Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hooded Figure
Location: Somewhere up from where he had been
Interacting With: Luckily for you, no one

The hooded figure went up, up, and away. Okay maybe not that much. Maybe so. No one knows. All you do know is that he went through the ceiling and is no longer on the second floor. Nothing else seems to be happening but then again... You have enough on your hands as it is. So here is the rotation for this next round...

  • Sana
  • Cyn
  • Centipede
  • Hooded Figure
  • Ash
  • Boar A
  • Kyra
  • Nor
  • Satilla
  • Kyra
  • Bob
  • Thomas
  • Keystone
  • Boar B

And our updated maps...

First Floor

Second Floor

Location: The Tower - Second Floor
Interacting With: Thomas, Boar B

Sana hated that she couldn't see or get a clear enough shot off on the thing in the bed. She still had no idea what the large bear version of Cyneberg was dealing with but she could only assume at this point it was some type of undead considering that was what they had mostly dealt with since this entire adventure had begun. She couldn't get a shot off at the hooded figure either. This was starting to piss her off and she was just about to switch over to a more close combat style of fighting when the floor went all quick sand on Kyra, Ash, and Satilla. That wasn't good but she didn't move. Lightning sand flash backs... Hell no she wasn't moving. (ROUS's though, she still didn't believe in them.)

Hooded figure went up and it seemed that both Keystone and Nor wanted bacon for dinner because they were all over that pig like fat kids fighting over a single cupcake. Her head snapped towards Thomas as he spoke and she nodded. There was no time to argue and it seemed the kid was finally earning his place in the group. He managed to do something without harming a teammate. Well, without hurting her, so it was all good. Taking aim, Sana let out a calming breath and let her arrow fly towards the boar Thomas had just hit with his spell. The arrow cut through the air and into the chest of the boar just below it's neck and between its two front legs. Quickly she took a split moment to nock another arrow into place.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 days ago


Location: Tower
Interacting with:Undead

Another round, another set of savage mauling attacks that ripped Bob apart, yet didn't manage to kill the damn thing. She wasn't going to stop until the thing was no longer moving, and not just because she was still mad, which was very much the case, but even in its current state it was still trying to get at her and kill her was indication enough that it'd keep trying until it was completely obliterated. At this point, the undead had lots of holes in its body, which was looking less like a torso and more like ground beef, but its head was still intact. That would be her next target in finally putting it down.

Unrelated, the bear's sense of smell and hearing couldn't help but pick up the presence of wild boars in the room. She wasn't sure what was going on behind her, but if either of those prey animals tried to attack her, they'd be the next bunch to get the mulching treatment. Today was not the day to be dealing with this kind of shit.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

A Buttload of Shitstorm
Location: The Tower
Interacting With: Unluckily - you

  • Centipede
    • Okay, that Centipede is not happy. I mean it was sleeping and snoozing away and suddenly it is awake in the middle of a strange place with two people and a dog crashing down near him. He's angry, and he woke up with an empty stomach. He intends to fill it with you. Thankfully even with his quick reach he can't get to you full this round - round spent moving towards you.
  • Hooded Figure
    • Unfortunately for everyone - you have no idea where this fucker is or what he is doing and it seems he isn't even trying to alter you of his presence if he is still around. Things are quiet for now - maybe a bit too quiet.
  • Ash
    • Ash apparently has had enough of this shit. First he was growling at a man, then he was growling and trying to kill Kyra, then he was crashing through the floor. Now he is staring down a Centipede coming right at him, his Alpha, and her buddy. Ash finishes closing the distance between the Centipede and himself, it isn't but half a dozen feet and take a bite at the Centipede. He manages to get a hold of one of the man legs and snap it off. It's a start but there is a long way to go.
  • Boar A
    • That boar is none to happy that suddenly he felt like he weighed a lot more than he actually did. Who knew boars had image issues. If he survives this he is most definitely going on a diet. If not, then he won't have to worry anymore and will be served up as bacon the following morning. Either way right now he has closed the small amount of distance between himself and Sana and is attempting to gore her. Sana is able to barely move back. The tusk still gets her across the mid section though - thankfully her bodice keeps it from breaking the skin but it is still a hell of a blow.

Location: The Tower - First Floor
Interacting With: Centipede

Kyra grunted as she hit the ground. It was bad enough that her own wolf had sent her crashing through a bookcase just a short while ago, now the floor had swallowed her. Coughing at the dust from the bench she hit on the way down she steadied herself. At least she had landed better this time than she had earlier. She doubted her ribs could have taken another hit. She wasn't exactly geared up to the nines for close battering and bruising. She would have given anything for her bow or sword right then but both of those were a floor above. The bow near where the bookcase remains were. Her sword on the floor near the foot of Bobs bed where she had set it down before she had tackled Ash.

Seemed she wasn't the only one that had gotten sucked through the floor. Satilla was coming up quickly beside her and before Kyra could say anything she was being healed. She wasn't sure what Satilla had yelled about. That was until she heard a clattering across the ground and the snap of Ashes jaws. Her head snapped around to see just what the hell was going on. "At least it isn't a fucking spider..." was all Kyra could manage to say. She wasn't a big fan of bugs but Centipedes she could handle. Spider... She would end up screaming like a little boy.

"Stay back, if you have to, run," Kyra said as she darted forward and cut the distance between herself and the centipede in half. She didn't have a lot of option right then. She had two dagger drawn and in her hands. She would have killed for her sword or her bow. She still had the arrows but without her bow they would have to be a last resort thing. She stopped and waited tightened her grip on her daggers. Ash was between her and the Centipede so she wasn't going to risk throwing a dagger or jumping at the Centipede - just yet. She had to wait for the right moment.

Updated Maps

First Floor

Second Floor
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 days ago


Location: Tower
Interacting with:Dinner (Boar B), Big Oaf (Keystone)

"Oi! Watch where ye be swinging yer mitts," Nor called to Keystone from atop his unwilling, hammy mount. The last thing he wanted was for his shin to get punched from some careless blow (even in full plate he was pretty sure a direct blow from the batard would smart like a motherfucker), or worse, the pig getting pissed enough to just buck him entirely. It took a lot of effort to get to this position, and he was keeping it, dammit.

The dwarf brandished his knife to go in for the kill, but right then the swine decided it had had enough of Nor's shit and would do the exact thing he was hoping wouldn't happen. It bucked and bronced and knocked the barber off its back all the way into the stone wall behind him. The armor made a couple rather noisy clangs, first when the dwarf splatted against the wall, and then again a half second later when he slid down and landed directly onto his rear end. If it hadn't happened so quickly, Nor would be pretty pissed, but for the time being he had to figure out why he was suddenly on the floor rather than the boar.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Satilla Valen

Location: The Tower, Floor 1
Interacting With: Kyra, Ash, Multi legged Nightmare fuel

Angry nightmare fuel seemed angry indeed. Then again for Satilla pretty much every giant centipede would be considered looking angry, mean and really hungry. As far as she knew these things would never refuse to eat... granted that was just her conjecture, but hey who cared anyhow? Giant murderous chitin covered monsters were scary and super deadly! Ash seemed to be feeling okey enough... or angry enough since the dire wolf went into the battle of the creatures with a zeal, which made the witch happy since it bought time and kept scary multi legged creatures occupied.

Kyra also came around to good condition an joined the fight against the mightmare fuel along with Ash. Sadly she appeared no really well armed with two daggers against that thing. Well all things considered, the situation was bad. The pincers of this centipede would be more likely deadly and almost certainly poisonous.” Alright, good luck!” Satilla exclaimed, reading her staff, to be ready to defend herself in case an attack came her way or she had to make a dash for the stairs. Currently she was right behind Kyra so she was mostly protected. She wondered if she should dash for the stairs, but leaving the ranger alone didn't suit her. If she got injured on time healing was important! She would have also given her staff to Kyra, but wooden blunt staff vs chinin was not a good match. It would be like hitting armor... Hard armor.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location: Bed, Second Floor
Interacting With: Cyneberg

Who knew what Bob's last meal has been before he died. Even if it hasn't been digested by the time he had died, it would have been so well mixed into what was now Bob's torso no one could have figured it out. Right now his midsection looked like someone had shoved a Ninja blender into his diaphragm and hit frapee. Yet, the undead affectionately known as Bob was still kicking. Well not exactly....

You see thanks to the bowel reconstruction job Cyne was doing Bob's legs were not longer working, severed spine and all. Yet, one part of him did still work, it was just about three feet above his ass. His jaws to be exact. His body has worked up the paw of the bear and somehow, Bob managed to chomp down on Cynes left arm with Jaws of Steel. He broke fur, skin, and some muscle as he tried to turn her into a snack.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

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Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: The Tower, American 2nd Floor (British 1st floor)
Interacting With: Sana, Boar A

Our roles must be settled,
One must make the dinner,
Either ham or long pork.

Miraculously, it seemed Thomas's vision had returned, a brief moment of blackness, and yet now only dire tidings to behold. As if he was warded by the divines against these infernal hogs, the momentarily blinded sorcerer was spared a goring of his lifetime, and rather Sana took the brunt of the wild hog's attack. A quick check in the seconds his vision returned the darkness of his eyes clearing to reveal the charged boar strike Sana back. Not piercing her soft organs thankfully, but it sure looked like it hurt. After all this was a pretty good sized beast running at maybe 20-40 some odd miles per hour in a matter of seconds ought to be at least be close to 300 some newtons. Packing a pretty good wallop, although perhaps lessened by some excellent timing on Sana's part. Thomas would have been steamrolled over.

"You alright Sana? Get back! I'll try and fry this bristleback when you're outta range! About six feet should do it!" A preparation of coordinated attacks, it was a long shot, but if Sana could give the boy the distance and the timing was right, an opening could blast the boar in a spotlight, sizzling that bacon and more so, burning it again should that pig think about rushing recklessly into either of them (again, in the case of Sana). Pointing with an finger at the place above the boar as he himself took a few back-peddles back to avoid getting caught in his own spell. There wasn't much space left, but the door and the wall. But at least the wall would cover his ass. Metaphorically speaking, given his lack of pants currently.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Location: Deymin's Tower (2F)

It wasn't everyday that Keystone saw a Dwarf fly. Nor was it everyday that he found himself locked in mortal combat with a pig he could have just as readily thrown a saddle on and rode home. Such experiences were unheard of back home. Keystone walked the path of an adventurer now, more or less, whether he wanted to or not. He'd been involved in weirder stuff (dear and shiny gods, he'd been involved in weirder stuff) before; fisticuffing a giant pig wasn't even the oddest thing he'd done this week.

The act of bucking off Nor was sufficient to provide an opening for attack, one which Keystone was more than satisfied to exploit. He hammered a metal gilded fist into the same spot on the creature's flank with punishing strength, causing it to jerk its head to one side. While the first hit was solid, the second struck on his porcine opponent's neck, glancing away with significantly less gusto than the first.

Keystone would have those pprk chops. Oh yes, he would have those chops. But a little more effort was necessary before that could happen.


Boar B: Mr Boar did not like the fact that Keystone decided to try to pummel him to death. In retort to that he starts thrashing his head from side to side. Now, out of the two attempts at goring Keystone open he misses one but the other other hits square on Keystones rib cage on the right side and splits through cloth, leather, and to the skin where he receives one hell of a gash measuring a good 8 inches in length and half an inch deep - some bone on one rib can be seen.

Now that is end of round. Time to move on. New Round.

Here is our order... (Thomas's held action will last until he comes up again, so he can call at anytime to cast - check to make sure he isn't cashing in before you post.)

Hooded Figure
Boar A
Boar B
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Satilla Valen

Location: The Tower, Floor 1
Interacting With: Kyra, Ash, Multi legged Nightmare fuel

Things weren't looking the brightest right now. Giant centipede, wounded Ash and not properly armed Kyra plus not really good at combat Satilla versus big scary nightmare-y critter with big pincers and lots on lots of legs. Heck there was the chitin that would serve as armor too! In random thought, Satilla did think about a fact that she had heard long time ago about people using chitin for armor plating instead of steal.' Why am I even thinking about that!?' She realized, trying to assess the situation better.

She was out of 2 spells now, only the moderate healing, the healing hex and the life pact were left. Luckily she had potions to cover that, but potions required time to take effect and to be actually consumed which wasn't always possible on the spot. Hopefully that wouldn't happen, but she couldn't help but worry as she kept behind Kyra, using the ranger as a barrier from the multilegged horror.

Yeah she was in a tight spot, there was nowhere to go right now without opening herself to being attacked from the side or get in the way of Ash and Kyra. She had to stay put for the moment, weight her options and then decide on what to do as an opportunity presents itself.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location: The Tower - Second Floor
Interacting With: Thomas, Boar A

The board must have thought Sana was going to be a side of bacon that moment as he came barreling towards her. She was able to just barely move as the large creature did. Yet she wasn't able to move far enough out of the way to ensure that she escaped the attack uninjured. Sure it could have been worse. She could have been killed by Porky. She could have been gored and taken on a ride down the spiral stair case trying to unwedge her rib cage from its tusks. So a bash against thee ribs that sent her back a step and was going to leave her with what would probably end u being several very sore weeks ahead should have been left off as a damn good escape. For her it was.

Sana had a bit of a temper. Granted that was like saying that a hurricane was a bit of a weather front. The woman had the nick-name Skull-fucker for a reason. The boars face wasn't but a few feet from her at this point and while it would have been a bit of an issue trying to fire off a shot in that close quarters Sana literally said "Fuck it!" just about the time Thomas was telling her to step back. Instead she changed her grip on her arrow, lowered her bow and aimed to give a very personal demonstration to why she was named what she was.

Eyes narrowing her eyes she looked down at the boar and knew exactly what she was going to do. Without a moments hesitation, Sana drove the silver arrow she had had nocked into place right through the eye socket of animal. It went deep and she brought her other hand up, bow still in her fingers and pressed against the back of the arrow to drive it even deeper. The beast yelled out but only for a moment before the ground shook as its several hundred pounds of soon to be bacon hit the ground dead.

Centipede: The bug was fast and managed to take nasty bite into Ash before whipping its head and sending the dyre wolf back several feet in the air towards the stair case. The wolf barely managed to land on his feet and slide back some before he caught himself.

Location: The Tower - First Floor
Interacting With: Centipede

Kyra ground her teeth as she had to stand there just watching as Ash was tossed off towards the stairs. This was not going to end well. Ash was still young and this centipede was huge. If she had her bow, her sword even, she felt they might have stood a chance against the bug but all she had was two daggers. She wasn't exactly the skull fucking type like Sana was. She could handle herself, hell probably better than her best friend could in close combat situations. (Well maybe not as well as Sana just had but how was she to know something like that considering they were a floor down from the rest of the group.) Yet, two small silver daggers against this thing... In the immortal words of her Gypsy Sister... "Fuck it."

Turning her head she glanced back towards Satilla. "Upstairs! Now!" she yelled before she took off towards the stairs. Yet she wouldn't get far. The Centipede had one more attack hidden within its many sleeves and suddenly a burst of blood came spewing from Kyras mouth. Her head and limbs jutting forward as her midsection was drawn back. It had managed to get its whip tail right through her heart, a perfect hit and the light drained rapidly from Kyras eyes as she drew her last breath. Her daggers hitting the ground and clinking as they fell from her now limps fingers.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 days ago


Location: Tower
Interacting with:Undead

She had been pounding away at this one undead for awhile and no matter how much damage she seemed to do to it, it just refused to lie down and die. And despite having maybe 60% of the body mass it had had five minutes prior, it had the gall to try making a meal out of its attacker. There wasn't even a stomach to send any swallowed flesh to. Having had enough of its shenanigans, the bear roared out in a mixture of pain and rage and raised its paw on high.

The best part about the undead having latched onto her the way it had was that its skull was fixated to one point. There wasn't really any chance for it to dodge, and it was so close that she couldn't really miss. With one blow, the thing's skull caved inward and its jaw went slack, leaving Cyne standing there with a dead body stuck to her and feeling more than a bit of catharsis from brutally mauling the thing to literal shreds. Now the next step was getting the damned thing off of her.


Location: Tower
Interacting with:Dinner (Boar B)

Nor on the other hand wasn't about to let some dumb pig get the best of him. He didn't care if it was twice his size. Hells, it could be ten times his size and it wouldn't matter one lick. He'd spent his entire military career and a great deal of his mercenary one tackling things bigger than him. At this point he would have more trouble dealing with something his own size, and now was his time to show that off.

The part time barber sprang to his feet and dashed behind the big pig. With a couple swiped of his knife he took out both its rear legs, causing it to buckle onto the floor. Now with a convenient posterior stairway available to him, the dwarf ran up onto the beast's back and did what he'd been trying to accomplish earlier. He flipped his grip on his dagger to a reverse grip and drove it down into the boar's neck, severing the brain stem. Thus with that blow, those on the second floor simultaneously had ended all immediate external threats and procured tonight's dinner.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

A Buttload of Shitstorm
Location: The Tower
Interacting With: Unluckily - you

  • Hooded Figure
    • There is still no sign of the Hooded Figure that brought all these wonderful pets out for you to play with. Last he was seen was going up, up, and away. Through the ceiling to lord only knows where. He could be up to something, he could be gone, he could be fixing a drink, or any number of other things. All you know is right now he isn't there and you have other things to worry about don't you. Like where is the rest of your group?
  • Ash
    • Ash catches himself and lands, sliding back near the stairs. Growling and barking he is ready to jump back at the Centipede only to let out a whimper as he watches the woman that has raised him from a pup be gored through her back and blood spurting out of her mouth. He knows she is gone and while the Centipede is there shaking its whiplike tail and trying to get a now rag doll Kyra off its tail with several of its many legs, Ash jumps and lands on the back of the creature biting down and holding on. He may have just bought the other woman who dropped through the floor with him and Kyra a chance to flee.

Updated Maps

First Floor

Second Floor
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

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Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: Second Story (Not the book kind)
Interacting with: ???

One down. Struck dead by the arrow of Atalanta. Or Sana who embodied the legendary figure all the same, all she need now was to skin the dead beast and for Keystone to- Oh dear. What a mess, it seemed Keystone had taken quite a hit. But on the bright side Cyne seemed to be doing okay, or at least the undead hadn't quite risen yet to overwhelm them. That said Nor seemed to finish off the boar he rode on (like a proper dwarf) delivering quite the hair cut. All was well on this floor, and to the victors the spoils of ham and bacon. Holding on a bit of a breather as Thomas relaxed for a moment confirming the area was seemingly secure before remembering their party was split in half. Kyra and Satilla and Ash were still down below them, or at least for all Thomas knew down below, and not teleported magically into another plane from which they could never escape. Keystone would need Satilla's help with that bloody gash. Satilla had Kyra though right? surely they'd be okay. Thomas dreaded the thought of losing Satilla, as their group healer. That and honestly the boy had some fe-

And that's when the seizure hit.

Just as he turned towards the door to rush downstairs, the synapses fired. Something wrong, a march through the neurons, firing off inappropriately as his coordination failed him. His thoughts relinquished to the dark stars, visible as his visage blanked and eyes rolled back into his brows. His feet buckled, the cortex in disarray, the motions in discord, as if falling to grasp a golden apple from his path. But alas at the very last moment his body shifted, the cerebellar pathways jerking his body back as the vertiginous tumble was reflexively corrected. Caught in a state of near dreaming, unconscious as the magic in his blood overwhelmed him as he thought of earthly ties. His mortal coil displeased his astral brethren, who puppeted him so with their retribution. Acting him the fool as his body was no longer under his own control but theirs. A punishment from above, randomly plucking the tonic-clonic jerks as if Thomas was inebriated. Taken to the left, taking the wall, a spin, and a near levitation as his spine and head seemed to be lifted up into the right before his hands gripped his own hips. All of it culminated here, most shamefully, as the young sorcerer sprung his coiled knees out, thrusting the vacant air like some mad hip-hop artist.

There it ended as Thomas was ejected back into his own body, eyes returning to their normal gaze as a shock of what happened left him still light-headed and woozy. Wizards were weird, and Thomas so far was quite the oddball, at least as far as the party knew him. This wasn't the first time he, had reacted strangely. Falling down at last in the postictal state of his starry-space-seizure, Thomas' muscle stiffed with a paralysis, flooring him as small twitches signaled the reorganization of his circuits. Unable to quite talk or move for a moment.

At least Satilla wasn't witness to this.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Location: Deymin's Tower (2F)

There was the smallest twinge of something as the giant boar in front of Keystone hit the ground. Disappointment? Jealousy, maybe? He really did want to be the one to give the finishing blow - it would be a metaphorical claim of victory over his adversary, but more importantly, the damn thing gave him what would eventually become a very un-pretty new scar across his ribs, provided that he survived the day. Just another mark in a roadmap of healed flesh that he had accumulated over a career of knuckling down people and things, granted, though it was presently fresh and painful; foremost on his mind and demanding an answer in the form of blood and pain. These were things with which he had a lot of personal experience.

Pride, it occurred to him. Wounded pride. Okay, mystery solved. Get over it and step back to the killing.

The last glimpse he saw of some of his group came when they disappeared through the floor. Admittedly, that was kind of a new experience for the otherwise veteran adventurer. Provided that they weren't melded into the wood floor or some other such mortal incarnation of horror that he had come to expect from practitioners of Necromancy, the most logical place to locate their missing people was back downstairs. Now the question hovered in his brain: Was this an example of "Divide and Conquer", or was the separation of the group merely a diversion to allow withdrawal? In the end, it didn't matter. There were no direct threats to his people in that place at that time, and the unknown occurring with their group's healer and the lady who took the reins at the start of this mess. Keystone gave a congratulatory nod toward Nor, Slayer of Gargantuan Hogs, and turned to exit the room as fast as his muscular buttocks could carry him.

The first person he saw upon turning was Sana. It was no secret that he had some protective instincts for the woman, maybe more if he had the capacity to be emotionally introspective just then. Beyond Sana was the group's spellcaster, presently twitching oddly upon the floor. Yeah, they needed someone who was capable of treating the unconstitute fellow. Not to mention as much in the way of sarcastic, overbearing firepower as possible. Keystone barely paused to issue a quick, "Sana! Goin' after our people! Y'with me?" and traversing the space from the fresh pig corpse to the open door.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location: The Tower - 2nd Floor (you wish it was lingerie)

Okay, since everyone is heading for the stairs, we all get to the stairs via the rolls. The map below shows us where everyone ended up before everyone had to stop. So you all are in your respective spots as of right now. You have 3 dead on the 2nd floor since Bob and the Bacon Twins are now dead. Kyras sword and bow are still on the ground back in the room everyone but Satilla just left. Satilla managed to bee line it up the stairs. She has no idea what is going on with Ash and the big bug. Last she saw was Kyras body getting flung across the room and Ash jumping the thing. (No one knows that Kyra is dead yet other than Satilla.)

Now before you try anything or to muscle your way through the crowd - just know if you are standing in the back there will be checks to see if you can jump in front of someone. Here is the update Rotation currently. Post in this order. (Thomas has come out of his time warp but it still feeling a bit loopy in the head currently.)

Satilla (Congrats, you were the one that got a Nat 20 on the rolls. Means you get to post first, lol.)

Updated Maps

Second Floor
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Satilla Valen

Location: The Tower, Floor 2
Interacting With: Sana and the crew

Satilla barely had time to think as she had bolted for the stairs. Ash appeared to have stayed behind, but she didn't exactly have too much time to think about the noble wolf. Kyra had died and she didn't even have the chance to react or help her in any way! This wasn't exactly a think any healer wanted to happen to them. When you were responsisble of keeping people alive and they died without even a chance to help.

On the second floor she found herself face to face with Sana and Keystone. Satilla's face was pretty pale right now from the shock and fear that she went through moments before. Her eyes fell onto Sana with quite the feer of regret and pain." Kyra... she... the centipede... it ..." The witch tried to explain, but her hands were trembling as she looked behind to see if it was following her." She didn't have a proper weapon... we tried to run to the stairs and it attacked her from behind... she's..." The witch was trying to say it, but couldn't quite manage to finish the sentence, but she was sure hte message got across.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 days ago


Location: Tower 2F
Interacting with:N/A

Nor extracted his knife from the body of what was to be dinner and looked over it. To nobody's surprise, it was covered in blood and little bits of flesh that got stuck to it. With a disgusted grimace, he wiped it off on the beast's hide until it had reached something close enough to presentable. The dwarf then hopped off of the head of the boar and landed with a heavy metallic clunk. Current threat neutralized, he looked over the room to asses the current state of battle. Deeming it clear of any further threats to stab, the next course of action was to head downstairs and save the sorry arses of those that got dumped down there.

Evidently, everyone else had that exact same idea, and having the shortest legs and most armor on meant that he was shuttled off to the back of the line. Still, he was close enough to see Sat come running up the stairs. Not surprising really. Frail girl like that fighting off a summoned animal like one of those big-ass boars? Not happening. Slightly more distressing was the news that the silver-haired ranger lady, Kyra had croaked. He couldn't get misty-eyed over someone he had known for all of a morning, but the fact of the matter was that she did get him into this club. and things hadn't flown completely South yet. So for the time being, he would repay that little debt by helping kill the big bug that got her. Or rather he would had the stairway not been blocked by a bunch o' tall folk.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Location: Deymin's Tower (2F)

Centipede? Keystone knew centipedes. Nasty-looking buggers that prowled about damp, dark places. But they were tiny. A single centipede shouldn't be able to take out someone like Kyra, unless she was prone to insanely dramatic reactions to its bite. Then again, those boars were huge. Massive. If a bug got the same treatment that those walking barbecue centerpieces did, then they might have a problem. Keystone had come across something like that before, though it was not a true centipede; a thing called a Carrion Crawler. It definitely would have been big enough to take out a fully grown human, even one as ornery as Kyra.

He wasn't sure how much loyalty he owed the lady. Before two weeks ago, he'd never even heard of her. She swept in, assuming control of what was supposed to be a simple merchant caravan guard gig. Once the whole deal turned south, he was supposed to just take his silver and continue walking his path, back to his homeland to share the knowledge he had accumulated during his travels. Maybe even take a year or two off. Dabble in trade, maybe. But he made his choice the moment he agreed to stick around in this pissant border town after he knew the truth. So to hell with it all, Kyra was part of his group, not to mention Sana's friend. He wasn't about to abandon his people. It just wasn't in him.

It also wasn't in him to let the archer take the lead, going down a blind stairwell into certain peril. Keystone poured on the speed, slipping between Sana and the outer wall to come out in front of Satilla. "Get be'ind us, then. I got this."

If anyone was taking another hit because of this thing, it was going to be him. Keystone raised his hands in front of him in a basic defensive position and readied to continue down the stairs, mentally braced for what might come next.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location: The Tower - 2nd Floor -> 3rd Floor
Interacting With: Satilla, Keystone, Shit Storm

Sana felt her jaw tightening as she stared blankly at Satilla. Unlike the Kyra that was, Sana had never been one to be able to bury her emotions until later. She could just compartmentalize situations so she could better deal with what had to be done and the shit storm that had hit them. It hit all of them, losing a teammate, no matter how brief that were there, was never easy. Yet it struck Sana to her core. Kyra had been a childhood friend, a sister, family. And like the rest of her family, had been ripped away because some asshat decided they wanted to do shit to fuck with other people.

Tears welled up in Sanas eyes and she barely noticed that Keystone had slipped passed her and put himself between her and Satilla. Didn't occur to her that he might have done that to keep her from strangling Satilla or from rushing down stairs, of from keeping her from just being the point woman. It didn't matter. Sana wasn't going down stairs to see her friends dead body and deal with whatever had struck the final blow, which in this case she was told was a centipede. She was headed upstairs, in the direction of the fucker that had summoned this shit in the first place.

Granted she had no idea if he was up there but he had lifted himself through the ceiling, so it was a good enough guess. Thankfully Keystone and Satilla were only in the way of the stairs going down. Not going up. Tightening her grip on her bow and making sure an arrow was in place Sana bolted up the stairs. Of course the woman affectionately referred to as Skull Fucker didn't think twice nor even consider she could be running into a shit storm. That is until her foot his the final landing on the stairs and she stepped fully onto the third floor.

"All alone my dear?" the Hooded Figured asked as he grinned coldly towards Sana.

"Bed Wetting Piss Bucket!" she yelled. Whether she was calling the hooded figure that or just yelling it because of the shit around the man and her now was left up to interpretation. From behind the stairs, one of the centipedes moved closer to its nearly mirror image.


Of course your characters don't know anything about this - so play it carefully and such as you move forward. Here is the updated map and updated Rotation....

CMA has already gone and it is denoted in Sanas post and the map. So Riv, Sat is up again, fucking Init rolls on that girl... Sanas yell could be heard but there are still noises coming from downstairs - not getting closer though.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 days ago


Location: Tower 2F
Interacting with:N/A

Now if there was one person out of this lot that Nor could come close to describing as caring about, it was Sana. And not because he actually held any genuine fondness for the woman (although she seemed quite lovely. Knew how to make good work of that giant boar bastard), but because he wanted the power that came with maintaining a positive network with a member of royalty. He didn't know all the details of her past and how any noble status was more or less bunk these days, but even if he did he's argue that regardless of actual status, even the mere possession of a royal name or bloodline was enough to hold considerable sway.

So when Sana turned around, tears in her eyes and ran alone upstairs where that bloody mage was up to who-knows-what, Nor's first instinct was to not let her run off alone into a trap and get herself killed. Because then he'd be stuck in a necromancer's lair with a bunch of tallfolk with nothing to show for it other than the satisfaction of stabbing a few things. Which while pleasant enough in the moment, wasn't a very profitable use of his time. So the dwarf darted up the stairs after the bard to find the giant clusterfuck that waited for them.

"I knew I shoulda slit yer throat when I had the chance! A mistake I won't be makin' again!"
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