Avatar of Blaze Gamma


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Actually Frankenstein was the Roleplayer, not the RP
7 mos ago
Mood is still shot.
7 mos ago
And my depression just got set off
8 mos ago
Is there anyone here who might be willing to run a Pathfinder1e scenario tomorrow night at 9:30 est? Got a full table but no GM
8 mos ago
Bleeeeh. I want to be in a Pathfinder game, not just GM or Society play


So yeah, this is Blaze. I'm sorry you had to see this. I do 1x1s of the we're all going to hell variety. 32 ( NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo). Living in EST. Male. Uh... Stuff. PM me for RPs of questionable moral fibre.

If you want to RP, I'm most easily contacted on Discord (Blaze_Gamma#6210), but I check my PMs here too pretty often.

Most Recent Posts

Bump maybe. I don't know if I want to do this theme any more, but...
Felix frowned. "I mean... I'm more worried about that ass back at the manor following us back to the village and then... Well, he is in charge there, even if he doesn't come around..." He stood and brushed himself off. "Far as I know, he doesn't have governance over at that next town, right? Besides, I don't think we're a danger to anyone else... I mean... Who knows about you at this point? Him, Emmerich, your parents, and me, right? We have time to figure this out."
idk, bumpity
another one
I clicked on the link to this in discord. I was not disappointed
Bump. Still looking.
"..." Felix fell quiet for a moment. "Kathy... The Old Man didn't know anything about this. The letter that creep gave me, it was a fake." He told her. "I don't know if it's safe to go back though... And besides, you wanted to do this, right? We don't do anything, and a nasty war's going to start... Isn't that what they said? Besides... Least we can do is get to the mountains... There's supposed to be another village on the way I think... We could make it there in three days and then... And then... I don't know, but..."
"Well," Felix scratched the back of his head. "I haven't... Well, except for the one time, remember when I broke into the bakery when we were kids? I guess that counts... But then again, I think I cried for like... 10 minutes because I cut my forehead on the glass." He laughed to himself. "Honestly, though, I think it was just desperation. I don't think anyone would have ended up well off from a confrontation... We could have been marked as criminals... Mind... We may end up that way anyway... Guess we'll just have to keep moving... Apoligise to Emmerich once we get back."
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