Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aeris
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Aeris ғᴀɴᴄʏ, ᴀʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴇ?

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kaori Uchiha
Ame- Suna - Konohagakure border
The Hamajõ Confederation

After noticing that Higoho wasn't attacking himself, but a poor soul disguised with a transformation jutsu, Kaori couldn't help but smack her forehead with her hand, weakly. It was honestly his own mistake, but Kaori still felt a little bad about the attack he took as response from the Hyuga- it probably hurt a lot. When the Hyuga continued, Kaori felt inclined to stop him, given there wasn't a need to continue the assault. She didn't though, as there was barely any time to do so; soon, the Hyuga just threw the boy against the wall and left, spouting that he was going to the compound and basically called everyone who was standing about an idiot. What a gentleman.

Once the Hyuuga left, Kaori moved next to Tanji, rather quickly. She took some time to analyze the surroundings, her eyes (and by her eyes, her actual eyes - the Sharingan had been deactivated a while ago) quickly scanning the area around her. The Red Sages were content, apparently, as they began taking their leave. With the exception of a man, a tall, broad figure that was threatening to attack anyone that tried to get past him. The funny part, is that the cat-like person wasn't threatened in the slightest; rather, it was like it didn't even take notice of how powerful that man seemed.

"Hey, are you okay?" After taking that hit, the answer was likely obvious, but oh well. Strangely enough, Kaori felt slightly tired and this feeling increased whenever her eyes passed past the remaining Red Sage. What's up with him? This is strange. After looking directly at him and then looking away, she could finally understand; her chakra was being trained by him, or rather, his eyes. A peculiar dojutsu.

She turned her attention back to Tanji as she began making her way towards the compound. Kaori didn't exactly felt like being standing around like an idiot.

Yudai Kageyama
Ame - Suna - Konohagakure border, inside the barrier
Red Sages

So, this was the end. The Red Sages retreated for now, but one thing was known; their mission was acomplished and in the end, they emerged victorious. There were many casualities for now, and if they didn't play it smart, the Confederation would've massacred them. Luckily, while the majority of the Confederation's shinobi rushed to battle in the event's grounds, Seijo, Katsuko, Yudai and a few others made their way to the Compound and in the end, Seijo gave the commander a decent hair treatment. Nice.

Yudai emerged from the ground a few meters behind Seijo and many other Red Sages, including Hisawaka Nori. Yudai had seen him a few times, but never caught his name or anything.

Moving at a faster pace, Yudai eventually landed next to them and increased his speed to keep up - there was a shuriken piercing the back of his left arm. He wasn't brave enough to remove on it's own, really, and it was stinging like a bitch. moving his arm forward, he twisted it slightly to take a look, some blood was oozing from it, oh well.

"Has any of you got a first aid kit? I'm bleeding and I want it to stop." Strange manner of speaking, monotome and he didn't even appear to be worried. He lowered his arm, the crystalline blue gaze focusing on the distance as he moved. He looked... Distant, as always.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Noriko Honma
At the Harvest Festival, Confederate
@Lost in my Mind

Noriko was looking at the still crumbling compound. She barely acknowledged the new shinobi who filled them in on the situation. Every thought was to run to Umary's aid. Instead she forced herself to look back at the other ninja, Masato. She inclined her head at him. "If you will be fine here, I'll be taking my leave." As she lept into the air she realized she hadn't given him her name like he had asked. She skidded to a halt and turned back around.

"Honma, Noriko." She said brushing some of her red hair out of her face. "Remember it." With that she was off running again. As she ran she watched a few Red Sages flee in the distance, but since no one else was pursing, she didn't. When she reached the compound there was quite a few shinobi milling about. Either hauling debris or helping with the wounded. Noriko shoved past them looking for her sister. Praying that Umary wasn't part of the dead.

Umary Honma
Inside the Compound, Confederate

As soon as the shaking stopped Umary was on her feet. She grabbed the nearest dignitary and tossed him boldly out of the room. From behind her she could hear a woman order her captured or killed. Screw that. Umary thought and quickly followed the dignitary. She hauled the man to his feet and shoved him down a corridor and then behind a fallen piece of wall.

There she practically jumped on top on him and prayed no one would look too hard for them. Their breathing seemed so loud to their ears, but no one came after him. After a few minutes Umary climbed off the man and looked around.

"They're gone."

The man swallowed and followed Umary out of the building. She brushed a bit of building dust off her uniform as she left the devastated building. Her hand grabbed another of her needled when she was pulled into a full body hug. Only the red hair stopped her.

"Nori." Umary gasped out. "Can't breathe." The medic complained.

Noriko murmured an apology and let her younger sister go. Umary looked over her sister. She was pristine. There wasn't even a hair out of place.

"Miss all the fun?" Umary asked in a shaking voice; trying to keep the horror from creeping in.

"Na, scared off a few of the sages before heading over here. Have you heard?" Noriko continued to study her sister.

"Heard what?" Umary's mouth went dry. Was is Chieko? Was she really with these murderers?

"They killed the commander." Noriko was never one for mincing words.

Umary shook her head, party relieved about Chieko. But it was still bad news.

"Chieko?" She managed after a few moments. Noriko shook her head and the middle child exhaled. Loudly.

"She's smart." Noriko said. "She'll be fine. Though not once I'm done with her." The fiery older sister smirked. "Anyways, I gotta go." She hugged her sister once more before vanishing.

Umary looked over the destruction before walking over to the nearest injured person and began treating them.

Cheiko Honma
Retreating, Red Sage

Chieko's hear nearly leapt out of her chest as a light shinned in her eyes. Her hand crackled with lightning and she was that close to blasting Arima, as she twisted and stared at the shadow cloaked figure.

"Did you want to die?" She hissed back, louder than her rival. Before ducking her head around the corner. Noriko was talking to two other shinobi. She pulled her head back and nodded. Her two remaining clones vanished with nary a whisper. She looked into his wild eyes and around once more. Noriko was now talking to another shinobi. She licked her lips.

"Alright. I'm going." She slunk through the alley until she felt safe enough to be a little more exposed as she retreated. She didn't want to get caught anymore than he did.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tetsuba Zaisette

Harvest Festival - Outside the damaged compound.


Zaisette slowly shifted his gaze back and forth between the two Hyuga as Setsuko spoke, appearing as if he were somehow offended by the performance before him. He wasn't, of course. Still, the actions of Tanji and Higoho were embarrassing to behold. "I've heard nothing of cats capable of anything beyond making a mess of their general surroundings," Zay mumbled, scratching his chin irritably with his left thumb as he overlooked the wreckage behind him. "From what little I've heard, I'd imagine that this Yakoul is good for nothing less. I think I'll take your advice." Though Zay wasn't exactly gifted with the knowledge to discern whatever the hell Yakoul actually was, the little he did know didn't give him much reason to think highly of the general. Of course, that didn't mean he was excited to confront what might've been his untimely death with a smug greeting. He'd prefer to avoid Yakoul altogether, if possible. "I don't enjoy the smell of feline dander, anyways," he quipped, avoiding eye contact with Setsuko, and lazily following Higoho with his eyes.

“I'm gonna go see what is up at the compound. Feel free to stand around here some more like a bunch of idiots,” Higoho spat, crossing between him and Setsuko with a permanent aura of insolence about him. Zay cringed for a moment and exhaled through his nose, trying his absolute best to avoid scolding the stubborn brat. Actively holding back his snide remarks proved challenging, as he was barely able to hush the single remark he did make under his breath- shit furnace he rasped, inaudibly commenting on the load of feces that Higoho lugged around in that air-tight, super heated little brain of his. Fury like that could level a mountain. Thankfully, unlike mountains, most shinobi could move, or in Tanji's case, forsake their pride and beg like a peasant. When her clansmate was finally out of earshot, Zay turned his head back towards Setsuko, his eyes still fixed on Higoho.

"Glad to know that the Hyuga clan isn't made up entirely of infantile hotheads," Zay hissed, looking back at Setsuko with relief. "I was about to lose a great deal of respect for your bloodline." Truth be told, Zay admired the Byakugan beyond most other jutsu that weren't unique to his clan. It had something to do with the direct similarities with the eyes of Tetsuba clan-mates, and the eyes of the Hyuga. Although there were no known Tetsuba Dojutsu, their silver eyes looked almost identical to the Byakugan, down to the pale grey pupils that Zay himself possessed. He stood lost in thought, glaring at Setsuko's eyes for a few seconds before snapping out of his nostalgic stupor and turning towards the staircase. "I don't suppose we're truly needed up there anymore, hm?" Before he could get an answer, Kaori approached the grouping and drew closer to Tanji. But he couldn't properly greet her as the girl passed them by to follow after Higoho. Zay's shoulders tensed up at the thought of more work. There couldn't possibly be much more to be done, was there? A hopeful though, really. Zay didn't know anything about the goings on upstairs, and honestly, he didn't care.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yakoul Kakariko

The Confederation's General of Armed Forces

The very super fucked Compound of the Festival

@GrafRoy Zeppeli@j8cob@raijinslayer@Partisan

While the kid it has just pointed at was pissing himself in fear, Yakoul was quickly perturbed by the 'Oi' formulated by the buff man who believed he could actually accomplish anything before the feline. In theory they could fight with each having their odds, but the chakra draining aspect made the outcome already very clear to Yakoul. The guy would likely be physically oriented given his stance, something that usually didn't bode well when the Confederation's beast was involved. Almost hypnotically, it kept swaying its tail back and forth whilst turning its sights toward the man again, its index still pointing at Nori.

"Fuck you too."

Is all it said before staring back at the now escaping Nori, the animal's finger following the Chuunin's silhouette until he'd be out of sight. Yakoul grinned, feeling like things were going to be pretty darn fun from now one, and now it had a little distraction to pass the time. Gazing directly into Katsuko's eyes, the creature retracted its hand. The man's words seemed serious, but Yakoul couldn't help but underestimate the creature it had already judged as naturally inferior. Not because he was human, mind you, but simply by their first shared glance. The animal cracked its jaw as per habit, before addressing the burly lad once again.

"Okay. You killed the fucktard that stole my kill, bravo, you must feel extra fucking snowflakey today bub. Got me to stop fapping to the idea. Much appreciated. Now what? It's not like I'm running after your goddamn bitch boss. The fuck are you still doing here?"

The confederate General placed its hand behind its next to perform a couple of cracks, while stretching its back. This in turn prompted a long and loud yawn, a funny contrast with Katsuko who was overwhelmed by stress and focusing on his stance even more. Finally, it stepped into Katsuko's range with a slight scoot, purposely trying to toy with the Red Sage's mind a little more with a more than just provocative grin on its face.

"Like, seriously. The homosexual deviant over there could likely handle you, but there's also motherfucking yours truly and my two sexy gals behind me."

Lifting its hand to the level of its shoulder, it pointed at the general direction of Tanaka and Mirai with its thumb, both seemingly cooperative enough to aid the animal in this rather insane endeavor. Once thing was clear though, Yakoul had absolute dominance over this situation and Katsuko had better be careful in what he'd do next, as the stories he may have heard about the general may very well be indicative enough of how unpredictable it could be.

"The name's Yakoul, in case you were special needs at school. I guess you really are given you're trying to be a splinter up my ass. But I'm in a pretty fucking good mood, believe it or not, so I'll give you five seconds to get out of my fucking face. After that, gangbang. Oh and girls, mind helping me with the body, over there?"

It chuckled, now making its way toward the commander's body with a slow but completely calm and regular gait. It was half expecting Katsuko to simply attack, which would be rather fun. Considering their distance, Yakoul could make great use of its tail to simply knock him off balance if he were to try and make a move. But give his allies were departing and Yakoul made no effort to pursue them, it could be an indicator that it was indeed time to haul ass. Arriving near the body, it lifted its right hand into the air with all fingers sticking ou of its palm and spread.


It said with the most normal of tones, followed by its jaw cracking for at least the fifth time during this whole confrontation.

Arima Shuu - Tametomo

The Red Sages

Harvest Festival, Escaping

@Blue Demon@Weird Tales

Tsundere as always, Chieko gave that death glare while expressing a lethal comment he could barely make out due to the distance between them and the act that they had to stay incognito. It made Arima simply stare blankly at her, unsure if he was going to get another crotch kick when they'd return, but his infatuation did have some rather nasty effects on his common sense. Not getting a single clue, he'd just give her an encouraging grin before looking at various directions to see if there wasn't some sneaky confederate shinobi preparing a strike on the temporarily exposed Chieko.

Luckily they were all too busy regrouping or being just a bunch of idiots to catch on, allowing the safe return of the female Red Sage. They were rather safe in this alley, or so they thought. The instant Ninko made his presence clear, Arima jumped and lifted his foot in the most accurate way possible, attempting to hit the guy at the side of the neck, only to stop his trigger happy reaction when realizing the guy looked like some average bloke. Except of course for the scars and all. Still, the unknown shinobi had Arima's electrified boot just centimeters from his neck and one false move would lead Ninko to brief paralysis, but long enough for Chieko to execute him without effort.

Ninko warned them, something that could be seen as a friendly sign, but it was also completely obvious reinforcements were imminent. Hence why they planned for this operation to be as quick as possible.

"Yeah, no shit buddy. Move a single muscle and you're dead. Give me a reason to not have us send you to Kingdom Come."

He held the position quite easily, and would easily shift his position to have his foot cash down on the stranger's shoulder, not only breaking it but also zapping just as hard to make a finisher even easier. Or he could just tap the neck, yeah. Only for an instant did her turn his head to look at Chieko with a 'I don't like this' kind of stare. They didn't need this right now, and the best thing to do would be to kill him right here and now to insure their survival.

"You have three seconds."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
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GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Miko-fag, Red Sages, Hauling Ass

Mikoto saw Nori escaping, so he did to.

The End

Joking, joking.

After seeing Nori jump, Mikoto nodded and thought to himself, "Good, he didn't take the bait. Now I can leave too."

Yakoul could probably sense him, but if he hadn't gone after Nori, then Mikoto doubted he'd go after him. He jumped away and followed after Nori. Still, that amount of killing intent was just insane. Mikoto himself made sure to not let out so much, so that his enemies would be caught off their guard, but Yakoul let it seep out of his body, maybe as a warning, maybe to intimidate.

He was unpredictable, so Mikoto didn't have him pegged as someone who'd use tactics like that.

He saw him giving his report to Lady Tametomo and he decided to do the same as Nori, arriving and catching up with their supreme Commander.

"Tametomo-sama, Amatsurahashi Mikoto, presenting himself before you, milady. My job is not intel, but I did manage to spot a considerably skilled, if unexperienced, shinobi of the Uchiha clan. I wish to discuss something about her if you would permit it so, but for now we should probably focus on the escape." Mikoto nodded once again after he was done talking.

After that, Mikoto kept Seijo's pace all the way to wherever they would be heading.


Pettanko Kanata, Undecided, Festival Compound

"Please go away. Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease. GO. THE. FUCK. AWAY." Kanata thought. Yakoul or not, there was ALWAYS the possibility things might go south and only Mirai and her would be there to keep the guy in check.

Yakoul's threats were intimidating, that's for sure. If it were Kanata, she'd already be in Kumogakure by now.

This guy's dojutsu (she assumed it was a dojutsu) was extremely dangerous. Perhaps it didn't let him read the opponent's chakra or their next jutsu, but it sapped away the chakra of his foes. For someone like Kanata it was really dangerous to get into a fight with him and his strange ability.

Mirai then approached her and asked if she had a plan. Yakoul was giving the man 5 seconds to escape.

Yeah... she had a plan all right.

"Yep, I have one. If he doesn't heed Yakoul's threats, then you start by distracting him with shuriken. I'll follow up with a water clone jutsu and make them charge at the guy. When they can get their hands on him, they'll encase him in a water prison jutsu and then Yakoul," She whispered the plan to Mirai, before turning towards Yakoul. "You get him. And hard. I wanna see his ass on the floor by the time we are done."

She was sure that there was an incoming, 'and what if that doesn't work?'

She'd simply answer, "We improvise."


1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KenyeIsMyLife
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KenyeIsMyLife Stoned out of my Mind

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tanji Tsugiharu

At the foot of Central Command Stairs, Konoha Ame-Suna Border, Harvest Festival

"Hey, are you okay?"

Other than getting man-handled, he was doing great. Really. Tanji couldn't blame the Hyuga, a man's identity is sacred along with his honor, and yeah, some might say it was 'a dick move,' Tanji of all people knows how important family is, and gallivanting as a false kinsman to the Hyuga clan must surely be a heinous crime.

"I'm fine," he wheezed, "Boy, those Great Clans sure make some exceptional Shinobi don't they," he smiled, clutching his side in slight pain. "But, I guess you don't need me to tell you that, Miss Uchiha." Tanji had read through many files of Confederate Shinobi that were available in the Intelligence Corps. archives, it was his job to stay informed of course, but he always enjoyed reading up on the files of great houses, in a way it filled a void in him. He was a bit of a fanboy to say the least; the Naras, Akimichis, Uzumakis, and of course the Uchihas and Hyugas.

He tried to make polite small talk as they went along the stairs, "Yup, you guys are great. A noble, storied line, full of exceptional ninjas. Why, I only have my dumb brother," he gave a pleasant laugh, "Name's Tanji by the way," not noticing that the topic he touched on might not be the best topic for his conversation partner, he just continued walking with a dumb smile, thinking how cool it would be to ask for their autographs, maybe the Commanders will give theres too. Or would that be too much. Nah, they're probably cool about it. Right?
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hatman1801
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nori Hisakawa
Red Sages

Nori looked over as another Red Sage caught up to them, and his eyebrows raised a bit as he recognized him immediately. The redhead who almost got himself ganged by all of those Confederate shinobi. He didn't know who the man was fighting before, but he felt like the fight was at a different level than most other scuffles. A slight sigh of relief escaped Nori; at least he managed to save him.

"You're that redhead from the fight before. There was an Uchiha there was well? You might want to consider watching your flank a little bit better next time. There's a very real chance you would have died, considering how many more capable Confederate shinobi decided to show up." Nori wasn't trying to sound arrogant, or spiteful; he was just stating the facts. The fight was more than double the odds against them together. Alone, Nori didn't see much hope of a chunin like him surviving against that, especially considering that Mikoto might have decided to stay and fight. "It's good to see you made it out alright, despite all of that."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 14 days ago

Akio Tendou

Central Compound, Hamajo Confederate

Akio clicked her teeth in annoyance as the red haired man blocked her attacks, and as the Lady Commander launched her own response, Akio readied her tanto in preparation to knock them aside, only for two of them to suddenly poof into two clones. Not wanting to engage the woman in close range, especially after her last display of strength, Akio leaped backwards into the air, tossing an explosive tag in between the two clones and activating it while still in the air. The explosion, however, turned out to be much bigger than expected, as the heat from the tag's discharge ignited the spores. The flames would rise up to lick at her heels, singeing her clothes as it rushed through the invisible cloud. No spores that escaped the flames and rushed upward towards her with the air currents managed to touched her skin due to her preference of clothing, the pants and turtleneck gaining a slight smattering of the powdering substance upon them.

Once she landed, she was about to engage her again, only for a few fodder to come at her, holding her up long enough for the silver haired jonin to pull out the general and execute him in a grisly and public fashion. The sight caused Akio to curse under her breath, the frustration only growing as she heard Yakoul's comments towards her, before she looked at the fleeing sages with a sense of uselessness. She'd had the leader in her sights, and yet had failed to do anything more than slower her down a tad. To say it was a blow to her already shaky confidence in her abilities as a Jonin was an understatement. She'd failed, plain and simple, and it was eating at her like a plague along with her increasing desire for inebriation. While all this was stewing on the inside, all that showed on the surface was a great amount of frustration, as she drew a kunai, turning her head towards one of the rebel's that she could still see.

He was currently facing off with Yakoul, meaning that he was either about to be in for a world of pain, and likely death, or on the cusp of running like the rest. While Akio could careless what happened to the sadistic cat bastard, she knew that if those two chunnin behind Yakoul got caught up in a showdown between the two, they'd likely get killed by either the rebel or Yakoul. You could never know what they'd end up doing, especially in a fight. While she doubted that'd happen, if it did, she'd try her best to keep the two from getting killed in the cross-fire.



@GrafRoy Zeppeli

Tatsuya Kajiya-Terumi

Leaving Central Compound, Hamajo Confederate, Has a creator who seems to want him to suffer needlessly in an RP that's probably going to have enough suffering for everyone

Tatsuya was currently walking away from the battlefield with his clone in tow, having had to summon him to deal with some fodder. He'd briefly entertained the idea of trying to help out the Jonin in attacking the the stronger rebels, but then he saw that Yakoul, who had been leaking a crazy amount of killing intent, was in the middle of that mess. Not wanting to be anywhere near or around that crazy cat . . . thing, he decided it was best to leave that sort of thing to the Jonin and to go and help with the clean up down below.

As he stood at the top of the stairs, he looked out over of the area with a decidedly somber air. Well, this mission is a fucking failure. Couldn't protect that general, civilians died, and we weren't able to do any real damage to them in return. Geez, this is a disaster if I have ever saw one. As Tatsuya walked down to the bottom of the stairs, he'd forgotten about his clone as he thought over everything, wondering if they'd get punished for their failure or would it just lie on the Jonin. His clone, however, had stepped over to stand in front of Higoho, blocking his path with a smug smile. He waited until Tatsuya was out of ear shot, so that he wouldn't immediately disperse him upon hearing his own voice, before he started to speak to the prideful shinobi, with every intention of pissing him off.

"Well well, how ya doin' you zombie-eyed, shit-dick. Have you come to bitch the enemy to death and swing around you small dick-compensating ego, so that we can all have a good laugh behind your back, Though, with those shitty eyes of your's, I guess it'd be the same as saying it to your face, huh." Bishamon continued to grin as he walked past Higoho, his eyes filled little more than chaotic delight. "But then, you must be used to people calling you shit to your face, huh, being just a branch member. I wonder if that's why you're such a showy bastard, just to make up for the fact that you're really just nothing and will always be nothing when it comes to how your clan looks at you." Bishamon would continue walking down the stairs, wondering how soon this would fuck over Tatsuya's reputation. Seeing Tatsuya suffer from his actions was just so delicious because the fool see's it as his own fault and accepts it without any attempt to clear his name. Gotta love that Kajiya code of honor, it's going to get him killed one day, but it also makes it so easy to ruin his life. Whatever the Hyuuga did, Tatsuya would look terrible, even more so since he used a Shadow clone to pass along such an insulting thing to him. A sign of cowardice that would probably stick with him for a long time, if not forever.

While Bishamon was trying to ruin Tatsuya's reputation, Tatsuya would happen upon the guy from the scuffle in the fog, along with a few others. Seeing that none of them were luckily particular urgent or agitated, he guessed that things down here were probably a lot calmer than they were up above. As he arrived, he caught the tail end of the silver haired guy's question, and while it had been pointed at the girl he was standing with, another Hyuuga by the looks of it, he decided to step into the conversation, walking in with a small wave.

"Yeah, it's pretty much done up there. Might be a fight between the fuckin' cat-thing and one of the Jonin-level Sages, but I highly doubt it. Either way, I'd stay down here, heard enough stories about the freak to know I want nothing to do with it and don't want to be anywhere near it either."



Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

Katsuko Moto

This guy... Katsuko kept his gaze firmly attached to Yakoul in front of him. He knew the longer he remained the more enemies he would have, but his attention still focused on the cat-man. I haven't even fought him before and I can already tell. His chakra, his presence, his movements... He would beat Seijo if he felt like it. He's dangerous. Something I will have to account for. Katsuko's gaze briefly shifted around, looking back towards the two girls and then over to the silver-haired jonin woman before doing a general sweep of the area to land back at Yakoul. Right now there was only four enemies, a number he could manage. Then again he might not, depending on the true extent of the androgynous cat's abilities.

His chance came when Yakoul backed away and announced his intention to let him go free. Obviously there was a good chance it was a lie, but the fact he moved to a distance where Katsuko could easily manage an escape is what prompted him to actually leave now. Everyone else was gone, the enemies would soon regroup, this was his last shot at escaping. Even if Yakoul wouldn't pursue there were plenty of others that might try to chase or track him. "For how much you talk you don't really say much," Katsuko said aloud, a cocky grin forming on his face to finally break the past minute of seriousness. "You might be able to intimidate weaker men, but the next time we meet I won't hesitate. Your psychotic reign is coming to an end."

Katsuko jumped into the air straight up, pulling out the scroll from his belt. In a large poof of smoke he had summoned back his gigantic club, Saihyousen. Time to cover my escape. As he began to descend back to the ground he lifted the massive weapon over his head, timing his downward swing to smash the courtyard before he would land. The resulting impact was more akin to an explosion than someone slamming a club against the ground. Stone debris and dust was rocketed into the air in a thin cloud, the ground even shook like an earthquake, and a massive crater was all that remained of the area in front of the destroyed building. Katsuko jumped out of the dust cloud, his weapon already sealed away again, and landed on a nearby rooftop. The Confederate shinobi around ground zero would likely be stunned and incapable of following him now, with a few possible exceptions. But it was good enough. His golden eyes returned to their red color and he began leaping from rooftop to rooftop on his way out of the village. I won't say anything about what I saw, Katsuko decided as he fled the scene. It will only create fear. I'll just say that Yakoul is formidable and that nobody should engage him. No one needs to know the depth of his power if they aren't going to fight him. I think it's a him. He talked about those girls like a guy would... The thought was pointless and he shook his head, returning his focus on catching up with the rest of the Red Sages that had retreated. He wasn't going to report anything but it was best to regroup anyways. He kept a stern face, hiding the pain he was feeling throughout his body. It would seem that he couldn't steal Yakoul's chakra without consequences. Sapping someone dry is normally fatal for them, but on him it might just be fatal for me.

Mirai Yumiya

Alright, so Kanata had a plan. Between Yakoul and Kanata, Mirai felt that nothing could go wrong now. The enemy seemed strong but they couldn't be that strong. As their general moved away and gave the red-haired rebel a chance to flee, Mirai gripped Aneko's sword tighter and moved her robot arm towards her shuriken pouches slowly. "Good plan. He can't handle all of us at once," Mirai spoke, though just loud enough for Kanata to hear. She didn't want to be too loud and accidentally antagonize Katsuko into attacking them when the possibility existed of him leaving without hurting anyone else. When he jumped into the air is the exact moment that Mirai's confidence a moment before drained, the actual prospect of having to fight draining her of her will to do it. Then he summoned that thing again. "Get down!" Mirai had already seen a glimpse of what he could do with such a monstrosity and didn't intend to feel the effects firsthand.

Instinctively she reached out to Kanata with her robotic arm, grabbing the other girl by the shoulder and pulling her backwards and to the ground. Kanata wasn't there earlier and may not had been able to realize what was happening in time. But Mirai was able to bring herself and Kanata to the ground by the time the explosive impact occurred. The ground shook violently and their backs were peppered with tiny rocks, but larger chunks of debris flew overhead. Those bigger stones may have hit them if they didn't get down, especially since they would've lost their balance if they were standing and been unable to dodge. Once Mirai felt no more pebbles hitting her she released her iron grip on Kanata and looked back. Dust was slowly drifting to the ground, there was a large hole in the compound, and the Red Sage guy was nowhere to be seen. "I'm glad they didn't fight," Mirai mumbled to herself aloud, picking herself back up. After a quick glance around, just to be sure there were no enemies, she stretched her robot arm out to assist Kanata in getting back up.

"Those rocks over there could've hurt. We're lucky we didn't get hit..." Then her eyes drifted to the other side of the new crater. The unconscious Aneko seemed both unharmed and slightly less unconscious. The servant woman began to stir, slowly sitting upright and putting a hand to her head. So that's how she got knocked out. She landed on her head. The blue-haired teenager let out a sigh of relief and turned her attention back to Kanata. "Do you think... that we'll get in trouble? I mean... we didn't protect the general in the end..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by l0ck0n
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l0ck0n A Nice Person

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Casually Around The Damaged Compound
The Hamajo Confederation
@tex - @Raijinslayer

At this point it should have become normal to ignore Higoho altogether, but each time he had said something ridiculously rude Setsuko couldn't help but let him. Whatever the reason was she didn't feel like pondering over, so instead she focused back to the person in front of her. "I'll take that as a compliment." She had said with a small chuckle.

Setsuko had started to get nervous due to the fact that this person was staring at her in an unusual way. She didn't want to ask why, so instead leaned to the side to look behind at the damage done from the fight that had just occurred. Simply by looking at it one could tell that the Confederation, or more along the lines of, the Shinobi of the confederation had lost a battle brought by the Red Sages. Time and time again she was told that she was not to take the rebel group seriously in any situation yet by the looks of this battlefield she was beginning to reconsider that. Not only that, but it would be most likely that they'd get scolded by the uppers on how they had horribly tried to keep the Sages from their objective. "Hm?" Setsuko barely responded to what Tetsuba asked as she continued to stare behind him at the battlefield, "Not real-" and was then interrupted by a shinobi that was actually up there fighting earlier.

Setsuko turned to the other person who decided to join their conversation, and stood straight up again to point at the silver-haired guy."That's what I was telling this guy. Though I don't think we should stand here any longer." The fight was over, there was disaster all around, and she was no skilled medical-nin to help the injured nor was she going to take the place of the cleaning crew. "Unless you came her to strike up a conversation with a sexy-looking kunoichi." Setsuko sarcastically smirked as she placed her chin in between her index and thumb finger to pose for the two. Right after that she had felt the ground begin to shake under her, and saw debris making its way from the top of the stairs to them. On instinct, she reached for a Kunai that was in her pocket in case someone was to come at them, and would attempt to dodge the rocks that came after while trying to stay standing as the ground shook. A few of the rocks had made it through to hit her, but nothing too bad to where it'd cause bleeding. As fast as the earthquake came it had stopped, and after a few seconds of making sure there wasn't going to be another one found herself clinging to Tatsuya's shirt.

"Whoops." Setsuko nervously chuckled while quickly letting go, and rubbing her hand on her own shirt for no reason.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tetsuba Zaisette

Harvest Festival - Outside the damaged compound.


Zay smirked uncomfortably at the girl's chuckle. A compliment? Erroneous as it was, the girl was awfully generous in allowing that commentary to slip by unscathed. Thankfully, it appeared that the bond between these two particular Hyuga wasn't very strong. The last time Zay had shown the slightest amount of disrespect for a fellow shinobi, he'd incited a verbal riot of sorts. Ah well, given enough time, Setsuko would come to hate him as well. The cycle of hatred was eager to spin on for eternity. Before he could suggest immediate evacuation, Tatsuya approached the two of them, further enforcing the fearful presence of the dreaded cat demon from wherever-the-fuck. Setsuko cut to the chase before Zay could speak, suggesting they move immediately. Zay's eyes rolled up and away from the two shinobi as he sighed in response to Setsuko's unnecessary commentary. Suddenly his lingering respect for the Hyuga girl faltered, and with it, so did his stability. Not at the fault of the girl, it as Katsuko's doing this time around. The ground shook violently, slightly upsetting Zay's posture as the sandals tied around his neck swung from side to side. Zay glanced at Setsuko and Tatsuya as the two collided for a brief moment, leveling himself once the quake came to a stop. He loosened his stance as Setsuko composed herself once again, huffing a short, heavy breath of air before nodding at the two shinobi irritably. He'd stuck around long enough to make sure there was little reason for his presence, it was time to hit the road. There'd be more Hyuga to converse with in the future, anyways. Preferably during a time of rest... And without anyone like Higoho in sight.

"I'll be removing myself from this dreadful equation immediately, then," Zay croaked, slowly swaying his body away from the other two shinobi, and towards the center of the now devastated harvest festival. Part of him hoped that the other two shinobi decided to follow him, but he wouldn't care either way.

There be an undisturbed patch of grass somewhere on the grounds... Hopefully somewhere secluded... And quiet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Seijo Tametomo

Lady Commander Tametomo
Red Sage

If I Die Tonight

Seijo jumped from branch to branch as she jumped among the trees, heading for a nearby underground shelter. It was built in the Five Nation War 11 years ago, and had been in use by the Red Sages ever since. Behind her she heard the voice of a boy, which happened to be Nori, but whose name was unknown to her at that point in time. “An unusual kekkei genkai?” she'd ask, without looking at him, simply keeping her eyes on the objective. It was about an hour travel, even at shinobi pace, so they had a bit of traveling to do. “No, you can tell me about it now. I'm sure you know all clans are allied with the confederation in essence?” It must be the nerves of being in battle, or perhaps being singled out by Yakoul made him say stupid things like 'perhaps a new clan allied to the confederation'. The confederation didn't handle in alliances - just in politics.

“Furthermore, I'm sure there'll be more Hyuga to oppose us. And there are several Hyuga in our ranks too. Civil war can split clans you know.” she added, pushing off against a tree branch again. She wasn't quite sure why Nori didn't know that they'd be tracked at all times, but that the Confederation also would be tracked. It was like a mutual understanding between the two armies, that they both tracked eachother and that there would never be a fight which both sides didn't agree on after this.

“Don't worry. We have sensory nin at most our bases. And Yakoul isn't interested in stealth anyway. We'll likely see them coming miles away. I shouldn't lie to you - Yakoul is more powerful than me, but it isn't a shinobi. It's a weapon, and it isn't particularily subtle. That's why it'll never kill me. I can see what it does long before it even knows it's gonna do it.”

Yudai said something about a first aid kit, but Seijo didn't answer. There would be medical attention at the base, and well, a shuriken wasn't enough damage to warrant using a lot of first aid right now. He'd just have to suck it up for the time being. It didn't take long for Mikoto to add himself to the group - or rather, for him to speak up. He too had some info he wanted to share. The audacity of some of these recruits was amazing, but they were annoying too. To think that she'd want every detail of every confederate shinobi was idiotic. Never the less she pretended to be interested, as to not give off an air of superiority. As far as she was concerned, she was just a shinobi, fighting for what she thought was right. Not some supreme commander, although she did think that it had a nice ring to it. Supreme Commander Lady Tametomo.. hmm.. “Sure, tell me about this Uchiha. Perhaps I can take a Sharingan from them. It makes beating Yakoul a little bit easier.” she said, seemingly a joke, but her face didn't show anything indicating that it was a joke. Perhaps they were serious. “Might as well take a Byakugan while I'm at it. Best of both worlds. Yakoul wouldn't stand a chance.”

After an hour, give or take a few minutes, they would arrive at a hidden base - similar to Orochimaru's, but less.. active. Besides Seijo, most of the Red Sages in the cast would be with her. Most other shinobi kept going, returning to their homebases. It was clear that even though Seijo was a leading figure in the organization, but the organization was very decentralized, with other captains having their own bases, and different ideas on how to tackle issues. Never the less the Red Sages acted as one fist, which was a good thing lest they'd be wiped out already. Seijo had landed in front of a small tunnel entrance, with small vines hanging above and to it's sides. She entered the tunnel, approaching a small grey blastdoor. It was likely strong enough to stop a few shinobi for 10 minutes, even if they pelted it with strong jutsu. Even Katsuko would have a hard time getting through these..

As she approached, the door opened, showing a woman in a secretary uniform, with a flak vest over it. She held out a clipboard to Seijo, bowing her head slightly. Seijo simply took it, signed whatever it was and handed it back. “Let's get inside, I have another mission in store for us. We'll likely head out later tonight, or possibly tomorrow. It depends on what intel we receive.” she'd say to the small gang of Red Sages behind her. “And where the hell is Arima?” she asked in an annoyed voice, wondering where the boy had gone. She walked off, going to her personal room, making herself ready for the meeting in the conference room. She might not have explicitly stated it, but most of the guys in the cast were invited. They'd probably receive some message later.

The facility was small, since it was Seijo's personal base. There were a few shinobi on guard duty, a sensory room where approximately four shinobi were watching the premises through sensory techniques, an information center with radio's and CCTV's as well as old style telegrams, a conference room which was really just a room with a round table in it, and some screens. Then there were the barracks wing, which was where there were individual rooms for all shinobi including the Red Sages in the cast. The rooms were small, with a bed, a desk and some storage items. Seijo's personal room was in this wing too, at the end of a hallway, noticeably a bit more luxurious given her permanent stay in this base.

Seijo undressed herself and got dressed in something more.. comfortable. She simply put on a black top, some skinny jeans and white slip ins. It was more comfortable than her battle dress - though she looked much less imposing. When she was done, she left her room, walking past the other rooms and going towards the conference room. As she entered she pressed a button, dimming the lights in the room and turning on the screens. On the screens were pictures of two warehouses, close to each other, within a fenced off area. Kohonjenpou Warehouse, Amegakure, 2.13 AM. it said below the pictures, indicating that this was indeed a warehouse within Amegakure. Luckily for the Red Sages these warehouses weren't specifically in Amegakure, given that Amegakure had grown tremendously over the last 11 years. More so, it was in the industrial area of the large village, though it was more like a mega-city at this point in time.

As soon as she had thought of what to say, she'd walk out of the conference room and hail the nearby secretary-like looking woman. “Call all the Shinobi that entered with me, and bring them to the conference room. We'll be taking back some things that were stolen from us.” The lady bowed slightly with a nod and then rushed off to bring all the people into the room. Every Red Sage within the compound would get one of these invitations - nobody was exempt.

As soon as that had been arranged, Seijo went back in and sat down on the large chairs in front of the screen, waiting for the rest to arrive. As soon as everyone had arrived and taken a seat in the comfy, but ultimately simple chairs, she'd start the meeting. “Welcome. I hope everyone is alright after that interesting mission. Is there anyone who has anything to remark, comment, or tell me about it?” she'd ask, waiting for a reply. Meanwhile the pictures were still up on the screens behind her, so anyone could take a look at them.

Higōhō Hyuga

Hamajō Confederation

@Raijinslayer @tex @l0ck0n @Nero @KenyeIsMyLife

Higiho kept walking as Tanjo answered him, only mumbling something to himself about the 11th corps being assholes, sneaky, and scumbags. Probably because they liked to stalk around the Hyuga compound at night, thinking that they were invisible to the Byakugan somehow. Nothing was less true. The Uchiha girl as well as Tanji elected to follow him, but that didn't bother Higoho nor did it make him feel any better. As they walked up the stairs Higoho's path was suddenly blocked, by some red wearing bastard. If he remembered correctly this fellow was some sort of.. smith? Regardless, he was a Konohagakure shinobi, that much was sure, as could be indicated by the Konoha headband he was wearing. The guy started spouting some shit in Higoho's direction, a mistake by any means given Higoho was quick to anger at most times. He stopped him mid-sentences, and grabbed him by the collar. He had accepted everything the guy had said, to a degree, though he was visibly angering more and more up until the point where Tatsuya, or rather, 'Bishamon' had called him a bastard, and making it known he was a branch member. “What did you say, you fucking dipshit?” he said, saying the words so venomous that if someone had called him a viper, they might've been right.

“Maybe my clan looks at me like I'm nothing, but I can assure you that everyone in Konoha looks at your clan as nothing more than glorified smith's, useless pieces of garbage that can be discarded at will. I'll gladly be a bastard, son of a gambling addict and a whore, before I would ever consider being part of your useless clan, you pig fucker.” he said before lifting his right arm into the sky and bringing it down on Tatsuya - Bishamon - his face. Again, the clone would likely disappear, only angering Higoho some more. His fist now began shaking as he withdrew it from the cloud of smoke the clone would leave behind, before forming the tiger seal quickly. BYAKUGAN! he said, before the veins around his eyes tensed up again.

Using the Byakugan he scouted the area, looking for wherever that fucker was that had used his clone so cowardly to insult him for no reason. He finally found him, standing downstairs again with the people he'd just left. He groaned in anger, pushing himself past both Tanji and Kaori, shoving them aside as he directly headed for Tatsuya. As he approached the boy, he pointed his finger at him. “HEY! Who the fuck do you think you are, using your clones to insult me?! Come here and take your punishment you useless piece of garbage!” Higoho was approaching the boy rapidly, ignoring those around himself and Tatsuya. He walked past Zetsuba, who was seemingly heading away from the group, almost running into him.

It was then that Katsuko decided to make his explosive extraction, smashing his club into the ground and sending dust and debris into the air. Higoho got caught in the cloud of dust, but luckily wasn't smashed aside due to having some distance from the landing point of the giant club Katsuko had used. Never the less he was shook a little bit, but not enough to stop him. He walked out of the cloud towards Tatsuya, still heading for him, seemingly not even shaken by Katsuko's exfiltration. The cloud might've just made him look even more impressive than he really was.

SETSUKO! What are you doing talking with this scumbag? Do you know what he thinks of our clan, and of the side branch? I'll fucking kill him, so get out of my fucking way. I'm warning you all.” he'd say to Setsuko, who almost seemed to be flirting with Tatsuya. Another reason to think even lower of Setsuko, who barely had any mastery of the Gentle Fist at all. Unfit for the Hyuga name, but a Hyuga none the less. The only reason he knew her at all was because she'd attempted to speak to him a few times, but Higoho was largely uninterested by her, opting to practice his gentle fist instead, or even doing errands such as going grocery shopping. Anything was better than talking to her, but now, now she was flirting with the enemy..?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 14 days ago

Tatsuya Kajiya-Terumi

Bottom of the Stairs of the Central Compound, Hamajo Confederate

"Sorry to beat you to the punch then," Tatsuya said with a chuckle, only for him to raise a slight eyebrow at her next words. Wait, is she flirting with me?!?! No, no, what am I thinking, reading way too much into it. She's just joking ri- His thoughts were cut off by an on rush of images and emotion, hitting him with as much force as the quake that shook the ground. When Setsuko collided with him, she'd feel that his heart was racing, and as she apologized, he merely turned around just as Higoho appeared. He took all of tehe man's venom and hate with a silent contenance. When hee finally took a pause, Tatsuya took a breath before lowering himsekf in a bow to the Hyuuga, and a very low one at that, staying there as he spoke.

"I apologize for the words spoken by my clone. Believe it or not, those words were not my own, though I shall take responsibikity for them none the less, as it was my incompetence that led them too be said. As is the code of the Kajiya clan, I'll shall recieve whatever punishment you seek to bestow upon me, even if . . .even if . . ." Tatsuya's body began to shake as fear coursed through his sysyem. He wanted to turn tail and run or take the time to explain the situation, but the first would be cowardice and the second would be seen as nothing but excuses. He made a mistake by not dispersing the clone, and it had done Higoho wrong. And the Hyuuga had a right to take his pound of flesh until he felt satisfied. Taking another deep breath, he rose up from his bow and heldhis arms out to his sides, opening himself to attack. His eyes were still filled with fear, but he held the honor of his family above himself in this instance. ". . . Even if it means my death, I shall not retaliate. Before you do, however, I would like to clarify that I have nothing but respect for your clan and that the clones words are not a reflection of my thoughts. So, whenever you're ready."

Tatsuya's heart was racing, his forehead was drenched as he felt the very real sense that he was about to die without accomplishing any of his goals or dreams. If, by some miracle, I survive this I'm going to try and figureout why the hell I've been cursed with such a beligerent sociopath to appear as my clone. He didn't look at anyone else, keeping his gaze locked with the rage filled Byakyugan without even blinking. He wanted to show the man how dead serious he was right now. His eyes weren't asking him for mercy or forgiveness, just that he make it quick if he was going to do it at all.



Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aeris
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Aeris ғᴀɴᴄʏ, ᴀʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴇ?

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yudai Kageyama
Retreating with Seijo, Nori, Mikoto, every red sage ever
Red Sages

Well, well. Those two recruits surely had a lot to report, which only brought a subtle smirk to Yudai's lips. Part of him wanted to question them if THEY BROUGHT ANY BARRIER DOWN TODAY?! HAH, DID THEY?! They didn't. And honestly it seemed as if he didn't, either. A good job wouldn't hurt, neither massage his ego too much. But oh well, he was certain he would accomplish many other feats within the Red Sages. It was his destiny. As long as the red-haired powerhouse of a man was alive to do the hardworking so Yudai can claim it was his doing, everything would go along pretty well.

Honestly, that shuriken in his arm was starting to bother him. So, taking a deep breath, the boy simply grabbed it and pulled it off; blood began flowing out of the wound right after, but it wasn't a problem. Well, it was- that fucking blood actually got on his clothes and washing it away would be hell. Damned Confederation and their daringly manners, Yudai's clothes were brand-new. Pfft.

This would be a long travel, even at their pace - there was more than enough time for Yudai to mentally insult the Confederation, but instead, he decided to pursue conversation. Let they hear about the feats those red sages accomplished today. Clearing his throat, he'd move slightly to be within ear-range to both Mikoto @GrafRoy Zeppeli and Nori @Hatman1801.

"So, apart from the unusual Kekkei Genkai..." Yeah, Yudai heard that, he was right next to them. "And both Hyuga and Uchiha," That too. What a eavesdropper. "How it went, for you two?" The question was directed at them, pretty clearly. He even raised a vague hand to gesture towards each of these two. Whatever they answered (unless they insulted him or so), he'd just nod with a slight smile and possibly reply with; 'Good'.
An hour later and they finally arrived at their base. The large, metal door parted, revealing a secretary. Seijo paused briefly, gathering something from her, then announced that they might have a mission later tonight. Oh, that would be hell - Yudai thought that after an accomplished mission, it was time for glory, women and wine. Disappointing.

But exciting, nonetheless. He moved inside, together with the other red sages, immediately making his way to his personal room. In there, he got rid of his battle attire, standing only in his trousers. Then, he proceeded to open one of the drawers on his cabinet, picking up a first-aid kit from it. All he needed was some cotton, alcohol and bandages. After getting that, he returned the first aid kit there and sat at his bed. Slowly, he began cleaning the wound, wincing slightly. After he was done, he wrapped some bandages around his arm and voila, it was perfect. He felt as if it wasn't needed to bother any of the medics with his wounds, there would certainly be other shinobi who'd need it much more than he, himself.

Now, he began dressing into something... better. A long sleeved white shirt, simple all in all, with a pair of black cargo pants and a pair of simple boots. He rolled the shirt's sleeves up to his elbows and then folded the collar neatly. There.

And then, a knock on his door; he opened it, receiving an invitation to the conference room. Heeeeere we go.

After a few moments, Yudai had already made himself comfortable in one of the many chairs. His crystalline eyes stared up at the commander as she welcomed them, shortly after questioning if any of the present shinobi had something to say. He didn't, so he kept himself quiet - apart from the noises his chair made while he moved around to a more comfortable position.

Kaori Uchiha
Slowly starting to question Higoho's sanity
The Hamajõ Confederation

Kaori didn't buy his 'I'm fine'. If It was her in his place, she'd be curled up in a ball, in a corner, crying and claiming she had broken four ribs. Or all of them. Maybe this boy was tough. Well, one thing was for sure; he certainly had a keen interest in the 'Great' clans of Konohagakure. As if, the Uchiha wasn't seen as a great clan since a long time ago, rather, they were treated with utter disdain and prejudice by some, even. This, all thanks to the historical records of the likes of Uchiha Madara. Nonetheless, Kaori didn't voice this, instead, she just proceeded to say something more... social.

"Yep! They do, but a great clan's name isn't the only thing to make great shinobi, I'm sure." Well, she wasn't sure of what the hell she was saying, but she just felt inclined to say something like that, beaming a slight smile. Which, after his claim of only having a dumb brother, shifted into a slight frown. A long time passed since she lost her deceased brother - and honestly, she hardly spent any time with him to build any sort of bond, but still, he was family. Her mind then wandered to her older brother, Keiji. How would this attack affect his job? Hmm, maybe-

The thoughts were interrupted as Higoho Hyuga practically shoved Kaori and Tanji out of his way. What was he doing? Couldn't he stop being an imbecile for a single second? She was distracted and didn't catch the scene where he was previously insulted. The boy continued marching angrily towards an armored figure - and then, a loud noise erupted together with a cloud of debris and dust, which seemed like an earthquake had just happened in a single small area. Once it subsided, she could see Higoho marching out of said dust, he looked angry. She immediately looked at Tanji with a questioning look.

"Has anyone else taken his appearance?"

Naomi Uzumaki
Red Sages

Her retreat went uninterrupted, she wasn't even actively partaking in the mission, after all. It was her own decision to avoid direct conflict, only picking off Confederation shinobi that distracted themselves - and yet, only harming them sufficiently to drop their combat effectiveness, from a safe distance. Shurikenjutsu had always been her focus in combat and, while many underestimated it, Naomi always considered it very effective in any skirmish she'd encounter herself in.

She didn't gather with the rest of the Red Sages. In fact, she was actually a few steps ahead of them; she had retreated a bit earlier, since when the order was given, she was already far away. So as soon as her shadow clone disappeared and she was filled in with the information to retreat, Naomi did so and together with her speed, she made a rather quick way home, leaping from tree branch to tree branch all the while she glanced behind her to see if there was any known figure following. Apparently... Not, perhaps she had moved too fast for the poor soul to keep up.

Upon arriving the base, Naomi leaned her back against a nearby wall and took off the crimson mask she wore until now, judging it was safe to reveal her face now. She didn't do it back then because she didn't want to be branded as a traitor and rebel, especially given the high number of Konohagakure-nin and civilians present in the event that could later recognize her, if she ever went back home. It only took a few minutes for Seijo and the trope to arrive, emerald green eyes latching onto the figures following the Lady-Commander. There were many, but some specifically caught her attention; since when did the Red Sages began recruiting pretty faces and even with some versatility, eh?

The Uzumaki tied the mask she previously wore to her waist, letting it hang there. She still wore the dark red cloak which covered most of her form. Once the door opened and the Red Sages began to enter. She remained outside, which attracted strange looks from the entering members. Well, no problem. How long would it take for her cousin to arrive? Ah, Naomi also had to notify someone who's ranking was higher; she wasn't sure if he'd officially join them, but the way he said he wanted to help.. Well, probably would.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yakoul Kakariko

The Confederation's General of Armed Forces

The very super fucked Compound of the Festival

@GrafRoy Zeppeli@j8cob@raijinslayer


The thumb when down after Katsuko tried to send in some kind of insult by saying Yakoul talked a lot to say nothing, not that it minded, it was fully aware of its nasty habit of swearing a lot. It made it seem confident and dominant, though apparently to most normal people it would be a way to hide insecurities. It would be wise to deduce that Yakoul was not like most people. With the redheaded muscleman's next comment before summoning his massive weapon in which Yakoul barely gave an uncaring Saitama stare in response, its index lowering being the only kind of dynamic action coming from the animal.


At this point it was standing next to the commander's body, waiting for Katsuko to finally leave the place. He thought it would be a good idea to make a distraction by just smacking down the ground with his super tool, causing an awesome shockwave. All Yakoul did was coat one of its feet with chakra to glue itself to the ground while its other foot stomped on the corpse's back as it was quickly leaning upwards from the blast, thus keeping it nice and in place. When some of the smoke cleared, people still present would see the feline's middle finger shut.


Katsuko had already departed, out of sight for many but still annoying visible to Yakoul, but that didn't matter. It kept its head turn to the Sage's general direction with its hand still up with the countdown. Slowly in lowered its ring finger as it simply stared at the horizon at this point.

"One ... Okay. That was pretty fucking boring. Guess I'll have to punish you two for letting this douchebag die, right?"

It formed a malefic grin on its face as it stared back at the knocked back duo of females it had by its side. Slowly wrapping the top third of its tail around the 11th Corp's commander's next, Yakoul would effortlessly lift the dead man off the ground in high above with only the strength of its white tail. Chuckles could be heard, directed at the girls as if something horribly bad was coming their way, and before they knew it, would have the commander's body hurled at them for the girls to catch.

"Heads up! Your punishment is to carry this sack of shit to the whatever service fags. Speaking of which ..."

Many shinobi seemed to have arrived in ground zero, catering as fast as possible to injured civilians and serving as backup against the stray sages nearby who were too slow to retreat properly. Some were near the compound, medics that could very well take care of the body. Before the girls knew it, Yakoul had crossed them, waking calmly as if nothing happened before stopping to glance back at them, an ominous smile on its expression as it addressed them one last time.

"I didn't catch your names, ladies. I'll be sure to know them in the conference in one hour. But you'll be there, right? I mean, it's only natural for you to do so, it would suck to be suspicious in these times. I'll see you around."

And with that Yakoul marched out, leaving this desolate mark of history to the scrubs meant to cleanup while to made its way to any form of authority it could find. The feline made it clear that every survivor of this ordeal that wasn't too injured was to be in that crisis meeting in Sunagakure. They were the young lads who would be perfect for this upcoming task as they were bathed in the blood of chaos through this event. There wasn't too much to defend these days after all, and shinobi were often inexperienced or worthless as the job was evidently very lucrative given the policies imposed by Ryuu. Yakoul wanted quality, Yakoul wanted these people right here. The word would spread and more or less everyone involved would be made aware of this crisis conference.

Sunagakure's Military Facility - Lecture Hall - 1 hour and 30 minutes later

All Confederation Members or Leaning that way are Expected - They can sit wherever and speak with their buddies

Within the well guarded training facility based in Sunagakure, a crisis center was established to handle the evidently massive threat that just hit the Confederation. The Red Sages had become a thing again, and it wasn't going to be an easy dance, but there was no time to hesitate and be scared. The news outlets didn't say too much other than report on the facts they were given without a direct statement from the government as of yet. Most officials were in panic, high profile politician demanded refuge in bunkers, urgent meetings in various sub-governments were conducted. And now, the armed forces were waking up to the reality they were slapped with today.

The hall was quickly milled by the many shinobi arriving, many were unknown faces, some weren't shinobi but certain representatives. However Yakoul could distinguish the interesting faces, those that survived and confronted the menace head on. They were going to be its special little squad after all, as well as other possible potentials it pick around the Confederation to perfect its little collection. Obviously, the place was consumed by an uproar of people simply talking about their lives, but the biggest subject of concern was this event. Many speculations on the gravity of the hit, some thinking there weren't as many casualties while others exaggerated the numbers. Yakoul's ears captured it all, the endless pile of bullshit they could spew annoyed it to a severely high point.


Coughed Yakoul through a mic is had nabbed. It was sitting on the desk at the very bottom of the lecture hall, one leg over the other as if it were going to give an unenthusiastic lecture of philosophy. Of course, many would shut up, and there were too many for it to just randomly target a victim and be all weird about it. A typical individual would understand, they were scared and felt involved, heck some wanted to feel important because they took a small part in it. But the feline didn't feel that way, it didn't give a single damn about how any of these people felt. It wanted to start this rodeo and do it pretty damn well.

"Alright motherfuckers. Could you all just erm ... Shut the fuck up? Yeah, fucking thanks. Great. Can we all start to pretend like we give a shit now?"

It croaked with a powerful level of snark in its tone to clearly underline just how annoyed it was to have to give a speech to these people. Taking a deep breath, it expected a little big of quiet before addressing them.

"Okay. Good. So because this is protocol, any of you have some bullshit to say or ask that could be relevant and everyone will forget about a minute later? Yeah? No?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KenyeIsMyLife
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KenyeIsMyLife Stoned out of my Mind

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tanji Tsugiharu

Central Command Stairs, Konoha Ame-Suna Border, Harvest Festival


"Yep! They do, but a great clan's name isn't the only thing to make great shinobi, I'm sure," she said almost halfheartedly. Tanji chalked it up to her only trying to make him feel better, but thats fine he knew his place as a small cog in the workings of the Confederate War Machine.
Tanji, shook his head listlessly as if trying to hold on to childish ideas, "That, may be true but you've got to admit, almost every great ninja was the successor of someone equally as great, people don't become great on moxy alone." He motioned to the Hyuga ahead of him making sure to be silent enough to not be overheard, "take him for example, even with uh-questionable- parentage the blood of his clan alone makes him great, in fact, I think under that harsh exterior of his lies a heart of gol-" Tanji was unceremoniously pushed aside, “What did you say, you fucking dipshit?”. Fortunately it wasn't directed an Tanji or the Uchiha, and instead stormed down the stairway again.

The Hyuga had directed his ire upon another shinobi, this one also taking the form of the Hyuga."Has anyone else taken his appearance?", the Uchiha asked. An astute observation and a likely possibility, but just to be sure Tanji double checked his chakra to make sure he didn't have any wayward clones lying around. Fortunately he had none, unfortunately some poor sap was destined to experience a repeat of what happened just a few moment ago. Oh boy, here we go again, as the Hyuga gave a powerful overhead attack causing the ...clone? to quickly dissipate flaring up the attacker's anger once again. A few choice insults and accusations to (another) red head. Hopefully this won't be too bad this time around, surely the Hyuga has coole- A large column of dust was formed but the Hyuga just walked passed it still baring down on his target.

Who promptly bowed himself into surrender. Smart man, Tanji thought. Better to have a broken spirit than a broken everything, not to say that the red-head wasn't unimpressive, just that it would have been better for all parties involved if the two not kill each other. Tanji thought about just letting the Hyuga have at it, then it occured to him, Ah, fuck what if he doesn't let this slide. That shit hurts, yo. He ran towards the Hyuga putting his hand consolingly on his shoulder, "Hey man, its uh- its not worth it you know? I mean come on he's bowing and shit, so honor and all that, right? Right?" He whispered silently to the red-head on the ground while still trying to maintain eye contact with the Hyuga, "*psst* pick your head up his shit hurts man, I know your into that honor shit, but I think its better to cut your losses and swallow your pride and try not to offer yourself up on a silver platter."

He hoped dearly the Hyuga would see some reason, otherwise he just put himself into a very deadly personal zone of a Hyuga, and wondered why he didn't just send a clone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hatman1801
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nori Hisakawa
Red Sages

Nori didn't miss it; the Lady Commander was simply going through the motions with him. He had probably sounded like an idiot, making a big deal out of a single kekkei genkai. Plenty of them existed within the Confederation, and plenty of them existed in the Red Sages. Why would one make a huge difference, at the end of it all? Maybe it was just a good enough reason for me to escape that fight, an excuse to retreat. I shouldn't need one...it was just the rational decision. Did I just want to seem like less of a coward, compared to the Red Sages I hadn't managed to save? The ones who had fought and died in their battles? He took a moment to look over at Mikoto again, before shaking his head a little. That fight, the enemy general, this mission...the stress must be really getting to me. I should accept that I did all I could. I saved a few good men, and learned a few new things. I can't expect to look like a veteran on day one. His thoughts were shifted over to another shinobi joining up alongside himself, Seijo and Mikoto. He didn't know the man's name, but he noticed his behavior of sticking near the Lady Commander. Perhaps he felt protective of her.

"I suppose it could have been worse. Mikoto here--" He had just announced his name, so Nori finally had a name to place alongside the redhead's face, "--and myself ended up in a rather one-sided fight against several Confederate shinobi that felt more competent than the majority. We survived though, so I suppose that's what counts. Yourself?"

Once Yudai had responded, he turned his attention back to Seijo. "Commander Tametomo, perhaps the information is less critical than originally implied, in the grand scheme of things. I only wish to bring it up based on how it somewhat resembled your own kekkei genkai, in that an area around the user becomes extremely hazardous for another to battle in. The shinobi was surrounding himself in a fairly large pool of what appeared to be liquefied silver. Presumably, he can do whatever he pleases with it. Personally, I experienced him launching it at me as a projectile, and managing to create a makeshift fan out of it, pushing away some of the mist from the Hiding in Mist Technique. Alone, it appears to be manageable, but several of them, depending on the limits of the ability, could be extremely hazardous to deal with. In comparison, a large group of enemy shinobi with your Spore Release would be able to swarm a base, and no-one vulnerable to the technique would be able to escape." Nori took a breath once he was finished, looking ahead again. There was little more to say on the matter. If she had anything to say about it, she would probably ignore it until later.

Nori was relieved to be back at base, and wasted no time in heading back to his quarters to inspect his wound and slip into something more comfortable. His mouth turned when he slipped off the chain mesh under his shirt; Higoho's palm had barely even clipped him, and he had a really nasty bruise. He poked at it gingerly, wincing a bit, but no extremely sharp pains meant he hadn't suffered any internal damage worth getting checked. At worst, he'd just have to avoid getting tickled and laughing himself into agony. He could fight just fine by now.

He was already guessing that Seijo would be gathering the recruits up for some sort of meeting. A mission review, or perhaps a follow-up mission in the field. His consideration was confirmed when the announcement was handed out that everyone head to the conference room. No rest for the weary, he thought, not really sour about it. The beds were a luxury; the Red Sages could sleep when they were dead. So, he grabbed himself a half-minute shower, threw on some black slacks, a navy blue stripped button-up shirt, and his scarf. He decided to slip on his shinobi sandals instead of casual shoes, and collapsed his naginata and hung it on a cord over his shoulder, just in case something very impromptu was going on. He didn't really bother giving his hair much thought, and made his way to the meeting room. He wouldn't be late, but he wouldn't beat anyone who hadn't bothered to take a moment to clean up and had rushed their way there ASAP.

When he arrived, he found himself a seat and kept quiet as Seijo asked if they had anything to report. He had already told her what he knew on the way back to base, and found himself feeling all the more foolish for it. Being on this side of the war has me feeling like a genin all over again, he thought, a little disappointed in himself for his amateur behavior. It didn't matter now. Best to just listen to what the others had to say.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ninko Hazuchi

Konoha border

Ninko was taken a bit by surprise at how quickly the Red Sage put his foot close to Ninko's neck and he had to not react by getting physical, fighting would be useless. He watched Arima turn to look at the other shinobi and Ninko got a bad feeling in his gut that the Red Sage was contemplating whether or not to just kill him then and there. Arima gave him three seconds to explain himself and he would need to be quick about and make it believable.

"My name is Ninko Hazuchi, I was a shinobi of the confederation and ever since I was young I wanted to be a great ninja, one who the people could look up to for admiration and inspiration. I eventually realized that I could never live that dream being part of the corruption that has infested the confederation, I could never see myself as a great shinobi under a lie and that's why I left the confederation. I had hopes that joining the Red Sages would allow me to one day live that dream if the confederation was defeated. I don't care if you kill me here and now, I just wanted to see if I could still see my dreams become a reality by joining your cause" he said in a nervous voice, but it was full of emotion and passion.

Ninko hoped that it would be enough to convince the shinobi to let him tag along and join the Red Sages. From what he had heard it seemed like the Red Sages could use as much help as they could get. This would be his one chance at getting inside the rebel group and he had to take it. This was dangerous and he was risking his life, but Ninko was sure that this would pay off if he did everything right and didn't arouse too much suspicion if he joined the Red Sages.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrafRoy Zeppeli
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GrafRoy Zeppeli Certified Weeaboo Piece Of Shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Don Homo Mikoto, Red Sages, Escaping, though later in the base of the Red Sages

Nori seemed relieved to see Mikoto still in one piece.

"You wound me, good sir. A rogue as charming as myself wouldn't be done in so easily by mere confederation shinobi, capable or not. Their numbers, however, were certainly astounding. There were at least four of them going for my head." Mikoto explained, before clearing his throat. "I can handle that many shinobi, mind you, but with a Sharingan and Byakugan in play, not to mention the odd Kekkei Genkai you encountered, I preferred to play it safe and retreat as well."

Mikoto certainly did not mind the eavesdropping when Yudai joined the fray after Mikoto explained his situation.

With his ever charming smile and a quick wink, Mikoto answered the question from Yudai after Nori's explenation. "They were still plenty unexperienced, though. It seems my friend here, I still haven't heard your name," He turned to Nori with a knowing smile. He seemed to have overheard Mikoto's name before, but he was still out of the loop regarding Nori's name. "and I could handle the four of them if we worked a bit more on our teamwork. So, yes, I would certainly classify it as good."

Afterwards, Nori started explaining something to their Lady Commander.

Mikoto decided to appreciate the landscape as Nori did so. He said so before, his work was not intelligence.

Arriving to the base, Mikoto retired for his quarters to get himself a change of clothes and unwind some after looking at some of the portraits he kept in his bed, since there was mostly nowhere else to keep them.

The three pieces he had in his possession all were extremely beautiful and, just by looking at them, seemed extremely expensive. Mikoto's treasures, which he got after years of saving up. Nobody dared touched them, lest they wanted their hand severed.

In any case, he decided to take off the attire he had just used during the last battle. The flak jacket he was wearing was swept under his bed and he took off his pants as well.

It was a shame there was no mirror, lest he could've spent some time looking at himself, see if there was any imperfection in his beautiful body. Well, he'd have to wait until he could go into the shower to take a look at his perfect body again.

He quickly got dressed in a short sleeved black shirt, then put on a formal gray vest over that and a pair of black pants. He was ready for that meeting Lady Tametomo had spoken of before.

In the meeting, he was comfortably sitting in his chair, his right leg resting over his left knee, until the Commander asked if anyone had some kind of thing to comment about.

Mikoto did, so he raised his hand and started talking, "Yes, I do. I encountered a young Uchiha girl. Beuatiful black hair, beautiful black eyes. She was perfectly beautiful. I like her a lot. However, she refused to lay down arms when fighting against me. As such, I shall be the one to terminate her. A beautiful girl like her deserves a death just as beautiful. That is all."

Mikoto announced. Afterwards, he folded his arms and listened to the rest of the meeting. He just wanted to get that out of the way.


Cutting Board Kanata, Undecided, Festival Compound, going to move to Sunagakure

Katsuko was getting ready to leave. Kanata dropped her stance and she felt all of that accumulated tension leave her body.

When Mirai warned her of something, though, she brought both of her hands together and was just about ready to cast her Water Pillar jutsu to defend herself of whatever was coming.

She couldn't, though, as Mirai brought her down to the ground. She was surprised by the sheer force of the peebles and debris flying. One or two fell on her face, which hurt a bit but was mostly just annoying. What hurt, though, was Mirai's grip on her.

After she finally let go and helped Kanata up, the girl stuttered, "T-Thanks." It was a real surprise. She would've used her water pillar jutsus out of pure reflex, but the rocks already on their way could've possibly killed her.

Her heart was throbbing. She felt she was about to die. It was horrible.

She threw herself at Mirai and held her tightly against herself.

She didn't cry, but she only wanted to make sure she was still alive. To feel someone against herself.

After a while, she finally let go of Mirai and let out a relieved sigh, "Sorry about that. Dunno what got into me." she said with a slight blush in her cheeks. "And anything they ask, we just say we got here too late. Cause that's really what happened."

The tension that left her body came all back in an instant after Yakoul said he would punish them, as he lifted the body of the dead commander.

When he threw him at them, Kanata stepped back and, "Kya!" She let out. It was too sudden and now, she had let out some kind of weird cry.

When that settled in, her whole face got red. "Don't ever do that again, cat-fucker. C'mon, Mirai, help me with this." Kanata took the man's upper body. "And it's Kanata. I'll be at your lousy meeting."

Later during the meeting, Kanata, unlike her brother, did not have the opportunity to change out of her battle attire, mostly because she wasn't wearing one to begin with. It was her free day and she wouldn't spend it in a flak jacket, even if she still carried around her kunais.

She was, instead, looking at the mask she had retrieved from the battlefield.

She traced its form with her right index finger. She was settled as a confederation shinobi today, and they didn't take well for traitors, meaning that if she decided to follow up with her plan to help her brother while wearing that mask, she'd have to be EXTRA careful so as to not get caught.

Firstly, Mirai couldn't see her. She'd recognize the mask. Secondly, Yakoul could also probably see that it was her, despite the mask. He seemed pretty observant, despite everything.

She put it away and sighed.

If she didn't get into the fucking meeting any time soon, the cat would come drag her into it. She'd rather not.

She went into the hall and took a seat relatively near to Yakoul so she could hear everyting. Mikoto's safety depended on what this madman decided to do.

She also hoped that her new friend, Mirai, would come sit near her. One of the few people she actually liked from the confederation.


Anzai, of whom I still don't have a cool round image for, Red Sages, Da Base

Anzai did not participate in the mission from before because he decided not to waste any effort on that. With Katsuko there, he was sure they could manage just fine.

The next one, though, he couldn't miss it even if they asked him to.

He was patiently waiting in the meeting hall alongside everyone for the meeting to carry on for the juicy mission details, despite the redhead and his statement to 'beautifully' kill an Uchiha girl.

Anzai shook his heard. Several of the shinobi gathered seemed to be holding back their laughter by the stiffled sounds coming out of their mouths.

"I certainly do not believe this man should be allowed to handle such a task. If the Uchiha girl rippens, she could become a lot of trouble, if the stories of the past are remotely near to the truth. Swift assassination would be our best bet. I hope Tametomo-sama does not heed his words, though he is pretty much making an statement." He thought but did not voice his thoughts.

One interrumption was more than enough to make the meeting drag. Hopefully, the others would be as impacient as himself for the details of the next mission.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

Katsuko Moto

Considering he was one of the last, if not the last, to leave the ruined festival it was only natural that Katsuko was the last to arrive at the headquarters. There were a number of casualties, for sure, but it wasn't debatable that the Red Sages had inflicted much greater damage to the Confederation than the other way around. But still he could see that the number of shinobi present was smaller than he had hoped. They probably lost a dozen men, at least. Maybe even twenty. But he decided not to dwell on it. People died all the time. He's seen many faces come and go since he joined the Red Sages a few years ago. It was the nature of their war that they would have casualties.

Rather than go directly to Seijo to report in, he decided to take a shower and change his clothes. By the time he was freshened up he was no longer wearing a red jacket and jeans but instead a black t-shirt and sweatpants. Still didn't put on any shoes as it was clear he was trying to relax. The burning sensation in his chakra system still persisted but it was dwindling down over time. Not that he was going to tell anyone about his problem anyways, so it was good that the effect wasn't permanent. Eventually Seijo called for a meeting, demanding everyone present to attend. He already had a good idea on what she wanted to talk about and what she was planning, but still showed up anyways.

"Yo," he greeted, entering the room and taking a quick glance around. Anzai was here, surprisingly. The blind jounin didn't participate in the Festival raid, but Katsuko wasn't about to criticize him for it. It was handled just fine as it was. Katsuko sat down in a chair near Seijo, but before he could relax into it he decided to take up her offer on reporting things. "I held off the shinobi before leaving, that's why I left late," he explained. That much was already evident and Seijo could've guessed it. He lowered his voice for the next part though. "By the way... you shouldn't try to fight Yakoul Kakariko in the future. Just fall back if he ever challenges you." With his message conveyed, Katsuko finally leaned back in his chair and put his hands behind his head. This was not only a comfortable position but had the slight benefit of showing off his muscles. "That's all." He glanced backwards briefly, to look at the pictures on the wall, before returning his gaze forward and closing his eyes. Not that he was going to try to sleep, but that he knew he could relax and listen at the same time. Odds are if he actually fell asleep Seijo would sucker-punch him or something, and he didn't want to test that theory either way.

Mirai Yumiya

It seemed that it was finally over. Everyone, or at least everyone around the destroyed compound right now, was okay. Aside from the dead commander, of course. Miria was slightly bothered when Kanata clung to her after the danger passed, but she thought that perhaps the girl had some kind of anxiety attack. After all she could've died a moment ago and Mirai's robot arm wasn't exactly gentle. Mirai herself was definitely scared earlier but that came to pass with the end of the battle. However it wasn't smooth sailing just yet as Yakoul announced he would punish the two girls and then threw the commander's corpse at them. Rather than move out of the way and scream like Kanata, Mirai stood her ground and raised her robotic arm in defense.

The body slammed into it, staggering Mirai a little bit before falling to the ground at the girls' feet. "That's sick..." Mirai was no stranger to death and she wasn't squeamish like Kanata was, but it was still unsettling to have a dead body thrown at her. But it was from their own general. What could they do about it? Complain? Who could they complain to? He stood at the top of the hierarchy, there was very few people above Yakoul and her words would never reach them. She just had to grit her teeth and bear it. "Yeah, I'll help you with the body." Mirai grabbed the dead commander by his shins and lifted him up in synch with the red-haired girl. I guess this is fair punishment. Just moving a body to pay for being useless...

"Yeah, that bruise won't be going away for a while," Aneko said, lowering Mirai's shirt now that she inspected the blue mark just beneath her ribs. The teenager and her servant were back in their hotel room now. The older woman had a bandage wrapped around her head but Mirai didn't need anything of the sort. "We're lucky that he hit us low. A little higher and our ribs would've been pushed in our lungs." "Ew, please don't talk about it like that." The blue-haired teen adjusted her shirt once Aneko let go, moving towards the window to look out. "We are lucky though, Mirai. We were in the wrong place at the wrong time. If any of those rebels wanted they could've-" "Please! Stop." The servant lady let out a defeated sigh before flopping onto her bed, laying down to stare at the ceiling. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap. It's just that I feel terrible about it. We didn't do anything. I couldn't do anything. It was humiliating..."

Aneko kept quiet, continuing to stare at the ceiling. "Maybe I'm not really cut out to be a shinobi. It took me so long to become chuunin and I barely got it. It was only because of father getting me this fake arm that I even became slightly competent. If I keep trying I'll probably just die like a dog." "But didn't you save that one girl you met?" Mirai looked back at Aneko, confused. "I saved her?" "Well yeah. If one of those rocks hit her she would've been a goner." The younger one pondered over this for a moment, looking back towards the window to look at the smoking village again. "We should probably go to that meeting now, Mirai." "Yeah, let's go."

The two girls entered the meeting room silently. They were fairly early, as the meeting had just began judging by how few people had arrived so far. Mirai was quick to spot the red hair of her new friend Kanata. She walked across the room quietly, taking a seat next to Kanata without making a sound. Aneko took the seat on Mirai's other side. Only after the two were situated that Mirai spoke up. "Hey, Kanata," she greeted, in case the girl didn't detect the two sit down. "This is Aneko Toyama, a family friend of mine." At the mention of her name, Aneko gave a slight bow in Kanata's direction but otherwise said nothing. "By the way, I never caught your full name. I'm Mirai Yumiya, of Amegakure. Where are you from?" It seemed that Mirai was mostly ignoring Yakoul and the meeting itself, though one couldn't tell whether that was intentional or if she was just caught up in being friendly with her first real friend.
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