Avatar of Beeve
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  • Posts: 65 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Beeve 6 yrs ago


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Hey sweeties!

My name is Eve, I'm an 17 year old living in England currently trying to get into university to do art. I've only just back into roleplaying this year but I can honestly say I'm so glad I decided to do so!! I have an art account on Instagram where I post some stuff I do ( really I should post more) Art account
I love cartoons and webcomics; in particular I like 'over the garden wall','Steven universe' and 'Satan and me'. I also have a love for gorey animes (magi puella, attack on titan ect) and I do love a good philosophical debate!

I enjoy a lot of different types of roleplays and I would really like to get into some fantasy ones at some point. Mostly I'd like to be able to make some good friends on this site, it would just be really nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of and chat with; so just send me a message if you'd like to start chatting!!

My roleplays

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34 Newton Road


The crisp morning air tells of the change from summer into autumn. Staring up as the house in front of you, you take a deep breath to calm your nerves. This is it. 34 Newton Road. Your home for the next year as you carry out your education at Cambrucks University.
The house itself was a lucky find; 3 floors with a converted basement as well, 5 bedrooms, 2 showers, large garden and all of it stood a little less than 2 miles from the university itself. The rent had been ridiculously cheap as well for the area even split between your housemates. The little old lady who owned the house had asked for 4 months rent upfront, you hadn't thought much about it at first, just a little old lady needing a bit of money pronto. It was only upon living in the house you realised the truth. The house was infested with demons.

What is 34 Newton road?

'34 Newton Road' is a role play about university students living in a house share which is infested by demons. The students have paid 4 months of rent upfront to their seemingly harmless old landlady and are hence stuck in the house for 4 months (minimum) unless they wish to spend more money else where. The role play focuses on the interaction and living arrangements between the students and demons; it can go in other directions however if feel like this is a good starting point.

The house

The house has 5 bedrooms; 1 in the basement, 2 on the second floor and 2 on the top floor which is a converted attic.
The sitting room, dinning room and kitchen are on the 1st floor.
The only bathroom is on the 2nd floor but there is a shower room in the basement.
The house is 2 miles away from Camburcks University which is where the students attend university.

Demon Lore

-Demons in the house are bound to the house
There are rituals which allow the demons to be bound to an object as well such as a necklace but this would mean that the demon would have to convince the human to preform the ritual and there will be restrictions to how this affects the demon.
-Demons in the house feed of emotion
Each demon has an emotion that they can consume. They do not necessarily need to consume this emotion to survive however it makes them stronger and generally is desired. To achieve this emotion to be produced the demons will have to manipulate situations within the household to make 1 or more students present this emotion. Demons can get these 'emotion-meals' from NPC but it is more effective for them to get them from the students.
-Demons in the household can allow themselves to be seen or not seen by the students
The students in the household can see the demons if the demons allow them to as they have signed a contract to the property. Characters who don't live in the household cannot see the demons at all as they have not signed a contract, however if characters that do not live in the household preform a ritual to contact the demon(s) then they will be subject to the same rules and be subject to the same harassment as the tenants receive.
-Demons in the house are lower level demons
As the demons in the household are bound to the house it is safe to assume that they are lower level demons without supernatural powers as they cannot break the boundaries of the house. Higher level demons can break most boundaries unless they are placed down by a group or a strong priest, witch or warlock.
-Some demons can have supernatural powers
Not all demons have abilities as most are low level demons, however depending of their specialised 'emotion-meals' some demons do, for example, demons who have a preference for lust can change their appearance to their desired appearance or the person they are trying to trick's preference in appearances.
Discuss with me if you want your character to have an extra power.
-Demons can manipulate physics slightly
Depending on the action it can tire the demon out, however the demons in the household can do actions such as walking through walls, walking up walls and on the ceilings and float. Feats such as walking through walls doesn't take much energy however if the demon was to support/raise/float and item/themselves for a long period of time it can take a lot of energy out of them and they may need an 'emotion-meal' to raise their energy meals.
-Demons do have emotions
Demons do have emotions like humans; they can be hurt emotionally, be angry, happy ect; however a demon feeding of another demons emotions is highly looked down upon.
-Demons can eat and sleep but its not necessary
A demon if it has a preference can do these activities, however, they are not necessary for their survival.
-Demons can interact with the physical plane
The demons can pick items up and interact with physical items. They can do this whilst being visible or not visible to the tenants, however if a tenant sees a demon holding an item whilst the demon does not wish for the tenant to see them, the tenant will only see the item suspended in the air or however the demon is holding it.

General rules and stuff to take into consideration

-Please try to post at least once a week
-Don't be annoying
-Try to be grammatically correct
-Talk to me (beeve) if you have any questions about lore ect
we'll work it out together
-If a character (NPC or Player) is killed by a demon the students would be advised to not blame this upon the demons as authorities will not.
- The students can train in 'witchery' if they wish to learn how to protect themselves or learn more about rituals and the supernatural however they will have to find a teacher.

Character Sheets


Sexual orientation:
Subject/degree taking:
Things they are easily affected by:


Gender (not necessary):
Sexual orientation:
Emotion preference:
extra powers:
Things they are easily affected by:

My friend made this image for me and to humour her I said I'd put it in the post.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask x
I'm very interested if this is still happening
I'm interested in this! It sounds like it would be something I could get into.
Id be really intrested in alot of these x
Also this will be my first time being a gm so if you feel the need to point out something I should be doing, don't hesitate to do so! Id rather you told me so I can learn rather than annoy you without realising.
If all of the people who said they're interested still want to, then I'll just play the npcs such as the landlady ect
Id also be interested in joining this
Hi, sorry about the delay in replies. I've had a lot of coursework and interviews to prep for over the last few weeks but now I can finally settle down and work on this!!
If everyone is still interested Id be happy to work on it more with you all x
@alexfangtalon@Peridot@BoyMom035@BubblegumQueen@LordofthePies@Hallion@Ancient Magus@DarkHuntress@Ejected
Id be interested in this if you're still looking for characters x
Basic (rough) plot:
The crisp morning air tells of the change from summer into autumn. Staring up as the house in front of you, you take a deep breath to calm your nerves. This is it. 34 Newton Road. Your home for the next year as you carry out your education at Cambrucks University.
The house itself was a lucky find; 3 floors with a converted basement as well, 5 bedrooms, 2 showers, large garden and all of it stood a little less than 2 miles from the university itself. The rent had been ridiculously cheap as well for the area even split between your housemates. The little old lady who owned the house had asked for 4 months rent upfront, you hadn't thought much about it at first, just a little old lady needing a bit of money pronto. It was only upon living in the house you realised the truth. The house was infested with demons.

Ok, so the basic idea is that 2-5 uni students move into a house share which is already home to 2-4 demons, however since they have already paid 4 months of rent to their sweet old landlady they're stuck whether they like it or not in the house for a minimum of 4 months.
The demons who live in the house feed of emotions, so for them students living in the house is somewhat ideal. Each demon has a preference in the emotion they consume which comes down to the type of demon they are. This means that each demon messes with the students in specific ways to benefit them (make the students produce their preferred emotions).
The demons can chose to let themselves be seen by the students, however this is only for the students inhabiting the house and the landlady. Outsiders cannot see/hear the demons. If an outsider calls upon a demon through some sort of ritual then the outsider can see the demon from that point onwards but they will then receive the same amount of harassment as the inhabitants.
The demons abilities only really stretch from manipulation to interaction with the physical plane. Other abilities can be allowed but I'm trying to avoid allowing god modelling. PM me if you want to discuss any.
Demons don't need to sleep or eat however they may have a preference to do so.

I think I've covered all of my ideas now.
Is anyone interested?
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