Avatar of Arthanus


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Alright Soooo here it is,
I'm an old man (post 30's) who has been at the RP game since I was in Middle School. Happily Married and a huge Nerd. My main interests for RP's and such are Medieval Realistic Fantasy, As in no one person wielding a massive 200 lb weapon in one hand or going way over the top with crazy 25 hit combos in the air. I like things to play out as they would normally of course with magic, magic is always fun. I also like Futuristic Space (Star Wars, Mass Effect, and almost anything involving some sort of Mech). I work a crap ton and cant really get into a real post every day but I do try. If you think you got something I might like hit me up.

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@Athol Creepy... But in a good way. I like the concept and how you drew out the character *thumbs up*
@HowlsOfWinter 6 more just came through the door two archers and four with swords Alm shoulder rammed one of the swordsmen so 3 swordsmen not engaged and two archers
@Sync hey just FYI the queen is on a elevated throne with a staircase on the back also its in the middle of the room where your fight is going on on the left side, don't think you could quite jump it. you can leave it to Jing as I already put him on its patch and have written up a sweet little fight for them.
@HowlsOfWinter also if you want to make another post you can. these last snakemen are fodder I plan to end the fight this next post so everyone can free kill them :)
@Sync@Lyla Only waiting on you two now :) no rush I got a 4 day weekend so yeah I got time whenever
@Lyla there you go added you in. feel free to finish off the half dead one and move back into the main fight.

@Athol Maybe, I mean a full enchantment would involve like melting down a soulstone to fuse it with a metal. (a very dangerous endeavor) but I could see people still being able to do it.
@Lyla hey I could of just let the soul stone go boom at your feet but I thought you might want a chance to not have that happen. I can wright up the rest of the post when I get home.

@ShwiggityShwah Feel free to use Garrett in your Dolan as you wish, Gwen won't get their till my next post where she will shoo you all away. Lol
So I originally didn't put Alm against the Serpent Queen because I didn't want the fight to turn out to be me vs myself basically... but with RoccanIronclad's departure and @HowlsOfWinter ditching her post :p looks like Jing will be the one since I don't think we want Yui fighting in Melee much especially against a boss.

With the snakeman archer focused on Pox Shion quickly finished it off. With the sounds of more approaching snakemen Shion ran forward. "Pox, Octavia time to move back I know this will hurt but we gotta move you." He said while helping pox move over away from the combat before turning to rejoin the combat. "Don't die doc were going to need you later. Also remember to take a dose of your antidote." He added readying a few arrows for the soon to arrive.

Alm wasted no time delivering a quick slash that caught the snakeman's sword, the clash resulted in the snakeman's blade freezing catching the creature off guard. Alm quickly followed up with a second strike shattering the blade. Now unarmed the snakeman wasted no time in the counter attack and tried to lunge forward fangs beard but Alm sidestepped the attack bringing down his own blade cleaving the creature's head from its body. As the body fell it turned to ice shattering on impact with the ground leaving nothing but the worn piece of armor and the beast's soulstone in the chunks of ice. With his enemies defeated Alm started to make his way to the doorway ready to intercept the oncoming snakemen.

Garrett Struggled to free himself from the snakeman, but the more he tried the tighter the grip got. The metal of his armor started to buckle but then came a bit of a saving grace Haf came to help cleanly cutting off the snakes tail and loosening the grip. With its grip loosened Garrett got a hand free and grabbed at the snakeman's throat crushing it. "How do you like being the one getting crushed" Garrett said as there was a popping sound of the snake's neck snapping as the creature went limp Garrett moved to free himself and threw the corpse to the side. "Thanks for the hand there, much longer and the beast would of had me..." he said while moving to hold his side. "Think I might have to take a rest for the rest of this, that thing broke my ribs I believe." he said making his way to Pox and Octavia to see if there was anything he could do to help.

As Nanami jumped away the Snakeman tried to lunge at her, but it was to late the sole stone exploded and without Pox's magical protection the blast tore through the snakeman. It took a chunk out of its tail and blew off one of its arms and shot shrapnel from Haf's axe into its back. But the blast did not kill the beast only leaving it at deaths door. Still a dangerous beast the Snakeman slowly made its way back at Nanami fangs bared and sword in its good hand.

As Alm had predicted more snakemen pored into the room from the open doorway another group of Four Swordsmen and two more archers. Not giving them a chance to catch their bearings he quickly charged into their ranks shoulder bashing the first swordsman he could. Shion followed this up unleashing a volley of three shots at was would be an unsuspecting archer. ans Sybille continued her chant nearing the completion of her spell.


Waiting patiently worked well for Jing, the opening he was waiting for finally showed itself, one of the snakemen looked away for just a second as the Second Soul Stone explosion occurred. With one strong thrust Jing pierced the Snakeman's skull not even waiting for the creature to fall before using its body throwing it into he second snakeman knocking it over. Not giving it a chance to recuperate Jing plunged his blade into the second snakeman's heart being careful to avoid the soulstone and avoid an explosion as Haf had seen. With his foe's dead Jing pressed on making his way up the to the throne to face the Serpent queen in combat.

Allant moved in almost playing with his target easily parrying any attack the snakeman tried to make while quickly delivering an attack of his own slashing at the snake's exposed arms or lower body avoiding anything that would kill the beast but instead just injuring it putting it through as much pain as he could.

Stephan had injured his opponent putting it into its own fit of rage charging at the Thief the poor creature didn't even see the strike coming. Stephan easily ducked underneath the snakeman's attack with a short lunge forward leading to an upward strike from his knife cutting open the beast's throat followed up by a second slash from his other knife creating a cross like wound on the creatures neck and dropping it almost instantly. With his snake dead Stephan moved to help Yui, not directly attacking her foe, but he quickly threw a few small smoke bombs at its feet distracting the creature and leaving her an opening to strike.

With Jing moving to attack the Queen Gwen ceased her barrage and upon seeing the stare of the ongoing battle started to make her way to Pox. None of the rest of these fools could heal him. She didn't know why they even bothered to try and "help".
@Lyla hey i just noticed. Haf basically threw a bomb at the feet of the snakeman you were fighting you might want to react to that or else take a bit of a blast
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