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I kinda want Cam to start swinging, but will see if I sneak a post in before the update.
Oh no, baddies!

Will catch up on the thread today and then start pondering my post.


Emerging from the arcane globe of shimmering magic that had saved her, Vera darted forward. She had been trapped. She had been slowed. She had to help Lucian. She had to protect Celeste. Cheese boy was no fighter. He was not even a shield. He was a pretty face. Some chiseled abs. And clearly, the brains of a mouse.

She didn't worry about the wizard. She didn't worry about the crashing lights. Edward seemed fine. He was still shouting. Vera decide to take that as a positive sign. The dragon had to be dealt with. The danger had to be ended. Aid couldn't be dispensed to any hapless mortals with a mouthful of jagged teeth looming over Lucian...an maybe Celeste afterwards.

Springing forward, Vera launched herself at the dragon and swung her ebony blade at whatever part of the dragon she could reach first. She needed to strike. She needed to distract. She needed to buy Lucian time. She needed to do something.



"Sure, we wouldn't want our metallic colleague getting lost, now would we?" Cam said, idly patting the wooden box strapped to her right hip. The strange magic of the relic waited and reassured her. Reality could be changed. Reality could be changed and so could she.

The metal suitcase Mel had given them weighed heavily in her left hand. Relics required CATs. Unless you wanted trouble. Unless you wanted reality bending trouble. And she wasn't going to leave it to Honest to carry it. Burning a small amount of vitas, her eyes shifted to those of a cat, deep amber, pupils turned to narrow slits. She was still relaxed, untroubled, but wary, she could feel the hairs rising on the back of her neck. The supernatural was not far. Predictably, given that a relic was in the mix. Mel had said so. And Cam trusted her. More than she trusted Honest, at least. Her ears shifted next. New frequencies of sound washing over her. New smells followed as she made subtle changes to her olfactory system. Surprises would not do. Not now. Not when the prize was worth 2000 kr. That was a lot of food. And a lot of wine.

She'd never liked Littown. She'd never liked carpeting. Gross. Gross all around. Filthy. Dirty. And perfumed with rot. In and out. Get the book and get the money. She wanted it to be easy. She wanted it to be that easy. Just for once, Cam, wanted the credits to come with no strings attached.

Sighing quietly to herself, Cam waved a lazy goodbye to blade wielding girl and Emma, vanishing down the middle passage after Niid.
No worries!

I will be dropping a post in the next day or two, but obviously no rush.


Seeing the fire rushing towards her, Vera mercifully heard little of Edward's screeching over the roar of flames as they rolled towards her and the invading wisp.

There was no time to swear again. No time to rail against fate or the pink haired girl woman for sending her into the fire. No time to help the wizard. No time to find cheese boy. She didn't bother gasping for air. The fire would soon steal any oxygen. Besides, what need had the already dead for breathing?

Moving unhesitatingly, faster than the nervous system of a still living mortal could ever hope to fire, Vera's right hand dove into the pocket of her suit jacket, retrieving a small piece of paper. Long swirling letters in a fine black ink, formed a great vine of monochromatic flowers. The product of a bored mind and too much time spend listening to another of Sigrun’s classically long briefing. Vera had found it deeply confusing when Sigrun spent minutes explaining that unnamed Reapers had been banned form Paris and the importance of following the "Standard Operating Procedures"...Reapers were professionals, were they not? Surely such things were obvious.

Wasting no time on regulatory thoughts, Vera summoned power from the arcane reservoir that resided within her. She felt a familiar warmth as magic leapt from her fingertips to the piece of paper. Globus invulnerabilitatis the swirling script read. Globe of Invulnerability.

A shield. A way to buy time. Enough time she hoped. She didn't need much. Just a moment. Unwaiting, Vera reached for the gem chained to her arm. She needed her sword. She needed her sword for dragon hunting.
Given the vibes of the OOC, would something like a wandering apothecarist make sense?

Either way, I'm a big fan of this sort of concept and love me some more serious Elder Scrolls.

Which is to say I'll do some writing.

Posted a WIP below, although it won't be too long to wrap up, as it's been a minute since I did anything ES, so happy to receive any thoughts or feedback.

Edit: Small Updates

If possible I would like to inquire on the nature of the Synod / College of Whispers as pertains to this RP? Do one or both still exist and are they the chief providers of magical training? If not, what other institutions would train a mage instead?


Surrounded by Mel's books, Cam felt oddly content. Mel's room was like the den of some wild animal. At least that's what Cam thought. She had heard stories about forests. Passed down recollections of encounters with faded creatures such as wolves, bears, and one of her personal favorites, the apex predator known as the Adélie penguin. It saddened Cam that she would likely never have a chance to see one of the 1,700 pound, eight foot, razor beaked hunter gliding through the water like a sleek torpedo of death.

She found her thoughts flowed freely under Mel's roof and in her messy room. It had the soft, pleasant smells of familiarity and comfort. It was safe. It was a home, of sorts, a shelter at least. Good. More than good. Better than they could hope for. Sensing an unwelcome mixture of affection and embarrassment, Cam busied herself with adjusting the formal vest she wore. It was a gift she contended. And it had been, in a manner of speaking.

Leaning lazily against a bookcase she had deemed stronger than the rest, Cam had listened to Mel's impromptu briefing. Four cleaners was a good number. Not too many, not too few. Yasu. Niid. Emma. Familiar faces. Reliable faces. Cleaners she trusted. As much as one cleaner could trust another cleaner, of course.

400 crowns was not bad. 1600 crowns on top of that was very good. Cam was not a greedy creature. She prided her on this. She was a reformed criminal. Nominally, of course. A thief was always a thief. She had not forgotten everything. Only that which bothered her. Only that which hurt. She could change. She could be whoever and whatever she wanted.

Cam. Careful, reliable Cam was good for now. Tomorrow? Well, that was tomorrow. She could be a cat, prowling the city. She could fly, she could be a crow again...or perhaps a magpie soaring over the city.

Electing to focus on mere pragmatics, Cam broached a different topic from her younger comrades, "Will you be providing us with a CAT for the relic? I would prefer not to ask Honest if we could borrow one from her again..."


"Гавно," Vera cursed, her eyes locked on the scene unfolding in front of her. She heard Lucian's desperate plea for help. She wasn't sure what was happening. They were faced with many sudden problems. Deeply unwelcome problems. The skeletal dragon. The ghosts. Lucian. Beautiful, thoughtless, and utterly guileless, Lucian. He'd have to have turned tangible to grab the cheese. It was a mistake. Gluttony was a grave sin, for good reason. Too much vodka, too much cheese, or too many sexual partners. It was all the same in the end.

The living weren't supposed to see Reapers. The living weren't suppose to know the Reapers. Vera remembered the presentation that the HR representative had given. Corporate buzzwords swirled through her head. Ethical violations. Nepotism. Favoritism. Conflict of Interest. And a most terrifying combination of words forged into an iron clad sentence that Vera could not help but interpret as a dire threat: "Suspected violations of company policy will result in swift investigation by the Assurance & Compliance Services Department".

Vera recognized that she needed to act. She needed to act before Lucian did exactly the sort of thing a man incapable of resisting a dairy product would do.

"Something is wrong, cheese boy, perhaps it is time we leave with your old friend. A dragon, a fucking dragon, and three...three ghosts is exactly the sort of trouble the annoying one told us to watch out for. The time of waiting has passed. The time of acting is now. It is time for us to step...in."

Vera moved closer to Lucian, readying herself to shield the two models. She knew animals. She knew how they thought. She knew how they reacted. She would not throw the first punch. She would not provoke the dragon. Strange forces were at work. Strange forces Vera did not like. To see spirits so brazen. To see a dragon or some creature made to look like one. To have Lucien made by the living. None of that had been the plan. None of that had been expected. Considering these facts, Vera made no effort to fade into the realm of the visible, she had no interest in shocking any watchers. And assuming a tangible form was foolish without knowing what would come next.

"Let us walk to the exit, Lucian, slowly. I will be beside you. Take care your companion does not get lost like our wizard," Vera said, gently nodding towards Lucian, willing his ethereal neurons to work, to perform, and to inspire a thoughtful reaction for once.


I'll try to toss up a post later this evening.
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