Salardia will be whole after the partition, and all three of our nations will play their role in the war to come. Let us drink to the status quo!"

The clink of four glasses produced a relatively faint sound in the conference room, but one with far reaching implications. The Salardian Republic and United Kingdoms of Athos and Stules would join Sociatatem, and pledge their strength on the side of the status quo in the battles ahead. It was a victory for King Matthias and for his country, and in the eyes of the King himself, staring out after the toast into the gathering snow outside the window, a victory for all free men and all those who endear themselves to them. Victory, in the unfortunate but inevitable war to come, was now all the more likely.

((Collaboration between The Grey Warden, Theodorable and myself.))
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Year 1905
World Tension: 30%

Faresian Crisis in Soroyan Faresia (+15% World Tension) [PERMANENT]
Survaek Allies with Sumaya (+8% World Tension, +5% National Unity)
Tarikhate of Serranthia Mobilizes Troops (+3 World Tension)
Zello-Sumayan War (+12% World Tension)
Soroyo-Anvegadian Colonial War (+12% World Tension)
Soroya Intervenes in Basai (-10% World Tension)
Xian Intervenes in Basai (-10% World Tension)

[LINK FOR BIGGER MAP: i.imgur.com/CMdMV9C.png

The World, circa 1905



January 1st
The Xian Republic signs the Declaration of World Renewal, pledging to support the Grand Survaek Empire and likewise be supported as well.

The Deltoran Republic commissions the TPS Dauntless, an Armored Cruiser. It is the most advanced ship in the world, with 8 8-inch guns in four two-gun turrets.

The entire Sumayan Navy attempts to leave the Bay of Suma. Over 25 vessels are caught in a fierce naval traffic jam as ships try and leave the bay simultaneously. The light cruiser RSN Minawa and destroyer RSN Nel collide, causing enough damage to Nel to force her to abandon her operation.

January 2nd
The Kalpian Republic finishes production on 200 Gubeat 12.5 cm Heavy Artillery cannons

January 3rd
The Kingdom of Soroya finishes an expedition to the Kerevian Islands, and on January 3rd officially proclaims it a protectorate of the Soroyan Kingdom. Within hours they found that another nation has secured much of the island, the Empire of Sumaya has also colonized half of the island chain.

Kerevian locals looking on at Soroyan settlers, 1905

January 4th
The Kingdom of Aontas unveils it's STA Mark II, a new bolt-action rifle that is now available for production. With a seven round clip and sturdy stock, it easily enters the conversation for greatest rifle.

January 5th
The First Invasion Fleet (1 BB, 8 DD, 5 LC) under command of Admiral Tavington departs from Port Sucre, heading southeast around the island toward Zellonian held Davao, a port city on the southern Sumayan peninsula. They escort five troops ships.

January 6th
The First Invasion Fleet (1 BB, 8 DD, 5 LC) finds the two Sumayan destroyers RSN Sutedi and Senoputra shelling Zellonian positions on the coast. The short lived Battle of Davao lasts less than an hour as the pre-dreadnought ZRS Zellox sinks the Senoputra with a single barrage from her 12" guns and the Virtue, Famine and Crossroad catch and destroy the Sutedi when it turned back north.

Battle of Davao (Zellonian Stalemate)
Empire of Zellonia: Virtue [DD] (2% Damaged)
Empire of Sumaya: Sutedi [DD] (sunk), Senoputra [DD] (sunk)

January 7th:
The five troop ships pick up the Zellonian Expeditionary Force (35,000 troops, 110 Torran-85 Light Artillery) and head along the Sumayan coast toward Suma.

January 10th
The Deltoran Republic finishes blueprints on a Battlecruiser. An Armored Cruiser with exponentially less armor, but enough firepower to match a Pre-Dreadnought, it will be a force to be reckoned with.

January 11th: The Soroyan First Battle Fleet, composed of eight ships with 2 Pre-Dreadnoughts, 2 Light Cruisers and 4 destroyers sorties from Fort Talip and sinks the Anvegad merchant ships Argent, Nucourt, and Scybella.

January 12th
The First Invasion Fleet (1 BB, 8 DD, 5 LC) reaches the inlet of the Bay of Suma and spots the Sumayan First Fleet (2 BB, 1 CA, 3 CL, 8 DD) heading in from the west. Without orders regarding enemy contact, Admiral Tavington orders his men to battle stations.

Battle of Suma Bay
At 11:16 the ZRS Zellox began heading north toward the incoming fleet, then turned slightly northeast to bring it's guns to bear on the incoming Sumayan ships. At 11:21 the ZRS Zellox opens fire on the RSN Raku, the lead ship of the First Sumayan Fleet. With two pre-dreadnoughts however, the Zellox was simply outclassed.

At 11:35 the Sumayan light cruiser RSN Gao scores a successful hit on the ammunition magazine of the ZRS Zell'S Ambitions and she explodes in a ball of fire. The ZRS Zellox, fearful that she was attempting a torpedo run, sinks the destroyer RSN Sakem with a volley.

By 12:31 the battle had largely been decided. Only the ZRS Home and ZRS Crossroad made it clear of the bay, sailing southeast. They headed back around the island and limped into port at Sucre.

Battle of Suma Bay
Empire of Zellonia: 35,000 Regulars, ZRS Zellox [BB] (sunk), ZRS Revenge [DD] (sunk), ZRS Deathhead [DD] (sunk), ZRS Velius [DD] (sunk), ZRS Zell's Ambitions [DD] (sunk), ZNS Virtue [DD] (sunk), ZRS Famine [DD] (sunk), ZRS Crossroad [DD] (21% damaged), ZRS Home [DD] (7% damaged)
Empire of Sumaya: RSN Raku [BB] (71% damaged), RSN Gao [CL] (19% damaged), RSN Sawa [DD] (sunk), RSN Sakem [DD] (sunk)

January 13th: The Anvegadian Expeditionary Force (40,000 Professionals, 10 Strelok Field Guns, 800 HVL-02 Machine Guns) begins advancing. They discover however that the Soroyans do not attempt to hold them, instead abandoning their trenches and falling back in great numbers.

Soroyan First Colonial Army retreating to Kedris, 1905

January 20th: The Anvegadian Expeditionary Force advances 220 miles in seven days, as the Soroyans simply fall back to the city of Kedris. The city of Dezos is captured without a fight, and the Soroyan First Colonial Army (40,000 Regulars 250 Cruska Guns, 50 Light Artillery) establish their defensive line along the Kedris.

Anvegadian Expeditionary Force advances, 1905

January 26th-29th: The Battle of Kedris begins when the 5th Tyran Heavy Rifles attack the Soroyan trenches after a heavy artillery barrage. Soroyan Cruska Guns set up cut down charging Anvegadian troops. The 5th Tyran Heavy Rifles reach the Soroyan trenches but cannot inflict adequate enough casualties to break the line. Once word reached Anvegad of the offensive attack, the commander of the Anvegadian Expeditionary Force was dismissed and replaced by General Korso “Black Hand” Markham.

Battle of Kedris (Stalemate)
Empire of Anvegad: 5,873 (6,144 rifles)
Kingdom of Soroya: 1,584 (1,584 rifles, 16 Cruska Guns)

January 30th: The Grand Survaek Empire puts the Pre-Dreadnoughts Aesthsis and Survaekom Wind into dry dock at Kafu to begin complete refits. They will be finished early next year.


February 1st
-- Production on a Minor Shipyard begins in Lochacre, Kalpia.
-- Under General Korso "Black Hand" Markham, the Anvegadian Expeditionary Force ceases offensive actions and instead digs in, engaging in mild trench artillery barrages.

February 2nd-4th: The 16th Anvehold Legionnaire Regiment of the Empire of Anvegad finishes conquering Dezos and approaches Kedris from the south. Much less defended, the Second Battle of Kedris takes place. Lasting two days, the Anvehold Legionnaire's assault the southern line of the Soroyan First Colonial Army, but intentionally maintained a creeping advance, and only a small breakthrough was made, forcing the Colonials back into the town of Kedris.

CASUALTIES (Stalemate)
Empire of Anvegad: 1,373 (1,644 rifles)
Kingdom of Soroya: 584 (584 rifles, 4 Cruska Guns)

February 5th: The Kalpian Republic finishes 100,000 Rudiger/13 bolt action rifles and 200 Eckehard 7.5 cm Light Artillery.

February 6th
The city of Davao is retaken by the Sumayan Empire.

The Deltoran region of Eastern Serranthia had long been a tenuous position. With a population of 650,000 Khaitis, these citizens long considered themselves members of the Grand Survaek Empire, though they were ruled by Deltorans. Just weeks before the new year, Deltoran General Leroux had ordered the Serranthian garrison out of Eastern Serranthia, and west of the river in that region. In a journal entry, dated November 26th, 1904, Leroux explained why:

The air was heavy with tension. When we walked past, the Serranthians eyed us with heavy hatred in their hearts. They toiled away in the mines only at the point of a bayonet, and I slept only when the winds had quieted, so that I might hear if they came for me. I will order the garrison back, for if not, they will surely fall upon us, and no amount of firepower will save us.

With the garrison depleted, the Khaitis there revolted, sacking the town of Faris in the east. The Khaitis Revolt was a bloodless affair.

* Eastern Serranthia is ANNEXED by the Grand Survaek Empire.
* Deltoran Republic gains a CB on Grand Survaek Empire.

February 7th: Military commanders in the Kingdom of Aontas finalize their theses on artillery barrages utilized to break up entrenched enemies in heavy Indirect Artillery barrages.

February 8th: The Xian Republic receives a shipment of 4,000 Ishui Model 11 machine guns, purchased from the Grand Survaek Empire.

February 10th: Sighted along the coast, the Anvegadian Fifth Fleet heads to cut off the fleeing Soroyan Second Battle Fleet. Knowing that it could not outrun the fleet that was headed to intercept, they turned to fight in the Battle of the Faresian Sea.

Order of Battle
Anvegadian Fifth Fleet: 1 Pre-Dreadnought, 1 Armored Cruiser, 2 Light Cruisers, 3 Destroyers
Soroyan Second Battle Fleet: 1 Pre-Dreadnought, 1 Armored Cruiser, 2 Light Cruisers, 6 Destroyers

At 07:57 the pre-dreadnought SRF Reijmink opened fired on the Anvegadian armored cruiser ANV Guardian. The battle had begun. With better positioning, the Anvegadian fleet was slightly outgunned. At 08:13 the destroyer SRF Duis was set afire by a direct hit to the bridge by the light cruiser ANV Valiant.

Minutes later at 08:16 the ANV Pike turns out of the battle line when it's rudder jams, and it starts circling aimless. The pre-dreadnought SRF Reijmink opens fire on the Anvegadian pre-dreadnought ANV Sovereign. By 08:35 the ANV Sovereign had two of it's stern turrets knocked out, and it's captain had been killed by the heavy Soroyan barrage. It turned from the battle line, listing heavily from port.

The Soroyan destroyer SRF Kromhoff was sunk after a third full barrage from the ANV Guardian. With the ANV Sovereign heavily damaged, the Anvegadian Fifth Fleet turns south away from the Soroyan Fleet, which does not pursue, breaking off southeast after shelling the ANV Pike and sinking it. If repairs to either pre-dreadnought were to be made, they could not be made at a colonial port but required a home port.

The Soroyan Fleet retreats to Flulin and the Anvegadian Fleet to Anvegadian Faresia.

Anvegadian Empire: ANV Sovereign (BB) (61% damaged), ANV Guardian (CA) (21% Damaged) ANV Catapult (DD) (17% Damaged), ANV Pike (DD) (sunk)
Kingdom of Soroya: SRF Reijmink (BB) (9% Damaged), SRF Duis (DD) (sunk), (SRF Kromhoff) (DD) (sunk)

February 15th-28th: The Second Battle of La Xuyên begins when the Northern Army Group (170,000 Regulars, 50,000 Professionals, 37 Light Artillery) under General Lang Shao-Ren commits an attack when Reinforcements (140,000 Regulars, 30,000 Professionals, 10 Light Artillery) finally arrive. The Battle lasted almost two weeks.

The Yamaranese Shogunate maintained it's line for as long as possible, but General Lang Shao-Ren had orders to breakthrough. After heavy casualties after repeated infantry charges, the line broke, the Xianese were through and had an open route to Sagon, Basai. Almost 100,000 casualties were recorded.

Second Battle of La Xuyên
CASUALTIES (Xian Victory)
Xian Republic 68,635 Regulars, 6,542 Professionals (69,653 rifles, 14 Light Artillery)
Yamarano Shogunate: 28,001 Regulars


March 1st: A Minor Factory finishes construction in Alcoln, Deltoran Republic.

March 3rd: The Soroyan submarine SRF Anne Marie sinks two Anvegadian merchant ships off the coast of Anvegad.

March 4th: The Kalpian Army appoints Maximillian Von Barlath to the rank of General. His assignment is pending.

March 9th: A shipment of rations and ammunition intended to reach the Anvegadian Expeditionary Corps does not reach the Faresian coast land. The AEF begins rationing.

March 10th: U-01, a submarine of the Anvegadian Empire, sinks a Soroyan merchant ship in Vicarri Sea.

March 12th: The Empire of Zellonia puts the pre-dreadnought ZRS Victory into dry dock to begin modernizing it's engines and guns.

March 17th: A Minor Factory begins construction in Sikea, Kingdom of Soroya.

March 20th: The Xian Republic finishes production on 20,000 Beishan-95 rifles.

March 21st: The Soroyan submarine SRF Petra sinks five Anvegadian merchant ships off the coast of Anvegad.

March 22nd: The Xian Republic lays down the keel of a destroyer, named the Lei-sheng, to be completed this year.

March 23rd: The Anvegadian Empire lays down the keel of a submarine and a destroyer expected to finish this year.

March 30th: A Minor Factory begins construction in Mistburn, Kalpia.

March 31st: Conference: Partition of Kelric?
The Emperors of Mille-Sessau have issued a petition to the great powers of the Soroyan Sea. They request that a portion of the Kingdom of Kelric be granted to them by international agreement, allowing the Empire of Mille-Sessau access to the sea. To justify the request, they cite their nation's dependence on trade, historical claims over lands in Kelric, and a significant population of Sessauan speakers in the southern portion of Kelric.

Zellonia, Kalpia, Soroya, and Deltora are the voters in this conference. Each nation chooses one first choice (worth 2 “points) and one second choice (worth 1 “point”). The option with the most points will be implemented.

[Partition Kelric]: Mille-Sessau's claims are valid, and a territorial concession may prevent them from taking more aggressive measures against their neighbors. We will force Kelric to concede to the petition's demands.
*Empire of Mille-Sessau gains a narrow strip of land from Alarie to Kormere and cannot fabricate any CBs against Kelric until 1910.

[Ensure Mille-Sessau access to Kormere]: The Empire's demands are excessive, but their concerns are worth addressing. We must obligate Kelric to offer Mille-Sessaun citizens free access and extraterritoriality in the important port city of Kormere. This will solve the trade problem without disrupting the geopolitical situation.
*Empire of Mille-Sessau may build barges in Kormere and engage in sea commerce through it, but may not use the port for military purposes.

[Refuse the Demands Entirely]: Mille-Sessau has no right whatsoever to the sovereign territory of Kelric. This petition is just an opportunistic bid for power and profit. We will not tolerate any threat to Kelric sovereignty.
*No change. Mille-Sessau gains Conquest CB against Kelric.


April 1st: A Minor Factory begins construction in Lochare, Kalpia.

April 2nd: The Xian Republic finishes railroads running through Xizaolin, Ta-Meng and Shangwu.

April 4th: A Major Shipyard finishes construction in Folamsiar, Aontas.

April 19th: The Grand Survaek Empire finishes new military doctrines on Indirect Artillery barrages.

April 21st: The Grand Survaek Empire lays down the first keel of the Wave-class light cruiser. Named the Zaba, it will be finished late next year.

April 26th: The Anvegadian Empire signs the Declaration of World Renewal, pledging to support the Grand Survaek Empire and likewise be supported as well.

April 29th: The Kalpian Railroad lays down railroads in Erinmarsh and Adlake, to be completed by 1907.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

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Kingdom of Aontas

White Lion Post: Aaltsen Armaments begins testing in Utover

A new development in the rise of Aaltsen Armaments, the Chatara-based weapons technology company which recently secured a lucrative contract with military officials, beating out juggernaut Stryka Corporation in the bid to design the newest artillery pieces for the Royal Army. Aaltsen's light (A-05) and heavy (Aaltssen 305 mm) artillery pieces began testing in northern Utover today, being test-fired within a purpose cleared testing site, located along the eastern shores of the Malatar. Access to the site, as well as the report on the weapons' performances, are classified, but sources within the Royal Army claim that the weapons performed above and beyond the military's strict standards. The weapons are set to replace the North Wind AU, the heavy artillery pieces currently in the service of the Royal Army, developed ten years ago by Stryka Corporation as their first foray into military technology. Stryka's research division is not being entirely cut off from government procurement contracts, however. The second model of the dependable STA rifle, in service across the kingdom's armed forces, is set to begin production next year. Sources from both Stryka and Aaltsen claim that the competition between the two companies is entirely friendly, and beneficial to the military research industry in Aontas as a whole. The innovations of both enterprises have come at the time of great conflict in the world stage. The recent aggression on the part of the Grand Survaek Empire in Serranthia has pushed the government to make firm commitments to military renewal, to ensure His Majesty's Forces are ready for any threats to Aontan sovereignty in the coming years. These new deployments seem to be the first step in the government's plan to reorient focus towards defence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AspenIvan


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Imperial Press Service Weekly, 10 February 1905

The Sword of Aed Calls for a Regional Conference

His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Shayaer Khaitis, announced last evening his formal, public invitation of his grace the King of Usmyae, his valiance the Tarik of Akurr, and her grace the Queen of Sumaya to the Imperial Palace of Foedinei for extended talks. In what shall be known as the Sokkon Conference, his Majesty hopes to foster a spirit of cooperation among the powers of the South.

“Such a meeting is long overdue,” explained Imperial Foreign Minister Aedis Haerk in a recent interview on behalf of the Sword of Aed. “Despite the mixed relations among these nations in the past, we all hold common interests and concerns. Issues of note include West Varian colonialism, territorial disputes among Serranthian powers, common defense, and the flow of commerce. We believe the native Empires of Serranthia and Sarelia have far more to gain through cooperation than through competition.”

The Emperor's call for a conference comes in a time of great tension between the states of Akurr and Usmyae in particular. The Tarikhate has mobilized its troops and has publicly announced its claims to Usmyae territory, though no war has been declared. In what may come as a surprise to some observers, Minister Haerk explained that in this case conflict would go against the spirit of the Imperial Restoration.

“His Majesty's intention in the Declaration of World Renewal is not that any and every conquest is just, though many misinformed observers in West Varia seem to have have that impression. We have a particular commitment to the restoration of hereto-suppressed Empires, the rationalization of international borders, and establishing a check to unfettered West Varian hegemony over the globe masked as 'liberty' and 'order.' War between the Tarikhate and Usmyae would only invite further meddling from the very nations that threaten the Restoration, or worse pave the way for outright colonial conquest by Deltora and Soroya. We believe both nations have an interest in cooperation, for the greater good of the continent.”


West Khaitis Revolt brings Ancestral Lands Back to the Empire

Glory to the Grand Survaek Empire! Praise be to Aed! The People of Raegar the Ancient have been reunited, after decades of separation imposed by the Deltoran Invasion!

Over half a million Khaitis rose up against their heathen masters last week, rallying in the steppes as in the days of old and advancing on the city of Faris. Long humiliated and oppressed under Deltoran tyranny, the courageous Faithful were prepared to fight and die for their due Dignity. But Heaven smiled upon them, and by the grace of Aed they achieved victory without blood, for the soldiers of Deltora had abandoned the region days before. Faris was taken without contest, and Survaekom flags were raised in celebration.

Four days ago, the day after the Capture of Faris, the Western Khaitis officially declared their fealty to the Grand Survaek Emperor and Sword of Aed, Shayaer Khaitis. Needless to say, his Imperial Majesty recognized their pledge without hesitation. Now with the entry of the Bureaucracy and the Surv-Akur into their territory, they have secured their proper rights and protections as citizens of the Grand Empire.

The Imperial Councilor overseeing the region is to be appointed tomorrow, and the expected selection is none other than Khel Galeied, a prominent leader in the Revolt. Galeied is a man of nomadic origins, but educated in the social sciences and in theology from a time of "exile" in Foedinei. No other individual is as qualified as him for the post, both in skill and in proven loyalty. Truly a Righteous Day for all Aedakom and all Survaekom!

Revolt Leader and soon to be Imperial Councilor Khel Galeied, in traditional West Khaitis attire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

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The Republic of Deltora

Unlawful Annexation

With the coming of the new year, the eastern region of Deltoran Serranthia and the town of Faris bore witness to a revolt instigated by the native Khaitis. Those whom the Republic have sheltered, educated and protected for years under the terms of the Treaty of Faris 1798. During these unfortunate events, the sickening sacking of the town of Faris took place as those previously loyal to Deltora turned against us, their protectors. Fed and frenzied on lies from those that we had pledged to protect them from.

The Empire of Survaek has illegally annexed legal Deltoran land, claiming us to be invaders and tyrants. For such famed scholars it is high convenient that the Treaty of Faris 1798 was not mentioned. This very treaty that has given legal rights to the land for over a 100 years has been illegally and unrightfully ignored, signed between the government of Deltora and the independent dukes of the regions now so called Deltoran Serranthia in the year 1798, which in return for citizenship and protection from the thrashing Empire of Survaek, would become rightful and lawful Deltoran land. For such an unabashed and unfounded breech of the treaty and rights, the empire reveals before the world it's expansionist ways and unabashed ignorance to world law.

As of the date, no Deltoran goods shall reach Survaekom shores. An embargo of the Empire of Survaek is now in effect in the face of unfounded, and illegal expansionism. Until such a time where eastern Deltoran Serranthia is returned to it's legal owner, the Republic of Deltora and it's peoples, the embargo will persist.

Partition of Kelric?

When asked upon the matter of the partition of Kelric put forward by the Mille-Sessau government. Prime Minister Edouard Geiger responded with the following statement:

"We will not support any petition put forward that would threaten long standing allies within the Sociatatem. Kelric sovereignty will be secured against a power of whom we know little by their own designs. Our questioning into the militant actions of the nation against Etellia have yet to be answered and have been met with only silence, and as such we can afford to give no ground to those of who we know not their intentions."

Deltoran Makitori

Meanwhile, attempts to integrate the native Makitorian people into the Republic of Deltora have been met with success. Efforts are being taken to educate and provide shelters for the islands natural inhabitants as-well as the Deltoran colonists taking to the island for it's resources. Sharing the light of liberty with all, much as they had done in Deltoran Serranthia some many years before.

Deltoran missionary school in Makitori. Circa 1905.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Year 1905
World Tension: 42%

Survaek Annexes Eastern Serranthia (+10% World Tension [PERMANENT]
Faresian Crisis in Soroyan Faresia (+15% World Tension) [PERMANENT]
Zellonia Incites Unrest in Sumaya (+5% World Tension, -10% National Unity for a target nation)
Survaek Allies with Sumaya (+8% World Tension, +5% National Unity)
Tarikhate of Serranthia Mobilizes Troops (+3 World Tension)
Zello-Sumayan War (+12% World Tension)
Sumaya Signs Defensive Alliance with Survaek (+8% World Tension, +5% National Unity).
Soroyo-Anvegadian Colonial War (+12% World Tension)
Zellonia Embargoes Kalpia (-4% World Tension, Removes 1 Trade Agreement of Kalpia)
Soroya Embargoes Honneria (-4% World Tension, Removes 1 Trade Agreement of Honneria)
Kalpia Signs Trade Agreement with Sumaya (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP for Home Nation & Selected Nation)
Athos and Stule Signs Trade Agreement with Tramel (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP for Home Nation & Selected Nation)
Athos and Stule Signs Trade Agreement with Salardia (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP for Home Nation & Selected Nation)
Soroya Intervenes in Basai (-10% World Tension)
Xian Intervenes in Basai (-10% World Tension)
Deltora Embargoes the Grand Empire of Survaek (-4% World Tension, Removes 1 Trade Agreement of Survaek)

[LINK FOR BIGGER MAP: i.imgur.com/ZEqMdQC.jpg

The World, circa 1905



May 1st
The Valjas machine gun is finalized in the Kingdom of Aontas. It undergoes preliminary testing with Soroyan, Kalpian and Deltoran observers. From the field manual of the Royal Aontan Field Army:

The Valjas machine gun was gas actuated and air-cooled, in contrast to the Cruska gun which was recoil operated and water-cooled. The Valjas machine gun barrel features five large annular rings which materially assisted natural cooling and retarded overheating. The gas cylinder under the barrel features a regulator piston which can be adjusted to the normal rate of fire of 450 rounds per minute. The Valjas machine gun itself (excluding the tripod) has only 32 parts including four coil springs and no screws or pins whatsoever. All parts of the gun are constructed in such a manner that it is impossible to assemble them improperly. The Valjas fired from an open bolt, like almost all modern machine guns in order to avoid "cook-offs" . Although the Valjas machine gun was easy to feed continuously with a three-man team, each individual strip held only 24 rounds of 8mm Vebbum ammunition. Each empty feed strip was ejected automatically after its last round had been fired, leaving the bolt open in the rear position. Then introducing a new loaded strip into the gun triggered the release forward of the bolt and firing resumed. The Valjas strips performed well with a three-man crew, but their capacity was too small for a single gunner firing from the inside of a concrete pillbox or entrenchment. This led to the adoption of a 250-round articulated metal belt in 1906.

May 10th
The Empire of Anvegad begins Operation Iron March. 30,000 men of the Anvegadian Expeditionary Force (AEF) begin to march south along the Faresian coast, capturing empty Soroyan territory. Within thirteen days, the soldiers capture the Faresian provincial capital of Anor, suffering no combat casualties. This comes as a great blow to Soroyan prestige.

May 12th
The Yamarano Shogunate signs the Treaty of Sagon, issuing a peace with the Xian Republic. The Shogunate will pay reparations of $15,000,000,000 for three years and retract it's claims against Basai. Xian Foreign Minister Shiu Fuhua agreed to the terms and sympathized with the Shogun's "Faresia for Faresians" attitude. Almost immediately, the Shogunate begins shifting troops to the Soroyan border.

May 14th
The Empire of Anvegad finishes a production run of 50 Strelok-pattern Field Guns.

May 17th
The Grand Survaek Empire and Sumayan Empire sign the Survo-Samayan Pact, forging a mutually defensive alliance.

May 18th
The Siege of Kedris begins. Without orders to advance, the Anvegadian Expeditionary Force entrenches itself, as do the Soroyans along the Kedris Line. Low on ammunition, artillery and rations, the Anvegadian Expeditionary Force is in a phenomenal position, but running low on supplies.

May 20th
The Zellonian Empire and the Sumayan Empire sign the Treaty of Sucre, ending the Zello-Sumayan War (1904-1905).


June 3rd
The Kingdom of Soroya lays down the keel of it's new Walle-class destroyers. The first ship, named the SRF Brinks, will be completed later this year.

June 4th
The Kingdom of Soroya sells it's colonial islands in Kerevia to the Sumayan Empire for a sum of $40,000,000,000.

June 6th
The Republic of Deltora finishes a production run of 6,400 Madsen machine guns.

June 19th
The A-05 Cannon is finished by the Kingdom of Aontas. A modernized piece of light artillery, it sported well designed breaches for quick firing, but was marred but unreliable traction in mobility exercises.


July 2nd
The Kalpian Republic signs a trade agreement with the Sumayan Empire that is almost immediately embargoed by the Empire of Zellonia.

July 15th
The Empire of Mille-Sessau is denied in the Conference of Kormere, where every nation except the Empire of Zellonia voted against the Empire's attempt to earn a warm water port in the Sea of Soroya.

July 18th
The United Kingdoms of Athos and Stule finishes a prototype on a brand new bolt-action rifle. It has not been declassified yet, so it's name and specifications are unknown.

July 29th
The Kingdom of Soroya finishes construction of the submarine SRF Wemekamp.

July 30th
The Sumayan Empire begins constructing a Minor Factory in Davao, anticipated to be completed next year.


August 1st:
The United Kingdoms of Athos and Stule expands it's colony of Porotan to the south until they reached the borders of the Kamen Empire, natives of the Vakellian subcontinent.

August 3rd
The Kalpian Republic finishes training 30,000 Professionals.

August 4th
The Republic of Deltora finishes a production run of 190,000 Vulcaine Mk II rifles.

August 5th
The Empire of Anvegad begins construction of a minor shipyard, expected to be finished next year.

August 6th
The Republic of Deltora completes new research into concreted Mass Barrages.

August 8th
The Kalpian Republic and Kingdom of Aontas both politically recognize the Verrians, a minority ethnicity in both nations. The Verrians, prominent from the Kingdom of Verria (1673-1825), have mostly assimilated into their respective cultures, but they are prominent nonetheless.

Aontan Verrians (Aontan Minority | 10%)
(Per 10%. That means each modifier occurs every 10% of the population that ethnicity occupies).
-- Accepted: -2% National Unity. +1% Tension, +5 Manpower/Year.
TOTAL: -2% National Unity, +1% Tension, +5 Manpower/Year.

Kalpian Verrians (Kalpian Minority | 10%)
(Per 10%. That means each modifier occurs every 10% of the population that ethnicity occupies).
-- Accepted: -2% National Unity. +1% Tension, +2 Manpower/Year.
TOTAL: -2% National Unity, +1% Tension, +2 Manpower/Year

August 9th
The United Kingdoms of Athos and Stule begin construction of railroads in the region of their capital, expected to be finished in 1907.

August 10th
The Grand Survaek Empire lays down the keel of a trio of planned light cruisers. The Wave-class light cruisers are not modernized, but an older design. The first ship, Zaba is laid down, expected to be finished next year.

August 12th
The Empire of Anvegad lays down the keel of a submarine and a destroyer, expected to be finished at the end of this year.

August 14th
The Empire of Anvegad signs the Document of World Renewal, becoming the next nation to join the Imperial Restoration,

August 19th
The Xian Republic lays down the keel of two light cruisers named the Qi and the Tao. They will be finished late next year.

August 21st:
The United Kingdoms of Athos and Stule recruit 100,000 conscripts, but without rifles to supply them, they simply join strategic reserves in the south of the country.


National Unity: This is not a new mechanic, but rather the publication of an old one.

Empire of Sumaya: 72%
-- Won the War!: +10% (until 1908)

Zellonian Empire: 51%
-- Bitter Losers: -15% (Until 1908)

Grand Survaek Empire: 61%
-- Decadent: -10% (Permament)

Xian Republic:

Kalpian Republic:

Empire of Anvegad:

United Kingdoms of Athos and Stule:

Kingdom of Aontas:

Republic of Deltora:


National Unity: [% Here]
-- [Modifier Here]
-- [Modifier Here]
-- [Modifier Here]


[b]National Ethnicities[/b]
[b]Name[/b]: [Name of Recognized Ethnicity Here]
[b]Size[/b]: [Percentage Here
[b]Status[/b]: [Accepted, Respected or Oppressed Here]
[b]Modifier[/b]: [Insert Modifier Here]
[b]Total[/b]: [Modifier x Percentage Here]
[b]Independence Desire[/b]: [Insert Modifier Here. If none. Set at 3/10.]

Factory Additions
1. Minor Factories will now cost 10 Manpower to construct, atop their GNP cost.
2. Major Factories will now cost 25 Manpower to construct, atop their GNP.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Talis


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A New Flag
(Written as a collaberation between Talis and Boop_Im_A_Dragon

The ceremony began in the early morning, before the heat of the day could interfere or the sun rise too far overhead. By the affairs of state it was a relatively simple affair: Governess Tirta Answa stood on one side of the pole, her formal gown in traditional style: white with red and gold trim, colorful and lavishly noble in contrast to the usual austering of Varian dress. With her stood an honor guard of two soldiers, both chosen for their cleanliness and ability to stand still.

On the other side of the pole sat Governor David Dams, or former governor under the current circumstances. Wearining a decorated general uniform to the occassion. The medals showing his past participation in two previous wars, along with various other accomidations. Accompanied only by two colonial guards stationed in the colony. Though a joyous occassion for the Governess, he refused to share similar feelings.

A small crowd of onlookers watched from a distance, many still groggy-eyed in the overcast morning. Many more had not bothered to wake so early. After a considerably amount of time waiting for everyone to gather former Governor David Dams began a speech he had prepared before the cermony began.

"Welcome citizens of the Kerevian Islands, as you may be aware the Kingdom of Soroya had officially claimed your Islands as a small protectorate within our much larger colonial Empire. This however was not the case. Several days later we found the Malikate of Sumaya had also established a considerably large amount of colonial land under their control." He took a deep pause, turning towards the Governess giving a somewhat wicked smile, whilst pointing in her direction.

"This lead many to fear the possibilities of war. Of tension between our people. However, I, Governor David Dams am happy to say that there is no need to fear. A settlement has been made. Our people, hopefully, working towards a better future. To peace." He than took his seat once again.

The Sumayan governess smiled gently, a hint of coyness in her expression inperceptible to the distant crowds.

"Thank you, Governor Dams, for that impassioned speech. It is true that in this world today too often we resort to violence and strife to achieve our ends: needless wars that only sap our strength and bring suffering to common men. I pray that this agreement between our nations will be an example to the rest of the world; that not all conflicts must end in war. Peace and Reason can yet win the day." She glanced back toward her counterpart. "To Peace."

She turned and accepted from her assistant a small cheque. The smallest and first of many, it provided a symbol of the exchange. She presented it with all formality to the governor, making sure to smile for the camera. Governor Dams, less than pleased quietly stood up, and played the part. FLASH. The photo had been quickly taken by a hired Soroyan photographer.

"With this check, brings peace, and further prosperity to the Soroyan government and her people." The assisstant quietly removed the cheque from the platform as the governor began to sit down.

With the speeches over the drum began a steady beat.The two Soroyan guards snapped to attention. With military rigidity they stepped forward. One took the ropes and, with slow and steady motions, lowered the Soroyan flag. The other soldier took it in hand and folded it with honor. Their portion done, they saluted their Sumayan counterparts.

Now the Sumayan guard returned the gesture, repeating their motions in reverse. The multicolored Sumayan flag was fastened to the pole and lifted in perfect time with the drum beat. As it reached the top the crowd burst into polite if unenthusiastic clapping.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Year 1905
World Tension: 31%

Survaek Annexes Eastern Serranthia (+10% World Tension [PERMANENT]
Faresian Crisis in Soroyan Faresia (+15% World Tension) [PERMANENT]
Zellonia Incites Unrest in Sumaya (+5% World Tension, -10% National Unity for a target nation)
Survaek Allies with Sumaya (+8% World Tension, +5% National Unity)
Tarikhate of Serranthia Mobilizes Troops (+3 World Tension)
Zello-Sumayan War (+12% World Tension)
Sumaya Signs Defensive Alliance with Survaek (+8% World Tension, +5% National Unity).
Soroyo-Anvegadian Colonial War (+12% World Tension)
Zellonia Embargoes Kalpia (-4% World Tension, Removes 1 Trade Agreement of Kalpia)
Soroya Embargoes Honneria (-4% World Tension, Removes 1 Trade Agreement of Honneria)
Aontas Embargoes Survaek (-4% World Tension, Removes 1 Trade Agreement of Honneria)
Deltora Embargoes Survaek (-4% World Tension, Removes 1 Trade Agreement of Honneria)
Kalpia Signs Trade Agreement with Sumaya (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP for Home Nation & Selected Nation)
Athos and Stule Signs Trade Agreement with Tramel (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP for Home Nation & Selected Nation)
Athos and Stule Signs Trade Agreement with Aontas (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP for Home Nation & Selected Nation)
Athos and Stule Signs Trade Agreement with Salardia (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP for Home Nation & Selected Nation)
Soroya Intervenes in Basai (-10% World Tension)
Xian Intervenes in Basai (-10% World Tension)
Deltora Embargoes the Grand Empire of Survaek (-4% World Tension, Removes 1 Trade Agreement of Survaek)

[LINK FOR BIGGER MAP: i.imgur.com/ZEqMdQC.jpg]

The World, circa 1905




September 3rd
The Kalpian Republic finishes training 30,000 Professional soldiers.

September 5th
The Kingdom of Soroya finishes training 20,000 Regulars.

September 19th
The Empire of Mille Sessau finishes a production run of 20,000 Primaire Model 04 rifles. They are immediately sent to reserve troops in the army.

September 21st
Aontan designer Victor Kyander of the Kingdom of Aontas flies for 88 meters in the Osgood Flyer.

Osgood Flyer, 1905


October 2nd
Mille-Sessauan Army doctrine has been updated to incorporate Indirect Artillery fire using spotters and trajectory calculations.

October 6th
The Xian Republic lays down a Minor Factory expected to be finished in 1907.

October 9th
The Grand Survaek Empire finishes it's first theoretical designs for a Dreadnought warship.

October 21st:
The Grand Survaek Empire annexes the Northern Serranthia region of Murenheidtan Serranthia.


November 1st
The Kingdom of Aontas finalizes the theoretical designs and blueprints for a Dreadnought, a ship that is not simply the largest in the water, but a bona fide warship.

November 5th
The Kalpian Republic begins constructing a Minor Shipyard in Mistburn.

November 10th
The Republic of Deltora begins construction on a series of railroads expected to be completed in 1907.


December 2nd
The Kingdom of Soroya finishes the Wave-class destroyer SRF Brinks and lays down the keel for the SRF Kollenstaart.

December 15th
The Empire of Anvegad finishes the submarine U-02 and the destroyer ANV Backsword. The keel for the U-03 and ANV Longbow are both laid down, expected to be completed in 1906.

December 16th
The Kingdom of Aontas submits it's first prototype of the Aaltssen 305mm Heavy Artillery piece.

December 26th
The Empire of Anvegad finishes research on the Iganov-Ferguson Howitzer Heavy Artillery.


Simplification of Naval Designs: Ship Classes will now be simplified to a tech class based tech. Nations will be given the furthest tech for that class based on which of the four categories they possessed. (If you have 1905 Guns for Destroyers, your Destroyer tech will become 1905).

EDUCATION: The education of your population is directly correlated to your nations ability to design new weapons of war.
-- Start: Every nation starts with 20% Educated Populace.
-- Decay: Every year this decays by 2% Per Year.
-- Growth: You can increase your Educated Populace by 1% by spending $10,000,000,000.
* [Design Company]: Every nation has [2 Design Companies].
* For every +10% Educated Populace your nation has, a new Design Company emerges.
* For every +5% Educated Populace your nation has, you have a Focus Point to give to a company.

OOC Note: This is a response to people simply researching new technology for no reason other than that they have the cash to spend. Research will now become an investment, not an expenditure.

Kingdom of Aontas (20% Educated Populace = 2 Design Companies. 4 Focus Points.)

Design Company A (3 Focus Points)
Naval Arms
[Engine: 1]
[Guns: 0]
[Armor: 2]
[Reliability: 0]

Standard Arms
[Firepower: 0]
[Effectiveness: 0]
[Simplicity: 0]
[Reliability: 0]


Design Company B (1 Focus Point)
Naval Arms
[Engines: 0]
[Armor: 0]
[Guns: 0]
[Reliability: 0]

Standard Arms
[Firepower: 0]
[Effectiveness: 1]
[Simplicity: 0]
[Reliability: 0]

These are the actions you may perform.

-- [Request Design ($5,000,000,000 + $5,000,000,000 Per Company That Receives Order): Select a Naval Unit (Submarine, Destroyer, Light Cruiser, Armored Cruiser, or Pre-Dreadnought/Dreadnought). Selected companies will create a design. Or select Arms (Bolt-Action Rifle, Machine Gun, Light Artillery, Heavy Artillery). Selected companies will create a design.


Kingdom of Aontas uses Request Design ($5 + $10 for 2 Companies) for Company A and Company B for a Pre-Dreadnought called the King Matthias-class.

Company A has 3 Focus Points (2 Naval Armor, 1 Naval Engines) and Company B has none in naval warfare. Here's what they came up with.

Company A
Design: King Matthias-class Pre-Dreadnought (1905)
Stats: Engines +1, Armor +2
Cost: $15,000,000,000

Company B
Design: King Matthias-class Pre-Dreadnought (1905)
Stats: No Modifiers
Cost: $12,000,000,000


[FIRST COMPANY NAME] (Spend Focus Points. 4 Split between 2 Companies)
[b]Naval Arms[/b]
[[b]Engines[/b]: 0]
[[b]Armor[/b]: 0]
[[b]Guns[/b]: 0]
[[b]Reliability[/b]: 0]

[b]Standard Arms[/b]
[[b]Firepower[/b]: 0]
[[b]Effectiveness[/b]: 0]
[[b]Simplicity[/b]: 0]
[[b]Reliability[/b]: 0]

[b]Naval Arms[/b]
[[b]Engines[/b]: 0]
[[b]Armor[/b]: 0]
[[b]Guns[/b]: 0]
[[b]Reliability[/b]: 0]

[b]Standard Arms[/b]
[[b]Firepower[/b]: 0]
[[b]Effectiveness[/b]: 0]
[[b]Simplicity[/b]: 0]
[[b]Reliability[/b]: 0]

Empire of Sumaya: 82%
-- Won the War!: +10% (until 1908)
-- Joined the Restoration: +10%

Zellonian Empire: 51%
-- Bitter Losers: -15% (Until 1908)

Grand Survaek Empire: 61%
-- Decadent: -10% (Permament)

Xian Republic: 62%
-- Interventionist: -10% (Until 1910)
-- Joined the Restoration: +10%

Kalpian Republic: 60%
-- Status Quo: +5%

Kingdom of Soroya: 67%
-- Interventionist: -10% (Until 1910)
-- Status Quo: +5%
-- Alliance with Deltora: +5%

Empire of Anvegad: 65%
-- Joined the Restoration: +10%

United Kingdoms of Athos and Stule: 60%

Kingdom of Aontas: 77%
-- Status Quo: +5%

Republic of Deltora: 70%
-- Status Quo: +5%
-- Alliance with Soroya: +5%

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