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<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

*Her body is rewinded back and you suddenly feel your vision darkened as a gooey putrid smelling tentacle caresses your shoulder up to your cheek, and moans of a choir of sickening whispers are heard in your mind:* Truest outer c'thon m...mmisttyyhhh... Truest outer c'thon m...mmisttyyhhh... Truest outer c'thon m...mmisttyyhhh... Truest outer c'thon m...mmisttyyhhh... Truest outer c'thon m...mmisttyyhhh... *But in reality there's nothing there, only you felt it, and it drained you making you fall into the magma field without much will or ability to resist*

*Lunges to bite the tendril with the ongoing chant “eat,” and looks disappointed when it disappears before I land in the magma and sink without any visible effort to stop it*
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

*Delta'a system crashes, leaving the letters "ths hppns alot" on her eyes.*

*Grins and kicks your body into the magma field*
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

*She tries to cover herself with her arm, but the bone goes through it.*

∆: You need some help, man...

*Nods expectantly*
*With a spin, twists back onto my feet, opening up a lava pit below me and cauterizing the severed hand by dipping my wrist into the smoldering magma*
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

*Delta sheathes her sword, and Misty's hand starts to slip off from her wrist.*

∆: Might wanna catch that...

*The glee of reckless abandon fills my face, and I twist my body into a triple spiral onto my good hand, kicking the severed appendage upside down, the bones of which rocket out of the flesh and shoot into you like needles*
*The chants grow more expectant, now squealing "pain, broken, more, fighting, death"*
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

∆: That's not gonna do much against metal...

*Delta disappears in a static smoke, appearing behind Misty with her blade in a strike position, a red light emits from Misty's wrist.*

*Looks at my wrist, curious, and bends backwards with surprising flexibility to meet your eyes upside down, face-to-face*
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

*She glitches towards Misty, now being right in front of her.*

∆: You don't mind if I cut off a limb or two, right?

*Shakes my head earnestly in agreement and slams my fingers into your side, my nails sharpened like blades*
*This time, she can react, cutting it in half with her blade.*

∆: Dude, your girlfriend's cool.

*She coughs a bit and brushes off some rubble out of her hair*

*Grins and flashes two thumbs up, one ringed with the pin of a grenade, the body of which is falling toward my foot, and I punt it at you*
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

*The chunk hits her square in the face, as she was a bit distracted, it sends her backwards across the ground.*

*Winks and follows up by catching it mid-air like a basketball and hurling it into you again*
<Snipped quote by Memory>

∆: Yeah?

*Slams my foot on the ground when I near you and rips out a massive, triangular chunk of concrete that I slam onto your position*
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