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helloa v i a i r ehello

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@stone's sidekick in persona with boats

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interactions: @Allycat

Maybe Vanessa had been getting a little ahead of herself when she said that she would be drawing, because that was the complete opposite of what she had ended up doing. Her attention span, or lack thereof, had prevailed once again. It was barely twenty minutes until she got up from where she had sat down, with noticeably more graphite on her hands than on the paper. Vanessa wrinkled her nose at the mess, doing her best to put all of her stuff away without getting it all dirty as well. As soon as she was done with that, she hurried off to the bathroom. She really needed to wash her hands.

On her way, she noted that people were beginning to gather. There were a fair few news vans too. She was pretty sure that she saw Elizabeth Baker too, but she didn't get a proper look. Hope she's alright. Her and Lily are- were- god, I hope it's are - really good friends. Aw man, I really wanna know what's gonna happen at the conference now. Is that bad? I don't think so. So, for the second time that day, Vanessa engaged herself in another moral dilemma. She decided that it wasn't her fault she was interested, because she'd reached the sink.

Vanessa was halfway through washing her hands (which more or less meant violent scrubbing in a fruitless attempt to get the medium of the day off) when her phone chimed. She scowled at her bag, hands coated in soap. "For the love of... ugh, I'll be done in a minute." She rushed through the rest of her washing process and got graphite all over the tissue paper when she dried her hands. Whatever. It was going in the bin anyway. With cleaner hands, she checked her texts.

Nat: Hey.

She audibly groaned.

Vanessa: whats up
Nat: You had breakfast yet?
Vanessa: nah
Nat: Do you want to get something to eat?
Vanessa: yea but am a bit busy rn
Vanessa: going to the conference later
Vanessa: but we can go eat something another time
Nat: Yeah, that's fine. Thought that we could chat and catch up.
Vanessa: you do know you can just call me lol
Nat: It isn't the same. I'll be paying anyway.
Vanessa: god you are the best
Vanessa: just text me whenever and i'll see if i'm free
Nat: Alright. Have a good day.
Nat: Remember to eat once you're done.

Vanessa sighed. Conference is at twelve. I mean, it'll be lunch after then, right? Oh well. It seemed like she wouldn't be getting that breakfast. It didn't matter anyway, just meant that she could have a bigger lunch. By the sounds of things, Natasha wasn't going to the conference. Had Vanessa asked why, it probably would've been due to some stuff about respect.

Vanessa: (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
Nat: ヾ(・ω・。)シ

She was looking around for something to occupy the time when someone else caught her eye. He sat down, near the front (was he friends with Lily?) and proceeded to stare down at his lap. On his own too, which was odd. Vanessa couldn't really speak, as she was by herself too, but at least she'd had alone-time plans. Carefully, she approached him.

It wasn't long until she was pretty near. She didn't sit down, assuming that the front row was for those knew Lily better than she did, but she bent down a little next him. Messy brown hair and a casual look that probably didn't take an hour and a half to put together. Vanessa was a little jealous.

She spoke softly, not to startle him. The boy seemed pretty interested in his own hands. "Hey. Are you alright?" If he was close to Lily, then chances were that he was nervous about the conference. A little friendly conversation was sure to help. At least, she really hoped it would.
Effie jumped back in surprise as the automatons appeared, the sound of her expensive shoes against the ground sounding out. Moments later, she reappeared a little behind the spot she had landed. She was no longer holding her bag, though it was nowhere to be seen, and instead had her delicate fingers curled around the handle of a knife.

"Oh, I do not like this," she whined. She took a few more steps backwards, somehow making less noise than when she was sneaking past the police. First day out of the house and things were not going well. "Do you think we could solve this diplomatically? I suppose not." For as much as she might act annoyed by this, the truth was that she had much more experience in using magic and combat than she had talking to people. So maybe she was a little relieved.

Leo's magic seemed interesting. It was difficult to tell exactly how it worked, especially after only seeing one example. Not to mention, she couldn't understand a word of what he had just said. It was probably safe to guess it was part of the casting process. She was pleased to see the weapon, though. The more capable the fighters, the easier this would be. Perhaps it was time for a little magic of her own, too. The alleyway was too dark for her liking.

After a few seconds of concentration, the light brightened in the alley. It was not blinding by any means, but it dispelled some of the shadows, and it was a bit easier to see. She made a note to try and count how many automatons there were when she could.

"Yes, that seems like a fine idea, Mister Leonardo," Effie said. "If you stay close, I can keep you invisible too. Ah, but if you wish to reappear, I can do that for you." She stepped a little closer to where Leo was. "I think that we can win this, hm?" She stayed in place, eyes glued to the automatons, waiting for them to make their move.

Eira Winters ❄ Antartica


Eira was a little startled by the request. She wasn't really sure what she expected Damian to say, but that certainly wasn't it. But he did make some good points, and she was in the mood for something a little less boring. Not to mention, she was getting sick of school and everyone in it. It wouldn't hurt to do some extra investigatory work from time to time.

"As it should be. I don't want to talk about last Friday, not because I'm upset but because I'm fucking sick of it. I think I could live with playing detective for a little bit. I'm in," Eira said, smirking. "Let's just hope we don't get ourselves killed, hm?"

Judith spoke up next. Eira wasn't sure how the airhead could even know the sorts of people Damian was after, but you never really know with those types. "You make it sound like we can't say no," she said to the smaller girl, but it was clear from her tone that she wasn't going to argue with her about it. Eira didn't have any issues with her tagging along. Judith wasn't that bad, even if she was a bit odd and had only ever said thirty words to Eira. And she was right that having more people would be better. "Alright then. That's three of us - I think that's enough. Mainly because I don't want anyone else, they're all busy moping anyway. Will that be all?"
"Seventy-four? Well, it'll do," Euphemia said. She wasn't sure how she felt about that number, it was a fair distance from a hundred. After some thought, she decided that it was close enough for her. "Shall we go, then? Stay close, remember."

She clasped her hands together, giving a sweet smile to her companions. Then her eyes closed, and her face twisted to concentration. Suddenly, without any warning for the others, she used her magic. To anyone who was watching, it would just look like they had just disappeared instantly. But it is a little more complex than that. Bending the light in such a way with such detail is a lot more work than it seems.

It is easy to create a bad illusion. It is difficult to create a good one, one that would fool people from a fair distance away. Making a perfect one, that is indistinguishable from reality, is something else entirely. But the Dalraans strive for perfection, and Euphemia is no exception. So, through years of relentless practice, the flawless illusion of invisibility had been carefully crafted. When Effie opened her eyes, and looked down, there was absolutely nothing there.

Of course, that only meant she had done a good job. It was a little disorientating, having yourself disappear. Everything was still there, but it didn't look that way. With her apparent absence and her silent footsteps, she began to make her way past the policemen, trying to keep an eye on her companions. Well, at least where her companions should be. Any slip-up, no matter how minor, could mess the whole thing up. She was a Dalraan, and she did not make mistakes.

Truth be told, she was a little nervous about what exactly investigating a crime scene entailed, but that was overshadowed by a morbid curiosity. It couldn't be that bad. Effie was sure she could handle anything that came up, and after all, she wasn't alone.

No worries! I’ll have a post up later today.
It's a fair assumption that Effie'll use her magic to cloak herself and the others to get them in, but if you'd like me to make another post for that, then I can do that too.
I think my group is still waiting on @Chi, but they haven't been online in about three weeks.

There is no point in waking up early. There is nothing productive to be doing in the morning. The only thing to get out of it is another hour of lying in bed, trying to get a bit more sleep before it's time to get up.

So why was Vanessa staring at the ceiling at six in the morning? She would have to get up to go to work anyway, but that was later in the day. She had the glorious night shift, and spent the entire evening up until midnight doing work. Obviously, by work, she meant doodling with the odd actual sketch, while just happening to sit behind the till and occasionally helping customers. Vanessa could afford to feed herself, so it was good enough.

She groaned, staring at the clock. 6:48am. Four minutes since she'd last checked, thirty since she'd woken up. She stroked the cat lying on her chest, waiting for time to pass. "Please tell me you can knock me out," she said mournfully. "Just this once, I'll let you attack me. Do you wanna do that, you little bastard? Seems like you always do." Though her words were harsh, she spoke softly, in that cooing way people use with their pets. Unfortunately for her, her cat, which she had lovingly named 'Lizard', had chosen to be nice for the first day of his life. He let out a soft meow, and did not move. But he was soft, so Vanessa allowed it, continuing to run her hand down his soft black fur.

It was about six more clock-checks until she decided to finally get up. The time was 7:24am. With a little difficulty, she pushed Lizard from herself, rolling off of the bed until she was standing on the floor. Dressed in an oversized hoodie and some shorts, she began to get ready for the day. Vanessa supposed that she may as well go out, since there wasn't much for her to be doing inside. She could do some sketches and just chill in the community centre or something. Sounded like a good time.

It took her a lot longer than anticipated until she left the house. Somewhere in the realms of ninety minutes, as a matter of fact. She was dressed simply - black jacket, grey shirt, blue jeans - but all that time hadn't been wasted for nothing. She looked nice enough. A canvas bag containing some pencils and a sketchbook was hoisted over her shoulder, and it was about time she got going.

"Bye bye, Lizard," Vanessa chirped. The cat's ears perked at the sound of his name, but it wasn't as if he could understand anything she was saying. Still, she continued to talk. "I'll be back later. Behave, and I love you!"

As she made her way to the community centre, she thought about what else she could do. She'd have to go home before work, but that still left a lot of the morning free. While it would be great for her to spend the whole time practising her art, Vanessa really didn't have the patience for that. She could go somewhere else, maybe.

Ah, but isn't the press conference today... the disappearance of that girl. Vanessa's brows furrowed as she walked, deep in thought. I hope she's okay. But if anything's happened to her, it'll probably come out today. Should I go? I guess so. She felt a little guilty, using the disappearance of this poor girl to sate her own curiosity, but it wasn't her fault the mayor's daughter had disappeared. She just wanted to know what was going on. She didn't know the girl very well, as she had not lived in Emerald city for very long, but she seemed lovely.

Vanessa was deep in thought on her way to the community centre. Much of it was just thinking about her plans for the rest of the day, as well as things she had to get done over the next week, but there was a little speculation mixed in. She was thinking about the things that could have happened to Lily Turner, of course, which quickly devolved into a competition with herself about what the most weird thing she could come up with was. Vanessa soon ended that line of thought, not wanting to give the matter any more attention. She'd find out soon enough, anyway.

The community centre was relatively close to where Vanessa lived, though her definition of close was 'acceptable to walk there', which was very, very broad. She made a beeline to the public garden. There was one specific place she sat every time she went to the gardens, and that place was where she decided to sit once more. She stretched her legs out over the grass, feeling it tickling her ankles. From her bag, she pulled out a thick sketchbook, half of the pages filled with pencil sketches. The quality varied, but none of them were particularly awful, even if Vanessa thought they were.

Right then, art time.
Seth Moore ~ Wonderland

Seth couldn't believe he was going to be late to his villain meeting. So, against all of his best interests, he began to leg it, all the way to the prison.

He burst into the door not too long after Marionetta, panting heavily and not nearly as composed as she had been. He cast a glance over the others in the room, and immediately stood up straighter. Seth smoothed out his clothes and hair as subtly as he could, which was not saying much. He continued to watch his new allies, trying to take a stab at what their quirks would be. Some of them were obvious, like the scorpion lady, but as you would expect, the non-mutation ones were kind of hard to figure out. It didn't stop him from making a few guesses.

He pulled out a chair and promptly collapsed into it. "Mornin'," he drawled, sitting up straighter. First impressions are important, and he had just realised that he may have messed his own up. "Name's Wonderland, real one available upon request, my birthday is probably in April, and the only thing I got A+ on is my blood test. It's lovely to meet you all, I'm sure we'll all get along great."

Seth leaned in a bit further. He still couldn't tell much about the rest of his allies, though he had only just arrived. He didn't even know their names - well, except for Marionetta, he'd been able to catch the end of that conversation. He pointed at her. "You. Your quirk is..." He had no idea. He'd missed her demonstration. "Being a goth. Right?" It was a fair guess. Seth got those kinds of vibes from her. As for the others, his predictions were: being British, scorpion tail that did something, something to do with gas, and then a guy with a mask who he couldn't figure out at all.

He would learn about their quirks eventually. After all, they had to work together. Seth wasn't one for the whole power of friendship shtick, but if that was what it took, he would do it.
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