Avatar of Angel Vicky


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Current Sorry all. Recovering from a shoulder injury so can't type very well ATM.
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Power Rangers MXF 1x1 anyone?
2 yrs ago
New Wow expansion is out, expect posting to be slower this week XD
2 yrs ago
Jason David Frank, my first ever childhood crush. I will miss you. Such an inspiration to so many of us 90s kids. </3
2 yrs ago
You don't eat, Lord Wraith???


~Angel Vicky~

Been a member of the old Roleplayer Guild since 2012 - I tend to do more Advanced. My favourite lore is Angelic (you probably couldnt tell by my name!), medieval, Ancient Rome/Greece/Egypt and Norse mythology. My fave writing genre is sci-fi and fantasy but I like drama, comedy, suspense and angst with a bit of romance thrown in!

I tend to do only 1x1 rps nowadays as they are less chaotic with less people, as they say "too many cooks around the pot". Here is my current interest check.

My Hobbies include: roleplaying (obviously!), astronomy, writing poetry, dance electronica music and raving, pets, video gaming, cosplaying.

Most Recent Posts

I dont mind picking something back up with you. Just let me know if you want to :)
In ~Bonsoir~ 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Victoria chuckled at Sylvia’s comment on how she was sure she had noticed that Vail was rather reserved. Well he was, until it came to her and the sweet nectar within her veins that he could not resist. He was actually quite bold to pursue the Lady Crest’s blood so eagerly at first and it was he who asked the Lady to dance Not to mention, he actively seduced her in his own bed against his father’s approval. Risking his very own inheritance and heir status by doing so. She smirked as Sylvia teased her about changing Vail for the better. “Yes he was quite taciturn…until he met me. I am not sure if that is a good or a bad thing though. It caused him to be at such great odds with his parents…” She sighed, reliving the disapproval.

“I just wanted their blessing to be with their son. Instead I was just the cause of their tension.” Her eyes flickered sadly in the firelight as Sylvia continued to answer her questions. She shook her head with a giggle as she was asked if she was thinking about babies already. It was far too soon for that kind of thing in a new relationship and definitely frowned upon out of wedlock. She blushed, however, when Sylvia said Vail could give her a more thorough lesson on how to breed. “You’re so naughty, Sylvie!” Victoria burst out in laughter as the other woman giggled. She liked that about her though. She was the first female she could be herself around and talk so freely with. Other human women had been so judgemental about Victoria and she felt like she had to force a smile in their company, with Sylvia it was a genuine smile.

She listened to Sylvia’s knowledge of the female vampire’s body. It sounded easy enough to work out. Victoria was at the disadvantage of being turned and not born a vampire so adjusting to this new form would be tricky. Although she shuddered at the thought of bleeding a human dry and feeding on any person in general made her feel queasy and faint. “So, I would smell different to Vail? Would that not make him want to be more intimate with me, in that case? Human females become more desirable to men as their breasts become larger as to appeal to the opposite sex as the body subconsciously reacts to their fertile state. I’m not sure how much the female vampire’s bodies change visually but scent is a powerful aphrodisiac.” Also, females craved sex more, obviously, so abstaining from it for three weeks in that heightened state could be difficult for the lovers, who had shared a bed more than once even before being wed. A really big taboo in this society.

At least when Victoria wanted to have children, the process would be easy enough without the human complications. Many women bled to death during childbirth unfortunately. But now she was a vampire, she was in even less a hurry to procreate, although she was sure her mother would want to see a grandchild before she died….so maybe there wasn’t much time really left.

“Then I shall endeavour to find this tome for you and my sister.” James replied to Vail as he nodded taking in the instructions of its location. At his question of approaching the Saints, James grinned. “I am half human and as such, I have more human like features. I can also resist blood a lot more than a normal vampire so any accidents by humans will not cause me to bloodlust. Do not worry yourself over my safety. The Saints will know that the Moncourier Clan came to assist them in the days leading up to the battle with the Wynters. Word travels fast in London.” He winked at the worried vampire heir.

Francois glanced to the door. “My, my I wonder what the girls could possibly be talking about?”

“Perhaps they are planning…a wedding?” James teased at Vail with a grin.
In ~Bonsoir~ 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Dont worry about posting, make sure the family is taken care of first. My prayers are with you.
In ~Bonsoir~ 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Oh no hope everything is okay with your family. :(
In ~Bonsoir~ 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Victoria was happy that Vail was proud of her and smiled when he leaned over to plant a kiss on her cheek. She shook her head at his question of it being so bad. “Not anymore. Perhaps my tastebuds are adapting to it.” She mused in reply. Maybe the fact it was in a glass and resembled more like a wine than blood helped her mental state of mind and eased her anxiety over her phobia. She wasn’t ready to start even thinking about…hunting humans. She just couldn’t bring herself to hurt an innocent person.

Lady Crest was relieved to have Sylvie accept her invitation for a girly chat. She smiled at her warmly as she linked her arm through hers. Sylvie was a friendly woman. Albeit 300 years her senior, still looked around Victoria’s age. She turned to see Vail’s reaction toward Sylvia’s remark that she had his girlfriend for the evening. If Victoria could blush, she would at the moment Vail said he wanted her back later. Was he being a tad possessive over her? She liked the thought of belonging to someone, to him.

“Don’t worry, I will always come back to you, Vail.” Victoria chimed sweetly at him as he said he would find her later. She blew a kiss his way as Sylvia tugged her from the dining hall and into the hallway. Diana smiled and shook her head as she began clearing the table with her sister. “Vail does give you a hard time, doesn’t he?” Victoria asked Sylvie as they walked down the hallway. “Did you annoy him somehow?”

As Vail joined the men in the lounge area, Francois took a large cigar from a box and placed it in his mouth. “Care for a cigar, Master Hygrace?” He offered the fellow vampire as James took a seat and crossed his legs and leaned back in the lounger. “You must be relieved that Victoria woke up.” James did not take a cigar as it didn’t appeal to him. “Although it is a shame about that tome. Perhaps when Lady Macey and I return I could scout your home and if its’ clear of Wynter scum, I can look for it.” He suggested as a help to them both.

Victoria and Syliva meanwhile, ventured out to the back garden veranda. A fireplace in the centre of the terrace lit up the benches. One of the servants came out with a pot of hot tea for the ladies to enjoy and keep warmer in the colder Scottish air. “So I wanted to speak with you about my new…life.” Victoria didn’t know how else to describe it. “Vail can teach me how to live as a vampire and guide me but I need to know how a female vampire works. From a fellow female vampire. Such as….how do we breed?” She asked a little coyly. She knew how a human body worked. A monthly cycle. But she knew nothing about vampire anatomy. “And I need to know these things…for the future. Especially if I am to get married and expected to have children.” Which was the social convention these days. She wasn’t even sure the Hygraces would want her to bare their grandchildren.
In more of an ancient historical period mood lately. Might be because I played Assassin's Creed Origins? ^^
In ~Bonsoir~ 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Victoria appreciated Vail comforting her with her lack of blood appetite. He knew she struggled with the substance beforehand. Perhaps her psyche was preventing her vampiric needs from taking over. As he said, it could be too soon. “Did you manage to recover that tome we used? Perhaps there is more information contained within?”

“A tome?” James asked curiously and Victoria explained to him what they had found, and he appeared quite interested. “Fascinating. I’m an avid scholar like my father. Not as…experimental as he is and how I came into existence as a half breed, but still thirsty for all fonts of knowledge this world has to offer.” It seemed James was rather candid about his experimental existence. Diana may have been tricked into conceiving a vampire’s child, but she was still glad James was born. That motherly love ran very deep.

“Perhaps the Saints know of more than they let on?” Francois suggested using them as a source of knowledge. “Perhaps when you find them, we can enquire.” He asked James and his son replied with a nod. Maybe they were being optimistic for Victoria’s sake, Vail was more realistic and doubted the Saints were even alive.

After Victoria devoured her chicken and vegetables like a starved homeless person, she still felt….unsatisfied. She did not feel full. And then suddenly the waft of blood from her glass became more appetising. She took up the glass and had no trouble drinking the blood nectar from within it. She let out a big sigh and smiled at everyone. James pointed to the corner of his mouth to indicate she had remaining blood left around her lips. She felt rather embarrassed and dabbed her mouth with her napkin sheepishly. Francois looked proud at her in that moment. “Well…would you look at that.” He mused as James agreed with his father. Diana was rather relieved, despite her reservations about her newly vampiric daughter. “Well done, Darling.” She reiterated the encouragement she knew she had to give to a naturally worrisome Victoria.

She hoped that Vail was also proud of her for taking that first big step in overcoming the blood phobia. “Well I certainly enjoyed my dinner. Thank you mother, auntie for providing us with much needed nourishment.”

“Shall we retire to the lounge for the rest of the evening?” Diana suggested as the servants began to tidy away the leftovers. The men agreed as it was custom after dinner to leave the table and join conversation and drinks with their guests in entertaining. Victoria could take this opportunity to speak with Sylvia alone about the questions she had about being a female vampire. She felt like she could trust her and talk to her, she didn’t view Victoria as a threat to her former fiancé. And Vail had expressly explained he had no romantic feelings for Lady Macey so Victoria did not feel threatened by Sylvie. She really needed a female friend right now.

“Lady Sylvie. I hoped you might wish to join me on the terrace for a cup of tea?” She asked as she rose from her chair with even more grace and air about her. She had renewed energy and her aura became more of a presence within the room. She held a certain regal posture. “For girl talk.” She added and flashed a teasing grin at Vail to make sure he knew it was just her and Sylvia. He would probably be curious to know if they would talk about him further.
In 000 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Interest Checks
What? No Gundam? D=
Well after reading more manga I have more rps I want to try!

Also still looking for The Beast People and My Bluemoon Goddess roleplays:

In ~Bonsoir~ 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Victoria noticed that Kathryn was nice to even Francois, a total stranger, because he was a vampire. The only one she wasn’t nice or welcoming to was Victoria herself. Even though she was now a vampire, she still wasn’t welcome to the Hygrace clan. She was done trying to win them round. They were not her family and not her problem. She didn’t bother to say goodbye or even bow on her departure. If they were not to treat her with respect, she would show them none. Vail was the only Hygrace she cared about.

As James and Sylvie walked on ahead, Victoria took a slower walk due to her body’s weakness. As Vail asked her a question, it brought her out of her thoughts. “I do feel hungry…but for human food.” She was used to human food, so her stomach was craving that right now. Her body was drained of energy and needed the nutrients it was used to. There was no craving for blood yet. She wondered how James coped with bloodlust being only half a vampire.

As the couple entered the manor house, Victoria could smell chicken and her stomach rumbled and her mouth salivated. But as she entered the dining room with Vail, a new smell entered her nostrils. Blood. The dining table was set out with a banquet fit for a king but the wine glasses at the table were filled with blood.

Francois kept guard over Diana and her sister at the other end of the table. They loved Victoria but they were wary of her new vampiric state. She wanted to go over to them both and hug them. Instead she smiled and greeted her aunt with a smile. “It is good to see you Aunty.” She said to the red headed woman who was one year older than Diana. She reciprocated her affections to her niece.

“Please sit.” Francois indicated to a chair at the opposite end of the table. “Should you have a craving of blood, we have made your first feed easier for you.” He explained to Victoria as she took a seat and tentatively looked at the wine glass full of blood.

“Whose blood is this?” She asked as the smell was highly metallic, not as high in iron as hers used to be, but she could smell it.

“Mine.” Diana revealed. “I donated some blood in case you needed some upon waking.”

“Try it.” Francois suggested. Victoria took the glass and sniffed it. She felt sick. She still had her blood phobia and she started to tremble holding the blood in her hand. Still, she tentatively touched the glass to her ruby lips and took a gentle sip. She gagged and set the glass down and shook her head at it and pulled a face. “I can’t.”
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