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@FlitterFaux@Lucius Cypher

Wait a sec...

Emerald cheered enthusiastically when Anna agreed to come over. "Yay! This will l be so much fun! We'll head over as soon as you guys are done eating!"

"Wait a second..." Emerald said, sounding confused. "What do weapons have to do with Gren's girlfriend?" Emerald paused, then her eyes widened with realization. "Wait Gren, you have a girlfriend!? That's so cool! Who is she? Can I meet her?" Emerald had even less of a grasp of what was actually going on than Anna or Gren probably realized.

@FlitterFaux@Lucius Cypher

Ignorance is bliss?

Emerald nodded enthusiastically, being the naive, innocent girl that she was, had no idea how twisted and perverted her friends were. If she had known, she would have been red as a strawberry. Instead she casually finished off her meal before Scoot could nibble any more of it.

"I'd love to show you my guns Anna! In fact, do you want to come over to my dorm? One of my teammates is there right now, he got pretty beat up on our last mission so he probably could use some cheering up anyway. They say positive attitudes actually help you heal, I guess it's true cause look at me! I got freaking stabbed and poisoned on Friday and I'm already walking around!"

Emerald looked at Gren. "You can come too if you wanna. The way you're talking it sounds like you'd get along with Oswald great."

Hmmm am I forgetting something? Oh right...my parents. I haven't seen dad yet...I'll just uh...tell them to come to the dorm...yeah...
@FlitterFaux@Onarax@Abillioncats@Sho Minazuki@HereComesTheSnow@Ryonara@Crimmy@Lucius Cypher


Emerald smiled at Scoot and tossed him a piece of tuna. There was no way she could deny something so cute and fluffy after all. From that point on Emerald focused entirely on eating her tuna. She'd been waiting eagerly for this moment after all.

At some point while Emerald was munching Gren sat down at the table with her. Gren then inquired about Annabelle. Emerald took a moment to actually swallow what was in her mouth before answering.

"Well her name is Annabelle and I met her while waiting in line to order this tuna actually. She literally appeared out of nowhere, but I figured out fairly quickly that we're destined to be soul sisters..." She was going to say more, but the urge to keep eating was too strong and she stuffed her mouth with another bite.

Anna, as if on que, sat down at the table. "So you two already know each other?"

Gren beat her to answering. "Yeah. Emerald is friend with a friend of mines, so we met up and hanged out a bit. I also helped Emerald with her weapons to give them a bit more of a bang. As you can imagine, I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to weapons and tech. Just an amateur tinkerer, but I'll play with whatever toys I get my hands on."

Emerald nodded, agreeing with what the boar faunus said. "Yeah I was testing the changes to my weapons just before I came here actually. I liked the results."
I'll be back home from vacation tomorrow so I'll be able to rapid post tomorrow.@FlitterFaux
@FlitterFaux@Onarax@Abillioncats@Sho Minazuki@HereComesTheSnow@Ryonara@Crimmy@Lucius Cypher

Wait what is evening happening right now!?

Emerald struggled a little bit to keep up with Anna's insane monologue, which quickly derailed into some rant about luchadoras Wait we have those here!? and then Anna saw Gren and freaked out and then a crate fell from the sky full of FISH and Emerald's nose picked up the incredible scent of fresh salmon.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...." Emerald stood there looking dumbstruck and euphoric for a moment before she wiped the drool off her face and snapped back to reality at the sound of Mr. Waiter's voice.

"Apologies for the lack of fried tuna, senorita," he said politely as he reentered character, bowing to Emerald as he held out the plate to the catgirl. "Our chef preferred to provide you with a more ... exquisite tuna tempura."

Emerald took the plate eagerly, quickly focusing on her prey meal as she received it."Hey I don't care what you wanna call it I'm gonna eat it! Thanks Mr. Waiter!" She quickly sat down at a nearby table, but before she started to devour her tuna she looked towards Annabelle who was...what the heck was she doing with Gren? I don't understand what's happening...nevermind that!

"Annaaaaaaaaaaaa our food is ready come eat it! We sisters have to eat together!" Emerald said this even as she started to stuff her face with tuna. My hands moved on their own I swear. You've gotta believe me...Scoot. She wondered if the ferret could pick up her thoughts.
Beacon never dies.
Emerald would cry cooties and run away.
Leave Lube alone he's people.
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