Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Chase


“Hey! Who the fuck are you!?” Elizabeth yelled as the man scooped her up onto his back. She wouldn’t have held on, but suddenly he leaped through the air, and she clawed into his shoulders like they were the only thing keeping her alive. If she fell from this high up, she probably wouldn’t die, but she would be immobile for weeks, no matter how fast she healed. The man she was connected to slammed back down onto the ground, and Elizabeth flew off of his back, smashing into the roof a few feet away. She laid there for a few moments, thinking she would puke.

Everything happened in seconds. The sight of the encroaching concrete vanished, replaced with searing pain in her chest and the cold embrace of stone. Hazily, she heard a man curse in a language she could not understand. Lyla’s body was trembling from shock, and soft tears ran down her face from pain. Apparently, this night was far from over though, as a strange whirring sound echoed through the cathedral. Raising her head up, she sees a cowled man pointing a crossbow at the man she assumed was her savior. Why was this happening now?

“W-wait…” the meek Lyla rises as fast as she can, coughing up blood as she does so. She limps in front of Sir Thomas, obstructing the hunter’s view as best she can. Her disheveled form outstretched her hands to each side in opposition. As moonlight poured through the cathedral, the dhampir’s mark could be seen clearly on her neck. “He s-saved me… Y-you c-can’t kill him.” Once again, the poor girl coughed up blood, the sanguine liquid splattering down her lips and onto the catwalk’s stone. From the droopy look in her eyes and the jaded expression worn on her face, she just wanted this to all be over with.

Elizabeth looked up from the ground, seeing the girl standing pitifully, bleeding profusely from her mouth as she coughed. Something about the girl seemed...familiar. She began to inch along the rooftop, trying to escape silently. The Wraith was bound to still be around, and the Malkavians wouldn’t be far behind either. She needed to get out, quickly. She felt pain in her left arm, and let out a sharp gasp of pain. It was surely shattered.

Thomas caught the obvious scent of her blood. He’d crushed her ribs with the impact, and now she was bleeding into her lungs. With a sudden lurch Thomas thrust himself up off the catwalk and grabbed Lyla with his good arm and pulled her turning his back and shielding her from the assailant’s crossbow. The bolt wouldn’t hurt him nearly as much as it would hurt the girl and she was already injured enough. Whispering in her ear he pulled her sidewise so that the assassin couldn’t target the other woman. “I’ll give you blood once we’re safely away.”

With a snarl Thomas hurled a dagger back hand while still concealing Lyla, it was aimed at the assailant’s crossbow attempting to disarm him. “Stay away from my family” Thomas snarled. His cane was still too far away to be of use but he needed to keep Lyla safe long enough to get his right arm back in its socket. That and the Malkavians were still coming for them; he didn’t have time for this.

Vikas is taken aback by the woman blocking the vampire. The pause lasts long enough for a knife to be chucked at him, causing him to narrowly dodge it. He studies them both and grumbles. “I guess this means both of you are vampires….this is….rather conflicting.” Another grumble as his crossbow goes back on his back. “I am also guessing that you are against the group coming after...one of you” His velvety voice hints at quite a few things. “I can’t justify killing a severely injured woman..nor a monster that is both injured and saved her” His head tilts. “I offer to help you three...once” He gestures as he walks toward the catwalk. “This is a one time offer” He looks back at them his face covered by the hood. “Well?” His arms cross as he stands there, he has no idea why he is doing this, but something about the blonde made him want to help her…..damn. His brain was telling him just to kill them all, but with the other group approaching...that might not end very well.

“Y-you shouldn’t spare me…I’m not a v-vampire… I’m worse than that.” Lyla whispered. “..I’m a half-breed. An abomination…” She revealed what was so “special” her to those present. Her azure eyes stared into Thomas’, who was protecting her like a father would do with a daughter, with a sense of shame, wondering if he regretted saving her now. Maybe her savior would turn into her murderer.

Thomas stood up from his protective half crouch. Without breaking eye contact he popped his shoulder back into its socket. Turning, still keeping his body between the two females, he eyed the hunter. “Help all you want or leave, but stay the hell away from my novice.”

It was the first time in almost two hundred years that Thomas had accepted a novice. In addition he was a Prelate and it was unheard of to accept a novice, let alone a dhamphir.

Looking up at Elizabeth, Thomas frowned. “There is no way in hell you are escaping them Malkavians in your condition. Get over here.” Thomas picked up his cane and slid the sword out and laid it against his left arm. “You need to drink and it won't harm me all that much.” Thomas looked at Lyla. “will it heal you? I've only ever met one other dhamphir?”

“N-no… It won’t work. The h-hemoglobin structure in vampire blood doesn’t match a dhampirs, so it has no effect on our bodies. It’s also… very disgusting. I n-need Marc. H-he can help me. Also, I’m a ky-kyres now, not a novice...” she mumbled, adding the last part rather matter-of-factly. Lyla was stifling back coughs, but she isn’t getting much better while they stand around. She wasn’t sure if Ravnos could actually help her, but she wanted direly to see him again.

As they were arguing, Elizabeth rose up slowly. She did need the blood in order to heal her arm, but was it worth it? She took a step forward and with a sting of pain she realized her leg was also injured. She limped to the man. “Fine. I won’t refuse some blood, even if its from someone like…you.” She said, looking him up and down with a disgusted look.

Vikas watches them for a moment and sighs, his eye roll isn't visible but it can almost be felt. “One, I don't care if you’re a half vampire or whatever, still a vampire. Second, seriously don't have time for this….you know what...i'll buy some time” With a grumble he stalks over to a window facing the malkavins and grabs his crossbow, with perfect aim a silent thump is heard as a bolt shoots out and buries itself in one of the Malkavians’ leg. “Do your thing...it’s fine...i’ll just sit here while these other vampires try to get to us to kill us” Sarcasm dripping from every word. “No really it's fine” Another bolt gets shot out and shatters another one’s leg. It seems he's taking out his frustrations on the other vampire’s legs. He’s planning on finishing them off once they are all incapacitated.

Scowling at the response Thomas slit his arm and held it out. “I've saved your life twice now and probably will again tonight. Take that disrespect and shove it. I'm only Ravnos in alliance, I have no idea what my actual bloodline is.”

Elizabeth scowled at him, but reached forward anyways, and grabbed his arm, quickly putting her lips to the wound before too much blood could be wasted on the rooftop. She sucked until she felt the taste of the ruby liquid hit the back of her throat, and immediately felt her body begin to heal faster, her arm cracking back into place and her leg creaking slowly back into position. She breathed deeply as she let go of his arm, spinning around to face the oncoming Malkavians, smiling as she licked the last of the blood from her lips, ready to fight.

Thomas shook his arm as the wound closed rapidly. Another perk of the long years he’d been doing this. Not that it didn’t suck to open up the veins in his arm, but atleast it didn’t take that long to heal. “There is no way we can fight them right now. I don’t think I can cure her.” Thomas carefully collected up the battered Lyla in his arms after sliding the cane into his belt.

Not only that but there were simply too many of the Malkavian brood coming for them and he lacked the rest of his weapons. No firearms, no true blades, no anticoagulants, nothing to really go to war with. While he could probably take them unhindered he had the idiot vampire hunter, an injured Dhamphir and what smelled like a Grangrel with him. Not the ideal group of people to take on a pack of Malkavians on the hunt. “We need to leave. This is a bad fight and it’s going to get you two and probably my novice killed. I can’t have that.”

“B-but I’m a kyres…” Lyla protested again, losing strength fast. Steadily, her breathing was growing more ragged. Instead of fighting Thomas, she collapsed in his arms. It wasn’t as though she was going to be of much help right now anyway.

Elizabeth glared back at the strange man. “You think I give a fuck about that half breed!?” She snarled. But the reality of the situation sunk in with his words, and she backed up in resignation. She knew when to fight and when to fly. And she was ready to fly.

Vikas pulls up and puts his crossbow back, before spinning the knives in his arm braces shooting out. “Follow me...or my scent...whichever” With a shrug he runs forward and leaps off the catwalk. As he flies through the air he puts the knives forward and ‘stabs’ into a building. The force of the catch jarring his arms. With a head shake he flips up onto the rooftop, his arm knives sheathing back into the bands. He gestures for thomas to follow him before running along the rooftops. He has several hiding spots throughout london and England itself. The one he is going for has his usual first aid supplies and weapons along with being rather inconspicuous. It also holds perfumes to douse his scent….and apparently other’s scents. internally, he scolds himself for letting those vampires live...and for helping them.

Elizabeth glided through the air onto the rooftop right behind the man, using her vampiric strength to leap through the air to the rooftop. She didn't like this situation. Not one bit. But these men may be all she had right now. She wasn't even certain where in London she had ended up; she had simply ran across the rooftops as quickly as possible.

Thomas swept Lyla up smoothly. “My bad.” He smiled as he leapt from the roof of the Cathedral and pursued the assailant. Taking stock of Lyla and doing the calculations in his head, Thomas wasn’t sure if this was the best call. He had access to some of the best medical care in London as many members of his staff he had brought back from his travels and he had more than a few who were trained medical professionals. That and with the advances in surgery he could probably treat her better away from these two.

That and he was running head first into the lion's den with his charge slipping slowly towards death. This was as good a time as any, besides the Malkavians were after the other woman. If they killed the assassin and the Gangrel then he wouldn’t have to concern himself with them in the future. That and if the wraith returned, Thomas wasn’t sure he could protect the girl.

With a sudden shift and a frighten burst of speed Thomas shifted directions and headed away from the Assassin and the Gangrel. The rooftops leading him back towards his home in Camden Borough. Checking he made sure that Lyla was still breathing regardless of how ragged it was. She had to be out of the cold and she need medical attention. Thomas ran faster doing his best to not jostle her as he ran.

Elizabeth saw the man slink away like a coward. “Piece of shit.” She mumbled, and pulled out her blade, leaping forward and plunging it into Vikas’ arm. It wouldn't mortally wound him, but it would get the Malikavians on his blood trail hopefully. Then, she dived off the side of the building, smashing through a window and rolling to a stop. She was in some kind of home, and she could hear someone upstairs angrily running as they heard her crash through the window. She ran quickly out the front door, slinking into a back alleyway and disappearing into the night, on her way back to her den of sin.

Vikas hisses both in anger and pain he pulls out the knife and throws it down. Snarling, he leaps down off of the roof and lands in an alley. Thinking quickly, he tears off a piece of his cloak and wraps his now bleeding arm. Next time he sees that woman….he’s putting a crossbow bolt right through her face. He memorized their scents, and now….now all but one is on his list. With a huff he takes off his cloak and rubs it on a wall then runs a bit and tosses it over his shoulder. After a bit more running he makes it to his hide away where he proceeds in dousing himself with a scent and covering his scent for a good distance. Angrily snarling he removes his armor, revealing a well toned upper body. Sitting himself on a stool with thread and needle he starts sewing up his arm. The stitching looking better than what any doctor could do. Once finished, he paces thinking. He grabs his weapons and starts cleaning them, planning. Tonight he would plan, tomorrow...tomorrow he would do something. He is uncertain of what, but he would not let his father down. If anything, he would remind some of them about what the helsing line was. Hopefully, without being captured and used as some sort of prize...he bet there’s nothing more Vladimir would love then to see one of the last Helsings in his grasp. Especially a vampire Helsing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

-Temporal... What?-

Temporal machine or not, time seemed to have slowed to a crawl before the image that was presented before Jack. The hideous... violation of his personal space, taste and even common sense left the otherwise experienced vampire jaded and stunned, unable to form articulate sounds besides a faint high pitched "Eeeeeeeeee" coming from his mouth, all his body, nay, all his self going limp and livid. Of course, even in the most unlikely circumstances and mental states, his elder had prompted an answer about the cat-mantle-clock-noveau art mockery's impression on him, and he would get one.

"Words fail to convey how awestruck I am now, M'lord." He settled to say, in an almost droning monotone, his eyes wide in an expression of unbridled shock and dread. Not because of what the elder assumed the sheer ingenuity of the alleged contraption, but more because his lord's apparent sanity had taken a deep dive in Davy Jone's locker, and seemed to be battling imaginary krakens while the allures of a thousand surreal mermaids were whispering eldritch thoughts in his conscience.


Panic flared in the internal works of the Prelate, as he struggled to forcibly get back into his bearings with a mighty effort not dissimilar to the titan Atlas supporting the celestial sphere. Damage control! I need to exert it before other people find out about our elder's insane machinations!

Coughing up, the second prompt of Louis Ventrue made him elaborate a hesitated response. "...I'm sorry m'lord, it seems the contraption has failed to do its intended purpose. And uh... there's cat brains leaking on your shirt, sire." He frowned, as he eyed the scene unfolding, his gaze sharpening enough to death glare anyone who was witnessing the ...show in the vicinity. "Perhaps it needs some fine tuning...aye? Allow me to escort you to the workshop, m'lord"

This was the easy part. Playing along with Louis Ventrue was a skill honed by all vampires under his care. Those who did not, usually had less than stellar results. No, the hard part was crossing an unknown line, one that even a Prelate would not cross unless in very dire circumstances, but Jack esteemed that the loss of his life was an acceptable risk in order to reign in the Ventrue's whimsical insanity. Closing in to the elder, he whispered an ominous sentence.

"Louis, what's wrong with you? You're not usually this...this...daring. Have you taken drugs?" Jack whispered into the Elder's idea. Perhaps the use of his first name would shake him off of his... time machine idea.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Opposition
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Opposition 𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕟𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Robyn blinked her eyes open with an "Oh..." She peered around the rather cramped closet that she had passed out in. She couldn't help it! When you stay awake to go adventure in the day and you are woken up mere hours after you lay to rest, you are bound to be tired! Robyn, luckily knew all of the hiding spots around the Nest. Slowly, Robyn rubbed her eyes as she attempted to sit up from the awkward place she was positioned. The closet was so cramped, both her head and legs were pressing rather uncomfortably into the walls, but anything she had to do to sleep, Robyn would do.

Now for the tricky part. She had to get out without being seen and pretend to be doing something menial and stupid like she usually had to. Pressing her ear to the door as if she was a spy, she threw open the door and hurriedly slid down the hallway that her temporary bed was adjacent to. Breaking out into a childish sprint, Robyn skidded down to a halt after just a moment as she nearly rammed into a door. Now that, would have given it away. Sneaky test complete!

Next up subtlety test! Just passed the door would be one of the main rooms of the Nest. Robyn sucked in a large breath before pushing the large door in front of her open with all her might, allowing it to swing open with a much louder sound than intended. She cringed a bit as she strolled in, making a bit more noise than intended, before prancing inside with a slightly nervous and shifty glance.

"Phewf! That mission went wonderful. Wonderfully complete. Grangrel would be proud!" She exclaimed with the occasional stammer, as she gracefully hurried into the room. With an arm leading her as if dancing across the floor, Robyn made her way as quickly as possible without breaking into an actual run. "Tough things... Yes, time to go complete more labor!" Robyn spoke as if she was attempting to be eloquent and serious, but of course, that would be a first for anyone in earshot. She wasn't a good liar, but she usually got by.

This was it, she had almost gotten away with it! Now she would resume her duties, though Robyn, of course, had other plans instead of beginning her work. She was hungry, missing the meal and all. I'll just go find something to eat and hurry back as if I know what I am doing. Confidence always fools people!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Craven Estate

Thomas alighted on the second floor balcony of his london home. Slipping inside he immediately rang for a servant. The staff was use to such returns and responded like clockwork. Leading him to part of the house where they had a small medical room. Thomas personal physician had already been awoken and was standing ready for the young girl Thomas was carrying.

Looking her over he began checking her ribs and the rest of her body for damage. Thomas quickly gave him a rundown of what he knew about the girl and what had happened. His physician took notes and then moved to further sedate the girl before beginning preparations for potential surgery as well as beginning the work of setting any bones she might have broken.

With that Thomas retired from the room. Climbing the stairs again Thomas snagged whiskey and had one of the staff alert the kitchen that he would be taking dinner in his study on the second floor.

The study was well stocked with Thomas precious books and they lined all of the walls. Various artifacts and weapons from around the globe were displaid on low tables around the room. It was more a place for Thomas to relax and ruminate more than anything else. The weapons weren’t for show. They all had stories and were there as reminders and ways for him to focus his thoughts. With a long draft of the whiskey he settled back. Dinner arrived shortly and the staff disappeared. It was a dish from Wales, lamb. Good enough when he added in the blood he needed from the bottle his staff provided. With that Thomas settled in to reviewing finances and logistics to bring himself back up to speed on his estates comings and goings.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 1 day ago


Sengchou listened as Lorenzo spoke his agreement to her words, and she watched as he effortlessly seduced the human woman. It was sick, how he dared lay his lips on the woman's skin, how he implied he was attracted to her and so brashly showed her his affection. Such misconduct. But she kept silent on the outside, merely watching the scene unfold in front of her with her deep gaze.

And then Lorenzo said goodbye to the woman, and Sengchou knew it was time to say goodbye to Lorenzo in turn. She didn't have a plan yet, nor did she care much about impressing the Elder. What she did know, though, was that she hated the scum who'd taken her Elder's fiancée. It was damned certain she'd impress the Elder if she somehow got his Lady back, or at least put her rapist through unbelievable trouble and/or pain.

Sengchou looked at Lorenzo in the eye and nodded. "Lorenzo, I thank you for your cooperation. We are truly grateful for your efforts," She let a smile grace her face, and her eyes traveled to each of Lorenzo's subordinates, "you, too, have done a good job."

Upon her smile's disappearance, Sengchou turned around, slung her staff on her back and walked back towards the Asylum's exit. "Excuse me for now, I have matters to attend to. I'll get back to you later, Lorenzo." She said a little louder, waving her hand once as a temporary goodbye.


Walking through the Red Light District was something Sengchou disliked with a passion, and it was unfortunately the only thing she could do to reach her destination, given that it was in the middle of the damned district. A Temple set up by herself. Why she chose the Red Light District for such a sacred place? Well, getting the flat was cheap, and a Buddhist Adjutant didn't usually have much money.

But her walk was interrupted. A familiar scent reached her nose.

She frowned and looked around, finding everything looking as normal as ever.

"What is that-" Sengchou was interrupted again, this time by a tall, wide man who'd bumped into her from behind. She turned around to apologize, but the dirty blond man had a grin so goofy on his face that Sengchou merely raised an eyebrow and walked away.

"Englishmen are so strange..." She muttered to herself as she deviated from her course and began following the scent trail.


An hour. It took her an hour to track this scent. Along the way she'd thought too much and the scent brought her past back up. There was only one being who could possibly fry her concentration like that, and upon seeing the Estate in front of her, she knew she was right.

'Craven Estate'


Her will wavered for a moment, and she took a step back. How long had it been since she saw him? All this time she thought he'd abandoned her and she'd never see him again... But her nose told her he was here. In this building. Would she be able to get the answers she had wanted to get these past hundred years?

She took in a deep breath and looked up at the grey clouds under the black sky. Such a depressing night to go through this.

Sengchou shrugged, stretched her jaw and then checked the Estate with her eyes. Seeing a balcony on the second floor of the house had its doors open and a light could be seen emitting from inside, she decided that was the best place to start. It beat knocking on the door, anyway. So with a nearly effortless jump, she landed on the balcony.


The sound of her feet hitting the floor were followed by the slow creaking of the balcony's curtain covered glass doors opening.

The first thing the robe-wearing monk exile saw was a man eating dinner and reading a stack of papers on a desk. There he was, Thomas. Would he even notice her, standing on the balcony with a hand shakily moving toward her staff?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Thomas heard the thump on the balcony and gave a moment's pause letting the intruder think he wasn’t paying attention before his hand snapped out letting go of a kunai he had pulled from the underside of his desk. His eyes widened in the split second he let go of it before the very edge of his middle finger caught the loop on the end of the kunai before it flew at her.


Thomas paused for a long moment before he stood up and changed the question. “Why?...”
He didn’t bother to finish it he just moved like a dark bird of prey between the two of them closing the distance. Leaning in he inhaled slowly checking her scent to make sure it was infact her. “Sengchou..” The unanswered questions built up with long buried feelings. It took all his will power to keep from touching her tenderly. Best to simply let her make the first move as she was the one who had appeared on his balcony. Given the lack of his household's response she must have gone undetected.

Thoughts flipped back and forth in his head. Where had she been? What had happened? Why had it taken so many years for her to come back? Did she want to continue with what they had been? Was she here to end things once and for all? Suddenly a more sinister thought crossed his mind. What if she was here to kill him? Maybe she was angry and she was using their prior bind to get close and then kill him while he had his guard down. Regardless of this thought it didn’t change his exposed stance and closeness as he waited on her response.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Lorenzo smiled as his superior gave him and his men some words of praise telling them that they did good. That put a smile on Lorenzo's subordinates Lorenzo also knew that she didn't really have any interest in impressing the elder but at the moment Lorenzo really didn't know what else they could do. Lorenzo would have to head back and see his elder and figure out if he will get praise from him as well "were heading home guys theirs nothing more for us to do tonight. Goodbye my dear, till we meet again" Lorenzo told the girl with a smile bowing gently to her. Its not like Lorenzo didn't have any interest in the girl after all Lorenzo couldn't charm a girl if he didn't feel some attraction to them the trick was not acting on his impulse to do more. At least this way the girl would still be pure in the sense that Lorenzo hadn't spoiled her or anything of that matter. Once he said his final farewell Lorenzo gave a hand signal to his people to follow him as they all left the asylum together to get back home.

Once they were back to their nest Lorenzo turned to his people and gave them each a pat on the shoulder you all did well today, do not think that you didn't do anything because whether or not you impress the elder you did impress me with the way you all hunted tonight. Someday soon you will become enforcers yourselves and I hope that my lessons will rub off on you to teach the new generation the right things. Head back inside and enjoy the rest of your night knowing that you did your teacher proud tonight They all smiled and bowed respectively to Lorenzo before retiring to their individual homes and enjoy their night which was usually drinking or playing games. Lorenzo still remembered the time that Maria charmed silver into hitting Markus square in the chest. That caused a stir for a good while and was one of the first times Lorenzo saw Maria perform her talent in charm.

Once Lorenzo made sure his subordinates were back in their homes Lorenzo himself went back inside the cathedral and went looking for his elder to tell him that they had a new supply of blood to roll in. He made sure to knock on his door first and waiting for an answer before going in, the last thing Lorenzo wanted to see was their elder using his "talents" on some girl to get some stress relief. That would scar him for a good century at least...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Viciousmarrow
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Member Seen 7 mos ago


Ventrue gave his friend a crazy-eyed stare, not entirely sure what Jack was talking about. "Drugs?! Do I look like a dabbler in those heinous, criminal substances! How dare you accuse me of such tomfoolery! In fact, from now on, drug use in punishable by death!!" the Elder roared, slamming his fist down on a table next to him. Like a twig, the unfortunate piece of furniture practically crumpled to splinters. However, Louis' rage was soon overtook by a look of fear. "Wait, wait... if I do that, then there will be no sex! That's a fate worse than death!" he quickly rescinded his decree.

"Quickly, Jack, we must go woo women and enjoy the moment before the moment is gone forever!" the white haired man cries. He swiftly bends over and whispers into the Prelate's ear. "By woo women, I really mean 'hire some whores'." As soon as he says this, the bipolar Elder immediately starts to shake, and a moment of realization crosses through his head. He collapses to his knees, crying. "NOBODY LOVESSSSSSS MEEEEEEEEEE!" he whines, his face crumpled into the saddest expression imaginable.

"My own brother hates me, and I'm seen as a joke. Nobody takes me seriously! And any woman I get within 5 feet of immediately kills themself. What's wrong with me, Jack?! AM I SO UGLY?" he moans, taking hold of the boy's face. "Maybe I should just die. And if I do, you get everything, Jack. EVERYTHING. Even the time machine." The eccentric man is slowly spiraling into a pit of despair and hopelessness, a new low for Ventrue.

However, all the crying does seem to make Louis very sleepy. He starts to fall over, flailing on the ground as his mind escapes him.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 1 day ago


Sengchou did all that was possible to avoid looking Thomas in the eye. In the process she'd surveyed the room and found herself staring at a small statue of Indian origin straight behind Thomas. She was not oblivious to how he felt. There was no anger in him, no indifference. That alone was evidence that she was not abandoned by him all those years ago, and she was satisfied and extremely terrified by this revelation. Was it her that had done something wrong? Had her message not gotten through and had he thought she had abandoned him?

His body language gave her a million clues as to what he wanted to do, as well as why he hadn't done it yet. She gave him no reason not to do it as she stood there, letting her shaking hands fall to her sides. For once, her expression showed vulnerability. As her lower lip quivered and she looked down, she began to shed the first tears she'd shed in centuries.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Thomas stopped waiting and simply swept her into his arms hugging her tight against his chest. “What happened?” His arms didn’t release her as he asked the question, holding his beloved to him. Without waiting Thomas bent down and picked her up in his arms and strode over the the couch and deposited her on it before taking the glass from his desk, refilling it and walking it over to Sengchou. “I don’t know what happened. You disappeared..” The hurt filtered into his voice just a little as he settled onto the couch beside her. Any thoughts of rest leaving his mind immediately, this was something he’d hoped for for the better part of a century and now she was sitting on his couch.

Tenderly he put his hand on her leg and met her eyes. “Tell me what happened?”

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Jack winced, his visage twisting in an ugly grimace upon hearing his lord's words. Definitely a new low for Ventrue. More than one would rethink their loyalties at this point, but not Jack. There was simply too many events, too much time fighting side by side against an unforgiving eternal life and society. He just shrugged it off, a smile appearing in his face as he stoically braved the blow and the humilliation he was feeling right now.

And then, Lord Ventrue's tantrum seemed to come to an end. Waiting for his cue, he tensed his little, tiny arms and used his vampiric strength to begin carry the Lord, as if he were a child or a maiden, heading up for the lord's quarters." Joke, my lord? That is despair speaking. You're no joke. You're the most transparent person I've ever meet. One who's not afraid of baring his true intentions and heart to the cruel, and unforgiving blows. One brave enough to keep going, keep being honest no matter how many knives in the back your receive."

He then paused, readjusting the weight. "Well, if you die, theoretically I would inherit everything. But... I would lose everything. See, lord Ventrue, you created Jack. You were the one who gave a nameless disgrace an identity on its own. This life of mine... is yours and yours forever. Without you, there would be no Jack." He said in a quiet voice to the lord.

"Even if you make an enemy of every single Elder, King Dracula himself, and the rest of your brood, I'd glady charge into them at your command." The tiny prelate finally announced, before depositing the elder in his bed.

Clutching his fists, he grabbed the nearest of the underlings, his high-pitched voice suddenly gaining a deep commanding tone. "Send patrols out there. Armed. It must look like we're doing something. But stay peeled on the other clan's movements. Do not disturb the elder unless it's important. Report to me any findings. Got it?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Vlad sat in the dark ballroom at the head of a long table. The mansion was one of his many holdings across London. The other four figures that graced the room were less than pleased to be there. The Council brothers shifted uneasily in their seats as the Dark Lord let his gaze travel across all four of them. None of them dared to make eye contact. The only person who did not appear to be in a foul mood was the Countess who sat to Vlad’s right.

The palpable displeasure radiating from Vlad stopped Ventrue in his tracks when he opened his mouth to speak. Ravnos simply sat back in his chair and waited. The other clans had been the ones who had declared all but open warfare. While Thomas display had been a problem it was doubtful that Vlad’s wrath would fall too heavily on the house. Gangrel and Malkavian however had a lot to answer for.

“I asked for a display of your competence to lead and I get a gang war in the streets of London. How am I supposed to take this? Maybe I was wrong in considering any of you for my throne. Perhaps another few hundred years will teach some more wisdom.”

None of the other Council members opened their mouths. It was quite clear that any sort of excuse would not be helpful in the slightest. Vlad continued with his tirade, litting into each of them individually. Ventrue for his pure idiocy, Ravnos for his indiscretion, Malkavian and Gangrel for their sheer blatant warfare.

As Vlad continued the other council members didn’t notice the shift in the shadows of the ballroom. An unnatural stirring as the shadow’s detached themselves from the walls. Your reign is over The oilcloth hiss stopped the tirade as beings cloaked in black robes with their faces covered appeared from the shadows. Without warning they descended upon the council members. They were fast and lethal, showing vampiric strength and speed.

A pack of them fell on Vlad with curved daggers. In a bellow of rage the lord of the Underworld scattered the would be assassins like dry leaves. The other members of the council responded in similar fashion flinging the assassins away from them. Vlad tore into the downed assassins snapping their necks and limbs like dry twigs. In the chaos another shadow detached from the wall and hurled a metal dart at the Lord of the Underworld. Like a lightning strike Vlad moved out of the way and snarled turning on the new assailant. The vampire faded back into the shadows at the last second as Vlad’s fist tore a massive hole in the stone wall where its head had been.

“What the hell..?” Vlad turned back to survey the damage. Ventrue was crouched like a goblin on the chest of slowly dying assassin. Gangrel was checking the entrances but what caught Vlad’s eye was the Countess lying on the ground. A thin metal spine embedded in her shoulder. Her breathing was shallow as Ravnos held her hand checking her pulse and Malkavian held her head gently in his lap.

Looking up a shadow of fear crossed Ravnos face “My Lord...she’s been poisoned.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



It had been silent for days, vampire activity in London had dropped to next to nothing. The usual strange corpses seemed to dry up, few strange persons on rooftops, fewer of the old regulars to feeding grounds that had been a steady reminder of the personages that stalked London’s streets looking for their next meal. The sudden eruption of street warfare had gone as soon as it had come leaving the streets silent.

For three days the old haunts sprung up again as the old proprietors returned with a vengeance. The bodies in the streets returned; the red eyes in the shadows and the patter of feet across the roof top. A passing group, two maybe three. Moving with purpose with a clear directions towards the London’s famous clock tower.


Lord Ventrue had been eerily silent and sober for the last few days. Almost as though he knew that inevitably the hammer would come down from on high. Blood brother or not he was not immune to Vlad’s wrath and it was all too clear that the vampire community as a whole had evoked that from their Dark Lord. After days of silence the missive finally came. Ventrue left in a gloomy stupor.

Hours later the Lord returned to the docks in a flurry of activity that had been lacking in his departure. The clan had been summoned and the news was broken to the family as a whole. Assassins from another land had made an attempt on Vlad’s life. The details were hazy at best from the head of the clan but it was clear that the Elders had beat back the attack.

While this was heralded by cheers the rest of the news had come as a shock. The countess had been poisoned by an as up until now unknown venom capable of stopping a vampire's heart. The count had flown into a rage and it had taken the combined might of the Elder’s to sedate him with a triple dose of a strange brew Ravnos had for such an occasion. Even now the Elder’s would be needed to maintain the city. In the meantime Volunteers were being request for a team to join the other clans to go to the east and find the identity of the Assassins and a cure for the Countess.

@Stern Algorithm @luclovers

Gangrel had left in a rage for the summons from Vlad leaving the members of his clan to sit and “Think about what they had done” as he put it. It had a sarcastic slant to it and it was clear that Gangrel blamed Malkavian and Ravnos for the whole affair. Regardless he left the Wraith and went alone to the meeting that Vlad called him to.

When he returned the Elder was in a gleeful mood. Apparently a group of Assassin’s had made an attempt on Vlad’s life. It was an opportunity to capitalize and perhaps take the upper hand in the race for Vlad’s throne. The Countess had been poisoned and Gangrel was looking for volunteers to advance themselves and to go with the other clans to find a cure for the countess. With the clear instructions that they were to take credit if at all possible.


Malkavian finally returned, he’d gone to see Vlad about the events three days ago and things had not gone well. That is until the countess had been poisoned be Assassins from the east. Vampires with strange powers and an even stranger agenda. They had been gunning for the lord of the Underworld himself but he had proved too formidable an opponent and had proved even almost too formidable for the Elders who had to subdue him before he tore the estate down.

Now an opportunity had presented itself for the clan to get back into Vlad’s good graces. And Malkavian was looking for volunteers.

Thomas had left the upper floor window open and told Sengchou to call the estate home. He had needed to attend to elder Ravnos soon after their reunion and had been gone for the past two days. With his return came the news that the Countess had been poisoned and that the clans were assembling a team to head to somewhere in the middle east to track down the assassins who had poisoned her and perhaps recover an antidote.

Ravnos had provided Thomas with leads and he had selected a promising one which involved a buried city that was supposedly home to another clan of Vampires. At Least up until the death of the Christ. Ravnos was convinced that if any place had the cure for a vampire poison it would be the ruins of the city.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Lorenzo soon groaned waking up since his brothers and sisters could only sleep during the day Lorenzo made sure to take to sleeping during the late hours of the night so he could still be active during the daytime. If he had an advantage why not use it? Lorenzo heard a few hours ago that his elder would be taking volunteers to take on some hot shot assassin. This one had the gall to try and take on the lord of the underworld himself and it took a bunch of elders just to subdue him. It just sounded so interesting after all whoever could try and take on the elders and their lord of lords and still needs to be taken down would be a worthy fight. Lorenzo had few weaknesses that the assassin could exploit so obviously it meant that Lorenzo was the perfect hunter.

Once Lorenzo cracked his neck and his fingers he put on his trench coat with a flourish then he went to his secret stash and grabbed one of the cigars. Lorenzo didn't have many vices in terms of his brethren but one thing he had was that if he would go into a fight he would bring a victory cigar for later. Once he was sure of that he went and looked for his uncle no doubt that he would be in the cathedral somewhere Lorenzo went and started looking for him since after all it would be dumb if Lorenzo didn't volunteer
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Igraine wakes up and grabs her head in confusion. She finds herself on top of the human and quickly gets off. She gives herself a quick once over to make sure she hasn't been touched or violated in any way. Assured that nothing had been done to her, Igraine picks up her pike and looks down at Augustus. She considers ending him here, but Ravnos' words held her back. She doubted that she could expressly disobey an elder while in his territory immediately after he had issued those orders and expect to live. She slings the pike over her shoulder and makes sure she still has the block of coca. While the human wasn't much of a threat, the fact that Ravnos had told him all about the coca was worrisome. She didn't know what the erratic Ventrue would do with such information. It was also troubling to know that Ventrue had managed to steal it off of her father in the first place. Either way, her mission was accomplished, she could return to the nest and present the brick to the Wraith; she might even offer it in Lady Park's behalf, the Wraith would know Igraine retrieved the coca, but maybe it would make Elizabeth more appreciative of Igraine. But Igraine still couldn't shake the fact that letting this human run free was a good idea. Unsure what to do, she roughly prodded Augustus with her foot. "Hey! Wake up!"


Augustus didn't move, maybe he was still out cold. She again considered running him through, but decided against taking such a risk and ran back to Grangrel territory.

The next few days made it known to her that she had missed out on a fight in the streets with the Malkavians and that Elizabeth was somehow partially responsible. Though it seemed that Lord Vlad had chastised Lord Amaury for his house's involvement, Amaury didn't seem to think his house had done anything wrong and apparently didn't seem to want to punish Elizabeth in any way. If he had, Igraine would have tried to comfort Elizabeth in an attempt to get on her good side but things being as they are, Igraine simply expressed adoration that Elizabeth single-handedly picked a fight with so many Malkavians and lived, expressing a desire to accompany her into combat next time.

As for the block of coca, Igraine wasn't sure how she would find the Wraith, but the Wraith found her. She gave him the coca, and didn't even dream about making any demands such as to have him relay to her father that she was responsible for retrieving the coca. She didn't know if she wanted to tell the Wraith that Lord Ventrue was the one who stole it, as that would require her to admit that she had been captured by Lord Ravnos. She decided that she wouldn't say anything unless he pressed her for details.

Besides, there were more pressing concerns. An expedition was being organized to go to the Middle East to take revenge on the assassins who had poisoned the countess and to locate the antidote. Igraine volunteered at the first opportunity, citing her familiarity with drugs and combat as assets to the expedition.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Vikas finds the days with nothing happening leave him itching to do something. He found himself bored with playing his human role during the day...finding the more refined people as bland. Finding himself pick pocketing a little bit more and resisting blood....though it proves difficult. He fibds himself making a deal with a white in the red light district. One that saves her life, instead of killing her she volunteers to donate her blood when he needs it. He accepts and leaves her. Finding her company interesting and well worth it.

Much later bodies start popping up and vampire activity increases. This causes him to go into hunting mode rather eagerly. He follows the vampires toward the clock tower his outfit and weapons on him. He seems more energized as if waited coiled him up like a spring.
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