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The trio had pulled up to the party just as planned. The Uber ride there was one that was silent, which was expected considering the fact that they had things they needed to execute. Olivia was rehearsing what she was gonna do in her head. But, it wasn’t much, considering that all she needed to do was to drink and drink.

Olivia waited for Roz and Josie and gathered them around. ”Okay, y’all ready for this? This is gonna be one hell of a plan.”

During the Uber ride Josephine’s mind was nothing but dance, she was trying to figure out the perfect dance for the plan knowing the other two would be perfect in their roles. All she wanted to do was get it right, plus knowing Audrey. She would somehow get a video of it and criticize her on what she could have done better if she doesn’t do her best. Which honestly, she wouldn’t mind in the end. When the Uber arrived and the three got out, Olivia is who brought Josie back to reality when she began speaking.

”Hell yeah. Let’s do it! Show ‘em just who they are messing with.” Josie grinned at the other two girls. She was ready to show the idiots up for not inviting them, which she still thought was weird but it had happened and now the ones throwing the party would reap what they sowed.

Part of Roz was still upset that they axed the plan to cause property damage. From her perspective, any time the richie riches of the Hills had to dip into their bank account for something other than excess and greed was a victory. If the night went well there was still a chance something would be broken anyway; and so long as Roz was in attendance the chance of something going missing rocketed up to damn near one hundred percent. When it came to dealing with these sorts of people, it was a matter of picking your battles and taking victories where they came. It might’ve been for the best, all told, that she was essentially here just to do what she would’ve been doing normally. Only for metaphorical profit instead of straight boredom.

”Oh, yeah, this is definitely an ‘Elite’ party. It smells like seventy dollar perfume and rohypnol. They try to stop us at the door, let me do the talking. I’ve got a foolproof plan.” The ‘foolproof’ plan was essentially the same she would’ve used by herself but it was the rare opportunity to seem like she was in control of a situation in front of other people and damn if she wasn’t going to seize it.

Lawrence, being the cool guy that he was, was roaming around and giving all of his buds at the party some love. Damian was off doing god knows what, which made Lawrence a little sad. However, it was nothing a little tequila and grinding could fix. He was wondering what his boy Owen was up to, maybe he wanted a drink or something like that.

Walking out, he ran into Roz, Josie, and Olivia hanging out outside. What were they doing out there? The party was inside! “Hey guys! Come on in! We’ve been waiting on you!” He made a gesture to invite the girls in and waited for them to get inside so that they could go straight to the party and not get lost.

Olivia, after witnessing what Lawrence had just done, was a little confused. ”I thought we weren’t invited?” She was scratching her head and glancing at Roz and Josie.

“What? No! Of course you guys were invited. Did you not get your invitations?” Lawrence asked curiously, taking a sip of his drink.

”Oh… uh… we never got an invitation.” Olivia chuckled shyly.

”Well someone didn’t do their fucking job! Just come on in guys. Even if I wasn’t here, you would’ve gotten in anyway.”

When Lawrence walked up to the three Josie’s initial reaction was to get ready to chew the boy out, but then he invited them in. Informing the three that they of course were invited. Now that was a bit embarrassing, she was thankful for the skin color god blessed her with because as she felt her cheeks heat up she knew she didn’t have to worry that much about someone noticing unless they took the time to observe her.

”So the uh… not happening?” Josie looked from Lawrence to the other girls, giving them questioning looks hoping they understood she was getting at the previous plan. She assumed it was called off now that they knew they actually were invited and it all had been a misunderstanding.

Of one thing Roz was quite certain: this dude was lying straight to their faces. Not about the invitations being in the mail or whatever, or even about them being invited in the first place, but that he expected them to believe that anyone here was ‘waiting for them’. Maybe someone had been waiting for Josie or Olivia, in the same way one waits outside for a crush to walk by and they think it’s cute rather than slightly stalker-ish, but Roz? No one waited for Roz to show up before doing anything. Regardless, in like of new information, there was an appropriate amount of egg on faces, though fortunately they didn’t have time to cook as they would’ve if a scene was made by the door.
In light of new evidence, Roz couldn’t help but to snicker. This really was some petty ass party. They were letting in someone like ‘Roz Norcross’ who may as well have been named ‘Dirt Bag’ without any qualms. This whole thing was some kind of power play against the Head Bitches What Give Head by way of the Boys Club For Boys. The politics of high school were inherently stupid but this was a whole different level. There was a story here. There always was. Someone inside would talk.

”Fuck it,” Roz shrugged her shoulders and walked towards the entrance, turning around to look at Olivia and Josie as she now walked backwards towards the door. ”Don’t change nothin’ for me. I’m still gonna show these bougie fucks how to drink a beer.” Roz wasn’t going to let a misunderstanding get in the way of the truly important things in life.
A smile made its way to Josie’s face as she watched Roz walk backwards towards the house. Though they weren’t exactly going to be going through with the original plan, she was glad to see Roz still was going to drink anyone who challenged her under the table. Roz was cool that way, always giving no fucks about the social hierarchy and the drama around it all. Josie tried to do that but she always got caught up in some of it as dance captain, it was always a bit inevitable. That’s why Roz was refreshing to have as as at least an acquaintance through Olivia. Someone who would always say ‘fuck the hierarchy’ with her. Plus if Roz was still gonna kind of do the plan, so would Josie, she would have probably ended up showing everyone up on the dance floor anyways with or without the plan. Dance was basically her life.

With Roz heading to the party Josie turned back to Lawrence and Olivia, mainly focusing on the latter. “What about you Liv?”

”Me? Well, I’m gonna drink. That’s what I’m gonna fuckin’ do.” Olivia nudged Josie, ”Go do your thing, girl! I’ll see you on the other side.”

Ariana had somehow got the idea to make this party the most unforgettable experience of her lifetime. Now, what exactly did that mean? Well, it meant that Ariana would be getting so, so fucking crunk. Like The Hangover level drunk. By the time the next day rolled around, she would've had to retrace her steps to figure out what she did the night before. She'd be losing her guts and wake up in a whole other universe. Honestly, whoever gave Ariana the idea to do this sort of stuff should be put in a corner and be forced to think about what they did because they just unleashed one hell of a storm.

Dear old Henry, however, was the biggest obstacle in the way of her achieving the goals she had set out to achieve. But, she wasn't gonna let anyone stop her. The only thing harder to stop than Ariana trying to achieve her goals was the fun that came with opening a can of Pringles. Hell, Ariana was already sipping on this Red Bull-Vodka mix that she "obtained". Well, actually, it was one part Red Bull and nine parts vodka, but it was all the same to Ariana's untrained tongue. Dang Min-Seo. If only she was able to fill up her cup further, then it was lit. She was idly sucking on the lip of her red Dixon cup before she noticed that it was literally bone dry. Shame. The beloved cup was empty. Looks like she had to go find Min-Seo once again.

Now where is that cute little Korean girl...?

Shuffling her way to the bar, she came across literally the cutest little baby freshman transfer girl from Korea that she'd ever seen. For people like Ariana, she was a site for sore eyes. Poor girl didn't even know what she was doing, but it was okay. They shared a connection anyway. Planting her folded arms on the counter, she made a finger pistol at the little Korean girl and made a sound that was reminiscent of the Fonz.

"민서! 들어 봐, 내가 너 한 잔 더 마실 수 있는지 궁금해서. 너 나 한테 만든 거 알지만 ... 제발? (Min-Seo! Listen, I wonder if I can have another drink. I know you made me one before, but ... please?)"

Min-Seo's silence after the attempt at getting drinks had frustrated Ariana but also gave her exactly the answer that she needed. For Min-Seo, silence meant that Ariana had a free pass (at least in this case). She sighed and reached over the counter to grab a coke and some vodka. Excellent. Now honest to god, Ariana really didn't know what she was doing. The bartenders on TV had made things look so easy but she didn't want to make the alcohol too weak nor did she want to make it too strong. Doing some careful calculations, Ariana unscrewed the top of both containers and poured both of them into her cup blindly until it was almost overflowing with the content. Putting the bottles back where they were, Ariana winked at the Korean girl at the helm of the bar and waved her goodbye.

"몇 분 후에 보자! (See you in a few minutes!)"

Taking a big sip of her own latest concoction, she quickly realized that there was more vodka in the mix than Coke, but that was okay. It was what Ariana was trying to go for. The music was already starting to pound to the point where she could feel it in her feets, which was great. Everything was exactly the way Ariana had hoped it to go, except for the fact that the local Korean transfer was running the bar. That was a huge problem in itself for most. But not for Ariana.

Nothing was gonna stop Ariana now.

For whatever reason, Olivia had found herself in the company of her BFFL Josie and her not-as-much-of-a-bffl-but-still-cool-with Roz. The two had gotten the crazy idea of crashing the party that was happening tonight after not receiving invitations. The audacity the organizers had. Right now, they were figuring out what needed to be done, how it needed to be done, and when it needed to be done.

Josie sat in front of a mirror putting the finishing touches on her makeup still a bit angry about how they didn't receive invitations. It especially was insult to injury considering the fact she definitely thought of Lawrence and Damian as good friends. “I mean it has to be an oversight right? From a picture of the invitation I got one of the girls on the dance team to send it said everyone but H.O.T. and Candyland.” Josie turned to face the two girls, “We sure as hell aren't either so why are we not invited?!” Some of her anger made it out as her voice got a bit louder than she meant for it to be. Taking a deep breath she shook her head, “well we can just show up in a way to make them regret not inviting us.”[/color] Looking to Olivia a smirk grew on her face.

Roz was surprised to see Josie upon her arrival, but it wasn’t terribly surprising considering the friendship she and Olivia had. Roz had been sitting atop the counter, her feet dangling above the ground and her expression one of boredom, confusion, and just a bit of mischief. The three of them looked a bit out of place - well technically Roz made them that way. If someone were to look in on the three of them, Roz would be the odd woman out; even the grunge queen felt that way but she was confident enough in herself not to let that bother her. It was the others she didn’t have confidence in. Presently, Roz was sniffing the collar of her shirt. It smelled faintly of weed and beer and she could account for one of those. Her fault for wearing a shirt that didn’t belong to her. ”I can tell you in two words why I wasn’t invited.” Roz stopped sniffing her collar and pointed at herself. ”Literally unimportant. Fuck knows about you two. Maybe you didn’t shake your tits for the Pauper Princes enough.”

Olivia shrugged when she was trying to think about why she wasn’t invited. ”Maybe. I can’t shake something I don’t have.” Honestly, Olivia thought that Roz was going to be the most likely out of all them to be invited. Roz seemed like the kind of person that knew how to get down and hang with whatever happened at these parties. Matter of fact, she could probably drink every single person at that party under the table. It was really an injustice done to her. She leaned over to wherever Josie was and tapped her on the shoulder. ”You got any ideas, Jo? Roz here can outdrink fuckin’ everyone, so it’s probably not her.”

”Hopefully for the sake of the idiots they just forgot to give us our invitations but if that’s not the case, I still stand by the idea of making them regret not inviting us.”

”I’d say they’ll regret it already,” Roz mumbled under her breath, checked herself before saying anything further on that particular subject, then returned to the subject at hand while tilting her head back and admiring the ceiling tile. Getting one person into a party was easy, bluffing the guard was old habit and even if the guard had the capacity for rational thought, usually a twenty in the pockets was enough to get by. But this was a slightly different beast. These were rich kids. They wiped their ass with hundreds and blew their noses with fifties. Twenties were about as useful as a magnetic stud finder without a pencil. That presented both a challenge and a unique opportunity. ”Forget about the why of it all. The why doesn’t matter, it’s the what. I know it’s repulsive, but try to think like those wanna-be gods up on Olympus. This is their big night, and it’s a clear power play by not inviting the Thot Patrol and the Bitch Brigade. Bad blood, bad breakup, bad sex, whatever it is there’s animosity there. But if I was one of those slags,” Roz once heard the word ‘slags’ on television and liked it enough to adopt it to her own vernacular. It rolled off the tongue.

”I wouldn’t be letting a banning stop me from going. No doesn’t mean no to these people, it means ‘how much to say yes’. None of us are part of those groups and since this is the big night, they probably don’t want any trouble apart from, again, the Thots and the Bitches. We’re in a good position. Now if I could, I’d show up with one of those banned folks as my plus one and watch the fireworks, but that would require being around them for longer than is medically feasible. What we should do is make an entrance, take the attention away from the supposed ‘elite’. I say we throw bigass rocks through the windows, blame it on some underclassman, and use the chaos to sneak in. Breaking something means having to pay for repairs. They hate that. Anyone else got anything?”

Playing with one of her hair coils, Josie listened to Roz her heading nodding in agreement to most of the things she was saying. Her nodding stopped when it was suggested to throw rocks through the windows, that was not something she could really get on board with. ”Maybe we think of something less… damaging to property. I’m pretty sure that the JROTC would not approve of that at all nor would my father. I could do without punishment from both of those groups. Plus I bet a lot of people will be there so it will be pretty much impossible to get away with that.”

Standing up Josie walked over to a window and for a moment stared out it before walking back to the girls having another idea, ”What if we just beat them at their own games? Draw the attention in a different way? I can’t, but I know you two would have no problem drinking their asses under the table and I’m sure I can draw attention to the dance floor. I can even get one or two of my girls from the dance team to help. We just make it so they aren’t the main focus or the most remembered thing from the party.” Smiling the brunette looked from one girl to the other, ”What do you guys think? Anything else to add?”

Olivia, when hearing Roz’s idea of breaking through the window, was slightly intrigued. The wrestler knew that she was more than capable of chucking some bigger rocks through. But, remembering Josie’s status with some of the clubs at school meant that idea was dead in the water. Putting her head on her arms, she was trying to think. Josie damn well knew that any of Olivia’s ideas would be involving violence and would be a hard no, Simon Cowell style.

Then, Josie came up with an idea that almost struck fear into the poor girl’s heart. Almost. After thinking it through and letting it sink into that battered brain of hers, she realized that she didn’t have to do any dancing which was fine. ”Y’know what? I like Josie’s idea. Roz and I can get drunk, and Josie can get her freak on.” Nobody knew just how grateful Olivia was that she didn’t have to actually dance.

Roz knew when to fight and when to relent and this situation was falling firmly into the latter camp. The others had something resembling a reputation that could be ruined with petty, but fun, vandalism and because of her good nature Roz was willing to let said reputations go untarnished. Chances were high something was going to be broken anyway, be it physical or emotional. Roz hopped down from the countertop and rolled her head ‘round her shoulders. Must’ve been the way she slept last night, had her neck all stiff. ”Well, it’s the safer, more boring option for sure. Could throw balls into cups, cause a scene at the pong table. You want eyes on us, that’s a way to do it. Might even raise our stock.”

If there was one thing that Roz was certain of, it was that the students were a bunch of lightweights who drank to pass out because that’s what ‘cool’ was. Pacing didn’t matter. Getting something hard and chugging it then repeating it was commonplace. Roz knew enough about liquor and she who ruled the beer bong ruled the party. ”Try not to slut it up on the dance floor yeah, Jos? You’re better than that.”

”The only ones slutting up the dance floor will be the ones who thinking grinding is dancing. I at least know what actual dancing is.” The dancer knew what Roz was getting at, yeah some dances she had performed in the past had what could be considered some sluttier dance moves but they were always done with taste. She made sure of that, especially now as the dance captain, nothing could be taken to far like some captains had let it in the past few years.

But dancing was an art and no matter how the artist believed it was performed, it all really came down to the eye of the beholder and how they viewed the piece. Some would oversexualize things and that was just part of life. Josie honestly could care less because if it was up to her standards then it didn’t matter if other people liked it or not, misinterpreted it or not. At least she got to enjoy what she loved.
Focusing back on their plan, some important questions came to mind, ”So are we going to do each event at the same time or separately? If separately, when should we time them so we get this perfect?”

”Same time. Creates more confusion. The more confusion we have the more likely our plan will work.” Olivia was thinking. She had to stand up to make her thoughts more organized. Pacing back and forth, she was seeing if she could figure out something else to do. Turns out there wasn’t anything else Olivia could think of to make the plan better. The plan sounded perfect, but execution was another question. But, knowing Josie and whatever she knew of Roz, the plan was gonna be perfect.

”So… how are we gonna get there?

”Well, I don’t know about you two but I hoofed it here.” Roz leaned against the same counter she had just been sitting on, her thumbs resting in the belt loop of her pants while her fingers were resting in her pockets. Of the present problems this one seemed the most easily solvable. ”How much cash ya’ll got? If you don’t wanna walk there then I suggest we call a ride. I can pitch in ten. Maybe twenty.”

”I got an uber because I’m banned from taking my car to these type of events…” Josie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. ”I can pitch in however much. My dad is paying so I can cover the whole thing if needed. At least he is nice enough for that part of things.” Shrugging she watched to see how the others would react.

”Yeah, let’s take an uber… and hopefully your dad will cover the fare back. Ain’t none of us gonna be able to drive after this.” Olivia looked toward Josie and winked, hinting at just how much alcohol she was gonna consume at this party.
That's one old freshman.

People in this country really didn't know how to mind their own business for whatever reason. One guy came out of nowhere and started talking to them and butted into the conversation between her and this stupid fucking Ava girl. It was bad enough she had to deal with one person, but to deal with more people? Why? Were Americans not taught proper manners? This made no sense to Lillian whatsoever. As Ava asked about her opinion, Lillian only looked up and shot the dark man a look. She did't want to open her mouth and say anything to the man who had just butted in out of nowhere.

But then, out of nowhere, yet again, another person seemed to come out of nowhere else. What was it with this fucking country? Lillian was beyond confused at this point. What gave them the idea that this was an open conversation? What sort of twisted, contorted social custom did this follow? Lillian was tapping her pen against her cheek as she heard the Asian-looking male converse with fucknugget Ava over there. After they finished, Lillian looked up while still tapping her pen. She sighed.

"Listen.. I don't know how you blokes run it here... but I think that you lot should be minding your own business instead of butting in on things that are irrelevant to you." Lillian rolled her eyes.
Yeah I'm on the same boat as Majora, unfortunately. Thank you for considering us though, I appreciate it!

The look on the girl's face said all she needed to know about her reaction to what Lillian had just said. Typical Americans. You don't speak their language, you might as well be speaking Chinese to them. Lillian rolled her eyes as she didn't budge a single inch. Apparently it didn't get through that thick, American skull of her's. Better yet, much to her dismay, the girl actually sat down and got a little closer to her than she would've liked. The Brit instinctively backed away from the American's rather disruptive presence. She was way too close, and way too comfortable.

Then, the girl started going on a tirade about her family and whatnot. Is this really how it worked in America? The louder the are, the more respect you must be commanding? No wonder Trump was on Twitter so often. Clearly, he had a lot of power based on how much he tweeted and how much he talked. Guess this girl was one of those Trump types. The more she talked, the more Lillian started to dislike her. She looked at her, but internally she was imagining things like shooting her or stabbing her or pushing her off the railing nearby. Anything to get this loud-mouthed girl out and away from her.

Then, there was the small thing about her family. All this flexing was bothering Lillian. Clearly, she didn't know what Lillian came from as well. The only thing on Lillian's mind right now was having this lady shut her fucking piehole. She was bold. Lillian liked that, but she really didn't like this girl overall. Her name wasn't Clementine or Annabelle, damn it. She wasn't that British. As she continued talking, Lillian had discovered that this girl was named Ava. "I came here because I chose to. Simple as that. But, what does it matter? Not like you know how to listen and remember things, anyway." The British girl cleared her throat, "And it's not Annabelle or Clementine, it's Lillian."
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