Avatar of Angel Vicky


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Jason David Frank, my first ever childhood crush. I will miss you. Such an inspiration to so many of us 90s kids. </3
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You don't eat, Lord Wraith???


~Angel Vicky~

Been a member of the old Roleplayer Guild since 2012 - I tend to do more Advanced. My favourite lore is Angelic (you probably couldnt tell by my name!), medieval, Ancient Rome/Greece/Egypt and Norse mythology. My fave writing genre is sci-fi and fantasy but I like drama, comedy, suspense and angst with a bit of romance thrown in!

I tend to do only 1x1 rps nowadays as they are less chaotic with less people, as they say "too many cooks around the pot". Here is my current interest check.

My Hobbies include: roleplaying (obviously!), astronomy, writing poetry, dance electronica music and raving, pets, video gaming, cosplaying.

Most Recent Posts

In ~Bonsoir~ 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Victoria would need time to learn about her other vampire senses. She was looking forwards to Vail teaching her. It would strengthen their bond to even greater depths than a normal human or vampire couple. They had a unique bond now in that Vail quite literally saved her life and transformed her into the beautiful creature she now was. And now it was up to Vail to teach her how to be a vampire. He could mould and shape her into whatever vampire he wanted as a wife. Not that her brother would let him completely take control of her either, he was also there to teach her and bond with her.

She always appreciated any affection Vail gave to her, so his soft touch of his thumb over the back of her hand, was well received with a small glance and a smile. She had no intention of upsetting his parents any more than they were already. She was there for him and his clan. He was her world and would do everything to become part of his world. When Peter interrupted their moment of commitment, Victoria could feel the tension creep into the room between he and his son as Vail sighed at him.

Victoria’s heart sank for Peter. She had been in his position, so downhearted with no hope at all. She never thought she’d smile again after her father’s death. And then Vail gate crashed her birthday party and into her life. She was grateful that he did. As Vail countered his father’s downtrodden statement with one of tenacity. She hadn’t seen this side of Vail very often. She liked that fighting spirit he had within him. It made her admire him even more. She let Vail talk about Sylvie’s involvement and she noticed that Katherine treated her much nicer than her, but that was to be expected since they chose Lady Macey in the first instance but Vail didn’t want that.

Victoria welcomed Sylvie’s offer of retrieving her brother. “Yes please and his father Francois, he’s the head of their clan.” She requested of Sylvie. When that someone was sent to fetch the missing allies. She felt bad for not involving her mother but she didn’t want to bring her into a crowd of vampires. Whilst she waited for James and his father to turn up, she took this opportunity to try to get through to Peter. “Lord Hygrace…” She gently stepped forward toward him. “All is not lost. I thought that nothing mattered once…when I lost my father. I thought my heart would never mend. But your son gave me reason to live. And when the Wynters rendered me so weak and fragile, you offered me sanctuary when I could have perished. You and your family gave me hope. And now I’m here to give you and your family hope.” She knew it would fall on deaf ears, the words of a former mortal would not mean too much to the clan patriarch but she had to try to get through to him as he was likely going to be her future father in law. And she missed her father so much, she wanted a relationship with a father in law.

When James and Francois arrived, they bowed gracefully to the Hygraces. James addressed Lady Macey directly with a kiss to the back of her hand, laying on the charm. “Enchante ma chere. Je suis James.” He introduced himself to the lovely maiden as Victoria noticed her brother’s charming behaviour. It looked like she would have to battle for his attention as he would have to battle Vail for hers. Francois introduced himself with the same level of charm to Sylvie and to Lady Katherine alike.

James approached Victoria and sighed contently at seeing her alive and well. “My dear sister…how relieved I am to see you still live. Being immortal certainly becomes you. Vail must think he is the luckiest man in the world to have you on his arm.” He made her smile coyly.
In ~Bonsoir~ 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Victoria was at least glad to have Sylvia on side. She understood more the fact male vampires would have been drawn to her like Spencer but her half-brother was purely coincidental. She smiled at Vail as he told her that she carried his scent. “Is that how vampire partnerships work? The pairs smell of each other?” She asked him curiously. She knew his scent would be on her when he first bit her but now he wasn’t going to be biting her going forward his scent would come from their intimacy she assumed. She had so many questions surrounding female vampires and their biology, such as breeding cycles that would be awkward asking Vail’s mother about. Particularly when said mother was not very welcoming to the former mortal.

Did Katherine forget that it was humans that fought the Wynters in London to keep the majority of the clan away from the Hygraces and stayed behind to help her family to escape with the Crests? Humans were not inferior at all and now that Victoria was no longer human, she would still not treat them as inferior. She could understand if Katherine was frustrated with her for taking Vail’s attention away from his family but seeing them in such a sorry state made her really question what Vail could have actually done to help them.

Victoria let Vail defend her honour and silently thanked him by squeezing his hand lightly. Her amethyst eyes sparkled radiantly as they gazed upon his parents. She could have quipped back at Katherine for her remarks but she decided to let it slide, Katherine was hurting, suffering. It by no means meant that Victoria would be a pushover in dealing with her lover’s mother but she didn’t wish to argue the toss in front of the entire clan she was trying to become part of. Instead, Katherine should be grateful that her transformation worked so that she did not also have a grieving son to worry about on top of Peter. Vail now had a source of support and sucker from his lover.

Instead Victoria bowed to Lord Peter when Katherine informed him of their arrival. “Lord Hygrace. I am truly sorry for what the Wynters did to you and your family. Rest assured, I will not stop until vengeance has been sought.” Her tone of voice showed she was deadly serious about her resolve and determination to fight not only for herself but for Vail’s family. “You have the allegiance of both the Order of Saints and the Moncourier Clan.” Hopefully that was enough to secure some persuasion from their former alliances to re-join their cause after losing faith in their strength to lead them against the Wynters.

“And Lady Hygrace. Please be assured that I care very deeply for your son. I will do everything in my power to support provide for him.” She looked up at Vail’s taller position. “If he lets me.” She smiled faintly, knowing he was independent enough to take care of himself but giving him that option of wanting her as a significant other, or wife even.
In ~Bonsoir~ 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Victoria listened to the banter between the former fiancée’s. It was clear they were good friends to tolerate such comments from one another. It eased her a little when Sylvie referred her to as Vail’s lover. It showed she had accepted that fact and she didn’t seem to regard Victoria in any sort of disdain since learning of Vail’s affections for her. She chortled as Vail softly insulted the woman at not being that noble a person. She had forgotten how dry Vail’s humour could be.

As Sylvie addressed Victoria at saving her from marrying Vail, she blinked. “You’re welcome?” She didn’t really do anything to help Sylvie out specifically but indirectly she had just by capturing Vail’s heart. Although it did not stop Peter from wanting his son to marry Sylvia Macey. Again their banter made her chuckle as Vail jested at Sylvie again for tuning her out and Sylvie called him an arse. “I like her.” Victoria smiled amusedly at Vail as she approached them and linked arms with her.

“Oh? I guess I am part of the vampire collective now… It is going to take some getting used to. And I have a lot of female vampire related questions, so I am glad to have one as a friend.” Victoria stated as she walked with them both out of the bedroom. She leaned a little on Sylvie’s arm to stabilise herself as she walked through her aunt’s house. She had yet to see her Aunt Gillian but it could wait since she was a human and at risk around vampires. “All the vampires I know seem to be male…except for Vail’s mother but I am not entirely sure I will be in her good books right now…” she was anxious to see what Katherine’s reaction to her was going to be. After all she could blame the Crest heiress for bringing the Wynter’s to their door and for what happened to Peter.

They made their way to the summer house where the Hygrace clan had taken refuge to lick their wounds. As soon as they entered, their eyes were upon Victoria, they knew instantly something different about her. She was shocked to see the state of Peter, a shell of his former self. Her eyes sparkled gently with sympathy as they gazed upon Vail’s family. She softly squeezed Vail’s arm she was linked around, showing no sign of backing away from her lover and showing her solidarity and loyalty to him.
In ~Bonsoir~ 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
~The Crest Family~

~Lady Diana Crest~
-Mother to Victoria-

~Alexander Crest~
-Father to Victoria-

In ~Bonsoir~ 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
~The Moncourier Clan~

~James Moncourier~
-Brother to Victoria-

~Francois Moncourier~
-Father to James-

In ~Bonsoir~ 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Victoria was happy. For the first time in a long time. Vail gave her reason to smile. She rarely smiled after her father’s death. Just hearing those three words brought joy to her soul. She liked it when Vail kissed her forehead, it made her feel precious to him. It also reminded her of her father and subsequently how Vail could be as a father to a future daughter. It all just felt right. Their bond and connection to one another through hard times, still stood strong. Even without the promise of tasting her unique blood to keep him satisfied, he still wanted her for her.

She had her eyes closed when Sylvia’s voice snapped her out of her relaxed state. Her eyes shot open and focused on the beautiful lady that just entered. Someone Victoria did not recognise, thus assumed she was part of Vail’s clan. She was friendly enough when she approached to introduce herself. Victoria stood up by herself, feeling stronger to meet this woman as an equal and not as a weaker subject. She did not want to show weakness to anyone except Vail. Victoria was smiling up until Sylvia revealed whom she really was. Lady Macey. The woman Peter had chosen his son to marry. She remembered Vail explaining this arrangement to her and that he assured Victoria that he didn’t want to marry Sylvia. Her smile faded to a slightly anxious frown, she had no idea how Sylvia felt about Vail rejecting her for a former human. For all she knew Sylvia could see Victoria as a threat to be rid of so she could get Vail back. It was pretty obvious Vail had feelings for Victoria, holding her hand, being close and being the one who brought her back to life. News of her transformation must have spread far and wide by now.

When Vail explained why Sylvia was here, it eased Victoria somewhat because it sounded like Sylvia had been working selflessly at risk for both clans. “I see.” Victoria commented briefly. As Sylvia called Vail out on using her formal title and told Victoria to call her Sylvie, she nodded in acknowledgement of this request. It was apparent that Sylvia had gotten the picture that her former fiancé was besotted with Victoria by her wording towards Vail’s actions of not even bearing to part with Victoria to speak about the Wynters activities. But it was pertinent to her as well.

Lady Crest placed a hand on her chest in announcement. “Please…call me Victoria, Sylvie. I would like to hear this news as well. And I am sure my brother and the Moncourier clan would also.” Victoria was now the head of the Crest household and now also part of the Moncourier clan. “It concerns all of us here.” She reminded them that it was a united alliance against the Wynters, taking an authoritarian stance, trying to prove herself that she was a capable woman and could be a formidable leader. A prospective future Hygrace clan leader alongside Vail even. She turned to Vail. “We should call a meeting, including your mother if she feels upto it.” She turned back to Sylvia. “We were just about to go and check on the other Hygraces should you wish to accompany us?” She offered an invitation to the Lady, showing that she bared no ill-will toward her for being Vail’s former fiancé. In her eyes, she’d won Vail’s heart fair and square. Vail did not disclose himself as a taken man when they had first met, he viewed himself single at that point by no showing up with Lady Sylvia. Yet the way Sylvia only wanted to talk to Vail made her think there were other things she wanted to discuss with her lover and she felt uneasy about it and she didn’t want to be kept in the dark anymore like she was prior, which prompted her to think Vail was courting this other woman.
In ~Bonsoir~ 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Victoria had no words. She was just so grateful to be alive and here with Vail. She feared she would never see him again when she woke up in the afterlife or even be reborn into the future without him in her life. She could sense Vail’s excitement of watching her progress, she could hear his heartbeat faster with her stronger hearing capability. Was he impressed by her? Was he a little turned on by her newfound power when she gripped him? She hoped that she did. His smile also displayed his pleasure of seeing her do well.

She liked having him pull her into his side, to become as close as possible. It showed the strength of their bond already. That this was not just a fling or short-lived passionate affair. That they really cared about each other. She leaned against his body and he no longer felt that cold compared to her own body. She was now the same temperature and felt no difference between them. It would make things easier when touching. She was very prone to the cold as a human. She enjoyed being close to Vail without being caught or having to hide their affair from anyone.

She agreed with him to take a break. She would recuperate quickly though, fortunately. As he turned to look at her face, she looked up at him with bright violet eyes that sparkled gently. She smiled softly as he cupped her face with his hand ever so gently. She closed her eyes when their lips touched, savouring the moment. She had the opportunity to take her time with her relationship with Vail right now and so he was all she focused on. She let her breath sweep across his face delicately as they broke their chaste kiss. Just as sensual and as meaningful as their earlier passion fuelled smooches.

She stared into his eyes with awe. He still managed to give her butterflies from when they first touched. She was still amazed by him and his gallant actions during the battle that she recalled in her mind. “I’m so grateful the transformation worked.” She revealed her relief as she stroked his cheek with the back of her delicate hand. “I’m so relieved to be here with you. I love you Vail.” She reminded him of her loyalty and devotion to the vampire who stole her heart and gave her life.
In ~Bonsoir~ 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Thank you. :) I'll try to write something this weekend.
In ~Bonsoir~ 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
They start inductions next week then classes full time from the 7th Sep. Then my studies restart end of Sep. Gonna be mega busy =/
In ~Bonsoir~ 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Exhausting. I cannot cope with my work load right now. I get home and my brain is totally fried. Hoping it gets easier once the kids are back at the college and things settle down...everyone wants a piece of me right now in preparing to come back covid safe. =_=
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