Avatar of Achronum


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7 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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Twice a week. Each in game day is split into three times skips for non combat scenes so as long as you post in two out of three of them, you'll be on mark!

We also have a discord where smaller, primarily conversation oriented scenes can be played out rather than devoting a full post to it.

Yes we are! Read through the OOC cause there is a lot and then PM our wonderful GM with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have :D

Alfonse nodded at the pair as they left. He cast a barrier on the front entrance, preferring solitude for the moment and relishing the quiet. He settle onto a couch and picked up a bagel, pulling out a little jar of honey he kept for himself, and drizzled it onto a bagel. He hummed to himself as he bit into it, put on his half rimmed spectacles, picked up a newspaper, glancing at the headline, and flipping open to the finances.

”Hm, guess I should drop them, maybe invest in their competitor.” He muttered, making notes directly on the paper. “And now who can I exploit next?” He flipped through other sections, circling names and making notes about prospective payments. This side of the territory could use a few nicer touches frankly.

He cast a critical eye around the room. Definitely hardwood floors, a bigger desk and a better chair, repaint the inside, update the appliances…

”Perhaps I should suggest I find better accommodations altogether.” He said as he made a list on his phone. The list would grow far too quickly otherwise. He looked back at the notes he’d made over the paper, double marking individuals with the resources to either upgrade their current area or give them something new completely.

”My liege and I maintain enough sense to avoid drinking battery acid Mr. Dublois.” Alfonse said before bowing to Alice and holding out his hand, his familiar’s summoning circle appearing briefly before the crow replaced it. She hopped up onto his shoulder and cawed. Alfonse chuckled and pulled out a few nuts he kept for her. She snatched them up as he walked over to a window.

“There’s a stray devil running amok dear. If you’d be so kind as to circle the edge of our territory until we find it, I would greatly appreciate it.” It took a moment but she cawed again and took off out the open window. He closed it and watched Baradiel murmur to their King. He felt the familiar itch at the sight. It was perfect, practically begging him press on that connection, see what chaos he could cook up. He stamped the instinct down, hard. He wasn’t here to turn them against each other. He was here to support them. He repeated that to himself as he moved to the sleeping King and gently picked her up.

“Of course Mr. Dublois. She’ll be well taken care of while you’re away.” Alfonse nodded at the pair, stepping into another room they had repurposed just for this. He slid her underneath the blankets and tucked her in carefully, stepping out quickly return with a glass of water, a small bottle of painkillers, and her pastry for when she woke up. He placed them on the bedside table and quietly closed the door behind him. He looked at the other two.

“Will you be requiring my teleportation circle gentlemen?” He asked as he settled down on a couch, sipping at a cup of tea.“And if you could, bring me a copy of The Independent, The Daily Mirror, and The Guardian while you’re out please. I dislike being behind on our territory’s events.”


“And good morning to you as well, Mr. Desmond.” Alfonse responded as he laid out silver platters he brought from London. He laid out the pastries and bagels around a small pile of jams, creamed cheese, and chocolate spread. He place two of them, a chocolate twist and a strawberry topped danish on small plates separate from the rest. ”A stray devil? How disappointing to see kin fall to such depravity. I’ll send Narti out after breakfast as well.” He adjusted a croissant and turned to Baradiel.

I must admit Mr. Dublois, I discovered at the bakery this morning I am quite ignorant of your breakfast preferences. Besides the obvious of course.” He nodded at the coffee pot as he check on the tea and started setting up the other tray with milk and sugar cubes. He placed cups, silverware, and small plates along with them. Satisfied with the tea, he pulled out the mesh and dumped the loose leaves in the trash and covered the pot again. “Hopefully, you’ll find something agreeable in the others I selected and when you find the time in your schedule, please email me a short list of foods you enjoy excluding your morning battery acid.”

He gave the trays a quick glance over, decided he was satisfied, and picked them both up with ease, passing quietly past Alice and Desmond while chuckling inwardly at the Knight’s puppy-like devotion. He placed the trays down at a coffee table between two couches facing each other, pouring tea for Alice after placing the twist at her seat and placing the strawberry danish at Desmond's.

“At your leisure, breakfast is served. Although I recommend my liege and Mr. Desmond don't dally as your pastries may cool past your liking.”
Still looking for new players and a co-GM!

Alfonse checked his phone on his way out, pausing a moment at the door to take an umbrella. This side of Washington rained nearly every day and ruining a suit wouldn't do. He locked the house’s door and looked over the outside. Some of the paint was peeling off but the ivy he planted was growing well. He made a mental note to find a painter.

He felt a twinge of wistfulness as he made his way down the drive, taking a moment to remember the woman who’d paid him the house in a contract. It was entirely by accident. Narti stole one if the woman’s garden ornaments and left the flyer behind instead. Two days later, he teleported into the women's room and make a pact to keep her children from squabbling over her inheritance and to keep her company before she passed away. It had been easy, getting her to sign him over as the inheritor, changing her children’s memories, and arranging her funeral after the fact.

He started up the car, another pact payment. Did he really need to drive? Not particularly but he found the mortal’s metal death traps rather relaxing when they functioned properly. And he needed something in the event teleportation was inconvenient so he had ensured he’d gotten something upscale. It wouldn’t do for Alice to arrive in anything less.

He made a stop by his regular bakery, picking up a box of pastries and bagels and a few newspapers while chatting quietly with the woman who ran the store. He wished her a good day and left, heading straight to the college. His dashboard read 6:40. Just on time.
Alfonse walked into the room and noted the desk and the pile of paperwork. Good thing he brought food, it seemed someone would probably need it. He made his way into the kitchenette.

“Good morning, my liege.” Alfonse said, bowing at Alice. “Good morning, Mr. Dublois. I brought bagels and pastries, I’ll have them laid out in just a moment. The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, and The Wall Street Journal will be out in a moment as well.” He glanced at Alice and sighed, taking the kettle of the heat.

“Go sit with Mr. Dublois my liege. I’ll bring your tea in just a moment.” Alfonse suggested softly as he used his magic to bring the water to a boil before setting up the teapot and laying pastries and such on a serving platter.
@Polaris North I think you'll be good. Despite Baradiel hitting his dislikes pretty hard, Alfonse's family values usefulness over personal interest and as an rather useful asset, Alfonse will be professional enough not to hate you. though some pettiness here and there may occur XD
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