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Alright Soooo here it is,
I'm an old man (post 30's) who has been at the RP game since I was in Middle School. Happily Married and a huge Nerd. My main interests for RP's and such are Medieval Realistic Fantasy, As in no one person wielding a massive 200 lb weapon in one hand or going way over the top with crazy 25 hit combos in the air. I like things to play out as they would normally of course with magic, magic is always fun. I also like Futuristic Space (Star Wars, Mass Effect, and almost anything involving some sort of Mech). I work a crap ton and cant really get into a real post every day but I do try. If you think you got something I might like hit me up.

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@Fetzen Manald looks like a good addition to the ranks I'll accept
As Leonidas wandered through camp he was approached by one of the Soldiers. It took a moment for Leonidas to remember exactly who he was but it came to him quickly.

"Mornin' your majesty." he said bowing slightly. "I leave for five minutes and me' home town is under attack." he said gesturing to the city with a chuckle.

"Good morning Rudolph," He responded nodding to the man, "I'm sorry about that, I don't understand why my father called you and your men away from your home just to tell you it was in danger." He continued truly confused by his father's actions.

"So how many orcs are we to be expecting 'milord?" he asks leaning on his halberd.

"Reports are varied the numbers can be anywhere from 200 to 1000. Hopefully we will be able to bolster the defenses and hold out until Siegfried's knights can come in and charge from the sides, hell if were lucky the dwarves might just show up from behind to gun them down." Leonidas replied. He knew their 50 was nothing to 1000 but Bergkoff was a defensible city from the reports so things should go fine.

"I've also head that you have managed to get a few cannons imported in from the Dwarves?" He asked sounding truly interested. "If that is the case then your home won't fall easily even to that many orcs. I have seen a test firing of one of the weapons they are defiantly an equalizer." Leonidas added on, he knew about the cannons and was sure Rudolph did as well. But bringing them up might just counteract any doubt that might have crept in after hearing the orcs numbers.
Just an fyi I am going to post again, but it isn't in any way trying to rush you guys. I won't start the real action until after @Gisk and @Fetzen have a chance to post up their characters and make their first posts. just doing some down time talking to keep things kinda sparked.
@Gisk Faira looks good ill accept.

As for your other question. Most of the Prince's guard is pulled from those who stand out in the Empire military, but the rest are made up of those the prince hand picked himself. The second group doesn't have to be part of the military or even a citizen of the empire really, just an individual whom the prince deems worthy and trusts enough to offer the position to. (Faira seems to fall in this catagory)
@Gisk how is your character coming along there man?
@khosmik Please feel free to check out the link in my above post to the OOC Page for more information
Bergkoff. And ta

What he said I messed up the spelling once in the post. The picture works on the character sheets page for me just not in the ooc

actually it works on my phone not on my computer. weird
@Virgil sorry to hear that. Your welcome to come back if you want to/are able to.
What I had in mind for the beastmen were basically the Shifter race from DnD. Basically humanoids that take on characteristics of beasts. They could be normal things like wolves, cats, bears, birds ext or something more exotic if you would like. I'll try to find and like a free source that gives a little more detail to the shifter race but in the meantime yeah they can be something more monstrous.


some info on shifters
-=Prince Leonidas' Camp, Just after daybreak=-
=5 miles outside the City-State of Bergkoff=

It is late Fall and Winter is just around the corner. After weeks of marching Prince Leonidas' troop made up of his Royal Guard and a small force of 50 soldiers have finally made it to the area. Their goal is to investigate rumors of Orc and Goblin attacks coming from the Razorthorn Mountains. So far its said that 3 cities have been lost so far and it seems that Bergkoff was the next target going off of the reported movements. Things have been rough in the North lately not only has there been this recent string of attacks, but it seems that a plague has started to set into the area as well. Prince Leonidas hopes to stop these attacks and assist in curing the plague as well, and although he doesn't have many troops of his own Sir Siegfried and his troop of 500 knights are not far behind and will assist the prince when they arrive.

A cold chill runs through the camp this morning, not uncommon for this time of year. As the troops start to wake up and go though their morning routine and start packing up camp Prince Leonidas stands looking down the road seeing Berkoff in the distance. "I hope we can make it in time. We can't afford to loose Berkoff and loose our main trade route with our dwarven allies..." He says to himself almost wanting to set off for the city right now leaving the troops behind. Although he was just one man, Leonidas felt that his presence could help turn the tide of battle should one come. Now Siegfried would scold him for this thought "You won't do your country any good if your dead boy!" Leonidas could hear the old man's voice in his head and brought a little grin to his face. But the day was still early, and who knows if the Orcs had even made it yet. If the cards fell happened to fall in our favor Siegfried and his Knights would arrive to bolster the defenses before the orcs arrived.

After a few more moments in thought Leonidas would turn back to his camp looking over the solders entrusted to him for this mission. He knew that his father didn't want to worry the people by sending a large force, but he could of easily crushed not only the orcs, but the image of his own weakness if he had sent at least an entire battalion to crush the orcs. But that would be a discussion for another time. The first priority was the defense of Bergkoff, then maybe Leonidas could conscript some solders to join him in launching a counter attack.
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