Avatar of BizarreLolli


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
By the end of this week my deployment will be over and I’ll be home!!!!!!!
2 yrs ago
Hey my rp peeps, on deployment post speed will vary
2 yrs ago
HAPPY whatever holiday you are celebrating!!!
3 yrs ago
Sweet beautiful Fall weather!
3 yrs ago
Happy Halloween 🎃


Call my baby Lollipop
Tell you why
His kiss is sweeter than an apple pie
And when he does his shaky rockin' dance
Man I haven't got a chance

My interest Check for 1x1:

Most Recent Posts

Im down for a boarding school one but flexible if others dont want too

Depending on how many more people we get, I'll probably make another character and have them older
I cant wait guys

I dont have an discord account
Sounds good... I'll start thinking up a character. Since we have a skunk and a rabbit already I think I'll pick a predator character

My posts might be a little slow (not able to post every day... Im deployed) but promise I dont just disappear from a rp.

Im still down...Awesome that you set this up!

Im down for Zootipa type though maybe advance it (if we can keep it going for a long time) into something more mature like fights, deaths, etc
We can start it up and if people want to join they can
Im down if all of you are down...I haven't had a good group rp in ages
Animal one maybe, we could try to get one a little like Beastars going maybe?
Im down for a group one
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