Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Xian Clique

"Destroy the seed of evil, or it will grow up to your ruin." - Hwang Weisheng, 'Proverbs of Xian'

After the 1899 Changtan Revolution the Royal Palace, once home to the Yong Dynasty, became the 'Liberation Palace' and home to the President of the Republic. President-General Chiang Cai Xiao had not been seen by anyone but the staff of the Palace and the Liberation Council for over two weeks. In fact, some began to suspect the President-General had become ill; but while the frost still hung in the air and upon the stones of the centuries old palace, the General and his wife Ye Liu were spotted leaving their home and visiting the city. The Presidential couple roamed one of the many markets that filled the former capital of the Xianese Empire and spoke with the locals for a large part of the afternoon before departing to the Min Theater to see 'The Jade Lily' by poet and lyricist Yon-Shao.

President-General Chiang Cai Xiao and Madame Ye Liu outside the Min Theater, circa 1905

Ye Liu, the presidential wife and general spokesperson for President-General Xiao, had grown to become a figurehead within the political sphere of Xianese society. Her generosity and constant visits to the poorer districts and regions of the nation had led to her becoming 'Madame' and 'Mother of Modern Xian'. So, with her always at the side of the President-General, the people of both bourgeois and proletarian classes began to love the couple and the gossip that came with it. Madame Ye Liu was born to the Liu Family, a former noble house that aligned itself with the Nationalists during the Revolution and supplied the White Tigers with their armaments throughout the Civil War. After the Revolution the Liu Family became rich off of their monopoly on whaling and the fisheries that lined the Xianese coast. Some, mostly those prone to conspiracies, even believed that the Liu Family only aligned with the Nationalists so they could steal the aquatic market for themselves and further line their own pockets. Regardless, a woman of such status marrying a man such as Xiao was uncommon both before and after the Republican era, for Xiao was far from royalty in the times leading up to the Revolution.

President-General Chiang Cai Xiao was born to the Task-Master of a steel mill in 1858, and spent most of his youth working in said mill. Unlike many children at the time, Chiang was able to get a moderate education due to his father's position and was one of the only children in his village who could read and write by the age of eight. In his teen years he enlisted in the Imperial Army and fought in the border clashes with the Yamarano Shogunate. Chiang was a sergeant during the Yamarano-Xianese war of 1883, and the war itself would see him rise to the rank of Lieutenant, however the mass loss of life faced by the Xianese Empire would forever stay with the young Officer and change his view of the Empire. After the war Chiang spent some time in northern Faresia, mostly Nasong and Basai, before returning to his home outside of Changtan and leading a garrison there. In the prelude years to the Revolution Chiang met Lu Wen-Yan and the two quickly became inseparable compatriots. Lu was from a noble family and had become a doctor working with the military, while Chiang had become Commandant of the Changtan garrison. By the time the Revolution had begun, the garrison was ordered to stand-down and the rebel forces seized the city's arms and overran the government offices, putting loyalists to the sword.

President-General Chiang Cai Xiao, circa 1886.

Lu Wen-Yan had kept his illness secret for many years, however he confided in Chiang the truth of his pain and it's incurability. Lu Wen-Yan had a congenital heart disease that narrowed blood vessels and reduced blood flow to the limbs. He told Chiang that the disease would eventually kill him by throwing a clot that would send him into cardiac arrest or a stroke, and that it was incurable. Little did either man know that by the end of the Revolution, the Father of the Revolution would be dead as he had predicted and his best friend his successor. To keep Lu's illness secret, all of the Chang-Five pledged to keep his death secret and turn Dr. Lu Wen-Yan into a marty for the Xianese people, dying by a gunshot wound from a loyalist gunman. Thus, in 1902, Chiang Cai Xiao became President-General of the Republic of Xian and Madame Ye Liu the Presidential Wife.

In January of 1906 a new national flag and anthem or the Republic were revealed by the Liberation Council. The flag, titled 'The White Sun of Xian' was designed by a Yamaranese immigrant artist named Kyoya Mitzui and sent in along with many other designs to be voted on. The flag uses the white sun, a symbol associated with both the White Tiger Nationalists and the sun rising in the east over Faresia. The usage of the sun in Xianese art and culture dates back to the Monghu Horde's usage of the sun as a religious figure in the days before Xian ever had it's own emperor or non-foreign ruler.

The new anthem, 'The Song of the Civil Revolution', is set to the tune of the Deltoran musical piece 'Frère Jacques' and preaches the words of Dr. Lu Wen-Yan's revolutionary piece 'The Principles of the People'.

Overthrow the foreign Powers,
Eliminate the warlords;
The citizens strive hard for the Revolution,
Joint affair to fight.

Laborers, farmers, students, and soldiers,
Make a great union!
Overthrow the monarchs,
Joint affair to fight.

Overthrow the foreign Powers,
Eliminate the warlords;
The Revolution is successful;
Joyfully sing in unison.

Though the anthem has been heavily criticized for it's Varian influence, the words of the song were agreed upon by both Radicals and Moderates within the Liberation Council, and thus it was accepted in a slim majority vote.

With the war against the Yamarano Shogunate officially over and the Treaty of Sagon signed by both Faresian Powers, the National Revolutionary Army returns victorious to Beiqling in a grand parade celebrating the noble sacrifices made by Xianese soldiers to protect Basai from Yamarano imperialism. Flags of all variants representing Xianese pride flew in the streets, for it was a day for all of those in the Republic to feel proud to be Xianese.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Empire of Zellonia

With the war in east recently over and a huge defeat to the Zellonian pride. There was a weak long service over all the men that had died and the ships that were lost. No longer could Zellonia be considered safe due to their large and powerful navy. They luckily had just been granted an alliance with Honneria though secretly the King was sure the Honnerian's regret the decision now. With the loss of the navy King Theodore the Second personally met with the Littorian Leader.

After several days of discussions King Theodore and the Littorian King Litterus made a deal. The littorians would be granted Litorria and Sucre in return they provide half of the Rare materials in oil and the Zellonians would protect them should any outside force attempt to bully them or fight. There was a somewhat large parade but the King feeling depressed stay only for a day after the negotiantions had been finalised before returning to Zellonia.

Once he finally returned home the King told any family that wishes to help spread Zellonian power to head south to Quikonan Islands and begin setting up towns and mining the steel which Zellonia desperately needed in order to boost their navy.

The King order a large museum be commissioned that would house all famous painting that the public may see in order to hopefully improve the unity of Zellonia. It was a large investment that would take time but the payoff would be worth it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Empire of Mille-Sessau

"Excellent," Captain di Gionio said, raising his hand to tap his cap as he passed the rank and file. He finished the walk and abruptly turned left, climbed the steps and entered the building. The winter of 1906 was brutal, but di Gionio's wool coat did most of the heavy lifting. di Gioni navigated the well decorated hallway, passing hurried messengers and soldiers while moving to the office of General von Leevow, General of the Sessauan 10th Army, the newest army in the Empire.

Mille-Sessauan Regimental Commander Hans di Gionio, 1906

He reached the door and knocked.

"Come in," the voice called.

The desk was neat and clean, a single form set just in front of the general. He rattled his signature off on the paper then set it atop a pile of other papers off to his side. di Gionio entered the room and shot to attention. The general looked up and briefly saluted. Through his mild mannered mustache, the general smiled. "Ah, Captain di Gionio. How's the newest regiment of the Empire coming?"

"These men do not know how to fight, General."

The general stood, maneuvering around his desk to the window. He waved di Gionio close, and the Etellian joined him at the window. The snow hadn't fallen in weeks, but the cold was chilling to the bone. Men marched outside the window, parading about with all the bombast of the Empire. "They don't need to know how to fight." di Gionio gave von Leevow a sideways glance. "They need only know how to die."


"It is a new age, Captain."

"I don't understand."

The General huffed, his eyes squinting a bit. "I've seen guns that fire enough bullets to cut a man in half. There are cannons that can vaporize entire human beings. These wars," von Leevow huffed, "aren't fought any longer. These soldiers do not fight. They sacrifice. They die. One day, you'll learn this, as I have."

di Gionio, though he didn't quite understand, simply nodded. "The Sociatatem have spit in our face, and now they will pay." General von Leevow laughed.

"Have they? You certainly subscribe to the Emperor's ideals." The general returned to his desk, lowering himself into his seat once more. "The Emperor feels slighted, and many men may die for it. But.. if it brings glory to the Empire--" the general said, the beginning of a famous phrase in Sessau.

"--then it brings glory to us all," Captain di Gionio finished. "May I ask why you wanted to see me, general?"

"I simply wanted to ensure the man that may be defending my headquarters is competent. You are dismissed," General von Leevow looked back down at his desk, found a pen and started scribbling away on a new piece of paper. He did not look back up at di Gionio.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kingdom of Aontas

The 'Første' in the early stages of construction

Heigen Marine had been the obvious choice for the project. The illustrious Aontan ship-building enterprise had the expertise and the facilities required for such a grand project, and, as a bonus, had nothing at all to do with one Sigmund Stryka. The white-haired old industrial tycoon that so loathed Aontas' monarchy had always found himself uneasy when at sea, curbing his desire to invest his world-renowned fortune in anything that might require him to fare the open ocean. This kept Aontas' shipyards free of Stryka crowns, and thereby prevented King Matthias from inadvertently giving any assistance to the man who sought to replace him when he requested designs for the newest battleships of the Royal Navy. Most of the designs submitted had been lacklustre, at best. They fit the bill, sure, but were only a faint improvement over the ageing warships Elve and Evle, the current flagships of the Aontan fleet. Aontas needed, and Matthias therefore demanded, something better. Something with a bit more punch, that would signify to both his people and the world at large that Aontas was a formidable force on the seas, not to be reckoned with. Heigen's design, fearsome as it was, perfectly encapsulated Matthias' ambitions. It had pleased him so much, in fact, that he decided not only to hire them to build the ships, but to take a tour of their docks as well. Unannounced, of course, to maximize the impact. Never spoil an arrival with a warning!

When the King arrived, his presence was at first not immediately accepted. The Heigen workers weren't republicans, of course, refusing to acknowledge Matthias' authority. No, they just simply couldn't believe their eyes; it was not every day that a King strolled by, after all, let alone one's own. Accompanied, as usual, in a minimalist entourage, and dressed in a double-breasted jacket with a few medals for flair, Matthias decided to skip over meeting the site owner and site manager and proceed directly to shaking hands with the workers. The flash of the cameras glimmered off of his white smile the second his hand made contact with the surprised and amazed labourer, and the flashes of light kept on coming as he engaged in small talk with the welders and engineers, their eyes unaccustomed to the attack. The conversation wasn't about anything substantial. "Cold enough for ya?" and other such nonsense between strangers. Typical Aontan fare. It mattered less what the King was talking about, after all, and more that he could be seen to be talking, the backdrop of an immense, intimidating warship in construction behind him. Stryka, for all of his wealth and prestige, was never one to forget about the little man, and Matthias needed to keep up if he wanted to snip the businessman's political career in the bud. Thankfully, as a King, Matthias had just as many resources at his disposal as Sigmund did. The White Lion Post had written about nothing but colonial wars in this run-down island and that one for far too long. It was far overdue for a character piece about the people's beloved monarch. Maybe tomorrow they could report on the casualty rate in one of the Stryka factories. Hell, perhaps more stringent safety procedures were in order! If there was anything Matthias cared more about than making sure the words "President Stryka" never left anyone's lips, it was the people's welfare. Maybe the crown had to go eventually, but King Matthias would not be its last wearer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 1 mo ago

The New Republic Of Kalpia-Year 1906

Kalpian News

Several days ago the "Great Military Academy of Mistburn" opened their doors to several Kalpian recruits , officials , generals and lieutenants , that desire to improve their knowledge and experience in military tactics , strategies and doctrines , the "Great Military Academy" was part a project by Vilskamp that started to be in planification in 1900 but because of the war and the several mutinies it couldnt be finish , but now that Kalpia has started to experience an increase in economic growth and in military doctrines , modern equipment , good generals and the best soldiers in the world , it was seen that this was the perfect time to finish it , however Vilskamp retired from the military and the project was halted until the new Chief of the Army Reiner Engelhardt continued the project at max-speed , to win funds the military had to convince the goverment which is only gave them half of the neccesary for the project,because of unknow reasons , the other half came from the military themselfs that made several non-military works as a way to win money as cleaning the streets of Mistburn . This has been seen by the people as a wonderful way to win civil support for the military. The Great Military Academy allows Verrians and Kalpians to join the academy with no cost , all books and tuition is provided by academy itself . The High Command of the military expects that will increase the quality of the troops and generals in the army aswell as the support of the Verrians and the civilian population to the Kalpian Army.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Empire of Zellonia

When Theodore returned to Zellonia he found his desk cluttered with notices from other nations about the embargo. Some saying he had no right others saying should the embargo hold that war would be declared and Zellonia was in no position for. He signed the order and sent it out. The embargo would be lifted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Empire of Mille-Sessau

January 8th, 1906

It would be war, then. The Sessauan 12th Army was preparing to enter Kelric territory while diplomats worked feverishly to prepare the proper documents to be received by the Kelric government only hours before the first troops started to pour over the border. It wasn't to be so however. Diplomats from Deltora, Aontas, Soroya and even the reluctant Kalpian Republic met in Kormere to discuss the Sessauan's goals, recently rebuffed from the Conference of Kormere (1905).

A port. The Empire needed a port to foster international trade, colonization and the development of a naval arm so that it's reach might extend to other continents. The Empire was willing to go to war over it, but the Sociatatem, jointly reached the conclusion that submitting to the demands of Sessau, a power that was neither aligned with the Sociatatem nor the famed Restoration, was better than a war.

That same week, 15,000 troops of the Sessauan 12th Army marched into the port city of Hagsburg, just an hours ride north of Kormere to finalize the deal. The Kelric citizens there, now under the administration of the Imperial Army, were mostly bedazzled, but the newly instated Governor Neut von Laader, a second generation Sessauan with Soroyan grandparents promised a peaceful transition and immediately mandated a year free of taxation in response to the recent annexation.

Mille-Sessauan troops entering the Kelric port city of Hagsburg, January 4th, 1906

While many were feverish about the issue, Governor von Laader, along with two divisions from the Sessauan 12th Army, felt that the Kelrics would have little to no issue adjusting to the new rule. The Kelric language and it's customs were unaltered. Passage between Kalpia and Soroya was unhindered, and a proposed railroad to run from Kalpia to Deltora was also not intervened with. The Kelric life would go on, except this time under the Imperial Banner of the Dual Empire of Mille and Greater Sessau.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AspenIvan


Member Seen 2 mos ago

1906, Year of the Prophet

A tension hangs in the air of this world, and the Grand Survaek Empire is its primary author. Few were surprised when Emperor Shayaer Khaitis sought to prove his Aspect of Raegar through war against the Honnerians. But now, the breadth of his ambitions has grown beyond what anyone in the Imperial Court or any foreign government would have expected when he rose to power in 1887. As he enters his second decade of rule, will Survaek's Modern Emperor see the Grand Empire return to the glorious days of Yvor, or will he bring upon it a second and perhaps more terrible decline? The answer is uncertain, but the means by which it will be answered is not. War is coming to Survaek, to Serranthia, to the entire world.

Surv-Vyaez Corporal Neyin Isalu smiled at how small and unobtrusive the camera flashes along the docklands were from this distance. He doubted his face, or anyone else's on deck, would even register in the photographs. All they would see were dozens of white uniforms, gleaming in the sun.

Of course, the journalists and hobbyists weren't looking for pictures of sailors. They wanted the Survaekom Wind, whose scale and grandeur surely made the tiny figures walking across it seem insignificant. They wanted the steel grey of its tall, modern armored form; the glints and curves of turrets pointing death at no one in particular, and the coal-black clouds rolling from its smokestacks. If only the photographers knew how little such an impressive warship could do without its crew.

“Isalu!” It was his captain, a stocky older fellow in a blue uniform by the name of Jel Hmylid, walking down the stairs from the bridge.

“Aye captain!” the taller but lankier corporal answered while saluting his superior.

“At ease, corporal, just here for some fresh air.” Captain Hmylid grinned. “Looks like we're famous. We should ask about getting retrofitted more often.”

Isalu chuckled softly. “For now, captain, for now. The Press Service will get a nice photograph and sing us some songs of praise in the paper tomorrow, but then they'll forget about us again. All they really care about is the ship, anyways.”

The captain chuckled back, but with some hesitation. His expression was strained. “Young one.” The term of address was unusual, and brought Corporal Neyin's gaze into sharp focus on his commander. “If only that were true. But I fear the number of stories about us will only grow from here on out.”

Neyin Isalu didn't have to think too hard to understand. Everyone knew it, but not everyone wanted to let it sit in their minds: War was coming soon, and not like the last one. A war where the Surv-Vyaez could very well destroy and lose entire fleets. However, Isalu had accepted this certainty; it was what he had signed up for, after all. “Well then, captain, I suppose it's up to us to make a good impression. To make the stories good.”

The older man smiled once again. “Aye, corporal. Win or lose, afloat or sinking, we'll prove ourselves sturdy steel for the Sword of Aed.”

“Aed willing, it'll be winning and afloat.”

And then there was silence. With little left to say, and much left to ponder, the captain and the corporal broke eye contact, leaned into the railing, and let their gazes wander across the cityscape. This: Foedinei, the Empire, Survaek; was what they would be fighting for. Would they be able to do it justice?


“This is where the enemy will come from, most likely,” spoke General Nel Hjarkin, sun gleaming off of his face. He was oblivious to the Imperial Press Service photographers doing their work, addressing only his subordinate officers. “To maximize the number of Ishuis covering that approach, we'll need emplacement strongholds here,” he pointed to a section of trench curving forward to his right, and then moved his finger to several different positions, “here, here, and here.”

“General, a moment of your --” Hjarkin brushed away the journalist's attempts at an interview with a wave of his hand, neglecting to even look at the Press Service agent.

“We'll need angled trench passages to the depots and command posts too, can't leave the runners exposed. And to keep them clear of enemies who break through, we'll need fallback positions. We can put some of those trenches thirty meters back over there, with Ishui emplacements off to the right and left there and there.” The General's finger was moving quickly, and a nearby army secretary was struggling to take notes fast enough to keep pace. “Light batteries further back, about there and there and there,” Hjarkin continued, now referencing a field map pinned to the rear wall of the small trench-in-construction. “Heavy batteries, once they arrive, should be grouped here and there and there and there.”

Finally, General Nel Hjarkin paused. He turned around to face his commanders. “The trenches here are off to a good start, but as you see now there's still a lot of work to be done. You can find the rest of the requirements for our defensive line in the written report I gave you. Now I'll be moving on to inspect Section C, but I'll be back tomorrow. I expect to see all the new measures in progress! There's no telling when the Varian hordes will be upon us!”

“Sir yes sir!” replied the officers more or less in unison, all saluting their high commander with stern expressions.

“Excellent. Now, secretary,” he turned his head towards the note-taker. “Make sure the journalist sops don't write anything they shouldn't. You are now Captain in charge of the Surv-Akur Second Army Press Review, effective immediately. I reviewed your record, and you're the man for the job. Select your team, no more than two men from any one platoon, and have it ready by tomorrow night. Anything the IPS writes, not just articles but letters and even their damn market lists, goes through you and your team. I need eyes on them at all times. Last thing we need is a badly-conceived story that'll give our plans away or hurt public support. To start with, confiscate everything those journalists have on them for review, and make sure they stay in their quarters. Understood?”

“Yes sir!” the secretary -now Captain- replied immediately. He turned to face the Imperial Press agents, whose faces were now greyish or pale brown from all the blood that had drained from them. Without any prior warning, their standards were about to get even more stringent than usual.


-- The pre-dreadnought Survaekom Wind finishes its retrofitting and takes a short voyage in the coastal waters of Foedinei for viewing by the people.

-- General Nel Hjarkin oversees the construction of trench networks on possible fronts with Murenheidt and Deltora. He also summarily subjects the Imperial Press Service to the strict oversight of a new censorship institution, the Surv-Akur Press Review.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Xian Clique

It was raining again... For over three days Changtan had faced seemingly endless rain, and for the fourth day it rained again. Shin dropped the remnants of his cigarette from his mouth and onto the sidewalk, stamping out the embers with his boot. He looked to his watch... Ten past midnight.

They're late.

Almost on cue, three men slid out of the darkness and into the light of the lantern that hung above the small shop Shin had stationed himself at.

"Sorry Shin, we got stopped by some NRA thugs." Tao said quickly, giving a nod to Shin. "Don't worry though, we haven't been followed."

"Good, last thing we need is bloodshed tonight." Shin replied, looking past Tao to the other two men. "Your men armed?" He asked.

"Aye, newest model revolvers you can buy, thanks to our trader friends in the Soroyan colonies." Tao chuckled, opening his suit jacket to show a steel revolver perched in it's holster.

"Good, then let's go."

The quartet quickly strode across the empty street with Shin leading the way. He knocked three times in quick succession upon a rusted iron door, the sign next to it written in simplified Ximin 'Changtan Beauty'. A moment later a brute of a man opened the door. He looked like a typical Mongshu bouncer, a long beard and bald besides a single braided hair that went past his shoulders.


"The Moon shines on the western shore." Shin said, and the bouncer nodded.

"Mister Shao is expecting you." The Bouncer said, stepping aside and letting the men in.

The Changtan Beauty was, to put it simply, a brothel. Organized and run by a Varian woman who went under the alias of 'Madame Lee'. When the NRA began marching the streets and Varians were forced to leave the country. Many young women fled to Madame Lee and were able to stay in Xian under the condition that they worked in the Changtan Beauty. However, Shin and Tao were not there for the women. The Changtan Beauty was also a local hot spot for black market trading, housing of illegals and criminals, and meetings between those the government called unsavory. The NRA knew of this place, though so many officers fancied Madame Lee's girls and the occasional 'donation' that fell into their pockets that Changtan Beauty never had faced a raid.

Upon walking into the main lounge Shin and his group were hit face first with all too familiar smells... Alcohol, incense, and opium smoke being the least distasteful of the aromas that filled the air. However, through the smokey haze they saw him.

"Shao!" Shin said as he approached the seated man.

Yon-Shao was an artist, and like most artists was prone to vice. Among those vices was an addiction to girls and drink. In fact, as Shin and his group approached Shao appeared to have just finished with both and was quickly filling another shot glass as a dark-skinned Sumayan girl quickly covered herself and lounged next to the robed man.

"By the Divines, Shin! Shin my dear boy it's been ages! What brings you to Changtan so early in the year?" Shao proclaimed, rising to his feet and spilling his glass onto the floor as he drunkenly hugged his nephew.

"Business, dear uncle." Shin replied, gesturing to the Sumayan girl to pour him a glass as he took a seat on the couch to the right of Shao. "In fact, it's why I came to you this evening."

"Oh? Do go on my boy." Shao slurred, groping the girl's behind as she leaned over to hand Shin his drink.

"Well, as you know, all Varian imports have ceased flowing into the country. No more alcohol, guns, or anything of the sort. This wouldn't be an issue if the NRA hadn't begun cracking down on the black market last year. Due to some Hmu snitch my benefactor has lost a lot of product, specifically liquor."

"And you think I know where to find a good dealer? Ha! If I could get a damn good rum at home I wouldn't be spending my money here boy!" Shao roared with laughter and took another drink. "B-b-but-" he hiccuped loudly and took in a breath, "but I do know a guy."

Shin leaned in closer to hear his uncle's voice as it turned to whisper.

"He works with the White Tigers, danger sonva-sow by the name of Qao Ping. He'sa captain of a-a merchant ship! Runs lotsa stuff from Manyeong into Xian." Shao continued, his slurring becoming worse the more he drank.

"And? Where can we find him?" Shin inquired, his eyes locked to his uncle."

"Jiangpo. He's got a -".


The lounge filled with shrieks as a gunshot rang from the hallway. Before Shin or his associates could pull their revolvers the door burst open and NRA soldiers marched into the room, their rifles unslung from their shoulders.

"Nobody move! By orders of Commandant Kao Yongrui this illegal establishment is being shutdown!" An officer shouted, his revolver held high as he marched down the lounge.

"What is the meaning of this? Commandant Yongrui and I have an arrangement! We're committing no crime here!" Madame Lee shouted as she burst through the curtains of a private room, her boney hands tossed in the air and her jewelry rattling with each step.

Before the Madame had time for further protests, the officer lowered his revolver and fired twice. Madame Lee was dead before she hit the ground. Chaos erupted in the lounge as the soldiers began firing off at random, most of their shots either missing or hitting unarmed girls and guests. Whoever these men were, they were not the NRA.

Shin unholstered his revolver and tossed the table he and his uncle sat at on it's side to make a cover. With one hand he fired off a shot at the attackers while with his other he shoved his drunken and panicked uncle onto the ground and into cover. Within moments Tao and his associates followed suit and unholstered their own guns. A firefight had begun...

The Changtan Chronicles

January 25th, 1906
Issue 127


Yesterday evening men under the guise of National Revolutionary Army peacekeepers raided 'The Changtan Beauty', a lounge under the ownership of 'Madame Lee'. Upon receiving resistance from the lounge occupants the criminals fled into the night, within half an hours time NRA peacekeepers arrived on scene and are still searching for the perpetrators. Ten casualties have been confirmed thus far, among them being Madame Lee and one of the attackers. The former revolutionary militia turned nationalist movement 'The White Tigers' have taken claim to the attack, though it has yet to be confirmed or denied of their involvement.

More on Page 8.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TommyToledo
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TommyToledo Professional Sheeple

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Provincial Kingdom of Tramel

"Times are Changing"

"Yes the times are certainly changing." Lord Alexander Rosshire muttered to himself as he gazed as the numerous workers sweating and toiling to even the land before him. He's sky blue eyes kept focused on the dirt being tossed this way and that. He observed the soil closely. He noted that it solid and uniform. Just the kind of earth you need to place a road on.

"I see you admire my work." A voice from behind the local lord called out. He wore a black Sanlorne hat and an impeccable black coat to match. The fellow was quite large but not bad enough for his weight his movement. Rosshire didn't need to turn to know who the man was. He was acquainted with him. A close friend.

"Bloody hell man! You're going to get your shoes ruined!" Rosshire exclaimed as he watched the portly figure approach him.

"Ahh yes" The man stopped his stride and looked at his mud covered shoes. "Not a little wash and shinning can't handle." Rosshire batted him an eye. "From the look of you a minute ago, I'd say you have a pretty clear idea of what I'm building here."

"Please Samuel" Rosshire answered his companion "enlighten me."

"Do you know what it's like to travel cross country in spring?" The man known as Samuel asked. He didn't wait for an answer, instead opting to answer it himself. "Dreadful, absolutely dreadful. Melting snow mixes with the dirt and the mud seeps everywhere. Nothing is safe." He pointed his fingers at his shoes.

"And so you're building rails?" Rosshire asked.

"It's quite safer than roads, I assure you. Trains have their wheels fixed to the track. Every yahoo with a horse or god forbid, those new automobiles, are on the road just itches to ram one another. It's outrageous!" Samuel seemed to have been genuinely upset.

"I suppose." Rosshire responded. He took his pocket watch out of his pocket to check if he had enough time for his little conversation with his old friend.

"And so here we are at my new venture. Luxury coaches for the rich and regular carriages for everybody else." Samuel boasted. He had a grin on his face that he seemed to think would reassure Rosshire. It did not.

"Do note Sam" Rosshire went on "That the king is expecting the everyday people to use this rails. That is why the parliament spent quite a pretty penny for this expenditure. If this does not go well, they will demand that you pay them back."

Samuel came close and placed his arm over the noble's shoulder. "Alex, I know not of any boy or young man who does not wish to ride as magnificent of a machine as the steam engine. It's faster than horses and consumes less. This is the path forward my friend and the people will flock to it no matter what."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
Avatar of Theodorable

Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Year 1906
World Tension: 30%

Survaek Generates Crisis in Soroya Faresia (+10% World Tension) [PERMAMENT]
Survaek Annexes Eastern Deltoran Serranthia (+10% World Tension) [PERMAMENT]
Survaek Forces Khernikovian Empire into Imperial Restoration (+10% World Tension) [PERMAMENT]

[LINK FOR BIGGER MAP: i.imgur.com/fP7dbnf.jpg

The World, circa 1906

INTERNATIONAL DECISION: Scramble for Vakellia?
The world is quickly shrinking, and room for expansion is slowly dwindling. There exists a few bastions of room left on the subcontinent of Vakellia, a sweltering mix of jungles in the north, with mountains climbing to the sky in the south. Though inhabited by nations such as the Empire of Kamen, Odiakalli and the Tavirongan Empire, they are backwards and hold the land only through strength of will, not political or military prowess. The last great calling has been put forward! Ahead!
* Must have a Capital in Varius to partake.

-- [Join the Scramble for Vakellia]: Now is our chance! We must seize claims on these lands for our colonial outposts, lest we fall behind in the global race! There is a chance for great resources, but also of conflict. Never forget, fortune favors the bold!
* Must have a Port to partake.
* May stake 1 Claim for free. (This will grant you 1 randomized Colony in Vakellia)
* May stake additional Claims for $15,000,000,000 off of 1907's budget. May stake up to 3 Claims.
* Every Claim increase chance of Conflict with Vakellian Nation by 10%.

-- [We Have Better Things to Do]: Instead of expanding outward, we must instead turn inward, to our own affairs. If we take this opportunity to focus on ourselves, we may instead put ourselves in a position to come out on top, even if we do not come across new diamond mines or steel deposits.
* +$20,000,000,000 One Time Use for 1907.
* +5% National Unity. [Instantly]
* +5% Education. [Instantly]


JANUARY (WINTER: Heavy blizzards in northern Varius. Light snowfall in northwestern Faresia).

January 4th
The Second Republic of Salardia officially announces it's decision to join the Sociatatem to great acclaim by the Kingdom of Aontas and Kingdom of Soroya, the former who negotiated the move and the latter who sent delegates to help sign the treaty.

January 5th
The Battle of Norko Island takes places between the Soroyan 2nd Battlefleet and the 5th Fleet of the Anvegadian Navy.


Prelude to Battle: The Soroyans, seeking to maintain naval superiority and cut off Anvegadian troops on the continent, maintain the 2nd Battlefleet (2 CA, 3 CL, 3 DD) in the region, patrolling the Faresian coastline to prevent any reinforcement from the Anvegadians. While patrolling between the coast line and Anvegadian Faresia, Admiral Remko Woltersom identifies an incoming Anvegadian fleet, and with orders to destroy them, signals for a battle line. The Anvegadians similarly had designs to keep their soldiers supplied in Faresia and dispatched the 5th Fleet (1 CA, 4 CL, 4 DD) to guard Anvegadian Faresia and the coastal territories until they could be properly supplied.

Battle: At 12:05 the Anvegadian flagship ANV Guardian spotted the northward headed Soroyan 2nd Battlefleet. Admiral Luka Volvakov of the Anvegadian 5th Fleet gave the order to general stations and battle lines formed. The Anvegadian fleet, though larger was weaker in tonnage and in a prime move to strike. At 12:16 the ANV Guardian turned and opened up a broadside on the Soroyan armored cruiser SRF Eania.

Armored cruiser ANV Guardian, 1906

The Anvegadians steamed ahead, successfully crossing the T while the Soroyans struggled to turn into formation. The SRF Eania withered under fire from the Anvegadian cruisers ANV Fearless and ANV Valiant, capsizing at 12:45 and taking 384 men with her under the waves. The Anvegadians luck wasn't to last however, as the armored cruiser SRF Ekon, against the orders to maintain the engagement flagged the light cruiser SRF Klumperman to engage the ANV Fearless in a no holds barred duel. The ANV Fearless turned away, but when a stray shell from one of Klumperman's 5-inch guns knocked out the bridge, the ship was dead in the water.

The Anvegadian destroyer Dagger was sunk at 1:21 by a volley from the Soroyan cruiser Steegeman, and by then the Anvegadians had steamed on out of range of the Soroyan fleet, seeking safer waters to the south in Anvegadian Faresia.

Aftermath: A tactical victory for the Soroyan 2nd Battlefleet, it's ultimate outcome was not yet foreseen, as neither side maintained a decisive presence in the region.

Soroya: SRF Eania [CA] (sunk)
Anvegad: ANV Fearless [CA] (sunk), ANV Dagger [DD] sunk

January 6th: The Anvegadian submarine U-01 sinks the SRF Verbeek on it's way back to Flulin, Soroyan Faresia.

January 20th
Mille-Sessauan troops mobilize for war. The Army of Mille-Sessau is at full combat readiness.

January 21st
The Invasion of Faresia begins by the Kingdom of Soroya. The 2nd & 3rd Colonial Armies both land on the undefended Faresian coast. The 2nd Colonial Army (50,000 Regulars, 40 Light Artillery, 200 Machine Guns) strikes out east toward Kedris.

The Anvegadian Expeditionary Force is alerted to the presence of the Soroyan's at the last minute, and within days has formed a secondary trench line facing back to the west. They are now effectively cut off, with the Soroyan Kedris defenders on the east, and the Soroyan 2nd Colonial Army to the west.

January 22nd
The Empire of Sumaya finishes it's designs on Heavy Artilery.

January 24th-29th

Second Battle of Kedris

The Second Battle of Kedris begins when the 4th Colonial Division and the 10th Colonial Division of the Soroyan 2nd Colonial Army begins an assault on the Avengadian line. With 350 HVL-02 machine guns trained on the western approaches, Soroyan assaults are repulsed on the 24th and 25, incurring heavily casualties. Soroyan commanders however notice that during the later part of the day on the 25th, several well positioned Anvegadian HVL-02 machine guns simply do not open fire again, making the Soroyans believe they've run out of ammunition.

Another assault four days later on the 29th reveals this to be true. The attack creates a breakthrough, and three hours later the Anvegadian Expeditionary Force North surrenders.

CASUALTIES (Second Battle of Kedris)
Kingdom of Soroya: 19,764 dead (21,074 1895 rifles, 3 Light Artillery)
Empire of Anvegad: 5,643 dead (37,111 prisoners of war, 900 HVL-02 machine guns, 50 Ozo-Pattern Howitzers, 50 Strelok Field Guns)

Aftermath: While the Anvegadians were too fearful of a direct assault against the Kedris line, the Soroyans held out long enough until the Soroyans could finish their pincer move. The Anvegadians have lost the strong majority of their forces in the Faresian theater


February 1st
A shipment of 5,000 Baishan Type 95 rifles from the Xian Republic arrives in Mille-Sessau.

February 4th
A Major Shipyard completes construction in the Chatara province in the Kingdom of Aontas.

February 6th-24th
Battle of Faresian Coast
Prelude: The 2nd & 3rd Colonial Army of the Kingdom of Soroya invaded the Faresian coast, over 80,000 troops hoping to relieve the strain in their colonies earlier in January. The 3rd Colonial Army under General Naut Ranervelt march south along the coast to reclaim territory lost to Anvegadian Expeditionary Force South's force under General Nikanov Kashnikov. Having captured Anor, the Anvegadians found themselves in the perfect defensive positions.

- February 6th: the 13th Colonial Division made first contact with the 5th Iron Guards Division entrenched just a mile north of Anor. Private Nan Kjud was the first casualty of the battle, being gunned down by an HVL-02 machine gun emplacement. The Soroyans begin entrenching several thousand yards north.

- February 7th: Probing attacks by the 151st regiment of the 13th Colonial Division find that across the small stretch of land, there are close to a hundred machine guns, and taking the land will be difficult.

- February 12th: A supply ship scheduled to reach Anor for the Anvegadians does not reach port. Rationing begins in earnest.

- February 15th: The Soroyans assault along the western plains, 9,000 men strong with a preliminary artillery barrage. The attack does not force a breakthrough.

- February 21st: Another breakthrough is attempted by the Soroyans by the 6th Colonial Division with two regiments of 6,500 men. While the breakthrough is not complete, Soroyan artillery dials in on the trench and destroys a dozen machine guns and incurs heavy Anvegadian casualties.

- February 24th: The first Anvegadian machine gun, Unit 113 of the 4th Iron Guards, runs out of ammunition during a probing assault by Soroyans forces. Without resupply, the Anvegadians are running thin.

Anvegad Empire: 1,734 soldiers (1,853 rifles, 28 HVL-02 machine guns)
Soroyan Kingdom: 12,743 soldiers (12,743 soldiers)

Aftermath: Without an attempted breakthrough, the Soroyans have thrown much of their strength away. The Soroyans however have pushed the Anvegadians back to the final captured port city of Anor, who now hold on to the city on a long trench line.

February 27th
The Republic of Deltora finishes a production run of 90,000 Vulcaine Mk II rifles.


March 5th
Mille-Sessauan war industry completes an order of 30,000 Primaire Modele-04 rifles well ahead of schedule.

March 8th
Modernization on it's three Pre-Dreadnoughts finishes in the Grand Survaek Empire.

March 11th
The Second Conference of Kormere, an emergency meeting among Societatem powers, decides to force the Kingdom of Kelric grant the Empire of Mille-Sessau a narrow strip of territory granting it access to the sea. In return, Mille-Sessau renounces all territorial claims in Kelric and Etellia. While the deal was carefully crafted not to compromise the major resources and cities of Kelric, the King of Kelric has publicly expressed his fury at the decision. Societatem representatives counter that the move was necessary to avoid war and maintain stability in the region.


April 2nd
The Kingdom of Aontas lays down the first keel of its Jormungandr-class Dreadnought, expected to be completed in early 1908.

April 5th
The Kingdom of Aontas finishes a production run of 700 Valjas machine guns.

April 7th
A Minor Factory begins construction in the Kalpian Republic.


May 1st
The Empire of Zellonia begins work on a Great War.

May 4th
A group of 10,000 Professionals join the Xian Clique Army.

May 5th
The Kingdom of Aontas finishes a production run of 30,000 STA Mark II bolt-action rifles.

May 7th
The Empire of Zellonia completes it's designs on Dreadnoughts.

May 19th
The Republic of Deltora successfully colonizes the Serranthian island of Zeko.


June 3rd
A minor factory in Lochare of the Kalpian Republic finishes production.

June 5th
The Republic of Deltora successfully trains 40,000 Regulars who join the army days later.

June 14th
The second of two proposed destroyers of the Walle-class, the SRF Kollenstaart is finished and joins the Kingdom of Soroya's Royal Fleet.

June 20th
A minor factory in Mistburn of the Kalpian Republic finishes production.

June 29th
Research into modernized versions of Trench Warfare and Heavy Barrages of artillery are finished in the Kingdom of Aontas.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AspenIvan


Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Sokkon Conference

11 July 1906, Imperial Palace of Foedinei

Though announced early in 1905, the Sokkon Conference took quite a while to plan, and it was the next summer before the Southern delegations finally assembled in Foedinei. Thankfully, the climate in North Survaek was still rather temperate.

For a meeting of this scale, Emperor Shayaer Khaitis had arranged for the monarchs of Sarelia and Serranthia and their entourages to meet in the Grand Council Chamber rather than the Throne Room. His Imperial Majesty was seated at the head of the table, rather than on the small throne he used during normal meetings, for today he was at least nominally among equals. As always, Grand Vizier Ayan Sujjid stood by his side in opulent red and blue and gold, along with two Byrnian Guardsmen in dress uniform.

"Welcome, fellow high lords of the South," he began jovially. "I sincerely hope today will mark an historic occasion for Serranthia, Sarelia, and the world. I believe each of us knows who the others are, but for the sake of custom I would have it that we introduce ourselves. I am Shayaer Khaitis, Sword of Aed and Grand Survaek Emperor. What noble souls do I have the great honor of hosting here today?"

Princess Ratu II was the spitting image of her great-grandmother and namesake. She maintained the same sharp, wandering eyes and firm yet collected expression. Bedecked in a royal gown of green and embroidered gold, she fit in surprisingly well among the elaborate opulence of the Survaekom.

"A Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Emperor." She spoke. "Princess Ratu II; I am here at my mother's behest to represent the Sumayan Malikate."

Tarik Aman Melku Seydonkal sat in his allotted seat in all the finery expected of an Akir ruler; that is to say, very little. Dark brown robes that nearly shone midnight in hue lined with red-dyed fur hung over his shoulders whilst the simplistic golden crown sat on his curly-haired head. The archtypical cultural garment, the senay, was properly folded and wrapped along his midrif and hung over his shoulder, now held tightly against him by the robes over them. Most evident of all was the thick leather sheath holding the religious and cultural blade of the Akir, the kassa.

"I am thinking this is a day of great importance," spoke the Tarik in his thick Akurr accented form of Survaekom, "And am most pleased to have been brought here by your call. I am Tarik of the Akir, the Yeab'Sra, and the Coast-peoples, Aman Melku Sydonkal. It is being good to have been meeting you all."

Emperor Shayaer was noticeably pleased that both of his guests spoke the language of the Imperial Court, Classical Survaekom. He was less pleased when the single, simply-dressed delegate from Usmyae wordlessly deposited a scroll on the table and left the room. One of his Byrnian Guardsmen picked it up and brought it to his liege. Shayaer Khaitis' face tightened into a disgusted frown for a brief moment, but once he finished reading he was back to his jovial tone.

"The Usmyaeen will not be joining us today. It is a shame." The Emperor shook his head and chuckled softly. "Now, allow me to express my great joy and honor in meeting your Grace and your Valiance. We have much to discuss for the betterment of our peoples and our Empires.

"Firstly, the issue of Varian colonialism. Rightful lands of each of our Empires is currently held by the invaders from the North. Murenheidt continues to hold the important lands around Dyujik, which by all accounts should be under Tarikhate suzerainty. Kalpia continues to oppress the rightful subjects of Sumaya in what should be its core lands, not to mention the Varian presence in surrounding isles. And a host of nations refuse to recognize the ancient claims of the Grand Survaek Empire to the Hauthkaj Desert and Northwestern Serranthia. I propose that we Southern nations must present a united front against the West Varian barbarians. And I believe the Imperial Restoration via the Declaration of World Renewal is the best means of achieving this end. What say you, my esteemed fellow monarchs?"

"What you are be saying holds much weight, it is true," responded the Tarik once again, his tone changing with the knowledge that Usmyae had refused to one of well-restrained glee, "The Varians are not thinking of us or anyone but themselves. We are being the only ones who can be saving ourselves. But what of Usmyae, hiding from responsibility and honor? The Kabals of Akurr are being ready to take what should be ours from them, what are you saying about it?"

"Usmyae has made their position clear by their absence," the Emperor replied flatly. "The Grand Survaek Empire recognizes the Tarikhate's claims to their lands, as well as to the aforementioned territory in Murenheidtian Serranthia.

"The issue between Usmyae and the Tarikhate is one for them to settle between themselves." The Princess stated flatly.

"The Akir are not needing the aid of others to win their battles for them," Aman retorted quickly, "I am asking for the knowledge that you will not be coming to Usmyae's aid."

"Then I shall be more clear: The Sumayan Malikate has no interest in the dispute, nor any intention to get involved in Serranthia. We see it as an issue for your two nations to settle between you, without outside interference."

"This is more than acceptable and is expected. The Akir have always fought their battles and settled things in such manners. However, we were not called to be having simple discussions about my people's war. We are to be dealing with the Varians, yes?"

"Yes, indeed," the Emperor replied. "Are the Tarikhate of Akurr and the Malikate of Sumaya in agreement on the proposal of a united front against the colonizers who threaten us?"

"Sumaya is not an ancient power. Before my great-grandmother's time the island was little more than a patchwork of tribes. Our goal is to establish a strong kingdom. If Survaek and the Tarikhate will assist in that, we might have an agreement."

"This is exactly what I have in mind. For us to establish, or re-establish, our rightful strength by cooperating against our common foes. This is the very purpose of the Imperial Restoration, at its essence."

"That is all very good in theory. What I desire are specifics. Sumaya does not have an especially bad relation with Societatem, joining the Imperial Restoration is a great risk for us."

"Specifics, in your case, would involve rule over the rest of the Island of Sumaya, currently held by the Republic of Kalpia, as well as Soroyan Sarelia. When the war comes, Sumaya may have the freest hand of all, commanding a front against enemy colonies far from their homeland. In return, we would expect that your fleet, insofar as available given the needs of the Sarelian Front, would bolster our presence in the Varian Sea."

"We could likely purchase our remaining lands from Kalpia." Ratu II reminded the emperor. "Mutual security is our primary concern, not conquest. Can the Imperial Restoration ensure Sumaya's integrity?"

The Emperor raised an eyebrow. "I believe Sumaya can assure Sumaya's own integrity, at a basic level. But the Imperial Restoration can assure its expansion beyond its current borders, strength to match colonialist 'Societatem' intervention for Sumaya daring to have ambitions, and ultimately the liberation of Sarelia from all West Varians. However, if you simply mean to ask if the Restoration will send forces to your defense when you are in need, then of course the answer is yes."

Ratu II ignored the emperor's expression. She and her mother did not altogether agree on policy, but the need was clear. Sumaya could respectably take on any other power in the world and at least hold its own - their victory over Zellonia had proven that. The threat now came from the ever-increasing likelihood of facing a large alliance of powers.

"That is sufficient." She replied, ever to the point.

"Then are we in agreement? Shall the Tarikhate of Akurr and the Malikate of Sumaya see fit to sign the Declaration of World Renewal? Or, noble Tarik, are there more specifics you wish to talk through as well?"

"There is nothing that I am needing to be hearing," proclaimed the Tarik matter-of-factly, "This discussion between you two has been eye opening. You shall have the backing of the Tarikhate and the Akir."

"This brings me joy and confidence to hear." The Emperor grinned as he eyed his two allies warmly. "The Grand Survaek Empire will once again fight alongside the Akir, but now as equals rather than lords and vassals. And with the aid of a strong Serranthia, there will be a strong Sarelia under the wise guidance of the Sumayan Malikate.

"Now, the subsequent topics of discussion I had in mind for this meeting are of a more precise, strategic nature. Let us begin..."


-- The Malikate of Sumaya and the Akir Tarikhate of Akurr join the Imperial Restoration.
-- Survaek agrees not to interfere with Tarikhate ambitions against Usmyae.
-- Survaek and Sumaya and Akurr agree to common front against West Varian colonialism.

Collaboration between AspenIvan, Talis, and Zurajai

((OOC Note: Zurajai has returned to the forum to play the Tarikhate. He says IC posts will be rare, but he will do budgets and war orders. Welcome back Zur!))
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
Avatar of Theodorable

Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Year 1906
World Tension: 35%

Survaek Generates Crisis in Soroya Faresia (+10% World Tension) [PERMAMENT]
Survaek Annexes Eastern Deltoran Serranthia (+10% World Tension) [PERMAMENT]
Survaek Forces Khernikovian Empire into Imperial Restoration (+10% World Tension)
Zellonia Incites Unrest in Kalpia (+5% World Tension, -5% National Unity for a target nation)
Zellonia Incites Unrest in Sumaya (+5% World Tension, -5% National Unity for a target nation)
Kalpia grants Verrian Minority Rights (-5% World Tension)


July 3rd
The Soroyo-Anvegadian War ends with the Treaty of Djiddk. The Empire of Anvegad forfeits all claims to the Faresian coastal lands and agrees to pay $16,000,000,000 a year for two years. This comes as a shocking blow to the Anvegads, who had mustered over 80,000 professional troops for the defense of the claimed land. The news of the defeat came at great consternation of the general populace.

July 5th
Soroyan army engineer Marinus van der Goes successfully tests the Glider Mark II over Kedris. Though the war is over, he had been preparing the design for months during the winter lull in the fighting. The Glider Mark II was a literal glider with a small motor attached to it. It manages to fly for over forty seconds.

July 6th
The Sumayan Empire finishes a complete overhaul on their light cruiser design and are prepared to begin designing up to date vessels. Fighting in the Zello-Sumayan War (1904-1905) showed Sumayan engineers integral weaknesses in design.

July 9th
The Kingdom of Soroya finishes laying railroad lines in the province of Ayas, as well as Kelric, stretching through Hagsburg into the Empire of Mille-Sessau.

July 10th
The Kalpian Republic allows the Verrians, a minority in northern Kalpia, to vote in regional elections.

July 15th
The Grand Survaek Empire lays down the keel of a dreadnought, a 20,000 ton ship like none have ever before seen.
It is classified as the Imperial-class dreadnought.

July 18th
The Xian Clique finishes research into Hand Grenades and Heavy Barrage.

July 20th
The Kingdom of Soroya appoints commander Jurien Dokter, a recent commander during the Second Battle of Kedris. He exemplified himself, dialing in artillery barrages for the 313th Artillery Regiment attached to the 13th Colonial Division.

July 24th
The Kalpian Republic finishes a production run of 150 Eckehard 7.5cm Field Guns.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 1 mo ago

The New Republic Of Kalpia-Year 1906

Kalpian News

Some weeks ago our ambassador Kevin Rafael Möller has made the decision to express to the public his support for the colonization of the continent of Vallekia , a continent rich in resources , while not entirely empty like other regions of the world it has several primitive nations that doesnt hold the power neccesary to protect it own land , this situation puts the Republic of Kalpia in a context where it is needed to help the primitives to reach the "light of civilization and freedom" , something that has not yet spread in said continent because of disease and hardships that are not too much trouble for a developed nation such as ours .

After this the goverment had to discuss the posibility to go into that continent and claim several lands under protectorates of Kalpia , our president and Kevin Rafael Möller shared the same vision about the colonization and they both believed that it was neccesary for Kalpia to achieve access to resources that the country needs , there has been a bit of pressure from the capitalist sector of Kalpia and other sectors of the population , because of this the goverment has issued full support to stablish protectorates along the Vallekian Continent

-- [Join the Scramble for Vakellia]: Now is our chance! We must seize claims on these lands for our colonial outposts, lest we fall behind in the global race! There is a chance for great resources, but also of conflict. Never forget, fortune favors the bold!
* Must have a Port to partake.
* May stake 1 Claim for free. (This will grant you 1 randomized Colony in Vakellia)
* May stake additional Claims for $15,000,000,000 off of 1907's budget. May stake up to 3 Claims.
* Every Claim increase chance of Conflict with Vakellian Nation by 10%.
||Three additional Claims total = $45 Billion + 1 Free Claim = 4 Claims
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
Avatar of LordZell

LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Empire of Zellonia

The King for once felt happy. With the newly acquired Steel resources and the new factory in production, it would increase the production capacity of Zellonia. However Zellonians desired more, but after the lose of the Sarelian Islands and the rest of the world already colonized all that was left was Vakellia. Zellonia and much of Varius looked south. For Vakellia was only inhabited by natives which the king believed he and the remainder of his army and navy could handle. As such they would invest with the full might of Zellonia in acquiring four whole colonies hoping to double there already limited resources but should they be able to deal with the natives peacefully then Zellonia would be on the Rise.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Kingdom of Soroya

The Cost of War

The people silently watched as Prime Minister Kevin Notles stood on a podium. His face full of glee and a younger look on his face. After nearly two years in colonial conflict with the Anvegadian forces the chances of winning were not the best for Soroya. However, strategic planning and Anvegadian hesitance had won the day.

“It is an honor to say that as of today, July 3rd 1906, that we have officially defeated the Anvegadian troops in Soroyan Faresia. After a long and bloody campaign we had pushed them out of Kedris, killing nearly 12,000 of their forces and capturing close to 40,000. Soon enough their only remaining army was surrounded in the port city of Anor, low on food and supplies. It was then when they surrendered to Soroyan forces and peace was made.

I hope this comes as a message to those who doubted Soroya’s presences and strength. The enemies that lurk in the shadows waiting for a moment to topple our grand Empire. Unfortunately for them, that was not today. Today we look to the future. A future with a strong Soroya. A strong Varius. A strong Sociatatem.

It was not without its loss however. The dead must be mourned and remembered. So remember this, they died for Soroyan honor. An honor intact to this day. They did not die in vain. Peace be with you. Peace be with all of us.”

President Kevin Notles, Circa 1906

The Scramble of Vakellia

After much political debate within the country in itself, Prime Minister Kevin Notles had officially approved a colonial expedition into the Vakellian Continent. The lands are ripe for the taking, and the Soroyan government had full intention to exploit that the best they could. Some expressed joy and feelings of nationalism at the idea of an empire spanning five continents, others expressed worries that we spread our Empire thin. Even after the recent success against Anvegad, people worried that it may not be the same a second time.

Message to Kelric

Dear King Marina van der Deun,

It hurts me dearly that we had to surrender territory to the aggressor Mille-Sessau. A notion that I fully understand you were not fond of. After much thought I have decided it might be best to help you expand your political influence inside of Varius by offering nearly 20 Billion GNP to use at your discretion. Though I feel that it would be best used for colonial territory.

With sincere regards,
Prime Minister Kevin Notles

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
Avatar of Theodorable

Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Year 1906
World Tension: 38%

Survaek Generates Crisis in Soroya Faresia (+10% World Tension) [PERMAMENT]
Survaek Annexes Eastern Deltoran Serranthia (+10% World Tension) [PERMAMENT]
Survaek Forces Khernikovian Empire into Imperial Restoration (+10% World Tension)
Survaek Mobilizes Troops (+3% World Tension)
Zellonia Incites Unrest in Kalpia (+5% World Tension, -5% National Unity for a target nation)
Zellonia Incites Unrest in Sumaya (+5% World Tension, -5% National Unity for a target nation)
Kalpia grants Verrian Minority Rights (-5% World Tension)


A month after the Scramble for Vakellia begins

August 3rd
The Empire of Zellonia establishes Nova Spero as their colonial province in Zellonian Vakellia. The area is rich in tungsten, aluminum and precious minerals. The 3rd Zellonian Army (50,000 Regulars, 50 Torran-85 Field Guns) landed at Nova Spero as well to protect the inhabitants.

August 4th
The Anvegadian Empire finishes the submarine U-03 and commissions it for duty. It remains on station at the submarine pens in Avenhold.

August 17th
The Kingdom of Soroya lands amidst the Tavirongan Empire, founding the colony of New Sikea. The Soroyans did not send any soldiers to supplement their colony, but in a grand stroke of luck the new colonial governor navigated a masterful treaty that settled a potential land dispute with the Tavirongan. Within days classes had begun, teaching local, new colonial citizens had to reach and write.

August 19
The Empire of Mille-Sessau conscripts 200,000 more men into its army using the crown's broad authority to raise levies. The vast majority of these new soldiers lack weapons and are assigned to reserves.

August 20th
The Sumayan Empire sends delegates to Foedinei, Grand Survaek Empire to sign the Document for World Renewal, officially joining the Imperial Restoration.

August 24th
The Kingdom of Aontas finishes a production run of 50 Aaltsen 305mm field guns.

August 26th
The Anvegadian Empire finishes it's second Argus-class destroyer ANV Longbow, which is immediately ordered out to sea trials.

Argus-class destroyer, circa 1906

August 29th
The Kalpian Republic hastily colonizes the lower tip of the Empire of Kamen and the island of Towga, the former which is rich in aluminum. The natives send no delegate, and within 48 hours the Kalpian commander of the XIII Corps realized that the Kamen were preparing an offensive.

Kalpian troops preparing for an attack, August 1906

Raid on New Vilkst (Kalpian victory)
Prelude: During the Scramble for Vakellia, the Kalpians made for a land grab on the southern tip of the Empire of Kamen. When no delegates or messengers came to meet them however, it became readily apparent that their presence was not wanted. The Kalpian colonial garrisons, Hans von Luck, immediately began to prepare for it's defense, setting up sandbag barricades just outside of town.

Battle: The Kamenese Warriors, the majority of whom were armed with spears and shields of buffalo hide waited until dawn to attack. They came in screaming, their arms raised above their head in a hallowing death cry. The Kalpian 58th Infantry Division, just west of town had a mile long entrenchment with almost three dozen FT-18 Mark I machine guns set up. With over 5,000 Kamenese attacking, it was only when the Kalpian machine guns ran hot that the Kamenese warriors came close, chucking their spears at the Kalpian riflemen. The attackers however realized that they were no match for Kalpian machine guns and retreated after only an hour. The field ahead lay strewn with Kamenese bodies.

Aftermath: The Kamenese were beaten, but whether they will be back remains to be seen. Major General Hans von Luck, commander of the 58th Infantry Division reported back to the Kalpian colonial governor that if they did come back, the Kalpians were well supplied and ready for them.

Kalpian Republic: 34 Regulars (34 Mariust/98 Rifles)
Empire of Kamen: 1,984 Conscripts
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

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The Xian Clique

With all the troops finally home and the lessons of the Xianese-Yamarano war finally being used by the minds of the Xianese state, new weapon designs began to fill the boards of Jiangpo Machinery Group offices. The best minds the state-funded company could find were brought into the fold and tasked with revitalizing the National Revolutionary Army so it could compete with the armies of Xian's enemies. By the end of September a design model that finally been chosen.

Heavily based upon the design of Aontan hand grenades. The Type-23 Hōng, also known as the 'Bamboo Bomb' was a concussion grenade weighing 0.60 kgs and a effective range of 32 meters. To maximize the accuracy of the grenade, Xianese designers utilized the wooden handle so that the grenade would not roll like those with the 'pineapple' design. From the time of being unscrewed and subsequently thrown, there would be a maximum of 5 seconds before the grenade detonated. While other designs relied more upon the fragmentation of the grenade, the Hōng relied purely on her blast. Like the Aontan designs, the Hōng used a pull cord at the bottom of the handle that, once pulled, ignited the grenade to be thrown. The entire process of unscrewing, pulling, and throwing could be done within the span of eight to ten seconds, while designs using the 'pineapple' model could be thrown within five. However, the pure blast power the Hōng possessed gave it the edge it needed to be accepted and begin production.

NRA soldiers assembling test grenades, circa 1906.

In addition to the issuing of grenades into the national arsenal, the Jiangpo offices were tasked with the work of designing more modern rifles based upon the designs of Mille-Sessau and Survaek's equipment. Though Xian lacks the resources for such a task, new designs for the Baishan began appearing shortly after the release of the Bamboo Bomb. It is expected that test models of some designs will be released and given to the NRA for testing by the end of the year.

With 'Vakellia Fever' spreading across the western world the Liberation Council was forced to state their own opinion on the matter of colonization of the Vakellian lands. It came to no ones surprise that the Council voted against investing in Vakellia what-so-ever. Xian had neither the resources, money, or interest in sending Xianese expeditions across the sea to a land that would inevitably make them the same imperialists they had revolted against and actively protested against on The Continent. With the matter agreed upon, a national press-release was made stating that Xian gives its emotional support to those fighting against the 'Varian-menace' in Vakellia and condemned Varian expansion into the continent. However, no support besides that would be given for fear of causing new tensions with the western powers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

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The Republic of Deltora


In light of recent tensions with the Grand Empire of Survaek, it is seen fit by the War Office and Secretary of State for War, Marshal Alfred Daucourt to deploy the 2nd Deltoran Field Army to Deltoran Serranthia. A necessary step to maintain the peace and prevent a further breach of universally recognized law. Under the command of General Robert Vaugrenard, the 2nd Field Army is to reinforce the regions southern border now shared with the Empire of Survaek.

Deltoran soldiers disembarking from a train at Evemont to take ferries across the Rochefort Passage. Circa 1906.

The field army is to ferry across the Rochefort Passage under the watchful gaze of the Armoured Cruiser, TPS Dauntless and accompanying Destroyers TPS Storm and Thunder as the force traverses the 10 mile passage to Port Vail. Several observers have noted that the field army is accompanied by an usually large group of ponies bearing ammunition and their allotted guns.


With the invention, announcement and adoption of the Dreadnought by the Kingdoms of Aontas and Survaek. The Deltoran Admiralty had found themselves looking into a different kind of capital ship, that which would lead the Grand Deltoran Navy to victory on the oceans. That of the Battlecruiser, a ship which in theories put forth by Admiral of the fleet, Rodolphe Vigouroux could and would go toe to toe with a Pre-Dreadnought with it's firepower and yet boast a speed faster than any other cruiser on the seas.

This theory would come to life in the presented Horizon-class, an evolution of the armoured cruiser with a distinct increase in speed, firepower and displacement compared to any of the most recent armoured cruisers, it would become the first Battlecruiser class to grace the ocean, and perhaps more importantly, bear the Deltoran flag. The first of its kind, so named the TPS Tempest is expected to finish construction and pass its first sea trial runs within the next few years.

Scramble for Vakellia?
We have better things to do

As news of the scramble for the distant continent of Vakellia swept across Deltora, the government found itself receiving funds from capitalists and the rich alike, the two were the same, to fund an expedition to these exotic lands now the subject of talk for many. The possible riches to be found fueled ambitions, but not those of Deltora. To much exclaim, those whom had donated were thanked publicly for raising the required funding for several schools across the nation to be built and fully staffed. The matter was dropped.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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The Empire of Anvegad


As the Anvegad Expeditionary Force returns from Soroyan captivity, all commanders and high-level officers of the AEF have been recalled to Anvegad High Command for an immediate post-war review hearing even as Chairman Volkov returns from signing of the peace treaty.

Despite initial heated allegations and accusations of incompetence between the army, navy, and central government, Vice-General Danalov firmly crushes all infighting among military and government officials attending the hearing before proceeding with a brutally rational dissection of the strategic hesitance leading to the defeat in Faresia. Allegations of who was behind the defeat were irrelevant. The one and only task they were to consider was how to plan and prepare for the next war to come, likely with much higher stakes than a few distant colonies. In a way, the defeat was a goldmine of new insight into the nature of industrial warfare across the globe, one that could not be squandered as further hearings, questionings, and war college studies are ordered to open further investigation into both the causes of the defeat and how to best evolve new tactics and designs from lessons paid in blood.

Many Old Guard officers have already resigned from their posts in disgrace or quasi-retirement positions in colonial garrison-tenants, while veterans of the AEF have been dispersed to training garrisons to pass on their firsthand knowledge of war with machineguns and trenches. Defeat has brought new realization of Anvegad's position in the world. What will be meant of it has yet to be determined behind closed-door meetings between the Chairman and his inner council.

“Let us thank the Soroyans for this defeat. May we learn from it, and be stronger for it. And we will overcome what comes next, at any cost.”
-Vice-Genderal Danalov


A diplomatic mission of industrial-economic outreach is offered to the neighboring Empire of Mille-Sessau, with the proposal of an international Anvegad heavy-gauge industrial railroad to bring together the two nation’s industries and economies like never before, and potentially be a stepping stone towards greater diplomatic connections between the two empires.

"Time, distance, borders, currency, terrain. Difficulties that no longer have to be endured with the age of the railroad. Though we share our differences and past conflicts, trade and railroads will bring us together."
- Opening statement by Ambassador Vente.


With the decline of military adventurism after the defeat in Faresia and the resulting post-war review underway, several prominent industrialists have taken the opportunity to petition for Imperial funding to start up new factories and steel mills in the central territories instead of expansion in the colonies. With the Anvegad national railroad now firmly established and enabling new movement of goods and people across the Empire, a new age of industrialization appears to be underway for the nation turning inward instead of outward like many others rushing to be involved in Vakellia.

“Military heroism and valor had their day, but now we live in an era defined by industry and progress than. Just as generals and soldiers were at the forefront of the nation before, our factories will lead our nation to a better future. Railroads, factories, and steel are the future of the nation. As we will prove in the years to come.”
-Arden Kalmersten, Spokesperson for Union Steel.
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