Avatar of Angel Vicky


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New Wow expansion is out, expect posting to be slower this week XD
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Jason David Frank, my first ever childhood crush. I will miss you. Such an inspiration to so many of us 90s kids. </3
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You don't eat, Lord Wraith???


~Angel Vicky~

Been a member of the old Roleplayer Guild since 2012 - I tend to do more Advanced. My favourite lore is Angelic (you probably couldnt tell by my name!), medieval, Ancient Rome/Greece/Egypt and Norse mythology. My fave writing genre is sci-fi and fantasy but I like drama, comedy, suspense and angst with a bit of romance thrown in!

I tend to do only 1x1 rps nowadays as they are less chaotic with less people, as they say "too many cooks around the pot". Here is my current interest check.

My Hobbies include: roleplaying (obviously!), astronomy, writing poetry, dance electronica music and raving, pets, video gaming, cosplaying.

Most Recent Posts

In ~Bonsoir~ 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Yeah dunno how long that's going to last for really XD.
In ~Bonsoir~ 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Seems that Vail is having trouble with his dilemma. Is this something that is going to be developed further for added drama later in the story?
In ~Bonsoir~ 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The following day, Victoria awoke slowly in her bed. She felt very dizzy and light headed. She had no idea where she was or what happened. One moment she was pleading with Lord Spencer, the next she was on the floor and then woke up here. She felt naked benath the covers. This alarmed her. What had he done to her? She attempted to lea up but felt too weak. She tried to move her arms, one was free to move, the other, tugged painfully on something sticking out of her elbow crease. She managed to lift her head a little to see her arm had been hooked up to a needle and coming out of that needle was a tube. A tube filled with her blood.

She was being drained slowly. She turned her head gently on the pillow and saw the tube was being poured into a jar. It looked like two pints or so full, she couldn’t really guess accurately. She sighed as she must have had more than the normal amount of blood donation, otherwise why would she be so energy less? Victoria had very dark circles under her eyes and a very pale complexion. All colour had drained from her face.

She tried to call out to her mother but only a croak came from her lips. She was too weak to even speak. Outside her room she could hear muffled voices talking to one another.

“How could you let him do this to her?” Ray’s voice sounded irritated.

“He only wants to take enough so she doesn’t die. She will recover in no time. And she is doing us all a service keeping us all alive by allowing this.” Gerald’s voice replied.

She couldn’t even clench her hand it felt so weak. She could only lay there and contemplate this predicament. All she could think about was Vail. Living if only to ever see him one more time. No doubt it was discovered that there were other bite scars on her abdomen and the fresher bite on her bust. She was surely in trouble and she had to think her way out of this. But why was so much blood being taken from her like this? She didn’t understand what was going on. She drifted in and out of consciousness now and then.

One moment she opened her eyes and her mother was sat over her, telling her to rest, that it was all okay. The next minute she opened her eyes to Ray looking over her with concern as he checked in on her, no doubt making sure she wasn’t dead. It was soon nightfall again. Candlelight filled her room as well as the fire. Then it was Spencer’s turn to sit at her bedside and watch her while she slept.

She opened her eyes and gasped as she saw him leering over her. She flinched but was still too weak to move much. She shifted underneath the covers. “..Wha…what did you-..”

“You mean why am I taking your blood?” He asked as she nodded. He sat back and crossed his suited legs. “You see my dear. You are mine. Not his. Your blood is for me and my family only. You see, instead of feasting on the flesh like a common animal like your Lord Hygrace…we prefer to enjoy the finer things in life. Your blood will be refined and added to each glass of wine, to be enjoyed like a fine wine, because your blood is so very fine indeed, it should not be spoiled. As for your body…” he leaned in to her. “That should be left unmarked, unscarred, unspoiled so that I may enjoy it. I did want to wait until our wedding night to savour you, but seeing as you can’t seem to stay away from that other ingrate, I will have to claim what is mine now.” He feigned a disappointed expression.

He removed the bedcover to reveal her body to him. She felt so cold without it, she shivered, but she was also scared of what he was going to do to her. His lips pressed against hers as she clenched her fist and shut her eyes, wishing for it to be over quickly. She wasn’t strong enough to fight him off. As he unlatched her mouth, she coughed as if she were going to be sick. “You..make….my skin..crawl.” She rasped at him with a deathly glare.

Christopher didn’t like what he heard and he grabbed both her wrists and pinned them down, not that he needed to. “I will have you and you will like it!”

“No!” She managed to scrape a scream together. She desperately tried to fend him off with as little strength she could but could only scream.
In ~Bonsoir~ 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay

The Following Morning

It was around 10am when Victoria finally arose from her deep slumber. Apparently Gerald had checked in on her whilst she slept. She woke up feeling a little sore. She had used muscles that previous evening that she’d not used before in the throes of passion. Her side also hurt from the bite, which was typical. She managed to score some numbing cream from the herbalists days earlier and proceeded to apply it to the skin. She hissed as the salve burned her slightly. There was a knock at her door.

“Who is it?” She asked as she quickly covered her bite mark.

“It’s only me, dear.” Her mother called from the other side. She sighed with relief. “Come in.” She told her as Diana opened the door and slipped through, glancing at the Saints outside the door. She shut the door promptly and rushed toward her daughter. “Make yourself presentable, Victoria. Lord Spencer is apparently on his way.”

Victoria sighed. “Great…” She made no attempt to rush as her mother helped her get into a corset and tighten it for her. She then picked out a nice velvety purple dress and laid it out for her on the bed. “You know he probably killed father, right?” She asked her mother with folded arms as she watched her locate a brush.

“We don’t know that…” Diana sighed.

“It’s obvious! He got rid of father so that he could marry me and get our family’s wealth! We may as well just hand it all over!” Victoria protested. Diana took her hands gently. “Listen…he said if we do as they say, no harm will come to us.”

Victoria blinked at her. “Are you really that naïve, mother?”

Diana shook her head. “If we give him what he wants, then maybe he’ll leave us alone.”

“I doubt that. Maybe he’ll leave you alone… but it’s my blood he wants…it’s all they ever want..” the Lady Crest gazed sadly at the floor as her mother ensued to brush her long brunette locks. Diana helped her put on her dress once her hair had been partially tied back in a bow.

Then she could hear the front door bell ring. It was opened by Sebastian, the head butler, as always but the Saints just let the Lord waltz in unannounced. “Here we go..” Victoria sighed as she followed her mother out of her room. They descended the stairs to the sight of Spencer sat on the sofa, making himself very at home as the maids poured him some tea, somewhat with shaky balance as they could hear the tea pot rattle against the cup. “Let me handle him…go find Gerald..” She whispered to Diana, although there want much point whispering in front of a vampire as they had superior hearing.

“Ah there she is. My future blushing bride. Have you reconsidered my proposal?” Spencer probed the Lady Crest as she came to sit opposite him. She held her hands neatly in her lap. She held her chin high. “Yes. I have reconsidered. I’ll sign it.”

‘Not that you’ll live long enough to enforce it…’

“Excellent! I knew you would come to your senses...” Lord Spencer presented her with the pre-nuptial agreement paper and a quill pen. She took the pen in hand but before she put pen to paper, he suddenly grabbed her wrist. She gasped as he was suddenly next to her looking rather angry. “Care to explain why I can smell that Hygrace scum all over you?” He growled.

She gulped, she hadn’t thought about how strong he would be able to smell Vail on her skin. With his unannounced arrival, she didn’t have time to bathe. Wat a rookie error. “I…bumped into him at the market yesterday.” She attempted to think of a legitimate reason that she would be close to him.

“The Saints reported that you did not leave the house yesterday…my dear.” He leaned into her slowly, she could feel his hot breath on her face. Obviously they were in league with him, they were giving him regular updates on her. She didn’t know how to get out of this. She clenched her other fist, reaching for the concealed silver dagger under her skirt. He suddenly ripped her dress from her collar. He saw the scar on her collar bone from Vail’s tooth. Spencer growled loudly. “He has fed on you!” He stood up and shouted in a rage as Victoria cringed. She could have pleaded that Vail put her under a trance, blamed it all on him. But it wasn’t true and she wasn’t going to throw him under the carriage. It would only make Spencer want to kill him and his entire family all the more.

“It’s not his fault! I made him do it! I wanted him.” Victoria stood and bravely told Spencer. He turned slowly toward her, some of his black strands of hair covering his brown eyes. “You…harlet!” He back handed her across the face so hard she fell back onto the floor. She reached for the dagger but he grabbed her by the neck and pulled her up, she kicked her legs and he threw her across the room, which she landed against the wall and slid down to the floor and lost consciousness. The Saints watched until Gerald stormed in and then shot at Spencer, which the vampire was hit in the arm, his blood red eyes shot toward him. “Control yourself demon!” Gerald boomed as Spencer panted.

“HOW DARE ANYONE FEED ON MY BRIDE! We had an agreement Alabaster!” Spencer shouted at Gerald. He nodded. “I know, I know. I didn’t know about him..”

“Victoria!” Diana screamed and ran to her daughter’s side. “You monster!” She shouted at Spencer.
New plot added!

In ~Bonsoir~ 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Lady Crest felt heart warmed as Vail reciprocated her instruction to keep safe. Perhaps he did care about her to some degree more than just fearful for losing access to her blood. She smiled at him from across the room and gave him a small nod of acknowledgement. She understood his position on killing Spencer now was even more precarious. At least he opinionated he was still willing to do it if he could. It was the thought that counted. But what she liked even more was knowing his eyes were upon her, watching her like a voyeur was quite the guilty pleasure.

It seemed the vampire Lord was also slightly hesitant at how to leave after such a passionate encounter with a human. Victoria felt her heart skip as he came near her, not from fear but of excitement and apprehension of his next move. Everything he did, the way he moved, the way he looked simply allured her. She was the one who was obsessed with him, made him feel things for her, and made him do things to her by using her blood and her body as a way to entice him. She admitted she liked having this power over him. To think a human could have power over a vampire, a superior race in every way. She would be the envy of all Saints. She could even work this to her advantage and convince them she was the one they needed to bring down any and all vampires. Only on her terms, of course. She could pick and choose like a God. And keep up the bargain her father had with the Hygraces. For Vail’s sake of course.

She was pleasantly surprised that he advanced toward her and tested a hand on her curvaceous hip as his other hand gently lifted her chin to gaze into his hazel eyes. She became mesmerised by them yet again. She welcomed his lips onto hers by locked lips with him in return, her hands running up his arms slowly, enjoying the intimacy between them once more. Savouring the moment that was to be cut short by the impending sunrise. “Goodnight, Vail.” Came a softer hush tone from her ruby lips as her cheeks grew flush with blood rushing to them. She reluctantly let go of him with her hands as he pried himself away from her. She glimpsed at him rather sadly. As if she didn’t want him to go. Alas they must part ways.

As he expressed he would be waiting for the correspondence she nodded with a wince. She didn’t quite know how yet, but she’d find a way to contact him. As he left, she sighed. There was an emptiness when he wasn’t around. An emptiness only he could fill. Was this what love felt like? Missing someone when they were gone, craving their presence so soon? Or was it just infatuation? She wasn’t sure as she contemplated this as she wandered down the stairs and passed the bar. Nobody was awake save for the guard dog who looked up at her as she walked to the door to leave. The dog gave a low growl as Victoria opened the door. She turned back and smiled. “Don’t worry, I won’t leave the door open.” She whispered and closed it behind her. She walked to her horse and untied it from the post. “Hey Phillipe, did you have a nice feed?” She asked as she removed the feed bag from its mouth and set it down. “Good boy.” She stroked his mane before hopping back onto his saddle.

She clicked her heel and he set off galloping back to Crest Manor. Upon her arrival, the bedsheets had been retracted from her balcony, presumably by Ray. She set Phillipe back into the stables quietly and ventured toward a window. She could see Saints wandering inside. No was in through there, she sighed.

Luckily for her, Ray was on the lookout for her return and the bedsheet rope descended from the balcony. She grasped onto it and hurled herself up, Ray also helped to pull the sheets up. Once at the balcony, he offered her a hand to help her over. He helped her quickly untie the sheets as he whispered. “You’re cutting it fine, Crest.” She gave him a sideways glance and kept quiet as it wasn’t any of his business what she did and whom with and how long for. She didn’t even ask for his help. He offered it. She set the bedsheets down back on the bed, they needn’t be tucked in neatly as she was supposed to have slept in it all night anyway. Once the bed was semi made up she jumped in it telling Ray to skedaddle. She removed her jacket and trousers and remained in her shirt. She was quite tired so she fell asleep very quickly before Gerald came back and was none the wiser to her midnight escape to the country and let a vampire have his way with her.
In ~Bonsoir~ 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
I shall try to post by your tomorrow morning. Busy day. -_-
In ~Bonsoir~ 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Victoria had drifted off happily into a light slumber as she felt warm and relaxed by his side. His soothing stroking of her back helping her to feel so calm. As he shook her lightly awake, she stirred and didn’t want to move. At some point during their nap they had gotten underneath the bed covers. She slowly opened her eyes and realised she wasn’t actually dreaming, she was still here laying with Vail, naked beneath the covers. She hadn’t let go of him once throughout the night as if she were latching onto him for dear life. She protested at having to let him sit up on the bed. She remained laying down and even buried her head into the pillow. Alas, it was time to go. She sighed and pushed herself up weakly. She only needed to ride back to the manor and creep back into her bedroom before Gerald came back to discover her gone.

She leaned up as Vail enquired if she would contact him the same way next time. She really hadn’t thought about that. She didn’t know how she would be contacting him in future. “I…don’t know. I will try to if I can, but it may not be hat simple or easy being under such heavy watch. I’m sure I’ll think of something though. And if you don’t hear from me, stay away, it won’t be safe...” She could only imagine it would get harder to communicate with him. Maybe she could get some messenger pigeons somehow. She sighed thinking about it. She joined him sat at the edge of the bed. “I do want to see you again.” She reassured him she wasn’t backing out of their deal even now. “But I no longer hold you to your end of the bargain…about killing Spencer.” She revealed sadly as she stood up but not before planting a delicate kiss on his shoulder joint. “I don’t want to see you get hurt over me again.” She ventured toward the chair where her clothes sat neatly folded. She began to cover herself over little by little to Vail’s probably disappointment.

It seemed the dynamics of their affair kept evolving even now. She couldn’t see a way past killing Spencer without having the whole Wynter clan wreaking havoc on Vail’s family. It was too dangerous for him now. But that meant if he didn’t kill Spencer, she had to do it herself somehow. Maybe it meant letting him feed on her, catching him with his guard down. Yet she couldn’t know the extent of Vail’s jealousy of that plan. Gerald knew about Vail so if she did not return, he’d blame Vail and go after him. She still needed many answers from him about her father. “I don’t know when I’ll get to see you again…so just keep safe until then.” It was clear she cared deeply for him, she cared about his welfare and his safety. It was ironic that a human worried for a vampire’s safety. The clever thing about having removed all her clothes was no risk of getting them blood stained. All she had to do was keep her bite marks covered. With the last of her garments put on, she moved to slide her legs into her knee-high boots.

She had a feeling she would be thinking back to this night for a very long time. It was not only her first ever intimate encounter, it was an encounter with an intoxicating vampire she was beginning to fall for. Although she knew it best to keep that to herself for now. She knew it would be taboo for a vampire and a human to become a proper couple. She knew it could never happen that way for them. And she also knew that one day she may grow tired of just one nights with him here and there that it would be too much to be without him on the days she didn’t see him. She knew eventually she’d want more, a full-time relationship. If she survived the Order and Wynter ordeal that is. She turned to face Vail once more as she finished putting her boots on. She didn’t know if kissing him goodbye was a good idea. It would only leave her to crave more of him again. She already had trouble tearing herself away from him. Was it in fact she who had now grown addicted to him?
In ~Bonsoir~ 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Victoria was pleasantly surprised by Vail’s reaction to her hand running along his chest by holding it down gently onto his bare skin. He must have liked the gesture. She had often overheard the noblewomen state that cuddling after intimate relations with their husbands was the best part. She had to agree it was very nice afterward but not the best part. For her it was that initial build up between them, the flirtatious gazes and teasing touches. That moment where sparks practically ignited the heat between them and causing Vail to ravage her in a way most women only dreamed of.

She then saw how he grinned at her comment of saying how amazing it was. How amazing he was. She was glad he was unattached, it meant she could have him all to herself. Until the Hygraces found out anyway. It would only be a matter of time. Then she wondered if they’d make him choose between his family and her. If it came to that, she didn’t expect him to forfeit his family for her. She knew his family came first. She wouldn’t ever make him choose between her and them.

She sighed contentedly as he remarked he didn’t have to go anywhere just yet. “Good, I can have you to myself a little bit longer.” When he draped his arm around her midriff she shuffled closer to him and snuggled against his body, resting her head on his chest, underneath his chin. Her hand kept where he held it down. It was even more enjoyable now. Still feeling the euphoric after effects from their intimate encounter and the higher body temperature, luckily not yet suffering the chill from the air she was able to lay naked alongside him. The position felt cosy enough for now.

As he enquired about her sleep, it was almost as if he were concerned for her wellbeing. It made her smile brightly. “Are you trying to get rid of me already, Vail?” She laughed lightly and she nuzzled her head against his chin. She was clearly being affectionate with him. She didn’t know if she’d have another chance to experience this so wanted to enjoy it as much as she could. She didn’t care what he made of it, she wasn’t nervous anymore. A new sense of bravery overcame her because she knew what she was facing. She had to live day by day even more so now. She needed to figure out what The Order was up to, what the Wynters were up to. The next challenge would be securing another secret rendezvous with Vail.

“I’ll be fine. I’ll just pretend I was up all night trying to sort out Father’s estate.” She sighed, this time it wasn’t one brought from content, but of dread. She still didn’t know how to go about his business affairs. She just wished she had been involved more closely with it, growing up but he wanted her to be safe above all else. Not financially well off or successful in life. Just safe and alive. She closed her eyes for a small rest. She would no doubt fall asleep but she was sure Vail would wake her up to get her to return home before dawn. She just felt too relaxed right now to move.

In ~Bonsoir~ 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Sorry slight delay, been conducting training at work.
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