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<Snipped quote by Dynamics>

Yeah. Anyone with a power like that could screw tons of people’s lives over easily. And that’s only someone at my level of power.
*A butterfly pauses atop my head for a second, and then flys away*
Would you call those people we saw breaking into the mansion some of the mean ones?

Them? That’s just the police. I guess someone saw one of us and called the cops. It burns that hideout though.
<Snipped quote by Dynamics>

Let’s get going then. And while we do can you tell me about the other like us?

*Starts down the river’s course*
We met all kinds of people back then. Some friendly, some... not so friendly. I’d say it’s mostly hostile out there, but that may just be because the mean ones are really mean. Does that make sense?
<Snipped quote by Dynamics>

I couldn’t beat you in a fight even if I wanted to. My control is the worst but you make it look easy.
And did you just drink the same water you washed your face with?

Heh, I’m not really a fighter anymore. I doubt I could do all that much.
*The sphere splits into a hundred marbles of water, like reflective glass balls*
This sphere is acting as a water source for me. So, sort of? But whatever grossness ended up in there got washed downstream.
<Snipped quote by Dynamics>

Wow, ok, you’re definitely a lot more powerful than me.

*Laughs, picking up a stone from the muddy sand and flings it at the river. It skips a few times before sinking under the water*

Powerful? I don’t know if I’d say that...
*A smaller orb exits the sphere of water and flies into my mouth*
<Snipped quote by Dynamics>

*Slowly levitates downwards towards the river bank*
Along this river? It's rare you find a world this serene, so we can enjoy it while we get to know each other a bit.

Sure, that works for me.
*Levitates a sphere of water toward me from the river and uses it to wash my face*
<Snipped quote by Dynamics>

Well I know I’ve had too much discussing the past and the unknown.
So let’s go and do the thing I love best… exploring!

You have someplace you want to go? Lead the way.
<Snipped quote by Dynamics>

*watches someone in the mansion sets off one of your traps through the sphere*
Then let’s begin. But what are going to be doing?

Man, I don’t know, I haven’t traveled the multiverse in decades. What do you want to do?
<Snipped quote by Dynamics>

Really? Thanks.

Since I don’t have a home to go back to now, it’s pretty much now or never.
<Snipped quote by Dynamics>

I don’t have any idea what I am. I guess I’d like to know.

*Holds up a sphere in my hand that reveals the mansion we came from like a crystal ball, where an armed group kicks open the door*
Well, so much for that...
You want a guide? Fine. I'll be your guide.
<Snipped quote by Dynamics>

*as we both hover in the sky, looks down at the river below.*
So, I don’t really know who or what I am, why the world is so weird with me. And if I meet more people like me, maybe I can answer some of the questions I’ve had.
And, other people with dimensional traveling ability? The journey along the way would be one heck of an adventure.

So you aim to... understand yourself better?
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