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2 yrs ago
Current Apologies to those I rp with; life is hectic at the moment and I'm trying to piece everything together. I'll respond when I can.


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It had been a few months since Max escaped the lab, making it to Jump City thankfully in one piece and without drawing attention to herself. It wasn't easy to find a safe haven, but one abandoned house served as a temporary residence until she knew she was in the clear. She sighed softly, grabbing the plastic buckets she collected over time which she made into a makeshift drum set. It was something she always wanted as a kid before everything went to hell.

She headed into town, eyes constantly surveying the people around her for any signs of danger. Sure, she could handle herself against the ones who held her captive, but she didn't want anyone else in the city to know of her...unique talent. Ever since she landed her father in the hospital, she was targeted for her ability to manipulate sound. She shuddered, remembering the cold, cruel place of the lab, vowing never to let that happen to her again.

Pushing the dark thoughts behind, she finally made it to the park, setting the buckets down before her on a bench alongside a smaller one for change as she started to tap out a beat. She mostly sang or played 80s songs, but those were the ones which spoke to her the most. Connected to her personally.
I'm not really sure what to do with my intro post. It's actually been a long time since I've been part of a group rp.
I'm on mobile. Hopefully it works

Edit: Copied image. It might work...apparently not

Okay, figured it out
How do you get the image of your character into your ic post? I'm trying to figure it out.
Charlie jumped a little as he spoke, the words breaking the silence between them. She sighed softly before fiddling with her bracelet but didn't take it off. "I helped my dad out with marine animals, he's a marine biologist who works not too far from here near the water. I was closing up the place by myself when I slipped, falling into this strange glowing green ooze."

"My lower half was covered in it, along with my right hand and bracelet. When I tried getting up, I slipped again, falling into the tank with some fish. My bracelet must have caught on something because I didn't have it on after I fell. I...I don't know how to describe what happened next. I don't fully recall myself. All I remember is I had a fish tail. It only appears when I take off my bracelet."
I could
Ooooh I like it! Like Beej and his Beetle clones!

Name: Ashley "Ash/Ashy" Azazel Ignatius
Age: Dirt
Gender: Androgynous nonbinary
Species: Fire demon
Occupation: freelance
Orientation: Pansexual

Personality: Blunt, flirtatious, and doesn't care if you don't like being called endearing nicknames. They're a little perverted and can take a perverted joke only to fling it right back. They're loyal to friends and those they deem as a lover.

Likes: most people (the tell is the nicknames)
Dislikes: the cold

Powers and abilities: pyrokinetic, teleporting

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