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"I agree. Noriko and I grew up in a small mountain town, there's no atmosphere quite like that. I've noticed city life produces so many more shades... larger, stronger ones..."

The silence between them was palpable for that brief pause that came as she spoke of shades. She understood well what she spoke of as she was all too familiar with shades. Some might say that her and shades went hand in hand given the numbers and sizes she's had to handle in her past.

"Sorry if this conversation is getting depressing."

Sophia shook her head. "No need to apologize. I understand."

"At least there are more of us around here to keep the doom and gloom at bay! And yeah, places like this sure help."

She turned her attention to her sister Noriko for a moment but it returned to Fuyuko as she looked out across the forest to the city beyond, a look which spoke of a certain melancholy she could recognize. It drew her to wonder what it is that occupied her thoughts so, this lingering undertone of despair in her eyes.

"How are you finding Tokyo?" She asked Sophia.

"It is a fine city. Despite it's ultra modern veneer it's surprisingly humble once you leave the tourist trap circuit." Having said that she looked out in the direction where she had saw the battle take place, her eyes drawn past the forest towards the more suburban sectors.

"While I've seen little of shades as of yet it seems conflict is already stirring." She looked down, appearing to be deep in thought as she considered the events she's witnessed thus far.

"I fear such conflicts will only intensify with the progression of time."

Bad news everyone. As requested by Paul I must be leaving the rp. It was fun roleplaying with you all. A shame Thessir couldn't spend more time with your characters than he did.

Best of luck and I look forward to seeing you in other roleplays.
@PaulHaynek - That certain detail has been seen to.

I will note that there is more to Gang's background than what is seen. Some of it was discussed in the prior rp as Lumiere may recall but the story never proceeded to the point where I could elaborate more. Since Kazzok's identity is largely shrouded in mystery I left whatever reason he might have had in obscurity.
I'll re-submit Gang here first.

@Kalas - Just throwing a mention out to let you know once you've got a response up I'll conclude this current event and kick off the following one shortly.

I understand everyone's up to their own things but we gotta keep at least posting more than once a week now. I'll do my part as soon as is reasonable.
I was here the first time and I'll be here still.
"Ah... It's ok. Nice to meet you too."

As the wolf padded forward she carefully presented her hand, letting the creature acquaint itself with her scent to put it at ease. Once it was comfortable with her she would give it a gentle pet along the ear, it's soft fur running along her pale delicate fingers.

"Ehh, I'm the one who should apologise, And don't worry, Kiyoshi here won't harm you, whenever he's not in combat he's just like a puppy. I'm Noriko, and this is my sister, Fuyuko."

"It is a pleasure to meet you both." Sophia looked from one to the other. While both of them still seemed wary of her Noriko was the more relaxed of the two, Fuyuko still looking at her with some suspicion.

"Ohh awesome! I'm going to guess those ravens are yours, that's a neat move!"

Without any change in her placid expression she simply nodded. Though there were only a couple of her ravens nearby, the rest distributed further into the woods and all over the town, it seemed this magical girl had pinned their presence to her. Given how she's already demonstrated notable abilities of detection thus far given how she was able to find her in the first place it did not surprise her that she able to trace her conjurations to their source.

"Very astute of you." She answered calmly. There was still the possibility of this situation turning ugly but from appearances it seemed neither of these two were looking to take advantage of this moment of weakness of hers. She had good cause to fear for her own safety seeing as she was outnumbered but she did not allow that to color her attitude. Hex Night or not they were still magical girls, deserving of common courtesy and politeness at the very least. More than that they were still people. While people are often unpredictable she could not allow herself to treat the people she strove to protect from the shades like wild animals.

"Uh... If you don't mind my asking, This got me wondering... What is it that brings you to these woods? There isn't trouble nearby, is there?"

She shut her eyes briefly, enjoying the fresh air's cool touch on her skin as her long wavy black hair gently swayed in the breeze.

"No." Her eyes locked with Fuyuko's own icy blue gaze. "I'm simply acquainting myself with this town and it's residents. I find nature relaxing, well removed from the many distractions of urban life."

She looked down from Fuyuko to their large wolf Kiyoshi.

"I feel many a people's hearts crave such peace without knowing it."

Alright everybody, just waiting on a response to the scene from Kalas and then I'll have the scene's terminus up as well as the setup for the next event. I take it since things have been fairly quiet that I'd not be interrupting any deity's activities by initiating the following event?

Well, that was no fun.

He drowsily awoke from his forced slumber, his eyes tracing the form of the room above him. The light did not agree with his eyes so he turned to bury his head into the pillow but he was distracted by the entrance of a nurse from all appearances.

"Ah, Mister Thessir, you are awake."

He looked up at his speaker, bringing his hand up to shield his eyes from the light that was being cast into the room.

"We were worried for a second. Varjan left you as a pile of burning ooze and we had to cast some heavy healing on you to get you back into shape."

Suuure they did. Now that she mentioned it though he cast his mind back to the fight.

How did he rendir me unconscious in my dark mass form? I figured such a feat impossible since my brain becomes as fluid as my body. Furthirmore, how did he manage to dodge my attacks with such carefree disregard? Hmm... Perhaps...

"So, how are you? Are you feeling alright?" He was stirred out of thought when she addressed him. His initial response was simply to groan and lean his face into his palms.

"Ugh, by the stars. What time is it?" He was strongly hoping it wasn't early in the day still. After spending so many days up early he had spent most of his fights throughout this contest constantly dragged out. Some days his body threatened to nod off if he stopped moving. Now that this whole charade was over he planned to catch up on some much needed sleep, get back into working through the night hours where he rightly belongs.

"Wait." A sudden disturbing realization struck him.

"Whire's my stuff!?" He sat upright like he was struck with lightning, his deep dark eyes scanning the room for any signs of the stuff he left on the field during the fight.

"Ah blast it. If that guy wint through my stuff while I was out I out I swear I'll gut him." Thessir quickly chattered to himself as he looked around. He would of gotten up to search more thoroughly but he decided to check underneath the cover first to see if they left him his pants.
She watched the battle run it's course, her raven perched up in the safety of anonymity. The mad scientist and the fireworks girl had triumphed over the other two but failed to secure an elimination. A shame, especially considering that the oni blooded girl would prove a definite obstacle if another competitor didn't eliminate her first.

She had half a mind to survey her route and she if she could identify where she lived so she could keep track of her, map out her routes so she'd know where not to go. Before she could take any action however a distant echo caught her attention. The sound was not located near the raven but was instead located by her physical self. She could only dedicate a portion of hearing into the ravens in case of situations just like these. As her senses retreated back into her body the distant echo of the voice was now clear and just as near as it's speaker.

"I-I'm sorry! We didn't know, I'm so sorry!"

The white haired magical girl apologized for the two of them. Her response was not immediate for a question had stuck itself in her head.

Was I really so obvious?

She suspected the sister in possession of canine features might have a form of detection magic which may have been what exposed her. Still, this was of great concern given the circumstances of her presence here. She couldn't risk getting exposed and confronted, not without serious consequences.

Having turned to face the two who stood before her the young girl lowered her obfuscation, revealing the little one sat upon her dark wheelchair. Though cast in the deep shadow of the evening sun set across the great tree who's shade she resided in they could see her calm, contemplative expression.

"My apologies, I'm still touching up on my Japanese. Forgive me if I am slow to answer."

Her voice was soft and light. It was the kind of voice one would suspect couldn't be brought to a shout even if she tried. Overhead a few silhouettes of birds gently circled overhead. Her ravens were near but stayed the distance lest the two catch on and see threat in their presence. The last thing she needed was a fight, especially with both of them so close.

"My name is Sophia. It is good to meet you."

Taking her time with this gentle, measured motion she carefully bowed to them from her sitting position, taking care not to put strain on her chest. Sitting up in her seat she had her hands set neatly upon her lap as she patiently awaited their response.

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