Avatar of Andreyich


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17 days ago
Current I'm married. Paypal $200 and I will give dating advice.
23 days ago
I like lurking through status bar drama AFTER its happened and been cleaned up by mods so I am left to wonder what fascinating context I am lacking
2 mos ago
visiting some people for a little while so will not be super active for a week or so
3 mos ago
the ad spam isn't that much of a problem in terms of covering content. but its a hurtful reminder that the many algorithms that decide what ads to serve think I am the kind of person to gamble
3 mos ago
do it just don't spam


If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.

About me:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.

Most Recent Posts

I'm around, just busy.

Arbites okay? Or maybe a death cultist?

Fabios Odyssean

Location: Cenarius Glade

Fabios raised an eyebrow as Heda clarified the distinction between human and Vrykul. Wasn't the plan that they give out as little information of their past - now the present's future - as possible? "Aye, and they'd do well to remember the tale of the Drust." Fabios muttered in annoyance. Beyond that he kept his silence, waiting for Cenarius to be gone until he spoke to Heda once more.

He cracked his neck as he looked to the sky in contemplation, humming a hymn under his breath. After a few stanzas he stopped, giving his thoughts to the Vrykul. "Well, at least we can say that travelling through time is possible, eh? I was always taught it would be unlikely for such to be possible, for alternating events of the past in even the most minute way would make the scenario under which you went back in time an impossibility, and thus all your actions would be annulled." The Knight paused to smooth out his hair, cursing under his breath as a paler one came out between his fingers. "Then there are two other alternatives. The first is that we were supposed to be here, our travel here cyclical as we set in motion the very events that brought us here by being here. The other, quite absurd, is that anything works because magics and the forces that be in this universe don't make any sense."

Fabios laughed a little, walking over to the flowers. "In that situation, I don't think going to the dragons will make a difference too large. But, I will listen to what you have to say, how will we reach these dragons?" Fabios queried, trying to put his finger tips past the border of the flowers.
Didnt Ryder White get scratched a lot without turning? Or the people who fought butchers

Fabios Odyssean

Location: Cenarius Glade

An eyebrow was raised at the laughter of the massive goatman, but the Paladin didn't bother commenting too much on it. Once Heda had a few bites of a chicken leg he likewise took one, though not bearing the same enthusiasm for his consumption. He scoffed as Cenarius inquired about the source of magic, with an amused roll of the shoulders. "Well, Lord, I don't think that's too surprising what with me not being an elf. Not me to tell a leaf-lover what to believe in but I'll stay away from that business if I can. No offence intended and all that.

He turned his head as Heda chastised him for his attitude, and leaned in to reciprocate a whisper. "You do realize folk like that can hear you? Even a normal elf would probably catch a word or two what with the knife ears, this one's thousands of years old with a lot of power. Anyway, I defend the world same as him and never ask for any respect."

Fabios considered what Cenarius said afterwards, and much like Heda felt a lot of surprised. He did not know nearly as much history as other folk of the world but he knew for certain that something wasn't quite right with the places and times the guardian was referring to. As Heda told him to not speak with names of locations, a gut feeling he didn't like came upon the Knight.

The Paladin was charismatic even if he said so himself, but he wasn't quite ready for how to respond. For now, he decided to switch to Thalassian when speaking to Cenarius so at least he would have some excuse for not properly being able to articulate things. "You do not have a word for the likes of me, or the powers I use, I believe." He said, his speech in the tongue of Night Elves imperfect in accent but of proper syntax. "Human, we are called in our language." he said while pointing to himself and Heda. As Fabios spoke, he couldn't help get the feeling that, if indeed they had gone to the past, then the fact his speech might be a more modern version of the elven language would stand out like a sore thumb. He could only hope that thanks to their longevity the knife ears didn't change it too much over time.

A snore. "God damn Sarge and his god damn...." Another snore. "Fucking VA and their penny pinching cunts..." Still, despite his somnolent ramblings Don was actually sleeping quite well. He only had pleasant memories surfacing to make his dreams but this was more a curse than a blessing for once the old man awoke, he would only find his situation far worse by contrast. For many hours the old man stayed on the bench staying neatly near an escalator where security would be unlikely to see him, while shoppers would need too much effort to mosey over and accost him.

In general he was ready to wake up and leave at closing time so that he wouldn't have any nasty exchanges with security but today it seemed this wouldn't be the case. A loud scream made him jerk into an upright position and quickly into a stand. He went around the escalator to happen upon a scene that he wasn't quite ready for. There was some sort of fight with a guy and a woman trying to fight off two other guys. They looked... weird, to say the least. Rabid, almost, their skin's shade was off and even from here despite his age Don could see their eyes were not normal. But with his memory, Donny could not for the life of him remember where he had previously seen such a similar thing. A lot of people were around them, many with phones upraised to record the event. A few more community individuals stepped forth to help the couple against the assaulters but they seemed to have trouble keeping a grip on the people who were really, really relentless.

He watched from his little vantage point how the event was going down and the crowd was growing, not being quite surprised when security came in number to deal with the situation. Burly men in uniform grabbed hold of the freaks while a few more dispersed the crowd — or at least tried to. More or less safe the couple decided to go off from the scene, annoyed at all the publicity. As they left and passed by the old homeless man, he could not help but notice that the young man had a really nasty bit that went through his sleeve....

As the Veteran looked upon the leaving pair he also noticed a security guard coming to him. "You, it's closing time, I know you got nowhere to go and all but we got shit to deal with as you can see. Go on, scram."

"Ah fuck. Alright, yeah-yeah, I'm going." The hobo muttered, recognizing Davis. The security guard wasn't too unkind to him but he frequently interrupted his sleep which annoyed Don. He began to hobble away, until he caught glimpse of someone walking, no shambling towards Davis. "Yo uh..." he began, trying to warn the guy, who turned his attention to Don. "Watch out!" he said, but it was too late as he heard the crunch of teeth piercing clothing and flesh, then the angry yell of Davis. The guard turned bringing his shoulder to the jaw of the girl who bit him. This bought him space so he could get his baton, properly ready to deal with him. "Get the fuck out!" he yelled to Don who promptly did as commanded. The man was old but he knew when it was time to feel youthful in his legs and this was one of them. A lot of people were finishing their last purchases and closing their stores but for some reason the veteran felt that this was not the end of the story at Zemreaft mall.

Going past the sliding doors he shook his head, muttering faintly to himself about what the world was coming to and how it was different back in his day. For now he decided to go to the allies deeper in town, have a talk and maybe a drink or two with the guys. Lord knew he needed it now. A sigh came from the poor guy, sometimes optimism and rose tinted spectacles had their limits.
@TheIrishJJ I'd be up for it, GDocs?
I'll try to post this weekend, just thinking of what to really do in me post
Smh no Assyrians what normie pop history is this
Posted, if anyone wants to link up to my post feel free.
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