Avatar of Andreyich


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5 days ago
Current I'm married. Paypal $200 and I will give dating advice.
11 days ago
I like lurking through status bar drama AFTER its happened and been cleaned up by mods so I am left to wonder what fascinating context I am lacking
2 mos ago
visiting some people for a little while so will not be super active for a week or so
3 mos ago
the ad spam isn't that much of a problem in terms of covering content. but its a hurtful reminder that the many algorithms that decide what ads to serve think I am the kind of person to gamble
3 mos ago
do it just don't spam


If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.

About me:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.

Most Recent Posts

@TheIrishJJ I'd be up for it, GDocs?
I'll try to post this weekend, just thinking of what to really do in me post
Smh no Assyrians what normie pop history is this
Posted, if anyone wants to link up to my post feel free.
Steve woke up, scratching his facial hair faintly as slowly he opened his eyes. He sighed, placing his baseball cap on his head as he moved aside his blanket. The fucking millennials couldn't let an honest man sleep with their voodoo and bitching. He went over to the sink, splashing some water on his face. He heard some screaming going down the hallway, and a loud thud. The old boy shook his head in annoyance, "Fucking little shits." He muttered as he shaved off some annoying stubble on either cheek. Done, he splashed some aftershave and shuddered once the cool feeling hit hard. He put on a pair of shorts and didn't quite bother with a shirt for now, he wasn't going anywhere fancy and instead he reckoned he'd just go for a walk around, maybe breakfast and a lie down at the beach.

He stepped out of his room, gut jiggling with every step. It was oddly dark owing to lights not being on in the floor for some reason. Well, no problem, the windows and balcony let in enough sun to the hallway. "Kids with their shit music, eh?" He said, walking past a man of similar build and age to him. He heard a groan from the guy, who waved a bandaged arm. "Yeah, you and me both pal! Take care with them mosquitoes, don't scratch them bites eh?" Steve was about to step into the elevator, before he realized he really, really had to take a dump.

With a light whistle on his lips he turned a corner into the bathroom and took a stall. Sitting down he went at his business until quite surprised he heard the click of high heels. He looked under the stall door to make sure it was the men's room - as it was - before also seeing a pair of sneakers follow. "Rabbits, can't wait to get to their room before fucking." The man muttered, seeing the sneakers go into the same stall as high heel lady before some noises from the woman followed by fleshy noises and a growl from the lover boy.

Kids couldn't even let a man take shit! With headphones in the boomer finished his business and went over to wash his hands. In the mirror he saw someone else coming in, and smiled as he recognized the feller from the hallway. "Something with them steaks they serve, isn't it?" he remarked, gesticulating with a tap to his gut. When he got no response and only a growl again Steve turned to look at the man properly. As he came into the light, the man looked fucking rabid. Eyes crossed, foamy and bloodshot, teeth yellowed and bloody while missing a goddamn ear. "Buddy, you might want to head t-" he began, but didn't get the chance as he had to duck under a swing from the guy. Momentum made his counterpart fall over, knocking upon the stall door of the lovely couple. From his position, Steve only saw that the girl had a big bite on her wrist while her... boyfriend was prone on her, going for her chest. "Yo, help me with this guy!" It seemed however, that the kid had other things on his mind. He stood and turned to Steve with similar appearance to the feller on the ground, walking, shambling towards him. "Dude, back off...." He said, before yelling in surprise as the guy on the ground started gnawing at his shoe. In surprise he stumbled and fell, hat falling over his eyes. As he quickly readjusted the thing he saw that both men were going at him and this was now pretty clearly a fight. A kick was aimed at the guy on the ground, while turning his head Steve noticed he was beside the fire extinguisher. He grabbed the thing and threw it at the head of the standing man, using the short space of time he earned himself to stand up. He stepped aside the clumsy flail of the lover-boy, returning a heavy hay-maker that - against an ordinary man - should have him go out cold. "The fuck?" he muttered as even though the impact also made him reel back and hit his head against the wall he still stood!

But this was no time for a damn medical analysis of what had happened. Instead he turned back to the other guy and gave a heavy handed jab to the gut. It gave the man pause, but holding on to the sink he still keep his balance. Steve rotated for full force to bring down a hammer-fist to the guy's head, and then another. He heard a crack, but a damaged skull wasn't enough. He took both hands together wrapping one around the other band brought down this combined hammer-fist twice more on the guy's head. Finally flattening the guy's head against the faucet. He looked to the other man, and with a roar ran at him repeating the two-fisted downwards strike straight on his head. For this one it worked much faster with the guy going straight down. Looking at his roughed up fists, Steve sighed heading over to the medical kit in the corner of the room, not quite noticing the faint sounds coming from where the woman had been in the stall. Slipping one pair of scissors around his fingers to cut off some wrapping, but yelled at the same time as the woman stood before him with a loud screech, before running at him with her arms flailing. She was so thin, but they hit like painful bricks that he barely blocked with his arms. As she began to wind down Steve game a scream of both fear and rage before swinging his fist with scissors still on it to hit her square in the head. She stopped as the tip went into her skull, but she wasn't down. With the same scream Steve struck her twice more in the head until finally the scissors now broken carved a hole in her head.

Shoulders heaving, the aging handyman gave a triumphant roar as he beat his enemy only to hear more noises from the hallway. "Oh no you don't bitches...." He muttered as he closed and locked the bathroom. He took the usual five minutes to recuperate, preparing himself to deal with the banging upon the door. He grabbed all the scissors in the first aid kit placing them on his fingers and wrapping over his fists with bandage. Looking down at his improvised weapons Steve nodded in approval at the quick design before going to open the door, getting his breathing good for whatever the hell was on the other side.

@Delphio ah, I thought the gripe was it wasn't uploaded, I thought animated was only preferred rather than needed. Well, how about this?

@Delphio moved it to imgur, good to move to characters?
@Delphio for your perusal

Fabios Odyssean

Location: Cenarius Glade

Fabios gave a light laugh as Heda proposed reciprocity on what was done: "What, you're going to stop me napping when its possible we're in danger? Oh I'd be glad my dear lady!" With one firearm loaded he placed it in the rightful holster, promptly getting to the next one. The Knight was somewhat cheery, eager to once more go at the throat of foes but he was also very wary of... well, everything to be frank. Hadn't he lost? Sure he'd taken a lot of damn knife ears with him but as far as he could remember he got walloped in the head before going down. Turning his attention back to Heda momentarily he shrugged. "Damned if I know, we're probably quite close because I don't feel any older so we were only out for the usual couples of hours, so we couldn't have been taken very far - assuming we're not important enough to be taken to some nasty portal."

Continuing in his preparation for a fight he paused the loading of his pistol to snugly return his helmet to where it should be, remembering the recent cost of being caught off guard without it. However, an eyebrow was raised as Heda seemed to get an idea of where they were. "Ye? You know last time I thought some forest buggers were my friends was not too long in memory. Some centaur lasses aren't going to look very good to me in the near future, I'll be frank, so I'll keep a sword close to hand for the bastards if you don't mind."

The Paladin's words were cut short, as in the periphery of his vision he saw something quite massive approaching. He looked up, mouth beginning to frame "oh shit" as he saw Cenarius in his full majesty He kept quiet for now, looking to Heda to speak considering it was quite likely that Cenarius would not have the best impression of the man at the moment. Instead he would stay near the Vrykul, looking suspiciously at the provided foodstuffs with his hand darting to his blade as from nowhere more dryads came. He wouldn't eat right away, only trying things after Heda had them, for you never knew with elves and their ilk. Of course, someone like Cenarius would clearly be able to see what Fabios was doing, but he felt a little certainty he wouldn't start coughing up his molten kidneys was more important than dignifying who he was with.
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