Avatar of Arista


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10 mos ago
Current Cataract surgery happening today...send good vibes/well wishes, please? I'll be back soon~
4 yrs ago
Officially 27...getting closer to 30 xD happy birthday self!
4 yrs ago
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." Uncle Iroh
5 yrs ago
That moment when you plan an RP and get the first post up and then your partner deletes the OOC PM thread and doesn't answer... ~_~
8 yrs ago
The moment when you're having a Disney movie marathon and you regret nothing. Not even caring that your parents are looking at you funny because your singing along ^^


Enter at your own risk~

Hello, hello!

I'm Ari~ An adult who loves video games and my pup equally, I'm a dork who loves watching the shows I adore and then ranting about them until I get all my Feelings under control.

I'm a veteran when it comes to roleplay, I've been doing this long enought to know I'm better suited for 1x1's then Group Rps. My level is at the high causal to low advanced, once I get really into an RP its on my mind in a way that I don't mind. Feel free to send a PM with plot ideas or pairings, the most I can say is no thanks, which is rare and unlikely to happen~

Thanks for dropping by!

Most Recent Posts

@Siaya Dragalorn I'm fine with that, it'll give me time to think of what the hell Bryce woikd be doing. His history seemed forced to me so I might add to it with these posts if that's fine. So we'll be doing three posts so fill in gaps before they meet?

Yes ma'am! If I have questions I'll either PM you or post them here if that's okay? :)

And sure, add away ^^
@Siaya Dragalorn You can separate the post if you'd like or just make it one but one as well x3 your chose really, I'll have to come up with where Bryce would be after this. Ad that's fine, dark-theme's don't bother me so much ^^

Doing a post before focusing on the present woukd be a good idea as well, that way we can fill in a few gaps and add to the story. I'm excited to see how this plays out! :D
The moment his legs gave he knew that time was runnning out. Trying to force his body to get up, the young prince stilled when a new heartbeat joined the ones already present. His eyes opened slowly to find a woman standing atop his ice wall, her features hidden under a hood. He watched dazedly as the ice began to melt, his body spasming as a trail of fire coiled in his stomach. The words spoken between all three floated around the air, Byrce's mind clouding with pain from the poison as well as exhaustion from using so much power.

The sound of Bearded-man's weapon being loaded and a buzz of electricity had his body jerking. Eyes snapping open the young prince rose shakily to his feet, ears pinned to hus skull as the world spun dangerously at the movement. His lips parted in a snarl as he watched both approaching, golden eyes flicking to the sides in search of Thea. His heart stopped when he found her bound, anger welling in his chest.

No more.

With a snarl that echoed in the silwnce of the forest, Bryce lunged towards both men. His speed was slower then normal and his mind a jumbled mess of thoughts. An icy-chill seeped from his fur in an expulsion of mist, needle-sharp spikes forming before rushing forward in an attempt to slow them down. Byrce jumped up and dodged the sword-tipped weapon, jaws re-claiming the hold he had before on Bearded-man's arm. Twisting his head he jumped back and called his ability forward, a spike of ice forming mid-air and piercing the fabric that protected the arm he held. Warmth flooded his mouth as the spike met bone and skin, Bryce jerking back and pausing for a second as the spike multiplied and peirced Bearded-man's other arm and legs. Heading for the other male with teeth bared, Byrce ducked and allowed his power to lash out. Hardened ice in the form of whips collided with the younger male's knees, the young prince never stopping as he headed for Thea.

His limbs felt like lead weights.

Every breath seemed to expand his lungs but never enough to lessen his panting.  His vision swimming in and out of focus as he ran forward, the pounding of his heart deafing in his ears. His power lashed forward one more time before his legs buckled, his body rolling until he landed on his side. Lungs trying furiously to fill him with air he couldn't seem to take in, head lolling in an attempt to catch a glimpse of Thea. His dimming vision managed to catch a glimpse of crimson before darkness tugged him under.

His last thought echoing almost mockingly within his mind.

I'm sorry...I failed you...
@Siaya Dragalorn No worries:)

Understood, I'll get on to my reply ^^
@Siaya Dragalorn I'll have a look and let you know :)

Should we have a time-skip happen soon? That way we don't drag it out for too long?
Bump! Looking for partners! :3

His split second of distraction, cost him dearly. The sharp jabs that met his side had Bryce whipping his head downwards, his jaws quickly tugging the darts out. He tossed his head and allowed his magic to lash out, head dipping to nudge at where the darts had met his fur. Eyes flashing brightly the werewolf prince lunged forward, his jaws parting to wrap around Bearded-man's arm. His magic whirled around them in a thick fog, Byrce's grip tugging against the other man to tug him down. The smell of wolfsbane clung to his clothes, Bryce ignored the scent and jumped back with a rough yank of his head.

Copper filled his scenes as his teeth met skin under the rather thick coat the other wore. Snarling softly Bryce turned his head this way and that, his goal now to get the weapon away from the male. His ears swivel forward and back as the charge of electricity filled the air again and again. Heat began to travel from his side until it coiled in his chest, Byrce's grip loosening for a second as pain rippled across his body. The thundering of his heart seemed to roar in his ears, a faint tremor beginning to form in his legs. Teeth bared in silent threat he released his hold and staggered back, a pained whine escaping him as another ripple of pain and heat traveled along his entire body. His magic faded as his concentration wavered from the now continuous waves of pain, a familiar ache settling in the pit of his stomach as realisation dawned on him.

He couldn't shift back. Not now when he would be vulnerable, not when he was the only person who could keep Zane and Thea safe. A sharp whimper escaped him as his back arched upwards, his legs collapsing under weight they could no longer hold. The fact that he was being forced to shift back already was worrying, wolfabane took moments to take effect. Bryce tried to focus on getting to his feet, his muscles barely twitching at his silent command to move. His vision was blurring at the edges of his sight, another ripple racing along his spine that had his back arching again. Byrce felt bile fill his throat as his body began to convulse, searing pain filling his mind as the wolfdbane forced his form to shift back.  He fought against the blind agony, his head twisting against the ground as he tried to remain conscious. Eyes squeezing shut Bryce opened his jaws and snapped his teeth along his front forepaw. The sharpness of it had him scrambling to his paws, his magic solidifying before him and creating a barrier. It spread until Thea as blocked from her opponent, a faint mist hanging over the expanse of ice-wall. Panic gripped the prince as his legs gave once more, his front leg throbbing in sync with the continuous waves of pain that rolled along his body. Darkness threatened to pull him under, his body convulsing as he fought against shifting back. A soft bark managed to get passed the lump that seemed to be in his throat, they needed to move and quickly.
@Siaya Dragalorn Yeah in still game for this :) i just kinda got busy too and couldn't really log in for a few days, hope your enjoying your trip at least. I continue waiting for a response.
He wasn't sure what to do.
Byrce shifted on his paws, his gaze flickering to Thea then Zane. Shifting back would leave him more vulnerable and that wasn't an option, his lips pulled back into a silent snarl.
  "Never allow your emotions to cloud your judgement." His father's voice echoes within his mind, Bryce stills and releases a long breath through his nose. Anger coiled within his stomach, fear and worry had his heart hammering against his ribcage.
  He needed to be level-headed. Focusing his gaze forward the young prince tilted his head. He could smell a faint floral scent coming from the weapon the man held, his body slowly relaxing as he began to piece together what he had so far. The three heartbeats from earlier, coupled with the two before them didn't make much sense. Raising a paw and slamming it into the moist earth, Bryce willed his magic to spread.
  A sheet of ice formed beneath him and continued forward, pillars forming as the ice drew closer to the male. Shaking his form once, Bryce leapt forward and snapped his jaws with a growl. Pillars continued to form until they surrounded the male, Bryce jumped into the air and locked his jaws around the side of the weapon.
His grip nearly slipped when a blast of the same floral scent filled his nose. A pained whine escaped him before he jumped backwards and tugged the weapon and man with him. A burning sensation filled his mouth the longer he held on, his paws digging into the ice to maintain his posture. It smelled of lavender and yet not, his jaws releasing after another burst of the same pungent floral smell invaded his nose. Blood dripped from his mouth, his head shaking vigorously in an attempt to rid the taste and smell from his senses.
He knew what it was now. The gun had wolfdbane mixed in, Bryce whined high and frantic as he tried to focus. His ears pinned to the back of his head as he felt his vision waver.  It would take more to bring him down, he just didn't want to actually find out how many bullets he could handle. Mind whirling as a prickly sensation filled his mouth, Bryce whined softly in an attempt to rouse Zane.
 He couldn't do this alone.

 The howl that had pierced the air had Keira stilling. The children around her fell silent at the sound, Keira's stomach dropping to her feet as a wave of fear filled her.
Something was wrong. Very very wrong.
  Without a word she moved out of the gardens and turned towards the closest guard, her hands clenching and unclenching at her side's. "Gather the Scouts that checked the forest near the Altreiah Kingdom. Tell them to meet me by the gates, hurry now." She commanded softly, the guard nodded and took off in a sprint. A maid passed by and with a nod to the open garden doors, the female beta rejoined the children to continue their lessons.
Three minutes later found Kiera at the gates with a group of male and female Betas. Some were shifted and other remained human, Keira said nothing for a moment aside from pointing towards the forest. "That howl belonged to Byrce, I want you all to find him." She said through gritted teeth, the group of six werewolves nodded and bolted forward. The sharpness of the howl meant something was happening, Keira whined softly as the gates closed and silence filled the air. Turning on her heel, the queen moved back towards the castle with a scowl on her aristocratic features. If anything happened to her son she would show no mercy.
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