Avatar of 1Charak2
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  • Posts: 6463 (1.76 / day)
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    1. 1Charak2 10 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



Most Recent Posts

With thanks to @Shadow Daedalus, here is my Master CS.

So she has the ability to set people on fire by a glance?

*Well then*

Hello Medusa Arsonist ver. In all seriousness I like the mystic code alot.


Golden... Boy...


It took a while to finally assemble my countermeasure.

Good luck friend.
@1Charak2 Congratulations! You've just won the "Rin and Shirou Award for Excellence in the Holy Grail War!"

Actually, the post snaps in two.

Just kidding!

Still, you almost almost had this tech priest fooled. If IGNORE wasn't in all caps.

*I got a notification from you out of nowhere on my sensors. First thing I see is ignore this.*

*pokes the post lightly*

Zhao Yun was one of my first Lancer choices, but I already have another Chinese Servant in another Fate roleplay I'm in. And we have Too Many Greeks™

One is too many?

Locusta is roman and Mordred is from the british Isles.

...Shouldn't the focus be on making things interesting and fun, NOT keeping teams alive or being the strongest? I agree with nerfing things here, but the reasoning seems off.

@1Charak2If you're trapped in an area with Toxin a natural response would be to try to hold your breath, prevent any more toxin from getting into your body (like my bubble shield idea), and hunker down and hope that it either passes, or someone helps you. If you would allow me to use an example from another series in KOTOR 2 The Jedi Exile used a variation of this method to survive a place that was toxic to the point where contact with human flesh would cause seizures. He called upon the force to help him hold his breath while he fought through the whole thing.

Likely when that thing is popped however you have locusta coming after you. Since its her territory. Any cuts you receive during this time even the slightest wound, will allow it to get into your blood at which point holding your breath does nothing at all. Secondly, Locusta usually coats her blade with a much more lethal poison, increasing the severity of the situation. The question is, are you sure you have enough mind partitions to actively hold your breath. Move, and prevent a assassin from hitting you from within presence concealment. Simply put, I guess you could probably navigate the field if you weren't the intended target. (and you had half a mind of whats going on instantly to not inhale even the tinest bit.) but what I am saying is, is that if the mistress herself comes knocking. Best start running.
You can do what to minimize the poison? A bubble shield...? That doesn't sound right. If you were constantly purging the toxins (turning it into more of a poison on the Od then on the body) then maybe. But a bubble shield doesn't sound right.

Just saw the faceclaim for your CS thought you might like this
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