Avatar of Aqutanama


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In Darkness 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Was wondering if you all wanted me to start another kind of this RP or if you wanted to just finish this "game" and then move to the next part.
In Darkness 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@VampyIts whatever. I mean I haven't been active lately so don't worry about it. I just try to remind you all because sometimes something comes up and yeah. Life happens.

May not be able to post. Not feeling well. Don't want it to seep into the RP.
In Darkness 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

You both are up. Vampy first just to keep the order please.
In Darkness 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@VampyWhen Moriko grabbed his hand darkness took her over. She would be able to feel his hand but not see him or hear anything, save for his voice.

“Currently you are surrounded by a spell that will awaken your minds eye.” She could hear him whisper as if his voice would shatter the illusion.

“I have a knife in my other hand and am going to slice your forehead.” He explained as she could see a pinpoint in the darkness. It moved at strange angles, revealing that it was indeed a blade.

“Your minds eyes is most of the time located here.” He explained as he stabbed into the darkness just above her head.

“With it you can see in a 360. However, most only use it to see with their eyes.” Again he stabbed the darkness creating light in it.

“Your field of vision while the minds eyes is open is technically limitless. However, when people use it to see with their eyes it takes away a lot of your usual sight.” He said as he cut lines in her peripheral. He never actually cut into her head like he said he would. However she could see the stabs and it was something that technically didn't really exist.

“Oh and everything you see with your minds eye never leaves you. You will always see it. Like being in a dark room and having someone flash a light. That image will be with you forever.” He informed her as he gently stroked her cheek.

“Now open your eyes.” He instructed. If she did she could be able to see with her minds eye. However, she would see him as a twisted grotesque creature.


Her perky perfectly sized breasts were warm to Nybras as she cooed. She let out a small smile and bit her lip.

“Please teach me, oh Master.” She purred as she gently placed a delicate hand against his face. Slowly she backed up and looked at him like a starved student waiting to learn. Her body jiggled in all the right places and she was smiling. It looked different than the seductive nature you would expect from a Succubus in a way. She was really into learning from him and took it seriously. If he noticed he could tell that she was eager to learn but also could use the knowledge against him.

“Don't worry Master. If I fail to learn, you can always punish me!” She exclaimed, bouncing a little as if she wanted to take her time and learn the hard way.
In Darkness 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@ZetsukoYou're up to bat.
In Darkness 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
"Tisk tisk." Could be heard from the instructor as he noticed that Nybras fainted. Nybras's partner started to chuckle but stopped shortly after as her head hit the desk. Her face was smashed against the table as she drooled as if in a deep sleep.

"Now remember children this is a team based event." He reminded them as he took a few steps forwards. The others seemed to nod thinking about how to make it a team based event. This was the trick as most would use the minds eye on an object. Too focused on the object the object itself would render one person unconscious and then the closest other next to them.

"When two minds eyes hit the paper it will reveal the secrets. First you will need to figure out how to use your minds eyes. Then after that use them together." He instructed them as he prodded the other two.

"Wake up." He whispered into their ears and with that they would. In this classroom he was "god."

He went over the materials again for the sleeping "couple".

"You two looked so cute together. Sleeping like an old married couple." He joked but looked really serious.

"Too bad you only look like it and don't act like a damn team." He scolded them and hit a cane into the ground.

"If you know how to activate your minds eye, I suggest teaching your partner." He instructed as he sat down and started to read a book.

"You have a really good grasp on magic." The succubus informed him as she whispered to him, she moved a bit closer almost touching him.

"Perhaps you could teach me." She whispered into his ear, her breath impacting against his scales.


"Do you know how to use your minds eye?" Dom asked her as he looked into her eyes.

"Its like opening up to your lover, however, instead of losing your mind that is the part you open." He whispered to her as he moved closer.

"Now close your eyes and I will help you reach your peak." He instructed her as he got really close to her.

"Don't worry I can't do anything to harm you and I want to pass this class, so we can move on." He reassured her as he got close enough to touch her.

"Will you trust me?" He asked as he opened his hand and waited for her to grab it.
In Darkness 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Well... damn. I suppose we will just continue without him for now.

I hope this isn't getting weird for anyone. I am just trying to play the characters how they would act.
In Darkness 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I would like to know that @KindledBeast is going to be here before we continue.
This looks interesting. Was coming up with something like it.
In Darkness 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Zetsuko sorry for the delay and all that. Also I think we were waiting for your reply.
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