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Interactions: Tetsumi Shiki (@Animal)

With one last powerful kick, The Dragon had sent the dummy into a corner of the wall that lead out of the subway. She was tired of kicking it along, and listening to the same damned recording over and over again. It looked as though things would never change, until suddenly...


She had no way of discerning whose voice that was crying out like that, but as she turned to her left, The Dragon did recognize the beanie that the boy who'd spotted her was wearing, having seen it from all the photos of the students who were participating in the exam while she was being briefed. There was no doubt about it; that boy had to be one of the participants.

With that, The Dragon took off in pursuit.


Shiki had a commendable head-start on The Dragon, but it wasn't large enough to allow for his escape. As he'd likely anticipated, he could only make it to the radio tower before all of a sudden, The Dragon would drop down right in front of him with barely any warning. Shiki would notice something that was almost inhuman about The Dragon. Well, she had to out-heighten him by nearly an entire foot; that much would be apparent they closer they were to each other. But that wasn't it. They'd both covered a lot of ground in the pursuit. However, The Dragon didn't appear to have expended the slightest amount of stamina in order to get this far. Perhaps that was because she had so much more to give.

"Where're you going?" The Dragon asked, in a tone very reminiscent of the yandere persona that she was going for.

Suddenly, the giantess of a woman that was The Dragon had got a message from the proctor of the exam.

“Heyo,” the child-proctor said, “I know you know this, but it’s a bit nerve-wracking anyways. Don’t go too hard on them, alright? Thanksies.”

"OK, mother, I got it the first time round," The Dragon replied, in a tone that implied that she did need to hear it.

The Dragon continued down the path that the tunnel would lead her... only to find the "pregnant" dummy that she kicked over the far yonder from earlier. How no-one else had stumbled upon the treasure trove of dummies that was the underground subway, she didn't know. But she was getting pretty tired of not encountering any aspiring heroes so far. A recording from the "pregnant" dummy had played.

"Please help me," it said, "My... bab-..."

"Shut up!" The Dragon snapped, kicking the dummy again, "We both know you're as real as a ¥30 bill, so stop trying to make me feel bad..."


The Dragon would continue to kick the "pregnant" dummy along as she exited the tunnel and made her way up the stairs that lead to the subway. She was evidently bored, but that didn't stop her from staying vigilant.

Interactions: Elias Sumi* (@Turboshitter), Mitsurashi Natsuki* (@1Charak2)

And so Sumi and Natsuki managed to find their way to Zone 8. There, the first thing they'd find would be a radio tower that looked to be at least as tall as any five-story building. This zone could be described as a ghost town at first glance but, for a city that was supposed to be dilapidated, the buildings themselves never appeared to have sustained too much damage. Blood-curdling screams could be heard from the far yonder before they were silenced by what sounded like physical attacks. However, neither Sumi nor Natsuki would find a single dummy so long as they remained on the surface. There was only one direction they could go without abandoning this area...

Just behind the radio tower, there was an entrance to an underground subway. Perhaps that would lead the two girls towards Zone 8's bounty of dummies that were to be rescued. Whether they were aware of it or otherwise, the radio tower had activated the second they got within range of it, and would be listening to everything that they were saying to each other.


Within the heart of one of the tunnels that made up the subway, a whole mess of dummies lay on top of the railroad tracks in a disorganized fashion, almost as if they were callously thrown there. Others appeared to have been thrown against the walls of the tunnel, and even more were strewn in between. This would continue until the next waiting room, where some dummies of various sizes were bound in place. There was one more room, to a "chamber" of sorts, where one more dummy sat bound to a chair. Its floor was littered with candy and chocolate wrappers, empty bottles of soda and squashed cartons of fruit juice. Inside the room, holding onto the dummy's head, was a young human woman whose eyes were opened wide, with pupils visibly shrunken and a grin that reached from ear to ear. All the dummies used for the exam were built to represent the standard Japanese citizen, yet this woman was at least a couple heads taller than all of them.

The woman had a lot of fun using the bound dummy as a punching bag, but that wasn't the reason she was doing it. In truth, she was charging up her Quirk by doing all this, so it would be ready for when some aspiring heroes showed up to challenge her. A certain audio feed had reached the woman, and by the sounds of it, a couple of said aspiring heroes had already arrived. She chuckled sinisterly.

"I've had a great time with you, Mr. Snuggles; it's been fun, but now's the time for The Dragon to show her claws to some real victims."

With that, she kicked the door to her "chamber" off from its own hinges with a supercharged kick, before grabbing the dummy and ripping him away from his binds. She did the same to the dummy in the waiting room that had represented a pregnant woman, with the chair breaking off from its foundation in the process, before moving out to the tracks. Here, The Dragon tossed this second dummy in the air, and prepared a roundhouse kick just as it reached its peak height before gravity would take over.

"FFFFFFFFFFOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRREE!!" kicking it square in the lower belly, The Dragon had effortlessly propelled the pregnant dummy soaring into the air, leaving a very potent indent in the shape of a Size 13 boot's sole in the process. Where exactly the dummy would land was hard to tell from The Dragon's point of view, but one thing was made clear.

The Dragon had to have lost it completely...
Interest checked. I'm already in 2 RPs, one of which I'm co-hosting, and I've got another that I'm in the process of writing up, but I can easily make this be the last that I'll involve myself in.


One question though; how do you intend on who gets what Sin? Will you be allowing reserves?

Interactions: Tachibana Kotone (@Sola)

"Well, I was trying to say that I don't see running as torture... Sure, you might feel exhausted, but running has various benefits, like helping improve your mood or reducing the risk for heart disease," while she wouldn't want to admit it, that was not what Midori wanted to hear. It sounded as though Kotone was completely unaware of how much harder it would be for Midori to try to get herself fit. Midori felt as though she needed to say something, but what could she say? She'd lost friends before over clashes of opinion before and, considering she rarely came across any to begin with, that was the last thing she needed.

"Well... you've seen how I was at the end of it, alright?" Midori said in a tone of depression, "Just try to look at it from my perspective. Please."

With that, her head sank low. Midori had no idea that Kotone would take an interest in running, and now that she'd known, she was quick to feel bad for what she said earlier. She was still skeptical about the idea of her mood being improved by running, and she was adamant that she was past the point of no return when it come to looking after one's health. But perhaps that was because she had the wrong mindset entirely...

"I... I have to get going, okay?" Kotone stated, "If I see you at school, we can talk later... maybe at lunch, or something."

"Hm?" Midori wondered, looking down at her phone again, then back up towards Kotone, "Oh yeah; sure! I'll see you around."

That reminded her. She had to get back to the convenience store so that she could get her snacks off of Atsumori.


Sure enough, Midori arrived at the school gates with a significantly improved mood. She had gotten a packet of pocky, a couple bottles of soda and... a large percentage of her money back. Atsumori must've assumed that what Midori really wanted was to raid the convenience store, much to her dismay. But she was thankful that she got some more food out of the ordeal at the very least.

Of course, it was safe to say that Kotone would've arrived several minutes before Midori had. She did have a bike after all, and unlike Midori, Kotone wouldn't have had to stop by at the convenience store for any particular reason.

'I wonder where Miyuki is,' Midori kept watch on the streets. After all, there were others that had yet to arrive...

Interactions: Inoue Taro (@vFear), Dogorasu Goro (@Lugubrious)

"I'm Inoue Taro. This is the only school that's considered me, so let's work hard to get in together, okay?"

"Sure, I-I can get beh-hind that," Umi reached out towards Taro's hand as she said this, "I-I hope we can..."

Then suddenly, the signal for the start of the test rang out towards all of its participants, in form of a myriad of screams. Umi once against clasped her hands in between her ears in order to drown out the sound, but then they found their way to each side of her skull.

'Oh shit. It's started already? What the hell am I supposed to do?!' Umi looked all over the place, 'None of them could even agree on whether we're meant to team up or not! Damn it; I should've said something earlier. Even if it was nothing new, it could've at least been the tie-breaker or something. Come on, think. There must be a way I can fix this...'


Umi found herself looking back at Taro, who'd simply nodded at her. Would that suggest the two of them would officially be partners? And if so, what did that mean, exactly? Was there a way Taro could even help? Well, one would hope so; after all, they all participated in the exam with at least a strong hope of getting into Jigokurako Academy, if not the expectation of it. Perhaps, Taro's Quirk was one that would be severely underrated. Umi wouldn't know unless she saw it in action.

"If any of you want to come along, please feel free," said another male student. Umi had looked towards him, but had been blinded by the light that had been emitted from his head. Then suddenly, as she was still recovering, the male student started to take off.

"Y-you think we should f-f-follow him?" Umi asked Taro, waiting a few seconds for his reply before running towards the boy.

Moving To: Zone 3, with the intention of following Goro into Zone 6

Interactions: Inoue Taro (@vFear), Haruto Kaito* (@Zelosse), Yomodachi Azukina* (@Delta44)

"Hey, they're going to start without us," Umi looked towards the owner of this voice, who had horns protruding from his forehead. He looked to have a furrowed scowl on his face, but that contradicted with his actions, which seems to be of genuine concern. Perhaps said scowl just so happened to be a natural look for the male student in question, and perhaps he was a decent guy deep down...

"I, uh... I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't mean to z-zone out l-like that," Umi told the boy, "It's just... I-I can't... my n-nerves are out of c-c-control, and I-I... I'm sure I w-was screaming i-in my m-mind and I... h-huh?"

It was then that she registered the water bottle in the boy's hand, or as it would be more correct to say, the position of said bottle in relation to the rest of him. Umi didn't like the idea of rejecting an offer so callously, but...

"Oh! J-jeez, I... p-please keep it; y-you might need it m-more than I w-will," Umi stated. With that, she made her way off the bus.


It turned out that, while Umi was still in the back of the bus allowing her body to shake itself into oblivion, all the other students had gotten themselves in a heavy debate over how exactly one was to go about his or her performance in this final test of the exam. Some pointed out the merits of teamwork, while others specifically stated that they were in it for themselves. However, she did notice another boy that was strutting his stuff on a guitar, who then decided to make a stylish slide on his knees as he veered towards a girl with black and white hair and asymmetrical clothing. It looked as though the boy's hand was about to make contact with either one of the girl's buttocks; as such, Umi couldn't help but avert her eyes, and she also braced her ears for the inevitable scream that would ensue. Why girls always had to transform their voices into those more fitting for banshees, she'd never know. She wanted to give the wannabe rock-star the benefit of the doubt, but in terms of proving his own innocence, what he said after the fact didn't help. In any case, Umi once again turned to the horned student.

"I, er... I n-never got your n-name," she told him, "I'm Sug-guro Umi. My b-brother and I t-took UA's ent-trance exam t-together, but... I-I couldn't cut it..."

Her head sank low as she admitted this fact. The fact that she couldn't control her Quirk at the time was a painful memory to have. Umi could only hope that this exam would serve her better. After all, it appeared to be significantly easier on the surface.

It was supposed to be a simple ride, on a simple bus, to a simple hero academy. And yet somehow, it was just the beginning.

At the back of the bus, only a single row in front of the largest seat where five people could sit, there was a girl with heterochromatic eyes by the name of Suguro Umi, who had an open book on her lap that she was staring at the words of. A bookmark could be seen in between two pages, but on neither of two pages that she had eyes on. The seat next to Umi was occupied only by a backpack that was in her possession.

Eventually, the bus came to a stop, prompting Umi to adjust her bookmark's position so it could mark where she was up to, before closing the book she was reading and opening her backpack in attempt to put it away again. It was here that she saw a whole mess of clutter inside, as far as the eye could see in all of its pockets. Umi was initially confused as to how this clutter even got in there, let alone how one could hypothetically fit it all in a single backpack. But as she peered into her bag more, something hit her... and hit her hard.

'Did I just...? Oh crap. I KNEW I FORGOT TO DO SOMETHING!!' with that, Umi ravaged her backpack and spilled its contents all over her seat, rushing to grab whatever she could and put that something in its rightful place, 'The hell kind of ditsy dumbass do I have to be to not have had my costume fully assembled by now?! That's like the most important...! Oh god, I'm already blowing it, I'm already blowing it...'

The bodysuit that Umi always wore was a key part of her costume, so at least that was something that she'd always remember... if only for the fact that she almost never took it off. But there were a myriad of tubes and other apparatuses that she'd filled to the brink with water in preparation for the final test in Jigokurako Academy's entrance exam the night before, and they was supposed to be fitted to the main bodysuit while she was riding on the bus. How this could've possibly slipped her mind, she didn't know. But now all of a sudden she had to juggle actually equipping these tubes and apparatuses with relative haste, not breaking anything or spilling the water on anything, and now all of a sudden, having to listen to key parts of what the test was to entail.


'OK. I think I got everything,' Umi breathed a sigh of relief as she screwed the last thing that had to be screwed onto her, 'There are "people" out there, which'll probably just be dummies, and I have to get them on the bus so I can "rescue" them. I won't be marked on how much damage the dummies take or where they get hit, but I will be marked on how many I get in myself, and I'll also get points for bringing villains into custody. Easier said than done, most likely; after all, there has to be a reason why they'd score for more points, right? Still, if we all band together, it might not be all bad. Yeah... no, it won't be! There's lots of us heroes! And the lady said I could count the villains in one... in one...!'

As she looked down at her hand, Umi hallucinated, and began to see double. With some flailing around from the other hand, she eventually managed to get a decent grip on her wrist, only to note that her whole body was being overwhelmed by a nervous system that had run amok. She collapsed into a heap on both seats, clutching her head and suppressing her knees into her chest.

"M-m-my h-hand..." she murmered, "M-my arms, my l-legs, my whole b-body... Why c-can't it stop s-s-shaking?"
The Suguro family is a poor one, so Umi would've most likely stayed to witness the reclamation. It costs money to move cities after all :/

The male of the two teachers that I'll invest in the story will have also chosen to stick around for the long haul, but the female would've just moved in. Pre-reclaimed Kirisama would've left a bad impression on the female teacher otherwise.
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