Avatar of AdobeFlash
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 787 (0.27 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. AdobeFlash 8 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current been 4 years whats the sitch
5 yrs ago
KH3 ending was batshit. Excited for what comes next
5 yrs ago
kh3..is so good...
5 yrs ago
am i back? i gotta think! time's ticking and finals are upcoming, but maybe...just maybe!
6 yrs ago
1 like


Adobe "Clog Slayer" Flash


Anime: JJBA, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Hellsing, Yu Yu Hakusho

Comics: 90% of Vertigo Titles

TV: Aqua Teen, uhhhhh nothign else, really.

Video Games: Fallout, Metal Gear (I fucking love MGS), Half Life, Shin Megami Tensei, Pokemon

I'm open to collab on anything

Discord: AdobeFlash#8376


Guild Best Friends and Kid Getters:

@yoshua171 Lore master and really chill guy
@Celaira Nicest person on the entire Guild
@Altered TundraBest graphics designer and the only man to pick up when I call
@MyCatGinger Really chill person, couldn't ask for a better friend
@Grey especially because he is the recorder of my shitposts


Most Recent Posts

Adam Philip

Adam sighed. He had been staring at the very first page of The Cat in The Hat for a while now, trying to decipher the illustrations that he was SURE held the secret to unraveling wormholes, and eventually, magnetic fields. No, Adam was so wrapped up in his "work" that he didn't notice his chair collapsing due to Argent's nanomachines or whatever they were, nor did he notice the giant roar that had come from their resident orc. No, Dr. Seuss was a doctor for a reason. His thesis on felines and tesseracts were truly sublime, and Adam was sure some of his other books held significance. Perhaps Oh The Places You'll Go was a map of the dimensional plane? No one could know for sure. His mind was an enigma that read entirely in rhyme. But we're getting off topic. He closed the "grand tome", got up from his spot on the floor, and walked over the bookcase. He scanned the many shelves, and found what he was looking for:


He sweat in a dramatic fashion. It was time. This would decide the fate of the company. He looked around, thought for a moment, and slammed down the piece of metal.

Attention All Employees. There Is A Meeting In The Board Room In 10 Minutes. Please Do Not Be Late.

These 19 words made dread grow in the hearts of all the workers. Meetings meant death in this company. The last meeting they had, half their work force was transported into space via a wormhole. The one before that, a nuke was launched on the ISS. (That had landed them in some hot water.) Adam sprinted down the hall, and jumped into the meeting room. It was time.



@DistortionDude, yeah! We're always lookin for new guinea pigs employees! And now that I'm back on desktop I can post more as well.
@Cynder I'm here but 10% of the time because of how busy I am. It's 11:30 and I'm on my phone but I can't pump out IC till I'm home
@Spy For Alvah Looks good! Post Eve in the IC
@Spinosaurus Sorry to see you go. Have a nice day
@Midnight Howl Sure thing Beth! I'm at a conference right now, so I can't post until Tuesday without inconvenience. Sorry guys!
@VolenvradicaDon't worry Voly. We have no standards here, just pent up shitposts.
@ClocktowerEchos I was going to work on that eventually! Tonight! Maybe!
@ClocktowerEchos i guess its time to get into yet another tabletop franchise ill hit ya up when im done with the vid, might not be till tomorrow..
@SmileyJawsDude, it's fine. Glad we at least peaked your interest! See you around.
@ClocktowerEchos If we're being honest Clocku, all this ork shit is giving me an itch to try and get into Warhammer. Should I?
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