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Alright Soooo here it is,
I'm an old man (post 30's) who has been at the RP game since I was in Middle School. Happily Married and a huge Nerd. My main interests for RP's and such are Medieval Realistic Fantasy, As in no one person wielding a massive 200 lb weapon in one hand or going way over the top with crazy 25 hit combos in the air. I like things to play out as they would normally of course with magic, magic is always fun. I also like Futuristic Space (Star Wars, Mass Effect, and almost anything involving some sort of Mech). I work a crap ton and cant really get into a real post every day but I do try. If you think you got something I might like hit me up.

Most Recent Posts

Chapter 1: No Man's Land

Settlement Omega 25

Gabriel's current target Bruticus Finch had an apartment in this settlement. The man was worth 4000 credits dead, not a bad pay check but was it really worth all this effort? Gabriel hadn't seen any sign of life in this settlement at all everyone was gone. There were no signs of struggle though items were scattered around as if they had just been dropped and left. Gabriel had heard rumors of Settlements that had been disappearing or dropping off the grid as of late, but he hadn't heard anything about this settlement being on that list. "What a waste of time..." He said out loud while ha made his way to Finch's apartment. When he arrived he was not surprised to see a similar scene as everywhere else a book dropped on the floor but no sign of struggle "Tsh... Doesn't look like I'll be getting paid this time...." Gabriel then walked out of the Apartment a bit disappointed.


Tryliin geostationary orbit, aboard the Marlkindine Co. Headquarters Station

“...No luck so far, sir. It appears we're having trouble with the local raiders, they're well fortified and showing no si-”
“I'll send another thousand men, plus equipment and supplies. We can't afford to slow down now. I expect you to be on the first ship down once we secure the area, Doctor Hendres.”

The man wore a three piece suit, fashioned in the older style of industrial Earth, around the early 2000's. His face was sharp, and his hair had begun to slightly grey. He was slightly wrinkled, and had bags under his eyes, obviously from staying up late into the nights due to work. He smoked a cigar, rare in these days of instant gratification via nicotine air injections, and continued to stare out the viewport, blinking slowly and observing the Markindine Fleet formations drifting to and fro. Beside him, a much older man, balding and bespectacled, wearing the classic uniform of a Markindine research director, anxiously stood beside him, trying to stand straight but finding it difficult with age. It appeared that Yanda Markindine was growing impatient. After a lengthy pause of time, Doctor Hendres spoke again:

“I must warn you sir, that the data is only preliminary. It does seem to indicate that what we are seeking may be more intriguing than previously thought, but still... There is no way to be sure. I must advise against running straight into the fire like this. We should acquire assistance from S-GAF Science Division, a lot of the other species have been studying this particular phenomenon much longer than our corporation and it's subsidiaries combined... The data would prove invaluable.”

Hendres paused, and observed the motionless Yanda for what seemed like an hour. Then, in a low voice that surprised Hendres, politely inquired: “Doctor, do you know what our most profitable export is?”
Puzzled, Hendres brought up his PDA, and looked through the various files. “I believe this quarter it was our Banshee - Class Light Assault Walker, which sol-”

Yanda chuckled lightly to himself, and turned to the aging scientist. “No no no, not by a long shot,” He turned, and walked down the bridge, placing his hands behind his back, with Doctor Hendres close behind him, “no, our greatest export is much more than that. It is the ideal we uphold, how we are viewed by the other races, what they believe we stand for.” He continued to walk along, absorbed in his speech and paying Hendres little notice. “We represent the might of humanity, that we are top dog. When the K'yaSynth threatened to bring the galaxy to it's knees, it was humans who led the charge against them, and ground them into dust. And in the soldier's hands, carrying those fine men and women like glorious chariots made of fire into the galaxy's finest hour, were Markindine weapons. Markindine battleships and tanks. It was all made by our family. By my father...”

Yanda placed a hand on Hendres shoulder, and began to walk back to the main view port. “I wouldn't be half the man I am today, were it not for you. We have had our disagreements in... Ethics, before, but I have always known best,” he released his grip, and turned to face him, “and I know, very well Hendres, that humanity is slipping. We're losing that power. Our image. But this planet holds the key. It is our greatest triumph, and our biggest threat.” Yanda motioned out the window, and smiled, staring at the yellow surface of the world which lit up his face.

“And you're going to help me, Hendres. Like always, you are a brother to me. I look out for you, and you look out for me. And this morning, you changed everything. What you discovered is truly what we needed to regain our status, our supremacy...”
Yanda turned to face the doctor again, placing both his hands this time on Hendres shoulders, and looked intensely into his eyes. “...And for that, Doctor: I thank you.”

There you go guys got the post up. Other than that how is everyone doing?
-=Old Dungeons=-


The Robed man gave a bit of a laugh at Selva's comment, "You do have the utmost faith in your in your friends don't you?" he taunted. "Ohh if only they were as strong as you think they were isn't that right Char?" The man said as footsteps could once again be heard coming from the darkness. "Miss Bladecross, I must apologize. But you gave me to much credit." Char says as he enters the light, a fresh half moon brand on the left side of his face. "Now Miss Bladecross again I must apologize" Char said as he held out his hand before blowing a strange powder into Selva's face. After a few moments of haziness she would be rendered unconscious.

Some time later Selva would awake bound to a chair stripped of her armor. As she regained consciousness she would find herself in what would of been the Warden's quarters of the Old Dungeon, her armor and weapon in the back corner along with the Equipment of all the other knights of her squad. Char, two Robed cultists and a Third Cultist stand in the room. This cultist has a much more intimidating presence than the others and more so than that, instead of having a half moon brand his left eye's pupil is in the shape of a half moon. As Selva regained consciousness the Cultist smiled. "Well look who finally decided to join us." The man said slyly. "Now to save you some trouble we have brought you here, I know the Vault is somewhere linked to this room. Char told me each of you had a piece to the puzzle and yours is the last I need. Now you just need to tell me what I need to know." The cultist continued but before he could even get an answer there was a dull crashing sound that could be heard behind one of the walls.

Spider Caves


With the general consensus being to flee the group made their way to the exit. Luckily Sonya's ice wall gave the group a bit of room to start but it wasn't long before Silas and Jehan were forced to fight while they moved back through the passage. Although this did slow the progress a bit it took the group about 45 minutes to traverse the cavern leading to a sturdy door with a large metal lock. After Odessa tries to fiddle with the lock for a bit before letting Silas know about the lock. Silas quickly orders Amare to take his place on the front to move back and deal with the lock. After a few good hits with his hammer Silas was able to break the lock and push open the door. "How Improper is the War-hammer now?" He asked as he let the others in. As soon as the entire team was through the door Silas slammed it shut holding the door closed. "Someone find me something to hold this door I don't want to be here all night" Silas hissed as he continued to hold the door as the sounds of the spiders slamming into it could be heard from the other side.

After a few moments of scrambling someone finally pushed over a bookcase to bar the door making a good crashing sound as it fell, allowing Silas and everyone a moment of rest. Given a moment to examine their surroundings the group seemed to be in a room that hadn't been touched in years even though they were still somewhere underground there seemed to be light coming in from a few places on the roof. The room seemed to be filled with treasures from the old days, racks of weaponry, and shelves of books. As Silas looked around the room an old podium with a book on it seemed to catch his eye and he went to examine it. The book was covered with dust, Silas started to remove the dust from the cover reveling a symbol of a half moon. But before Silas could open the book to see what was inside what almost seemed like a lightning strike was heard on the other side of one of the vaults walls.

-=Warden's Office=-


The crashing sound drew the attention of the Cultists and the leader gave a grin as he looked to the wall. Char suddenly makes a move taking out a hidden dagger while rushing towards Selva. He quickly cuts the ropes binding her, "I'm sorry Ms. Bladecross, I couldn't help the oth...." He starts to say, but is cut off at a lightning bolt hits him in the chest sending him flying away. "We have what we want now kill them and we can return to collect Xul's Grimoire at our leisure." the cultist leader commands as he makes his way for the exit. The remaining two cultists both draw a long Kris preparing to fight Selva.
@GarlandDaHero you certainly can
Hey guys going to do a little Self Promoting here. Started up a new Sci-Fi Rp if anyone is interested. Click Here

Otherwise I'll get up a post here tomorrow or Friday to move us along
-Name: Gabriel Phoenix

-Alias: Iron Phoenix

-Race: Human

-Age: 37

-Personality: Gabriel is a Cunning and Ruthless man and not usually very friendly. Years on Tryliin have taught him a thing or two. Primarily never to trust anyone in Oasis, that and shoot first or not at all. But every gruff and tough guy has a soft side somewhere and those who stick around him long enough get to see bits and pieces of his at times.

-A specialty Energy Rifle that can swap between a full auto assault mode and a single fire sniper mode
Kukri Knife

Black Ops Training – Trained to be the best of the best Gabriel is very skilled in marksmanship, and hand-to-hand combat. He also received Wilderness Survival tactics during his training which has been augmented by his stay on Tryliin.
Roguish Abilities – Years in a Street gang have given Gabriel quick hands. He is a skilled pickpocket and lock-picker. And can hide quite well if he has to.
Cooking – A man has to eat. Gabriel has always had a secret love of cooking and although few get to enjoy his cooking he is quite good at it.

-Bio: Gabriel was born on the backwater planet of Keldoran near the edges of colonized space. His early years were tough and as soon as he could understand how bad things were, he had to fight for not only his survival, but that of his family as well. By the age of 10 he was already part of a gang acting as a lookout, and sometimes a thief. Years went by and Gabriel worked his way up in the gang all to provide for his family. At the age of 15 he made his first kill, some poor merchant wouldn’t pay his “protection” money and the order was given. But that was the nature of things on Keldoran and no one even gave it a second thought. And at 18 Gabriel’s life changed, the family he had always been working so hard for died when their house was caught in a fire that had started a few doors down. Losing everything he had worked so hard for nearly broke Gabriel and he sank deeper into the gang life with no hope of looking back.
It wasn’t until Gabriel was 20 when he got himself into real trouble with the law, the gang wanted to step-up their operations and tried to rob a Galactic Bank. The operation didn’t go well and most of the gang wound up dead. Gabriel had managed to survive the shootout and was captured alive but wounded. Prisoner of the Galactic Government Gabriel was given two options, bleed to death in some back alley for his crimes, or try to make amends for his past crimes as a soldier. It was an easy choice for Gabriel, life was better than death so he choose the life of a soldier.
It was clear during his training that there was something different about Gabriel and he seemed to stand out in the crowd of recruits and in a good way. And it wasn’t long before he was separated from the normal pack and taken into Black Ops Training. It was grueling training, but turned Gabriel into something more. He was no longer the little gang boy of his childhood, he was now a trained killer for the S-GAF.
The next five years of his life in service to the S-GAF are covered in black and he doesn’t even talk about it, but that chapter of his life came to an end. His team’s mission, Eliminate a crime lord on Tryliin. Things started nicely and due to his criminal background it was easy enough for Gabriel to infiltrate the criminal syndicate, and things started smoothly. That was until somehow the mission was leaked and instead of ambushing the Crime Lord, his team was the one lead into an ambush. Luckily Gabriel and two of his team were able to kill the crime lord and escape the trap, but being black ops they had been cut loose and left on their own. And it wasn’t long until the three of them split up and went their separate ways. He never knew what became of the other two, but Gabriel remained on Tryliin and became a bounty hunter taking up the Alias "Iron Phoenix". Because in a place like Tryliin there would always be money to be made hunting the scum of the galaxy. And over the past 12 years he has made quite the living for himself now calling the planet home and its scum still easy to make a living off of.

-Personal equipment:
Environmental Suit
-Airtight suit with a built in air conditioner to make even the desert bearable
-Armored pads to protect the wearer
Black Notebook – a notebook in which Gabriel keeps his contacts information and a record of bounties collected. Encrypted in case someone else were to come across it.

“Hey there, welcome to Tryliin! Oh, you didn't bring a gun? Well, you probably shouldn't be here then...” -Author Unknown

Tryliin: One of the most inhospitable planets in the galaxy, it is largely desert, with a single small ocean on it's surface, and well on it's way to becoming a dead world. Combined with being on the very edge of known space, it is hard to see what value could be found here, and most of the governments that run the galaxy would agree, abandoning their colonization projects when the settlers quickly realized that they were in fact very low on the food chain. And so, for the next forty years, the planet became a safe haven for wanted criminals, psychopaths and the occasional eccentric scientist, looking to escape the strict regulations of the various civilizations that maintain an uneasy truce with each other.

Then, the impossible happened: A large energy plume erupted from Tryliin, and a maze of structures was discovered under the surface, honeycombing the entire planet. Orbital analysis confirmed that the structures were very ancient, artificial and more advanced than anything the galaxy had ever seen. Further seismic activity revealed the wrecks of many ancient cities, ships and machines, the purpose of which is still unknown.

With new found interest, the various races reestablished their colonies, who now rage war against the marauders and wildlife. The pioneers spearheading the initiative are lone explorers, mercenaries, soldiers and scientists, who sometimes band together to surmount the seemingly endless wastes of Tryliin, in search of wealth, fortune and adventure.

Hey guys sorry I haven't been posting. Been killing myself at work trying to make our deadline. I'll try to get a post up this weekend. If I don't get to it first @Lyla can move us forward :)

“Hey there, welcome to Tryliin! Oh, you didn't bring a gun? Well, you probably shouldn't be here then...” -Author Unknown

Tryliin: One of the most inhospitable planets in the galaxy, it is largely desert, with a single small ocean on it's surface, and well on it's way to becoming a dead world. Combined with being on the very edge of known space, it is hard to see what value could be found here, and most of the governments that run the galaxy would agree, abandoning their colonization projects when the settlers quickly realized that they were in fact very low on the food chain. And so, for the next forty years, the planet became a safe haven for wanted criminals, psychopaths and the occasional eccentric scientist, looking to escape the strict regulations of the various civilizations that maintain an uneasy truce with each other.

Then, the impossible happened: A large energy plume erupted from Tryliin, and a maze of structures was discovered under the surface, honeycombing the entire planet. Orbital analysis confirmed that the structures were very ancient, artificial and more advanced than anything the galaxy had ever seen. Further seismic activity revealed the wrecks of many ancient cities, ships and machines, the purpose of which is still unknown.

With new found interest, the various races reestablished their colonies, who now rage war against the marauders and wildlife. The pioneers spearheading the initiative are lone explorers, mercenaries, soldiers and scientists, who sometimes band together to surmount the seemingly endless wastes of Tryliin, in search of wealth, fortune and adventure.
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