Avatar of Aqutanama


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Think I may play the exiled prince. If it is still available.
I was thinking of being the prince or possibly his knight/body guard.
Not sure what restrictions there are.
Also keep in mind that it is the holiday season.
Some people have family that like to hang out.
Weird huh?
I'm mostly just tired.
Hello, I'm here but need to sleep so yey!
Still interested.
I have a few questions.
First who is the QM, GM, DM, or whatever?
Second what kind of characters are allowed?
Like limitations and such.
Third is there a timeline of some great war or something?
Still open for people?
In Darkness 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Sorry @Zetsuko
Stuff came up and it sucks because life and things. I had that post done when I last spoke with you.
Feels bad man.
In Darkness 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
She almost stalked down the hallway standing close to Nybras.

‘Don’t want to smother him…’ She thought keeping a little distance between them. That gap closed when he asked her on a date. Her eyes lit up and something strange was happening to her. It was as if she was changing. Her face seemed to have lost a bit of the roughness she had from her upbringing.

“Y-yes…” She stuttered as she followed. Then they made it to her room. She bowed politely and excused herself.

“Come now boy. Give her an hour to get ready. We are going to need to get you attire to match for this date.” The old man said as he led Nybras to a massive wardrobe. It could possibly be classified as several metropolis city sized stores.

“You should find anything you need here. The Master is a shapeshifter after all. He has lived a lifetime in the skin and presence of every race. From babe to full grown man or woman.” The old man explains as he huffs and sits down. He looks like a well aged human. His face seeming to sink into itself with cracks of old age.

“Stop gawking at this old man and pick out a formal attire. Dark red and black.” He starts and if a questioning looks crosses Nybras then he continues. “Succubus usually tend to stick with those…” He pauses.

“Nevermind she is picking jade and dark grey. You will want to bathe also.” He states as he lays back. Soon after sleep takes him.
In Darkness 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Setting up a reply for you. Just too tired to finish.
In Darkness 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Their teacher looked between the both of them. You listen to the answers and nodded slightly. When it was obvious that neither of them would figure out the actual answers Behind These riddles he rolled his eyes.

“Well, I suppose I wouldn't be much of a teacher if I didn't teach you.” he stated as he placed his hand on the paper. He started moving each of the symbols around. As he explained what each signified.

“The heart can be hurt when we foolishly love.” he started as he moved the arrow in the first slot, then the heart and lastly the wall.

“However if two truly love one another.“ Another pause as he moves the symbols around. This time the heart is first, then the wall, and lastly the arrow.

“Those who love will always be protected by their lover from and heart pain.” He finishes with a smile.

“The last one is lonely.” He starts as he moves the symbols around. In the first slot is the wall, next the heart and lastly the arrow.

“As you can see the walled off heart and the weapon keeping everyone away?” He asks and the arrows point is away from the heart.

In the distance a bell rings and an old man stands in the doorway.

“Come now boy you can't solve it for them.” The old man states as his slippered feet move across the room.

“Hungry?” He asks and in truth it has been eight hours since they entered this room.

“Excuse me then.” The young teacher bows and walks out of the room.

“I think that this test is over. I hope you both learned something.” He said as he moved out of the room, waiting in the doorway.

“Come now.” He suggested as he waited.

“Food, is this like a date?” The succubus whispered and wondered out loud and tired to keep it to herself.

She would wait for Nybras to move and hoped he would help her up.
Interesting. I will attempt to make a character after work tomorrow. That is assuming characters are still being accepted.
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