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Finally writing a bio oops

Basic info: Call me Lunar or Ash. 25+, She/Her. I've been roleplaying for many years on forums, discord, and various MMOs.

Most of my RPs on here will be 1x1 original concepts. I consider myself a literate writer, though quality > quantity; I can write out quite a few paragraphs, but I feel sometimes shorter posts can be more effective for quick dialogue/action scenes.

Favored themes: Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Fluff, Monsters, Dark Fantasy, Post-Apocalypse
I really enjoy stories where the world/circumstances are harsh and characters support and love each other through it all.

I love cats!

Most Recent Posts

Court Mage and Advisor Eirwen Blackthorne
Hathforth Castle, Castle Gardens, Hearthfire Gala


“I also know both of you have… certain reservations, let’s say, for the Queen. So here is what I’m proposing, here in the privacy of the castle gardens.”

Eirwen resisted the frown that urged to form on his face. While that statement was...true, he wasn't particularly pleased that his apprentice had just been made privy to that information. He kept his thoughts private for a reason, and now he would have to contend with an additional risk.

“Give me information on what the Wizard Queen is planning. And I, in turn, will reward you with gold, and a place in the… new society.”

And of course Melisande, or rather her simulacrum, turned the pressure back on himself. A smart move that he would have praised, if not for the fact that it pushed him even more into a troublesome position. If not for the seed, his annoyance would have been hard to hide.

"Oh, goodness. I wonder where you heard such a rumor?" He'd kept his doubts quiet and trusted very few, so he was quite invested in finding out how exactly this visitor had gained such information.

"Even if it were true, I'm sure you understand how...dangerous this could turn out to be, should the Queen catch wind, no? And 'tis not as if I am lacking gold. As such, I think it is only fair this sponsor speak to me directly. No offense to current company, of course, but surely you can understand my wariness."

Court Mage and Advisor Eirwen Blackthorne
Hathforth Castle, Private Quarters -> Gardens, Hearthfire Gala


Eirwen watched the strange display of the spirit wisp with little reaction, despite the natural curiosity swiftly building within him. That was one thing his seed could never quite choke down. "A wise decision," he remarked in response to Melisande sending a simulacrum in her stead. "Given my position, however, I must investigate in person. Should something go awry, I trust you shall inform the necessary parties." Responsibility was a suitable excuse for fulfilling his everburning curiosity.

The portal itself was nothing special, he noted with mild disappointment. Even so, its source was quite bold to place one in the private chambers of a court apprentice. Depending on the reasoning behind it, he might have to dole out a punishment.

He followed up behind the simulacrum silently. Had he more than a moment to ponder, he might admire how flawlessly accurate it imitated Melisande, but he had larger issues to contend with at the moment. So, instead, he regarded that stranger with his usual calm and collected eye as he waited for an introduction.
Should be able to post either late tonight or tomorrow!

Court Mage and Advisor Eirwen Blackthorne
Hathforth Castle, Throne Room > Arcane Wing, Hearthfire Gala


"As you say, your Majesty. We shall meet you at the appointed time." Eirwen confirmed the Queen's command with a regal bow before turning his attention back to his new apprentice. "Lady Tearmoon, if you would pray follow me." He waited a moment before turning on his heel towards the Arcane Wing, a subtle sigh escaping him in relief that he'd been granted an early reprieve from the gala. There would be no dancing under the snow tonight.

The aforementioned Arcane Wing was the very pinnacle of elegance and magical progress, every room filled with shimmering trinkets, tomes of ancient scripts, or runic symbols drawn out in most precise detail. Though it was not particularly bright in terms of natural light, there was an otherworldly shimmer to it all that gave one the sense of being blinded if one was not accustomed to the long-term effects of magic exposure. It made no difference to Eirwen, of course, and he doubted Lady Tearmoon would be bothered by it either.

Pausing outside of his main study, he opened the door to show her the contents. It was much like the other rooms in the wing, with a darkwood desk in the corner that presumably Blackthorne used when he was not up and about during his research. Several crystalline objects were held in various states of craft; these, clearly, were seeds, in the midst of some experiment or another. Across from the advisor's desk was another, smaller and untouched, as if it had recently been moved in.

"This is where we will be conducting much of our work. As you can see, I have been focused on exploration of seed structure as of late," he remarked, pausing before a hand-drawn chart that detailed the inner workings of a seed. "The desk in the far corner is to be yours. Please use it as to your liking. There should already be supplies within the cabinets, but if anything is lacking I shall put in a request."

After giving his apprentice whatever time she needed to inspect their now-shared study, he would then lead her to the apprentice's quarters. This room he did not enter, instead simply showing her the door to a well-furnished living quarters. Even these rooms were quite luxurious; such was the benefit of living amongst the Queen's favored, after all. "These are your private rooms." From some hidden pocket in his robes he took a small key with a rose-gold shine. This was offered to Melisande. "I believe they should be already furnished, but again, inform me should anything be lacking." Despite his cold demeanor and tone, the court mage seemed quite invested in ensuring his apprentice lacked nothing.
@Izurichshould be able to get one down later this evening!

Court Mage and Advisor Eirwen Blackthorne
Hathforth Castle, Throne Room, The Hearthfire Gala


The court mage gave a slight bow at the Queen's request to meet her later in the study. "As you wish, your Majesty. Until then, may your evening be bright and full of delights."

He's up to something.

His gaze shifted subtly towards the duke. Yes, he supposed Rhinecliff was likely up to something, but no action could be taken while the specifics remained in mystery. Patience was a virtue, and to his benefit Eirwen had developed the virtue well.

I hope I can continue to rely on you.

His Seed failed to hold back a single wave of fear at that statement, though as always his face remained impassive. Does she suspect something? He'd have to ensure her confidence in him remained firm. "Of course, my Queen. I remember well that I owe all I have to your grace," he replied smoothly. "Anyone foolish enough to plot against you will quickly learn the folly of their ways."

As more guests approached the Queen, he took this as his cue to blend into the background once more. He would be close should she need him again, but until then he fully intended to lose himself in the sweet taste of wine.

Court Mage and Advisor Eirwen Blackthorne
Hathforth Castle, Throne Room, The Hearthfire Gala


Eirwen stepped forward at the Queen's beckon, returning her smile with a very faint one of his own. His smile was a rare commodity; it wasn't uncommon for him to overhear it as a subject of gossip, even.

He always looks so stern. Is it an elvish thing, do you think?

I think I'd faint on the spot if he smiled at me!

I was lucky enough to meet him once. I told him a joke, but he just stared at me...so embarrassing.

What was he, an advisor or a novelty behind a gilded cage?

Now wasn't the time to ponder on the reality of his existence, however. Expressive pointed ears flicked at the mention of the talented Tearmoon girl. He remembered her quite clearly, having been instrumental in securing her a place at the college. Chronomancy had immense potential, at least in his own expert magical opinion, and so he had high hopes for Melisande. If anyone were to become his apprentice, she would be among the best-suited for the role.

The appreciation in his expression and tone as he thanked the Queen was genuine. After all, the expansion of magical education was his passion; granting him an apprentice was the best gift she could have offered.

"Thank you, your Majesty. I will be sure to guide her well and keep you informed of our progress." His voice was quiet, soft, with a faint rasp that suggested minor damage may have occurred once upon a time. It dropped to little more than a whisper at his next words, words meant for the Queen alone. "We've an unexpected guest today, hm?" Rhinecliff's presence had surprised him, though it didn't show on his face.

Court Mage and Advisor Eirwen Blackthorne
Hathforth Castle, Throne Room, The Hearthfire Gala

@Estylwen@Donut Look Now

Eirwen, as was typical of him these days, was not in a particularly good mood; the balls had been entertaining for his first few months in the court, but after experiencing them in what seemed like an endless loop, they ranged from boring to sheer annoyances. His weariness of the whole affair did not mean he could slack off in terms of his presence, however. No, as always, he must be regal, beautiful, elegant, cold. It was a delicate balance he had perfected, to make himself alluring enough to catch eyes and distant enough to keep his secrets.

He expected he'd be asked to perform a Snowfall again today. Sometimes he regretted ever revealing he knew that spell.

He'd chosen the most extravagant of robes for this gala, outshone only by the Queen herself - for of course, he'd never dare to outshine her. Black satin and silver embroidery in the shape of winding vines made up his garments, ending in short train that ghosted the floors in his wake; his dark hair was lined with strings of silver and pearls, and at his breast lay the pin that subdued his tumultuous emotions down to a bearable simmer. He already wielded his own goblet of Gold-touch Wine, craving the pleasant hum that would make this evening a little more bearable. Heels clicked against the floor as he approached the throne and the three gathered there - the Queen, Vullian, and Lord Rhinecliff.

What a dangerous combination.

It would be rude to interrupt, even if it was technically within his rights as an advisor. But no, he had manners, or was at least good at pretending he did, and so he stood a short distance to the side. A brief nod of acknowledgement would be given if any of them were to look his way, but unless called over by the Queen in person, he'd be content to wait his turn to speak. In the meantime, his gaze cast over the throne room with a critical eye, taking note of every face present - and perhaps more importantly, every face absent.

He would remember them all.
@Izurich I can certainly see Eirwen mentioning Melisande to the Duke. Time-based magic, particularly the ability to hasten or slow effects, seems to have strong potential even as a low-level spell, and that's not even getting into her higher-level abilities.
@ERodeI do agree and think Eirwen would have gone out of his way to befriend Rhinecliff if at all possible. The nature of Odonfield seems to align with his interests quite well and Eirwen would be appreciative of someone with such a generous reputation.
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