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WIP, will wrap up the personality and background a bit later.

Name: Vaelyn Silverstride
Ancestry: Human
Heritage: Aiuvarin (Elven)
Class: Bard
Subclass: Multifarious Muse (Maestro / Enigma)



Vaelyn's Character Sheet

Thanks to @Euphoria for generating an image for me!
Nice to see the OOC, no triggers on my end, I'll try to wrap up my character sheet tonight.

I am the most fickle person ever so swapped divine to wild and went with a druid bard.
Are the deities straight from Pathfinder?

I'm thinking cloistered cleric, just need to plan some aspects of her out.

Dominika Kovač Pignatelli

Being separated from Ionna had been difficult. She knew better than to question the Fyodor. She knew little of the Templars, beyond the painfully obvious, much less the working of their ancient order. Ionna had been kind, they had gotten along well, and her joy had been a comfort in times so heavy with tribulation. Nothing had been said by Fydor or anyone else. Feelings of doubt were impossible to escape. She did not think she had done anything wrong. Her own worry harried her and would not allow her concern to fade. No one had blamed her, no one had brought her to task following the bloodshed at the banquet, but in the quiet hours of the night, she felt certain she had failed. She could not shake off the thorny thoughts that she was not the Scion of Metal that was needed.

There was nothing she could do about such fears, except to keep going. Times were strange and getting stranger. A Templar had been named twice. A Scion and her Templar were dead. It seemed a trifling thing in comparison to have a new Templar. There was a quite strength to Sara, different, but steel forged with the same strength as that Ionna had brought cheerfully with her. She had not sat idle, traveling the across the realm. Making appearances, attending functions, doing all that could be done to make it appear as if the Scions and Church were in no great danger. And Sara had been wit her the entire time, her new protector and her new shadow.

Perhaps, another friend? Dom had begun to hope as much. She had fallen in easily with the serious Templar. She found her books interesting and her faith a boon in the deepest pits of her own doubt. Having always looked to the future, building ships over the years, she found it pleasing to talk about the science fiction that Sara read. To share baked goods acquired on the road or in some small shop was a welcome comfort. Dom had felt an outsider from the day she became a Scion and she suspected at times Sara was an outsider too. Few would dare to demean her in Dom's presence, but Dom knew that some would whisper insults in the darkness. Some, could not forget the past and would only see a foreigner. Dom felt an unexpected protectiveness about her new Templar. She remembered the lurch in her stomach seeing the Scion of Fire mistreat her. She had decided she would not allow it. She would not be silent if such matters arose.

The additional training she had begun hastily on the night of the attack with Ionna had continued with Sara. Each Templar fought in a different way, had mastered different skills, but it Dom found it hard to not be awed by their expertise. She acquired fresh bruises each day, new reminders of the vast sea of skill she had to cross. However, instead of feeling discouraged, Dom felt renewed. She had come to hold an almost obsessive devotion to her new talents as a Scion. She had channeled the energy once reserved for her craft, bending and shaping of metal into ships capable of sailing the seas, surviving great storms, and weathering blistering combat, into her the gifts that Incepta had bestowed upon her. She could do nothing less. It was the only way to find meaning in the recent violence.

Beyond the sorrow that the passing of the Scion of Lightening and her Templar had brought, Dom found herself particularly burdened with legal matters far outside of her own experience. To be named the successor of Marchioness Nadine Lucienne was an honor, one she would have happily refused had it not been the decision of the kindly woman herself. Such news were not happily received by all and Dom found herself troubled by the conflict that loomed on the horizon. Duchess Odette Lorelai had a noteworthy reputation and Dom suspected she had no interest in an amicable resolution. She could sympathize, she could understand the woman's frustrations, but it felt wrong to betray Nadine's will. Nadine had been an experienced Scion and a learned practitioner of magic, Dom saw only the hand of the Goddess in her final actions. Uncertain, she had asked Sara to render a judgment and to offer her thoughts. It was a delicate matter and she had no desire to be cruel or to wound the no doubt mourning Duchess. However, in the same breath she could ignore want Nadine had wanted. To do the right thing was not always easy...or pleasant. She had sought out the Archbishop Elijah. He had advised her well and discreetly recommended a fine lawyer to help her navigate the unfortunate situation.

Chocolate chip cookie in hand, Dom listened with disquiet as conversation unfolded around her. Bloodshed demanded so freely, war proposed as if a mere game, it troubled her to her other Scions speak thus. Yet, there was hope in the restraint others suggested. She had traveled more broadly than most, in her prior life, unbound sailing on the ocean by the quirks of geography that came to be borders. She held no great hatred for any nation, not even the Kaudians. War did not appeal to her. In the anger of her spiritual equals, righteous as their fury might be, fearful as they all were, she saw only more suffering being promised to the wholly innocent.

Bedecked in a black dress, adorned with lines of silver, Dom looked different than she had months earlier. Her hair was longer, falling just below her shoulder blades. A hint of confidence had grown within her, a fragile thing that still reached desperately towards the sun. To be silent seemed wrong, when great violence was being lightly contemplated and offered as haphazardly as the tea the child princess had poured for her.

"To swing a hammer uncertainly...imprecisely, is a quick way to smash your own fingers. I was always told to measure most carefully before I began any new work...Beginnings are...ummm...such delicate times and one must always consider the cost," Dom said, coughing apologetically.
@Abstract Proxy Yaaay! Glad to hear. If you need any help with character creation, reach out to me!

Will do, will do some thinking for a bit to see what sort of character strikes my fancy.
Sounds like a lot of fun, I am interested!

The themes sound very neat.
Same, no rush on my end, just excited to see what you guys post.
Related, the ship needs a tax auditor, they are a much feared class amongst pirates one and all.

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