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Alright Soooo here it is,
I'm an old man (post 30's) who has been at the RP game since I was in Middle School. Happily Married and a huge Nerd. My main interests for RP's and such are Medieval Realistic Fantasy, As in no one person wielding a massive 200 lb weapon in one hand or going way over the top with crazy 25 hit combos in the air. I like things to play out as they would normally of course with magic, magic is always fun. I also like Futuristic Space (Star Wars, Mass Effect, and almost anything involving some sort of Mech). I work a crap ton and cant really get into a real post every day but I do try. If you think you got something I might like hit me up.

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Reminds me very strongly of Borderlands! I'm tentatively interested, pending some more setting info.

Are the alien races set in stone, or would it be just whatever someone wanted to make?

What kind of technology limits are there?

How does space travel work? Is it like a warp drive, some kind of "gate" situation, or what?

- Alien races are not set in stone, I'll have a few in the OOC of races that will be partially prevalent to the story, but players are more than welcome to come up with their own.

- Trylin is basically still a backwater planet even with recent developments so most people on the planet are stuck with pretty basic and low end stuff, but those with money can pull out fun toys. Things will be mostly limited to what you would call modern day fire arms and such, but characters can have more futuristic stuff with the bit that maintaining/replacing that tech will be difficult.

- So far I wasn't planning for the RP to leave Trylin so I hadn't given space travel any thought. can get back to you on that when I give it some more thought if you wish

“Hey there, welcome to Tryliin! Oh, you didn't bring a gun? Well, you probably shouldn't be here then...” -Author Unknown

Tryliin: One of the most inhospitable planets in the galaxy, it is largely desert, with a single small ocean on it's surface, and well on it's way to becoming a dead world. Combined with being on the very edge of known space, it is hard to see what value could be found here, and most of the governments that run the galaxy would agree, abandoning their colonization projects when the settlers quickly realized that they were in fact very low on the food chain. And so, for the next forty years, the planet became a safe haven for wanted criminals, psychopaths and the occasional eccentric scientist, looking to escape the strict regulations of the various civilizations that maintain an uneasy truce with each other.

Then, the impossible happened: A large energy plume erupted from Tryliin, and a maze of structures was discovered under the surface, honeycombing the entire planet. Orbital analysis confirmed that the structures were very ancient, artificial and more advanced than anything the galaxy had ever seen. Further seismic activity revealed the wrecks of many ancient cities, ships and machines, the purpose of which is still unknown.

With new found interest, the various races reestablished their colonies, who now rage war against the marauders and wildlife. The pioneers spearheading the initiative are lone explorers, mercenaries, soldiers and scientists, who sometimes band together to surmount the seemingly endless wastes of Tryliin, in search of wealth, fortune and adventure.

“Hey there, welcome to Tryliin! Oh, you didn't bring a gun? Well, you probably shouldn't be here then...” -Author Unknown

Tryliin: One of the most inhospitable planets in the galaxy, it is largely desert, with a single small ocean on it's surface, and well on it's way to becoming a dead world. Combined with being on the very edge of known space, it is hard to see what value could be found here, and most of the governments that run the galaxy would agree, abandoning their colonization projects when the settlers quickly realized that they were in fact very low on the food chain. And so, for the next forty years, the planet became a safe haven for wanted criminals, psychopaths and the occasional eccentric scientist, looking to escape the strict regulations of the various civilizations that maintain an uneasy truce with each other.

Then, the impossible happened: A large energy plume erupted from Tryliin, and a maze of structures was discovered under the surface, honeycombing the entire planet. Orbital analysis confirmed that the structures were very ancient, artificial and more advanced than anything the galaxy had ever seen. Further seismic activity revealed the wrecks of many ancient cities, ships and machines, the purpose of which is still unknown.

With new found interest, the various races reestablished their colonies, who now rage war against the marauders and wildlife. The pioneers spearheading the initiative are lone explorers, mercenaries, soldiers and scientists, who sometimes band together to surmount the seemingly endless wastes of Tryliin, in search of wealth, fortune and adventure.
Hey guys, I'm sorry to say this. But I don't think I'll be able to do this. Life stuff is coming up and I won't be able to put the time into this I thought I was going to be able to. Sorry again but I'm going to call it here...
The campaign I have linked has sharing enabled so when you go to that you'll have access to everything I own (which is all released books)
Yeah Aasimar just means Angelic blood in your bloodline like tiefling just means demonic blood in the bloodline. but we can play off the Kalashtar part as a special birth as well if you want to go that rout.

@tobiax Looked over the Oath of Treachery, and it looks like its an old one, pretty powerful one as well. I normally don't mind UA I know will be getting a full release but due to this ones age I doubt it will see a full release. It also seems more like a DM tool subclass as its pretty powerful and kinda bad guy focused. So I don't know if I want to allow it.
@RBYDark Ok so I finally got the time to read them over, although I won't be able to work on cleaning up the lore dump tonight :(

Morgan - Looks fine for the setting nothing stands out as off or wrong, even could fit a few npc's I know about into it as former masters and such.

Zaikudo - he can be an Aasimar from birth even to human parents, and would even be seen as a blessing from the sacred fire, but a change after birth is kind of much. As for the visions/premonitions I think that would fit more into a Kalashtar than an Aasimar But maybe you could get some interventions along the way. Also with the new Aasimar you would have a celestial revelation of Radiant Consumption (I would suggest the updated one as you no longer hurt yourself with burning eyes mode)
@tobiax Neianna86 is already planning out a ranger and has been talking through their character with me so we already have 1 there. I think the current party from those that have responded are,

Neianna86 - Gloomstalker Ranger
RBYDark - A melee caster? or a Fighter by the looks of it
Vertigo - Bard
Rush - Was planning a Lock but has gone silent so I don't know if they are still going to play.

As for the Treachery Pally I haven't heard of that one is it a new unearthed Archana?
@RBYDark I was able to take a quick look at them and from what I saw it seems like they would be good, but I just got home and haven't been able to sit down and fully read them. I'll let you know tonight after the little one goes down.

@tobiax I think I can take on one more. We should be at around 4 from my count so one more shouldn't hurt
As for level, the module has openings for both le s 1 and 3 so I'll put that up to a vote do you guys want to start at level 1 coming into Drakkenheim and gradually being introduced to the factions ect. Or start at level 3 where I tell you the contacts for the 5 factions and the group picks 1 to receive their first quest from.
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